Serum Chloride - 97 mmol/L (RANGE: 97-108)
Serum Calcium - 10. 1 mg/dL (RANGE: 8. 7-10. 2)
Serum Prolactin - 21 ng/mL (RANGE: 3-18)
I am a 22 year old male, weighing in at an alarming 130 lbs. I have lost about 25 pounds of weight over the course of two (2) years, not trying. Luke
Luke-you need to provide more information. Blood result levels will vary for every individual. Some people are naturally high or low in some components. Elevated prolactin levels can cause problems but this would not be the reason you are bed ridden. Let the readers of the site know more about your symptoms and what has been ruled out to date and they may be able to be more helpful.
The blood tests won't mean much for me. I need to know why bedridden. Weight loss due to an unknown disease of sometime spells immune issue, where the body steals glutamine, needed to fight off a disease. Usually a person with a severe weight loss, if disease is determined also is sometimes gained by taking some amino acid such as glutamine, alkalization, hydrogen peroxide, and most of all vitamin B complex, B50. An under arm temperature lower then 98 degree celsius on average or most of the day usually is low Basal Metabolism as being the cause of thyroid, and hence a natural thyroid is helpful, as well as 1 drop x 3 lugols solution. However, there is not enough information here to know why being bedridden. The numbers are still within the range except for prolactin, is sometimes due to high stress, but not really too high.
(Houston, Texas)
Luke, have your parathyroid hormone checked out. High serum calcium is one of the indicators of this disease.
Please read through this website first though. Lots of great info on this hidden disease. Good luck.
(Syracuse, New York)
(Melbourne, Australia)
I agree, it sounds serious and is probably out of the scope of this forum for anyone to help you. Maybe once you have a diagnosis you can come back and someone may have an idea. I would seek immediate medical advice.
The only thing I can think of is Bells Palsy. I looked up Bells Palsy under Ailments and found this:
- "I awoke about a year ago with one side of my face severely swollen and paralyzed. My ear was bothering me and I thought it was just a very bad ear infection. When I went to my doctor he said I had Bells Palsy"
If it is Bells Palsy go to youtube and search "Bells Palsy Acupuncture". The acupuncture works to stimulate blood flow back to the area. There is a girl on there who videotaped her whole healing process with bells palsy and acupuncture. It did take her a long time but it worked.
As Oscar said though get a diagnosis first.
(Bozeman, Mt, Us)
I hope you have already gone to the doctor by now but if not go now. This could be heart related and you should never take chances with your ticker. If you have any niacin take it as there is evidence that it is helpful for heart related issues. Drink some tea with cayenne, garlic, and ACV. These are helpful for heart issues as well as immune system issues.
It could also be an abscessed tooth or sinus infection. Some abcessed teeth will make one side of your entire face swell up and there isn't always pain. When an abcess is bad enough to cause swelling and numbness it can be very serious so don't mess with it either. You might try drinking Jean's Tomatoe Tea which is delicious and helpful for sinus issues and also has garlic and cayenne which is good for your heart.
(Boca Raton, Florida)
My father was in the hospital a few weeks ago with very similar symtoms. He woke up in the middle of the night with paralysis on one side of the face and he could not shut his right eye. The whole right side of his face was numb and drooping. Because his father had a stroke at a young age, he took the symptoms serious and rushed to the E. R. He was diagnosed with a form of Bells Palsy called Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. What indicated this "syndrome" was a single scab on the outside of his ear, in lieu of the ear pain. This is caused by the Shingles virus which is the same virus that causes chicken pox. The blisters can be found in the mouth, face or go undetected deep inside the ear canal. This syndrome or virus may also cause intense pain and discomfort to the region affected. The E.R. Dr recommended acupuncture to ease the symptoms.
I immediately put him on the EVCO (extra virgin coconut oil- unrefined). He is consuming 2-3 T per day in addition to applying it topically to his entire body as a moisturizer. Since he had a lot of viral symptoms, fatigue, malaise, etc. it was important to start slow as not to shock the system with too many protocols at once. He also had severe pain inside the ear. He is also taking L-lysine 2 x's per day.
The virus seems to have run its course. After 3 weeks you can hardly notice the paralysis and he is feeling better. I hope this information helps.
(Boca Raton, Florida)
P. S. Did you have a noticeable rash, blisters or any site of skin eruptions in your mouth or around your ear, etc.? Sometimes the blisters aren't visible if deep inside the ear canal... that symptom would point to ramsay hunt syndrome which is essentially adult chicken pox...
Either way, I hope this information helps and I do hope you feel better.
(Melbourne, Australia)
I also read that someone soaked colloidal silver on a cloth and left it on his face for awhile. This killed the virus. You could also take colloidal silver internally.
(Forest Park, Ohio)
(San Antonio, Tx)
(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Usa)
Hello, This may seem like an odd question but I suffer from seasonal allergy. I always smell this foul smell in my nose. Other people can smell it too, its not bad breath but due to allergies. I read about mixing apple cider vinegar with water and dipping cotton ball and putting it in your nose, by inhaling that, the smell would go away. But my question is, is it safe to inhale vinegar directly? Please help.
