High Cholesterol
Natural Remedies

Effective Home Remedies for High Cholesterol

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Red Yeast Rice

12 User Reviews
5 star (7) 
3 star (2) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Brendan (Santa Barbara, California) on 11/19/2007

My osteopath prescribed red yeast rice for elevated triglycerides/cholesterol. Despite looking fit my triglycerides were so high that I was borderline diabetic. I took these daily and now my triglycerides are normal and my cholesterol is below 200 (very important as my Father died in his 40s from heart disease). Red Yeast rice is a statin and is so effective that a prominent drug company tried to get it taken off shelves as they argued it was infringing on their patent. Red yeast rice is available at most health food stores and is best taken with coenzyme q10.

Red Yeast Rice
Posted by Charles (Titusville, FL) on 03/25/2006

I have been on four different cholesterol meds and all have affected my legs. I even tried the Red yeast Rice and had the same results. Am now trying one more new prescription. Red yeast rice was not effective Wife having problems now and is try a med plus is going to try the vinegar and water.

Replied by Carolyn
(Northwest, Oh)


I also experienced leg cramps while taking red yeast rice. However, I found that switching to taking it in the a.m. and not the afternoon or p.m. made a huge difference. I don't even get cramps every day now.

I am pro Red Yeast because after taking it about a year, my total numbers dropped 50 points! From 289 to 233 and my ratios all improved (they were good before, now even better). Not much change in diet other than that. I take just ONE 600 mg capsule per day.

Red Yeast Rice
Posted by Brenda (Altoona, PA)

I take red yeast rice, which you can purchase at any vitamin store. It lowered my cholesterol 40 points.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Brooklyn Baby (Brooklyn NY) on 08/15/2022 11 posts

Serrapeptase brought down my cholesterol 200 points.

I'd never heard of Serrapeptase before however, when I was researching Earth Clinic for remedies on Inflammation for Nasal Polyps I stumbled upon this gem. I purchased the Serrapeptase that was Enteric coated to survive acidic stomach conditions. I started out by taking one 80,000 capsule and slowly increased it. I am now up to 6 capsules a day which is where I think that I will stay. I started taking Serrapeptase less then a year ago and 2 weeks ago when I went for my annual physical my cholesterol levels had come down 200 points. No side effects for me whatsoever. It cleared up my sinuses and eradicated the acid reflex that I've had for the last 20 years. I know that it sounds like it's too good to be true but in this case it is definitely good as well as being absolutely true.

Replied by Bet

That sounds awesome! How did you take it? Spread out through the day? With and without food? What are the initials of the brand you use? I've taken it before but didn't have your results. Probably didn't take large enough dosage, or perhaps not a good brand.

Thank you so much for sharing Brooklyn Baby

Replied by Brooklyn Baby
(Brooklyn NY)
11 posts

I take it in the AM when I first rise on an empty stomach. The brand is Biom----

Soy Lecithin

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Katkat (Lexington) on 12/21/2017

I took soy lecithin for cholesterol years ago and didn't see that it made a difference. I just ordered some red yeast rice, so it should arrive Sunday afternoon and I'll start taking it. Any idea how long it takes to work? Also, as to keeping the arteries clean---it is my understanding that cholesterol acts like a bandaid in your veins, covering irritations so that they can heal. Most irritations are inflammation, so anything that corrects inflammation should correct the cholesterol issue. Inflammatory foods are sugars, processed foods/flour, etc. (I confess, I had been eating sweets since Halloween and brought my problems on myself). Anyway, I am also adding garlic and turmeric to my daily routine of niacin and acv. I am on day 4 of my bone broth fast, so will start adding dairy kefir to the diet (still taking the broth) for another 4 days. After that I'll go to the ibs diet (easy to digest, lightly cooked, mostly veggies) I'm doing this for my ibs, but it's too soon to tell if it's doing anything. So, the plan is to continue as explained here and, when it comes, add the red yeast rice to the mix. I only bought 1 bottle, so a month's supply, that's why I wondered how long it takes to work. When I go to the dr in January, I plan to have another cholesterol test done to compare results to my work one. So, I have 5 weeks to improve. Wish me luck.

Replied by Jan

Good luck and be sure to let us know.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)


Posted by Elaine (Huntsville, Al) on 11/18/2013

About 5 years ago, my dr put me on zocor for cholesterol. I was on it for about 6 months and stopped because I developed neck pain--like a stiff neck, but never got better. A short time after that, my gastro dr put me on something for my ulcer, I don't recall the name, but the neck pain increased and so I got off it pretty quickly. I still have the neck pain--I take a good bit of astaxanthin for the pain, which helps but I still have the pain. During all this time, I also had pain in both large toes. This pain is not in the joint (not gout), but lengthwise up the center of the largest part of the toe. I'm thinking peripheral neuropathy? Comments, anyone? Do you think this is still from the statins? What should I do? I take the astaxanthin, 4 mg 4x/d, d3, calcium/magnesium tablet, and a multivitamin daily. Can someone ever overcome the longterm effects of statins? Thanks.

