Natural Remedies

Vulvodynia Remedies

| Modified on Sep 20, 2024
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Vulvodynia is a painful and chronic condition that can be quite debilitating. Natural remedies for vulvodynia are effective. Home remedies include coconut oil, vitamin supplements and topical treatments. Dietary and lifestyle changes can make a difference as well.

Vulvodynia is a chronic and painful condition that can affect any part of the pelvic region. It is easily misdiagnosed at first as some type of infection. However, antibiotics and antifungal medications do not help vulvodynia, and in fact, antibiotics can make vulvodynia worse.

Natural remedies are helpful in reducing or eliminating the misery of vulvodynia.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a nourishing and healing oil. It can be use daily in food and it can be used topically. 1-3 tablespoons are taken internally daily. For topical use, keep a small jar of coconut oil in the bathroom to use as needed, but especially before bed.

Wear Loose Fitting Clothing

Tight jeans (or any tight pants) will restrict the blood flow. Ladies have found that wearing loose fitting pants and also cotton underwear can reduce the pain cause by vulvodynia.

Use All Natural Care Products

Many products for women's health contain all sorts of difficult to pronounce ingredients. Stick to products that have a few known ingredients. Avoid sodium laureth sulphate in your soaps and shampoos.

Use organic cloth menstrual pads instead of tampons or sanitary napkins.

Baking soda or borax douches are single ingredient remedies that can be used to reduce the pain of vulvodynia.

Supplements for Vulvodynia

  • Caclium Citrate
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin C
  • B Complex

These supplement are helpful healthy cells. The magnesium is also helpful in that it helps the body to relax.

Physical Therapy

Perineal massage can be done at home to gently stretch the perineal tissue. This is commonly done by women preparing for a birth, but can be done by women who are suffering with vulvodynia as well.

Herbs for Vulvodynia


Yes, good old fashioned oats are an herb, when the oat plant is used to treat a health problem. A bowl of oatmeal each day is nourishing. And oatmeal actually has a soothing effect on the body. An alternative to this delicious porridge is strong oatstraw tea. This mild tasting tea is nourishing and relaxing. Finally, oats can be used topically. Oats can be finely ground and added to a sitz bath, or mixed with water to make a paste for a topical application. Oatmeal baths have long been used to reduce surface pain and irritation.

St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort is an herb that may be helpful on two levels for vulvodynia. First of all, it is a good herb for anxiety and depression, which may accompany vulvodynia. Secondly, St. John's Wort is helpful for nerve pain. This herb can be taken in a tincture or as a tea.

Burdock Root

Burdock root is another herb that gently relieves nerve related pain. This herb can be taken in capsules at mealtime - 2-4 capsules with each meal. Burdock root can take time to bring healing. Give it at least a month to see if you notice results.


Damiana is an herb that is used to increase the blood flow to the pelvic area. This herb is also good for mild anxiety. One capsule is taken once or twice a day.


Peppermint is an herb that increases circulation. Some women have found temporary relief with applying peppermint lip balm to relieve the pain of vulvodynia. If you use this remedy, use only natural lip balms.

You can make your own peppermint healing balm:

Recipe for Vulvodynia Healing Balm

  • 1/4 cup organic coconut oil
  • 6 drops peppermint essential oil
  •  2 teaspoons grated beeswax

Melt coconut oil in a double boiler. Add beeswax and continue to heat until it is melted. Remove from heat. Add peppermint essential oil. Stir. Pour into a clean glass jar. If you prefer this to be more solid, add a little more beeswax. If the peppermint is too strong for you, melt in some more coconut oil. If you don't want to bother with the beeswax, you can leave it out. Just mix together the coconut oil and peppermint essential oil. If this is kept in a warm room, the oil will be in its liquid form, but it will still be effective.

Cayenne Pepper

A fascinating study suggests that topical capsaicin (found in cayenne pepper) may reduce the pain and hypersensitivity associated with vuvlodynia.1

Cayenne pepper is use topically for pain relief from arthritis and nerve problems. This study refers to 8% capsaicin. If you wish to make your own topical capsaicin, you can mix cayenne pepper in coconut oil or castor oil, each of which have healing properties as well. 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in 1 Tablespoon of olive oil, castor oil or coconut oil would make the solution to be about 8% cayenne pepper. If you decide to try this use a small amount on a small area to make sure it agrees with your skin.

Diet and Vulvodynia

Your diet can affect any part of your body. Try to eat nourishing whole foods for the majority of your diet. Reduce consumption of sugar, processed foods and fast foods. Avoid artificial sweeteners, food dyes and msg. Freshly made vegetable juices contain high amounts of nutrients and enzymes.

Other Considerations

If you have not done so, do check with a trusted health professional to make sure that your vulvodynia is not caused by an anatomical problem.

Certain medications can trigger vulvodynia. Antibiotics and birth control pills are two possible triggers for vulvodynia.

Have you treated vulvodynia with natural remedies? Please send us some feedback!



The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Amino Acid Nac, Vitamin C, Spirulina

7 User Reviews
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4 star (2) 
2 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Anna (Seattle, Washington U.s.a) on 12/25/2012

After suffering for 20 years from vulvodynia and going to so many doctors and spending tons of money on both conventional and alternative treatments and going insane from finding absoluely NOTHING to take away the burning pain and rawness until I accidentally found that taking something that another alternative M. D recommended for something totally different (amino acid NAC 600mg. , Vit. C 2,000mg and 3 tablets of spirulina) once a day or even every two days, takes away the pain within hours. So happy about it and want to spread the word to others. Been doing this now for two years and would also suggest that when taking NAC also take a good multi mineral with a meal as NAC is a good chelator of heavy metals like mercury but can also deplete the good minerals like zinc and copper. Hope this helps others as I know this type of pain is so horrible.

Replied by Epretty
(Charlotte, Nc)

Hi, I have a subset of vulvodynia and I am desperate to be healed. I was wondering if the pain and burning you experienced was constant and interferred with your daily activities? Or did you only have pain with sex? Thanks!

Replied by Anna
(Seattle, Wa)

Epretty my vulvodynia started with just pain during sex but then later changed to constant unprovoked pain. After trying many things over many years, the one thing that suddenly stopped the constant pain was this combo.

Replied by Sandra
(Houston, Tx)

So you just take all three at once. Do you take it before or meal or with a meal or just when you have pain?

Replied by Bluesky
(Orlando, Florida)

I tried the Amino Acid Nac, Vitamin C and Spirulina and it worked for me. I had gone to my GYN and she had told me that I was deficient in Vitamin C. When I saw this post, I guessed it had something to do with this so I tried it. Thank you so much for sharing. It has changed my life. I was getting it almost every single week or every other week. So painful! Now, if I forget to take the vitamins everyday, as soon as I feel itching, I now its coming. A couple of hours of taking the vitamins, the itching subsides. As long as I take them everyday, I have not had an episode. Thanks a million.

