Natural Remedies

Natural Approaches for Scabies: Exploring Effective Remedies

Hulda Zapper

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Peggy (TX) on 01/26/2022

I've used everything posted online and from doctors for scabies. The only thing that has worked for me is Dr. Clark Hulda Zapper. After the first day I was able to sleep through the night. I zap twice a day one in the morning and before bed. I put it under my armpits for 10min then off for 20min, then in my socks under my feet for 10 min then off 20 min then hold it in your hand for 10 minutes. Drink plenty of water you will get dehydrated.

Replied by Elisa

Which zapper did you buy, for scabies and where did you buy it?

Replied by Amy

Did your scabies finally go away?

Hydrogen Peroxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Max (England) on 09/28/2014

Hi, Like most I have found scabies to be a scary infection.

A thought first: First check the possibilty that it may be 'folliculitis' as scabies is often diagnosed incorrectly.

I scrubbed my large area of infection on the knee with neat conditioner (I use any unbranded name). They are better than the one that is head and shoulders above the rest for infections. I use neat conditioner for most things especially eczema.

This cleared the area of surface critters. However, I notice there often isn't a distinction between 'I'm free of them' to 'I'm free of the infection underneath the skin'.

The following is not for the faint hearted. I can only say this is what I did and not saying do it.

I poured a very small amount of 33% peroxide into a small glass. I then add a little water. The mixture was very powerful, way beyond 10%.

With a cotton bud I rubbed into the infected burrow lines till they opened and whoosh the peroxide just killed everything. The process was so painful that I thought I couldn't bear it but I keep pushing the bud. The off white residue was hard so I washed it down. Later, I repeated the process on the missed areas.

I can always tell if there is any infection under the skin because if I press an area it feels like a pin sticking in me. My knee looked like I had fallen on gravel that cut deeply into my flesh.

At last the infection had gone. Now I am recovering and applying simple balms to the sores. There is no scarring of 'burnt' areas.


Hydrogen Peroxide, Anti- Itch Cream, Whitening Toothpaste

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jason (Newport News, Va, Usa) on 08/29/2012

I have had the 'bug' for almost 7 months before locating this site. When my symptoms first appeared, I was unsure if I was just losing my mind. I went to the doc's and they had no idea at first.... (odd if you think about it..... Med school for 12 yrs to open a business called a "Practice"). I didn't feel like being a guinea pig, but the itch was unbearable! I've read many of the articles/comments from others and came to the conclusion something was going to done soon. The "bleach/peroxide" cure didn't pan out, the "oils" were just too costly, And all the others were just a "hocus pocus" form of treatments. I did some more reasearch, spoke to a few peeps and was steered in the right direction after spending countless hours awake scratching till I bled at night!

Heres the cure:



3.APPLY AN ANTI-ITCH CREAM (allow time to penetrate skin)



I know this sounds crazy! But after doing this for 3 days the symptoms associated with the 'scabies bug' ceased! The itch is gone, the healing happens rapidly, and I can sleep at night again!

After you've applied the toothpaste to the area, be sure to leave it on until the next day. Wash it off with warm water and soap. Re-apply at night and follow process for a few days. You'll be amazed at the results!

After going to the doctors numerous times for them to prescribe me.... Cures...... which never worked and cost me a fortune, this is a cheap cure for scabies!

Let me think about the costs....hmm...

Permethrin Cream..$120


Permethrin is crap and costly! Doctors know nothing! They pump you full of drugs to see which works best!

This is a cure for me...... Toothpaste........ A whitening paste! You have a cool, tingling sensation after applying it, and sleep like hound dog!

Try it and add comments to this lovely and 'cheap cure for scabies'!!!!!!

Replied by Julia
(Riverside, Ca)

I have no idea where to buy some of the other ingredients... But your list is do-able. thank you.

Replied by Carol
(Paris, Ohio)

I wish I knew what toothpase? I have no money and fear wasting barrowed money on the wrong toothpaste.

Replied by Katydid
(Tx, Usa)

I used Crest 3D whitening toothpaste. But I believe it may not even need to be a whitening one. I used it, thinking I only had weird hives and I'm telling you it fixed the itch in less than 2 minutes. I left it on for a few hours and washed it off when it no longer felt like it was doing anything, and re-applied. I'm not cured yet. When I am I'll list what worked, so this may or may not be a cure, but it SURE does stop the itch that made me unable to sleep!!

I went to the dr a couple days ago for what I had assumed was hives due to a bug bite (I was thinking maybe an ant.) The doctor barely looked at me and just agreed with my suggestion. Turns out it wasn't an ant bite and resulting hives, because this isn't an allergic reaction. I've had those before to medicines, and the steroids always help quickly. I will keep on the steroid, simply because that is also part of the protocol that can be used for scabies - which is what I now assume this is.

Anyway, if you look under the hives section of EC, you'll see that toothpaste has been used before I tried it. I believe that person used a very different brand, and didn't mention it being whitening. If I were you, I'd just try what toothpaste you already use. I've also seen suggestions for mouthwash and am wondering if that and toothpaste share some ingredient that's helpful. That may be my next try. Good luck to you, and all of us.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Zinc Oxide Ointment

3 User Reviews
4 star (1) 
3 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Steve (Winnipeg, Canada) on 05/01/2008

Hi there, I was just reading through your page and got a lot of helpful information from all of the posts. I have scabies intensely on my wrists, and a very small out-break on my netherands. Now, I had gone to see my doctor abut the condition (knowing already what it was (that's right, this isn't the first time) he prescribed me the same medication as before; NIX Topical Cream. Now, this worked absolutely wonderful the first time I came across scabies. However, it was only today (four weeks after my first application of the NIX Topical Cream) and now after applying the same cream for the fourth time/bottle/30g each) my scabies still haven't gone away, and I find out that the scabies mite just might be immune to the treatments? Well, that pissed me off as you could probably guess, and $120.00 later (not including cleaning supplies and time). After reading the posts, I immediately went (stomped) to the washroom and ran my wrists under HOT water to open up my pores and then pulled out the hydrogen peroxide, and started rubbing it around on my wrists, WOW, I'm not sure if it felt soo good or soo painful!?!? Anyway, after I applied it, there appeared to be a lot of bubbling. I waited a minute or two and then washed it off. I then applied a Zinc Oxide Cream used for diaper rash and skin irritation. The burning from the peroxide soothed away, but as I'm typing to you now (5 minutes later after all of that) I appear to have a yellow transparent discharge in the area of the rash on my wrists. I'm sure it will be okay though. The reason I used Hydrogen Peroxide is because I use every time I get cold-sores (fever-blisters) on my lips. And I found it worked the quickest and without scarring. Instead of developing a big blister on my lip, if I applied the peroxide at the first sign of the cold-sore, the swelling went down almost without even a scab. I would apply it with simply a q-tip, about 3-4, 5 times daily, for one or two days, the discomfort of having a cold-sore goes away almost after the first day, and the feeling of relief feels sooo nice. I'll write again to tell you how well this works, side-effects, and how long it takes if it does. I still have a feeling that this might have been a bad idea; I don't care anymore at this point. I can't afford it or stand it anymore. Hey! The bright side is, I haven't cut off my hands yet *laughs* Thanks, Steve.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

