Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Glaucoma Management

| Modified on Feb 26, 2025
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Juicing for Glaucoma

Glaucoma, a condition characterized by increased pressure in the eye leading to optic nerve damage, affects millions worldwide. While medical treatments are primary, exploring natural remedies can offer additional benefits. This article delves into various natural methods to manage glaucoma effectively.

Understanding Glaucoma

Glaucoma encompasses a group of eye disorders that collectively target and gradually damage the optic nerve, leading to slow but progressive vision loss. In primary open-angle glaucoma, the most common form, the initial and often only symptom, is a gradual loss of vision. This condition is primarily caused by increased pressure on the optic nerve due to fluid buildup within the eye, which drains too slowly.

Other factors, such as the buildup of iris pigment granules or bulging of the iris, can also hinder fluid drainage and contribute to the development of glaucoma. Symptoms usually affect both eyes and include gradual loss of peripheral vision, sometimes with sudden onset. Other possible symptoms are eye pain, halos around lights, and nausea accompanied by severe eye pain. The primary goal in treating glaucoma is to reduce eye pressure to prevent further nerve damage.

Natural Remedies for Glaucoma

  • Glycerin: Used occasionally as an oral solution, glycerin can help temporarily reduce intraocular pressure by drawing fluid out of the eye, making it a potential emergency remedy for acute glaucoma attacks.
  • Fennel Seeds: Known for their antioxidant properties, they may help reduce IOP and improve eye health. They can be consumed as tea or used in cooking.
  • Frankincense: This resin has anti-inflammatory properties and is believed to improve eye health by reducing inflammation. It can be used topically around the eyes or inhaled as an essential oil.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil and flaxseed oil, omega-3s are known to reduce IOP and protect the optic nerve, making them a valuable supplement for glaucoma management.
  • Ginkgo Biloba: This herb may improve blood flow to the eyes, aiding in glaucoma symptom management.
  • Bilberry Extract: High in antioxidants, bilberry can protect the optic nerve and enhance eye health.

Eye Pressure Reduction Techniques

  • Eye Yoga: Certain exercises can help maintain optimal eye pressure and improve circulation.
  • Acupuncture: While some studies suggest acupuncture may reduce eye pressure, further research is needed.

Hydration and Glaucoma

Proper hydration is crucial, but excessive water intake over a short period should be avoided as it can increase eye pressure.

Testimonials: Real-Life Glaucoma Success Stories

Omega 3, Vitamin C and Gingko Biloba

Helen, from Beirut, Lebanon, shared her personal glaucoma story on Earth Clinic, offering a glimpse into her successful journey of managing the condition for over 15 years. Here's how she tackled glaucoma:

  • Omega-3: Taking fish oil supplements.
  • Vitamin C: Consuming 1000 mg daily.
  • Ginkgo Biloba: Using one tablet daily.

This regimen led to a significant improvement in her condition. Their visual field tests showed remarkable progress, and her doctors downgraded her status from a glaucoma patient to a glaucoma suspect. The eye pressure decreased, and she reduced the use of their regular eye drops while continuing to see improvement.

Additionally, she changed dietary by switching from regular salt to sea salt for cooking and eating. This holistic approach aided her glaucoma management and significantly improved their overall eye health.


Jan from Canada shared her inspiring story with Earth Clinic in 2020 about battling pseudoexfoliation glaucoma, a journey marked by various treatments without success in lowering her ocular pressure (OP). After a decade of trying different methods, including numerous lasers and eye drops, Jan discovered a natural remedy that made a significant difference.

Jan began a daily routine of juicing beets, carrots, celery, lemon, and apples, immediately consuming fresh juice every morning. Remarkably, after three months of this regimen, her OP dropped from 30 to 16. This improvement was confirmed during two subsequent eye check-ups, where her OP levels remained normal.


Natural remedies can support glaucoma management. A combination of lifestyle changes, herbal supplements, alternative therapies, and regular medical care, can lead to better management of this eye condition. Early detection and consistent treatment are vital in preventing vision loss due to glaucoma.

Please keep reading to explore a variety of remedies for glaucoma recommended by our readers. These include glycerin, fennel seeds, frankincense, omega-3, and various diet and exercise tips. We're eager to hear about your experiences with these treatments from Earth Clinic for glaucoma. If you've used a remedy not mentioned here, we'd love for you to share your story with us!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Black Seed Oil, Castor Oil

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Posted by sharon (Missouri) on 02/26/2025

Re black seed oil: I'm a human with glaucoma. I saw Om's post from 2016 suggestion about black seed oil helping this, and I had some on hand. I mixed a drop or two of black seed oil with a drop or two of castor oil and applied it on my upper and lower eyelids. Frequency varied. Often I applied it only once or twice a day. When I first started using this, I had iritis and applied it several times a day to my left eye, as it eased the pain.