For all those suffering from this painful condition, try this combination. If it doesn't work, you might have a vitamin deficiency. Ask your doctor to perform blood work to see where you are deficient and try taking those vitamins.

Replied by Anna
(Seattle, Washington, Usa)

SandrafromHouston, I take it on an empty stomach and besides the vulvodynia I think it also generally makes me feel better.

Bluesky, I think it's really wonderful to hear it worked for you I know two other's on the other forum I used to post on, said it worked for them also. I think many don't try it because they think its a weird combo. I dont' think it's a total cure but I think at least it seems to stop the itching and then burning and like you said if your starting to feel bad it seems to work pretty quickly. That's interesting what your doctor told you about vitamin C I will look into that. Like I said I was given it for getting rid of heavy metals so remember to take a good multi mineral while you're on it. Again, I think it's so wonderful to hear that it helps as I know this condition is hell, take care, Anna

Replied by Sfnative
(San Francisco, California)

Hi All, I've suffered with Interstitial Cystitis for 20 years, and now the past few years with Vuvodynia and Vulvar Vestibulitis. The burning and rawness is horrible. Doctors have tried everything for a few years now. I have done EVERYTHING!!!!!! IC has been controlled with Botox injections to the Pelvic Floor Muscles, so that is tolerable. But I am on a constant no acid diet, no oxalates, so I'm wondering about the high Vitamin C content in your pills up above. I never, ever eat anything with Vitamin C and haven't for years as it aggravates my bladder and IC. Does anyone have that problem???

Replied by Anna
(Seattle, Washington, Usa)

SFnative you can always just give the combo a try and see how it goes. If you have a lot of increased bladder pain then certainly stop. I know that last year I had a bladder infection and even after it was gone I still had an uncomfortable irritation that felt like it was still there and so took another round of antibiotics but the pain stayed so then I decided to start up the combo and it took it away. I know sometimes the vulvodynia can cause irritation around the urethra and make you "feel" like you have to constanly pee but it's just irritation so not sure if mine was really an IC type situation. You could also try buffered vitamin C as that is less acidic on the system. I know that some berries make my vulvodynia worse but the combo has never bothered me.

Replied by Hellen

Anna from Seattle, Washington, Usa... hello, can you please tell me if you took this combo of NAC 600mg, vitamin C 2000 mg and 3 capsules of Spirulin all at once or did you take it fractioned during the day (like 600 mg vitamin C in the morning and 1 capsule of spirulin and the same at lunch and in the evening, NAC is only 600 mg capsule so that can't be fractioned..) Thanks!

Replied by Anna
(Washington, Usa)

Hi, Hellen from Romania. I take the combo all at once. The NAC 600mgs with vitamin C 2,000mgs and three sprulina tablets all together and on an empty stomach. I also take a multi mineral at a different time of the day as the NAC is good at getting rid of heavy metals like mercury and lead but it can also take zinc and copper out of the body over time... So you need to replace that. Take care, hope this helps, Anna from Seattle.

Replied by Leigh

I have been taking this combo almost everyday for two weeks and have not had any improvement. I know this blog (thanks to Anna for all the information) says this should help within hours, but I wondered if it could take longer the first time. It's starting to feel like the same old exercise in futility. I'm glad this combo is working for some of us with this problem, anyway. I'm considering the amitriptyline/nortriptyline route, which I've been avoiding for years.

Replied by Olivia

Thank you for finding my first breakthrough - just the the NAC I am getting virtually no symptoms - then when it got a little borderline I added the vit c and spirulina and it is great. Thank you...

Replied by Dawn

My doctor referred me to another ob-gyn group that performed vaginal laser surgery on me last week. I will go back again in 6 weeks and then 6 weeks after that. Then once a year. It is supposed to "cure" it. It is expensive - $ 500 each time but I am desperate and willing to try it. I do feel some relief after the first procedure. Will keep you all posted.

Replied by Tems
(United Kingdom)

My 12 year old daughter has vulvodynia it's unbearably to watch her in so much pain. The Dr's have been useless and she has missed 4 weeks of school. I diagnosed her myself online as all the tests came back negative. Today she got prescribed antidepressants but they take time to work and school starts next week do I will see my pharmacist about these vitamin combo's for girls her age. Any advice would be appreciated.


Tems, have you had your daughter tested for Lichen Sclerosus?

Also, certain birth control pills will bring it on and a switch to another pill (different progestin, estrogen) helps. Notably the YAZ brand has been causing problems for some young people and it's used for Acne as well as for birth control.

Just some things to check out if you haven't already found a diagnosis or treatment.


Take caution, as Anti depressants are over prescribed to children, it's a sad epidemic. I am responsible for my own health and refuse to allow pills to be pushed on me. I'm an advocate for finding the root cause, which the pills will never address the root cause. Diet, vitamin supplements, minerals, exercise should be our first line of research.. Avoiding starch, gluten and sugar. Edgar Casey, and Sally Fallon have readings that can help.


Take caution, as Anti depressants are over prescribed to children, it's a sad epidemic. I am responsible for my own health and refuse to allow pills to be pushed on me. I'm an advocate for finding the root cause, which the pills will never address the root cause. Diet, vitamin supplements, minerals, exercise should be our first line of research.. Avoiding starch, gluten and sugar. Edgar Casey, and Sally Fallon have readings that can help.

Replied by Steve

I've seen some pretty amazing things happen with energy healing and EFT. There are free EFT videos on youtube to coach you through using EFT for pain (maybe not specifically vulvodina but all the EFT techniques will work the same for pain issues). Should be very helpful.


Worth a try. (I like the technique where you make a list of every negative thing you can remember and tap thru the list.) For some other condition, for a short while, I was on a low fodmap diet. While my inflammation was low, I noticed how much pain was triggered by being judgmental. I noticed with any thoughts that required judgment I would subtly and unconsciously tense muscles in or near my pelvis. Being "hateful' or just choices between things would trigger pain. Learning to keep those muscles relaxed was my breakthrough. It is now easier to recognize other triggers.

Replied by Rsw

I would look into Perrin's Creme Complete for possible topical relief. There is a Yahoo Low Oxalate Group online with very knowledgeable people and researchers who can help you with a low oxalate diet that has proven to be very beneficial for relief. They have links to a Vulvadynia Society that has specific supplements and protocols for dealing with this problem. I hope she can find some relief soon.

