Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Headache Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


3 User Reviews
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Posted by Jessie (Riverdale) on 05/12/2016

I had a killer headache yesterday. It was in my neck and radiating to my eye. I get these sometimes and I think they are PMS related. Aspirin and Ibuprofen sometimes help but I don't really like to take those very often, and like I said, they only sometimes help. Tylenol does nothing for my headaches.

So, before bed I sprayed my neck well with magnesium oil spray. It did itch some but wasn't awful. I then put an ice pack under my neck and laid down. I would say that in 30 minutes or so my headache was mostly gone. And I didn't wake up with the headache either. (Sometimes my headaches last for days.)


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Posted by Tiff (Phila, Pa) on 11/27/2010

I suffered from headaches as a child and as an adult. Someone told me to cut out eggs from my diet and rub magnesium cream on my forehead everyday. Lo and behold, the headaches are gone completely. They come back if I eat eggs or soy (all chinese food). The magnesium cream is from Bioinnovations- Dr. Becker's products.

Posted by Lisa (Coto de Caza, CA) on 03/29/2009

For 15 years I had daily chronic headaches with an occasional migraine. I saw many DR's and "headache specialists". Most wanted to put me on anti-seisure meds with horrible side effects. At one point, I was on mobic(prescription pain killer) and muscle relaxants, and sometimes the very popular anti-migraine meds.

I found a "alternative medicine" center in So. Cal. who put me on a Myers' Cocktail IV with additional Magnesium. Within a few days of the IV magnesium, my headaches are gone. It's such a relief! Unfortunaltly, I have to do an IV about once a month or they come back. One side effect is that I'm very relaxed and a little sleepy afterwards. Note: I've taken LOTS of magnesium pills with no help, and have cut out all MSG and other triggers.


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Posted by John (Atlanta, Ga ) on 03/21/2016

For headache or any other pain, get a very strong hematite magnet & place it wherever you have pain. Hold it there until the pain subsides which should be very soon.


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Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 07/04/2019

Menthol for Occipital Headaches

I have had trouble with headaches for a long time. I realized a few months ago that they are likely occipital headaches. They begin at the base of my neck and radiate through my head to the back of my eyes. I even had an electric shock pain in my neck one day that helped me hone in on the connection to my occipital nerve. My chiropractor uses menthol on my neck and back when she works on me. I decided to try that at home.

Stopain, which I can get in the pain section at Stuffmart, has 8% menthol. I get it in a roll on bottle. I keep one in my purse and one at home. I apply it to the base of my skull and along my spine at the first inkling of pain and repeat every few hours. This has worked better than anything I have ever tried.

I am seeing an orthogonal chiropractor next week for the first time, hoping to get to the root of the issue. Meanwhile, this menthol roll on is awesome. It is also soothing for my foot/ankle when it flares up with pain from a break/sprain over the winter.

~Mama to Many~

Navratna Oil

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Posted by Paa (Pleasanton, CA) on 11/27/2007

Navratna oil: I've recently experienced the benefits of this oil and would highly recommend it to anyone for relieving stress, headaches and body aches. I massaged the oil on my scalp (especially the center of the top of the head) and within minutes felt a cool sensation (like an air conditioner was turned on inside me) spread across my head. My shoulder and head aches disappeared, I felt stress dissolving and I slept well that night. It helped relieve my brother's headache when I tried it on him. You can find it online or in most Indian or Ayurvedic stores. It touts other cures as well, but I only listed the ones that I can testify to.

Oregano Oil

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Posted by Hlw (Philadelphia, Pa) on 03/06/2010


Wild oil of oregano... because the oils generally come with a dropper, you only need a very small amount dropped on your finger; rubbed into temple and base of neck for severe headaches. less than 10 minutes the pain is gone. oftentimes the pain radiates from the trapesius muscle-- a dab of the oil of oregano won't hurt. gently massage into muscle, then apply pressure. keep away from the eyes. not for the faint of heart: 1/2 dropper full under the tongue will kill any pain. or a small amount dropped onto finger and rubbed on the gums will relieve a toothache.

Replied by Sasha
(Melbourne, Australia)

Hi Hlw, Could you tell me what kind of pain will be helped by half a dropper full of oil of oregano under the tongue? My mother (aged 77) has tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movements of the tongue, causing pain and discomfort). Her doctors can do nothing to help. She says she would be willing to try the oil.

Thanks, Sasha

Replied by Catscradle123
(Shanghai, China)

Had a massive migraine/ headache all day yesterday. I drank 8 oz with 2 tbsp of ACV and it didnt help. I thought I was dehydrated so I drank a ton of water and coconut water too. Nothing worked! I decided to massage the oil of oregano onto my temples and placed a drop of it under my tongue. It was like magic!! Gone in a few minutes!! Thank you so much for your recommendation!!

Replied by Sam
(Miami, US)

Re: Oil of Oregano for Headache: One should always dilute a therapeutic grade essential oil.The ratio is usually on the bottle.

Replied by Jillaroo
(North Carolina)
86 posts

I've had a smashing headache for the last 3 days (dec 17) and a headache since Nov 25. I believe it is from a BP med the doc was having me try out. I stopped the med this morning but still had a headache. I tried this oregano oil behind my ears, on my temples, a little under my nose and one drop under the tongue. I also soaked my feet in hot water for about 15 min. The headache is very mild and is slowly going away. And yes, I stopped the BP med as well. ~jill

Peppermint Oil

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Gin (Fort Wayne, IN) on 07/14/2023

I tried ACV and cayenne in 3 oz of water but didn't see much improvement. I tried acupressure but still the headache persisted. What helped the most was the peppermint oil. Thanks EC Community.

