Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Dental Care

8 User Reviews
5 star (8) 

Posted by Roxy (Kingston TN) on 01/06/2006

I use Hydrogen Peroxide when flossing my teeth. Mix the HP 50:50 with warm water and close your mouth tightly while you are flossing. I used the reach flossing thing and it worked really good. Just try it. HP is as good if not better and cheaper than name brand mouth wash. It helps with gum disease.

Dental Care
Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO) on 10/07/2005

Plaque removal: use 1/2 capful hydrogen peroxide in a little bit of water and swish around in your mouth after brushing.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lynn (Anywhere, Oh) on 01/30/2011

Question: Please help, have multiple ailments and would like to see some feedback on H202 therapy from diabetics that have already used it. God Bless!

Posted by PAM (Kansas Ctiy, MO) on 08/24/2007

I love this website. the thought of losing so many loved ones recently makes me very sad. had i known about earth clinic, perhaps they would still be here. i have been using several different remedies. i tried the hydrogen peroxide method first. i use it in my water mostly, but sometimes i use the spray pump. i smoke heavily and my breathing has changed so much for the better. i have much more energy and overall feel good. i am diabetic and have very dry peeling feet. i soak my feet in enough water to cover the top of my feet and add about 1/2 c. peroxide to the water and soak about 30 minutes or longer if i have the time. after 2 times, i could see my feet start to heal. also, i found 3% peroxide without stabalizers at the family dollar. i can taste the difference. thank you so much.

Replied by Whisperingsage
(N Ca)
45 posts

Stop smoking then! It's not magic, you have to put some effort into it. (says my hubby next to me, I concur). Cinnamon capsules are available everywhere now, even walmart. 1 gram (1 of the fat caps or two of the smaller). It anchors into the nicotine receptors and reduces craving. I saw this and used it on my first hubby that was a 2.5 pack a day smoker- he went to smoking 1 pack without knowing I had added something in his vitamins.


4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Timmo (New Taipei City, Taiwan) on 02/03/2025


I am only able to buy 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide where I live. What should my dilution be? I am referring to this article: Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions


I can't find where to reply to that article with my question, so I am posting this.

Replied by Earth Clinic

Posted by Alan (Hebden Bridge ) on 10/25/2017

H2O2 safety :

It has to be food grade H2O2. The bottle I bought is 12%, this has to be diluted down to a maximum of 3% . I am starting with 6 drops of the 12%, 3 times daily in half a pint of water, this is way under 3%, 3% is for mouthwash and external use .. I hope no one ever puts 12% H2O2 in their ear undiluted.

Posted by John (Uk) on 10/24/2014

Please, if you recommend hydrogen peroxide for any personal use, STATE THE % DILUTION !!

It is not good enough to simply say Hydrogen Peroxide, as this is available in a various concentrations up to as high as 30%.

Posted by Joe (Wirral) on 06/24/2014

Is using distilled water essential to the effectiveness of the treatment? I noticed my 3% hydrogen peroxide is mixed with distilled water but couldn't manage to find any so have been using de-ionised water instead but after 6 dips have seen no real improvement.

Am I rendering it pointless by using the de-ionised water?

Posted by Gingerg (Portland) on 02/02/2014

I have 8% FGHP in 16oz bottles. What is the dilution to bring it to 3%?

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

Gingerg: Pour 8oz of your H2O2 into an empty 16oz bottle then add 8oz of filtered water to each half full bottles, and you will have 2-16oz bottles of 4% H2O2.

Replied by Richard

Always use 35% food grade hp which can be bought at a health food store, dilute with 8 oz. of distilled water. start with 3 drops of hp in 8oz. water three times daily. I had copd, emphyzema, and other lung problems, they are all gone my dr says he can't believe it.

(Neosho, MO)

What proportions to dilute 12% H2O2?

