High Cholesterol
Natural Remedies

Effective Home Remedies for High Cholesterol

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

High Cholesterol Readings

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Posted by famcoll (Nashville, TN) on 01/01/2023

It's important to assess a determination of "high cholesterol" before you decide to do something about it. Look at the lipid panel yourself and check to make sure your HDL (good cholesterol) isn't so high that it is throwing off the total cholesterol numbers. Many years ago, the doctor told me that my total cholesterol would always look high because my HDL is so very high. That has proven over and over again to be the case. If you want to use your lipid panel to check for your risk of heart disease due to high cholesterol, enter your numbers, age, etc, at this Univ. of Wisconsin website


Replied by PEG

What the heck - according to that website I am at 3%. My doctor says I am at 7%. She used a calculator on her phone (I think) and wants me on a statin drug which I declined to take......
Who to believe and why is that website more reliable?

High Cholesterol Readings
Posted by Sam (Florida) on 06/07/2014

1) Unless your Chol. is over 300, no need to worry if ALL your ratios are within normal range.

2) Know your LP(a) level. If elevated, nothing you do will lower it, as it is a whole different ball game. LP(a) role is not known yet. It is produced in liver and destroyed in kidneys. Check your kidneys. People with elevated LP(a) have a chance to live to 100(and age slowly), as well as have increased risk of CVD. That is why scientists don't understand it.

3)Worried or concerned? Have PLAC test done. Can be done in any private lab without requisition. Cost under $100.

50% of heart attacks and ischemic strokes occur in patients with normal cholesterol.

The PLAC Test measures Lp-PLA2, an enzyme that, when elevated, indicates arterial inflammation, making heart attack or stroke more likely.

All we have to fear is fear itself.

Replied by Lucia Maria
(Pomona, New York)

You can LOWER your LDL! My cholesterol went from 294 (not food related) to 184 a few months later and now it is in the Normal range! The lowest after that was 162! Carrot Juice will work for everybody! At least an 8 oz glass a day will do it! Make your own or buy in any grocery store! I am having some as I'm writing this! Try it and you'll keep on having it! Carrot Juice does the body GOOD > Literally!

High Cholesterol Readings
Posted by Janet (Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Canada) on 06/25/2009

What reading is too high.. in Cholesteral?

High Triglycerides

Posted by Rich (Columbus, Ohio) on 07/22/2010

Not a remedy but looking to see if you have information on how to reduce high triglyceride levels? I know of fish and fish/flax oils etc. Just curious if others know of any other natural help with this. Any combination or protocols developed.

Replied by Tom
(Regina, Sk)

Rich: I don't have a protocol nor dosages together, but I do have a list of nutrients, foods and spices good for high triglycerides:
the 2 you mentioned
niacin (Vitamin B3, but NOT same as niacinamide or nicotinic acid! Niacin is the one that causes a hot flush in doses of more than a few hundred mg at a time)
cinnamon, ground (or 'Cinnulin' name)
guggulipid (ancient India Ayurvedic) available any health store in capsules
lecithin (from soy, as supplement, so try to get non-GMO)
rice bran oil (crushed;not solvent extracted)
tocotrienols (these are the 4 optical isomers that are; not the other 4 that make up the 'Vitamin E'=alpha, beta, gamma, delta)

Hydrogen Peroxide

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Posted by Dave (Dallas, Texas) on 08/12/2008

35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide--

I had crippling rheumatoid arthritis in 1985, where all the joints in my right arm were locked up and would not move. I was in constant, horrible pain and got no sleep for over 3 months. I began drinking extremely dilute amounts of the 35% HP DROPS in PURE WATER (NOT Tap Water!!)I also had candida albicans, and my cholesterol level was 465 as tested by my MD friend. Within 1 week the pain in my joints on my right arm was GONE and I was sleeping like a baby! Within one month I had free range of motion in all joints--from my fingers to my shoulder. My cholesterol was down to 289 and the candida symptoms were greatly reduced. By the end of the second month, my cholesterol was 155 (normal and safe) and all symptoms of candida albicans infestation were GONE. That was 28 YEARS ago, and I have had NO reoccurances of any of the above problems. I call that a "CURE!"

