Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Headache Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Avoid Air Conditioning

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Posted by Diane (AL) on 06/22/2021

COLD AIR CONDITIONING... My husband keeps our house at 68, with ceiling fans. My headaches started and then it got worse. Couldn't think or remember where I was going. When I would work outside in the garden, in the heat, the headaches would go away. One night at 1am it was so cold I went and got in my car and turn the heat on. The headache went away. It affected our dog, he was having problems breathing. I also, netted my nose with peroxide and water. It's getting much better. If I go to a building, like today at my vets. It was cold, my head started hurting. The woman next to me said the same thing. We went outside and waited. This is what worked for me.

Avoid Garlic and Citrus

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Posted by Minni (NYC) on 04/24/2006

Avoidance of OR ALTERNATIVELY, WELL SAUTEED WITH WATER ADDED garlic & citrus. Also avoidance of prolonged viewing of certain Computer monitor LCDs and CRTs. Some are worse than others. Only some laptops are preferable since those contain only one CCFL tube. Some laptops contain 2 or more CCFL.

Avoid Gluten

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Posted by Jon (Australia) on 03/03/2015

Getting rid of Gluten from our diet stopped the recurring headaches. If some gluten is ingested the headache comes back. Try it for youself by going gluten-free for 2 weeks.

Avoid Hidden Msg in Food

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Posted by JOYCE (Joelton, Tn) on 10/10/2007 490 posts

...Again, on headaches, remove the cause, instead of looking for a cure. Aspartame (Nutrisweet) is well known for causing headaches. So is Monosodiumglutamate. If you want to find some other things they can cause, type in Excitotoxins, and hit search. For those who think MSG is only found in stir-fried (Chinese foods), make a list of the names MSG is hidden under in the ingredients list, then go into your kitchen and see how many of your foods have one or more of them listed in the ingredients.

Classic example is the 15% chicken broth that may be contained in a well-known brand of raw chicken that you must take home and cook...The MSG isn't mentioned because they didn't add MSG - they added chicken broth which contained the MSG.....Learn to protect yourself and your loved ones by learning these legal loop-holes. Oh, yes, you will also learn that that they are named excitotoxins because they excite the neural cells (Brain & Central nervous system) to death.

If you also research meta-bolic syndrome X (now called insulin resistance) by orthodox medicine) you will also find that excitotoxins are the same things that cause insulin resistance which ends up as full fledged Diabetes Mellitus,Type 2 which used to be called DM, adult onset, but was renamed to DM type 1 for juvenile onset and type 2 for adult onset, because children (even toddlers, are now developing type 2. So be your own health defender by learning all the names the excitotoxins are hidden under, stop buying these products, and write the supplier telling them why you aren't buying their product. You will only have to make one list because the excitotoxins are the same ones that makes us kick out excess insulin, proceed through insulin resistance, then to full fledged DM, type 2 and all of its complications.

Blackstrap Molasses, Salt Water

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Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, Usa) on 06/22/2013

Editor's Choice

Yesterday my 12 year old son took a 12 mile bike ride in the heat of the afternoon. He was careful to drink a lot of water. However, he started to get a headache in the evening and it soon became severe. He is very healthy and never has headaches and is not a complainer. But he was literally in tears from the pain and got in bed with the light off. I know that dehydration is one of many causes of headaches and it seemed the most likely for him. But I knew he wasn't actually dehydrated as he had taken in a lot of water. But I was suspecting that he had sweated out minerals and such and while the H2O had been replaced, those had not. So, I gave him a Tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses (for the potassium, magnesium, and calcium) and a glass of salt water. (I put about 1/4-1/3 of a teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt in about 10 oz. of water. He didn't actually finish his water but drank a good bit of it. ) I offered him some Tylenol but he doesn't like to take anything that isn't natural, so he declined. About an hour later he got out of bed and said his headache was basically gone! Thank the Lord for such simple, cheap and amazingly helpful natural remedies!

~Mama to Many~


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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 09/24/2024

I have never heard of doing this and I'm sure you have not either. Since I'm the headache champion 5 years running, I am trying this tonight before bed.

BORAX – Its Value in Catarrh, Throat Difficulties, Inflamed Eyes, Dandruff, etc.

V. – A solution of (1 ½ teaspoon) to soft water, 2 pt., In nervous headaches, wash the head with it, then wash out with cool, clear water, rubbing well with the towel, and take a nap, and generally all headache will subside, and the patient be much refreshed.

