Pyometra Treatment Without Surgery: Home Remedies for Dogs

| Modified on Sep 21, 2024
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Pyometra Remedies for Dogs

Pyometra is a life-threatening infection in a dog's uterus that typically occurs 2-8 weeks after a heat cycle, predominantly affecting older dogs.

There are two types of pyometra – open and closed. Open pyometra is less dangerous than closed pyometra, as the cervix is open, allowing the infection to drain out. In closed pyometra, the cervix is closed, trapping the infection within the uterus, which can lead to a rupture and life-threatening consequences.

Symptoms of pyometra include fever, lethargy, distended abdomen, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive thirst, and depression. In severe cases, vomiting and diarrhea may also occur.

In this article, we will explore how to treat pyometra in dogs at home using natural remedies, specifically focusing on the Manuka Honey, Turmeric, and Vitamin C Protocol. This method has shown promising results in pyometra treatment without surgery.

Natural Remedies for Pyometra in Dogs: Turmeric, Manuka Honey, and Vitamin C

A combination of Manuka honey, turmeric, and vitamin C is an effective home remedy for treating pyometra in dogs without surgery. Administer the dosages of these ingredients three times a day according to the guidelines below. Note that the listed amounts are for each dose, not to be divided by three:

1. Manuka Honey (substitute raw honey if unavailable):

  • Over 80 pounds: 3 teaspoons
  • 21-80 pounds: 1 1/2 teaspoons
  • 5-20 pounds: 3/4 teaspoon

2. Turmeric (use capsules if powder is unavailable):

  • Over 80 pounds: 1 teaspoon
  • 41-80 pounds: 1/2 teaspoon
  • 21-40 pounds: 1/4 teaspoon
  • 5-20 pounds: 1/16-1/8 teaspoon

3. Vitamin C (sodium ascorbate):

  • 5-20 pounds: 500-1,000 mg
  • 20-80 pounds: 1,000-2,000 mg
  • Over 80 pounds: 2,000-4,000 mg
  1. On the first day of treatment, give each dose 4 or 5 times, and then continue with the protocol three times a day.
  2. Once the infection is resolved, maintain one dose of the protocol daily for a month to help prevent reoccurrence.
  3. Read the feedback from 35 readers who have tried this three-remedy protocol here.

How to Treat Pyometra in Dogs at Home

When using home remedies for pyometra in dogs, it's essential to keep your dog comfortable, clean, and warm while recovering. Be creative and gentle when administering the remedies. Mixing the ingredients with tempting treats like cooked chicken or liver may help.

If your dog refuses food, mix the ingredients with water and use a syringe to gently administer the solution. Be patient and take your time.

Cautions and Feedback for Pyometra Treatment Without Surgery

It's important to note that dogs who have had pyometra and recovered will continue to be at risk for this condition unless they are spayed. A daily dose of vitamin C may be appropriate for a dog with a history of pyometra who remains intact. However, treating pyometra at home comes with risks. If your dog is not showing signs of improvement or seems to be getting worse, seek veterinary attention if possible.

Read extensive feedback from our readers below who have tried these remedies to learn more about their effectiveness.

Do you have a natural remedy for pyometra or have you tried the turmeric, manuka honey, and vitamin C protocol for your dog? Please share your feedback with us!

Related Links:

Vitamin C for Pyometra - #2 Most Popular Remedy
Vitamin C, Turmeric, Manuka Honey for Pyometra - #1 Most Popular

Black Seed Oil, Manuka Honey

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by R (Las Vegas ) on 05/12/2024

Has anyone tried treating open pyometra with black seed oil? My 12 yr old husky was just diagnosed with pyo and believe that surgery would be too big a risk. We are currently giving her antibiotics from the ER bet they prescribed Enrofloxacin and AmoxClav. Plus giving her a spoon of manuka honey and rubbing black seed oil on her topically where her uterus is and about 1-2 ml orally. She is sooo much better! Appetite is incredible and eating her food and treats. Also drinking and go for short walks. Please has anyone tried black seed oil? Just want to make sure she gets rid of infection completely

Replied by Tameka

Hello! Really lovely to see another dog owner using black seed oil. Would love to hear how your girl is doing and if any other natural herbs etc that you are using to keep her string and healthy?