Replied by Anna

Hi Tems, sorry to hear about your daughter having this awful problem. One thing I would say about these supplements is they are very liver supportive in helping your liver detox and now days with so many toxins in our environment and food maybe this is the reason it has worked for me and some other women. Also I have read NAC, vit. C and spirulina all have anti inflammatory properties along with turmeric and are also good for helping with supporting liver detoxification. I also limit my exposure to things that come in contact with the skin down there like detergents making sure they are hypoallergenic and fragrance free and I don't use soap down there just warm water also a big one for me is using toilet paper made with out using chlorine bleach so I always take my own toilet paper with me. I wonder if your daughter also has sensitive skin in general as I do and this combo helps my skin look and feel better on my face, which seemed to get more sensitive when all this stuff started for me also I was also very sensitive to chemicals in my environment as my symptoms of not just vulvodynia but sore eyes and throat would flare in places like department stores or around any type of chemical fumes. I would really give it a try as the drugs have a lot of side effects like tiredness and weight gain. Better to try the simple things and least harmful things first before you move on to more desperate measures. Also generally I would try to go organic foods and limit her exposure to toxins in her environment. One very good test I read once on whether someone has vulvodynia or just some kind of infection down there is that vulvodynia sufferers usually have other symptoms going on whereas someone with a difficult infection just has problems in the vulva, vaginal area. Just something to think about. Hope she finds relief soon.

Replied by Nelsi
(New York)

I just started feeling these symptoms the burning was out of control all my lab test kept coming back fine GYN exams too even had a sonogram everything fine. Came across your suggestions bought this combo last night and this morning I already feel the difference!!! I also use cold compresses that helps as well. I can't thank you enough for sharing I hope to continue to feel better. Seriously forever thankful!

Replied by Danish Girl
(Appleton Wi)

My 29 year old daughter is the one who is suffering from vulvodynia and has seen a number of doctors over the past year and a specialist in vulvodynia who has prescribed a diazepam and gabapentin compounded cream which really hasn't been working. She just recently started seeing a pelvic floor therapist weekly where she is having my daughter use a dilator every night to help stretch the area plus the weekly therapy sessions. I came across your blog and purchased the combo. Not sure if the spirulina I purchased is a quality product because I bought it at Walmart which is the Spring Valley brand. I started her gradually with the NAC and 1000 mg vitamin C and she is also taking B-complex because she has a lot of sensitivities and I want to make sure she can tolerate the pills. I am concerned about stomach upset and diarrhea with the Vitamin C so I will have her gradually increase the vitamin C to 2000 mg then add the spirulina to the mix. I am curious she has been taking a multi vitamin so can she continue with that for the multi mineral or should be taking something completely different then the multi vitamin. She hates taking pills so this needs to be gradual steps vs all at once. I am hoping even with the NAC and part of the Vitamin C she will show some improvement so she will be more open to taking the pills. Crossing by fingers for that to occur. I am curious to your thoughts on this.

Replied by Chrissy

Hello I have just realized I have what I think is vulvodynia.

when I have sexual intercourse it is very painful around the back entrance of my vulva, like nerve endings are burning/

I am loooking for natural cures... homeopathic or ayurveda .

Replied by Kathy
(Atlanta, Ga.)

After about 3 years of lots of pain, burning, and pressure, I came across your remedy and trying so many of natural products for these years I could not get anything that would really help me. I started out with a UTI and antibotics did not help, it just would come back. I was miserable all the time and in pain and hurting. Your remedy is the first one that is actually working for me. I have been on it for about a week and no more pain or burning so far. I still pee too frequently and do not know what is causing that, but just getting rid of the burning and pain has been a big help. I still do not know really what is the real problem but continue to research and hope to find out eventually so I can get my life back. Thanks so much Anna, for sharing.

Replied by Anna V
(Washington State Usa)

Kathy of Atlanta, that is really great to hear. I know it seems that this combo doesn't help everyone but even just a few who are suffering might get relief it makes me feel good because this is such a terrible condition to be in. Only another women with this condition can really understand what it's really like to suffer this way. By the way, the frequent peeing for me was a big issue also when I had the vulva pain but it went away and nowadays I know when I am getting worse because I start the peeing again and then I make sure I take the combo.

Replied by Kathy S.

Anna thanks for your reply and could you tell me how long you stayed on the combo? I have been on it for 3 weeks or more now and did not know how long to continue doing it. Also about how long did it take you go stop frequent peeing, as I am still doing lots of that and it keeps me up at night alot and breaking up my sleep. Thanks again.

Replied by Breza

For Vulvodinia:

Check oxalic acid level in your body (oxalates). Had a same problem for few years and naturopath discovered very high level of Mg oxalates. Frequent urination, itchy genital area, burning, increased discharge, genital tissue was cut with crystals ... Cherry juice helps, avoid food rich with oxalic acid

Replied by Kathy
(Atlanta, Ga.)

Thanks for your comment Breza and the cherry did not help but I still have burning that came back recenty and constant going to the bathroom day and night. I recently got on baking soda and that has helped the burning a good bit but not the bathroom runs day and night, but still trying to find what to do for that. My PH has been checked and that is very good at this time. Thanks for your help. Kathy

Replied by Leena
(Riverside, Ca)

Please give your daughter d-mannose filled up to level with the childrens Tylenol measurement scoop. Fill it up to 10ml mark and 1 capsule of 400mg solaray cranberry 3x a day. My daughter had the same thing she got better with this combo.

Replied by connie

How long did you have to take this before you noticed a difference? I have been taking for 2 months now and have not noticed any relief..

Baking Soda Baths for Cytolytic Vaginosis

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Patti (Portland, US) on 01/25/2015

Women's Health Update: Cytolytic Vaginosis; A Vaginitis You May Not Have Heard About

Cytolytic vaginosis(CV) is the current term for a condition of lactobacilli overgrowth. It is a little recognized but common cause of cyclic vulvovaginal complaints in women of reproductive age. CV is often misdiagnosed as candidiasis and most women have tried many antifungal medications both conventional and alternative, with little or no relief.

CV was first described as a clinical entity by Cibley and Cibley in 1982 and it was initially referred to as Doderlein's cytolysis (DC). They observed that the symptoms of CV were similar to Candida vaginitis, but when viewed under a microscope, there were differences.( 1,2) The name of Doderlein's was abandoned because these same authors realized that DC only refers to the Doderlein's species of lactobacilli when in fact there are approximately 80 different species of lactobacilli that have been described. CV was then proposed as the more accurate term that described the actual destruction of the epithelial cells caused by the overgrowth of lactobacilli. The experience of Cibley and Cibley was that the majority of the patients referred to them that thought they had chronic vulvovaginal candidiasis actually had CV instead.( 1)

The normal ecosystem of the vagina involves many different organisms that are involved in a system of checks and balances. No other concept in vaginal health is as important as the state of the ecosystem of the vagina. The flora that colonizes the vagina takes place in the birth canal during delivery, and the flora that is established in the newborn girl must therefore consist of the same strains as in the mother. The vaginal environment of a newborn changes during the first month, then again at prepuberty, puberty, during the reproductive years and post-menopausally. Additionally, the cyclic hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle also influence the vaginal ecosystem. It is a variable state throughout a woman's lifetime, but nothing is more key to this ecosystem than lactobacillus. The range of bacterial types isolated is immense, including Staphylococcus species, Garnerella vaginalis, Streptococcus species, Bacteriodes species, Lactobacillus species, Mobiluncus, Candida species, (most commonly Candida albicans), and more. The predominant organism isolated from the normal vagina are members of the Lactobacillus genus. One species of bacteria inhibits another and an elegant combination of pH, vaginal immunity, hormonal activity and the community of organisms that occupy the vagina interact in a manner in which bacterial overgrowth is controlled, unless the well-established mechanism of balance is thrown off by one factor or another.

