(Cinti, Ohio)
Hi JMH, I can tell you what I used to treat a big toe that had athletes foot fungus so bad that squeezing the toenail caused a brown pus to come out from under the toenail (sorry to be so graphic) and the toenail itself was black. Believe it or not, from advise of a poster on EC, I took about a tbsp. of vapo-rub (brand no-matter) and mixed it with a crushed clove of garlic (fresh). Wait 10 min after crushing garlic before mixing to get full benefit of enzyme. I kid you not, there was a dramatic change in just 24 hrs. Totally gone in 1.5 to 2 days. I forgot to mention, I also wrapped the toe in a loose but secure bandage. If you suspect fungus as the culprit try this. It is harmless to you but, great to kill fungus. Make up a bit of it (about 3 tbsp. vapo rub w/a clove or 2 of garlic crushed and layer on foot w/a sock on ovenight.
It all started with dandruff on my scalp. Later seborrheic derm. on my face. Afterwards nail fungus on my little pinky - then on the toe beside. White-coated tongue, cold urticaria and now urinary problems. I got completely tested. kidneys x-rayed and are ok - urethra x-rayed, also ok. blood, prostate and urine also ok. Urine stream with low pressure. Same with ejaculation. What is wrong with me? Is the problem within the gut? Leaky gut syndrome?
(Tucson, Az.)
Joeelli: From your first several sentences, it sure sounds like Candida (fungal) overgrowth, because you list multiple yeast/ fungal locations. As to low pressure streams, and how other systems could cause that, you may need to study to learn more.
Research borax and 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine.
Hi, Sounds like various deficiencies - you could get a hair analysis done. Low b vitamins and low d can give anxiety/ depression. If you are pale with brittle nails it could be iron deficiency but you need a test. Where does your water come from? How are your neighbours? Just a few thoughts.. A hyperthyroidism causes weight loss.. Where my parents live my dad who was fit died of bladder cancer within 6 months his next door neighbour ( 10 years younger and very fit) died the following year of colon cancer very quickly the lady next door now has breast cancer and the lady opposite has some sort of blood cancer- yes they are all over 60 but could it be something in the water? My mum is fine but then she takes thyroxine( acts like iodine?) due to having a Thyroid partially removed decades ago..
(Manhattan, Ny)
1st thoughts are housing contaminants.. I would have your home tested for Radon, EMF, and mold, and water. Your living in Boulder Co. Where it appears that Radon levels are higher than average... check these to rule them out....
(Syracuse, New York)
Because you say all of your family is having health problems I do think there MIGHT be something toxic in your environment. It could be the water. I only drink distilled water because I know my tap water is not safe. So that is an easy one to resolve. You simply buy safe water. I have been buying the Poland Springs brand of distilled water. Try that and see if it helps. There is also the issue of volitile organic compounds that might be a problem in your home. This is a more difficult problem to identify and remedy. Start with the water and see if that resolves this problem or not....Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)
A quick follow up to my earlier posting:
There is the RADON poisoning issue also. And Colorado is one of the areas that has this problem. There are inexpensive radon test devices you can purchase to determine if radon is a problem in your home. There are remedies if this is a problem in your home. You can learn about radon in Colorado here:
Trying to help, ...Oscar
(Boulder, Co, Usa)
(Boulder, Co, Usa)
(Boulder, Co, Usa)
I would consider competent Energy Healing for this situation.
Been feeling this serious abdominal pains and discomfort over years. Been feeling pains, bubbling noise (abdomen cramping), feeling of pelvic muscle tighting and feeling heaviness in abdominal region, and lastly feeling fever for it sprouts out burning sensation... These constantly and continously happen! Kindly respond asap for your positive advises are welcome. Thanks in advance!
I recommend a parasite cleanse.
Thank u
(The Beach, Canada)
(Zagreb, Croatia)
Consider a portable pilates table for the physical ailments.