H2O2 amounts taken: Begin first day with ONE DROP H2O2 in 8 oz. PURE WATER. Second day: two drops H2O2. Third day: three drops H2O2...and so on until you reach 10 drops per day. Now, if the taste is too bad, split the HP drops into 5 in the morning, and 5 in the evening--near bed time. Work back taking 10 drops twice a day, THEN split it into THIRDS, AND begin taking 7 drops THREE times a day, or whatever you can handle. Slowly work back up to taking 10 drops THREE times a day. Don't go much higher than that, or you might want to stay at 7 drops, three times a day. Let your body determine your amount.

ALSO, do NOT drink any H2O2 water 45 minutes BEFORE OR AFTER EATING A MEAL OR TAKING SUPPLIMENTS! You may throw up (vomit.)

ALSO, take 500 mg. of Vitamin C once a day to neutralize any free radical formations that may have occured. The oxygen in the H2O2 attacks the iron in the blood and causes that reaction. The Vitamin C will clean it up, and Selenium may also be substituted for the Vitamin C.

MY SKIN CANCER (Melanoma) "erased" with topical application of 35% Food Grade HP: I had several dark mole-like formations on my forearms come up after being out in the Texas sun a lot. They itched, and my doctor friend said they were Melanomas and that I should see a professional about them. I knew what HP would do for them, so I took a nail file and GENTLY abraded the surface of these dark bumps, and then I applied straight 35% Food Grade HP to the spots with a Q-Tip (cotton swab on a stick) UNTIL THEY TURNED WHITE IN COLOR. I did this 3 times a day for a week. By the end of the week, they had turned to powder or dust, and were FLAT and GONE! There was no itching, NO pain, and they left a slightly lightened spot on my arm where they used to be. They never came back again, and that was over 20 YEARS ago!

ARTHRITIS IN MY KNEES: 17 years ago, I developed rhumatoid arthritis in both knees. I began the HP method by washing my knees with soap and water to remove any body oil, then MISTED them with a 3% solution of HP that was diluted down from 35% Food Grade HP (12:1) with PURE WATER. I wore shorts and then misted my knees, then waited until they were dry, then misted them again while I watched Television or did Computer work. I did this for at least 30 minutes at a time, and I did 4 HP misting sessions a day. My knees were back to NORMAL WITH NO PAIN in ONE WEEK!! I was so happy! I told my friends who had similar problems, and they said that they tried SOAKING their finger and elbow joints in 3% Food Grade HP by pouring the 3% HP solution into a shallow bowl and soaking them for 30 minutes 3-4 times a day. When finished, they would pour the 3% HP solution back into a one gallon plastic jug. The last soaking, they put it in the refrigerator for safe keeping overnight. The next day, they would remove the HP jug from the refrigerator and let it sit out until it had warmed to room temperature, then use in in the bowl to soak their joints until the evening. Worked great!! If you make up one gallon of 3% solution and keep it in the refrigerator, it should last at least one month before you need to make another gallon of it.

IN DALLAS, TEXAS, I found 35% Food Grade HP at "Roy's Natural Market" 6025 Royal Ln. Ste 130
Dallas, TX 75230-8857
Phone: (214) 987-0213. They have been selling HP for many years, and it is about $16.00 (US) for one quart, which will last a long time when you are spraying it.

Enjoy being pain-free!

Replied by Mary
(Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Hello Dave, When you say fresh water do you mean distilled? Please let us know what water you are using. Thank you for your article. I will try. God Bless you.