Hi Steve- I have had your problem before & know how intense the itching can be. I don't know the topography where you are, but if you know what poke sallet (also known as pokeweed) is, the root of this plant is boiled in water, cooled enough to apply to the affected areas for scabies. At the times I had the problem I didn't know this, so have not tried it personally. I have eaten poke sallet and have taken poke berries for arthritis problems, so I can tell you that the plant is not likely to kill you. My next younger brother (now 72 years young) did tell me about his grown daughter came to him with the same problem of scabies, asking him what to do. Since I had told him about using the root for this purpose, he dug up a root, cleaned it, boiled it and gave her the water it was boiled in to lavishly apply it to the affected areas. He laughed as he told me about how it worked. She told him that "it set me on fire" but got rid of the scabies in one application.

Replied by Nancy
(Lakeland, Florida)


Do NOT try this treatment! I did and ended up with bad chemical burns on my arms from the hydrogen peroxide! I do not know at this point whether I will be permanently scarred by these burns as they are still very bad over a week after trying this approach.

Replied by Nancy
(Tarpon Springs, FL)

Reponse to Nancy: Hydrogen Peroxide is a TOPICAL (to be used on the skin) antiseptic. You can use a diluted solution of it to rinse your MOUTH. You shouldn't have gotten a chemical burn from it. Perhaps you are allergic or hypersensitive or perhaps it was something else.

Replied by Mary
(Yonkers, Ny)


I was using the HP and get "burned" so stopped. Start using the ACV and "burn". start Borax, burn part of my face, neck and chest but I did not stop the borax treatment.

After 2 months I tried the h2o2 and the Apple Cider Vinegar again just to see what happen. Surprise, didnt burn anymore. For me the burn was the killing of some fungus. In a normal healthy skin I guess dont do that. I am free to use it again.

Replied by Jess
(Los Angeles)

Ok the person telling ppl they cant get burned from peroxide. There's always someone trying to INVALIDATE another's experience. There are different strengths of peroxide skin types etc. and many outcomes possible. For instance, Diatomaceous Earth might have worked great for some but there are many different type of mites and solutions are not always one size fits all.

Replied by Dr. R

I had bought some hydrogen peroxide from a natural store. It turned out to be 98% HP. Well I'm glad I didn't get any on my skin. At that concentration it is used as fuel for engines. Be careful with the concentrations of HP you use. @ high concentrations it is ACID on your skin.

I don't think I have scabies, yet. I found out my niece was on the street for like 6 months. I brought her to my home a few weeks ago. No a lot of physical contact which is good, turned out she has scabies. I did wash all her sheets. I have given her 2 Nix treatments. Her friend can only afford 1 so I will pay for the second treatment for her friend.

I am allergic to most medications. I've tried the sauna heat. I am going to try a hot bath with HP, Borax, Japanese Mint Oil (Like Vick's) and then cover myself with hydrogen peroxide and then smother myself & the mites (if I have them) with Vaseline.

At least the first week my niece stayed at a friends house mostly. And I traced the source and how they have been playing (ping-pong) with this scabies for the last 6 months. Pray for me that I just have Hypochondria (not Mitochondria - sorry for this really bad pun, scabies ain't fun! ) from googling all this scabies information and not actual scabies...

Indigo's Scabies Remedies

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Indigo (Sacramento, California) on 09/05/2008

For the person being plagued by SCABIES - I had something like scabies (never did figure out exactly what, the doctor was useless on this). I can suggest a few things that worked for me. Get some green plastic garbage bags and white plastic garbage bags. The clothing that comes off of your body goes directly into the green garbage bag to be washed after one wearing, likewise your towel after one use. Store clean clothing out of the dryer in the white garbage bags until you put them on. Keep the bags sealed and separated. Wash your body and hair with Meat Tenderizer mixed in your water and shampoo (you can just mix in your hand before soaping up). Get the unseasoned meat tenderizer so you don't end up smelling like garlic. The papain in the meat tenderizer dissolves the exoskeleton of the bugs and they die. This also works for fleas for animals. Rinse thoroughly - it will leave your skin and hair nice and soft. You can get a large (almost 3 pound) dispenser of tenderizer online for around 20 bucks from Spice Place. Cheaper on the whole than small containers from the grocery store. Also change sheets and pillow cases every night. Wash clothes and linens in hot water and 1/2 cup bleach. Borax is also good - 1/2 cup for each load. Vacuum carpets and mattresses like crazy. Put your pillow through a hot dryer cycle. And this is very important - you need to change the internal terrain of your body, then parasites will not be attracted to you. Stop eating all forms of sugar and refined products, msg, artificial sweeteners and all junk food. Take a high potency multi and B vitamin complex. Drink hot water and lemon juice first thing every morning and a few more times during the day and before bed. Eat fresh food - lots of veggies. Coconut oil is also a great remedy for scabies. You can coat your skin before bed, even massage into your hair at night and shampoo in the morning. You'll be healthier in the long run and parasites will completely lose interest in you. Read the posts here on coconut oil - it seems like there are posts regarding scabies.

You can get rid of them. Best of luck.

Replied by Liz
(Winnie, TX)

It's really a bit cynical to be washing like this daily, who really has the time for this? Have you heard of the saying sometimes you can be too clean... the environment has ways of taking care of it's own, but as far as internally cleansing that really is the answer.

Replied by Lolita
(Sacramento, Ca)

The washing like crazy IS VERY TIME CONSUMING but necessary!!! If you have these creepy crawling things in your skin, believe me, washing everything over and over will be something you are willing to do to get rid of them!!!! Good Luck. We are still fighting. Will try some of these remedies and get back to you.

Replied by Craig

Papain does seem to work! I was reluctant to put meat tenderiser on my skin but I've experimented with mixing it in with hair conditioner, salicylic acid and the papain and massaging it onto the skin and leaving it there for a while. it doesn't seem to cause any damage to the skin, although I still have dense regions of scabies under my skin

Infrared Sauna

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lindsay (North Carolina) on 03/08/2020

An Infrared sauna will draw them out of your skin. Use a sticky roller to remove them. There is also a purple powder that turns brown in the tub that pulls all of them out of your skin and you will actually see them when you drain the tub. It works by oxidation. I will search to find the name of the powder and post. It can be purchased on Amazon.

Replied by Lulu

What is the name of the purple powder?