(Rustenburg, North West, South Africa)
Hi Kathy, Please look up Sharry Edwards on the net & contact her, she is probably the only person who will get to the root of the cause & get your husband back to leading a normal life. Just type in her name. At least go to her website & then decide. She has cured the incurable & no dangerous drugs are involved.
(Los Angeles)
I wish I could help with telling you what this could be but I don't have a clue. I read your post and immediately thought of a case where a young girl was having similar issues followed by actual seizures. She took black walnut tincture for two weeks and the seizures reduced dramatically and after 3 months were extremely rare. In your case, if I were face the same issues, I would try the black walnut cleans as outlined by Dr. Hulda Clark. Do a web search and beware of the nay-sayers of her method. There are vids online and personal testimonials of just how effective the protocol is for a variety of issues. Good luck be yours!
Hi, it sounds a bit like myasthenia gravis - my mums best friend at college developed it in the 1950s - they were at teacher training college for sports teachers and she became weak on her feet- my mum said the first symptoms were the fact that she couldn't pronnounce the w in her sister Wendy's name and also she lost the strength in her arms to for example put clothes away in wardrobe and then walk. Nowadays I think this is a deficiency disease. You husband could have a hair analysis to look at deficiencies like copper. Even Alzheimer's could be a deficiency disease.. Best wishes x
please help me.. I cant take care of my baby bec. my conditions.
(Somewhere, Europe)
(San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Kathy... You have a cough, blocked throat and constant burping which could be caused by the bronchial flap in your throat functioning incorrectly. This bronchial flap automatically closes when you swallow food or mucus to prevent swallowed matter going into your trachea and lungs.
If your bronchial flap is infected with bacteria, then it will not work properly and may be swollen or displaced creating a blockage -- which is what may be causing the coughing and burping. You probably picked up this infection in the hospital when you had your baby by cs.
You must first go to a doctor to get this problem diagnosed and confirmed properly as soon as possible. Ask for a bronchioscopy. This will not be expensive.
To help kill the infection:
* 2 tablespoons ACV(Organic Apple Cider Vinegar) then add 1/4 -- 1/2 tspn of Baking Soda in a half glass of water 3 times a day. You can buy _____'s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda (Arm & Hammer brand) in the SM mall supermarkets. Add the Baking Soda until the fizzing stops. If you cannot afford the ACV then just use ordinary vinegar or rice vinegar -- called DATU PUTI -- instead of the ACV. This will also kill the bacteria. Sip this mixture slowly to bath your throat in order to kill the bacteria.
* One teaspoon of Milk of Magnesia in a glass of water twice a day. You can also add 5 drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide(10% by volume) to this mixture for greater effect. This will also help kill any bacteria or pathogens in your throat and can even kill MRSA. Sip this slowly too.
* Drink fresh coconut milk on its own or with added fruit juice(fresh). The coconut oil in the milk will both strengthen the immune system and will also help to kill the throat bacteria.
Some ideas for you -- but you MUST first go to a doctor first to get your problem diagnosed properly as soon as possible since your ailment interferes with your breathing and could be life-threatening.
He dont know what eles to do. So kevin's spleen is still swollen and hurts him and he has had diarrhea for a year also. Could you offer any ideas of something to do. Also his new wife is now having alot of the same systoms and my son is worried that what he has that he has given something to her, he has spoke to his doctor and they dont hear him. My son is a avid snowboarder, asst. Mngr. of colorado ski and golf. He was really healthy 35 yrs old. He says that he dont have much appetite anymore. He said he is going downhill health wise. Please any idea?
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Kelly from Casa Grande,
Re your son's condition...
My take on this: Your son's instinct is correct. He contracted an STD of a viral nature maybe fungal that is not registered as regular STD.
He is suspecting this (ask him if I'm right) because of the proximity in time between his relation with the former girlfriend and the onset of his symptoms. I'm guessing that is why he suspects STDs.
Well, so assume it is correct; that means he's gotten infected and so has his wife from an unknown virus or fungus.