Cinnamon Extract

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Susan (Minnesota) on 04/26/2021

I want to add to your treatments to pyometra. I have an English Mastiff. She lost 30 pounds and was diagnosed by a vet for pyometra. The small town vet was very rude to me and wanted to euthanize my girl. the very day. I took her home and began giving her cinnamon extract capsules stuffed into little sausages. I only had a partial bottle, and they were getting old. By the time she had finished them, (and I had her on antibiotics from the vet, before that), she had gained all her weight back. I was very upset that the vet would have euthanized her. She remained very active and healthy for quite awhile. But now she went into heat and began to favor her left rear leg. I thought she may have stepped on a roofing nail, so bathed her entire foot in Listerine, and soaked in iodine, which she licked off. She was losing weight again, and I thought it was from an infected foot. So I put a mustard pack on it, which she licked off. And I treated it daily with iodine. Now, she has gotten worse, and I ordered the manuka honey, vitamin C and Tumeric spice. But I have been out of the cinnamon extract. I am ordering today. But I think I waited too long, as she is throwing up and not eating. She also has a foul smell. Here is the cinnamon extract, and also some info. I hope this helps.

Echinacea and Goldenseal

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jim (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/16/2017

Editor's Choice

My dog had Open Pyometra recently. I tried the Manuka Honey, Vitamin C, Turmeric, but they did not work. After doing much research I gave her the Now brand Echinacea and Goldenseal root 225/225mg blend for 2 weeks. She started to clear up within a few days and within 2 weeks was completely cured.

My dog weighs 65 pounds, and that dosage worked for her. The Echinacea boosts the immune system and the Goldenseal is an antibiotic. I gave her 1 capsule in the morning and 1 capsule in the evening. I mixed it in with a little canned food, which she loves.

Replied by Cindy

How is your dog doing as of now?

Replied by Jim
(Los Angeles, Ca)

She is cured. She has not had a recurrence. I am considering having her spayed before her next heat in order to avoid a possible future occurrence.

EC: Wonderful news! Thanks for reporting back!

Replied by Fatmah

Saw your comments. one capsule each of the Echinacea and Goldenseal root 225/225mg? My dog is about 20lbs.


Echinacea, Goldenseal, Vitamin C

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Hannah M (Houston) on 07/23/2021 5 posts

Update to my post on July 23:

I first did the Manuka honey, Tumeric and vitamin C but it did not work.

I then did Echinacea and Goldenseal 225/225 mg. I gave it to her for 2 weeks, along with 2,000 mg of vitamin c twice a day.

At the end of the first week, her discharge stopped but I kept on for another week. At the end of the second week, she was completely healed. I had her spayed 3 weeks later so it doesn't reoccur.

I would recommend Echinacea and Goldenseal 225/225 mg if the first remedy does not work for you.

Thank you for this site, my girl is healthy and recovering from her spay surgery.

Fresh Garlic

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Christina (CA) on 01/25/2023

My female shih tzu had Pyometra twice. First time we took her to the vet and got antibiotics and the turmeric/honey mixture worked wonders for her. She got it again a few months ago after finishing her heat cycle. This time around was much worse - her discharge was SO heavy and we thought we were going to lose her. We did the turmeric/honey mixture, added cinnamon to it too, and used homeopathic remedies. Nothing helped. Started giving her fresh, chopped up garlic that we let sit out for at least 10 min to let the allicin activate. Gave her 1/4 tsp twice a day for about two weeks. She recovered within days. Truly a miracle. She is all better now and healthier than ever. Don't listen to what people say about garlic being poisonous to dogs - she is neither anemic nor sick in any way. Do your research for correct dosage for your dog. Will be getting her spayed next week to prevent Pyometra from happening ever again now that she has fully recovered and gained all of her weight back.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Queti (West Midlands, UK) on 06/14/2021

Great to hear of other people's dogs improving after pyometra, my 6 year old recently acquired beagle started to show symptoms of open pyometra, with vomiting, being off her food, and a bigger thirst than usual, I also found I could express milk from her titties.

