Hair Conditioner
Hair Conditioner
Hair Conditioner
Hair Conditioner
Hair Conditioner
I use approximately 1/2 to 3/4 cup vinegar diluted with about 1/2 cup water. I shampoo and rinse first then pour on the vinegar - let it sit about a minute and then rinse out the vinegar and then shampoo again and rinse very well so there is no odor of vinegar. This was even recommended to me by a beautician once, and I hadn't even told her that I was already doing it!! The vinegar also removes all the old shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, etc. build-up in the hair.
(Dallas, TX, USA)
i am anxious to try using ACV as a rinse for my hair to see if it can help with hair loss. will the ACV lighten the hair at all? i have very dark brown hair that i LOVE ( my natural hair color) and am afraid that the ACV will make it lighter. i plan to use it about 3 times a week as a rinse after the shampoo part and use a conditoner on top of that.
can anybody tell me if it's safe for me to use? i DON'T want to bring out highlights or anything i just want to keep my color as is.
thanks in advance!!
Hair Growth
(Jacksonville, FL)
(Frankfort, Kentucky)
2 Tablespoons in a glass of water / 3 times a day
(Denver, Colorado)
I am 60 plus and I have been losing my hair and I need to know what are the amounts of ACV and water, how often, do you let sit, do you scrub your scalp, I need to know I am so embarresed to be in public, won't go to social event because of it. I even went to the Womens Hair Club and they said there is nothing they can do for me. I work but wear a head band; it helps kinda, of course it is so thin from my forehead back to crown. Help me please
D: Check out the E.C. page for hair loss. Come back here for any additional help or updates as to your condition.
Halitosis/Bad Breath
EC: Click here to read more remedies for bad breath.
(martinsville, va, usa)
How do you use the ACV for bad breath? I recently started drinking ACV, with 100% grape juice (no sugar added).
(Syracuse, NY)
YIKES ACV is an acid and very corrosive to teeth so I would strongly suggest that you stop using this as a mouthwash STAT.
When one is on an ACV regimen (which is ALWAYS diluted with water),it is highly recommended to use a straw aimed at the back of the throat to help reduce contact with teeth followed by a thorough gargle.
Good luck with your condition.
Headache and Migraine
Headache and Migraine
To be brief, she ran out of vinegar at 25 days, and thought she was migraines, no pain killers. After 4 days with no mixture she had her first migraine again, and we quickly got her some more vinegar. Immediately, on re-starting the vinegar/honey drink, no migraines. When we left to return to USA she was on her 45th day without migraines except for the day mentioned. She now drinks 2 glasses a day and so far, NO MIGRAINES!! I of course felt delighted to have been able to help her this way. She had the real thing with flashing lights, sounds, grinding pain. She really looks like a different, bright, person. Any one wishing to verify this I can give her name and address in C.R. Her daughter is married and lives here in the USA near us.
EC: Click here to read many more remedies to cure headaches and migraines.
Heart Pain
EC: Earth Clinic note: If you are having heart pain, please do call or doctor or visit and emergency room!
Click here'for more heart remedies.
(Shreveport, LA)
I too had terrible heartburn after having my gallbladder removed. I started with the 2 tbsp of ACV in 16 oz of water and sipping throughout the day. It was better but the I noticed that EC recommended 2 tsp so I switched and got much better results. I used to take 3-4 (minimum) Tums a day after getting off Prilosec and Zantac. Now I never take any.
I used to suffer from heartburn after every meal. Even after breakfast! After stumbling on ACV, I have not suffered from heartburn ever since. It has cured my sinus headaches and also a wart that I had on my finger for 5 years! ACV is better than the doctor. I don't drink ACV but rather eat about 5 tbls. of it on a cabbage salad recipe. I eat it every day.
Heating ACV
Usually for health issues, raw apple cider vinegar is recommended. Because of this, I tend to think that heating it, especially boiling it would reduce it's effectiveness. I believe the enzymes in apple cider vinegar are part of the cure. Boiling will kill the enzymes, I think.
Minerals would be retained in heating and boiling it though, so likely it would still work in many cases.
~Mama to Many~
(Ten Mile, Tn.)
Dear Robert Henry,
Thank you for letting me know about the temperature at which enzymes would be destroyed! I love that I can learn something new at EC (and everywhere!) every day.
~Mama to Many~
Hiatel Hernia
(Sj, New Brunswick Can)
After 3 weeks of continual use (2 tbsp. diluted in half a cup of water with every meal), I have almost completely cured my acid reflux, chron's, ibs, hiatal hernia, and closed illeocecal valve. Persistence, and consistence is KEY!!