Ear Muff
If you have tinnitus, then it's up to your body to heal itself. If you're healthy enough, your body will heal your tinnitus. However, if tinnitus has been an issue for you for several weeks, then you're doing something wrong.
Only you can prevent further damage to your hearing. If your gym believes their 90 dB rock music is an essential part of their service, then you will need hearing protection in there. How do you prevent tinnitus? 1) Avoid noisy places like gyms, TGIF restaurants, manufacturing plants, and especially jet engine manufacturing plants. 2) Turn down the volume on your PC and TV set. And 3) Use hearing protection. Example: I no longer experience any tinnitus, if (in my gym) I wear an ear muff similar to Home Depot Black Folding Ear Muff NRR 26.
I have been having an issue with ringing in my ears and in doing some research regarding noise I read about things like loud music and even motorcycles esp Harley Davidson. Apparently some riders even get dizzy from the noise. Anyway I got to thinking about what noise around me that may be the cause. I think I have found it. My previous home had a central vacuum system and when I moved I had to buy a vacuum cleaner. Because I have pets and lots of fur flying I bought a Hoover Wind Tunnel. It does pick up the hair and dust and a good vacuum for the money but the NOISE could wake the dead. The dog and cat run from it. I've looked online for consumer reviews and I only found one other person that complained about the noise. When I use it now I put cotton in each ear to suppress the noise and the ringing in the ears is tapering off. I know this sounds crazy but I wanted to share my thoughts
Arlene, I agree with you; yes, using hearing protection is smart; and no it is not crazy. Further, you are not alone; whenever I am vacuuming I also use hearing protection.
Ear Rinse
I have been using this site for as long as it has been up and I didn't see anything like this in the stuff under tinnitus and thought I would share.
Sometimes it's hard to determine the source of tinnitus in an ear. If you hear it in one ear, there could be an infection or debris. I went to a doctor and was told I had an ear infection. After using prescribed antifungal and eardrops, the issue returned, accompanied by a migraine. An NP suggested rinsing the ear, so I bought Neti Rinse, designed to clear earwax and debris.
1. Pour hydrogen peroxide into the affected ear and let it sit for 5 minutes.
2. Use a bulb syringe filled with warm water to rinse the ear.
I found a tiny piece of debris that may have been causing my pain. I'm glad I solved it!
Electric Vibration
(Midland, Ontario, Canada)
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've had ringing in my right ear for at least a week now. I went to the Doctor Yesterday to check on wax build up but my ears were clear. Hearing test was amazing for the right ear and good for the left. I've been reading allot, tried the Epley Maneuver, changed my supplements but after reading your post, I used my electric toothbrush to massage around my right ear and, hooray, the ringing has completely stopped. This is wonderful and I'll pass this one on. Again, thanks.
(Scottsdale, AZ)
Instead of an electric toothbrush, I used a facial scrubber with a silicone shell. It is used to massage and exfoliate the facial tissue. It's very soothing and has a variety of vibrations from pulsating to thumping . Press the wand around the ear or at the base of the skull and neck for about few minutes. It helped reduce the ringing! I will continue to use this technique daily in hopes it goes away completely.
Boy this does work and I've tried so many things. I got tinnitus many years ago when I went through severe hyperthyroidism. Because of the complications I had to be on a beta blocker for three years, only to find out that also causes tinnitus. I was able to knock it out with gingko biloba but when I got Covid I developed complications, six weeks later I had my first fibromyalgia attack and my tinnitus was not only back but it was fierce. I had two different types, pulsatile and a hissing, both were constant. Gingko biloba helped but didn't knock it out...I tried my sonic toothbrush on the mastoid process which is the prominent bone that you can feel at the base of your external ear. I just held my toothbrush on the right side and counted to 25, didn't think too much about it until later when I noticed my tinnitus was greatly diminished. I'm one very happy person. Thank you MUCH!!!
I can now add it's been five days since I started the vibration for tinnitus and it's been a gamechanger. It's pretty much gone, the TV isn't loud anymore and I don't have to ask to have everything repeated....love the quiet! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
About every seven years, I'd come down with fluid in the middle ear. This resulted in tinnitus, clogged Eustachian tubes, and painful middle ear pressure. Sometimes it was so painful that it was all I could do to make it through the day. Other times, I couldn't even do that.
Doctors always told me that it was caused by either a virus or an allergy, and that I would just have to ride it out.
The only thing I ever found that helped was taking magnesium supplements, which greatly reduced the middle ear pressure.
