Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Brett (Milwaukee, WI)

ACV takes care of my indigestion. I just dilute about a teaspoon in some water and drink. Within 5 minutes, my indigestion is gone.

Replied by Chris
(Dighton, Ma)

Yes, it cures indigestion in minutes.

Inhaling Method

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Posted by Jackie (Kamiah, ID) on 11/04/2006

If you would like to enjoy the benefits of inhaling ACV while sleeping, you can add a cup or two of ACV to the tank (usually 1 gallon) of a cool-mist vaporizer along with enough water to fill. Then plug it in and set it next to your bed so the vapor flows in your direction. Also, the book Vermont Country Medicine by Dr. D.C. Jarvis offers a wealth of information on benefits of ACV, kelp, etc. It's out of print but you can still find copies. Thank you all for your contributions to this website. It's a treasure.

Interstitial Cystitis

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Posted by Sherry (Boon, Michigan)

I have a bad bladder condition called Interstitial Cystitis and certain foods I eat cause me to have what is called a "Flare" up. When I take ACV, it relieves my symptoms within a half hour. It is definitely a natural wonder! I would recommend Apple Cider vinegar to anyone that can take it. It's so very good for so many conditions.

I take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey added to a hot cup of water when I have an interstitial cystitis flare up or an upset stomach. This helps me so very much..

Replied by Sunny
(South Gate, Ca, United States)

How have you been doing with the ACV? Any long term improvements cure? I have been wanting to try it, but I was worried because it's a vinegar and I know vinegars burn? Did u find it to "flare you ever"? Thanks!

Replied by Sunny
(South Gate, Ca, United States)

FYI baking soda works too :)

Iodine Depletion

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Posted by Lana (Ormond, USA) on 11/13/2007

Ingesting ACV has long been used for medical treatment and is sometimes very effective.. HOWEVER, one should also take an iodine supplement, such as kelp tablets or kelp extracts while using this therapy. Extended ACV consumption can remove iodine from the body, and can result in thyroid problems. (Salt also causes the same problems which is why commercial salt has added iodine.) I learned all this back in the early 1970's, and have not found this important information on iodine/ACV interaction in any articles or books recently. However I have not covered your entire site. So in case no one has mentioned this yet, it really needs to be addressed.

Replied by Sean
(Toronto, Canada)

Dear Ted, Firstly, I want to convey my heart felt thanks for the awesome job you have done in posting your tips! God Bless you!!

Could you comment on the ACV's role in affecting Iodine in the body? I started taking ACV + Honey for the last 20 days, and my skin is excessively itchy and resulting in small bumps / rashes on the skin where-ever I scratch. At times, it is so bad I scratch so much that I see blood.

I worry if this is caused by ACV impacting my iodine levels in the body? I am a borderline Hypo thyroid patient and trying the ACV remedy to see if it helps my hair regrow (I have very very thin hair).

Please advise. Thanks!

Replied by Sean
(Toronto, Canada)

Just came to know that my itching was due to another problem. An insect bite. Just wanted to post this clarification. I am very happy with ACV and Honey drink and no complaints. Thanks!

Joint Pain

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Posted by Safiyya (Philadelphia, Pa) on 02/22/2010


I have a question reagrding ACV. My husband has joint pains and we want to try ACV for that.

The dosage
2 teaspoons of ACV in 8 oz of water 3x a day.

My question :
the 2 tsps of ACV is the whole quantity for 1 day or
2*3 = 6 tsps is the whole quantity of ACV to be taken in the whole day ? Can you please let me know?

Joint Pain
Posted by Flo Clark (USA)

I've been drinking 3 TBSP. in 2 cups water everyday for 2 years now. My joints don't squeak anymore and I have never been so healthy. I've been informing everyone from my town and they too now drink the same dosage. God Bless organic apple cider vinegar!

EC: Click here for more knee pain remedies.
Click here for more joint pain remedies.
Click here for bursitis remedies.
Click here for pain remedies.