Replied by Nina

Does using HP help reduce high cholesterol, if yes. How do you use and what %. Thank you


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Posted by Alice (San Antonio, Tx) on 05/01/2010

iron and cholesterol

I have been taking two 47.5 mg iron tablets per day for about 2 months. I started taking iron because my blood was just below the acceptable level for helmoglobin when I went to give blood two different times. I have been on cholesterol medicine for about 10 years. These medicines had brought my cholesterol, when fasting, from average of 323 down to 270 on Jan 13, 2010. After the first month on the iron, my cholesterol (non-fasting, taken at the blood bank)was 242 on March 10, 2010. When I gave blood the next time, April 23, 2010, my cholesterol (non-fasting, taken at the blood bank) was 207. Since I eat a meal just before giving blood, I have no doubt that my cholesterol would be below 200 when fasting.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Don't be too hung up on cholesterol levels. Things don't seem to be as they make you believe they are. I have just ordered a book because I want to read more about it. Be careful because lowering your cholesterol too much seems to be harmful. Especially for older people, there are researches showing that lowering the cholesterol can have bad side effects. Right now I don't know what to think but I want to read more just in case one day a doctor wants to put me on medicines. One should be able to trusts doctors on all matters concerning our health but unfortunately that is not possible!


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Yvonne (PA) on 04/26/2022

I followed Ted's high cholesterol protocol (https://ted.earthclinic.com/cures/cholesterol2.html) of granulated lecithin, 1 teaspoon twice a day, mixed with lemon oil (or d-limonene) 10 drops twice a day too, as well as 1 teaspoon of glycine twice a day, green tea extract 1/8 teaspoon twice a day, and lysine 1/4 teaspoon twice a day to reduce triglycerides. I did not do borax in water 1/8 teaspoon to reduce triglycerides.

I also made oatmeal porridge with soy milk.

I got tested two months after I began the regimen and my total cholesterol decreased from 249 to 208. Triglycerides reduced from 57 to 48. (My HDL went from 106 to 81; LDL, from 134 to 118).

This is amazing! I have always had elevated cholesterol but this is the lowest it has ever been. I am ever so grateful for Ted's protocol.

Posted by Lily (Kelowna, Bc Canada) on 02/14/2021

2 Suggestions for high cholesterol : Sunflower Lecithin ( any good health food store)

Niacin, do some research, Dr.s know about niacin but prefer to write scripts .

Posted by Wbones (Las Vegas, Nv) on 04/28/2011

High triglycerides: My wife and I were told by our doctor that our triglycerides were high and the doc was suggesting I start taking meds for the problem. I checked online for a solution. We both started taking 2 TBS of Lecithin Granules and 2 pills of 4 MG of Astaxanthin daily for 2 weeks before our blood work. When we went back for the results My wifes had dropped 70 points, and mine had dropped from 320 to 200.

Low Carb Diet

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Posted by Rw (Southwest Virginia) on 01/17/2017

Editor's Choice

All of my cholesterol levels were bad but then improved an average of over 30% by eating a low carb diet. They're all back down in the healthy range. I did not cut down on fats at all, just carbs. I bought a glucose meter and learned how to eat so that my blood sugar stayed under 110 after meals (it usually peaks around 1 1/2 hours after a meal.) I eat about 15 grams of carbs at each meal and I make sure I eat a good portion of protein first to balance it. Yeah, it was some getting used to, but it's not problem now and I don't have any carb cravings or anything. I also took fish oil and drank matcha tea, but I don't think it would have been such a dramatic difference without cutting the carbs. My doc was impressed when he saw the numbers. He said, "What did you do?" :)

Replied by Hal

I eat high fat, low carb. My cholesterol was always low and I knew the high fat diet would raise it, but I know enough about the cholesterol B.S. that I wasn't worried. My bkfst usually consists of 2 tbsp. (grass-fed) butter, 1 tbspn of MCT oil, 1 tbsp. of cocoa powder blended in cup of very warm water. I was using Bulletproof Coffee, but I gave up coffee, so I just substituted cocoa.

By April 2015, my Cholesterol was 315. I didn't mind that much, but I started taking Calcium D-Glucarate 2x/day (thanks Dave Asprey), and Tocotrienols 2x/day. By 6/16 it was 236.