(Houston, Tx)
You don't need to inhale, just rinse your sinuses. I suggest using a neti pot or sinumed bottle, dilute the ACV with warm (not hot) distilled water and gently rinse it through your sinuses. In fact, you could try just rinsing the usual sea salt-distilled water combo first, before resorting to the ACV. It is probably going to burn so you really need to dilute it. You can also rinse with hydrogen peroxide (also diluted in warm water). You should not swallow much, it should go in one nostril and come out the other. If congested, take guafenesin (sp?) tablets (sold in the drugstore generically or as Mucinex D) to loosen the gunk up, drink plenty of water. You might also just drink some warm water with ACV (sweeten if you like) to relieve the congestion.
You may not feel congested (breathing fine) but the odor is most likely from mucus and bacteria that have set up housekeeping in your sinus cavities. If you are taking antihistamines for your allergies, you need to be rinsing daily, drinking lots of water, and probably taking the herbal decongestant regularly, because the antihistamine will keep your sinuses from draining (as antihistamine is supposed to do), but this means you will be prone to infection because the bacteria and mucus do not drain out. So, you need to help get that bad stuff out. I hope this helps.
(Eastern, SD)
(Denver, Colorado)
Marshall: The cells are not getting enough nutrition, free radicals are damaging the dna, and toxins are accumulating in the tissues. Have a loved one go to the natural grocers. There are 5 of them in Oregon. Get raw honey, pastured eggs (eat these raw), non gmo red miso, and some flavored kambucha drinks with the chia seed. You have to eat a lot of nutritious food that does not require digesting. You can also make green smoothies from organic baby leaves and take some raw organic fruit.
I have had a few things occur concerning my health and I wanted to share to see if anyone can help, its been really worrying me.
Last at Christmas I came down with a cough and cold and then the day after new year in January 2011 I came down with acute sinusitis and pain in the legs, then my stomach was upset and I felt sick and could not eat. I then began to notice my eyes go yellow and my skin was itching I then had jaundice.
This is the point that I went to a doctor and had blood tests.The tests came back in Jan 2011 with high liver enzymes pointing to a hepatitis of some sort, the tests for hepatitis B and C were negative and for hepatitis caused by a virus ( hepatitis A ) the results were negative for an active virus ( present in the body ) but the blood tests were positive for IGG which shows that I have had hepatitis A and was in the recovery stage.
It all pointed to the hep A at this stage. I also had a scan and they said there was nothing there only the liver and spleen a little enlarged due to an infection possibly we thought related to the hepatitis A virus? I then began to get better slowly thoughout Feb, March and April. The eyes and skin recovering and the yellow going.
Anyway I had more blood tests again in June and July so to monitor my recovery ( assuming I was recovering from hepatitis A which they say you recover from in 3-9 months ) and although the readings were going down they were still quite high in June and July, I was still getting tired with little night low grade fevers here and there but was functioning ok with all my duties.
I also, in July went to see a hepatic specialist. However, she was quite negative after seeing the blood results saying I may have autoimmune hepatitis and it was not Hepatitis A virus as you recovery quickly within 3 months with blood values dropping quickly .. She then said to have tests on the immune system, which I did. The results came back mainly negative except for one- ANA necleo which was 1.329 which another medical person said not to worry about.
I then, this December 2011, went to have another blood test to see how it was looking as I have been having low grade fevers in the early morning between 4-6am and sometimes aching muscles in the legs etc. Anyway the reading this December said that the enzymes related to the liver were still high ( however they were lower than the blood test readings in June and july 2011 ) they were going down gradually but not back to normal. The doctor then said to have another blood test to see for any special viruses or bacterias that could be causing the infection and most of these were negative except it showed I had had in the past the Epstein barr virus.The doctor at the blood test place then said maybe there was a blockage from gallstones etc. and so we decided to book me in for a complete body scan 3 days ago ( very advanced scan you go in a tube, not nice :( ) After the scan they said no blockages or tumors or growths but the liver and spleen still a little enlarged from a virus maybe or the doctor there said some form of hepatitis.
So we returned yesterday to a visit with the lady Hepatic doctor who looked again at all th blood results and autoimmune blood results and again she said she was 100% convinced I had autoimmune hepatitis and was not recovering from Hepatitis A. It could have been the Hepatitis A that caused some damage and it brought something I already had dormant in my system which is Auto immune hepatitis ( which basically is the immune system attacks cells from another organ such as the liver.. She also said it's genenic but none of my family as I know have it or had it??? She said I need to have a liver biopsy to see the damage and then treatment of steroids ( cortisone ) to help the liver recovery and keep the autoimmune system in remission. I do not really want to take steroids as they have side effects?
Also I am not sure I have autoimmune hepatitis so I am going for a second opinion. Can anyone suggest anything? Is it slow recovery from Hep A as the blood values for the liver are going down or does it suggest autoimmune? Although it all started after a common cough and cold and sinusitis.. Many thanks
(Uniontown, Oh)
(San Diego, Ca, Usa)
(Kendal, U.k)
Mary, I too have had hives, and terrably sore dry cracking hands. Itching burning, sometimes very painful.
I have had so many things from the doctors that have proven so inaffective, that I gave up on them.