Eventually I figured out the root cause of my problem: electrolyte imbalance. Middle ear fluid is all about electrolytes, and whenever mine got severely out of balance (usually as a result of eating mega-doses of potassium rich foods) my "ear infection" would begin. In an attempt to make myself healthier, I was actually making myself sick.
Sodium and potassium work in concert, so it's important to find some semblance of balance between the two. The same holds true for magnesium and calcium. And while these balances probably vary from person to person (depending upon their underlying health issues), I encourage anyone suffering from tinnitus, clogged Eustachian tubes, or middle ear pressure to explore the possibility that it might be the result of an electrolyte imbalance.
It's only taken me fifteen years to figure this out, and I hope it helps someone.....
Hi, so what do you to for electrolytic imbalance, do youj drink sports drinks, ie. gatoraide?
(Hamilton, On)
Eliminate Salt
So I stopped for one week. Every day the intensity was less but I wasn't sure if I was just imagining that or if it was for real.
Well, after 1week of no salt and lot of fluid. (incl. Beer) it was gone. And few days later I started eating salt again, but had no tinnitus any more. So I don't know if this is just a coincidence, or my tinnitus cleared by itself, so more people would need to test this.
I understood (but am not so sure if this is correct) that you hear your brain and not your ear. In this case too much salt would make some logics b/c salty wather lead electricity much better than sweet water. Any way I had to find some logic here for myself, again I really don't know nothing about ear's as well as eletricity. But I know so far 2 people where helped with this. The mother from youtube account and me. I hope to see more people will be helped by stop eating salt for at least a week.
EMF Trigger
EMF Safety Network | Protecting people, children, communities, and nature from electrical pollution http://emfsafetynetwork.org/
Electrical Pollution Solutions http://www.electricalpollution.com/
I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree w/Judy. Tinnitus has been around for centuries, long before 'smart meters' and even electricity.
Tinnitus is more likely due to fungal infections or heavy metal issues, not EMFs.
I agree with Judy. Read Ann Louise Gittlemans book " Don't use your phone for your alarm clock" about EMF
I think fungus is a huge underlying problem and so are heavy metals. Trying to help my twin with this issue but fungus and heavy metals are so out of her radar she thinks I'm from another planet! :)
Judy, you are spot on about those monster smart meters and EMF pollution that are horrifically unhealthy for all.
in the mean time, put up a faraday cage on both sides of the meter; outside and inside of wall. Look for this on YouTube.
You're saying that a new cause can't emerge for an old problem. Long before cars, people could die of carbon monoxide poisoning from using a charcoal burner indoors. This doesn't negate the fact that car exhaust can do the same thing. Who would ever argue that cars cannot cause CO poisoning because such existed long before cars? That would be ludicrous.
True, tinnitus has been around since dirt was invented and yes, fungi and all manner of organisms invade us. There are roughly about 20 causes of tinnitus the more common ones being hearing loss, bone erosion in the middle to inner ear, anxiety, infection, something called stapedius myoclonus which is a fancy name for a tendon that keeps jerking the stapes bone in your ear. However, Judy has a good point: additional frequencies can cause problems in the body. Let's face it, we are all bombarded with frequencies. Cell phones, smart tvs, wireless in the home, now appliances in a network (Internet of Things IoT). At some point, the frequencies interfere with the normal functioning of our cells. Every cell operates at a certain frequency. When competing frequencies interfere, the cells' functions can be interrupted. This effect has been confirmed so many times in legitimate double blind studies. It is doubtful you will be able to rid of that meter. Every power company in the world has signed on to the smart grid project and that includes linking everyone's home/building to this electronic grid. Faraday cages and other blocking devices may help but they may also prevent a good wifi signal. Tough choices.
EMF Trigger
I have been wondering if this is why I have had heard sounds in my head 24/7 since the fall of 2004. Thank you for posting this!
EMF Trigger
Epsom Salt
Essiac Tea
Two years ago I developed what first appeared to be a wart on my nose. It grew bigger and uglier over then next month. A dermatologist diagnosed it as first stage cancer. She wanted to cut a piece of my nose off. I decided to look into other possibilities.
I took essiac and after several weeks (just as I was beginning to think it didn't work) the "wart" started to appear dry and crusty. Two days later it simply fell off, no scar, no reoccurrence... Nothing. I also found that the brain tumor surgery-related tinnitus (ringing in the ear) that I'd had for over a dozen years had also disappeared. That seemed to back up many of the anecdotal reports I'd read and heard. So I started my mother on it.