I looked in my homeopathic dog book, (author vet by the name of George Mcleod) and he recommended Sepia 30c which I put in her water. She has regained her appetite, the milk has dried up and she's got loads of energy. That was within 1 day of the remedy. Should I now breed from her at her next season? Would that put her womb right? I'm going to get her some Manuka honey too. She already gets turmeric as her breed can get arthritis and I want to avoid that.

Manuka Honey

4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Steve (Uk) on 04/13/2023

Upon reading healing dogs with manuka honey for pyometra. The best medicinal honey money can buy is the green umf 28 from newzealandhoneyco (link) The cost is £300 but would cost 10x that if taken to a vet. Leave nothing to chance!


Manuka Honey
Posted by Dennis (Beach Park, Il) on 05/12/2017

Like others here on this site, I do know manuka honey works as my dog was going thru coughing, gagging, sneezing and runny nose I was told by a vet she had heart worm or heart disease, so I started giving her kefir, manuka honey and hawthorne berry and everything has disappeared, but like everyone else here I firmly believe now she is going thru pyometra with her leaking, so hers might not be as bad since she was already on the manuka honey and kefir before it all started, so now I am going to use this remedy with kefir, manuka, turmeric and vitamin c. By the way, my dog is Chihuahua and is 13 years old, I have gone to 2 vets and I solved one problem that they could not solve, after spending numerous dollars on an allergy test and meds,

Manuka Honey
Posted by Manuka Dad (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/21/2017


Manuka Honey Vitamin C Closed Pyometra became Open

okay.... 10 days ago, my dog weighed 87lbs. She's down to 77, but still alive. Was given $3k quote for emergency surgery for closed pyometra. While the vet left the room for me to decide, I jumped on her computer and started googling.

Declined the surgery and took my dog home. 4 days in, she could barely walk. Was trying antibiotics and manuka honey, but she would not eat anything, so I had to force open her mouth and force it. Thought she was going to die...Now we are ten days in and she is walking again, and has started draining pus. More and more pus is coming out. She is still not eating, but drinking a lot and peeing a lot.

I started with the =10 manuka from Trader Joes and today I went for the +24 Manuka Doctor from Whole Foods. I take a big finger glob and put in a piece of sliced turkey or ham and wrap it up and force her mouth open like I saw on a veterinary website and get the food in her throat and close her mouth and rub her neck.

She doesn't like that, but she's getting better. She is still not eating, but we went for a walk last night, about a mile. That's huge. We are not out of the woods by any means.

Replied by Erin
(Columbus, Oh)

I was so relieved to read your story because it's very similar to ours. Just wondering how your pupper is doing and if the treatment worked for her.

Replied by Graces
(Asheville NC)

How long do you keep giving the formula? I did it and she was better in one day so I scaled down to 2 times a day for a day and now it is back.

Replied by Bambi
(Las Vegas)

Hello, my dog just got diagnosed with closed pyometra also and the vet wasn't over $3000 for the surgery. I have been on my phone looking for advice and I am so happy to see your story. Please if you can give anymore advice I need anything. Thank you

EC: Many additional positive posts are on our Pyometra page, so please read them all.