I found bathing my hands in vinegar and warm water offered the best relief to the itch, burn, pain. Cycle. However this did tend to dry my skin, so to counter balance that I have alternated between using Almond oil, and lavender oil.
I take orally ACV. And have bathed in HP. 98% better. I found equally as hard to cope with though the fact it would aggrevate me more at night disturbing my sleep patterns leaving me waking feeling exhausted.
Pleased to say with the relief I am now getting and the vast improvement everything else is improving too. Wishing you and all better soon and hope this helps you too.
(Burnaby, Bc)
I had hives once that came out of the blue.. and a swollen shoulder/back. Shortly after, my ankles/feet and hands/arms had difficulty with pain and stiffness. It turned out to be lyme.
Melanie's Son
My son has had an awful cough for 1 week now. But has had a fever for more than 2 weeks now. He's also really tired he says and not much of an appetite for a few weeks now. He's been to hospital a few times now but they don't know the source of the infection. They have him on antibiotics but he's not getting better. Maybe it's helped with appetite a bit. I'm really worried it's leukemia. Can I do the baking soda and lemon juice with him? I also ordered the h202 food grade. That won't be here for a few days. Any suggestions? We are going back to the hospital prob tomorrow if he's not better. I'm hoping to help him, so he doesn't have to do chemo or radiation if he does have leukemia. I've seen people cure cancer in a few weeks before they were to start treatments so any help would be great.
What is he currently taking and eating? Have you tried bone broth, oregano oil, vitamins d, c, b, probiotics? Look into these. I hope he's not eating gluten, sugar, or cow dairy? What about EFT emotional freedom technique? Show him things that will make him laugh, and keep him away from worry and fear. Sending him a lot of love. Search and focus on solutions only.
Dear Melanie,
I can feel the love and care you have for your son. Please do not worry he has cancer. Please try some of the treatments written below and I believe he will be recovering soon.
Back earlier this year in March, I had the exact symptoms you described. It reminded me of when I had bird flu in 1997 and was very sick for more than a month. At the worst point, I could not even get up off the floor for three days.
However, this past March, I recovered in less than one week and with out the feeling I was close to dying even though I am now 25 years older. What was different this time? I now know about natural cures, how to stay healthy and take personal responsibilty for my own health.
If your son is 12 years old or older give 8000 IUs vitamin D3+K2, 1 gram vitamin C and 11 mg Zinc every day; otherwise adjust the dosages for his age. Vitamin D is key to his recovery. If you would like to speed his recovery along use lipidsodal vitamin C or a high dose vitamin C IV. If you can find wild, organic, Amla powder mix it with wild honey until the bitterness is gone and add to smoothies and teas. This will strengthen and aid his immune system to fight infection and inflammation.
If you live in a location that is warm outside, have your son sit in the morning sunlight with bare feet touching the earth/ground/grass for at least one hour a day. If you live in a cold area buy or make a grounding pad that he can sleep on or rest his bare feet on as long as possible each day. This will balance your son's energy and vitality as ions in the ground pass through his body.
Make smoothies twice a day of organic, frozen raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, blackberry, acai, goji, finely chopped grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange skin, juice and pith blended with bitter aproicot kernals, amla powder, kale powder, ginger, fingerroot, black cumin powder, dandelion, Chinchona bark powder, young coconut water and enough wild organic raw honey to make it a little sweet. This will provide anti-oxidants, anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial and anti-viral compounds to kill infection and reduce inflammation.
Make Citrus fruits tea by simmering on low heat for about an hour a combination of juice and ground skin of grapefruit, lemon, lime, tangerine and orange, plus cinammon and black cumin powder. Once tea is ready, remove from heat and add wild, organic, raw honey to taste. Have your son drink this three times per day. This will provide vitamins A, B, C, phosphoros, potassium, bergamottin, magnesium, flavinoids and anti-inflammatory compounds.
Buy or make Cottonwood tree bud balm (Balm of Gilliad) such as one available from Essential Northwest Botanicals. Rub balm on chest and cover his chest with a cloth diaper and T shirt. Reapply balm as neccessary. This will soothe and reduce the cough.
Give your son an epsom salt bath everyday. Make organic, grass fed bone broth vegetable soups with lots of onions and garlic, give your son oatmeal, avocado and Salmon while avoiding potato, tomato, eggplant, fried foods, processed foods, breakfast cereal, soda, sugar and all GMO products. This will aid removal of dead cells from his body.
Have your son gargle with water and pink Himalayan salt mixture three times per day. Also have him drink a glass of water with pink Himalayan salt once a day. This will kill the source of infection.
As soon as possible give your son only once a glass of water with one level tablespoon of organic bamboo charcoal first thing after waking up on empty stomach. An hour later give organic Tart Cherry Juice, Prune Juice, dried cherries, figs or prunes to eat. If constipation develops give a shot glass of cold pressed olive oil (one like Agrilife -- never heated or passurized from Spain). This will draw out damaging organisms from the body through magnetic charge.
If after providing the treatments listed above your son is still not feeling better than before give one drop pure spirit of turpentine on sugar cube only once and never longer than three days at a time.
I hope that all will be well with you and your son soon. If you would like more information please check out the linked videos and articles below.