Replied by Michelle
(Allen park)

Does anyone know the name of the purple powder for scabies she is referring to on Amazon?

Replied by Bailey

What was the powder you said drew them out?

Replied by Rose
Replied by Gabrielle
(NSW sydney)

Did you find out the name for that purple powder 🙏

EC: Gentian Violet.

Ivermectin +

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Helena (Stamford, CT) on 02/07/2024

Scabies and demodex treatment

Hi there, I wanted to share my experience with people on this website because it helped me. It has been 1 1/2 year that I have been struggling with these mites. Was never diagnosed. I am not healed yet but I think I am getting better.

First time I was able to recover after 1 year of treatment, but I got reinfected. I do not know what I did wrong to get reinfected, probably I just did not kill them all and it started with one pimple, then two, then I got Covid, and within a couple of months I had rashes all over my body again.

First time I used prescription medication heavily. I used a lot of ivermectin because that's the only thing that helped me. I did 7-9 rounds of that med. I also used permethrin which didn't help, sulphur, which kinda helped, spinosad, Benzoate etc- they all kinda helped, but again, only thing that really worked was ivermectin. I got ivermectin through the online pharmacy called plush care. My body took it ok but my hair did fall off a bit after this nightmare.

When I got reinfected, I thought that maybe it's some kind of auto immune rash instead of scabies. So my doctor prescribed me one month of antibiotic doxycycline that only made things worse. Both times when I got infected and reinfected, I had Covid, so I think that made my immune system weak and let them flourish. I am not immune compromised but I do have autoimmune thyroid disease Hashimoto, so am

Wondering why it's so difficult

For me to get rid of them. I do not know what is the type of this mite- so resistant to everything and lives all over my body, in hair too. They are definitely invisible, so either scabies or demodex or both?

My mom showed mild itchy symptoms but my husband and my son were OK. They didn't show any symptoms but I still treated everyone- my husband and my mom with Ivermectin and my son with permethrin cream.

When I got reinfected, the doctor prescribed ivermectin again because it worked for me before. I did 6 rounds of ivermectin:

Wk 1- 1 round of 4 pills, wk2- 2 consecutive days of 4 pills, wk 3- 2 consecutive days of 4 pills, wk 4- 1 round of 4 pills.

That helped but still didn't kill them all, my problem was that I also had them on my head which I discovered too late. I have read posts on this website and started trying different remedies. I think mixing different methods works best- it seems to me that when I try something new, it works right away but then it's time goes by, it becomes less effective. I think the most effective for my body was bath with borax and hydrogen peroxide 3%. I put approximately half a cup to one cup of borax, and one cup of peroxide in the bath and soak. when I started doing that my body got dry and they died, but I felt that something weird started happening with my head. I think they all went to my head to escape the over-treated body, and at night I would feel them crawling in my head and it bothered me so much. Something was going on in my hair, I started researching thinking maybe it's demodex mites, because sometimes I also felt my face was troubling me, they were moving from my hear to face.The combination of borax and peroxide worked for my body, but I didn't wanna damage my hair, so I started using vinegar for my hair, and that helped. so now the most effective combination for me is a bath with borax and peroxide, and I wash my hair with lice shampoo then rinse it with very weak, diluted vinegar. I leave the rinse on my hair for 10 minutes and then I wash it off and put conditioner on to protect my hair from drying. I do this twice a day and it keeps them away for now.

I also have a spray which has borax and vinegar- little bit of a stronger version for my head, so when I feel something moving in my head, I just spray and zap them and they stop moving. that has been my main regimen that worked so far but I did notice that they respond better to various treatments so I do other things as well.

I washed myself in bleach bath. I have put half of a cup of a bleach in the bath and that really worked!!! I had nothing going on for good almost like day and a half after! I am afraid of using bleach too often though. I also used DE three days in a row -at night after the bath I would cover myself with DE and go to bed like that. I think that also helped. To prevent my skin from drying I do a mixture of either body lotion or coconut oil with drops of clove oil, Tea, tree oil and neem oil and I put that mixture all over my body and I walk like that for the whole day because it kind of keeps the skin moisturized and creates unfriendly environment for bugs. The paste of borax, hydrogen peroxide and water was good too. 1 portion of water to 1/2 peroxide and some borax to make it into the paste. Put it on skin and let it dry. That helped especially with everything head/face related.

I noticed, when I was working hard on my body, they would run to my head. It was really surprising for me, and I wanted to prevent that. Ted mentioned some kind of essential oil barrier, so when I was treating my head I would put of essential oils around my neck so they don't go down, just to prevent them from moving from one place to another. Be careful with essential oils, always dilute them especially tea tree.

Internally I started taking metronidazole which is antibiotic for demodex, I got it online through wisp pharmacy. The standard dose for demodex is 250/ three times per day for two weeks. That's what I'm doing now. In addition, I drink a little bit of diluted vinegar in the morning. I also drink one teaspoon of DE in a big glass of water. I also take neem capsules, NAC and MSM. I take it all because I am so fed up with this and I am really fearful that it's not going to work, so I'm trying to do everything I can.

I also went to sauna quite a bit to sweat them out, and I did ivy drips, I'm not sure if ivy drips or sauna worked. I usually dry sheets and clothes on two circle so I dry things for two hours. I have been sleeping by myself now, the bed is covered with a plastic cover, and sheets on top, and instead of the pillow I just fold the sheet into a square and sleep on it, because pillows are very hard to wash. In the morning, I just send it all straight to wash. and of course I'm spraying everything and your car could be a big problem, especially the seatbelts which I didn't think about before.

I hope it works for me and for you, and I wish all of you to feel better soon. It is so heartbreaking this whole thing- my whole family thinks I'm crazy, doctors don't know what's going on. Only we know how much suffering we have to go through. I only hope that I'll be able to cure it and it's not morgellons or something like that. It is so frustrating. It's scary. In my case it has been one and a half years I have been battling with this. I am wishing to all of us speedy recovery and to forget this nightmare once and for all.

