Here is a new study( March 2022) showing the efficacy of Citicoline at just 250 mg/day for Glaucoma :
Here is a relevant quote from the study :
>>> ' With oral citicoline treatment, the loss in the average RNFL is prevented in POAG patients in the short-term. Study data show that citicoline may have a significant impact on slowing glaucoma progression, which could have a potential neuroprotective effect.'<<<
In the following RCT (June 2020) it is shown that even eye drops utilizing Citicoline is effective for Glaucoma :
Here is a relevant quote from the study :
>>> ' Additional treatment with citicoline eyedrops to IOP-lowering treatment might reduce disease progression in patients with progressing glaucoma despite IOP ≤18 mm Hg. ' <<<
In this last comprehensive review (March 2021) the protective role of Citicoline against the effects of glaucoma related neurodegeneration are elucidated in greater detail :
Here is a relevant quote from the study :
>>> ' In addition to the evidences of an improvement of psychophysical, morphological, and electrophysiological outcomes, coming from small comparative randomized pilot clinical trials or larger not controlled before-after studies (performed in different ophthalmological neurodegenerative diseases, like OAG, AION, and DR), for the first time a reduction of the rate of visual field progression has been recently reported in OAG patients in a large randomized double-masked placebo-controlled clinical trial, thus further supporting the clinical use of citicoline. ' <<<
I started juicing beets, carrots, celery, lemon and apple every morning and drinking it down immediately.
Since I've been juicing, it's been three months now, my OP is down to 16 from 30. I've had my eyes checked twice so far and it's still normal. Thought I would share in case anyone else is as frustrated as I was. Juicing may not be the most convenient thing to do every day but the results are worth it.
Black Seeds and Oil
5-7 pieces of black seeds, intake morning and night before meal at the beginning, and now black seeds oil 1 teaspoons x 2, morning and evening before meal/without it.
I buy my black seeds oil from Amazon/ebay, cold pressed oil and organic - price $ 25-27/piece, and dried black seeds from local market of Somali/Pakistani/Indian groceries that you find in your area.
Good luck!
Omega 3, Vitamin C, Gingko Biloba
Hi, I am 47 years old and I have glacoma since 15 years, 10 years ago I read about a spanish doctor cured the glacoma with
1) omega three
2) vitamin C
3) gingko biloba
My visual field test showed excellant improvment, now the doctors tell me that I dont have glacoma, I am a glacoma suspect now, the pressure in the eye is less, and I am not using my eye drops regularly, still getting better, also using sea salt (coocking&eating) instead of regular salt. My daily dosees are:1000 mg vitamin C , 1 tablet gingko biloba, one soft gel fish oil for the omega three. So I wish this can help. I will try to find the link for the spanish doctor and post it here. God bless you all.