(buffalo ny)
I know this a long time after the fact of your son getting ill. My 9 year old son had a problem with high fevers which would spike every day around 2 p.m. Antibiotics did not work. The doctors thought he might have leukemia. What worked was called "Umka" (a cherry flavored syrup). Follow the directions on the box.This is found at some of the health food stores or big grocery stores in the US. It is used to treat viruses.
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)
Thanks, Milena
(Tucson, Az.)
Milena, Too much garlic one isn't accustomed to, can cause enough gas to do a convincing imitation of menstrual cramping. If it is cramping caused by hormonal imbalances, then Borage Oil ( liquid or gel caps) can be a very good answer. This is frequently used by women in menopause or peri- menopause to gain hormonal stability through the change of life.
(San Antonio, Texas, United States)
Sounds to me like it might be eyrthema nodosum. I had it two years ago. Unfortunately, it can be caused by just about anything. Viral, bacterial or fungal infections, hormonal imbalances such as birth control pills or pregnancy, or auto immune issues such as lupus, RA or cancer. I seem to recall low B12 might also be an issue. I never did find out what caused mine as all my tests came back normal except a couple types of white blood cells being just slightly out of normal ranges. Because I also ran a fever off and on at the beginning, mine might have been caused by an infection. I did stop taking birth control pills just in case.
If that is what you have, I'd treat the cause if you're able to figure out what it is. Otherwise, about all you can do is treat the symptoms and wait it out. I'd look up edema, inflamation and strengthening immune system on the ailments tab. Also fever if you're running one and it's high enough to be an issue. It took me about two weeks to get over the worst symptoms and about six to be largely back to normal. One of my ankles will still act up occasionally if I wear heels.
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Hi MJH - Although I don't have any answers, you might want to get your blood sugar checked. Weakness in the legs, feeling lightheaded, uncontrollable shaking can be symptoms of blood-sugar problems. You said you feel better after drinking Gatorade (although that is loaded with sugar) and crackers. Has your doctor given you a fasting glucose-tolerance test? Does diabetes or other blood-sugar problems run in your family? You might want to get this checked out before you are given more medications. It's just a thought . . . good luck!
(Pinetop, Az)
Bessie, thanks so much for your suggestion. Although they did test my blood sugar (slightly high), it was not fasting and not a glucose tolerance test. I will add that to my diagnostic process. Thanks again, it's great to get some direction.
(Grand Junction, Co)
I believe what ever is going on it seems from reading your post that your electrolyte balance might be off(maybe magnesium/potassium/salt). I also agree with further checking your sugar.
Google (bob butts / water cure) for some understanding of how electrolytes especially salt can affect your blood pressure in a positive way if you know what you are doing. Also check out L arginine and L citrulline
Good luck and God speed on your journey to health.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
To Mohammed,
Re your array of problems;
I'm so sorry you've been suffering so much. What a story.
As I first started reading your symptoms I immediately thought: Bet he's got food intolerance of some a carb issue. But reading on, the problems seemed to indicate not ONLY the possibility of food intolerances but also something more; like fungal or viral infestation.
Some hints; are you having chronic sinus congestion... or sensitivity/swelling/burning in the eyes or...constant ear canal irritation/ itching ... or scalp break out like intense itching or burning when certain foods are consumed. Any or part of that might indicate fungal issues. And often food intolerance goes with fungal infection.
On the more serious issues concerning pancreas et al I was guessing a serious viral infection might be causing that. You might have had a serious viral infection six months or a year prior to the first symptoms years ago; like mono/ staph ... chronic ear infection ... etc. If so, I'd suspect you have a virus issue.
So worse case... if this were me analyzing what you gave in your one post, I'd suspect:
1. Food intolerance plus aspergillus or another fungus probably one more at least. Candida is there too.
2. A Virus is working in the system which is a co-infection perhaps with the fungus and that also is causing so many of the problems.
I would if me; start taking two tablespoons of colloidal silver three times daily on empty stomach (long term).
Consult quickly with a microscopy analyst to read blood (see google "youtube live cell microscopy") to KNOW what is going on in the blood. If lots of fungus shows up your MD can also help with what to take to kill (nystatin for instance).
And the microscopy analyst should also be able to help you with exactly what foods you are sensitive to (not just allergic to)....I have 15 different foods that I do not digest well. Whereas my niece tested and she has only six or seven. I am very sensitive to wheat (to my distress) and am generally carb sensitive.
3. I'd also (and do now) take two HIGH potency digestive enzymes with each meal. At the health food stores I go to, only Digest Gold comes close to all the ingredients in my "TransFormation Digest Enzyme Supplement" which has a broad array.
Salam alaikom Mohammad, I suggest you to use honey on the navel, it is a wonderful remedy for all colon, bowel pain and Digestive system ailment.
How to use it: put a drop of honey on a piece of cotton and put it on the navel hole from night to morning, then remove it. you may suffer from bowel pain in the first few days but don't stop using it the pain will disappears in few days and you will notice difference change in your ailment it deserve a try.
The period of use this way may take month or more it is different from patient to another and severity of the disease.
At age two he had a febrile seizure and was diagnosed with pnemonia and from that point on he started to loss miles stones gradually. He was talking and walking now he was walking with assistance and losing his words.