Replied by Prioris

I would go to a good chiropractor to look at stiff neck problem. Stiff neck (along with headache) is one of the symptoms of chronic meningitis. Usually stiff neck due to cold from open window will go away.

There are all sorts of things for neuropathy but I would consider experimenting with seanol given that it addresses many other things besides the neuropathy. Maybe you luck out and it addresses other things. It is a more powerful and long lasting antioxidant than astaxanthin also but I would keep taking the astaxanthin also.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Elaine,

Yes, the problems are from the statins...or so assume. Good you got off when you did.

Suggestion on dealing with the continuing problem, eg neck etc.

To get the statins out of you, cleanse. I mean deep cleanse. There are different cleansers The best to get to the cellular level, lemon drink while fasting. Six lemons cut in half and squeeze a half in purified glass of water. Twelve glasses of that a day; so six lemons daily...for ten days. By the third day, you'll be visiting rest room every thirty minutes; the lemon will clean out down to the cellular level. Also you'll knock out any kidney stones you happen to have.


Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Never take a statin without also taking CoQ10. Never take CoQ10 without also taking Selenium and Vit-E as these work best together. Muscle stiffness and soreness is a result of the statin depleting what little CoQ10 the body makes, and muscle wasting is the results. From personal experience, the best form of CoQ10 is combined w/ Glutathione. To help rebuild muscle eat quality meat or supplement Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) and/or Creatine.

Dr Sinatra recommends splitting the statin tabs in half and in some cases quartered so as to reduce the bad side effects, while modifying the diet and supplementation.

Replied by Marie
(New York)

Hi, would this work for gallstones or gallbladder. I have been drinking two lemons a day and using olive oil since I haven't done a flush... some days pain is there and some days it is not..

Maybe I am drinking too many lemons. I watched a video from Andrias Moritz once and he said to drink two whole lemons a day... no water...for an extended amount of time..

How does one know if you are detoxing...

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)


There is a Yahoo Group for people who have permanent damage from statin drug use. Most of the people only took statins for a short period of time, yet sustained significant permanent damage that has altered their lives. Most were very active, health conscious people who are now living with severe muscle damage, autoimmune diseases and memory problems. These adverse reactions are usually not reported by our doctors, so the number of people affected is not known. The group can be found here:


Someone at this site may be able to give advice. Those who have seen doctors specializing in statin damage have reported they take a certain kind of absorbable CoQ10 and high doses of fish oil. Best wishes.

Replied by Elaine
(Huntsville, Al)

TimH: If I take CoQ10 for relief of pain from statins I took years ago, then I have another question. My ldl is still high, so can I take red yeast rice w/ coQ10 in it and then more CoQ10 for more relief? I still need to reduce that ldl, but I started getting a cramp in my calf from the rry, so stopped it. It has coQ10 in it, but I'm still in pain from the zocor. Thanks.

Replied by Gavin
(Northland, New Zealand)

I read after a good try out with lemons that after a few weeks the first sign of a zit or boil, is the sign to knock it off. I started to get some boils forming for no good reason. Otherwise the results were excellent. In fact I had never felt better.

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Elaine: Try Glutathione/CoQ10 combination for best results which should help w/ energy but for the ldl do take the red yeast rice twice daily plus a flush free niacin like niacinamide or inositol hexaniacinate 1 500mg 2x day. For the muscle loss take BCAA's and or Creatine (C also enhances muscle energy production very effectively).

Also, I have had very good results w/ L-Methionine 500 or 1000mg daily for fat burning. DMG works very well w/ Methionine for energy production and fat burning plus boosted detoxification.

You may also want to consider supplementing Coconut oil to enhance metabolism; lots of good reports on c.o. here. A good source of natural Iodine like Kelp will help metabolism by enhancing thyroid function. L-Tyrosine 500 mg daily will also boost thyroid and energy production. High ldl is almost always a side effect of low thyroid.

Replied by Elaine
(Huntsville, Al)

Timh, thanks for your advice. I did a search but could not locate a coQ10 that includes glutathione. Is there one? I pretty much use iherb. I can do both supplements. I'm so tired of being in constant pain, not severe but enough to slow me down. Thanks again.

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Elaine: Swanson Foods has one, as well as Vitacost L-Glutathione Plus CoQ10 -- 250 mg - 60 Capsules. This will definitely up your energy and help detox any residual statin metabolites, but do also try the other recommends I posted previously as it seems you will need more than just gth/coq10. Eat 2 or three Brazil nuts for selenium to boost the gth/coq10.

Are you vegetarian? Do get some quality protein in the diet.

