General Feedback
But now... It's back! I KNOW it is a side effect of medication. It's two separate tones in each ear, so I can really hear it, and it's bad in quiet times.
I'm going to try my white noise machine and see if that helps at night, and I know I need to be more regular with the ACV as a whole, that stuff is like MAGIC! ALA, I dunno, I'll check to see if I CAN take it...
Anyway, folks, also consider your teeth and jaw in the tinnitus equation. I know having teeth pulled is an extreme solution, but if you are facing that anyway, at least there could be more good than bad asociated with the tooth loss!
General Feedback
After a week of continuous ringing I theorized that the wild frequencies during the phone call screwed up my ears' micro-hairs, and that perhaps coaxing them back to harmony would take the opposite kind of sound frequency - a single balanced continuous tone (along with self-healing affirmations and a belief that my ear was healing). On youtube I found a 528 hz solfeggio frequency tone (just a single continuous tone) and played it over and over via good Bose headphones. After two days my tinnitus abated considerably. I have to mention at the same time I started listening to the tones, my devout grandmother prayed for my hearing, so whether it was the 528 hz tone, the prayers or some other factor (additional vitamins, garlic oil in the ear a few times, and CoQ10 supplements), I do not know. My ear is still sensitive to high pitched squeaky sounds and I wear an earplug to give my ear a rest, but the ringing is probably only 5-10% of what it was two weeks ago and I can live with it, whereas I could not before. I think the first step is believing you can be cured, rather than listening to doctors who say it cannot be cured. If a cut or broken bone heals, so can your ears.
(Tarrytown, NY)
Thank you Josh from Philly. I think my tinnitus is a response to the growling sound of my cell phone vibration alarm or, a combination of small gentle ringing and that repeated vibration.
One morning I woke up and realized my cell phone had been making this repetative vibration sound while at the same time, I was sleeping/dreaming, I dreamt I was also hearing the cell phone vibration alarm and then woke. Ever since, about a week ago, I have this pulsing/drowing sound in my left year. I immediatly removed the phone from my bed and placed it across the room. The day before I removed it from my bedroom. Perhaps, there is a connection to cell phone and towers, computer waves etc and ringing in ones ears.
Tonight I placed a few very small pieces of garlic in a cotten ball and put it in my ear. It worked for an infection two years ago so maybe it might work for my recent tinnitus. I will try the ALA and the ACV deluted in water:)
Thank everyone who made time to share their experience and ideas. I hope we all find a cure.
General Feedback
(Modesto, Ca/ Usa)
Just to validate your experience with, shall we say, 'tones', I also hear polyphonic ear ringing sound. It is constant, yet changes, and is as you describe so accurately.
My mind also feels very flighty, fast, speedy when trying to sleep. Perhaps we are undergoing some kind of change at this time. Perhaps it is harp. Perhaps, perhaps. One fellow believes he got ray-gunned. I believe just about anything is possible nowadays. Mine first came when I was outside reading, and I suddenly felt like I was being blasted with something high-pressured. It has never left, three years now.
I get brief relief by stopping my ears with my fingers and applying medium pressure for a moment.
Stranger still, there is mention of 'noise' and a 'noisome noise' in Scripture, which can be aided as described just above, with fingers in ears. How odd is that? --T.
(Port, Or)
Healing Tinnitus Tips
So my advice again is to listen to Julian's videos (he's the man), and stay away from further damage. With music now I just play at a lower volume and have given up playing with a drummer at least for now. Hand percussion is where it's at anyway. I also had some custom ear plugs made for about $200. If yours is really bad after a few months, look into getting a hearing aid that plays sounds that cancel out the tone of your tinnitus. There's also a few great phone apps out there like ‘Resound' where you can dial in a sound close to the the tone of your tinnitus with white/pink noise, water, wind sounds, etc., so it's not as distracting especially to go to sleep to. A simple $20 large 3 speed window fan is a great buffer too fyi. Stay positive & try your best to just forget about it, it definitely fades in time. Peace ✌🏼
Hey Tom, thanks for your post. I know there are so many reasons for Tinnitus. I'm pretty sure mine came from something other than sounds, but I can't be sure. My bro is a musician and I keep forgetting to ask him if he developed tinnitus. He used to just blast the stereo so loud that I would get out as quick as possible when we were teens. The hearing aids are very interesting to me because I've heard about them from my sister as well. I am having some hearing problems with age, and especially in my left ear. I don't need aids "yet" and hope I won't. It's so weird that I can still here slight sounds, even when my ears are ringing, that's one reason I question it having anything to do with "hearing" or my ears. I think I should call mine "brain ringing" ;) I do use 2 sound apps, my normal sort of white noise one is called "Chrome Doze". Uses so little battery, love it, and no ads or interruptions, ever! It's going right now because I don't keep tv on or music all day. The other app is called Whist and it is for tinnitus it says, specifically. You can adjust the pitch. It goes so high you can't hear it, probably only a dog could hear it.