Factors controlling this defense system include the health of the vaginal squamous epithelium, the dominance of Lactobacilli and the subsequent low or acid pH balance and hydrogen peroxide production, hormonal activity both over our lifetime as well as our monthly cyclic changes, pregnancy, contraceptive devices, feminine hygiene products, and vaginal sexual activity including friction, lubricants, foreign objects, and semen.

It has been proposed that lactobacilli and possibly other bacteria cause the symptoms of CV. Even though we lack full understanding about the exact mechanism of lactobacilli overgrowth, a clinical condition does exist with this overgrowth that manifests as chronic cyclic burning and itching. It appears that this is probably related to an overgrowth of lactobacilli that produces irritating acids.( 1)

Several mechanisms are possible for how Lactobacillus in normal amounts does its remarkable job of controlling the environment. A low vaginal pH is believed to be a primary mechanism controlling the composition of the vaginal micro flora. Lactic acid is produced by the metabolism of lactobacillus and although there may be other ways in which the vagina maintains its normal acidic environment, the role of lactobacilli seems evident. Lactobacilli thrive at an acidic pH of 3.5-4.5 and these values are indeed found in the normal vagina throughout the menstrual cycle.

Lactobacilli have also been shown to interfere with how pathogenic bacteria adhere and colonize the cells of the vagina.( 3) Hydrogen peroxide production is another well-recognized method of antagonism to problematic bacterial populations and there are strains of lactobacilli that produce hydrogen peroxide (H( 2)O( 2)). A lack of H( 2)O( 2) producing lactobacilli predisposes a woman to bacterial vaginosis by allowing the overgrowth of Gardnerella and other anaerobic bacteria. Lactobacilli also act directly as antibacterials( 4) and may function as an immune stimulant locally in controlling microbial levels in the vagina.

But what happens when there is too much Lactobacilli? Several species of lactobacilli ferment both glycogen and glucose to lactic acid, carbon dioxide, alcohol, formic acid, acetic acid, and hydrogen peroxide. It is these acids that cause the problem. When lactobacilli overgrow, toe many acids are produced, causing vulvar irritation and itching.


Symptoms of CV usually mimic those of vulvovaginal candidiasis. The most common symptom is itching, but vulvar burning, dysuria, and entry dyspareunia are often present as well. Cyclical and recurrent symptoms typically occur during the luteal phase and worsen premenstrually, increasing in intensity and severity until the onset of menses. Once the onset of menstrual flow occurs, the blood raises the vaginal pH and there is often dramatic relief of symptoms.( 1)

The physical exam is not particularly different from candida vulvovaginitis. The vulva may appear red and slightly swollen. There may be a small amount of white and slightly clumpy discharge. The vulvar tissues may be a little tender with discomfort during the speculum exam. The cervix, vagina, uterus and adnexae are normal unless there is also some other kind of co-infection. Even the pH of the vagina is normal in CV.


Diagnosis of CV is improved if the clinician has a high degree of suspicion of the condition. The history and physical exam basically mimics candida vulvovaginitis. The key is in the microscopic exam: 1) false clue cells with agglutination of lactobacilli to epithelial cells; 2) few white blood cells; 3) cytolysis of epithelial cells with pale or bare nuclei/cytoplasm and poorly defined cell borders; 4) absence of yeast, trichomonas, bacterial vaginosis, or other organisms.( 1)

Repeat microscopic exams that reveal the same findings is confirmation of CV. As you know, each episode of vaginitis symptoms may be due to a different cause.


The goal of therapy is aimed at reducing the overgrowth of lactobacilli and providing relief of symptoms. Use of antifungal agents, both conventional and alternative, should be discontinued because these agents may contribute to the recurring nature of the condition. Use of lactobacilli in the form of yogurt, supplements and suppositories should be stopped. It may also be wise to discontinue use of tampons because unimpeded menstrual flow acts much like an alkalinizing agent, raising the vaginal pH and inhibiting the overgrowth of lactobacilli.

Baking soda sitz baths offer relief by removing irritating acid secretions from contact with the vulvar tissues and also just a local soothing effect to excoriated tissue from itching. Mix 2 to 4 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 to 2 inches of warm bath water. Sit in the sitz bath twice a day for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash the tub after each use. Baking soda douches should be reserved for women whose symptoms do not respond to the sitz baths. This is because douching removes vaginal secretions and can disrupt the desired organisms in the vagina and create further problems in maintaining an ecological balance. Consider douching with baking soda once or twice a week during symptomatic phases when the sitz baths do not provide relief. Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of baking soda in a pint of warm water and gently douche either in the bathtub or over the toilet.

Cytolytic vaginosis may coexist with candidiasis and may need to be managed by combining therapy for both. Using the local antifungal agent in the morning and the baking soda gentle douche in the evening for seven days would be an appropriate regime that may need to be repeated monthly in the premenstrual phase of the cycle.

Other recommendations may prove prudent:

Reduce dietary sugar.
Avoid soap in the genital area. Instead, wash with plain water, use pure unscented mineral oil on cotton balls as a cleanser
Wear white, all cotton underwear and launder with mild soap and hot water, rinsing thoroughly.
Avoid sexual intercourse during symptoms and initial therapy. Oral sex should also be avoided during symptomatic periods because bacteria in the partner's mouth may be irritating to the vulva.

As women and clinicians become aware of CV, women with cyclic vulvovaginitis will receive better health care and be managed more appropriately. With improved diagnosis of this condition and accurate treatment, fewer women will experience cyclic recurrences of their vaginitis. Success is especially seen when the wrong treatments are discontinued and something as simple as using menstrual pads are used instead of tampons. Treatment approaches to treat CV must be modified as necessary and practitioners must recognize the individual needs of each patient and be willing to be creative and somewhat experimental, utilizing the basic concepts and understanding of CV that we have discussed here.