NOTE: I'm just leaving it in overnight.

From the Book – Dr. Chase's New Receipt Book and Medical Advisor or Information for Everybody by A.W. Chase MD, page 96-97. 1927.

Replied by Art
2370 posts

Hi Rob,

Not for all people, but for some people, taking borax at night can cause sleep problems. Just something to be aware of in case the problem arises with night usage of borax. I've never taken borax at night so I don't know if it will have that effect on me or not.


Breathing Technique

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4 star (1) 

Posted by Shannon (Toronto, On) on 12/19/2013

Last night I was looking at a book I have about yoga and how specific poses/techniques can help with all sorts of issues such as infertility, depression and anxiety, back pain, low-libido, lack of confidence etc. I came across a breathing technique that claims to help with headaches and migraines. I happened to be reading this right before bed, and lo and behold I had a splitting tension headache in my left temple as soon as the lights went out. I was too tired/un-motivated to get out of bed to search for a pain-killer, so I decided I'd give little technique a shot. Well it worked! As soon as I was done the breathing exercise my headache had vanished and I felt more relaxed and ready to ease off to sleep. If you search online there are many different variations to the breathing technique, but this is what helped me:

- Cover your eyes with both hands and breathe very slowly/deeply for 5 breaths. In through nostrils and out through mouth, and concentrate on breathing.

- Next cover mouth with a hand, and breath deeply in and out through nostrils for five long breaths.

- Next cover your ears and do the same, in through the nose and out through the mouth for 5 breaths, always concentrating and breathing.

- Then move on to alternate nostril breathing. Block one nostril and breathe in with the other and out through the mouth for 5 breaths, and then switch sides.

I also did this in the comfort of my own bed with the lights off. When I was done headache was gone and I quickly dozed off to sleep.

Hope this helps someone else!

Replied by Vve
(Los Angeles, CA)

It worked!! Thank you SO much!!!

Replied by Katydid
(Houston, Tx)

The breathing technique helped. Although not cured, and the nostril part increased my headache. (I have one that is worse on the left side of my head for some reason, and blocking the right side of my nostrils made it super bad, so I stopped! ) But I did the other exercises a second time and there is definite improvement. Thank you!

Breathing Technique
Posted by Mark (Melbourne, Australia) on 10/21/2011

Sometimes solutions can be so simple. All you may need to do to relieve this may be to cup your hand gently over your nose and mouth and breathe gentle slow breaths for a few minutes... If this works you are habitually but mildly hyperventilating. Other times it could be a matter of drinking more water.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 04/29/2016

I get headaches if I eat foods that stop up my digestion, like a large portion of cooked meat, cooked eggs (raw are fine), too many nuts. Anything that gets the digestive tract moving again fixes the headache; the headache tends to accompany constipation. So instead of taking aspirin, try taking a colon cleanser.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 12/09/2015

I had one of my worst headaches ever over the weekend. I had a terrible pressure behind my eye. It was really a mystery to me. I had no idea the cause, and it was not one of my usual headaches. I was even considering going to the ER. I have heard of people having severe head pain and then dying with an aneurysm. But I didn't want to be dramatic. (Maybe I should have been.)

I did try several things and nothing was helping.

I started to think about how pain can radiate. I started to think that maybe I had a tooth infection or a sinus infection. I had no symptoms of anything, other than a headache, but a cold has been going around. I decided to just start treating everything, just in case.

I did some oil pulling with coconut oil (in case it was a tooth infection.) I put hydrogen peroxide in my ears. I gargled with cayenne. Then I put 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide and boiled cooled water to the top of my netti pot. I used the netti pot. Then I gently blew my nose. I suddenly had horrible pain in my ear (on the same side of my head as the pain behind the eye.) At the same time, I could feel fluid coming out of my ear. The pain almost took my breath away.

I got to the couch and my daughter heated up a rice sock for me, which I held over my ear while trying to think of what to do. But the pain resolved on its own (or with the help of the warm rice sock) in less than 15 minutes.

Now I think I had an ear infection, or at least a build up of fluid in my ear that was causing pain that radiated. I had no ear pain at all. I think the gentle nose blowing caused a perforation in the eardrum, and relieved the pressure. (Thus the feeling of fluid coming out at the same time as the intense pain.)

That was three days ago. I have not had the pain in my head since.