Something else that will definitely help straightway, is a good hot bath w/ 1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup epsom salt. This is very good detox and muscle helper. Potassium is also recommended to improve the electrolyte status which helps the neuromuscular action.

Hoping on some good news from you.

Replied by Elaine

Thanks, Timh. I eat what I consider a pretty good diet. I have chickens and have had them tested for salmonella, so I can eat raw eggs and generally eat 2/day. I also was given a gift of 1/2 an organically grown, grass-fed steer for Christmas, so have high quality angus beef to eat (I don't eat much red meat). I eat lots of avocados and use coconut oil exclusively when cooking, try to use lots of herbs and spices (ginger, garlic, tumeric, etc) in my foods. Not a lot of fresh veg's b/c they are now out of season and my local farmer's market has closed, so mostly frozen. thanks for the assist, will start bs & empsom salts baths. I ordered a seperate coQ10 and glutathione and will commence when they arrive. Thanks again.

Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 11/07/2013 2043 posts

Allow me to add some more info on the ongoing Statin discussion.

Several months ago my almost lifelong normal cholesterol reading spiked considerably as well as triglycerides. Dr. gave me free samples of a Statin. Being cautious and very much not wanting to even give them a try, I asked for a prescription for Cholestramine (a fiber powder supplement). Unfortunately the grand marketing scheme must bow to the taste and fancy of the populace so they add sweeteners and such (which irritates my stomach). Last thurs I go back to Dr. and check high on the C and very high on the T once again.

Sure I buy into the theory that cholesterol is good and even necessary BUT, like sugar, too much is dangerous; so I try half an 10mg Atavastatin and 8 hrs later the other half. Next day take one tab.

At this point it is necessary to note that I am going thru extreme oxidative stress induced by free radicals that's been prominent factor in a lengthy environmental disease. Prior to the Statin, I was rendered almost non functional and was in need of personal assistance. I spent most time in bed and lost almost all appetite and energy ... until I began the statin. Three, four days later I am very much improved and completely out of the semi crisis situation of which I had plumbed. I need to also state that I show many obvious symptoms of a mycoplasma infection that could be considered somewhat severe.

OK, that's the good news. The Statin seems to have gone a long way toward correcting a fatty acid metabolic disorder complicated by a mycoplasma infection (as we know mycoplasma feeds on cholesterol). I witnessed a substantial decrease in chronic diarrhea the two days of Statin.

Now for the bad news. I also noticed a marked increase in my Peripheral Neuropathy (lower extremities). After only a few minutes of research, I find that Statins do cause P.N. in a small percentage of the population. And if that isn't enough, I also find the same small (5%) suffer pulmonary fibrosis (of which I have some obvious symptoms but no diagnosis for almost 20 yrs.). My P.N. seems some better today so I am not fearing anything permanent here, as I only took 2 tabs.

Anyway, I am going to give the Red Yeast Rice a trial as there seems some big potential for correcting the fatty acid metabolic disorder and inhibiting mycoplasma (especially in the liver and gut) as well as lower the cholesterol and triglycerides.

Replied by Prioris

Statin drugs will damage ones health over the long term.

High cholesterol is a manufactured health problem. It makes no sense why you should be concerned about cholesterol. High cholesterol may be a tip off that you have blood coagulation problems. I have had cholesterol near the 400 range for over 50 years. I'm not the least bit concerned about it because I know it is an imaginary problem.

Assume that you have mycoplasma, you could try erythromicin, borax and other things.

You would also have blood coagulation problems. I would strongly suggest fibrolytic enzymes like nattokinase and serrapeptase since it addresses the core problem. Experiment to see what combination is the best.

You do not need to take the Red Rice since it isn't addressing the core problems.

You talk about oxidative damage then why not take astaxanthin. it is a very powerful anti-oxidant. Take at least 8-12 mg per day

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Prioris: Thanks for your feedback. A little more detail may help.

A 20yr undiagnosed atypical pulmonary fibrosis has left me w/ a terribly toxic body and almost dead on more than one occasion despite all efforts to regain health. Pulmonary Fibrosis is notorious for reducing the ability of the body to produce Glutathione. I have only recently began homemade oral liposomal gth w/ good results, but there is obviously much more to do. Also, as for antioxidants, I am going to create a mixture of several fat & water soluble anti's for liposomal encapsulation which, in theory, should provide the antioxidant protection I have not been able to achieve by standard oral.

The substantial decrease in diarrhea from only 2 days on Statin is a definite tip on some type fatty acid metabolic disorder. The Red Yeast Rice should produce the same effect w/ no bad side effects. Inhibiting the cholesterol in the liver seems to be preventing the overgrowth of the myco in the gut.

From what I've read, a severe mycoplasma infection may take up to 6 or more months Doxycycline and may need rotating w/ other cycline antibiotics. I tried liposomal berberine w/ no noticeable improvements. Borax baths help. Colloidal Silver nebulized kills the mycoplasma from the lungs for maybe 2 or 3 wks, then repeat.