As of 11/23/16, my Cholesterol is 198 (HDL - 73, Triglycerides - 64, Chol/HDL ratio - 2.7). I backed off to once a day each because I don't want to be below 200.
Hope this helps.

Medication Side Effects

1 User Review

Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 11/23/2014

One person in a hundred is helped to avoid a cardiac event by taking a statin drug. (1%) One person is five is harmed by the same drug, many permanently so. (20%)

Multiple Remedies

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Latte (Oregon ) on 08/19/2022

My cholesterol skyrocketed over span of two years. My OBGYN thought it might be because I went off my hormones and put me on low dose plant based hormones Anyhow, the MD told me to get on statins and my ND told me not worry about it because it could just be family genetics. I researched and read Cholesterol Down and simply followed the steps and my cholesterol is back to the low side of the normal range.

1: Eat oatmeal daily I get gluten-free oats.
2: Cut back on eating nuts, eat it in moderation
3: Take Psyllium Fiber or buy them in capsules
4: Eat flaxseeds I sprinkle some on my oats, it's really softened my skin

5: Eat beans
6: Eat apples
7: Take Plant Sterols with your largest meal of the day I take Cholestoff Plus which has been clinically proven to lower cholesterol.
8. Add garlic to your food
10: Exercise we take a quick 30 minute walk daily

Wishing everyone good health.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gertie (Va, US) on 12/17/2014

Per advice on EC, I have reduced my added sugar to practically nil. I don't eat food other than what I prepare, so that base is covered. I have started taking green tea extract + lemon oil + lysine in addition to my Apple Cider Vinegar and lecithin twice daily. I eat mainly vegetables w/ no added fats. Fats I do eat are coconut oil and maybe some olive oil (infrequently). I have been waiting to start the niacin till the weekend, in case I have unexpected side effects of these things. Will start w/ 50 mg for several days and work my way up (it lowers my bp too much and I faint if it's too high a dose). I lift weights several times/week, do qi gong daily and walk 2 mi/day. Anything else I should do? I want to get my cholesterol and triglyceride numbers in a good range by my next test mid-January. I don't have far to go, but want to do all I can (esp w/ holidays coming up, will be eating foods I don't usually eat, prepared by others so out of my control somewhat). Thanks.

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

G: I always take a flush-free form (Niacinamide or Inositolhexaniacinate) of Niacin along w/ the regular Niacin to minimize flushing and maximize effect.

Pantethine and Red Yeast Rice also lowers LDL.

Most important for high LDL is Omega 3 Fatty Acids like Fish, Krill, Chia, and Flax Oils. Selenium and Vit-E work together w/ the Omega 3's to protect the cardiovascular system.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bajanine (Grand Junction, Colorado) on 12/12/2014

I'd like to share that in my research I found this:

Link. I have other links that say pretty much the same thing but I am upgrading my server so I can't look it up right now.

Taking L-lysine, l-proline, Ca, Mg, Na, and K ascorbates dropped my Mother's cholesterol 30 points, and she never did build up to the levels proposed in that article. Her Doctor was impressed! Too many ascorbates at once can cause diarrhea, She is supposed to take 3 doses a day but rarely gets more than one dose/day, and still it lowered her cholesterol more than 10%.

Replied by Sam
(Miami, Florida)

The article is dated 2006, and a lot changed since. The cause of heart disease is inflammation, not cholesterol. Cholesterol is like firefighters, inflammation is a fire. Possibly the supplements regime the article proposes reduced inflammation and as a consequence the liver sends less firefighters to fight diminished fire.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Susie (Dublin, Ireland) on 11/07/2014

I was able to get my cholesterol down from 7.6 to 5.7 (still working on it!! ) by having porridge with oatbran added in the monrings, and taking niacin, a B vitamin that helps the liver from absorbing too much cholesterol. (Also a supplement - all natural - called Zero Chol) .. and ACV as well - and I also avoided surgery for nasal polyps by using colloidal silver, and acv. Brilliant!

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