Ivermectin, Borax and Peroxide

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kelly (Pahoa, HI) on 06/13/2024

I stumbled across while researching the scabies mite and am so grateful for the information I read from the community here. I wanted to share my story as well in case it may help others. My symptoms started about 6 weeks ago with a couple of itchy bumps in my belly button. The itchy bumps spread just outside my belly button over about 2 weeks, then turned into a burning rosy red circle about 2 inches around my belly button after swimming in the Ocean. Over the next week, the itching and the redness expanded to cover my abdomen. I thought it was a yeast infection that started in my belly button and was aggravated by my swim in dirty water (we had just had a flood and the Ocean wasn't clean), so I was treating for yeast/fungus. After a couple weeks, my symptoms were not improving and the itchy rashing had spread to my armpits, butt crack and thighs. I don't have health insurance, so I used the Dr. OnDemand app (which I would recommend! … It was $79 with a $10 off coupon from a friend for a 15 minute session which saved me so much time & money from having to go to an Urgent Care clinic). The Dr. recognized my symptoms immediately (she had just gone through having the mite herself and told me it took her a year (! ) to get over). She offered to prescribe permethrin- but I opted not to take as I learned permethrin is stored in fat cells and possibly difficult to expel from the body over time. She prescribed Ivermectin which I was comfortable with. I practice acupuncture, have been using natural medicine for about 20 years and haven't used over the counter or prescribed pharmaceuticals for so long- less a round of antibiotics for a staph infection over a decade ago. After a couple weeks of ignorance, the scabies had spread to a significant portion of my body. The 1st round of ivermectin helped. The rash got more intense with the kill-off. I had been using boric acid- dissolved about 1/4 cup into a pint of hot water and would dip a paper towel in the jar and wipe over my rashed areas. The boric acid relieved the itching for a couple hours at a time. I washed my bedding (minimized my bedding by just using a sheet, one little pillow and a little blanket) everyday and clothing at least every other day in hottest possible water and hottest dryer setting (sanitize). I took 2 hot showers a day, and a bath with boric acid or tea tree oil when I could. I started using neem oil all over my body after shower… but found the itching would start sooner after using the oil than when I used the boric acid. I live in about 98% humidity though- so just a word of caution, the boric acid is very drying to the skin and I don't know how it would be in a less humid environment. I also started taking sulphur homeopathic. 8-9 days after taking the Ivermectin, I noticed more bumps, spreading to new locations and the itching continued. I took another dose of Ivermectin on the 10th day. Noticed a little difference this time, but was feeling a little dismayed with the progress. It was during this time that I found earthclinic and read about the 50/50 solution of boric acid and hydrogen peroxide. When I added the hydrogen peroxide to my boric acid wash, the tingle felt amazing. I feel this is when I started to turn and gain ground on healing. I also started taking a sulphur supplement (500mg MSM Organic Sulfur Capsules by No Boundaries Health and Wellness – 180 Vegetable Capsules: No Excipients or Fillers – Premium Health Supplement: 99.9% Pure MSM Powder – Joints, Skin, Hair, Nail ) and started using a sulphur soap (Naturasil 10% Sulfur Lavender Soap Bar Natural Skin Treatment for Acne, Bug Bites, Warts Treatment, Viral Bumps, Nodes & Itching), and took another round of Ivermectin (8 days after the 2nd dose). Now, about 6 weeks after the 1st signs, 4 weeks of which the infection was crazy intense, all over my body (abdomen, butt crack, thighs, lower legs, ankles, hands, all of my arms, armpits, chest, and neck), I'm feeling the best I've felt yet. I'm not waking at night with burning itching and have just a few bumps now left on my abdomen. I'm keeping up with the boric acid/hydrogen peroxide wash multiple times/day, will keep taking the sulphur supplements and washing with sulphur soap (why not! - it's great for skin & hair) and will be taking- hopefully the last round of Ivermectin on day 7 or 8 depending on if new bumps appear. Feeling great now and confident the mites are not feeling so at home anymore on my body.

In summary… -Ivermectin - I was recommend to take 10 days apart, but seemed that 8 days between doses was more effective. - 50/50 solution of boric acid and hydrogen peroxide. I used paper towels (too many unfortunately, but didn't want to re-use a cloth) to wipe over affected areas multiple times/day. Will dry out the skin- but my skin has recovered relatively fast after the mites left. - Sulphur supplement (1000mg 3xday) - Sulphur soap (2xday) - loads of turmeric in my food and as tea - acupuncture helped with inflammation and sleep - little to no processed sugar and minimal ultra processed foods - hot showers or bath (bath with boric acid & hydrogen peroxide was best). - also started using a (homemade) calendula oil with lavender and tea tree oil on my face and hair which my skin loved and seemed to ward off the spread to my face and head. Best of luck to everyone!!

Manure + Borax Bath

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Dee A. (Canada) on 05/13/2019

May 2019 -

Dear friends...I have suffered from a severe case of Scabies for 2 years.

Quite by accident I've come across a fast track cure. Here is my story... I went to the local hardware store and purchased supplies for gardening... seeds, fertilizer, sheep manure etc. The sheep manure stack at the hardware had some busted bags.

I selected the best bag I could find. It was heavy so I held it close to my body and lifted it into my cart. Two hours later I returned home and to my horror found Scabies had come out of my skin and were concentrated all around my chest and stomach area. The scent of the sheep manure had gotten on my shirt from lifting the bag and they are attracted to the scent. I took a lint roller to my skin then went for a borax bath. It is my opinion that this is a fast track method to eradicating them. Open a bag of manure outside...lay a shirt on the bag until you feel the shirt has picked up the scent then put it on for a couple of hours. Lint roller and see how many you collect. Do this outside please as this is manure.

You don't want to shed Scabies in your home either. After lint rolling your skin, head for a bath that kills what remains. Keep doing this until they are all gone.

Replied by Dee A.

Additional Comments:

Manure + Borax Bath

Please note... not everyone will see high concentrations of Scabies on their skin after drawing them out of the burrows with the scent of Sheep manure.

1) It depends on how badly your infestation is.

2) I have a condition called Myopia which is nearsightedness that can magnify the tiniest things with my glasses off. I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse as it freaks me out to see Scabies on my skin. I do know that seeing them after scenting them out of the burrow is a good thing toward reaching a cure. You out there with 20/20 vision probably won't see them without a magnifying glass. But this definitely works. Please be careful with how you handle Sheep manure. Gloves on please! Handle the shirt as though you are dealing with feces. Only scent the shirt and do not rub Sheep manure into the fabric.

Store Sheep manure away from the home. Sheep manure is not like cow, pig or chicken manure. It is not as strongly scented as these, but Scabies are drawn to it none-the-less. I have read a lot about the biology of Scabies. I have not read anywhere about how Scabies are attracted to certain scents. Having Myopia has given me an advantage I believe. I have seen them come out with certain strong scents.

If there is someone out there that can develop a scented product to draw these mites out of the burrow then please go to work! This is a horrible disease and we are waiting for help. 300 million new cases per year! I feel this is a far better treatment to try as you are getting Scabies to leave the burrows. Having them outside on the skin is a far better treatment solution than killing them inside the burrow with a topical. Borax Baths and H202 are recommended on this forum and I totally agree with this as you can keep your skin bacteria free. These mites are dirty and can cause a bacterial infection. I believe Borax baths kills Scabies that are on the surface at the time of the bath. Another thing that works to exfoliate the skin and keep it clean is Epsom Salts and Bath Salts. Please exercise caution and use common sense when attempting this and any other treatment. Research everything well before attempting.