Manuka Honey
Posted by Manuka Mom (Los Angeles) on 08/19/2016

Editor's Choice

My golden retriever had Pyometra and was honestly too weak for surgery. Her body was lifeless. She was on death's door. I gave her manuka honey (16+) 1 tsp. 3X day. It cleared the Pyometra, which was truly a miracle at that point. She was so sick and I was fearful I would never get her to eat, but it was just a matter of listening to her. I made her a smorgasbord of food options but noticed she was begging for my husband's COOKED chicken. Interesting to note, she couldn't tolerate her normal raw foods diet at that point, so I cooked chicken for her, and she ate it. She bounced back and that was well over two years ago, by the way. In the end, I'm not suggesting this will work for anyone else, but she was so sick that I we nothing to lose except for the sweetest little girl in the world. Please check with your vet. Ours was supportive (thank goodness)!!!

By the way, there are TONS of amazing studies on Manuka honey (most conducted outside of the US). Read the research. It's pretty compelling. Also Manuka honey is GREAT for topical infections too! Honestly, I am shocked that no one else appears to have posted about Manuka honey; it's the BOMB. I won't forget the fear of losing her, so my heart goes out to anyone dealing with a similar situation. Blessings to you!!!

Replied by Robert

At 230 in the afternoon, she became very uneasy and whimpered a lot, she looked at me for help, could not stand I took her to a different vet. We were going to put her down, but he asked are you sure, she is only 6 years old. We said we did not have 1400 dollars, he looked at me and said don`t worry you can pay 100 dollars a month ( the other vet wanted 1800 dollars, half now and half after or put her down for 275...I did not even have that. I am on a fixed budget and my wife is disabled. I think the other vet is all about money.) He immediately did the surgery and we are picking her up today...he said she had about 48 hours to live...any ways I did not get to try the honey...sorry. I tried a lot of vets but everyone of them were wanting all or half now half after..even tried Care Credit, but they turned me down...have to have better than fair credit..found out that they turn down 80 percent of people who the way she was a rescue dog. So happy

Replied by Manuka Mom
(Los Angeles)

Blessings to you, Robert!!! SO glad your dog was able to have a successful surgery and that you were able to work things out financially.

In hindsight, I think I would add a natural vitamin c and raw butter to the honey, especially since there are such good success stories here with it.

Being as natural as I am, I would use:

- 1 tsp Manuka honey 4 - 6 times the first two days and then reduce to three times per day. I would dose every hour if my girl would be willing to take it...especially if her weight was low and she couldn't eat

I would also add:

- NATURAL (food based) Vitamin C (e.g., Camu Camu or Amla/Amalaki)


- RAW (ideally organic) butter

I would personally use the above combination for a dire situation where surgery is not an option, but I'm not a Vet or a Doctor and cannot diagnose, treat, prevent or cure disease.

That said, God DOES cure and HIS food heal!!!

Sending love for God's perfect healing touch on all of your special companions.

Manuka Mom

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)


Late to this post, but just so HAPPY that you found a vet who cared. I have been in your shoes - dog is in pain and she hurts and you just have to go to the vet. In my case we were able to do the emergency spay; I can only imagine your dread showing up at the vet intending to PTS knowing it was only a matter of money. So glad you found a new vet - and a dedicated healer :)

Replied by Tracy


I'd like to know how many days you continued the Manuka Honey, and can I add Vitamin C as well. I also have Colloidal Silver that I can use if needed. (80lb. Lab)

Replied by Manuka Mom
(Los Angeles)

I did a "therapeutic dosage" 3+ times per day for a week and then a backed off to a more modest dose (1X/day) for a month...JUST TO BE SAFE!!! I did not use Vitamin C, but if I did it again, I would add 1/2 tsp. Amla or Camu Camu powered 2X/day. Best wishes to you!

Replied by Pat

Can this manuka honey can this be found at a grocery store? Also, you said natural vitamin C. Should I go to a vitamin store for these items? I am willing to try my dog got sick over two weeks ago she isn't eating a lot, then she started with the discharge, I took her to the vet and was told she had pyometra. I also can't afford the surgery, my dog is 10years old. He gave her a two weeks supply of meds but I am seeing no improvement, she still has this discharge and very little food.