(1.) Cibley J, Cibley J. Cytolytic vaginosis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1991; 165: 1245-1248(supple 2).

(2.) Kaufman R, Friedrich E, Gardner H. Benign diseases of the vulva and vagina (ed 3). Chicago, III, Year Book Medical, 1989: 371-418.

(3.) Chan R, Bruce A, Reid G. Adherence of cervical, vaginal and distal urethral normal microbial flora to human uroepithelial cells and the inhibition of adherence of gram-negative uropathogens by competitive exclusion, J Urol/1984; 131: 596-601.

(4.) Andersson R, Daeschel M, Hassan H. Antibacterial activity of plantaricin SIK-83, a bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus plantarum, Biochimie 1988; 70:381-90.

Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients.


By Tori Hudson

Replied by Laura

I am praising God for this article and the one above by another healthcare provider. Yesterday after 1 1/2 years of on and off dealing with this I cried out to God for a healing. I told him I can't keep doing this! I immediately came out to my computer and started researching AGAIN... what can cause this burning? My gyn told me I had a yeast infection but the medication didn't help.... NOTHING helped...until last night when sat in a bathtub with some baking soda in it.... last night in a rural area of Missouri a miracle happened! I am beyond thankful for this site and for those who took the time to post responses and filled with awe at the God I love who directed me to where I needed to go to get the answers! Praise God! I hope all of my fellow sisters in womanhood can find answers to what is causing their problems. I know the pain, I know the depression, I know the missing of being intimate with my spouse. I pray that you are given the relief you so desperately seek! I felt as though I was being burned by acid...turns out I was. Who would think that my own body would be doing this to me? Heart full of gratitude!

Replied by Jillery
(Rawlly, Nc)
84 posts

Thank you for the scientific information and scientists that spend time researching these types of issues. I will share this info with friends. Very helpful.

Denise L.
(Philadelphia, PA)

Parasitic infections such as trichomoniasis, amebiasis, and schistosomiasis usually involve the vagina as well as the vulva. The diagnosis can easily be made by identifying the organism on a cytologic preparation or in a biopsy specimen. A parasite treatment may help. Black walnut, wormwood, cloves, and diatomaceous earth all kill parasites. Worth looking into. Check out the symptoms of parasites...bowel issues, itching, swelling, anxiety, nausea, urinary issues, joint paint, etc etc. Everyone has parasites and this might contribute or be a direct cause of vulvodynia.

Baking Soda Douche

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Posted by Laura (Houston) on 07/23/2015

I second the baking soda douche treatment, I suffered for two years with cyclical burning, pain, irritation, and pain with sex. The symptoms were always worse during the couple weeks before my period. I was treated for yeast and bv multiple times but nothing brought relief. I also had a skin biopsy done which only revealed inflammation. I also began taking a lot of probiotics during this time and my symptoms got worse and worse. I eventually moved to Houston for work and found a specialist here who immediately diagnosed me with cytolitic vaginosis. Now, as long as I do the baking soda douches regularly, I am good to go!

After two years of suffering, this has been such a huge relief. I do have some residual pain with sex, probably from a learned 'guarding' response of the pelvic floor muscles, and I am getting physical therapy for that and I apply lidocaine jelly before sex. Things continue to improve.

Replied by Kelly

Laura, can you let me know who you saw as I'm having similar symptoms.

Replied by Sarah

Laura, can you tell me as well who saw you for this.

Replied by Nadia

Laura, I know this is an old post, would you be willing to share the name of the Dr you saw in Houston? Thanks in advance

Replied by Maryann
(Lakewood, Nj)

How was cytolytic vaginosis diagnosed?

Baking Soda Douche
Posted by Khristine (Berlin, Nh, Usa) on 12/29/2012

My Friends in Womanhood, I would like to broach a subject that is affecting our lives and our medical professionals are missing the boat! I work as a medical professional and have had an experience over the last 6 months that I would likely compare to burning in "hell" with alternating itching/raw feeling. It all began in July when I began to feel a bit like I might have a yeast infection brewing. Within a weeks time or so after this feeling I began noticing that it burned when I urinated. Burning after I urinated as well. My vulvar area became inflammed reddened/raw in no time. However, what I was feeling was burning, unable to appreciate for obvious anatomical reason that I was in fact raw. I called my physician whom was unable to see me of course! Frustrated I spoke to a coworker whom indicated that quite possibly I could be having the start of a UTI. I rarely if ever have had a UTI and quite honestly I feel that unless they can prove you have one via a urine sample do not, I repeat do not, agree to take an Antibiotic. It will do more harm than good. I promise. After a course of Bactrum( a common UTI Med) I began to feel better within roughly 3 days. I thought... Wonderful.

However, little was I to know that I was only beginning a hell ride that would continue for months and ultimately end with me researching and finding my own resolve for this matter. Not the Physicians, 6 of whom I would end up seeing for this. Following the course of Bactrum I went back to my normal routines. I had intercourse with my husband one evening and when I woke up to urinate in the middle of the night I had burning and stinging unlike ever before. I thought to myself I must be dreaming. I was better. I had such intense burning I had difficulty falling back to sleep. I called the clinic the next day, still unable to see a physician. So I spoke to the nurse of a Doc I work with and she called and said that they would prescribe a course of Cipro for my stubborn UTI, however, I was to provide a urine sample to the lab. Lab was neg. I began the Cipro and within 2 days experienced severe itching and was given Diflucan to treat. The itching resolved, however, this awful burning feeling that I had, had not. Frustrated again I made an appointment to see a Nurse Practioner. She examined me and tested for everything under the sun. Yeast, Bacteria, STDs, etc. With no hard proof of anything to me she would give me a course of Doxycyclin. Desperate for healing I went ahead and took the script. My burning intensified to the point where I could cry. Ice was not enough to cool. I felt as if heat were eminating for my vaginal area that could burn a hole in a glacier. Later I was given Metrogel vaginal gel for what was thought to be a case of BV. Clue cells were identified in a wet prep so they said, however, the vaginal gel added insult to injury. No odor/ no unsual discharge noted. I tried every natural substance I could find to calm my horrified bottom. Raw Honey, olive oil, cornstarch and baking soda powder, vit E oil, Petroleum Jelly, KY Jelly, Desitin, Vit A oil, plain yohurt(which cooled me)... I tried it all. Also tried, Clotrimozole/betamethasone ointment, clebasol, hydrocortisone, allergy ointment, Nystatin, Monistat yeast Med... To no avail. In fact it made me worse.