EC: Please see Earth Clinic's H202 Dilution Instructions page here: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/how-to-dilute-hydrogen-peroxide.html

Posted by Teresa (Spruce Pine, Nc ) on 02/26/2013

I have been doing alot of research on Hydrogen Peroxide and from all that I am finding, when mixed with water it breaks down VERY quickly. Is this not so if it is mixed with distilled water? If not, how long will it last after mixed?

Posted by Helpyourself (Houston, Texas) on 07/09/2012

Your 29% Hydrogen Peroxide - 1 oz. To 10 oz. distilled water. Mix 1 oz HP to 10 oz distilled water. Good luck!

Posted by Freda (Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada) on 07/08/2012

Can some tell me how to mix 29% hydrogen peroxide with distilled water so that I can drink it. I have COPD and hopes that it can help me!!! Thanks

Posted by Tanacious (Phoenix, Az, Usa) on 11/11/2011

I would like to share a reposting of a helpful H2O2 Dilution Table that someone submitted a while back. It works wonderfully!



Posted by Baldev (Maharashtra, India) on 02/04/2015 179 posts

Hi Bill, I would like to know as to how an elderly healthy person can make use of food grade H2O2 to improve general health. At this age though there may not be any symptoms but arteries will have some blockages, lungs capacity will be reduced and so on. Is it ok if one takes three drops of 3% H2O2 in some green juice a day or you feel to follow any particular method, please give your opinion. It will be of great value. Thanks, Baldev

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando)

Hi Baldev...Nice to see you back on EC.

Many serious Hydrogen Peroxide users advise slowly working up to 25 drops FG Hydrogen Peroxide 3 times a day for serious problems. But this type of supplementation can be harsh on the body and will likely cause problems like nausea, headaches etc. If that happens using high dose HP then just taking one gram dosages of Vitamin C to neutralize the excess HP should resolve these side-effects fairly quickly.

But, like you, I personally think a gentler approach with HP is also beneficial. A dosage such as just 3 drops a day in water, as you suggest, would certainly be beneficial over the long term. In fact Ted from Bangkok relates a story on EC of how he improved his liver condition by taking low daily dosages of 0.5% HP over the longer term for over a year. And by taking HP in this way -- at a much lower daily drop dose -- would also mean that there would likely be no side-effects at all as compared with the higher drop dosages.

For more info on Hydrogen peroxide usage, there are some good alternative books out there such as The One Minute C--e and Hydrogen Peroxide: Medical Miracle.

I would also agree with you that hydrogen peroxide therapy would be useful for older people because it supplies oxygen to the body and, in this way, helps to revive cells and organs and would give you more energy whilst also boosting the immune system by killing a wide range of different pathogen species just on its own and, in this respect, it is also particularly good for the heart.

There are several alternative and proven solutions for calcium build up in the arteries. Linus Pauling's Vitamin C/Lysine therapy is one. Using a combination of niacin and lugols iodine or SSKI supplementation is another -- this was used in the older pre-WW II medicine and was called iodio-niacin(50 mgs niacin, 120 mgs potassium iodide per pill) which was fairly successful with few, if any, side-effects as compared to its more dangerous modern equivalent -- statins. I'm sure that you know about these alternative remedies for arteriosclerosis too. Another one that Ted mentions as a good calcium chelator is Trisodium EDTA -- but this is not so easy to get. And if you have to deal with thrombosis type blockages caused by fibrin build-up then using protease enzymes like nattokinase or even bromelain and papain are also useful.

For me, as a simple preventative, just simply taking the chanca piedra(bhumyamalaki) herb as a tea or decoction with magnesium supplements would also have great benefit against arteriosclerosis, high blood etc. The magnesium would help to more strictly regulate the calcium to proper levels in the cells and blood while the CP acts to reduce the calcium. And, just for an encore, CP also reduces blood lipids, lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood sugar and has anti-viral action as well. The chanca piedra herb also has no known overdose/toxicity effects on the human body but might have contraindications with some similar-acting modern drugs.