I repeated the netti pot a couple of times (much to my daughter's horror!) because I didn't blame the netti pot and figured I should continue to work on any infection that may be around in my head.

Once my son had a terrible toothache when he was sick with a sinus infection. This seemed odd as he was only 17 and has excellent dental health. I read here on Earth Clinic about someone who had tooth pain from a sinus infection because the root of the tooth became inflamed. (We treated that with garlic by the way and it worked!)

The moral of the story is to keep searching for the root of the problem, even in unlikely places. And blow your nose very, very gently! :)

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Tina
(Princeton, New Jersey)

Dear Mama to Many,

Over the years I have grown to recognize the first symptom of a sinus build up: a tooth on either side of my jaw, usually the molar, becomes achy. If I attend to it promptly by making up a pan of spicy tomato broth and sipping it at intervals, it helps the sinus drain within an hour. I am so glad you are feeling better.

Cayenne Pepper

17 User Reviews
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1 star (3) 

Posted by Tiffany (Berkeley, Ca) on 10/17/2013

I was suffering from a headache that wouldn't go away. Probably got the headache from eating too much honey. Anyway, I read about cayenne pepper on this website for head and ear pain. I took 1/2 tsp pepper in 1/2 cup of milk; head pain went away in 15 minutes. I did this again the next morning and it worked! I plan on continuing this treatment once a day to clear my throbbing ear which I suspect is a blocked eustachian tube. Will update as I see improvements.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Mindy (Temple, Pennsylvania, United States) on 02/07/2013

After having the worst headache ever, I tried doing a shot of cayenne pepper and water, well that was a BIG mistake! I've done shots of cayenne before (with garlic and lemon for colds) and it usually helped, but this time it burned so bad and I was coughing so much that my headache got WORSE! Maybe works for some, but just beware, I will not make that mistake again! :(

Replied by Art
(Vancouver Bc, Canada)

Dear Mindy. We are our own worst enemy when trying to self medicate. We all make mistakes and learn from them. I usually put some Vicks Ointment on the headache and rub it in. I find it works well and can be washed off in the morning.


Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Hope (Sacramento, California) on 06/07/2011

I get what are called "ice pick" headaches several times a year and they are very hard to deal with.

After trying several things with no luck (zapping, eft, theta healing), I finally woke up and looked on Earthclinic. I used the suggestion of putting a small amount of cayenne papper on the tip of the tongue, waiting about 30 seconds, and then drinking 12 or so ounces of pure cool water.

It worked like a charm and a few hours later a very slight headache reappeared, but I did the cayenne again and it stopped the pain immediately!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Bonnie (Manlius, New York, Onondaga) on 01/27/2010

Cayenne pepper for headache

First of all, I'd like to give praise to Earth Clinic for such a fabulous website! I have tried many remedies from the site and they ALL worked...with the exception of the cayenne pepper for my headache! I had a headache behind my left eye and decided I'd snort some of the pepper as I'd read that it cured many a headache. Not too familiar with snorting foreign substances up my nose, I wasn't sure how to do it. So I grabbed a spoon, dug out some pepper (mistake number one) and sniffed. My first thought was that the synapses in my brain were misfiring when I decided to try this method. My second thought was that I wondered if this is how it felt to stick a blowtorch up my nostril and light it. Before I looked in the mirror, I seriously wondered if my left eyeball had shrunk to the size of a raisin and fallen into my now empty eye socket. (It hadn't...my eyeball, albeit on fire, was thankfully intact)! In my haste to grab a tissue and blow this fireball out of my nose, I ran into the open cupboard door (this REALLY happened)and smacked myself square on the forehead...(mistake number two). After a minute or twenty, the pervasive burning had dissipated, but a new, equally as fun sensation was happening....the cayenne was dripping from my nasal cavity into my throat. For pete's sake, I was now TASTING the pepper! I drank a tall glass of water and decided that i had had it....and took an ibuprofen. Unfortunately, the cayenne did not take my headache away. Although, who knows what would have happened had I not ran headfirst into the cupboard! So, this will be my very first "Nay" post on the site...with a gentle reminder that if you decide to try it, do NOT use more than a teensy bit of cayenne and for the love of God, shut all cupboard doors FIRST!

Replied by Tricia
84 posts


Deirdre - how about a page for the funniest posts. I'd definitely nominate this one along with ouchy mcnumbface for earache and BC boy from smithers for canker sore. I often go back to those two when I've had a bad day. Wonder if they aren't the same person.