Months later and still battling I see my GYN for the 3rd time. She says "I'm sorry dear you have Vulvodynia. " In my research I had seen this term & had thought that this is the Fibromyalgia of the vaginal world. A term used to label unsolved mysteries. Angered.. I did more homework. Antibiotics upset vaginal Flora & PH. Antifungals also change vaginal PH, making the area acidic. Birth Control can also influence PH. Vulvodynia symptoms clearly parallel the symptoms of Cytolytic Vaginosis. A very CURABLE problem. Practioners forget to look at the very tool that got them into medicine... CHEMISTRY. When you make an environment normally slightly acidic extremely acidic two things occur, irritation of skin, and burn like symptoms(ACID).

The Vagina is a delicately balanced Microcosum of bacteria/yeast/lactobaccilli/ and numerous others microbes. When antibiotics are presented, they wipe out an already unbalanced(in my case) world. Antifungals to prevent/correct the yeast symptoms also make the vagina very acidic still. Ultimately you have a petrie dish of disorder in a very big way. I suggest all of you think about your starting symptoms and look closely at what may have precipitated them. Antibiotics for no matter what will start the ball rolling. Cytolytic Vaginosis is basically a Chemistry lesson that our providers are just overlooking.. And for what reason I am not certain. It is extremely basic. And the cure is Baking Soda douche. 1-2tablespoons/4 cups of warm water. , bathing in a Sitz of Baking soda water is also very helpful for the external symptoms of itch and burning until symtoms resolve.. And they will.

Please all of you look up CYTOLYTIC VAGINOSIS. The symptoms, of burning, and itching, rawness do not just occur by themselves. They have been precipitated by something. They can be balanced and harmony can once again occur. Demand that your practioner do a vaginal PH. CYTOLYTIC VAGINOSIS will be in the 3.5-4.5 range. Certain Cytologic indications will also be evident on the wet prep slide. Lactobacillis will be plentiful. I encourage you to fully trust your instincts, your body is an amazing creation and the answers lie in sometimes the most basic fundamentals. Good Luck to you. I wanted to share my experience to help others prevent the nightmare the Medical Professionals whom we all go to in times of need, can create.

God Bless, Khristine

Replied by Sandra
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Khristine, Thank you SO MUCH for your posting. I have been going crazy trying to figure out what was going on down there. Even with all the research I've done into BV, Vulvovaginal Candidiasis and pelvic floor muscle tightness, I had never heard of Cytolitic Vaginosis. I know this is what I have because after reading a medical article titled "Cytolitic Vaginosis and Lactobacillosis" on a site for nurse-practitioners-and-physician-assistants, I identify with the fact that the symptoms go away during menstruation and that the skin around the opening of my vagina is irritated by the acidified discharge.

I don't know if the baking soda douches will help, but I will try them, and I will stop taking probiotics until the issue is resolved. I read on another health board that a woman used a pH balanced lubricant every night and treated her CV. You can find it by searching for the postings by mamacitas on a thread titled "Yeast, Lactobacillosis or Cytolytic Vaginosis???"

Anyway, good luck to everyone in their search for an answer. Sometimes I think some of us know more than our doctors - let's keep sharing what we know!

Replied by Sandra
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Shannon, I found this information on a pdf online about using baking soda douches for treating CV:

Mix 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda with 4 cups of warm water. A douche bag, which can be purchased at most pharmacies, is then used to infiltrate the vagina with the solution. Or, you can purchase baking soda douches over the counter at most pharmacies. Douche twice weekly for two weeks.

Alternatively, if douching would be difficult, fill empty gelatin capsules with baking soda and insert one capsule intravaginally, twice weekly for two weeks.

Replied by Myra
(Syracuse, Ny)

Hello, my name is Myra and I really appreciate your article about using a baking soda douche. I've done it quite a few times and was amazed at how good I felt afterwards. My question to you is how often should I douche? I would do it everyday if I was sure I wouldn't be causing myself more harm. Thank you in advance.

Replied by Terri
(Sarver, Pa)

I am looking for a specialist for painful sex not sure which of the conditions I have maybe a combo of a few but was wondering what specialist you where refer. to and how it worked for you.


Since you are in PA it might be possible for you to go to NYC, I have a strong recommendation to go to Renew Physical Therapy for painful sex. Also you can get the book "Ending Female Pain" by Isa Herrera (available on Amazon). You may have a PT in your area also who focuses on painful sex and women's health issues, you could ask your doctor. This is probably just one part of the puzzle that you are dealing with, but for me it was a big part! Hope this is helpful.

Replied by Merrie

I saw you are looking for a specialist for painful sex. Dr. Kellogg Spadt is the doctor I use. She is located near Villanova University.

Replied by Sega Starbits

I never had any burning but my pain has been sharp and raw on the lips. I'm taking Lysine and C-1000 for my symptoms and have forgotten days and paid for it deeply (oops! )

It started last year in November and hasn't gone away since, and with various levels of pain. I've tried several different things for it but only the Lysine has lessened my suffering.

Baking Soda, Perineal Massage

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Palmtrees (Midwest, Usa) on 03/12/2013

I was diagnosed with cytolytic vaginosis after 5 months of burning terrible pain. I began by doing a month of baking soda sitz baths, but after a month with what my doctor saw as normal flora, the cytolytic vaginosis came back. I then began using gelatin capsules from a health food store, filled then with baking soda, and inserted them twice a week. After two months I went back to the doctor and was told again my flora was normal, but to use the capsules and baking soda once a week for maintnance. I ended up at the dermatologist a month later because I still felt burning pain from time to time. The dermatologist told me my skin and vulva looked fine, but told me I either have a estrogen deficiency problem from birth control pills, or vulvodynia.

Well, its been 2 weeks since I've been off the pill and I already notice a decrease in the burning feeling on my tissues, but noticed my vaginal muscles just feel tight. The doctor told me sometimes vulvodynia occurs because of the body having pain for so long, I subliminally tightened my vaginal muscles in anticipation of every day pain. I have been finding this to be true, and have been doing the perenium massage I've read about, inserting a finger vaginally and pressing down on the pelvic floor muscles, it hurt at first, but got better with time, and its only been 4 days. I also plan to visit the physical therapist to see if there are more stretches I can do to loosen my muscles.

I hope this post helps anyone out there suffering from vulvar or vaginal pain that may have similiar problems. I was feeling quite hopeless being in daily pain for 10 months, but am hoping its finally passing. Keep trying new things, try doctors, accupuncture is wonderful, don't give up, it WILL get better.

Replied by Jillery
(Rawlly, Nc)
84 posts

Look on YOUTUBE for pelvic floor exercises..

Replied by Jean
(Annapolis, Md)

Thank you so much for posting and sharing your experiences and hopeful outlook!

Replied by EI

Carley Rae taught me it's not called a Pelvic Floor. She has a helpful instagram page dedicated to vaginal health. She taught me there is NO PELVIC FLOOR. It's a bowl. The medical industry was wrong in calling our our body a "floor" when there is nothing floor like about it. This change of mind has helped me understand my body better. I hope it helps you to understand, too.

