Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Headache Relief

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Gas Leak Cause

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Posted by Maria (Phoenix, Az) on 03/24/2011

Leaking gas in a home is a common cause of headaches, though it's not well known. Hulda Clark talks about it in her book: Cure for all Diseases. I was very sick for years, with Chronic Fatigue and constant headaches. Finally I bought myself a gas detector ($150 on Amazon), and discovered that the water heater was leaking propane, and had been for a long time. When the water heater was replaced, my headaches disappeared within days, and my energy increased dramatically! Propane and Natural Gas can make you very sick, but the big gas companies don't want you to know about it! Check out gasleak.org for another story about a family who were very ill because of leaking gas.

Then I moved, and began to have headaches again. My gas leak detector quickly identified the gas kitchen range as the source of a leak. Again, after turning off the gas to the stove, my headaches quickly went away. Chemical sensitivities also cause headaches, for example: strong smelling cleaners, air freshners, and insect sprays. By the way, 100% of my friends and family's houses that I checked with the detector also had gas leaks somewhere in the home!


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Posted by Jacob (Church Point)

Drink two glasses of gatorade whenever you have a headache. I'm not sure how that works but I have tested it out on myself and it's true, it does work. If anyone finds out how gatorade helps against headaches, please e-mail me, I've been longing to know

Replied by Fayefaye
(Portland, Maine)

From what I understand it's dehydration. Gatorade helps me too with dehydration headaches. Gatorade is filled with electrolytes wich help the body rehydrate! Good one! I've had a headache now for three days and I know I've been dehydrated and forgot about the wonders of electrolytes! Coconut water is a great natural alternative.

Replied by David

Gatorade contains electrolytes (salt and minerals) which restore your body's natural balance. Unfortunately, Gatorade also contains colorants. preservatives and low quality sugars or sugar substitutes that counter good health. Look up "homemade sports drink" and learn how you can make your own, healthy version of the shyte that is Gatorade (a pinch of baking soda, a pinch of Himalayan or sea salt and some fresh squeezed juice).

Posted by Marcia (pulaski, WI)

I tried gatorade on the advice of a personal training client. The theory is that certain migraine headaches, particularly those following exercise, may be the result of dehydration or electrolyte imbalance. I found that within 20 mins. nearly all of my symptoms subsided, with none of the drowsiness or nausea usually felt.

Replied by Yeshuaspalm
(Rancho Mirage, Ca)

I too used to drink Gatorade often for headache or fatigue or just feeling really ill. However gatorade is not the healthiest drink so I tried instead:

1/4-1/2 tsp. Sea salt (celtic seems to need less)
and 1/4 of a lemon or sea salt plus 1 tsp molaasses or raw honey
stir into 8 ounces of cool water

Molasses is rich in minerals as is the sea salt and honey is full of medicinal qualities...If I believe I am more dehydrated I will try the molasses or honey first and if I believe I am toxic I will use the lemon.

Headache Triggers - Barometric Pressure

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Posted by Susana (Creston, North Carolina) on 10/28/2011

I get frequent headaches/nausea and I am beginning to wonder if they are triggered by barometric pressure changes, as I live in the mountains of NC where weather changes a lot. Can anyone address this and what might help me with this sensitivity?

Replied by Louie
(New Mexico)

Atmospheric pressure changes can have an enormous effect on your whole body. During a career of flying airliners, with pressure changes several times a day, it can be debilitating. The problem is that sinuses have very small drain holes that can be easily plugged with mucus. This traps a volume of air in your sinuses and when the atmospheric pressure rises or falls, creates pressure, negative or positive, in your sinuses that can cause a whole range of symptoms. Sometimes it just makes you feel tired and worn out; sometimes headaches; it may feel like your eyeballs or teeth are going to be pushed out of your head. Look at a picture of a skull to see how close your sinuses are to things you really don't want to be pushed on. Things it's like eyes, teeth, brain. The material between your sinuses and these other things is extremely thin. I have more than once had a dentist trying to inject Novocain in my gums, pop through into a sinus cavity and have the Novocain run out my nose. That's how thin it is and how easy it is for that pressure to push on surrounding things. The trick is keeping those little drain holes open.

Headache Triggers - Bowel Issues

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Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/08/2010

I think that MOST headaches have to do with your bowels. When the poisons leak out of stopped up bowels, you get headaches. If you get colonics and take enemas and also add to your diet castoria and syrup of figs, then that may help you tremendously. Hope this helps all of you that have headaches. I do not get them because I have always eaten a diet rich in figs, dates, fiber and things that push stool out easily. I also do castor oil packs and I get a colonic about once every 6 months.

Hemp Oil

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Posted by Steve (Meridian, ID) on 12/09/2021


Rub two, or three drops of medicinal grade Hemp Oil to the painful area. Apply an equal amount an hour, or so later if pain persists. Works well for me on any area of the body where there is muscle tightness involved in the pain.