Btw… Sheep manure here is 4.00 per large bag. Be well soon :)

Moxidectrin Gel For Horses

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by compassion (amsterdam) on 10/06/2024

We had scabies for 6 months. Did absolutely everything. Was going insane.My son read about moxidectrin online. It worked after one treatment. Did a follow up just to be sure. It's a gel for horses, we bought it online and used it and it worked for all 4 people !! 100% cured with one treatment. Bought from a farm supply. I have to share this for people who are at their wits end and going crazy like I was.

Replied by Margie

Just curious, my daughters family has been fighting this forever, it seems. Did you apply directly to your skin or dilute with something? Did you also put on your pets?


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by lily (Canada) on 12/10/2021

A DR. told me to buy MSM, (organic preferably 99.9%pur) which is organic SULFUR crystals. Follow directions on the package PLUS boil a cup of water add a tsp. of granules, let cool, put in a spray bottle & spray your body & hair. It is true MAGIC!

Multiple Remedies

26 User Reviews
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Posted by Tebora (Germany) on 04/22/2024 12 posts

scabies, have it anybody extremly ? and what do you do to survive ?


I look at earth clinic about over a year. My problem I have scabies for two years and it won´t go away, whatever I do. The mites are deeper under the skin, you can see nothing on the skin, also light red dots. All medecine or home remidies don´t reach the mites enough. Outside, inside and bath treatments also in combination. (I think it is scabies, because eight family members where also infect, also creams don´t reach, because of the deeper inside of the mites, and a dermatologist (skin doctor) said that that was scabies (I don´t know if he see a mite, or he thinks of the skin reaction). I havn´t this skin reaction but the horrobil feelings (stinging, burning, itching, the same as the other family members). And the first skin defensive is missing by myself, because I got it from a short touch from a family member and from there it spreading over the whole body. Now I have it from toe to scalp and I must have thousend or millions of mites. Ivermectin in sereval times help the other family members, but not me. Some people in the internet tell something about red bird mite. I don´t know. (And it is not a re-infection (all cleaning is done), it don´t go from my body). I lost 30 kg weight and my immune system is going down (blood values, you can see it). And I have often short cold chills.

What I have done outside: Permithrin also 4 weeks, Crotamitex, benzoylbenzoat, malathion, bleech, tiger balm, sulfur cream 20% mixed by myself, coconutoil with clove oil 50/50, other oils with etherial oils (lemmon, oregano, champhor, thymian, tea tree, also combinated), garlic in cream, ballistol oil, peru balsam, sulfur lime, MSM cream, turpentine oil, CDL, DMSO, dermatomic earth, enzym spray (KleenGreen), papain (enzym) spray, castor oil and so on

bath: bleech, CDL, epson salt, sea salt, borax with hydrogen peroxid

what I have done inside: Ivermectin tablets also several times, Flucanonzole several times, another woorm tablets, anorganic sulfur, turpentine oil, CDL, DMSO, oregano oil, garlic, bitter herb teas (Yarrow, nettle, horsetail, birch leaves, sorrel (two tablespoon of each in a big tea pot with hot water 15 minutes to let go and drinking over the day), wormwood extract powder, eat hot (chilli), eat a lot of tumeric, eat ginger, eat no sugar and less carbohydrates, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, fermental drinks, supplements (vitamin C, vitamin B complex, OPC, Q 10, enzymes, probiotics, propolis, bitter melone capsules, grapefruit capsules, vitamin B 3 with flush, and so on

homeopatic: sulfur C 30, arsenicum album C 200, sepia C 200, kalium sulfur C 200, psorinum C 1000, causticum C 30, natrium muriaticum 1 M, staphesagria C30, apis C 30, azadirachta,

All treatments only reduce the speed of spreading. When I do nothing it is spreading extremly. What I recognize after 1-2 weeks you must change the treatment, because the mites have gotten used to it and adapted.

The sulfur C 30 helps best for 3 days (better then permithrin or ivermectin), then no more, castor oil (when creaming over 5 days the whole day) pulls something out of the skin (3000 or more pimples), but it doesn´t reach to cure, causticum helps that the burning isn´t so much,

I need something for the horrobil stinging pain, I can´t anymore. I`m desperated. Have anybody an idea for the horrobil pain? (I think the mites won´t go away in future) Thanks a lot

Replied by Madelyn

Another person with scabies named JT posted on her. He found a study showing 100mg a day for a couple of weeks worked to eliminate an infection of the mites. I wonder if you tried very hot sauna. I think the mites die in extreme heat. So maybe you can try daily saunas?

12 posts

Hello Madelyn, what 100 mg must be taking? That will be nice to know. I don´t find JT post. Thank you very much for answering. Hot sauna is in the moment not possible, but I will try it.


Tebora, my apologies. I was in a hurry to post my reply and forgot to include the medication. It is called ivermectin. JT found a case where a woman had a severe scabies infection where even the gum tissue in her mouth had scabies. She was treated with 100 mg of ivermectin three times per day, over the course of 15 days. There were no reported side effects and the scabies were eliminated. However, you may want to try just 100 mg 1 time per day for 15 days. If that doesn't work, then you can take a break and then try taking the higher amount of ivermectin daily for 15 days. Here is a link to the article:

Earthclinic has an entire section for scabies. Use the desktop mode for your browser so you can read all of the posts in that section. There are lots of good ideas for what you can try. Wishing you success!

Replied by Cate

Try applying Apple Cider Vinegar directly onto the patch of skin that makes you itch. Do not dilute it. Leave it on for 20 seconds, then gently pat dry. If applying to face dilute with equal parts of water. Prior to applying, ensure all skin is completely free from any substance eg. Creams, cosmetics

If you find that after applying the vinegar, your skin is even more itchy, then it's a sign the vinegar is working. In this case, add more vinegar until itching goes away. Then pat dry.

Tell us how you go...

12 posts

Hello Cate, thank you for answering. I used Apple Cider Vinegar often last year. Only that the burning is a little bit better for a half hour, nothing happened. And I let the pure apple cider vinegar on the skin. It isn´t powerfull enough. And it is a good notice, that it must be more itching, because of the dead mites. Sometimes I had it a little bit with sulphur cream or with cayenne pepper cream, but not enough to healing, because it don´t reach all the mites (because are deeper under the skin). And I used a lot from them.

When I have a solution, I will post it immediately

Replied by Marie
(Templeton, Massachusetts)

Have you tried Urine Therapy? It is a surprising cure. Your body knows exactly what it needs. I have healed many things with urine therapy and I really believe it can help you too. The best thing about UT is it's always the same medicine no matter what the problem is. This is what you should do. First when you wake up, pee into a cup (morning urine is very beneficial) and step into the tub. Rub the urine all over your skin and give it 5 to 10 minutes to dry, then rinse off with water only no soap. (Although you would have better results if you were to leave it on) Do this for a couple days to see if you notice improvement, you can use urine from any part of the day ad do multiple times a day if you are noticing good effect. Your condition sounds very severe, I would say give it 4 days but you should see results much sooner than that

12 posts

Hello Marie, no that it something what I had done in the past. I will try it, I will let it on my skin. I will report if it helps. I only tried with drinking, it was disgusting, helped not, but I couldn´t drink it more than 3 days. Thank you for answering.