We all can heal the root of our disease, we just need to take out health into our own hands, research (Thank you Earth Clinic) and be prepared to try and fail until you find a solution. Staying open minded, optimistic, and empowered is key. We have the power to heal entirely, but we must get to the root of the disease. Our bodies are amazing . Look to diet and start by avoiding sugar, gluten, and starch. Edgar Casey and Sally Fallon have brilliant readings

Vitamins in pure powder form with ZERO additives.

NO TABLETS / NO PILLS : , vitamins C - push the limit, some is the same as non- you must cross the threshold for it to have an effect. I take 2,000M G daily and push to consume more. start with 1,000 MG daily

ZINC!!!, and all your B's, Magnesium Citrate, IODINE Lugols (I'm on three drops daily 3x's a week)

Amino Acids

Aluminum FREE sodium bicarbonate drink in water and topical solution

Take Fulvic Minerals

detox the liver with borax

Borax Douche

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Stacey (Abbotsford, Bc, Canada) on 09/17/2012

I had begun having severe pain in my clitoris lately which was making me feel horrifically depressed and irritated beyond belief. I did some internet research and figured that I might have some form of Vulvodynia. I've had long standing health issues with my body, but this is just aggravating to deal with. I've been drinking apple cider vinegar as I have systemic candida, which might be causing the clitoral pain. But I did a borax douche in the shower this morning and it was incredibly soothing. I had done a vinegar douche a few days ago and it aggravated everything; ugh, just a mistake. I think the borax helps so much because the pH is so high that it kills whatever is in the area causing pain. It also helped soothe my bladder which has also felt mildly irrirated for the last week or so also. Nothing is itchy, just mostly pain.

So I'll see how it goes. The borax is mostly a quick fix for severe irritation and burning. I'm going to try with the coconut oil to see if that helps for a more long term solution. Thanks so much for all the feedback here! I love this site :).

Replied by Colleen

I suffered terribly with clitoral pain for 6 weeks being told it was just first a yeast infection, and then just low estrogen due to the fact that I was breastfeeding. It took many trips to the gyn, gastro-enterologist and a sigmoidoscopy (b/c I was also having some rectal symptoms) to finally be referred to the dermatologist who found by swabbing that area that I had group strep A ( like strep throat but genitally). My son had been found to have this rectally maybe 6 weeks ago when my symptoms started. I had mentioned that and they thought I was crazy to suggest it. I was so angered that I was right all this time and all it would have taken was a swab like I asked them to do. I suffered so much pain daily since it's the most sensitive spot of your body that I do believe like you wrote that maybe my now vulvodynia is a result of my body bracing for the daily pain for so long. It's getting better, however, I feel as if I might have just recently set myself back by either a probiotic or a new raw vitamin (with probiotic also in it) that I am taking. I also eat a lot of yogurt. Perhaps I am getting TOO much lactobacilli. I feel really sore around "6 and 8 oclock" but see nothing except morecervical mucus than usual. I'm thinking I'll stop the probiotic and vitamin and see. Please email me if you have any useful feedback.

Replied by Jillery
(North America)
84 posts

Not sure this will help you and you probably already know this but:

wear cotton or NO underwear
when you wash use your fingertips and not a wash cloth
perhaps swab with a diluted betadyn solution once or twice a day to keep infection down

I used to get many vag infections and I know this is diff than the staff you get but douching with yogurt helped


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Moon (New York, Ny) on 02/26/2012

Not coconut oil or anything natural, but botox injections into the muscles works to relax the muscles and in many patients cure them completely. I just had a 2nd round of botox after 3 months (needed more) and at this point things are feeling pretty soft inside, no knots like before in the muscles. I still have the vestibule inflammation, but I'm hoping this will subside with time. Botox is the only thing that has made a difference for me so far, and I am organic/natural - but it is actually pretty safe and worth it for this horrible condition! I see a great dr in New York.

Calcium Citrate

3 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (2) 

Posted by Lee (California) on 08/02/2016

I have been suffering for 3 or 4 weeks with severe burning in vaginal area. It happened once before about a year ago but thought it was due to a bladder infection. This time I had another bladder infection but even after taking antiobiotics and having been cleared of another infection still had intense burning that would not go away. I was also positive for bv but after two rounds of medication still had severe burning where I could not function (usually very active). I read about calcium citrate and just happened to buy the powder for my bones. I took it and the burning went from 10 to a 4. I am still sore and will be seeing a urologist as I still have a little urgency but I am getting relief. I still may need to see my obygn for soreness but so thankful to get a little break from blow torch burning. Please give it a try, calcium citrate, it neutralizes acid. I hope this helps someone.

Calcium Citrate
Posted by Linda (Tx - Texas) on 09/19/2013

For Vulvodynia, I tried everything mentioned on this site and nothing helped then I read Effective Treatments By Clive Solomons, Ph. D. and yesterday I started taking calcium citrate, two twice a day and in less then 24 hours my pain went from a 10 down to a 5.

Replied by Olivia

Yes, this really helps me when things are bad. It also helps the urinary frequency feeling which vulvodynia gives ones.

Castor Oil, Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by EI (Wisconsin) on 06/09/2021

Replying to the posts from 2010 and 2012 to those who used coconut oil for vulvodynia:

Organic Castor Oil is critical, not coconut oil. A holistic healer woman told me coconut oil is not the best for the vagina. I buy the castor oil by heritage in the brown glass bottle and it allowed me to soothe my vagina pain, stop itching at night. In combination with Baking soda, I dilute aluminum free sodium carbonate with distilled / or spring water, and then mix castor oil - ensure it's organic. I apply after I pee every time. This helped me alot. Castor oil can be used alone topically or inside the vagina. Wishing you wellness and strength.

Replied by Diane

I was diagnosed with both interstitial cystitis and vulvodynia. The doctor I went to only wanted to give drugs for it and I never thought about finding a natural solution until now. My vulva pain is only during attempted intercourse. Just touching the vulva is painful and I can't continue. I will try the castor oil and also try the supplements suggested.

Coconut Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, Ca) on 01/26/2012

Coconut oil taken internally and inserted everyday into the vagina in large amounts is incredibly soothing and healing to the tissues. I forget about the itch, burn, tightness, dryness and pain during the day with this oil. Thank God!!! Also, it makes you functional during sex. Best lubricant, and it smells good too!!

