General Feedback
General Feedback
Should I Use Apple Cider Vinegar?
The answer depends on how you want to use apple cider vinegar. As a salad dressing, you should be fine. But TAKEN AS A DAILY medical treatment, it could be a little more risky. Yes, some studies of applecider vinegar are intriguing. But a lot more research needs to be done. Right now, there is not enough evidence that apple cider vinegar -- or any vinegar -- has any health benefit for any condition. Since the benefits are unknown, so are the risks.
I think its a great option to help relieve the pain and suffering of various issues etc., but figured since everyone was somewhat glorifying ACV on the site I had to research it, and think this should be posted so people aren't overding it... apparently it has been known if used too often to lead to potentially osteoperosis (bone thinning) and a slew of other things. Do your research people, please, for you.
Thank you for this site and the posts though, great great ideas and great great remedies. Being added to my favorites list b/c I dont prefer pill popping and shots to fix ailments/sickness etc.
Best, J
(Sacramento, CA)
While the information at WebMD is interesting, and I often like to refer to it also, it must mentioned that WebMD is very much in line with standard mainstream medicine.
Regardless, when proponents of standard medicine voice their concern for risks of different alternative ways, we should always keep the following in mind:
A fully referenced report from a few years back showed that as many as 2.2 million people in the US have in-hospital, adverse reactions to prescribed drugs per year, and 8.9 million were exposed to unnecessary hospitalizations. But the biggest one is this: US number of deaths caused by conventional medicine annually: 783,936.
So, without a doubt, there are HUGE risks with standard mainstream medicine...
Morale: Always consider the source when they talk about risks!
(Charlotte, Nc)
I whole heartedly agree. Of course doctors are going to shoot down any inexpensive natural remedy because they can't capitalize on it. They are all about drugs and treatments because it makes them and the drug companies money. I will take the natural remedies any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I have had great success with ACV, as well as cayenne pepper. They have worked better for me than any prescribed drugs.
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
In regards to doctors and pharmaceutical companies and not recommending "home" cures (that may or may not work--I believe ACV works by the way) because there is no profit in killing cancer (or whatever), I came across a quote somewhere (maybe even here) that bears repeating:
A live sheep can be sheared many times, but you can only kill him once.
General Health Tonic
I have a bad thyroid and take levythyroxin daily. I don't take the ACV everyday. Just when someone around me is sick. Or when I feel that first symptom of a cold. And I am not getting sick. I am a seven year cancer survivor of Hodgkins Lymphoma and intend to find the cure to cancer one day. I am hot on the trail! I feel better than I ever had! There are numerous things that are good for us, but one that truly comes from the fruit of the earth, apples, vinegar comes from the apple, which God put before us. Let's use the old knowledge and learn from it. And use it.. Pure water, pure honey, pure apple cider vinegar. It purifies your body inside out! Swear by it!
General Health Tonic
General Health Tonic
(La, Ca)
To Earth Clinic: Roz from Calgary, Canada's comment on ACV as a general health tonic is mostly very positive, but she warns that a doctor thinks it caused her husband's stomach bleeding, so it would help readers if you label the post as also having a warning.
EC: Read hundreds more testimonials and cures here.
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
Hi Deirdre
Those crystals are probably uric acid crystals. Their accumulations create all sort of problems. The pain in joints is called gout. So look for gout treatment. Eat the least processed food as possible. Don't drink sodas pop. Avoid food with aspartame, msg, any food with high fructose corn syrup, reduce protein... All these are acidic. 60% or more of uric acid is eliminated by the kidneys via the urine. If the urine is acidic a lot less of it will be eliminated. To measure urine acid level you can use pH paper or sticks. You can verify that your urine is most probably acidic (pH lower than 7). The closer the urine pH is to 7, the more you will be able to eliminate uric acid. This is about the best thing I learned for myself. So, learn about alkalizing, search for alkalizing formulas here or on the web, read some of my posts here. Unlike filtered vinegar, good unfiltered raw unpasteurized ACV is alkalizing. But there are better formulas than just ACV alone. Good luck, Alain
EC: Click here for more testimonials about ACV curing gout!
Hair and Scalp
(Sunnyvale, California)
The ACV may work on dandruff but boy it smells horrible. I tried the lime juice (yes, fresh squeeze lime juice) and it does clean my scalp like nothing else. You may want to apply the juice on your scalp for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with a little bit of shampoo. I've been doing this once every week now.
Hair and Scalp
Hair and Scalp
EC: Click here for many more remedies to cure SB and dandruff.
Hair Conditioner
My eight year old daughter has had dense, curly hair since she was two. I have for six years of my life dealt with her screaming and crying while brushing or combing the tangles out of her hair. I literally had to chase her when she was younger and brush her hair while running. I only brush her hair when it's wet or it turns into a puff ball. I have tried every shampoo and conditioner you can imagine. Even special (expensive) products made for curly children's hair.
I read the posts here, washed my daughter's hair, then rinsed. Next, I mixed about 2 tbsp of ACV mixed with warm water in a 16 oz squeeze bottle. I applied it to her scalp and worked it down through her ends, then rinsed and towel dried. I applied a small amount of leave in conditioner and began brushing her hair with a special (expensive) brush made for curly hair.
As I brushed her ends, the tangles fell out with VERY little effort. I then brushed from scalp to ends... Completely dumbfounded. I finished in about one minute and she ran off to play with her sister. I stood there, paralyzed in amazement, on the verge of tears. I could not believe that 2 tbsp of ACV solved this long standing problem. I think of the time, energy, frustration and tears that have gone into brushing my little girl's hair over the last six years and all I can do is shake my head. Bless you all!