Hi Marie,

Can transdermal urine therapy heal severe worm/intestine looking like varicose veins?

Thank you

12 posts

Hello Tony, when you need a homoepathic doctor. I have one in Pakistan. He is very good. You can reach them about ABC Homoepathic forum, or I can give you his number. He tried to help me, but all is not enough in my case. And he can tell you babout herbs. I wish you sucsess Tebora


I hope the urine works. I agree with Marie to try leaving it on & not using soap to wash it off. I would even go further to suggest not putting anything else on your skin for at least a week. No moisturiser, no deodorant, etc. instead use only urine & water on your body. If you have to wash your hands use either vinegar, bicarb/baking soda as the alternative to soap. Our skin absorbs water more easily than it does oils. Oils can be clogging & cause itching. So for the urine to work the skin must be clear of topical oils.

Are you taking any medications, or supplements, if so which ones?

Have you been putting anything on your skin, if so, what products?

Does the itching appear in a persistent particular area, for example the back?

Does the itching almost feel like its bone deep?

Other than the itching & stinging, do you have any other symptoms?

12 posts

Hello Cate, thank you for your answer and the advice that the skin don´t have anything oil or cream on it, so that the urine can work.

In the moment I taking vitamic C, OPC, probiotics, magnesium, Q enzyme Q10 (a lot of vitamin C, because I think it helps a little bit), for the skin I spray with KleenGrenn enzyme spray or with borax/H2O2 (that was Ted advoice here for dogs), and then I taking homeopathic remedy sulfur C30 three times a day, that's how I get through the day and it doesn't spread so much, but it still stings and burns and itches.

What I tried in the past can you read in my first message. What I do sometimes is to sleep in pur castor oil (I bought a bath tube, where I filled in castor oil and there I have been there for three days, that reduce it (to suffocate them), but not all, then the burning/ itching and the stinging will be greatly reduced, I get about 3000 pimples where it burned and stinged before, and it comes out of the skin (pimples) and it comes very small like grains of sand out of the skin, thats a little bit painfull, but not so much. The advice for castor oil comes from (KleenGreen), they wrote me to put it in the evening on the whole body and then wash off it the next day, then spray or cream the body (with enzyme spray or a cream where you put enzyme (papain) in it) and the next evening put castor oil on the skin and so on. The castor oil should kill the mites immediately on the surface of the skin. Because it is a thick oil. But it is very oily and you have to be careful not to get anything dirty. And I noticed it helps against the burning and itching and so I thought I try it with a bath tube with castor oil. When I reduce the burming /itching/stinging, I feel better and then I gain weight again. But it don´t reach to heal. (I creamed with castor oil 5 weeks and some mites get through somehow)

The stinging and burning is all over the body, but the most on the whole scalp, behind the ears, neck, face here eyebrow and around it, tempels, nose and around it, lips and around it, chin and below, back up and down, butt, knees, feet, ankles, wrists, elbows.

The feelings what I have it is burning, itching and the painfull stinging, sometimes the stinging is until the bone/ a pain of the surface on the bone, (I think, when the mites are deeper and reached nerve tissue, which is connected to the bone.) I have short cold showers/chills (I don´t know the right word in english, I hope you understand me) over the whole day. I get more warts. More edema on the ankles. Dry skin, with very, very small skin flakes. ( I had no skin problems before, had rarly creamed (only in the cold season and then with a homemade marigold cream) only washed with water and a organic soap.

KleenGreen told me, when you treat the mites are extremly they start fighting extremly back with the painfull stinging. I can confirm this (when I took a very good preparation for the immune system, they attacked me very hard, and I had to stop)

Today I will start with a homeopatic treatment, that somebody told me. Here I can´t put anything on the skin, but I will try the urine remedy after that. And I will wash my hands with bicarb/backing soda or vinegar. When the homeopatic treatment works I will write here.

Thank you very much for your answers, thank you so much!!!


Sounds like you've tried everything! You're very strong for not giving up!

In dogs, there is a type of scabies that cannot be eradicated by using internal or external treatments. It can only be killed by improving the immune system. 'Selenium' has been used successfully for this. Perhaps you may have a type similar to this.

In addition to what you're already taking, the following taken daily, will help to strengthen your immune system;

  • Selenium
  • Iodine
  • Vitamin D
  • Bone broth (boil raw bones for 2 hours, discard bones)
  • Raw fresh garlic (4 daily, crushed, mixed into butter or extra virgin olive oil, with food)
  • Raw fresh radish (2 small)
  • Beetroot (1 small, or ½ medium size, raw, grated in salad or cooked)
  • The juice & pulp of 1 small Lemon or Lime
  • Unfiltered Extra Virgin Cold pressed Hemp seed oil (1 tsp)
  • ½ or 1 cabbage leaf or any other cruciferous vegetable E.g broccoli. It's ok to eat these raw on occasion but if eaten daily should be cooked (boiled & water discarded) to avoid affecting the thyroid.
  • Potato (peeled, cooked, no green)
  • Sauerkraut 1 tsp (must be from the refrigerator section as it has 'live' bacteria)
  • Milk thistle tea (1 tsp seeds, ground up, boiled 5 minutes)
  • Olive leaf tea (5-10 leaves boiled 5 minutes)
  • Wild caught, cold water fish eg. salmon (3 times a week)

The reason for the above in bold, is because they are the most important for immune health.

Eliminate the following;

  • All grains, as they produce yeast (may make scabies thrive)
  • Vegetable fats or oils (except for extra virgin coconut oil/fat & extra virgin olive oil)
  • Alcohol
  • sugar (genuine honey is good)
  • Condiments such as soy sauce,

Use Himalayan pink salt or any other natural salt in cooking. Avoid table salt.

Use Filtered water when drinking or cooking.

Avoid the following cookware; aluminium, non-stick & enamel. Instead use stainless steel & oven-safe glassware for baking.

I wish you all the best Tebora...