By the age of four he was crawling and not talking. He also was having abnormal movements of his body. He was diagnosed with seizures and put on medication but still having the movements only when he got excited or tried to use his muscles. He was taken off seizure medication two years later. Doctors were still baffled and thought is was the sepsis until his younger brother started having symptoms of the same thing. Now they figure it was genetic. So now all the testing started with all coming back normal but only thing found was the MRI showed lesions in the part of the brain called the Basil Ganglia but still nothing specific that they could diagnose. It presents itself with hearing loss, dystonia type movements, not able to talk walk or control his muscles and he has been the same way since four years of age. They just gave it a generic term for it familia infantile bilaterl stiatal necrosis. Both boys had the same MRI results. His younger brother did not start losing his mile stones until he was 6 years old and unexpectedly passed in 05 at age eight and autopsy could not show any cause of death and brain biopsy didn't show anything.
I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to something that would help my son to improve or anyone know of someone who has the same condition. Thank you.
(Melbourne, Australia)
Monaque, so sorry for your loss and your other son's condition. I recommend you look into Dr. Terry Wahl's story. She is a Dr who has cured herself of MS. She has some great videos on youtube called "Food as Medicine". She researched herself things that would cure the mitochondria in her body and ended up going back to a paleo diet and took some natural supplements like coq10 (great for mitochondria) and cod liver oil. She eats a ton of raw food each day. I would think juicing would also have a great effect. Anyway she went from being in a wheelchair and unable to sit up, to participating in a bike marathon. She said that there is no reason the brain can't heal and regenerate since every other part of the body can.
Anyway it may be a good starting point for you to start researching. She is very inspirational.
(Rusteburg, North West South Africa)
Hi Monaque, Look up Bioacoustics on the net or Sharry Edwards & there are practioners in the USA who can tell you the cause of your son's symptoms & work from there. Please do not just rely on drs. By the way did you take any medication while you were expecting because it could have an influence on the fetus.
(Chicago, Illinois)
Yes both of my sons weer immunized. I was not on any medications while pregnant. Thanks to all who replied will look into all the information given and let you know the results.
(Chicago, Illinois)
I forgot to mention when my son was admitted in the hospital at 4 for the seizures he was given a dose of dilantin and he begin to crawl and improve and we thought this was the solution. The doctors only gave him one dose dilantin to stop the seizures but when I showed them how he was back crawling and even trying to talk they told me he will not be given any more of the medicine due to its side effects. I beg them to give him this because he had crawled for the first time since he stopped walking 1 year earlier. I said there's no alternative that will give him the same effect and they said no and he was sent home. I asked other doctors and they all told me the same thing.
Now 13 years later I still wonder what was in that medicine that seem to cure his condition while he was in the hospital and he has been the same since that hospital visit, no degeneration since. If anyone have any ideas as to what else I can do please help.
(Up The Creek In, Wv, Usa)
in reply to: 03/08/2012: Monaque from Chicago, Illinois---Monique; I was doing some research on cellular biochemistry related to autism disorder tonite, and ran across the following websites. The author, William Walsh, who has a clinic in WAREENVILLE, ILL [your state] was discussing a "orthomolecular" treatment [vitamins] for autism, and related diseases. He mentioned briefly how his boss used to use dilantin drug as a methyl donor nutrient for under-methylated patients, with good effect...... I quote:
....... The late and great Carl Pfeiffer would occasionally resort to use of the anti-histamines Benedryl or Dilantin in high-histamine persons who were slow to respond. Avoidance of folate supplements is essential for most undermethylated persons, an exception being autism. .............
Perhaps you would benefit from speaking to Dr. William Walsh.
[ note: I myself have not used his protocol, I have never spoken to Mr. Walsh ]
more quotes that mite help you understand the therapy:
Most persons with depression, oppositional defiant disorder, OCD, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia exhibit a genetic abnormality in methylation..... Which appears to be central to their illness. Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD of Princeton, NJ was a pioneer in this field. (Oct 3, 2003)
About 25 years ago, Dr. Carl Pfeiffer (Princeton, NJ) identified the condition he called "histapenia" or histamine deficiency. After studying the metabolism of more than 20, 000 schizophrenics he learned that this
"low histamine" syndrome was common in anxiety, panic disorders, and classical paranoid schizophrenia. His enormous biochemistry database revealed that most histapenics suffered from (1) copper overload and (2)
deficiency of folic acid and/or B-12. More importantly, he found that aggressive therapy using folic acid, B-12, and B-3 usually produced dramatic improvements in these persons. Pfeiffer thought the improvements were largely due to elevating histamine levels in the body & brain.
Subsequent research has indicated that the improvements are due to normalizing the methyl/folate ratio. This ratio is important in the BH4 rate-controlling step in catecholamine synthesis (dopamine & norepinephrine). Also, methyl/folate abnormalities can impact genetic expression of many biochemicals. At any rate, too much methyl results in overproduction of DA and NE, and vice versa.