I'd use LOTS of Colloidal Silver... four to five tablespoons daily on empty stomach AND Echinacea ... five drops in glass of water, three times daily for a full month. Use the liquid Echinacea. Also if me, I'd get DMSO and take ten drops of that and mix with equal amount of Echinacea drops and apply topically over the spleen. The DMSO will carry the Echinacea into the skin and into the spleen and kill the infection. I'd do that topical application three times a week for a month.
He will know this is working within a week because his energy level will begin returning. But the infection is all in his body so he must stay on the CS for six months.
Also look into borax.
Kelly: Most of the time wild animals get sick during long droughts and harsh winters when there is not enough food to eat. Herbivores eat raw organic vegetation and carnivores eat raw green fed herbivores. Your beloved son is probably eating cooked conventionally grown food that is low in active nutrients and high in pollutants. This weakened his systems so diseases were able to cause illness. Raw organic fruit has high energy water so eat a lot. Berries are best. Make green smoothies from organic baby leaves and organic chili. For oil and protein eat soaked nuts and seeds or raw grass fed hamburger and raw pastured eggs. Keep fat below 5%/g. 1/2 saturated and 1/2 unsaturated. This may seen hard to believe but eating raw organic and grass fed whole foods prevents and cures all illnesses.
(Ottawa, Ontario)
Dear EC,
I hope that this reaches someone as I am in desperate need of advice and have nowhere to turn.
I have been following Ted's recovery and hope he is doing much better.
My problem is very unusual, at least I have never found anyone else with my symptoms. Some of it is the same as other's with Lyme disease, Morgellons, but the rest is not. To make a very long story short, In approximately 2012, the hair-like threads that had been growing through my skin, especially my neck, since about 2008, were identified as Nylon 54. A toxicologist told me I have had multiple exposures, but the nylon threads came from a bone graft that was used after a tooth extraction. These threads when visible at the surface, are machine-like, always equal spacing between each stitch. The bone graft disappeared from the tooth socket and migrated elsewhere. Some of the graft was found in my mouth and was identified as part of the missing graft. That is how it was found and analyzed. It was then that I was told it was cadaver and had come from an 80 year old Japanese male. This was also the same time when Borrelia Burgdorrfi was found, which at the time, I did not know was Lyme disease. There were also many other bacteria found in this and other samples taken from my mouth at that same time.
Over the years I have sought medical help, too many times to count, spent every dime I had and got nowhere. I did recently (March 2018) have 29 days of IV Rocephin, which I feel just made me worse and seemed accelerate my symptoms. To this date I still continue to just watch this “disease”progress and I am in such an advanced stage I don't know if I will survive one more winter, unless my miracle arrives.
I wish there were a check-off list for symptoms, because, I hardly have the energy to even type and it is too painful to sit here much longer. The worst parts have been the nylon threads that have morphed into thicker, hardening strands that are twisted and wrapped around my throat. Some are loops that intertwine and lock into each other. These are caught up in a net-like fiber that have hook ends. I can feel tiny disc shaped things and corkscrew shapes just beneath the surface of my skin. The threads cut into my throat and I feel like I am being strangled. One of these “things” came out of my neck and was also sent to be analyzed. There are photos and reports on this stuff, if anyone is interested in looking at them.These things release some kind of chemical that cause the most horrific anxiety (the word does not do it justice), that if you cannot find a way to stop it, dying starts to look like a much needed vacation. But, I don't want to die, I want to live, but free of this horrific nightmare that never ends. It is wrapped around all my extremities and is cutting off my circulation and now carving channels into my skin. It attacked my heart and I now have a pacemaker. I was told the damage was caused by a “ virus”. I have lost all of my upper molars, I can feel the thread wrapped around the top of my teeth. I had beautiful teeth.
I am 61, have lost so many years... My weight, most of my adult life was about 155, I am appx 5'5”, I now I weigh 112. I cannot absorb anything I eat and I do eat enough. It has the characteristics of a parasite, is always active at night and has infected my digestive system. I am extremely sensitive to electromagnetic fields.