Subsequent visits to the eye doctor showed greatly reduced pressure in both eyes--and this was despite the fact that I was using Prednisalone in the left eye for iritis. Prednisalone increases eye pressure.

One immediate result of applying this around my eyes is that "floaters" almost completely disappeared.

One additional "home remedy" I used on the left eye was DMSO, also applied on the eyelids (not instilled into the eye). This completely killed the pain of iritis, but did not cure it. I applied this every few hours, more or less as needed for pain. I used a DMSO roller bottle that was a 70/30 water medi gel from the DMSO store online. I don't know if this relieved eye pressure or not. I used it only on the left eye, and the pressure in both eyes was greatly reduced--went from the 30s down to the teens in both eyes. So I think it was the black seed oil.

If you don't mix black seed oil with equal parts castor oil, it stings.

Black Seeds and Oil

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Posted by Khadar (Seattle, Wa) on 04/17/2016

Editor's Choice

I had a glaucoma pressure over 18-20, which is not bad, but enough pressure to be bother me. What I found is Black seed oil and dried seeds which helped me really well.

5-7 pieces of black seeds, intake morning and night before meal at the beginning, and now black seeds oil 1 teaspoons x 2, morning and evening before meal/without it.

I buy my black seeds oil from Amazon/ebay, cold pressed oil and organic - price $ 25-27/piece, and dried black seeds from local market of Somali/Pakistani/Indian groceries that you find in your area.

Good luck!

Carotenoids, Dietary Changes

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Posted by Brenda (Fairfield, Il.) on 11/23/2015

Carotenoids and cutting out sugar is very helpful to bring down pressure in the eyes.


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Posted by Art (California) on 03/29/2022 2415 posts

Editor's Choice

There are now multiple studies (RCTs) showing that Citicoline is effective for relieving Glaucoma.

Here is a new study( March 2022) showing the efficacy of Citicoline at just 250 mg/day for Glaucoma :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> ' With oral citicoline treatment, the loss in the average RNFL is prevented in POAG patients in the short-term. Study data show that citicoline may have a significant impact on slowing glaucoma progression, which could have a potential neuroprotective effect.'<<<

In the following RCT (June 2020) it is shown that even eye drops utilizing Citicoline is effective for Glaucoma :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> ' Additional treatment with citicoline eyedrops to IOP-lowering treatment might reduce disease progression in patients with progressing glaucoma despite IOP ≤18 mm Hg. ' <<<

In this last comprehensive review (March 2021) the protective role of Citicoline against the effects of glaucoma related neurodegeneration are elucidated in greater detail :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> ' In addition to the evidences of an improvement of psychophysical, morphological, and electrophysiological outcomes, coming from small comparative randomized pilot clinical trials or larger not controlled before-after studies (performed in different ophthalmological neurodegenerative diseases, like OAG, AION, and DR), for the first time a reduction of the rate of visual field progression has been recently reported in OAG patients in a large randomized double-masked placebo-controlled clinical trial, thus further supporting the clinical use of citicoline. ' <<<



Replied by kittyelli
(Niagara Falls NY.)
6 posts

Hello Art, I love all the articles that you have written on different subjects. I have been taking Citicoline for a few months and would like to add the eye drops, but have only been able to find them in Spain. I don't know what the regulations in Spain are concerning medication, consequently been afraid to order them. Do you know if they are available in the States?? Thank you. Kitty.

2415 posts

Hi kittyelli,

Sorry about that, those drops are intended for oral use so they will not work for use as eye drops. I could not find the Citicoline eye drops available in the US.



EYE DROPS ARE AVAILABLE - also an oral solution and pill form.

Replied by Lin
(New Mexico)

On my third capsule of CDP Citicoline (250mg/dose) and I feel like a new person. The first dose totally relieved eye pressure within an hour. I also researched into heat shock proteins and I feel there is finally some hope for a realistic cure. As it also protects against Alzheimers (over 70 here) I feel its an amazing win. Thank you for posting this.

2415 posts

You are very welcome, Lin!

Thank you for coming back to share your results with the community as glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world, so having a practical way of controlling it is very important!