I have taken systemic enzymes in the past and am now taking Nattokinase 2 caps daily.

Replied by Prioris

Thanks for clarification regarding pulmonary fibrosis.

The things I have come up with and you probably already know about:

  • N-Acetyl L-Cysteine
  • Systemic enzymes
  • Nebulized Glutathione
  • Serrapeptase
  • Acetyl Glutathione

I would think you'd want to take the enzymes probably 3 times a day

Posted by Wayne (Huntington Beach, Ca Usa) on 04/04/2012

Hello: In late January, I had bad cholesterol of 181. I don't know what the other numbers were. I was prescribed statins. I didn't take any. Instead, I started an exercise and diet program.

DIET: I cut out all red meat, switched to soy milk. Primarily, I would eat pinto beans with brown rice for dinner with salsa and avocado, sometimes a veggie chicken patty with brown rice and veggies. Breakfast was nonfat greek yogurt or a flax muffin. Lunches were sushi or a subway veggie delight sandwich on wheat. Occasionally, I would eat chicken and fish. I tried NOT to eat anything with saturated fat at all. Lots of bran!

EXERCISE: This might be the most important element. I exercised nearly every day. 45 minutes on the eliptical M-F and an hour on the weekends, plus some weights and crunches on the weekends. If you want to lower your bad cholesterol, YOU MUST EXERCISE LIKE THIS.

PILLS: I started out trying lecithin and red yeast rice, but I read that red yeast rice is identical to taking a statin, and not regulated so they can have a lot of impurities in red yeast rice. The lecithin made me headachy and, I think, made me have heart palpitations. So instead, I decided to try one pill of D-Limonine (Orange Oil), one pill of Fish Oil and one pill of Psyllium every day.

RESULT: I think I started this on January 25 or so. My blood was tested on March 29. Got the results today and my bad cholesterol was only 127!!!!! Hooray!!!

I don't know what the other numbers were, I was just too happy about my bad cholesterol. No idea if the Orange Oil was the key, but I am going to keep taking it and try to get my bad cholesterol under 100. I think exercise and weight loss are critical, however. I lost about 20 pounds in about two months. Good luck to all!

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Starr4046, I would urge you to stay away from statins. Not long ago, I heard Kevin Trudeau speak at the Longevity Now Conference and what he had to say regarding statins was absolutely frightening. He said that without a doubt, over time you will absolutely lose muscle mass. Something we already have difficulty holding onto as we age. These drugs have so many side effects I wouldn't even consider them an option. There are so many ways to lower your cholesterol in natural ways that are fairly well- known. Simple things such as oatmeal, garlic, diet, exercise, niacin, artichoke leaf extract, medicinal mushrooms. Do some research because there is plenty of information available regarding this.

Many people here on EC write in saying that apple cider vinegar really helped bring their cholesterol down. Check ou the cholesterol section here on EC. And good for you that your goal is to live your life without drug use! Wishing you the best of health, Lisa

Replied by Pahlee
(Phila, Pa.)

Thank you for that info. on statins, because I have been taking them for awhile to control my cholesterol.

Ted's Remedies

Posted by Lorene A (Montgomery, Tx) on 10/01/2013

RED YEAST RICE, according to research findings from Dr. Mercola (internet), RYRice is a STATIN drug. We were very surprised and were using as this information was not divulged. It is Lovastatin (Mevacor and Altocor). So if you believe you are taking a natural supplement - Surprise! Provided your tests after statin drugs were good, you are better off to NOT take anything for cholesterol, eat heallthy and take lots of vitamins. Statins are a danger to the liver, as we all know. Same goes for Red Yeast Rice. Manufacturers are very clever hiding the statin facts. Also if the RYR contains citrinin, it is dangerous. Should be removed. Again that information not found on most supplements on the market. Good cholesterol is one of our best friends and is vital componet of every cell membrane. Eat healthy to maintain good cholesterol levels. Love this site - very beneficial. I go no where else to get natural remedies. Wonderful site!

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Lorene A, re Red Rice/Cholesterol,

Your advice is the same as mine and I did try the Red Rice once; maybe three years ago. The friend who was recommending it warned me that he did experience what he thought was a side effect; brain fog. Well, I'd never had problems with brain fog so decided to give the Red Rice caps a try and in two weeks was having trouble concentrating; perhaps a coincendence but I immediately got off the Red Rice and cleared up immediately. I read how the Red Rice works and as you point out and Mercola points out, it works like a statin.

A statin works at the liver level to STOP cholesterol production. But as bad a rap as cholesterol has taken in the past 20 years, cholesterol is essential for cellular health and especially the brain. The problem with cholesterol, is that if there is not enough Vitamin E (natural, not synthetic) in the system, then any fat might start sticking to the veins and arteries. The cause of plaque build up is not the presence of cholesterol but the absence of Vit E.

