The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
General Feedback
Posted by Rubigirl (Alberta, Canada) on 01/05/2012
I did ACV for a month.. And honestly I found things different.. I was drinking it daily.. Hourly.. And well.. I just think I got addicted to it.. I wasn't even wanting my morning coffee's no more.. Now that is a shock.. Being off it for 1 month now. I feel more bloated and more heavy in weight.. Seems odd but it is true. I am going to start this up again and the brand I enjoy is bought at walmart and a product of Germany. It tastes super with green tea and honey and well of course water. I have read the Blackstrap Molasses info as well and going to be getting that into our lives here.. Especially with my husband who has Pulmonary Fibrosis of lungs and myself a lot of joint pain. Will post in a month.. This all works as long as you are safe and feel good doing it. Good Luck Everyone.
General Feedback
Posted by Shernosonny (Wellington, Fl) on 12/28/2011
For all you people that are trying to get cures from ACV remember, it has to be organic. There is really only one brand that I even know about, unfortunatly we're not allowed to post the name. If you go to your health food store and ask for it they will be glad to steer you in the right direction.. Don't use store bought Apple Cider Vinegar it will not work- yes it is cheaper but it has been processed with heat and has no healing properties in it. There is a book on the organic apple cider vinegar you would be amazed at all it cures its worth getting...
Replied by Spiky
(London, Uk)
General Feedback
Posted by Deborah (Houston, Texas) on 12/12/2011
Today, I decided to start taking acv, to help lower my blood sugar level, so I drank about 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar by itself on a large serving spoon, then at that instant it took my breath away, it made me gasp for oxygen, so I grabbed the closest glass and poured water in it and tried to drink it, while still gasping for my breath, finally the water did help, although now the back of my throat has a burning sensation, so I ate some tomato soup and now, the burning has stopped.
Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)
Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)
Replied by Linda
(New Haven, Ct - Connecticut)
General Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Warwick, Ri) on 11/30/2011
My cousin is a big apple cider vinegar and water drinker, we did a 26.2 mile walk to raise money for cancer, and she was sipping on the concoction all day. When I asked her about it she explained to me that ACV helps with water absoprtion. In doing some further investigations I found that a popular hangover cure in several Northern European countries is to drink pickle brine, the primary cause of hangover pains being dehydration (and vitamin depletion). I drink it after the gym now, it has the added benefit of helping my acid reflux as well! I can eat tomato sauce again! Luckily I like the taste of vinegar, so no suggestions on how to mask the flavor.
General Feedback
Posted by Yebbo (Callahan, Fl) on 11/26/2011
Does it have to be organic ACV? I have a 2 quart bottle of White House ACV. The bottle says it's all natural from fresh apples. I'm trying to use it for very oily skin and low libido. lease let me know how to use this product.
General Feedback
Posted by Kim (Winsted, Ct) on 11/23/2011
Hello. Ive been reading a lot about the benefits of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and just as many articles on solutions for masking the taste to help overcome the vinegary palate. Orange juice, molasses, honey, grapefruit juice... And the list goes on. Is it just me... Or hasn't anyone else thought of taking good old raw unfiltered apple cider with the mother (or is that the grandmother? ;) and adding it back to it's relative? Is this Like kissing your sister? Canibalism? Lol. I tried it, (also shaking the apple cider so that the sediment on the bottom got into the mix) and I lived! Wasn't sure if I would, seeing it seemed like overkill. Any ideas? At first I thought it was not suggested because lots of sugar, or acid, but that's the same with orange or grapefruit juice. Why don't they just make raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar tablets with the Mother? They could use all the "mother" they filter from clear cooking vinegar. Do I think too much?
General Feedback
Posted by Surekha (Pune, Maharashtra / India) on 11/19/2011
Heart failure and diabetic people also can take this ACV every day? Any side effect?
General Feedback
Posted by Millie (Memphis, Tn) on 11/18/2011
Actually, for those of you saying that you should not take vinegar orally, there are three well done, peer reviewed studies in recognized medical journals such as Diabetes Care. These show an improvement in blood sugar and insulin levels taking either at bedtime or before a meal. These studies were done with both apple cider and white vinegar. I wouldn't mix with baking soda as I saw no studies on that, but to say that it is harmful to take vinegar by mouth (I think 2 tbsp was the dose) is not backed up by research. (No studies were about toe fungus, however, they do promote the use of vinegar by mouth for systemic effect)
Replied by Marwa
(Toronto, Canada)
General Feedback
Posted by Katy (Alexandria, Virginia ) on 11/16/2011
My great great aunt takes 2 tsps ACV straight every morning. She is 89 and still going strong. As soon as I turned 20 I started taking a "shot" of ACV in the morning. The vinegar was much too strong on my stomach first thing so after a few days I started mixing it with some local honey and water and would mix it all in a glass. It is so good it tastes like apple cider with a kick.
Replied by Mary
(Hyderabad, Ap, india)
Replied by Mary
(Hyderabad, Ap/india)
General Feedback
Posted by Ethelsue (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 11/13/2011
I drink a shot of apple cider vinegar with water every evening. I have heard taking Apple Cider Vinegar when taken daily causes esophagal, pancreas and liver cancer. Have you heard this too?
General Feedback
Posted by Patricia (Hanover, Ontario Canada) on 11/09/2011
Hey there. Just reading the ACV cures section and I have to say it is a load of info to sift through. I would like to start taking ACV for a number of different reasons but have the odd reaction of gagging when I drink anything dissolved in water. I tried ACV straight up and was totally fine (almost) with the taste and am wondering if that is ok, in the long run, to take it that way. I can drink the water a few minutes later and drink a fair bit in a day anyway. Do most people take it everyday or do they take breaks with it? What are the thoughts on this?
Replied by Ralph
(Miami, Fl Usa)
General Feedback
Posted by Tom (Houston, Tx) on 10/09/2011
Please help me to understand this about vinegar being alkaline. Apple Cider Vinegar is Acetic ACID with a ph of about 4.5. It is not alkaline when ingested. How can it be good for gastric reflux and other acid casuing illnesses when the acetic acid is very irritating to the esophagus and temporarily lowers blood ph to the acid side until the kidneys balance the ph back to 7.4 which is the boy's normal ph, slightly alkaline. Where am I going wrong?
Replied by H. Anton
(Danbury, Ct)
General Feedback
Posted by Ann (Kingston, Jamaica) on 09/21/2011
Doesn't ACV bleach your face. Does it work the same for black people?
Replied by Tracy
(Boulder City, Nv, Usa)
General Feedback
Posted by Doddie (Lawrenceville, Georgia, Usa) on 09/19/2011
I read on here that under certain conditions Apple Cider Vinegar should not be used. Can you tell me what they are ? And under what conditions should only baking soda should be use (if any) ? Thank you for your feedback. I may have missed the answer in my reading EC but I think this is important to know.
General Feedback
Posted by Cho-aquarius (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 09/04/2011
My question is about the acv, is it ok for me to take Apple Cider Vinegar even my uric acid is very high? I have type 2 diabetes too and my tryglycerides is 400 im not taking any medicine for my tryglyceride coz im having a muscle pain with the medicine theyre giving me. Im taking metformin 1000 morning and evening but my sugar still 160 fasting and after 2hrs (aftermeal) 175 my a1c is 7 so im wondering is Apple Cider Vinegar can help me with all my problems please help im getting depress and stress thank you very much