On a related note and a bit of a warning, choline is noted for increasing TMA and TMAO, and citicoline is thought to possibly do the same, but to a lesser extent as discussed here :

Here is a relevant quote :

' It is hypothesized that, compared to choline moiety in other dietary sources such as phosphatidylcholine, choline in citicoline is less prone to conversion to trimethylamine (TMA) and its putative atherogenic N-oxide (TMAO). Epidemiological studies have suggested that choline supplementation may improve cognitive performance, and for this application citicoline may be safer and more efficacious. '

So a little bit of bad, but a lot of good with citicoline.

TMA/TMAO are not good for our health, especially heart health. Fortunately your citicoline dose is low, vitamin D supplementation reduces TMA/TMAO and vitamin D is also thought to help glaucoma as discussed in the following links :

Vitamin D Reduces TMA/TMAO present study provides novel, AS and the resulting CVD.

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

' The present study provides novel findings that vitamin D supplementation can reduce the levels of plasma TMA and TMAO through the regulation of gut microbiota composition and may serve as a novel method for the prevention of AS and the resulting CVD. '

Vitamin D Useful In Glaucoma

A relevant quote from the review :

' Vitamin D3 has been shown to play a major role in reducing inflammation, modulating the immune response, and decreasing angiogenesis in the eye and in other organs. It has been suggested that, through its neuroprotective effect, vitamin D3 could be a protective factor for glaucoma and that vitamin D3 deficiency could explain glaucoma occurrence or severity in some patients. Other neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis have been similarly related to vitamin D3 deficiency. '

So given the known health benefits of vitamin D, it makes plenty of sense to use vitamin D in conjunction with citicoline for best effect in glaucoma and best health.


Posted by Blue Eye (Midwest) on 07/25/2015

Published studies using CDP Choline have shown it to reduce glaucoma eye pressure (and blood pressure). The amount used has been 1000 mg daily. It's not cheap so I've been using 250 mg caps daily. Glaucoma is in one eye and pressure is down to 17-18 but would probably be lower with 500mgs or 1000mgs. CDP Choline is also used as an anti-aging brain supplement. I take it after breakfast. No unwanted side effects. Tests have shown the eye to be in fairly good shape.

Coconut Water

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Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 07/08/2013

Drinking coconut water has been effective in reducing fluid pressure in the eye, it can also be a laxative... Proceed with wisdom and research.

Diet, Exercise, Frankincense

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Posted by Kate (Friday Harbor, Wa) on 05/21/2011

The prostaglandin class of eye meds don't work for me--nerve damage continued and the pressure did not go down by much. I refused surgery and any other class of medications.

After several years of trying every alternative treatment I could find, I finally have had success in lowering the intra-occular pressure with diet, exercise and frankincense. I used supplements for years without noticeable difference in pressure, but once I started following Dr. Benjamin Lane's diet and exercise recommendations and using Frankincense, improvement was substantial. I cannot tell you for sure which of the three helped the most but I had used the exercise and diet for three months before receiving good news, and the frankincense for just a few weeks. You can find info on Dr. Lane's diet with a google search (or start with and instructions for using food grade (therapeutic) frankincense at

Re the diet: I did not add any supplements to the ones I have been taking for years which include D, Co-q10, C, O-3, E and a special eye formula that includes G. Biloba I walk for 45 minutes EVERY DAY. I eat organic meats and mostly raw vegetables and fruits. I eat NO processed foods--flour, sugar, pasta, etc. I drink no caffeine and no alcohol.

Doesn't sound like much fun to you? Yeah, but I want to keep my sight and for me, that's a big enough motivation.

Replied by Josey
(Oklahoma City, Ok)

i have changed my diet to my like your own and have for some time. I even cut out sugar, wheat, and salt. I exercise. I began using frankincense 10 days ago and had my eye pressure checked. No changes. I will have lasor and if that doesn't work I will have the other surgery where they put drainage tubes in your eyes. But I am sticking to my healthy diet. Maybe one had to use the frankincense much longer, not sure.

Replied by Amanda
(Oran, Algeria)

HI dear, the link to the article on Glaucoma in Mother Nature didn't work. I searched for the article to no avail. Just so you know.

(Cabarlah, qld.)

If you do a search on Dr Benjamin Lane and diet, you will find several articles on the topic of glaucoma.