Replied by Manuka Mom
(Los Angeles)

You can find Manuka Honey 15+ (ideal potency for us was this strength at least for the first couple of days) at Whole Foods Market, Sprouts and maybe even Trader Joes. We used Wedderspoon brand, and I can't speak to others. You can also buy online at Amazon and Vitacost.

Vitamin C appears to have been effective in many preparations, according to other posters. I simply prefer to get it from food sources (e.g., Amla or Camu Camu).

Last but not least, another woman use the same basic remedy but added turmeric, and I agree 100% that it could offer additional benefit, in my experience.

Hope all is going well and apologies that I didn't see this post until now.

Blessings to you,

Manuka Mom

(North Carolina)

Is the lower strength Mannuka better as I bought the 200 strength as it seemed that it would work stronger?

Manuka Honey, Turmeric, Vitamin C, and Yun Nan Paiyao

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Heather (San Francisco) on 12/06/2021

On Thanksgiving Day, we brought my 12-year-old American Akita to urgent care because we noticed brown mucous discharge all over the blanket she was sleeping on top of.

They did an x-ray and an ultrasound and confirmed that she had open pyometra. The vet suggested we do an emergency spay and quoted the surgery at $8500 on top of the $1500 I paid for x-rays, bloodwork, ultrasound, etc., for a total of $10, 000! With my girl being 12 years old, I didn't want to put her through the trauma of such a risky surgery. Additionally, I am terrified that she won't come back up if they put her under. I told the vet that I preferred to take her back home, and they sent her home with a week's worth of antibiotics (Clavamox).

I scoured the internet for alternative treatments and stumbled upon Dr. Jones' YouTube video on a homeopathic remedy, pyometra. I did a little more searching and found this excellent article on Earth Clinic!

I started this treatment the very next day (Friday), three times a day:

  • 4000mg vitamin c with rose hips from Whole Foods
  • 1 tbsp Wedderspoon KFactor 16 Manuka Honey
  • 1 tsp 95% curcumin
  • 2 capsules of Yunnan Baiyao
  • 1000mg of Allicin (2x day)

The discharge went from a brown mucous discharge to a bloody, foul-smelling discharge during her treatment. We bought disposable diapers for her to wear, and it would fill up with so much blood, I almost thought she wasn't going to get through this. But, after eight days, her discharge turned into an odorless, clear mucous discharge. I will continue dosing her 3 times a day until the discharge has completely dissipated.

I am so happy that I found Dr. Jones' YouTube video and this wonderful article on Earth Clinic!

Replied by Heather
(San Francisco)

Update: After 12 days the discharge was completely gone and she is back to normal!

Replied by Julie

Where did you get the yunnan baiyao? I'm having a hard time finding it.

Manuka Honey, Turmeric, Vitamin C, and Yun Nan Paiyao
Posted by Aw (Los Angeles) on 08/16/2020

Hi, I just wanted to add to this –

We have a 12 year old Chihuahua who has had heart failure and was already a high risk patient. 2.5 weeks ago, we took her in to the vet and they said she had an open Pyometra and said that dogs usually have surgery to remove the uterus. Since she was already a high risk patient due to her heart issues, if they put her under, they warned us she might not come back up. It felt like they were saying we either need to put her to sleep because she could die from the Pyometra or we need to risk her dying during surgery. The main vet she sees said that if we chose to do surgery, he didn't want to be the one to perform it because he didn't feel right about doing it given her heart condition and how risky it would be.

On top of that, we really couldn't afford surgery (minimum $2k) but we didn't want to give up on her. I started looking around for natural remedies and not long after, I found this video on YouTube

I did some additional research on the Manuka Honey, Turmeric and Vitamin C and saw that it was posted in a few places including Earth Clinic. There was barely anything on Yun Nan other than the study Dr. Jones shared on his video. That being said, for the last 2 weeks, we've given her Clavamox, Orbax AND we've given her the honey, turmeric, vitamin C and Yun Nan powder.