(West Virginia)
You might want to look into Nada Yoga - I had it turn on after I had an NDE. I think a lot of people who are in their golden sage years turn on the Nada. I associate it with the frequency of Source. I pay attention to the frequency. When I think a negative thought, it will go down. High thoughts can sound like electronic sounds or our little pond peepers in the spring. They all shift and change so I try to connect them with what's happening in the now and see what I'm being told. But it's very comforting instead of fighting or resisting it, to define it as Source, our LoveLight and nourishing. In Nada Yoga, we sit in meditation and pay attention to it and see where it takes us.
(faithville, Us)
that is interesting that you write about frequency under tinnitus. I was hit by a car and flew in the air at 4. My head hit the fire hydrant and I was wearing those pokey curlers. I always hated those. I remember around that time I could hear my heart beating in my ears and they rang a lot. Naptime was the worst as a kid. The funny part about the ringing is that some days there is none and other days it has varying degrees of sound. Some days it turns into rhythms, and I hear songs created out of it and other days I ignore it. If a sound from a door or cabinet door happens, my brain will pull up a song with that sound in it and start to play it. Intentionally, I cannot remember many songs or song words. As a kid I would sing these sounds I would hear that were like a foreign language and then as I sang them, I would hear them turn into English and I would sing that. I thought when I grew up, I would write these songs in these foreign languages for a living because it seemed so natural and easy and was uplifting. I sing a lot.
I also see pictures in my mind, I call snapshots. I saw one last month of a black background with a silver wrench on it slanted open end to the upper left. Like an invisible hand was holding it. I frequently see horses and I'm not a horse person. I saw an anvil that had on its squared side a whitish grey horse trying to get out of it and it was wresting its neck like it was trying to escape the anvil, and like the anvil was the material it was being created out of but becoming real. The horse was escaping to the left.
I meditated once, when I met my spouse, he meditated all the time with the words I AM, as his mantra. I did that and saw a vision of me married to him. Today is our 44th and we are total opposites. Opposition will make you very strong from resistance training. Being opposites also makes us full of giftings to strengthen each other. I am creative and he is technical. Life seems to be frequency, Light and color are frequency. The spirit realm is more real than the natural, and the natural is like a hologram. You have to let go to go higher, but the gravity pulls you down. In the natural realm it feels like you have to take care of things, but if you go higher then things get sorted out. You find solutions and there is more clarity.
I don't practice yoga, but I have done a lot of things that took me high. Thoughts create reality.
Heather's Exercise
(Austin, Tx)
Hi Heather: I tried the head to the chest method and it brought the loud tinitis ringing I woke up with went down to a very low buzz. THANKS! I have come to the conclusion that tinitis is a direct result of what we put into our mouths that we are allergic to. Yesterday afternoon I had sour cream and eggs, two things I am allergic to. Before bed, my ears began ringing. I woke up to a loud, persistent ring and a swollen neck with lots of mucus. I immediately did your head to chest solution and ringing eased CONSIDERABLY. Took two straight TBLsp of ACV and wiped my neck with ACV and my swollen neck is going down. Later today I will take a tsp of VCO & 1/4 tsp cayenne for further aid.
Helichrysum Essential Oil
Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for. I have this oil (though it's probably old) and was wondering if this is what I needed. I know my ringing in the ears is from exposure to loud (rock band) noise when I was young. Thus, figured mine was from nerve damage and I do remember hearing from my EO company founder that they had repaired hearing in the deaf ear that was due to nerve damage. Thank you for your instructions!
Thank you, Cliff! Wonderful to have found a simple remedy that actually helps. God bless you.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Here's what I did: using a reputable drugstore brand hydrogen peroxide (never the $1 store! ), I soak a cotton ball thoroughly and, lying on my side, I squeeze enough in my ear to the point it feels full, like I'm underwater. I stay in this position for 5 minutes. Then get up, using a tissue to catch the draining peroxide. Then, I soak another cotton ball with rubbing alcohol. Lie on my side, drip in my ear, then immediately get up, using a tissue to catch it, and finally complete the drying gently with a Qtip (I know, not too deep). The alcohol helps displace the liquid and dries quickly so you don't have moisture staying in your ear.
Hydrogen Peroxide
That is what Dr Mercola recommends, & I & my spouse use. It also often stops a sore throat from getting bad if you treat it at the first hint of one setting in. Yep ... 3% HP iin the ears is what I'm talking about.
We haven't used it for tinnitus, so can't comment on that.... Have you read the remedies reported on under "Editor's Choice" for tinnitus? I just did, & found them very interesting!