Got that? The cause of plaque build up is not the presence of cholesterol but the absence of Vit E.

So I got off the Red Rice and the fog went away and I just keep on taking my 800 iu daily of natural E (d alpha tocopherol/ NOT dl alpha tocopherol... The "l" after the "d" tells you it is synthetic. Just get your E at the health food store. Drug stores sell synthetic. ) My cholesterol has always been high but I believe the use of E, CoQ 10, magnesium and potassium, arginine and hawthorn etc has warded off heart issues all these years. I'm 64 and have good BP and can still engage in vigorous exercise. No circulatory issues at all.


Thyroid Meds

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Brian (Fort Worth, TX) on 06/02/2009

low thyroid increased my total cholesterol to 756 and my tryglcerides to 461, after taking armour thyroid my total cholesterol went down to 261 and tryglcerides to 358.

Understanding Cholesterol Jumps

Posted by Robin (Rural Va) on 01/03/2014

Help me understand this. I recently had labs done, and had a 70 point jump in cholesterol since my last labs about a year ago. It went from 190 to 261. I don't have the breakdown, as it was a conversation with a nurse over the phone. I am 55 and just in menopause. I am currently not exercising, but during the spring and summer I walk 3 to 6 miles a day. I am not totally sedentary; I am a special education teacher, and walk from one end of the campus to the other several times a day. I recently lost 20 lbs, and am not overweight. I eat a fairly natural diet. However, I did have the labs done during the holiday when I had been eating fudge, and other holiday goodies. Would this cause the difference?

I have just been looking over the Cholesterol pages, and these are the things that I am already doing: Eat oatbran with EVCO every day. I take niacin 1,000, everyday. I take fish oil, and Evening Primrose Oil. I cook only with Coconut oil, and don't even have vegetable oils in my house. I sweeten my oatbran with BSM. I drink green tea at least once a day; any more than that makes me feel dehydtrated. I never drink sodas.

About two weeks ago I did the gall bladder cleanse with Olive Oil and lemon juice, and epsom salts, due to a pain under my ribs on right side that lasted two days.

I feel like I am doing pretty good for my age. I do have sciatic pain, and have just started having hot flashes, and have had insomnia for about 10 years.

I have read the comments that we should not be worried about our cholesterol. My concern is why the increase when I am already doing things that should prevent it. These things I do were not done to prevent high cholesterol, but for overall health.

Dr. wants me to go on a lowfat diet and recheck in 6 months. I feel I am already on a lowfat diet, except for the this holiday period. Any suggestions or explanations would be appreciated.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Dear Robin,

The spike up could just be a bad reading...that happens all the time. It's cheap to get another reading from an outside lab to confirm the aberrant jump.

I'm one of those who consumes Vitamin E (natural/ not synthetic) and so believe that cholesterol readings ... at least for me.... do not matter because the E keeps platelets "slick" as well as arteries and veins and hence foreign substances will not stick and form clots. Thus the damage that might happen will be kept from taking place. The problem with trying to keep cholesterol from forming by statin drug use misses the essential point that the body (the liver) intentionally makes cholesterol and cholesterol is essential for body health.

Google Dr.Ron Rosedale's " exposing the cholesterol myth" a you tube video...only 9 minutes long. Very informative.

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

The reason people want to lower cholesterol is because of heart disease. People should be aware that medical studies concluded many years ago that there is no correlation between heart disease and cholesterol. Same with salt. People with low cholesterol die from heart disease at the same rate as people with high cholesterol.

Heart disease (and stroke) comes down to one thing - cleaning your arteries. You use fibrolytic enzymes like nattokinase and serrapeptase for that. You take them on emnpty stomach. They protect you from strokes and heart attacks. Cholesterol is there to protect you. If it wasn't for that, you'd be dead. Do the research. Even the so called "bad" cholesterol is turning out to be good. Stop worrying about cholesterol and focus on cleaning your arteries.

For your sciatica - Take a form of highly absorb-able Hyaluronic Acid on empty stomach. I know the Biocell formula works. This will replenish your synovial fluid.

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Robin: I will second most of the advise posted and would particularly second Prioris's recommend for "artery cleanse" w/ systemic enzymes. This could be done taken once daily for the contents of the bottle at least once yrly.

Also, you should include some herbal liver support because the liver is the metabolic factory for cholesterol (as one poster verified). Here's a list: Milk Thistle Seed, Artichoke Leaves, Dandelion Root, Burdock Root, Yellowdock Root, Beet Root. Try to find an otc product w/ as many of these herbs in combination as possible. These will increase bile flow which also increases the solubility of fats. Triple strength lecithin also increases the solubility of cholesterol.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Robin... Regarding the problems of high total cholesterol, I do not follow the modern medical belief that high total cholesterol is bad, bad, bad.