Within the first 3-4 days, her energy shot up and she was back to being hyper. After about 7-8 days the discharge stopped. We're continuing to give the YunNan at least for another week. She's doing tons better. Thank you to everyone who posted. It gave us hope seeing the success stories. We're still monitoring over the next few weeks to see if she maintains her health but THANK GOD, we were able to get her healthy without needing surgery (thus far). The doctors also recommended potentially giving her hormone injections that would help expel the discharge but I don't think we'll be needing that now.

P.S. If anyone uses this, initially it was hard getting her to take the mixture of ingredients because she hates oral syringes which is how we had to give her the prescription Clavamox and Orbax. Plus the manuka, Turmeric, Vitamin C and Yun Nan mixture was so this we had to water it down and administer the syringe in 3-4 doses. We had better success mixing the ingredients into her food. We started giving her fresh food about 5 months ago which she loves and helped regulate her weight. It was a bit easier than it might have been if we were giving her kibble. We mixed those ingredients in with the food 3 times a day for the two weeks.

I hope this helps someone as this video helped us.

Thank you!!!

Replied by Anthony A

I have the exact same scenario as yours (type of dog, age, doctor solutions, costs - everything as the story you told). We watched the video and are trying the remedies suggested. She seems to be doing better than before. It's been 6 days since we've found out.

Because we had to wait for the remedies to be shipped from Amazon and or purchased from other stores, I tried the best available option I had. I used Emergen-C. I mixed it up and gave about 225 mg of the 1000 mg in a packet each day. I think she has done better with Vitamin C. The first day we took her to the vet her tongue was gray. The last few days her tongue has turned more pink.

Today is the first day she's tried the concoction mentioned on the posted video. She can barely stand on her own and can basically only pee (not poop yet) and lift her head up. She only eats boiled chicken and we've given her CORE water because it has electrolytes. I hope it works - God willing!

Andre H
(San Antonio)

Hi Anthony, How is your pup doing now? Did you see a big difference in the CORE water after you gave it to her?

Manuka Honey, Vitamin C

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Brett (Nc) on 05/14/2017

I need your help. I have a golden retriever that has had open pyometra for almost three weeks. Initially I took her to the vet emergency and they wanted 3K. No go. They prescribed antibiotics. I'm against them. I've always taken care of this dog naturally and have never give her anything unnatural. She's always eaten organic and for almost two years a whole foods and raw diet. It would go totally against my game plan to do anything other.

For the entire time now she's eaten, drank, pooped and peed fine with good temp. She's been very weak but has been able to walk for the most part. No vomiting or diarrhea. Very good digestion as usual.

Initially she just had small amounts of puss. Now, for the last four days it's been bloody puss. Very dark red and large amounts. When I saw these posts weeks ago, I started her on quality Manuka 3-4 times a day, two vitamin C 500s a day and initially I had given her an anti-inflammatory from the local vet. She doesn't like the turmeric. Yesterday she wasn't hungry for the first time but she still ate some food. Organic sirloin, potatoes and I've been injecting fresh juice into her mouth with bone broth and egg yolk.

I'm just worried about all this blood loss ya know. It drains, then it stops for a while, it drains, then it stops for a while. Sure, it's not just blood. It's puss but it's very dark red so it's quite a bit of blood.

God help my little girl. Thanks for your attention.


Replied by Mary

Dear Brett, I am sorry to hear about your dog. Have you tried giving turmeric/curcumin capsules in a "pill pocket"? I give my dog turmeric twice a day for her joints and hide the capsule in a pill pocket. Works extremely well. She never refuses it. I hope your dog gets better very soon!