My skin hangs on my arms and is rifled with the nylon. I look emaciated and compared to just 5 years ago, I look like I have aged 20 years. I have lost (or so I thought) patches of my hair, mostly in the front.. What I found was that my hair was growing inward under my scalp and down into my neck. It wraps around my ears and grows down into my neck from there. The threads are wrapped around each upper and lower eyelid and are coiled up under the upper eyelid. They have on several occasions grown into my eyes. The pain is excruciating..
There is a bright white fibrous material that has grown everywhere. It has twisted my spine. And is hardening inside my neck. How can a person be this ill, but no conventional doctor can see it. Neither can any type of imaging. I have not been treated very well by the medical establishment.
I see these same fibers in my husbands skin, but he has very nice skin, not dry like mine, so it is not as noticeable. His back has a herniated disc, L3, he has developed renal disease, and is in excruciating pain. He is 65 and was in very good health his entire life, up until about 2 years ago. I try to tell him it is probably the same or similar to my problem, at least some of it, but he is in denial. He has lost over 30 pounds.
This stuff sometimes shows up in photographs, but not in bright light, to the naked eye.
Both my husband and I are in serious trouble. Our dog is infected, too. To be in such a position, is, well, unheard of. I never imagined being so seriously ill and not have anyone to turn to.
I have no idea whether Ted has recovered and is answering emails. I was sure he would know what to do.
I have been following Ted's protocols for Lyme, Lupus, Morgellons, systemic fungus, for about 3 mos. I will be adding the Myristin, today, maybe that will make the difference. I have not seen any improvement, as of yet. That is why I am reaching out, hoping someone can advise me.
What I am currently taking:
ACV Baking Soda 2X Day
Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B3 Niacinamide
Serrapeptase 60,000 units 3 X day
Compounded hormone cream
Diatomaceous Earth 1 TB every day
Borax â…› tsp with 1 capful H2o2 in a liter of water each day
Tetrasodium EDTA, in 1 pint of water, I take 20 drops 3 X Day and use it for soap
*I am not taking the Methylene Blue 0.1%, as I take medications that will interact with it. I understand it is an MAOI Inhibitor, correct? Is there a substitute that is not?
Potassium Chloride
I take a BP med because of pacemaker, a beta blocker and an opiod pain med for a back injury, (very little).
I also take a medication for ADD, that I am in process of weaning off, along with the pain medication.
I have access to a FIR Sauna, and hopefully soon to a salt water hot tub or a jaquzzi. Will these things help? Would laser remove it?
Would Nystatin be good?
Is there a correct dosage I should take of Myristin. I just received it in the mail today.
Is there any type of imaging that can “see” this stuff?
Thank You for any hope you may have to offer. Kim
This is a nightmare. You appear very well versed in Ted's remedies.
The first person I thought of is Tony Pantellaresco. He has Morgellons. He builds PEMF devices. When I contacted him for help, he immediately had answers and was willing to Skype if I needed.
I asked him a question in the comments on his You Tube videos. His remedies and work lines up with Ted's in a way. Although neither are aware of each other.
If contacting him in comments does not get a response. You might call his store. Herbs Plus Beadworks in Ontario. Someday I hope to get up there to thank him for the help he provided me.
There is contact information on his alternative blog. augmentiveforce
(Somewhere, Europe)
Kim, you might want to look into Healing Clay - as in mud baths etc.
Dear Janet,
Thank you so much for the information. I will contact him and hopefully he will know what to do. I am so glad you were able to find help for your own problem.Thanks again.
Dear Mmsg,
Thanks for the suggestion. I will try it.
I have heartburn and extends to my back. And upset tummy and nausea. I have no appetite and I'm not sleeping well due to pain. Nothing I do makes me feel better. I have been to the doctor's for a CT scan, ECG, lots of blood work, scope, and an ultrasound. My gallbladder is inflamed a little just not enough to take it out, my white blood cells are low and I have low blood pressure. The doctors state they don't know what's wrong. Please help.