Current opinion concerning healthy cholesterol levels follows The Lipid Theory which assumes that fats, particularly saturated fats, are bad for you.

I prefer Linus Pauling's Unified Theory concerning cholesterol which seems to make much more sense. Here is a comparison of these two theories given in a very easy to understand document which was written by a knowledgeable pharmacist that might help you to understand these two points of view:

Comparing the Unified Theory with the Lipid Theory

In your own case, your total cholesterol certainly has suddenly risen considerably. Cholesterol is needed in the body to help build and to help repair damaged cells. Therefore a sudden high rise in total cholesterol tells me that there might be damaged tissue or a damaged organ (not necessarily the heart) in your body -- which has caused the sudden rise in needed cholesterol.

Since you are also having menopause problems(you are taking Primrose oil) this could also be causing your cholesterol levels to suddenly fluctuate. Cholesterol is also essential to manufacture hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.

The best way to help both your cholesterol and menstrual issues or changes would be to supplement lugols iodine or Iodoral(lugol's iodine in a pill). Iodine helps to balance the hormones by converting estrone (strong psuedo-estrogen) to estriol (weak estrogen).

The iodine, when combined with the niacin that you are taking, should also help to safely lower cholesterol levels and also help reduce any menstrual issues.

If you decide to take the Iodine Protocol then you should take all the iodine companion nutrients as advised in this document:

A Guide to Supplementing Iodine

Replied by Mike 62
(Denver, Colorado)

Robin: God made raw wild harvested whole foods for his lovable creatures to enjoy so they could be well and happy. Watch raw food videos and become an 80/10/10er. We happen to be all across the globe. The head gurus are Dr. Doug Graham, Andrew Kim, and David Avocado Wolfe. Hear the excellent reviews from many ordinary people. All the problems can be remedied and you can feel and think better than in your entire life very rapidly. Thank you.

Replied by Robin
(Rural, Va)

Thank you for everyone's suggestions. I will make a plan.

Replied by Trudy

I agree that it's probably the holiday eating. I had the same thing happen to me--jumped very high. I'm in the same situation as you, menopause/insomnia/eat fairly well/exercise enough/weight ok. I fasted for 12+ hours before my last test, but the several days prior we had been out of town and you have to eat what your host presents to you and it was all fried/high fat/high sweets. I'll know better next time to eat right the entire week or so before the text. I take niacin for insomnia, eat oats, only use evco, eat very well, etc. There was absolutely no other reason for it to have gone up like it did. The only difference I am doing now is eating at least 1 apple/day. This is because I read that a pink lady apple helps prevent ulcers, so for a different reason and the pectin will help with cholesterol.

Replied by Louwrence
(Rustenburg, South Africa)

Hi Trudy, The slightest bit of tension or stress can have a great influence on your cholesterol. When you are relaxed it is much lower also what you eat has an influence on cholesterol.

Understanding Cholesterol Test Results

Posted by Ppodruga (Ontario) on 01/24/2014

Hi, I have received my last blood results. The doctor wants me to start statins, but I am looking for some alternative help.

Here are my results:


  • Total Cholesterol 8.42 (324 )
  • HDL Cholesterol 3.03 (118)
  • LDL Cholesterol 5.17 (199)
  • Cholesterol/ HDL ratio is 2.8

Can somebody help me with the results?

Replied by Mike62

Ppodruga: Hdl should be 60. High hdl indicates oxidation making bad hdl. Ldl should be below 130. Total cholesterol should be below 200. The cholesterol of Mike Adams is approximately 70/70. Taking meds is not good. Eating cooked conventionally grown foods does not provide enough nutrition for optimal functioning. Search raw food and super food videos. Take yucca spray dried for horses. The saponins are very beneficial. Take black chia seeds and organic apples. The soluble fiber is very beneficial. Take organic beans. Small red, kidney, and pinto are best. Take desiccated liver. A good liver makes good cholesterol. Take non denatured whey isolate. This makes glutathione that mops up free radicals and prevents oxidation. Take raw cocoa powder and 90, 000hu cayenne. This is best for the cardio vascular system. Take 3ml/day skate liver oil. If you have not been taking a d3 supplement then take 5000iu d3/day. Make green smoothies from organic baby greens and add some nutritional yeast every 4 hours. Take 1 organic strawberry every 4 hours or take 200mg vitamin c from a whole food concentrate. After that take 50mg c from the whole food concentrate 4x/day.

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

Do not take Statins. They will damage your health. The reason they focus on cholesterol is because they will say it leads to heart disease. That is a lie. Look at the latest research regarding cholersterol and heart disease. ALmost everything they have said in the past is wrong. You can throw your cholesterol results in a basket. They aren't worth the paper they are printed on. I had cholesterol results of around 370 for over 50 years.

If you want good heart health, look into nattokinase, lumbrokinase and vitamin K2. There is a discussion on K2 within olive extract under blood pressure. How old are you by the way?