Her doctor had told her that her age-related tinnitus was untreatable and that she'd soon go deaf. Several days after drinking essiac tea she called to let me know her tinnitus had completely disappeared, it hasn't returned since (a year later).
I'm NOT selling this stuff, and I don't think anything is a magic bullet for everyone, but just about any protocol for cancer I've read that embraces "alternative" solutions usually includes essiac tea (unless it's contraindicated with specific treatments like Cantron/Cancell).
There's an excellent book on essiac called The Essiac Report by Richard Thomas (published by the Alternative Treatment Network, Los Angeles, CA (1993). It backs up what I'd read in other sources that JFK's physician had publicly announced that essiac cured his colon cancer in the early 60s
Therapeutic infusions for acute conditions is usually 4-5 cups per day. You may choose to start much lower and still see benefits with one or two cups a day.
Faucet Test
The faucet test involves the following. You stand near the sink and turn the water faucet on fully. Many people with tinnitus are unable to hear tinnitus sounds while standing near or close to running or falling water. One other way is to perform this test while in the shower. If either of these provide some relief then you would likely benefit from technique known as ?masking?.
Many trust a technique known as ?masking? that uses white noise to silence or make the ringing less noticeable or transparent.
This is treatment option is commonly used while undergoing other treatment options.
(San Francisco)
Thanks the running faucet test was brilliant.
My chronic tinninitus flared-up after after recent exposure to noise, combined with a bad cold. I turned on the faucet and found the masking provided instant relief.
Based on that I started looking for water sounds on youtube. Wave sounds did not work but rain sounds did. Lots of people have posted things like 10 hours of Rain on Youtube. I'm running it in stereo in my office now and what a big help.
I'm also trying the vinegar and honey combination. Not sure if this will reduce what I hope is a temporary flareup of tinninitus but the rain/water sounds are big help.
I have tinnitus very bad but flavonoid helps me. please try it
I found that putting a largish piece of cut garlic in my right ear stops the thumping. I haven't had any for a while now. It is important that you cut the garlic to let the active vapours enter the ear. I would keep it in overnight. Also make sure the piece is large enough not to go down far into the ear canal.
Anyway, I searched the Net in the 90s for a tinnitus cure, but nothing I tried had any impact.
I did become very interested in herbs, though, and in one book containing a chapter about garlic, the author mentioned that to get rid of an earache, simple get a bottle of cheap garlic oil pearls at the drug store, and at bedtime, pierce one of the pearls with a STERILE pin, and then squeeze the contents in the ear.
Months later, when it felt like I was on the verge of an earache, I decided to see if I could avoid one by using one garlic oil capsule.
The following morning, the longterm severe tinnitus was absent from that ear, and even greatly reduced in the other ear --- which that night I treated with ONE garlic oil pearl.
That was it - severe, persistent, LOUD screeching tinnutus of a decade's length was gone - and it has never once returned ever since.
Also, each morning, I'd notice that the ear treated with the garlic oil had drained out onto the pillow case overnight, and the discharge was totally deep dark black.
Obviously, I'd had an infection in my ears, but there was never any sensation of an earache or physical discomfort typical of an infection, simply the loud high frequency screech.
(Central Texas, Tx)
Perhaps the garlic soaked into the jaw area and killed microbes. Many people have undetected infections in their teeth/jaws. A biologic dentist told me of a patient who was suddenly freed from long term tinnitus as he cleaned out a back molar.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
There are different types of tinnitis and the causation will differ also. The garlic solution worked because that tinnitis problem was probably virally induced and garlic is an anti-viral. But notice the residue came out also. That means a wax buildup is there so anyone with ear problems first make sure the ear canal is cleaned... But main issue of tinnitis for many people could be an infection. Infection could cause tinnitis or equilibrium problems. If one has on-going tinnitis at least try colloidal silver gently shot up both ear with an ear syringe. Again, make sure the canal is clear of wax. The reason some people get water "stuck" in the ear canal is usually because of wax buildup issues.
General Feedback
And never ever stop Benzodiazepines or Z Drugs abruptly, it's highly dangerous and can cause seizures leading to a broken neck, death.
Also natural remedies that raise serotonin should be tapered as these have the same effect as pharmaceuticals like Prozac, Trazadone, Amyltrptyline , etc. And you will get withdrawal symptoms.
Love Andrea C xxxxx