Kidney Stones

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Posted by Carole Johnson (United States) on 05/18/2020

I started my husband on apple cider vinegar because he had what I perceived to be kidney stones. After only a few weeks, the pain is gone. No more kidney stones.

Laundry Tips

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Posted by Stella (USA) on 06/21/2008

A great way to get the smell out of towels especially micro fiber (Dish towels) is to soak in vinegar overnight then wash. Do this once a month if needed.

Leg Cramps

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Posted by J (St. Louis, Mo) on 10/20/2010

My husband has terrible leg cramps. I had read that ACV would help, so we tried it recently when he had a bad bout with the leg cramps. It seemed to help. We put some in the bath too and he thought that was helpful too. I had read not to put it on the skin, but it did not seem to burn his skin.


1 User Review
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Posted by Michael (Clarksville, Indiana) on 09/03/2008

I have started taking Apple Cider Vinegar two days ago...And I am having a side effect that no one else so far has reported. My sex drive has doubled. As well as my energy has went through the roof. No weight yet but have only been taking it for a couple of days...Will update later...

Liquid Vs. Pills

Posted by Esther (Singapore) on 06/26/2011

Does ACV in pill form work as well as in the liquid form? It sometimes give me a bloated feeling in the stomach after mixing the vinegar with water so am wondering if the pill form is alright as a substitute.

Liquid Vs. Pills
Posted by Sheila (San Diego, Ca, Usa) on 06/09/2011

I picked up ACV Extract capsules and wondered how effective the ACV is in a capsule versus the bottled liquid. Does anyone know if there is a difference if any, and how can I figure out if the 2-200 mg caps I take a day is equal to 2 tablespoons in water recommended in the ACV dilution recipe? To note, I was told by the vendor that their ACV Extract capsule is more potent than 'regular' ACV in capsule form.

It says on the label that the ACV is "standardized to 35% acetic acid". What does that mean?

Liquid Vs. Pills
Posted by Kimberly (Naperville, Il) on 11/22/2010

I have been putting a teaspoon of ACV into an empty pill caplet and taking the liquid as a pill. I have a huge bottle of an old b5 supplement that I just open and empty the b5 out (I don't take this anymore), and I use an eyedropper to put the ACV into the caplet and close it. Very easy. You may be able to get empty pill caplets, but I haven't run out yet.

Liquid Vs. Pills
Posted by Derbychick77 (Mayfield, Ky, Usa) on 06/08/2010

I have been trying to take the ACV daily but I am still having trouble with the taste. I just about gags me every time I use it. I am wondering about switching to the ACV pills. What dosage should I start with? What brand to use? Any feedbacks, either good or bad, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Replied by Carly
(Seattle, Wa Usa)

Hi Derbychick77

The way I make the ACV taste good is to put 2 TABLEspoons of it (maybe a bit more some days) in a 16 ounce glass. Then I add 1/2 TEAspoon of baking soda.

When it is done fizzing, (and not before)add water and then just a splash of orange juice. The baking soda cuts the sharp twang of the ACV, and is good for you. (Read teds alkalinizing formula posts).

The oj makes it surprisingly smooth. It actually tastes good!

Pills do not work - in my opinion.

Carly :)

Replied by Derbychick77
(Mayfield, Ky, Usa)

Thanks Carly for your information. I will try it that way. Maybe it will make it a bit easier to swallow:)

Replied by Becky
(Elberton, Ga.)

If you have 500 mgs. In a capsules, how does that equal out by teaspoon?

Local Apple Cider Vinegar

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Maria (USA) on 07/13/2007

apple cider vinegar-formulated to not destroy enamel of teeth. I have seen a product locally in Ohio, and cannot find it elsewhere, it contains organic apple cider vinegar and curcumin. I believe in the form they have made it, I can have my apple cider vinegar fix in a drink without worrying about it eroding my teeth or esophagus. I know you dont like to publish products, but this one is called Haldi. They had a tea drink, but I believe only the fruit drink had ACV. It seemed unique, so I thought I would tell you about it. thanks, Maria