(Faithville, Usa)
if this was ME, I would take 2-3 activated charcoal at BEDTIME with 16-24 oz of water and put a good coating of castor oil on my core and go to bed . Then in the morning I would take some kefir 1/4 cup with some fruit or berry, Alpha lipoic acid supplement for immune health, some milk thistle for liver detox, some(3) apple cider vinegar in water with honey for gut health, some vit D-3/unless you have a nice tan, I always take magnesium citrate ( epson salt is magnesium as is milk of magnesia),
soy lecithin granules to make bad fats go out of the body tissues and some taurine to rid my body of msg in my cells and organs...both help relieve a distressed body
If you read this during the day give it the 1-2-3 punch then when it quiets down a bit add 4
Maybe some (2)pineapple/papaya juice or blended in a drink with a bit of Kale for the gut health, (1) ginger (candied from spice bulk bins or caps or just powder on food )for nausea, some (4)nutritional yeast for B vitamins to get rid of anxiety and help you digest food. A bit of (3)coconut oil, that gallbladder uses fat to make bile to digest food and you may need hydrochloric acid if the above does not help with some Ox bile to help get that bile flowing again.
whatever it takes, try to keep your organs, taking them out does not always make it better. Low blood pressure is a common issue with gut problems .Salt ( sea or hemalayan pink) raises blood pressure and helps with stomach aches.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Kristy,
About your 11 days of illness; my guess is a virus. For any mystery illness I try colloidal silver immediately. I'd take four tablespoons three times a day and if it a virus you'll likely start feeling better in a day or two.
(Atlanta Ga)
You have to find out what is giving you heart burn, your stomach has to have something in it to start the acids going. I know what u going thru I had ulcers and hiatel Hernia
I stopped drinking and eating any thing that was likely to give me heart burn and started eating chillies (peppers) with every meal. In 6 months I was cured so I'm talking fact I've been there. Bread tomatoes all citrus beer soda, stay away from all foods and drinks that will increase the acid in your stomach you can eat bread but not doughie bread that sticks to your pallet and stay away from pie pastries the dough brings on more acid.
Pepper will not kill u, so good luck.
I would like to consult with you about the oral problem that my father who has been suffering in recent two months.
He Always feels like there is some different stuffs beginning with Nails, iron wires within his month, then it is some bugs, fish, butterfly etc, so he cant stop chewing and try to cut them and spit out. This feeling is there almost 90% of the day. It is very suffering, he cant eat, cant sleep. he is already more than 70 years old.
This happens after he did extract of tooth. He Went to dentist who did x-ray and did'nt find anything but he extracted another two teeth. He tried with different medicine ending with no helps.
He has been a heavy smoker, also drink but with normal amount. He doesn't brush teeth so often, have a bad oral hygiene. His teeth has been losing since many years ago and now only few are left.
Could you please give us any clue about what the problem could be, and how to cure? if you could shed light on any info like the possible reason, the remedy we could try to relief him, according to your experiences, we would appreciate sincerely!!!
Thanks in advance
(Somewhere, Europe)
Lee, until you get better advice, he can start with DILUTED hydrogen peroxide rinses.
My first thought upon reading your post was poison. My first thought was mercury poisoning which didn't seem very likely which made me think of aconite. I'm not familiar with common toxins in China but I'd have him checked for some sort of toxin or poison.
At a cursory glance, it appears aconite is a common "remedy" in China which might make it vulnerable to either improper use by an individual or improper processing by a manufacturer.
Another possibility could be a mild stroke. Either way, he should be examined right away.
This condition sounds similar to Pica, the need the chew ice excessively until the gums are bloodied or bruised. Pregnant women also have the desire to consume laundry detergent, etc. due to a lack of minerals. Research iron and check to see if your father's iron and mineral levels are up to normal.
I was looking into this problem your Father is having and came across the below.
Dental paresthesia: Nerve damage as a complication of wisdom tooth extraction or dental injection.
Most precisely it refers to experiencing abnormal sensations. This might include tingling, numbness or a "pins and needles" effect (similar to the feeling a person experiences when they have a tooth anesthetized for a dental procedure).