Replied by Brett

Chakra update: I just found a very affordable vet that can do a pyometra surgery ($300-$400)! I scheduled the surgery for Thursday morning! I'm sure she'll be fine until then because she's walking MUCH better and draining a lot less and seems to be recovering. Another vet wanted $1300! (Three weeks ago the first local vet wouldn't do it at all. They said I had to go to the emergency for a pyometra because she needed to stay there overnight. $3000! ) I just called the vet to complain and all they fed me nothing but BS. These other vets have you take them in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. Lesson learned! Shop around for medical treatments. For vets, AVOID buildings that look expensive in high dollar areas in town! The vet I'm going to is in a country area away from town. Yaa hoo!

Manuka Honey, Vitamin C
Posted by Coco's Mom (Philadelphia, Pa) on 03/03/2017

So glad I found this page! Our dog came down with closed pyometra last week during her heat. She went down quick. Not our normal Coco. We have never heard her cry or yelp but when she tried getting up 3 different times last week she cried. I stopped at a natural food store after reading this article and purchased some Manuka Doctor +24 and we ordered Vitamin C for dogs. The first 3 days we didn't have anything. The vet hospital was going to charge $3800. We didn't have it and thought we may have to put her down. Coco is 10 years old and a boxer/mastiff mix. It hurt us to see her look at us like, "help me daddy & mommy." We started giving her the mix and she is slowly coming back. Much improvement has been made. She will see the vet next week and hopefully he'll give her antibiotics to help clear this up. As soon as this happens, she will be spayed. If anyone lives near Richmond, VA there is a place that does the surgery for $455.00. They don't believe in charging families all of that money and don't want us to have to choose between bills and an animal. Thank you all for your encouraging stories. Praying for all dogs that are going through this!

Replied by Tonya
(Richmond Va)

What is the vet clinics name for the pyometra surgery?

(Baltimore Md)

Tonya, the name of the vet clinic in Richmond VA is Helping Hands Vet. I'm looking into it to since my dog has open Pyometra.

Replied by Tawanna
(New Jersey)

Active manuka honey 12+ or higher is an alternative antibiotic and so is grapefruit seed extract, ginger, turmeric etc...

Multiple Remedies Tried

1 User Review

Posted by meaniehoney (USA) on 06/07/2023

Echinacea and Goldenseal + Manuka honey, turmeric, Vit C, Similac, Core water, Eggs, bone broth...

I tried every thing that was mentioned on this post. Nothing worked.

Chicken, beef broth, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Manuka honey, turmeric, Vit C, Similac, Core water, egg yolk... She was fed using a syringe in the last week of her life. In the end my beautiful 13 yo little chihuahua died :(

She loved for about 12-13 days after being diagnosed by the ER Vet. He gave her 24 hours to live. It is by her own determination to live and stubbornness that she lived that long. All her vitals, blood count, everything was critical. The vet was billing me 4500 for the blood transfusion and surgery to remove her uterus (or the pyometra issue).

I thank God that she was able to live that long.

You will notice that your dog will slowly not want to eat, then not want to drink, and eventually not move except with her eyes. Lastly she will just fail to breath.

Be kind to your dog each and every day. Because I can remember just 2.5 weeks ago she was walking, barking, and running and stealing kisses as she normally did.

I will miss you Mini, my beautiful, spunky, white Chihuahua. I will see you again.

Love (with tears),

Daddy and family

Replied by LaShell

I'm so very sorry to hear that you lost your baby Miss Mini to this horrible disease. I lost my 10 year old pug Lily to this aprox. 6 months ago. I had to have her put to sleep as I too could not afford the blood transfusion and surgery. At that time I had not read this article and was told it was the only thing to do. It was the most painful experience I've ever been through. God forgive me. Vets are all about the all mighty dollar these days. It's shameful that they will turn your pet away for the lack of money. I pray for the day our pets will be able to receive the same life saving medical care we receive. They deserve nothing less!!! My heart cries out for all the sweet pets that have been turned away and lost their lives because of it! I love and miss you Lily, your daughter and granddaughter miss you as well! Please forgive me. My love to you as well Miss Mini! Oxo

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