Replied by Lisa

I also have vulvodynia and that pain is not permanent but its really sharp pain plz suggest me something n tell me how to use coconut oil

Replied by EI

Not coconut oil! Use organic castor oil, it's a way better oil for the vaginal area. Something about coconut is cold and drying where castor oil is warm and truly healing. Research. Happy I was told a few months ago, as I was a vitamin E, coconut oil person, but the switch is smart.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Julie (San Diego, California, United States) on 04/21/2010

This post will be a little long just because I have a lot to explain. The disease vulvodynia has affected me for about 2 years, ever since I was 16. I have gone through many ups and downs with this disease, my psychological health was extremely affected. All tests came up as negative with my doctors, and I did so much research and would only end up in tears or have a panic attack because of the overwhelming amount of women who have not found a cure for this awful problem-- all the suffering and the idea of this 'death sentence' drove me closer and closer to insanity. Doctors and even my own mother thought it was all in my head. Wrong. I have always been into natural cures, and was disappointed again to see the lack of hope for a cure on Earth Clinic (Not Earth Clinic's fault!). By chance I just happened to be looking at the coconut oil section and saw that one woman was able to cure her chronic, 21 yr old struggle with an 'incurable' bladder condition by ingesting coconut oil. A light bulb went off in my head. Well, this condition, I assumed, was what many women suffer from called interstitial cystitis (IC) that is extremely similar to vulvodynia, only it affects the bladder not the vagina. So between these two conditions, you are walking around feeling like you have a bladder or yeast infection, but the results come up negative so any infection is generally ruled out leaving the symptoms to remain with no end in sight. That's the connection I saw between the two. Some women have both IC and vulvodynia... I can't even imagine. There ARE women who have cured interstitial cystitis on Earth Clinic. The majority of them seem to think there is an undetectable infection and anti fungal/bacterial measures helped their situation. I caught on and thought well, it couldn't hurt to try some of these remedies just in case I myself have an undetectable infection. So I've been ingesting coconut oil everyday for about two weeks... at least 1 tsp a day. Sometimes I go all the way up to 2 tbsps it really varies... I tried not to get my hopes up but guess what-- this is the first time I've been pain free in 2 years. I'm reeeeally gonna try and not get too excited as things could change but for these two weeks I've been fine... coincidence? I hope not. I will definitely update! Ladies, your health is in your own hands. Remain optimistic and be creative. I took a cure I saw helped one woman for a completely different but curiously similar disease, and I think it's helped me. Don't give up! I'm only 18 and too young to have to suffer from this. Please, please do not settle to be a prisoner in your own body.

Replied by Julie
(San Diego, California)

Update: I am still a lot better... i have a little discomfort every now and then maybe for about 20 minutes a day but i am still for the most part pain free... still not getting my hopes up but i can't argue with an obvious improvement... hoping for the best! give your body time... i still don't expect this problem to be completely resolved for a long time... keeping my chin up, and keep yours up too.
GOOD LUCK, you CAN beat this :)

Replied by Kennywally
46 posts

Julie, I'm so glad you found relief and figured it out too!! That's fantastic! Coconut oil is awesome, and I wanted to pass on, that coconut oil is also good for personal itch issues. Mom had a stroke and I was her caregiver...I'd mix up borax mixed in with dr bronners soap and warm water to wash her privates, then gave her a bit of coconut oil to rub on, and she just loved it! It is a mild antimicrobial as well as being good to ingest and good to cook with too!

Replied by Tems
(United Kingdom)

Hello my 12 year old daughter has vulvodynia and was prescribed antidepressants today but those take weeks to work. Do you drink the coconut oil or apply it to the affected area. I am desperate to help her. I took the vulvodynia diagnosis to the Dr myself as they have left my poor girl in pain for nearly 2 months making things worse with double strength antibiotics. Any advice would be appreciated on pain relief.


Replied by Jen

Tems, I'm so sorry your daughter is suffering. I'm still trying to figure out how to stop my vulvodynia, but I have come up with something that provides instant, cooling relief when the pain is bad. I add a tiny amount - about the size of the head of a pin - of Tiger Balm white ointment to some coconut oil or emu oil, and rub it into the vulvar area. It should feel like a fresh, cool breeze, and lasts for a couple hours. If it burns at all, just use less Tiger Balm. This has been a life-saver for me over the past year and a half, and I hope it is helpful for your daughter. You can find Tiger Balm on if it's not available at the chemist. Best of luck to you!

Replied by Barbara
(Denison, Texas)

I just read this about coconut oil helping/healing women with vulva issues. I broke down in tears, as I've been going through this for almost a year. I just took some coconut oil internally and will be applying it in my lady parts when I go to bed. Thank you, Lord.

Colloidal Oatmeal

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kylie (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/03/2011

Hi ladies! I've suffered from vulvodynia off and on for over 5 years. My longest period of it was every day for 11 months. The pain was so bad that I couldn't walk well anymore and even began using crutches. I still get small flare-ups but I now know how to maintain them. I eat healthy (avoid acidic fluids that would be harmful to the vulva such as citrus/coffee), and I clean my underwear with baking soda and white vinegar before washing them in Purex detergent.

But the key to stopping and treating the pain is Colloidal oatmeal! I had some luck with coconut oil, but it never "treated" it fully, at least for me. I buy Aveeno baby bath oatmeal powder. I mix it with a bit of water to form paste then apply it to the red/painful areas of my vulva. Let it sit for about 15 minutes, then soak in a bathtub with the rest of the packet of oatmeal. I apply the past in the morning and night and do the bath at night. In about 3-4 days I'm all healed! I still get flare-ups but atleast it doesn't have to ruin my whole life.

Cool Water

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Gabrielle (London, UK) on 04/22/2015

I had terrible sensitivity for about six months, redness and rash. Two things worked: Check that your washing powder is non biological. Also use coldish water hand spray and it literally gets rid of the sting and redness.

Desitin, Tea Tree Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Connie (Usa) on 10/20/2016

I just have to share my experience after hearing these Vulvodynia horror stories. I suffered for 3 years, yes years, with this pain. Add menstrual cycle of blood and the pain was consuming. Saw about 4 specialists, had biopsies, laser treatments, ablations, etc. I read, and read and read. Mix up a potion of Desitin and few drops of tea tree oil. I kept it in a tiny container in my purse, to use after urination through out the day. I cleaned the area with sensitive wipes, then applied the creme. Oh my gosh, so much relief...not too much tea tree oil, it too can burn.

At my worst, I also wore an estrogen patch. Also took plenty of Vit E, Vit D3, and some coconut capsules.

If this helps just one other person, glad I took the time to post.

Replied by Martina
(Birmingham, Uk)

Hi, I too have suffered for that long bit more 4 years, but it doesnt matter, do you get pain all over or just opening? Because mst people have it around the vag opening, but I have it everywhere and it feels terrible like needles stinging all over burning, acheing a lot of discomfort, very desperate, because I feel that I will lose my longterm boyfriend over this, its horrible. I'm very depressed too .I'm 28 too young to not to have a healthy love life.

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