Homeopathic Remedies

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Posted by Amber (Portland, Oregon) on 03/27/2009

I've been using Hyland's homeopathic Headache remedy for the past year, and it's worked wonders on almost every headache I've had in that time. I will be pursuing even more simplistic remedies for headaches as well as prevention that I see listed on this site, but I believe that Homeopathics are natural and 'folk' remedies for the most part. They are a useful compliment to herbs, vitamins, and other natural healing methods. And they are also very convenient to take in a purse or when traveling.

Hydrogen Peroxide

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Posted by Diane (Magnolia Springs, Alabama) on 06/01/2008

Editor's Choice

June 1, 2008, for a living I deliver mail as a Rural Carrier in a right hand jeep. In Baldwin County along the Gulf Coast, the roads here are dirt or red clay probably about 4 to 5 miles on my route. During the dry months, the dirt covers the vehicles inside and out and of course your hair, body and you breathe in the dirt particles in your nose and mouth. I would suffer with horrible headaches in the evenings and morning until I discovered Nitty (rinsing your nose with water and small drops of hydrogen peroxide) it's wonderful at removing the dirt and pollen that gets trapped inside your sinus cavity. I do this immediately when I get home and no headaches.

Ice Packs

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Posted by Anonymous (Ohio) on 09/07/2015

For headaches:

Pure and simple use a ice pack or get a freezer bag and fill is with ice apply to temple or where the headache is head will feel like its freezing remove a few min. and the put back on for half to whole hour.

Drink a little warm green tea in conjunction with this. Hope it helps.

Latex Pillow

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Posted by Stella (USA) on 06/21/2008

re: Stiff Neck and Headaches. If you have a constant issue with bad pillows as I have had then a Latex Pillow may be the answer.I have invested so much money in bad pillows. I've tried all makes and models, then I finally bought 100% latex pillow. Wow! it's a dream come true, It's not too high, not too low, It's very cushy and doesn't bottom out, which means no more stiff necks and morning headaches. I never cared for memory foam, but I love latex.

Lavender Oil

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Posted by Sonia (Los Angeles) on 08/25/2006

Lavender oil cures migraines and headaches. I use essential lavender oil under my nose so I can smell and breath it in. The smell clears your nasal passages and it much easier to fall asleep. I also use an ice pack over whichever side of the forehead I have the migraine. I fall asleep easily and the headache subsides.


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Posted by Mindy (Temple, Pennsylvania, United States) on 02/07/2013

Often if I have a headache, I'll pour a generous amount of lemon juice on a paper towel and dab it or lay it on my forehead. I don't know why, but this usually helps lessen the headache or make it go away completely!

Posted by Ed (Santa Clarita, CA) on 02/04/2008

Lemons or Limes with Salt and Pepper" remedy for headaches. My wife gets headaches and often, and we have concluded that she gets 2 types of headaches, one caused by her neck/back injury and the other cause is unknown. When the headache is caused by her neck/back, the pain begins in her neck/back and eventually spreads to her head. Usually from sleeping in a poor position, or being at the computer too long, and sometimes it just seems to start for no reason. The only remedy we have found for headaches that begin from the neck/back is painkillers and ice packs on the forehead/temples, which doesn't work very well.

However, sometimes she gets headaches that do not begin from the neck/back, and we have tried the heated lemon with salt and pepper remedy, and it has worked. 4 our of the last 6 headaches did not begin from the neck/back, and it cleared up those 4 within a matter of 5-20 minutes. She has never had a headache last only 20 minutes in the last 7 years, usually they last 12-36 hours, so we know the lemon was the remedy. The other 2 headaches that it didn't work for had began in the neck/back. So I would say that so far it has worked 100% of the time for her headaches that did not begin from the neck/back injury.

She tried the apple cider vinegar, but it didn't work for her headaches. But we now take it daily for all the other potential health benefits.

Thanks earthclinic!

Posted by Anj (London, UK) on 09/21/2006

Cut a lemon or /lime into halves or slices, sprinkle about 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of salt and same amount of black pepper. roast/ oven bake/direct on gas fire/ barbecue/ cover it and microwave for 40 seconds, salt and pepper side on top till bubbly juice comes out. Let it cool down but don't let it go completely cold, it should be hot. Suck with the pulp direct from the lemon slices/halves as the peel has secreted some juices that you need. Same method can be used with sour oranges or tangerines.

This recipe came from my mum who used it on all her kids as natural alternative which would not give any side effect, to cure headaches, migraines, cough and colds, flu, as well as when someone feels sick as if they want to vomit. This is a ideal alternative medicine for diabetics and ideal for everyone as you don't have to go shopping, everything you'll have in your home when you have any of these problems. All of us brothers and sisters have been using this all these years, may be it might help someone who wants to try natural alternatives which would not give them any side effects especially if they are diabetics.

Liver Detox

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Posted by Tanya (Al) on 04/10/2017

My naturopath tools me that a headache affecting the top of the head is usually your liver. You may want to try doing liver flushes.

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