12 posts

Hello Cate, thank you very much for answering. It helps me so much, that somebody wants to help. I will try it with selenium an so on. Vitamin D in high dosis I take it in the moment. Today I´m in the third day where I take the homeopatic remedy. It helps as all treatments a little bit. Perhaps it helps someone else. At the first day I took syphilinum C 200 two globulis (or two drops as in which type you have)(it´s for somebody who weight has lost and when it is worser in the evening with the itching, burning, stinging and so on), then wait for a day, then the third day psorinum C 30 + croton tiglium C 30+ staphesagria C 30 two globulis or two drops of each three times a day for 4 days a week . And cell salts two times a day. two tablets each of them in a cup (1/4) of water. The cell salts are kalium sulphuricum, natrum muriaticum (natrium chloratum), calcera sulphuricum (calcium sulfuricum), silicea. I hope it will heal somebody who read the posts. I will write if it helps.


Hi Cate,

Which type of selenium do you prefer? What do you think about brazil nuts as a source of selenium?

What type and how much iodine per day?

Than you


The following are also extremely vital for a strong immune system;

  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B12
  • Omega 3 (if you happen to be vegan or vegetarian, unfiltered Extra virgin cold pressed hemp seed oil is a great source (1 tsp daily)


Hi Tebora, I wish I could be of more help!

The amount you may like to try taking in order to benefit your condition is;

  • 200 mcg (micrograms) Selenium, daily (practitioners have administered this amount to their patients for numerous conditions with success)

12 posts

Hello Cate, thank you very much. I bought Selenium and I take it every day since you wrote here.

12 posts

Hi Cate, I do all what you describe, no helping, I do in the moment hulda clark, but it helps not enough or nothing. There are a lot of selenium, lugol, zink and so on in the program. I fight more, I sleep now in salt bath, but not helping enough. The mites are deeper under the skin, nothing reach them enough. I can´t anymore. I removed my tooth titan implants, the speed of spreading is reduced.


Brazil nuts are excellent. As well beef, and eggs. Most agriculture has been depleted of soil selenium, so supplementation is ideal.

Also Heiltropfen Iodine/Iodide is utterly amazing! it is a proper mixture of potassium iodide and iodine.

Hope it helps.

12 posts

Hello Jo, thank you for the advice. I tried it, no helping. When you hear something, is good, when you will write it. Thanks

Replied by I%u2019m cured

I'm so sorry you're going through this, sounds similar to my experience. I was over a year and wanted to give up, but please know you WILL beat this, keep going. Do you have a plastic encasement to put over your mattress? You also need water proof pillow case protectors. Change bedding every day, soak in hot borax water for at least 4 hours. spray the plastic mattress protectors with a mix of 3% hydrogen peroxide tea tree and clove and orange or tea tree oil with water and dry before new bedding. That was a huge game changer for me. Doing the oils after sauna or after hottest bath was good too, alternated with the toxic doc prescribed stuff but I bought concentrated animal stuff and diluted. Used stronger stuff on the spots. I noticed the permethrin especially made my skin itchy but usually I could put my oil concoction on a spot and a little hard gritty thing would come out, the permethrin itch would not do this so I knew it was that.

12 posts

Hello Replied, yes little hard gritty things come out, when I´m laying in a castor oil bad for 4 days. Yes the hole time. But it heals not enough, because the mites are deeper under the skin. With the castor oil I can suffocate them and then some came out so you describe and I get 4000 -5000 little pmples. And the immune system is relief. But it is not enough. Now I removed my tooth titan implants and the speed of spresding is reduced, but not so that it can heal. Can you describe your oil concotion? To make all clean I do it with the sprays you describe. I have the problem that the mites don´t go away from me, not with new infection only by self infection (hand to skin in the face and so on, I wear the whole day gloves). Where I can buy animal stuff? Here in germany is it not possible. I have it above the hole body, now in the mouth. I want anymore

12 posts

Hello, for anybody her / his is follow me. Now I take Albendazole 400 mg three times a day and ivermectin 12 mg today, cream with cayennpepper and permithrin. I do it now 1,5 month. Helps also not enough, they stinging me furthermore. It is not so strong as bevore, but I´m not healing. The supplemts do I, too.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robin (CA) on 04/27/2021

Important when you have scabies to wear latex gloves when showering or bathing so you don't spread scabies all over your body. And especially when wiping after using the bathroom or changing pads during period. Women don't use tampons during this problem at all!! Also, try to wear gloves as long as you can daily assuming it's not summer. Also always wear thick socks with diatomaceous inside them. Turn the sock inside out then grab some diatomaceous earth with inside out sock. Then turn the sock right side in. I used ankle socks. This along with consistent glove wearing kept me from spreading mites in my environment cutting down cleaning and helps to effectively stop the vicious cycle. These two steps also prevented feeling them inside and out. Not to mention keeping diatomaceous earth in my socks helps blood pressure and water retention. I do it to this day.

I also shaved my head bald. I'm not kidding. I'm a woman and I figured I wasn't going out or seeing many people anyway. It helped alot but I know it's not for most people. I also drank diatomaceous earth in water daily. There are miticide foggers also that help especially cause your so exhausted mentally and physically. And dehumidifiers and heat used together with all windows closed for as long as possible (you have to leave the premises of course. Try just hanging outside.) Always keep any furniture a few inches away from walls from now on. Never have any furniture, knick knacks touching walls. I also stopped hanging pictures and other things on walls to prevent hiding places for pests, parasites. From now on lifestyle means less is more!

One last mention is to keep any clothes, shoes, pictures, memorabilia, anything stored or not in immediate use that you would like to keep seal it tight in plastic from now on. This is important as a rule of thumb. It cuts down cleaning and having to throw things out for many types of infestation like mites, bed bugs and roaches. I hope this helps.

Replied by Kimberly

Omg!!! Yes, why do doctors, vets, exterminator, and the dermatologist is last to be seen, but no one has mentioned half what you did ..and that is why 6 months and no real improvement with the mites, people believing me, and my pets too are still dealing with them.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gabriélle (A.) on 12/14/2020

Hello Earth Clinic,

Over the months I have been learning how to irradiate scabies. Yesterday I found your site.

This has been my routine (up until now) with no significant effects, maybe slightly worse:


  • Daily Supplements - 1st in morning pre pro biotic & aloe Vera powder
  • NAC & other supplements Vit C 7,500 mg etc
  • Daily Clothing in ziplock labelled day week leave in 10days
  • Daily Permethrin on itch spots - night and day yes
  • Daily Laundromat - 30min and leave sit in heat 15min longer
  • Mats that cover Floor all bedding and towel
  • Daily Spray - Kleen Green benches steering wheel surfaces and van floor
  • Weekly - Clip nails often
  • Weekly - Permethrin weekly
  • Weekly - Head - ivermectin or Permethrin mixed with 1/2 the quantity of conditioner
  • 3 weekly Moxidectin 1/2 dose ? Full (neurotoxin)similar to ivermectin a stronger version

If anyone can suggest another treatment, please do so. Thank you.

Replied by Nina

Pls try teds remedies

Borax n H2O2 mix.

This is what my friend did and it has cured her when others did not.

1 bottle 3% hydrogen peroxide

Water n borax ( 20 mule brand).