In comparison, a diminished sense of feeling is termed "hypoesthesia." The total loss of sensation is referred to as "anesthesia." Some people experience "dysesthesia, " the feeling of painful or unpleasant sensations.]
Dental paresthesia is a possible postoperative complication associated with the removal of teeth (most frequently lower wisdom teeth), or in some cases receiving a dental injection.
Signs and Symptoms - As a result of the traumatic event, the person experiences a change in, or loss of, sensation in the tissues and structures that are serviced by the nerve. The lip, facial skin, tongue and lining of the mouth are all commonly affected areas.
Outcomes - The altered state typically persists for an extended period (days, weeks, months), ultimately resolving on its own without specific treatment. In some cases, the change in sensation that's noticed may be permanent, or only partially resolves.
Heavy metal poisoning or Morgellon's come to mind. Tobacco grown on contaminated soil will contain heavy metals that are vaporized when smoked. Maybe chelation therapy would be worthwhile.
(Cali, Colombia)
I just want to leave the following testimonial as a possible way of help. This is how my mother began at 91, chewing and removing food from her mouth. We did not know what was wrong with her. However, the situation worsened to show levels of malnutrition. A little late we discovered that what she suffered from was known as dysphagia. Dysphagia originates from cerebral atrophy (shrinkage of the brain) when some nerve circuits responsible for swallowing simply turn off, and the person after many attempts is left with the food bolus in the mouth, having to withdraw or spit it out.
A possible solution for this is to go to speech therapy professionals and physiotherapists, who are trained to help restore chewing and swallowing function in the elderly. May God assist and bless you.
That's interesting. "Brain shrinkage", to me, screams dehydration. Which I hadn't considered but makes sense.
You are in the land of the ancient healing knowledge of meridians, now it's time to take advantage of it. Each tooth is associated with a meridian, that's the start of the solution. The second is that in the US and Europe, many biological dentists know that bad dentistry can help fungus set up shop in the tooth location where they were working and then usually sewed it up.
Fungal infections in teeth sockets go straight to the brain. The solution if that is what happened is to ... find a biological dentist, or if they don't exist, start topical anti-fungal remedies at the location of the "old" tooth.
(EC's Facebook Page)
See a new dentist for a new check as up might be the nerves. He may have another tooth with a root nerve infected.
(EC's Facebook Page)
Especially if he had antibiotics, I would think candidiasis.
(EC's Facebook Page)
It might be thrush.
(EC's Facebook Page)
Sounds like heavy metal poisoning.You can use essential oils like rosemary, cilantro oil, Palo Santo, and lemon essential oil on sole of feet to detox heavy metals.
Goats milk and sesame seed may help as well.
I would also diffuse sweet orange or lavender oil for nerves and sleep.
(EC's Facebook Page)
Is he or did he take any medication? Does he have any other issues or symptoms?
(EC's Facebook Page)
Is he or did he take any medication? Does he have any other issues or symptoms?
(EC's Facebook Page)
Do some coconut oil pulling.........take zeolite nano zeolite... make sure he has full spectrum minerals....maybe do a short natural antibiotic wild oregano oil......make sure he has good salt, low salt is not good..... green superfood drink daily.
(EC's Facebook Page)
What is the appearance of his tongue? White?
(EC's Facebook Page)
Two experiences come to mind.
1- after I had a crown done, I had unusual pain, twitching, and almost electric feeling in an area. It centered on where the injections for dulling the pain were given. Mine went on for a couple of weeks. I used took ibuprofen to ease pain but no help with other symptoms. Then I tried CBD oil. I dropped it onto the area where injections were given. I used every morning and if it bothered me later I would reapply.
2- my mother began chewing in her mouth. Her mouth and tongue had strange feelings. A special dentist at a Dental School in Augusta, Ga had a plan. He called a Compounding Pharmacy and order a TROCHE, 4mg Amitriptyline, to be made. They make them to order.
