Natural Remedies

Pyometra Treatment Without Surgery: Home Remedies for Dogs

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Open Pyometra Remedies for Cats

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Christina Marie (Chattanooga, TN) on 02/21/2022

These posts are very encouraging. Thank you all for sharing. I am nursing our 8-year old DSH cat who was seen by the vet this past Saturday morning and diagnosed with open pyometra after blood work and an ultrasound. Her WBC count was off the charts. She had been going downhill since last Monday (2/14) with slowly increasing visible signs that matched pyometra. They gave her a fluid IV which definitely helped perk her up. The emergency spay surgery was quoted between $3k-$4k minimum and I checked around including another city 90 minutes north of us, same pricing. We cannot afford the surgery. The vet I took her to didn't give her any antibiotics and I left feeling rather disenchanted by veterinary medicine. I feel as though they weren't willing to do anything other than surgery and that the outcome without it was grim. I started researching which led me to Dr. Jones and then here to EarthClinic. I also found a company out of Australia that has a product specific for treating pyometra

( I ordered this but I am not sure how fast it will arrive so in the meantime I am doing the following:

Goldenseal Tincture 30 drops, Echinacea Tincture 5 drops, Ginger Root Tincture 5 drops. These drops are placed in 20ml freshly boiled water and then left to cool to evaporate off the alcohol content. I then added a heaping 1/4 tsp raw Manuka honey KFactor 16 to this and have been administering 2ml by oral syringe starting at 9:40 last night. Will do this 5x today and then lower the dose to 3x daily until the other product from AUS arrives. This mixture makes her saliva form up a little bit and I do get a few growls out of her each time.

I am also administering the formula according to the information found on this site. For my 7.3 lb cat 3x daily as follows:

  • 5-20 pounds 3/4 teaspoon Manuka Honey KFactor 16
  • 5 -20 pounds 1/16 -1/8 teaspoon Turmeric/Black Pepper (curcuma longa + Piper nigrum), powered
  • When this arrives I'll add it to the above mixture:
  • 5-20 pounds 500-1,000 mg Vitamin C sodium ascorbate

Overall, she is up, moving around a bit, drinking small amounts (she is supposed to drink 1 oz of water per pound of body weight daily so for her 7 oz or 198ml), eating tiny amounts again with some water mixed into her dry food creating a slight gruel mixture, using the litterbox again in small amounts (had not pooped since Wed 2/16), the stool is hard (also ordered some slippery elm powder which will help with the constipation). There is more noticeable pus/blood coming out more frequently and I am monitoring this as we go. I think this is all good news but we will see how it goes. Will keep posted here with progress.

Pyometra Remedies

1 User Review
1 star (1) 

Posted by Phiesty (Bronx, Ny) on 08/26/2013

I need Teds Help Asap!!!

I think my dog has Pyometra. My female dog has had a few irregular Cycles. For example instead of every 6 months she has had it about every 4 months at least 2-3 times. Her cycle began July1, 2013 while it ususally last about 3 to 4 wks she still has what I believed was her cycle and it is August 26, 2013. Two days ago she started with diarrhea in which I gave her pumpkin for but then I also realized that she is soaking her pad as well. At first I thought she was urinating on herself because there was so much liquid but I noticed faint blood with yellow. I believe it is also pus. She doesn't want to eat or drink and is not active. No fever and she is very uncomfortable. I did an internet search and came up with pyometra. She is not having loose stools Just 1 dropping in the mornings and it's softer than usual but noticed her belly hurts when picked up. I will take her to the vet but I want to know if you have any available information that can help my dog with natural remedies. I am scare to lose my dog to this horrible surgery of removal of her uterus. She is a small breed Maltese and Yorkie and weighs about 11 pounds and measures from neck to tail 12" inches and just turned 7 Yrs old. Please Help I don't want my dog to die. I love her so much and don't know what I would do without her.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

This is a life threatening emergency - get your dog to the vet NOW.

It sounds like your dog has an OPEN PYO - this is better than a closed pyo but it still very much is a life threatening medical emergency and at this point in time few remedies will help.

Homeopathic remedies are most appropriate as your dog likely won't want to swallow anything. Off the top of my head, Nux Vomica is relevant, but Rescue Remedy is likely more commonly available. I would dose with rescue but no matter what get her to the vet. The longer you wait, the more ill she will become and the less chance you have of saving her life.

I have dealt with 2 pyos -1 open and 1 closed; the closed pyo my girl was ill and you could tell and spaying saved her life, the open pyo you could not tell until she had funky discharge and she was spayed as it was the more practical and economical solution.

Fingers crossed for you, please post an update.

Replied by Tina
(Ohio, US)

I have a chihuahua that is way over 10 years old who is closer to 15 years old who has a swollen abdomen and just had menstrual bleeding off and on for 2 weeks and she hasn't had a heat period for years. She is very small and I am terrified that surgery to remove her uterus could be very dangerous due to her tiny size and age. Could she have this condition you speak of?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Tina!

Pyometra is a life threatening situation and you must act swiftly if you want to save your dog's life.

There are two kinds of pyos - open, where pus can drain, and closed, where the pus cannot drain. A closed pyo is the worse of the two [both are bad] because the retained pus and toxins infect the blood and things go down hill very quickly when this happens. An open or draining pyo has a better chance of recovery.

In my experience dogs with open pyos can act like everything is normal, though they may be fussy about food - and then when the pus starts to drain you smell the foul odor and grab the dog and make a mad dash for the vet for an emergency spay. Dogs with closed pyos just feel awful, they run a fever, and they are lethargic. If you suspect a closed pyo grab your dog and run to the emergency vet for an emergency spay.

There are instances where at great expense you can save the uterus, but from my experience the most practical thing to do is spay your dog in the hopes you can save her life.

Now, given your dog's reproductive history she could have a pyo - or she might have some type of cancer inside that is causing the bleeding and the big, swollen belly. In either case, if this were my dog I would on the way to the vet.

Replied by Maria
(Sturgis, MI)


My dog is in surgery at the moment for this. She got sick and our vet was on vacation. I took her to another vet 4 times over 3 weeks and they never caught it. I was using colloidal silver, coconut oil, and giving her some raw garlic mixed in with her food. We had to hand feed her. The day my vet arrived back he saw her and knew right off what she had. She did need antibotics and this is quite serious. My vet actually yelled at me about being negligent until I pulled out vet receipts for the other vet. The is quite serious and absolutely requires surgery. Antibotics can heal the infection until she is able to have surgery. I had to keep my dog on antibotics for 18 days with the vet seeing her 2 more times during that time until she was able to go in for her surgery.

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