Replied by Glen
(Stettler, Alberta, Canada)

Specialist said I had c, p, o, d, could not stop coughing or get any sleep / lungs were full of dust / was on a puffer and pills. I went on h202, 1 drop in water or juice in morning, 1 more in afternoon and added one drop each day up to 25 drops twice a day / I'm 85 yrs old do not have c, p.o, d. any more.

I mix I ounce of h 202 / food grade 35 % hyd, peroxide with 11 ounces of water /distilled/. Also use q tip put some in each ear some up each nostril. I have not had flu or even a cold in 5 years.

EC: Thank you, Glen! We are cross-posting this to our COPD remedies page under Hydrogen Peroxide.


Did you mean COPD Bill? What would be the conversion for 3%

Replied by Carl Mon

Can I use fruit juice to as I'm waiting for delivery of distilled water.

Posted by Chris (Missouri, US) on 08/06/2014

I started doing the hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade, this is my 4th day I have it in a squirt bottle and inhale in my throat about 3-4 times a day I mixed 1ounce hp to 11 ounces distilled water, yesterday, my 3rd day, I was nauseated, but continued to do it, I have not tried today, it is kind of scary is this normal? I also do muellin tea with organic honey and in evening Apple Cider Vinegar with baking soda thanks

Replied by Karen
(Pasadena, CA)

Hi Chris, I have been doing the h202 inhalation method for about 5 years. I have always used 3% h202 from the drugstore and it works brilliantly. I have never had side effects. Perhaps you need to dilute it more. I think your nausea is a sign it's too much.

Replied by Chris
(Missouri, US)

Karen you say you use the 3% h202 from the drugstore, which one is this, is this the regular one in brown bottle or is it the food grade mixed with distilled water? Also how long before you noticed improvement in your health, was it your breathing or something else? Thank you

Replied by Cathy
(Lakeside, CA)

Using 35% peroxide.. With 11 Oz distilled water is much too strong! You could burn your esophagus or damage throat, stomach. If you want to do hydrogen peroxide inhalation method for health, you use 3% regular peroxide in a clean nasal spray bottle, either straight, or diluted 50/50 with distilled water. So many people have made the mistake of using extremely concentrated 35% food grade, which is very dangerous, especially in the amount you describe. For peroxide inhalation instructions, go to Bill Munro page on Earth Clinic.


Replied by Chris
(Missouri, US)

Cathy thank you so much for the info on HP, I will start using just the regular HP with the Bill Munroe method, I think I will toss the food grade! Thanks again

Replied by Lopside
(San Diego, CA)

HI Chris

Be careful of regular HP, many of which have additives/stabilizers which are not good for internal consumption. Stick to food grade HP. If you have 35%, dilute it to 3%. I think your original dilution of 1 ounce of HP to 11 ounces water was good.

Sometimes nausea is caused by taking HP too close to meals. Take it one and a half hour before meals or 3 hours after a meal.

Please stick to food grade where you can and dilute properly before use. There is a wealth of information on this thread to guide you, if you take the time to read it.

Replied by Lucie Lou
(Alexandria, Virginia)

To get the 3% FG HP, I mix 1 part of 34% FG HP with 11 parts of distilled water. So 1 drop 34% HP and 11 drops distilled water provides 12 drops (or 0.5ml) of 3% FG HP.

I use a nebulizer for inhaling. This is a gentle, conservative approach for me. The following mix is enough for two 3-minute inhaling sessions:

0.5 ml (12 drops) of the 3% FG HP plus
5 ml (120 drops) of distilled water
Inhaling time: 3 minutes max

Over time, the HP dose may be increased to

2 ml (48 drops) of the 3% FG HP
5 ml (120 drops) of distilled water
Inhaling time: 10 minutes max

I close my eyes while inhaling with the nebulizer to avoid the vapors to get into my eyes.