They make up the medicine and pour it into little trays which have to set overnight. They come out almost looking like little rectangles of wax. These happen to be a pink color, perhaps from added flavoring. One is to be sucked on or dissolved in the mouth Before Meals and at bedtime.
They are pleasant tasting and have a slight numbing affect in the mouth. My mother used them 2-3 years until she kinda forgot her mouth bothered her. There were 90 TROCHEs in the bottle.
I hope you can have a doctor or dentist prescribe some for your father. Also, don't forget the CBD oil.
Hi Lee,
This is Anjum in California. I had the similar problem in 2000, when I was only 43 years old and went to a dentist for a check up. I didn't go a dentist in years. The dentist said every thing is fine, I would need a little cleaning so I was ok with that. When I can back home I couldn't sleep and was tasting weird metallic taste in my mouth. It just went worse and worse then it was acidic and started to burn my mouth. The burning was unbearable sometimes, specially when I ate food.
Let me make the story short and tell you that I suffered for more then 10 years and did every thing that was told. I took all the vitamins, minerals, ALA, Algae, Hydrogen piroxide, Apple cider vineger, oil pulling, green smoothies and more but all in vain. You name it and I have done it.
Then I stopped, Sugar, white bread, rice, and sweet fruits like bananas, oranges and mangoes (which I loved) and took corn bread only as a grain, vegetables, eggs and little meat, green smoothies and ginger and cilantro. I will put a little piece of ginger in my mouth all the time and eat bunch of cilantro with each meal. I was taking all my vitamins though ( not multi vitamins)but selected ones, like D3, K2, selenium, B complex, Amino essentials and I also take a natural herb from Ayurveda called "TRIPHALA" at night which helps with my bile reflux. I don't have a gall bladder for 27 years and I also have GRAVES so I need to watch what I can take. I don't eat sugar, milk, cheese, tomatoes, spices and egg plants.
Any way, I felt better in 6 months. The burning was gone. The burning comes back when I eat tomatoes and sugary things like cake ice cream, pizza ect. But I can eat these things once in a while, like once a month or so.
I hope this helps. It's not hard. Ginger tea, ginger ( just sucking it) and even put a little flat piece of ginger in your mouth at night too. ( I did it when it was unbearable)
Hi Linda,
Hope you have discovered LDN ( to stop the progression of your MS. Effective in 85% of people with MS in stopping progression. An out-of-patent, FDA approved drug, no side effects except possible sleep disturbances for a few weeks which can be remedied by taking it in the morning, used in very low doses of 1.5 - 4.5 mg, by mouth. The above website gives the site of an LDN Yahoo Group (run by a Harvard educated MD) with over 12,000 members, about half of which take it for MS. (It is also very helpful in Crohn's disease, Stage lll trials are underway by Dr. Jill Smith now, and many other autoimmune diseases and even cancer). It modulates the immune system so your body can function more normally. Hope this information helps someone who is new to Earth Clinic. Best wishes!
(Somewhere, Europe)
(Tucson, Az.)
Lisa, your mom may need to alter her diet to eat more raw vegetables or take digestive enzymes to aid her in avoiding the reflux. Perhaps she needs core-strengthening exercises to sidestep the back pain, or is the "back pain" in her kidneys? If so, the herb Red Clover can cleanse them. Palpitations of the heart point to major mineral deficiencies, particularly Potassium, which can be supplemented through capsule or diet. Molasses is rich in Calcium, Potassium and Iron, and while the heart also needs vitamin D3 ( adequate sunshine), and Magnesium, it's at least a good start in getting the Potassium one needs. For stabilizing the heart rhythms, it is often taken daily, as the heart needs its essentials daily. With Blackstrap Molasses, a teaspoon to a tablespoon, depending on weight and whether one has eaten or not, seems to be sufficient. Taking too much on empty can result in a loose stool.