Most traditional autism experts believe that autism is "incurable" and that the associated "mental retardation" cannot be reversed. This is so wrong!!! There are tens of thousands of families that despair upon hearing this pronouncement..... And just give up! Please continue your efforts to get the truth out --- It could make a big difference in the life of many of these children. (Feb 20, 2003)
For years, autism was the most difficult population for our clinic to work with, compared to persons diagnosed with behavior disorders, ADHD, depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar, or schizophrenia. However, this has changed following our discovery of the central importance of the metallothionein protein in ASD and development of metallothionein-promotion therapy
At Dr. Rimland's request, we carried out a small outcome study about 6 months ago which measured the impact of MT-Promotion for 46 patients. I presented the results at a D. A. N. "Think Tank" at which Dr. Amy Holmes' outcome results for MT-Promotion were presented by Stephanie Cave. There is no doubt that autism outcomes are far better at the Pfeiffer Center since MT-Promotion. Our group of 46 patients ranged from ages 3 to 18. A few of the families were unable to achieve compliance & a couple others gave up after a couple of days. More than 85% of the 41 families that achieved compliance reported impressive gains in cognition, speech, and socialization. More than 20% reported irritability and sleep problems, usually coincident with improved cognition or speech. Only 10% of the compliant families reported zero progress.
We have seen more than 2,000 autism-spectrum children.... And agree completely about the value of sensory imputs. I've become convinced that the primary problem in autism is not so much a damaged brain, but rather a brain that has not completely matured. PT, OT, etc shower the brain with stimuli which enhance development of new neuronal connections which are especially needed in the hippocampus & amygdala of autistics. Biochemical therapies which normalize the pruning, development, and growth inhibition processes in the brain are also vital. (Feb 3, 2003)
My clinic has seen more than 2,500 autism-spectrum children and I'm convinced that most of these kids have above average intelligence. We've seen many who were labeled "retarded" with IQ scores below 50..... Who later had IQ scores above 120 following therapies such as CF/GF diets, metallothionein-promotion, normalization of the G. I. Tract, behavioral therapies, etc. The problem is with the test methods, not the innate intelligence of the children.
In my opinion, a wide variety of environmental triggers can trigger autism, including oxidative stress (e. g., mercury), immune crises (e.g. Multiple vaccines or serious illness), severe emotional or physical stress, etc. It is very possible that the stress of circumcision could cripple metallothionein & impair brain development, at least temporarily. I'm not aware of peer-reviewed evidence of differences in autism incidence between circumcised and non-circumcised children.
Stresses of all kinds deplete metallothionein..... In persons without metal-metabolism disorders, the stress automatically induces production of more metallothionein. In autism, the metallothionein system has gone AWOL. (May 17, 2003)
Our Center's autism outcomes have greatly improved since beginning metallothionein-promotion therapy. It's no longer a surprise when a young autistic child becomes free of all traces of autism. We are a public charity and have made this protocol available to more than 100 doctors, many of whom report treatment successes. MT-Promotion must be done very carefully to avoid zinc depletion which can result in temporary worsening of behavior, stimming, enuresis, etc.
Most ASD individuals exhibit a genetic tendency for undermethylation. A relative few exhibit a genetic tendency for overmethylation. However, it's important to consider the impact of (1) inadequate diet and (2) inefficient digestion/absorption which is present in most of these individuals. Regardless of innate tendency for methylation, many ASD individuals are starved for all components of the SAM cycle and MTHF. In other words, they are deficient (across the board) in most nutrients. Two of the greatest deficiencies in ASD appear to be B-12 and methionine. B-12 is one of the most difficult vitamins to assimilate in healthy persons, and the situation is much worse if significant G. I. Tract problems exist. The principal source of methyl groups is methionine from dietary protein. However, most ASD children receive inadequate amounts of dietary protein AND are very inefficient in cleaving the complex proteins into the amino acid units to enable absorption. Folic acid is also in a deficiency state in many ASD children...... Including children with a genetic tendency for overmethylation and folic acid overload.
Supplementation of any nutrients which are in a deficiency state leads to better health and overall functioning. However, care must be taken to limit the supplementation of nutrients which tend toward overload (for genetic reasons).
Therefore supplementation of folic acid and B-12 can help an undermethylated ASD child who is deficient in these nutrients. However, these same children TEND to develop excessive levels of folates.... and vigilance is needed to avoid going beyond correctioon of the folate deficiency.
Most ASD individuals exhibit a genetic tendency for undermethylation. A relative few exhibit a genetic tendency for overmethylation. However, it's important to consider the impact of (1) inadequate diet and (2) inefficient digestion/absorption which is present in most of these individuals. Regardless of innate tendency for methylation, many ASD individuals are starved for all components of the SAM cycle and MTHF. In other words, they are deficient (across the board) in most nutrients. Two of the greatest deficiencies in ASD appear to be B-12 and methionine.
Aggressive methylation therapy can be very successful, but usually involves a very slow response. Typically, treatment with methionine, calcium, magnesium, B-6, etc requires about 2 months before the patient before any progress is evident --- and 6-12 months are required for all of the benefits to be attained. Please note that whole blood histamine is a marker for innate methylation tendency, but is not an indicator of wellness or the degree to which undermethylation has been overcome. Undermethylated patients can become quite well without their histamine lab results changing at all.