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Posted by Ronald (New Hampshire) on 07/02/2021

I have used DMSO diluted to 70% and put one drop in each eye. Yes it does burn, but it only lasts for about 20-30 seconds and is gone. You do this twice a day laying down for five to ten minutes. My cataracts are almost gone and my glaucoma has been cured. DMSO will not hurt your eyes! My vision is so much better also.

Replied by Lexie

Hi. How do you dilute your DSMO? Thank you.

Replied by Linda
(Springtown, Texas)

I bought some diluted DMSO drops from Yummy Mummy and there are 2 different strengths.

Replied by Carolyn

How often and how long did you use the DMSO? Any more details will be helpful!

Replied by Carolyn
(Pearland, Tx)

What brand of DMSO you did you use? And where did you get it? Thank you so much in advance.

Replied by ORH

RONALD, ORH here, and a number of years ago, I got a DMSO compound formula from a renowned doctor and used it in my eyes. The FDA proceeded to shut down the compound pharmacy and take their license, using this as the reason. They never contacted me to see if it worked. Myself, I would not do what you are doing. DMSO is the most powerful solvent there is. It is fantastic if used properly. It is not for amateurs in the eyes.


Fennel Seeds

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Posted by Crystal (Calabar, Nigeria) on 03/06/2013

I had temporary blackout on right eye in December 2012 and the Dr said I should do a visual field test. Diagnosis of VFT: had some dark spots but was considered a glaucoma suspect with an iop of 15/16. Started fennel seeds and one week latter it dropped to 10. Repeated IOP test on saturday 3rd of March after one month and it was 12. Please note that I was diagnosed with RA, and had a stroke last year and have numbness all over, swollen tonsils, white tongue and just 43 yrs old. Cannot take NSAIDS because of reaction.

Replied by Blesyn
(Lagos, Nigeria)

Hi, I just need to know, how much of fennel seeds should I take to help fight the glaucoma? I usually put it in a cup of hot water, drink the water after a while and chew the seeds. Are there specific ways/times to take these for maximum effect?


Replied by Ann

I was happy to hear that fennel seeds were of help to you. How much of the fennel seed did you use. What was the dosage? I am having trouble keeping my eye pressure down - 23/27. Thx, Ann

Replied by Geraldine
(Haynesville, La.)

How to use fennel seeds for glaucoma?

Replied by Deepika

My mother is diagnosed with glaucoma which has effected 70% eye. I am very much stressed. Please tell me how to take fennel seeds and in what quantity. How else can we prevent it.

Replied by Vinay

How much fennel seeds are required to age 16 to maintain iop below 20. My iop is more than 25.

Replied by Paula

Can someone please give more information on fennel seed for glaucoma.


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Posted by Curtis3000 (Bellmawr, New Jersey) on 05/18/2013

I was surprised to see so little for Glaucoma remedies on Earth Clinic. Studies show that Forskolin, used in Arurvedic medicine for millenia, helps with slowing down Glaucoma, lowers blood pressure, good for weight loss, psyoriasis, and other benefits.

I am purchasing it now and will report its efficacy on my conditions.

Replied by Hash M.

Please let me know where to get this.I contacted Sami Labs who make these drops. No reply from them. THANKS

Frankincense Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Gary (Denver) on 03/12/2018

My intra-ocular pressure has been on the rise for the last 3 years, and was at 20 for both eyes when I had my last eye examine, which was 45 days ago.

I started using Frankincense and taking vegetable glycerin internally and externally making my own eye drops. I also placed magnets in my sleep mask and wore it every night. In addition I changed my diet, going from a healthy vegetarian diet, to a strict vegan 80 percent raw diet, along with juicing lots of organic veggies, and vigorous cardio and resistance training. Today, which is 45 days from my last examine, I was happy to find things were moving in the right direction. My pressures was 18 in my right eye and 17 in the left.

Frankincense Oil
Posted by Peggy (Nashville, Tn) on 03/01/2017

Frankincense on cheek bones or drops in hands and cupped over eyes several minutes twice daily lowers my eye pressure to normal. Must use high quality product. I have had allergic reactions on skin with some. Have had glaucoma surgery which only reduced pressure temporarily.

Replied by Sbg

Can you tell us which type of Frankincense oil you use? That would be very helpful. Thanks.

Gentle Eye Rub

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Posted by J. Park (United States) on 08/13/2019

I'm a yogi (non-Indian) practicing "DoIn" methods of various kinds.