I need help diagnosing a problem my husband has been having on and off for the last 3 months. The skin around his lips and on his cheeks is bright red and the burning is VERY intense. He is olive skinned, but it looks like he has a terrible sunburn. Now it has become very dry and the skin is peeling off. His cheeks are somewhat swollen, too. At first we suspected he needed to detox and he has been taking herbs for that, but the condition keeps getting worse. He did see a doctor who did some bloodwork and an ultrasound on his abdomen and everything checked out fine. We are desperate for any ideas. It doesn't look anything like rosacea, but after doing an internet search, I can find nothing similar to what he has. We are living in a foreign country and I don't have a whole lot of faith in the doctors being able to diagnose this. Any ideas would be appreciated!
(Austin, Tx)
Sounds to me like a horrible case of dermatitis or eczema. You should get extra virgin coconut oil and have him take it as a supplement as well as put it on as lotion all over his face. It's either that which is a great natural treatment or you can pay hundreds of $ on steroid creams which work too but also have major health side offects. Your choice :) hope this helps.
EC: Warning re: coconut oil! Two people recently reported a terrible rash as a result of applying coconut oil!
Hello Lisa,,,this would be only a guess but if you are in a climate that is hot, he may either have a fungus or skin mites or an allergy to something, go to the ailments section and read about them, and treatments,,good luck,, Merryanne
(Toronto, On Canada)
I had this last week. Skin looks and feels like a chemical burn. Little blisters/pimples on lips. It is rosacea. I had it once before and it was like an itchy, bad acne break out. This bout was just as you described. I couldn't put the medication cream on, my skin was so raw. I just hydrated it, tried to get it to heal. Didn't go out because it looked bad and I couldn't cover it up with makeup. You can read how I treated under Rosacea.
EC: Rosacea remedies page is here:
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)
I had this experience numerous times after I separated from my first husband. It would flare up and then linger for about a month. The bouts would occur when I was under incredible stress which of course, often happens in a separation or divorce. My skin all around my mouth would turn flaming red and puff up and distend! It was horrible and painful as the skin would be so taut it was hard to move my mouth and talk. It would then calm down after a couple of days and then the skin would completely dry out and then the process of peeling would begin. I would just try to keep it hydrated. In the swollen process it hurt first and then was followed with itching. Mine was completely related to emotions. Is your husband under a lot of stress? Emotions are very powerful things and equally important to our health as well as what we eat. BTW, a year into separation and finding my bearings, I have never had another bout with this again.
Hope this gives you some insight into another facet, Peace, Lisa
Loren's Friend
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Loren... The symptoms you give are not much to go on, but the stomach ache, hard stools etc could relate to intestinal/liver problems or even candida.
Since the doctors are unable to diagnose the problem what I would do is get a sample of the girl's stool and have it analysed for things like candida, IBS, H. Pylori etc. The second thing I would do is get a hair sample from the girl in question and have it properly analysed for mineral/vitamin deficiencies (not expensive). This will give you a much better idea about her rea problems and condition.
The last thing I would do is to protect the young girl's liver -- since this could also contribute to her intestinal problems. Taking Alpha Lipoic Acid, Selenium and Milk Thistle(taken with Vitamins C, E and Vitamin B50 is also beneficial and synergistic) will help to protect and revive the young girl's liver. This also helps to generate Glutathione which works to remove poisons and toxins from the blood -- also highly protective for the liver. Giving the girl Virgin Coconut Oil capsules will help to revive her intestines, soften her stools and also will help to protect her liver. I used VCO when I had candida - and when I had candida I also had very infrequent bowel movement and stools like concrete -- which was completely and gently softened by the VCO in just over a week.
See these links here for more information:
If you have confirmation that the girl is suffering from systemic candida -- then follow the candida protocol here:
Anti-Candida Protocol(See Bill from San Fernando's post)
At the moment I can't really tell you for sure what the little girl is suffering from -- not enough diagnostic info.
(Queens, Ny)
Bill from San Fernando: Thank you for your prompt response to my query. I really am grateful. I'll forward this post to my friend and hopefully this can help them during this difficult time. Thank you once again and I am sorry I could not give you more info to work with. As I mentioned, the docs are not saying much. God Bless