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

I belong to a Yahoo group named "Stopped our Statins" where mainly statin damaged people go to share experiences. There are many members. I was a healthy, active 50 year old with high cholesterol and was put on a variety of statins, on and off, over a 10 year period. I stopped each one when I got to the point that I could no longer walk down my stairs without holding on to the railing. Each time my doctor would tell me with my family history, I might be like other patients who had heart attacks because they quit the statins. 14 - 20% of statin users will be damaged and some will develop statin induced autoimmune diseases, and that is what happened to me. It is said to actually alter the DNA in these cases. I also developed hypothyroidism, which no one else in my family has ever had. (There is said to be an epidemic of thyroid disorders and I wonder if we are reaping the statin rewards?) I can no longer sleep more than a couple of hours at a time, an actual concern for heart disease. Many suffer much more serious consequences, and after going to Johns Hopkins myopathy center for statin damage because their muscles have become wasted, have been told there is no answer for them. Our cardiologist on the group, along with other MD's, refuse to prescribe statins. They deplete CoQ10 in the body which leads to many problems down the road, especially with muscles, and of course the heart is a big muscle. They have about a 1% success rate for men who have had a previous heart attack, but no other group, including all women, derive any benefit from statin use.

Members believe the Mediterranean diet, or the Low carb diet may help with artery damage. Vitamin K2 will take calcium out of the blood vessels and direct it to the bones and teeth where it belongs. I take fish, black seed and sea buckthorn oil to keep my blood from clotting, and watch for high iron (causing sticky blood), which I can donate blood to overcome. You need cholesterol for every part of the body, especially the brain. It collects in arteries to repair damage that has already occurred. Meditation and yoga helps for stress. I don't know why people get heart disease, but cholesterol is not the reason, and statins are never the answer.

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

In regards to "I don't know why people get heart disease". It is real simple. The people who have clean arteries will not get heart disease. Doesn't matter what their cholesterol reads, what their blood pressure is etc. The arteries need to get cleaned. The way to clean them is with fibrinolytic enzymes. Look at the research China has done on Lumbrokinase.

Replied by Ppodruga
(Toronto, Ontario)

I am 58 y.o. Also my triglycerides are 0.48 mmol/L. Not sure is it normal or not.....

Replied by Kay
(In The Valley)

Read the latest book out on the subject, "The Cholesterol Myth". Don't take those statins. Half the people that die of a heart attack have high levels and half have normal levels, what does that tell you? Good Luck

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

Falsified research on beta blockers exposed. Doctors are still prescribing them. If you are on them, look into Nattokinase (or Lumbrokinase) and vitamin K2 (ML4). Below is the story.

...Patients undergoing surgery are routinely given a beta-blocker in order to reduce stress on the heart—but the research that led to the adoption of the practice was falsified, and doctors reckon that 800, 000 people have died as a result.

Beta-blockers, which are antihypertensives for lowering blood pressure, increase the chances of dying from a stroke or hypotension (dangerously low blood pressure levels) by 27 per cent.


Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Thanks Prioris,

I looked at the lumbrokinase and it looks like it would also be good for dissolving biofilms in Lyme disease and help antibiotics work more effectively. I passed this info on to others who may benefit and someone thought it may then also help with the candida biofilms. I agree about the importance of keeping the arteries clean to avoid heart disease. I have had radiowave ablation of my saphanous leg vein, which still had some non-closed areas because the vein was so large, so I hesitate to take any vein opener in case it reopens. Do you think I could still use Serrapeptase safely? I would like to keep my arteries clear, if possible. My vein doctor had no idea what it was when I asked him about it, but at least he admitted it. Thank you!

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

I can't say exactly what you need but for most people Nattokinase should be sufficient. I myself take both nattokinase and serrapeptase because CFIDS causes chronic blood coagulation. I found thru experimentation over time that that combination works for me the best. I can actually feel it working in me. I'd look into MK7 vitamin K2 also because that may help keep the arteries free of calcium build up. Take with meal.

Lumbrokinase has clinical research behind it but is more expensive. No studies will be done on Nattokinase because it would hurt the financial interests of many synthetic blood clot removal products. I found nattokinase very effective for arteries so never bothered with lumbrokinase. Enzymes in general help with biofilms and dissolving various things in the body also. I also take bromelaine which acts on biofilm also. The only thing I can think of that I would maybe avoid is using aspirin on a daily basis with them. You will be fine playing with serrapeptase also.

Take the enzymes on an empty stomach. I take my enzymes all together in morning and before bed when stomachg empty. If one takes nattokinase once a day, they say the best time is before bed since blood has tendency to coagulate more when you lie horizontal. probably why many people have heart attacks in their sleep.