One way to speed up the process of recovery is to use SAMe supplements in the beginning. Undermethylated patients usually report nice progress after the first week or two. SAMe is quite expensive, and can be gradually
replaced by methionine after a couple of months.
Pfeiffer Treatment Center
Health Research Institute
4575 Weaver Parkway
Warrenville, IL
This explains why the initial Russian treatments of Autism were seeing exceptional healing rates using Dimethylglycine (DMG). Many nutrition manufacturers have combined most of these good methyl donors in one formula usually labeled "homocysteine formula". It's important to never take methionine without sufficient B's, especially B-12 so as to not actually create enormous amounts of homocysteine. And for those who do not respond to this standard nutritional protocol, most all these B's are also produced in their biological active or coenzymated forms. B-12 as Methylcobalamin, B-6 as Pyridoxy-5-phosphate, and a new active Folic Acid.
(Up The Creek In, Wv, Usa)
in reply to : 03/08/2012: Monaque from Chicago, Illinois writes: "I forgot to mention when my son was admitted in the hospital at 4 for the seizures he was given a dose of dilantin and ......"
You have asked this forum if any one has ever heard of the drug "dilantin" being used for any other disorders other than it's normal use for epilepsy siezures. The answer is : yes. It is on record as being used for about 80 other conditions. About 15 years ago I got a free hardback book on dilantin, witten by a millionare by the name of Jack Dreyfuss. He wrote the book and distributed it free of charge, to anyone that asked for it. He used dilantin to treat his depression. He found out it was a powerfull medicine for many diseases, but the industrial-military-pharmaceutical complex could not make money on it, because the patent had run out many years ago. So they ditched it.
Mr Dreyfuss created a $ 70,000,000 [70 million] medical foundation just to spread the word about the good news about dilantin. He died in 2009 at the age of 96. the books he wrote are still available for sale. His medical foundation has a website on the internet, telling about dilantin research, and all the details of it's use. Go to: .
Jack Dreyfus and The Story of a Remarkable Medicine. DILANTIN
This web site is dedicated to the life and work of Jack Dreyfus, founder of Dreyfus & Co, the Dreyfus Fund, and the Dreyfus Health Foundation, set up to researching the benefits of a drug called Dilantin (phenytoin).
You can read how Jack dealt with the severe depression that affected him in the late 1950s. After seeing a physician six days a week, for over five years, Jack had the incredible luck to think that the depression was caused by inappropriate electrical activity in his body. He asked his physician to allow him to try the drug, Dilantin, that was used for epilepsy. To the surprise of both Jack Dreyfus and the doctor, he returned to good health, promptly. This section looks at Jack's efforts to bring this remarkable drug to the attention of doctors and the United States government.
Finally, in "Clinical Studies, " you can read some of the thousands of studies in over 350 medical journals that have shown the usefulness of phenytoin for a wide range of ailments. This section has been updated with over eighty new studies from the 1990s and 2000s, showing that Dilantin is useful for even more conditions than previously thought. Feel free to take the information on this site, or the books, to your doctor.
Most people live one life; Jack Dreyfus lived two. One of the greatest investors of the twentieth century, his first life was filled with remarkable accomplishments as he founded the highly successful Dreyfus Fund. His second life began in 1963 when, in the midst of a severe depression, he did an unheard-of thing: he asked his physician for a medicine not known to be useful for his symptoms, and returned to good health almost overnight. When he saw six others have similar results, he realized he had an obligation to investigate further.
Jack Dreyfus retired from two highly successful businesses and established the Dreyfus Medical Foundation. Through the Foundation, he worked tirelessly, with no financial interest, to show how this medicine-phenytoin has been reported useful in thousands of medical journals for more than eighty symptoms and disorders ranging from thought, mood, and behavior disorders to cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and pain ailments. The Foundation now has programs in dozens of countries around the world providing assistance to millions of people suffering from psychological and physical difficulties.
Jack Dreyfus died peacefully on March 27, 2009 at the age of 95.
(Chicago, Il)
MONAQUE from what you are describing he may have Lyme Disease. It is VERY difficult to diagnose. You need to have both your sons take an Igenex test. It is located in California. You have to call their 800# and they will send you a kit. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE look into this. The test that your regular doctor give is NOT accurate. Your regular doctor may not even know about Lyme. Even Igenex isn't super accurate. Lyme disease is everywhere (google it) and it can manifests in muscle, joint, neurological, sleep, etc. Problem. All over the place. It is really strange. I went to over 30 health professionals before I got the right diagnosis. I'm treating it now and am seeing improvements. It takes some over 30 years to get a diagnosis. It mimics fibromyalgia, MS, Parkinson's, ALS, Muscular Dystrophy, Psychiatric problems, etc. Best of health. JasonM
(Chicago, Il)
Mrs. A.
I too am desperate to find the cause of this mysterious malady. Could it be the sinuses? But the sinuses are nowhere near the temples.
Pain-free it may be, but desperately debilitating, and there seems no end in sight. Is there perhaps a newcomer to this site, who missed the first query but who knows the answer?
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Mrs. A from London;
Re the pressure against the temples...
Don't count out the possibility of a sinus infection having an effect on the temples.
I have two suggestions that if me I'd try.