EC: Yes, great idea, thanks!! Perhaps a new remedy page called "Laughing Remedies". I would also nominate the stress test, which I go to when I need a good laugh and a few Youtube videos.


Replied by Kathlee
(Vancouver, Canada)

My gosh! That's the best laugh I've had in a long time! (I'm sorry to laugh at your calamity but you did put a smile on my face. Thank you! Hugs

Replied by Monica
(Twinlake, Mi)

I'm just reading along... Then bam... That post was hilarious!! ... I must say... But sorry that happened- lol.

Replied by Susana
(Creston, North Carolina)

I'm laughing so hard I have tears running down my face, almost as severe as when I snort cayenne pepper!!! Yes, thanks for the belly laugh--what a great remedy for a headache! I find the cayenne pepper brings temporary relief only. I have concluded that my sinus headaches are about irritation and believe that practicing mindfulness about life's irritations help me reduce the number and severity of these irritations. What did help recently was applying a few drops of peppermint oil to a tissue and relaxing while breathing it for the hours it took for the headache to finally go away.

Replied by Jparadiseoneluv
(Decatur, Ga, United States)

LMAO!!!! Classic! It works for me. I swear by the stuff. I drink it in water 3 times a day. For a headache I mix one half teaspoon neem powder, one teaspoon moringa powder and a quarter teaspoon organic cayenne in about three ounces of water. Drink staright down then sip water afterwards to dilute in your belly. The neem brings down your blood sugar and blood pressure as the moringa and cayenne also do. I love it!

Replied by James As Cmmonly Called ;-)
(Rugby, Warks)

Honestly, Bonnie with the pepper up the nose and cupboard ACTUALLY had me crying with laughter :-D

Replied by Jolly
(A2 Michigan)

Yes Thank you EC and Thank you Bonnie for the laugh - your humor echoing through the years - now 2015! I've been with this head ache for two days and looking for a remedy here on EC. Laughing with your post has helped relieve a big piece of the tension! As others have shared - yes, sorry for your experience, but thank you so much for sharing it in such a humorous and healing way!

Replied by Organicfarmer
(West Virginia)

Laughter is the best medicine. The first time I tried cayenne I was pretty shocked with the firey punch, and I only put a 1/4 teaspoon in 8oz water and applied with a qtip. I could feel the pain of your directly applied mega dose! I am trying ACV right this minute on a bad one and I can say that ACV mixed with belly laughter (and earlier homeopathic nux v) seems to be easing the pain behind my right eye radiating from my right shoulder.

Replied by Valerie
(New York)
2 posts

I've never heard anyone suggest SNORTING cayenne pepper for a headache or to clear sinuses, but adding some to any kind of smoothie, juice or tea is a better way to take an ample amount without it burning or creating a queezy feeling in your tummy. Many people get results with cayenne hot sauce or powdered cayenne, but clear liquid cayenne tincture is nicer to add to something you're going to drink, then shake or stir well. Start with the smallest recommendation, diluted in order not to burn, then gradually increase if necessary, to test efficacy for headaches or sinus conditions.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Nikki (Pittsburgh, PA) on 04/29/2009

Cayenne Pepper relieved my cluster headache! I had been suffering from absolutely debilitating cluster headaches- they seemed to have been taking over my life! I stubled across this website today after spending the day alternating between rocking back and forth in pain and looking up clinics in my area. I didn't have any powdered cayenne on hand, so I crushed up a seed of a dried cayenne pepper that I had from last summer's yield, and snorted that. Lo and behold, I am now able to type this with about 90% of the headache gone. I took the pepper seed about ten minutes ago, and plan to try more in a minute.

I can't believe how well it works! I am bookmarking this site asap!

Thank you all so much!

Replied by Valerie
(New York)
2 posts

People, You're not supposed to SNORT Cayenne! Always read many cure experiences to learn things like what type, how much, & how often something is recommended. They are generally talking about professional strength cayenne like the type that comes in 1oz glass bottles with a glass dropper type lid that you can buy in a health food store, tincture section. You use with great caution as it's a very hot substance. Try less first.

I just put a drop or two on the tip of my tongue a little too long, washed it down with my very diluted cayenne water and was looking for something to cool the burn and a tablespoon of coconut oil worked fairly well. 15 minutes later the headache is dissipating.

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