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Mtairy72 (Virginia Beach, Va, Usa) on 08/24/2010

I keep a bottle of Peppermint Oil (essential oil) in my pocketbook. You dab the oil on your index finger and middle finger. Then rub it on the same two fingers of the other hand. Close your eyes so the fumes don't irritate your eyes. Rub, in a circular motion, on either side of your head at your temples. Don't be afraid to press hard while rubbing. I haven't taken a headache medicine in years. I am 58. You can get the oil at a health food store.

Replied by Kelly Elmore
(Kingston, Ok)

I soooooo agree! It's amazing. Works awesome for nausea. I rub it on my tummy and throat and it's gone in minutes. But for headaches it's AWESOME!!!! I put it not only on my temples but totally across my fore head and wow, it's almost instantaneous! And if I feel sinus pressure on my cheeks I put it there too!

Replied by Sgbellaragazza
(Providence, Ri)

I agree peppermint oil works wonders. I have also drank peppermint tea as well, which also seemed to work well.

Replied by Alia
(Queens, Ny)

I got this remedy from my sister, who carries all her essential oils in a little baggie for use on her daughters.

I rub a few drops on my forehead, temples, nostrils, and the nape of my neck. If I don't feel better in 10-15 minutes, I repeat. Works like a charm every time.

Replied by Tiffany

The peppermint oil remedy works, using it now. Feels great.I rubbed my temples and third eye. Instant relaxation.

Raw Potatoes

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5 star (4) 

Posted by Jan (Liverpool, England) on 12/18/2012

We used to put potato cut in slices on your forehead. That's a mediterranean tradition.

Raw Potatoes
Posted by Katie (Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio)

Cut a potato into 4 pieces, place 2 in the center of your forehead and two at your temple (Hold the ones at your temples in place). Lay down in a dark room and close your eyes. It takes a while to work but it takes away the throbbing. Something in the potato has a pain reducer. It sounds crazy (I thought my mom was a loony) but it works when you try it.

Replied by Nare
(Los Angeles, Ca)

This is SO funny because my mom told me this same remedy and I thought "momma you crazy! " but it works :D

Replied by Yadi

It actually works. My mom used to do it all the time for me when I suffered from severe migraines.

Stop Using Q-Tips

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Posted by Betsy (Pacific Beach) on 02/03/2023

STOP using Cotton ear swabs / Q-tips for Headaches (migraine, sinus, etc.). Sounds crazy- but it works!

I have had terrible headaches as long as I can remember, and for that same amount of time I also like to have clean, clean ears. I'd clean my ears out with 2-3 swabs on each ear thinking ears had nothing to do with the other/headaches. Last few years, headaches have gotten worse. A few years ago I bought a ear microscope like tool to look into ears and gasped when I saw MY clean ears still had wax inside. Then I'd do my best to scrape and remove every little bit of wax that I could (note Don't do this because your ears need to have a certain amount of ear wax to keep them healthy).

An Ear, nose & throat doctor told my sister across the country to stop having sinus headaches just stop using a-tips, she didn't think one had to do with the other, so didn't stop using those cotton swabs, kept having the headaches, then he told her the same thing, she finally listened...and The headaches stopped. (Insert heavenly music here).

The last few years, these headaches of mine were unbearable, and I'd pop over the counter pain pills (which didn't help and I hated taking, but I was in terrible pain), lay down with ice pack after ice pack, during the day and overnight. I'd be writhing in pain, searching online & couldn't come up with an answer for these terrible headaches. I thought it was lack of humidity, so when it's dry I try to keep the humidifier going still.

After doubting the connection of headaches to cotton swabs/Qtips, I finally stopped using them..., which was (still is) difficult. After a shower, I only use Kleenex on my finger to swipe out the water; if my ear feels itchy, I just use that.

I won't lie, it takes an effort to resist using cotton swabs to clean out your ears. It took a few months to feel the results, I think your ears have to grow back a certain amount of healthy ear wax. But, I am still surprised at the result. Maybe I have one headache a month, and nothing like before. I've done nothing else different, So it must be the super removal of earwax triggers headaches, or sinus headaches. I never even thought one had to do with the other.

If this helps even one person out there, I'll be happy & give all glory to His son.

So, try stopping using Qtips. Throw them away (gasp). It's free, only thing to lose is what you've been seeking an answer for.


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Posted by Courtney (Texas) on 09/22/2015

I was having these dull headaches for months and pain relievers did not work well. Day after day I'd have a slight headache. I read about sungazing by accident and decided to try it. The first time I tried it I kept my eyes closed in the early morning. Almost immediately I felt this warmth enter my eyes and wash over my brain relieving the headache.

The ecstasy of having a slight headache disappear after months was wonderful. My mood improved and my energy increased as well as my physical strength. Thankfully I've never had glasses but both my parents did at my age and I have slightly better than 20/20 vision. I gaze for about 2 minutes with my eyes open now, but I do skip days if I'm busy. I think everyone should do research into this and consider trying it safely.


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Posted by Kari (Murfreesboro, Tenn) on 09/03/2008

I decided to take some Turemic followed by a glass of water to help with my joint paints. When I took it I had a headache and later was going to take some pills for that. Within 30 minutes I realized my headache was gone! I have NEVER had that to happen so fast before. I was amazed. From now on when I have headaches I am going to start taking Turemic. I put about one tablespoon and a little bit of water in it. Mixed really good and drank it really fast. Still am so very amazed that I took that for something else and it helped with my headache and cured it. I highly recommend TURMERIC for headaches to see if it helps any.


6 User Reviews
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Posted by Sandy (Il) on 01/19/2021

I so agree about water for headaches. Any pain goes away when you drink at least two big glasses on warm to bearable hot water.

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