Big container to mix the solution.

Empty the bottle if hydrogen peroxide in the container. Then fill the empty bottle with water 3x . Each time emptying it in the big container ( 1:3 ratio).

Then teaspoon by teaspoon slowly add borax in it. Mix very well. When you notice that the borax is not dissolving anymore ( granules are left in the mixture), stop adding borax.

Use the solution as a soak on affected parts . 15-30 min per day or 3x/week depends on how you can tolerate it. On the second week of doing this, skin is very dry but mites gone.

Replied by MissM
(New York)

Some suggestions:

  • Infra red sauna if you can get to one
  • Neem dry herb capsule internal
  • d limolene capsules a type of orange oil
  • Neem and Orange oil are used as bug eradicators.

For neem internal take only the dried herb, not the oil. Neem oil is toxic when taken internally.

  • Pet MD benzoyl peroxide shampoo this has sulphur and salicylic acid. Add 1/2 neem oil to this. Neem is stinky and bugs hate it. This is to be used as shampoo and body wash.
  • You can add peppermint or tea tree essential oil to make it smell better. Both these essential oil are also anti bug.
  • Sulphur bar soaps from Amazon. Sulphur is drying be aware and does smell like Sulphur!

Above shampoo works because it goes deep into hair follicles.

I would also make a body spray with hydrogen peroxide and borax and spray your body after bathing. Just keep it around. Look on Earth Clinic for proportion. I believe it's 10 percent hydrogen peroxide, 10 per cent borax to solution.

Replied by Rob

Here in Kentucky, we use turpentine baths to get rid of turkey mites bites (infant star ticks) when we hike in the woods. It makes since that since scabies are a mite, it can be used for them also.

Published in the (Roy and Ghosh Medical Journal Dec. 1944), From the Department of Medical Entomology, School of Tropical Medicine, Calcutta) When it was noticed that the incidence of scabies is at present extremely high and that drugs such as benzyl benzoate, mitigal, tetmos, etc., are not available in this country, it was felt that it would be worth while to undertake an investigation with the object of discovering a sarcopticidal drug which would not only be efficient but would also be readily available. In this connection, a large number of indigenous preparations commonly used for scabies in this country were tested, and in course of this investigation oil of turpentine was observed to possess properties whereby the mite was quickly overwhelmed and was soon killed on contact outside the body.

To take a turpentine bath, pour a capful of turpentine about 1 teaspoon into a full tub of warm/hot water. Add bath bubbles to help draw the turpentine into the water because oil and water don't mix well. Humco Pure Gum Spirits is sold here at grocery stores and is made from real pine trees. Not synthetic made crap sold at hardware stores which will burn your skin we found out.

To make a topical salve, mix 1:4 Turpentine to Olive oil. Apply to infected areas.

Replied by MissM

This remedy makes sense to me. Turpentine has same smell similar to tea tree oil that also kills mites.

A bath with tea tree oil could work as well.

Eye mites can be killed with the following tea tree, peppermint and lavender essential oil.

A scabies remedy could consist of bubble bath with turpentine and the above essential oils, and borax!

10 posts

I have been taking very hot baths with tea tree oil clove oil and lavender soak for one hour does not work. I think it just makes them dormant? They come back!! I'm now taking borax & HP will see how this works, but how often do I do this is what I need to know??

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
518 posts

I stumbled onto something and got reading the reviews on the not-the-Nile site. It's called Nu-Stock. It's a sulfur cream and has a lot of high reviews for its intended purpose which is for horses - or just animals in general. Mange, cuts, scrapes etc. and, apparently, anything for which you could use it topically. But it also has some reviews for external use on people. I got some but didn't have anything to use it on.

It's pretty messy. Actually, it's VERY messy but you could easily squeeze it all out into a jar and mix it that way. It would be a lot less messy, too. I think it's in a tube so ranchers and horse people can just toss it in their kit/tack bag or glove compartment and such but you could definitely transfer it to another container. You'd want to really flatten it to get it all out so the ratio would be maintained when you're mixing it up. I think those who had trouble with it didn't mix it up and just got the oil that had separated when they tried to get it out of the tube.

Replied by Noel
(Toronto, Ont)

Hi, please can you tell me about how you take moxidectin? I know it can stay longer in the body system than the ivermectin and is being tried in humans? I am infected from the last 5 months. Also, where can I buy it? Thanks.


Hi, I got moxidectin through a horse dewormer paste, you can order it online or even buy it at tractor supply! It eradicated a lot of my mites, currently I am not 100% cured but o can at least sleep at night. I am still going through many treatments to get rid of all of them. Make sure to do research on Moxidectin before you take it though.

Replied by MissM

I got ivermectin from my doctor, because of serious eye mites. Ask your doctor for treatment. You must take this twice at least. Kills bugs first go, but then a couple weeks later you need to dose for eggs babies.

There are several threads about getting rid of these types of bugs. You can take a pinch of borax in warm water five days on, then on day off. Neem capsules, not neem liquid which is toxic internally. Di limolene gel capsules. Both of these are anti bugs.

You won't get rid of them if you aren't scrupulous about washing your clothes, and bed linens everyday with borax, detergent and high heat. If you don't you will get reinfected.

(faithville, Us)

Read Ted's Remedies, Top Natural Remedies for Scabies (

my seed for the day, hoping for a harvest in my own health.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Noel (Toronto, Ont) on 10/04/2020

Hi thanks everybody for your posting about scabies. I suffering for the last 3 month and is nightmare terrible, 5 members of my family are infected we try tee three oil neem oil alcohol stromectol pill or ivermectin 4 times nix cream the oil lamp work but did not kill the eggs and they come back sulfur soap etc, I still have this monsters I am taking now oregano oil softgels and garlic pills. please what is MMS and please any other suggestions how to kill the eggs from inside out God blessed everybody

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

NOEL, ORH here, I got mites several years ago and nothing worked until I read that hi heat will kill them. Put all clothes a bedding in a plastic bag and washed in high heat. I have a sauna and got in it twice a day at 160 degrees. You right in that you can kill the adults and the eggs re-infect you. Thus it takes time to get them all. I was corresponding with a guy in England and he killed his with a Rife Machine. Scabies and mites are both parasites. Heat will kill them. I also had a ointment that I coated my skin with to prevent then from getting oxygen. When I get into trouble, I throw the kitchen sink at the problem and sometimes do not know what solved my problem. Just know that you must keep you clothing and bedding in plastic bag and wash daily in hot, hot water. ====ORH====

(Kuala Lumpur)

Hi how long do you spend in the sauna?

Replied by Art
2298 posts


Have you tried clove oil in vodka and used as a spray? Lavender oil with peppermint oil in vodka applied as a spray may also be helpful. All three of these oils are considered helpful for detering these mites.