Replied by lynn
7 posts

Hi Prioris,

I am very interesting about that you have very high cholesterol 370 about 50 years without any problem. I just tested my blood that I have same number as you total cholesterol 373, but my good one is 114 that mean my ratio is ok. I am 64 years old. do I need worry about it? how are you? still with that high cholesterol? your post make my mind open. do I need do something to lowering my cholesterol? I am healthy and no any health problem. Can anyone can answering my question if Prioris from FL does not see my post? I know this is very old post from Prioris. I hope that I can get some answers from somebody.

Mama to Many

Dear Lynn,

I don't think Prioris has posted in while...

Regarding whether or not to be concerned about the cholesterol number... have you had any other testing done? Do you have any other risk factors for heart disease?

My husband's cholesterol number was not a concern for his doctor until he also had a bad calcium cardiac score; that combined with high blood pressure and some extra weight made it a concern. Plus, my husband's father died of a heart attack at age 37. So we worked on his cholesterol through diet, which also helped him lose weight.

If you are healthy and have no health problems, it may not be a concern for you.

~Mama to Many~

7 posts

Hi Mama to Many,

Thank you for answering my question. I do not have high blood pressure and I do not have any related health problem. I did not take any prescription pills. I only take supplements. Right now I just want to control what I eat to slowly lower my cholesterol. Just wonder if Prioris from FL still doing ok with very high cholesterol that doctor will think.

Understanding the Role of Cholesterol

1 User Review
1 star (1) 

Posted by Swissophie (Switzerland) on 11/06/2015


Please read the article “The Cholesterol Myth That Is Harming Your Health” on Dr. Mercola's site (Google will find it). What an eye opener! It explains why cholesterol lowering drugs are so dangerous, why we need cholesterol, and why it might be high (repairing damage done by arterial inflammation). Taking ACV should help lowering the inflammation and with it most probably the cholesterol, but do not give up healthy fats, including eggs. Be well!

Replied by Nat
(Brooklyn, Ny)

There is evidence that just as high cholesterol is dangerous, so is (too) low cholesterol.

Low cholesterol is associated with higher rates of aggression, violent behavior, depression, suicide, also cancer, Parkinson's, memory loss, and other illnesses. So, while lowering cholesterol lowers risks of heart disease, it raises risks of other health issues.

In the book Uninformed Consent the authors quote a recommendation of around 230 as being the (all around) safest cholesterol level.

So if someone is fighting anger, depression, etc, maybe he should check his cholesterol levels and if they are on the low side try to raise them to around 230.

Maimonides, a Jewish sage and doctor taught that in personal traits the middle way is balanced and healthy. To get to the middle and balanced way one should examine one's personal traits and strive to bend any unbalanced personal trait to its opposite, (after-which, in most cases, one should bring the trait to the middle; with anger, however, one should bend it too its opposite without afterwards going to the middle). And what is the opposite of anger? Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna said that one should bend anger to mercy (and this will help a person overcome anger). Nachmanides, Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman taught that one should train oneself to always "speak all one's worlds, calmly/gently/softly to all people, at all times, and in all circumstances, and in this way one will be saved from anger".

Vitamin C

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Chuck (Tukwila, WA) on 07/16/2007

I was reading where high Cholesterol can be fixed by taking 3000-5000 mg of vitamin C per day. The theory is cholesterol attaches itself to lesions in your blood vessels. The Vitamin C repairs the lesions thus allowing the body to flush the cholesterol that is not needed naturally. Further the articles stated Cholesterol is needed to heal nerves that get damaged. The statin drugs stop the body from making cholesterol thus the nerves don't get healed. I took a fall 2 years ago and no one can figure out why I am in pain. I have been on statin drugs for 4 years. My theory is I damaged nerves in the fall and the lack of cholesterol is not allowing my nerves to heal. I weaned myself off the Lipitor. And am taking 1500 mg 3 times a day of vitamin C. I don't know if it will work I hope so. But I have noticed my memory is getting better.

Vitamin D

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Pamela B (Walhalla, SC) on 02/10/2008

I am taking 10,000 units of Vitamin D for cholesterol. I really want to know what to do about belly fat, and how others have beat the battle of the bulge.

Replied by Tanja
(Melbourne, Australia, Victoria)

Hi there. Try rebounding or using a mini-trampoline. It's the best exercise on earth. A rebounder costs around 50 bucks and the benefits are numerous. I do 20 minutes per day which is equal to 1 hour of jogging (plus it's 68 percent more effective than jogging without the added stress on the joints). Look it up and try it! All the best. Tanja

ps. you can do abdominals and crunches til the cows come home. They don't work.

Replied by Jen
(TF, ID)

Does this really work? Is that too much vitamin D? I gotta get my cholesterol down. It's been high for years. Doctor put me on a statin and they aren't good. Looking for something natural.


If you juice a bunch of celery every morning and drink it you will lower your cholesterol. I did it for 3 weeks between appointments and it brought it way down.