First, to make sure there is not a sinus infection involved I'd get rid of that possibility instantly by infusing myself with a colloidal silver sinus irrigation. The sinuses go WAY into the skull, surprisingly I'd use an ear syringe to squirt way back...a Nettie pot won't work...doesn't get back far enough. Squirt into ears also. Repeat again after first application.
If there is some sever stinging while applying the sinus irrigation, that tells me that I'm killing a bad infection.
Next, idea I'd apply a "salts" poultice to the temples. I'd use a "Dead Sea Salts" liquid application ... at least three times. Warm of course and use a hand towel to thoroughly soak.
Oh, by the way...severe neck problems...atlas, axis, C 1, C 2....vertebrae injury can cause tension up the neck and into the temples. If there have been such neck injury, I'd look for a really good upper neck chiropractor. If chronic...I'd ONLY use a chiropractor who used a variation of the Pierce technique...which puts the head face down on a drop table and application is against the neck. I'd NOT let the doctor put my head in his hands as I lay on my back and twist my head. That last technique is counter productive in my opinion.
(London Uk)
This is a repeat of the question I asked some months ago, which at the time produced only one response (and that from a fellow sufferer). It is on behalf of my (middle-aged) son, who for at least eight years has suffered from a clogging sensation in the temples. There is NO pain and NO nasal congestion, which seems to rule out sinuses as the culprit. He has had scans (which revealed nothing amiss); consulted a neurologist; tried acupuncture.
Although pain-free, this clogging sensation has ruined his life for the best part of a decade. Please help!
(Bremerton, Wa)
That stuffy feeling sounds like a fungal or mycoplasma infection causing brain swelling. Many different organisms can attack the brain. Candida is one of the most common ones that give what most people call brain fog.a stuffy foggy feeling where your mind does not work 100% you feel wierd due to inflammation and swelling in the brain.
Earth Clinic is abounding with various cures for candida and brain fog.
Ever heard of leaky gut? see dr axe about leaky gut.
Tiny fragments of foods can enter small breaks in the intestinal lining which go into the blood stream. Once there they set up an immune system reaction where all hell breaks loose and you feel terrible more often than not.
Now bacteria, virus and mycoplasma can play a big part in this trouble too so it is best to consult a specialist who will check for viral etc issues affecting the brain.
If you can find someone who does darkfield microscopy have them look at your blood. It may horrify you the kinds of trash you find there. Most peoples blood looks like a junk yard full of cans, bottles, dirty diapers, and old tires crawling with mean looking bugs.
Get your blood cleaned up with serrapeptase. This systemic enzyme eats all the garbage found in the blood that does not belong there.
Here is an example. cancer patients have tons of cellular debris floating in the blood especially candida hyphae the roots of candida that grow in the intestines and penetrate the intestinal walls leaving holes for food to enter (leaky gut ) well serrapeptase literally eats all this debris giving you clean blood. Once the garbage gets cleaned out there will be a lot less inflammation and less immune system reaction thus you will feel better and have less brain fog.
Hope this helps my friend, see ya.
(London Uk)
(London Uk)
I have posted this question before, but do so again in the hope that a new reader will recognise the symptoms. For years - a decade - my son's life has been blighted by a permanent clogging sensation in the temples. There is no pain and no congestion, and none of the doctors he has seen has been able to diagnose the problem, or indeed to do anything for him at all. He is very depressed.
The absence of congestion, etc causes him to dismiss the idea that it could be sinus-related.
(New Zealand)
Hello Mrs. A of London.
Well apart from all the possible appropriate remedies to try on this Site, I would try out the Alexander Technique by a registered practitioner OR, even better, book a session with a CRANIAL Osteopath. They can work magic with some people.
Then there is his "BITE" which involves much more than you might think, with the bones of the jaw possibly being out of place. Really bazaar consequences there believe me!!
Also, wisdom teeth, esp. if they are impacted or crowding out his other teeth, can cause mischief and strife.
Maybe a good dentist or Orthodontist (with x-rays thrown in) might help?
Other than that, one's thoughts turn to some sort of poultice possibly??
Kindly let us know how you get on as it could help others to learn of your progress.
Cheers, Michael
(London, Uk)
Thank you so much, Michael. The cranial osteopath idea is a good one and I will pass it on to my son - and report back. Alas, I don't think he would have the heart or the faith to try the Alexander technique. Thank you again.
(New Zealand)
Good morning Mrs A. of London again!
Can you look up my previous posting, as, upon reflection, I have added more ideas to it. Thanks.
The Cranial Osteopath would still be my first choice but please try the other suggestions if that does not help.
More than one session (say two or three???) might be warranted. The body often resists being manipulated and needs persuading / encouraging to change long-standing bad habits it has become "comfortable" with.
Who knows, he might be grateful for at least SOME relief!
All the best, Michael
(London Uk)
(London Uk)
(New Zealand)
Mrs. A.
You are correct. I would certainly follow up the Sinus aspect. Also the micro plasma / flora / candida types of afflictions are worthy of your further research. Consult Ted's remedies for these (on this Site) OR consult Ted himself if he is well enough to ask.
Cheers, Michael
EC: Ted is not, unfortunately, so sorry!