One of which for eye health (esp. eye hypertension) is to "rub" your eyes gently every day. First vigorously rub palms against each other, esp, tip of middle& 4th fingers, until they are hot, gently rub your eyes 20 times. Also use the same method for facial rejuvenation as well. This is well-known ancient method. PS: think about what would happen if you rub your eyes, you are putting a gentle pressure against your eye balls which would help squeeze some liquid out your eye balls. right?

FYI, my numbers are 10 (left) 8 (right), I've been neglecting my eye's health and have poor vision and started practicing this ancient wisdom very recently.


Glaucoma Remedies

Posted by Melinda (London) on 09/08/2013

Dear Sir/Madam,

My Auntie suffers from glaucoma. She has lost vision in one eye. Could you please prescribe any herbal medication to ease the pressure on her eyes or cure this disease. Thanks for your cooperation. Desperate Melinda

Replied by Wiliam
(Croydon Surrey, Uk)


I been diagnosed with Glaucoma and have been taking eye drops from the doctor. But the last time I took the eye drops they gave a very very bad reaction, it put me off taking the eye drops.

I looked up that taking Vitamin C three times a day lowered eye pressure. Can any one confirm/advise the correct procedure and what type plus strength one should take.


Replied by Mama To Many

Dear William,

I would look for a sodium ascorbate powder. Usually 1/4 teaspoon of this would have about 1,000 mg. (It should say on the container somewhere.) Start with 1/8 teaspoon (about 500mg) in water three times a day. If that agrees with you, I would increase it to 1/4 teaspoon (about 1,000mg) three times a day. If you do not notice an improvement in your symptoms, you could increase your doses or frequency.

If your body is getting too much vitamin C you will get diarrhea. This just means reduce your amount.

Many people can take many grams of vitamin C each day with no adverse effect.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

W: Any type inflammatory condition is alleviated or cured w/ Magnet Therapy. I use a strong magnet on each eye for a few minutes 3x per wk to prevent any degeneration w/ good results.

Replied by William
(Croydon, Surrey, Uk)

Hi Mama to Many

Thanks for the reply.

I'm new to this site and not that clever looking it up, only just found your reply, Thank you.

As for looking for any sign of improvement, I don't suffer any bad signs of having glaucoma. So I can't tell if I should take more sodium ascorbate powder or less. No symptoms as I can tell the Dr said I am a Glaucoma suspect or sufferer. And his medication eye drops really up set me being unable to take the eye drops.

If you can give any more advice please let me know. Appreciated, William

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear William,

While it may sound like taking 1,000 mg of vitamin c as sodium ascorbate daily is a lot, many people take much more than that daily. Once your body is getting too much vitamin C, you will begin to have loose stools and know it is time to cut back.

Many people take several grams of vitamin c daily and find it helpful. We know a doctor who works in a hospital who takes 8 grams (8,000 mg) a day to avoid getting sick, since he is around a lot of germs. And, it seems that he doesn't get sick. I personally would ideally take 1,000 mg three times a day for general health but I admittedly don't really get around to it as I wish I did.

You might also look into the herb eyebright. Dr. Christopher has an eyebright formula. The herb eyebright is so called because of its positive effect on eye health.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Mary
(Arcadia, Ca)

Hello Tim H. I have glaucoma and would like to use a magnet to help my eyes. My problem is I have a shunt in my brain from a prior aneurysm surgery. Can I use a magnet?

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

Hello Mary. Depends on the metal. Most likely is Stainless Steel so it won't rust, and to my knowledge Magnets do not adhere to Stainless S. I would start with a week Refrigerator Magnet and look for any positive or negative response.

Replied by Nancy

Generally speaking surgical implants do not use magnetic stainless steel as it would interfere with MRI.

Replied by Prince Arcane
(Atlanta, Georgia)

If one recommends Magnet Therapy to someone, they should point out that, the Negative Pole of the magnet is the only pole to use if one is trying to reduce an infection ( I believe he did mention infections) or inflammation or swelling! The Negative Pole reduces, contracts, cools! The Positive pole expands or increases. A lot of people mention magnets and don't consider that the correct one of the 2 poles should be used according to the situation!

Look into Magnet Therapy.


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Posted by Shining Star (Gainesville, Fl) on 08/05/2013

The Mayo site has glycerin listed as something that lowers the pressure in the eye. I would assume that many people facing eye problems would be interested. Any one (Ted) know anything?

Replied by Luis
(Miami, Florida)

My doctor prescribed me glycerine oil 60 cc or ml a day to reduce drastically the eye pressure, as I'm currently suffering a spike... But I can't find that (there is one to be applied on skin, but not to be drunk.)

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