Hydrogen Peroxide
I had my husband with a dropper, drop one drop of food grade hydrogen peroxide 3% in my right ear. After the fizzing stopped everything was quiet. I was so grateful! The noise came back the two following nights and I reapplied the 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide and after that I had peace for 1 year.
Last night, April, I was really stressed over something and could not sleep and the thumping sound returned.
Once again the 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide stopped the noise and I fell asleep. I was so grateful. I recently had my ears cleaned so, I will need to investigate why in April I have this problem.
My brother-in-law had ringing in his ears but, this did not help him. By the way, his ringing in his ears left his ears on its own a month later.
Hydrogen Peroxide
I kept hearing sounds louder than usual then I decided to clean my ears our with few drops of of food grade hydrogen peroxide . I laid down on the bed with a towel I would turn my head and put in the hydrogen peroxide and let it bubble then let the hydrogen peroxide drain out by turning my head on side . I was CAREFUL to keep the towel over my face and keep my eyes closed I did the other ear and that seemed to have solved the problem. First time, I did this I was scared and felt a little dizzy afterwards so I used a hair dryer turned it on low and pointed toward my ear to dry the remaining hydrogen peroxide and this was the FIRST day that hearing things louder than usual stopped I was cured I kept doing this for few more days, to be on the safe side
(P.s. Ca)
Hi Grace, I know this is an old post, however others may benefit. The hydrogen peroxide is dissolving the wax in your ear(s) that is blocking the ear channel, things can sound louder or not, however you may hear your heart more at night when in bed. I had an ear Dr., tell me to use hydrogen peroxide to clean my ears once a month, no q-tip as that can push wax down further as well as remove some. My relief was very sweet indeed. Hope this helps
Hydrogen Peroxide
(So Cal)
Everyone is different, even the actual sounds are all different - mine sounds like someone next door has music on, so it's good to try the different cures because you never know what will work. For me the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) in water works well. I take a shot glass and fill it 3/4 w water then top that with ACV, if I know I have been bad and consumed a lot of processed sugar I will take 2 shots. It's almost an immediate relief - within minutes. the funny part is, I tried the ACV drops in my ear and found zero effect - just illustrates how different we all are.
Don't get frustrated if one thing doesn't help, just try a something else. There are so many great tips and suggestions on here and for the most part they are not at all scary. Good luck!!
My motto: Ya gotta try stuff!
"...I tried the ACV drops in my ear and found zero effect..."
The doctor that once cleaned a LOT of wax out of my ears explained that wax overproduction can be triggered by a fungal infection in the ears, and told me that at the first hint of itching within my ears to spray a 50/50 mix of ACV & Alcohol in my ears ... the ACV kills fungus, while the Alcohol helps dry the ACV up so helps keep the ears dry.
(P.s. Ca)
Hi Ron, You can try essential oil drops. Look up drops for tinnitus, read the reviews to find the best one. You can also make your own by looking up the ingredients on the bottles, you need to however be very familiar with essential oils. You use them behind the ear, not inside. Many people have had success with them. The essential Oils are diluted with a carrier oil as the EO's are very strong. Do some research, and good luck.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Happy to hear the news. The hearing sensitivity can be greatly reduced, if the body is properly alkalized with the peroxide solution. This should buy time and I would try to find a longer term solution by removal of heavy metals and raising antioxidant, killing the infections through the BHT as per last email.
(Tacoma, WA)
Hi JoAnne: When you said you took soda, H2O2 and water, I was wondering in what way? Did you drink baking soda, H2O2 and water? In what measurements etc? I could not find an original post saying they had a recipe for this. Please advise. I have had high pitch sounds in my ears and increasing consistency for about a year.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Drinking strong green tea without sugar and no milk throughout the day appears to be a more reasonable course of action in chelating free metal iron, lead and cadmium.
Plus eating SOME chinese parsley but not too much will slowly remove the heavy metals, taken every two days. The amount is about 1-2 teaspoon chopped of chinese parsley leaves. Drinking plenty of water is important.
In the meantime, 250 mg of EDTA dissolved in 1 liter of water can also help.
Getting urine pH to 7 is the key. Taking one tablespoon of granulated lecithin will help ease the body of the overload.
If I am desperate, and the infection is really bad, as you mentioned here the single most effective remedy I can think of that is close to a miracle is the 300-500 mg of BHT supplements. Taken only 3 days in a row will nearly wipe up nearly all the infections I have seen. I refrain from this remedy only as a last resort, for a couple of reason, one being it's hard to find, the second is most people do not accept BHT use, even though rat studies prove that BHT resulted in lengthening of lifespan and amazing antioxidants against ear and sinus infection. As usual, I found this quite by accident while doing experiments to find a cure of the bird flu and herpes virus which does a great job there too.