Effective Natural Remedies for Mold Exposure and Allergies

Multiple Remedies

10 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Faithjoy (Wash) on 08/25/2016

Editor's Choice

Black Mold and Heavy Metals Mega fast Detoxification

First off, detoxification is long process especially with mold. Some people feel better within weeks, for others, it may take over an year it depends on how long the exposure was and the types of mold that you were exposed or the level of heavy metal and the types of metals.

Mold poisoning has a genetic piece to it some peoples, bodies cannot tag toxins and get them out of the body. About 25% of the people's bodies do not recognize toxins, so the toxins keep recirculating, and the toxins level increases. The body goes haywire and begins to switch off things and switch on things. It can be most unpleasant, to say the least. It can make you so sick and it can be fatal. It is best to work with a doctors that are specialized in the area of heavy metals and mold, because you will get nowhere with regular medical doctor.

A few things I have learned;

Clay baths really decrease heavy metals and it also helps with mold.

Cilantro juice daily is the greatest chelator ever.

For people that are not getting well from mold poisoning, it might be related to sinus I saw three ear, nose and throat doctor smear test revealed I was fine. I even had sinus surgery they sent stuff to the pathology nothing was found. The ND mold specialist told me I need a deep nasal smear I was positive for MARCONS, an antibiotic resistant staph this is very common for people that have had mold exposure. For mold exposed people this is very common and you will no get well until you get treatment for it. It took four years to finally find someone that figured this out I was wheezing and it all stopped after I got treatment. There is also a biofilm piece to the sinus issue so it can all be treated.

Detoxification is based on Dr. Yu work they used to detox military and the 911 firefighters.

Fat tissue is where the toxins are stored, this fat is your body's intelligence at work, it stores to deal with later when the system is not overwhelmed and it is not going to stress the body. The average person has more than 500 – 1,000 times higher levels of toxic chemical in the fat than what is revealed in their blood serum

Niacin opens the fat tissues, fat cells and it opens and release the toxins it is like taking out the garbage.

Fat is much more toxic by 150 times than your blood serum. Now that the toxin has been released from the tissues and cells, the detoxing with sauna and activated charcoal begins.

The sauna and charcoal or clay are very, very important. If you did not do this the toxins would be recirculation and reabsorbed into the body this is what you are trying to avoid.

This detox will also help with brain fog and just overall health. Dr Yu suggests that people should do this regularly two times a week. I do it daily because I have mold poisoning also known, as mycotoxin illness or sick building illness

You take niacin which is B3 make sure it is good quality and take it with a piece of fruit or something small it is easier on your stomach.

Begin by taking niacin 50mg you wait 20 minutes and then you exercise for 20 minutes this gets the heart rate up and sweat.Then you sauna for an hour I started with 30 minutes. The sauna temperature should be 130 to 140 the preferred sauna is the low or no emf sauna infrared sauna once you are done with sauna take two activated charcoal with a glass of water this will grab all the toxins that are stirred up and take a shower to rinse away all the toxins, I used a soft loofa brush to gently scrub my skin while in the shower this helps in the detoxification process.

Regarding niacin dosage: Start at 50mg and work your way up to 200mg. For the severely ill gulf war soldiers and firefighters, they used 5000mg. Of course this was under doctor's supervision. Niacin makes you feel flushed, prickly, and, itchy feeling that is normal it is known as the niacin flush. Some people take a cold shower it makes the body feel better. As all things use good judgment if it makes you feel too itchy or uncomfortable stay at 50mg and you want to make sure your not allergic to it. With so many odd fillers in vitamins just be sure that your aware of the difference between niacin flush and an allergic reaction.

My friend thinks after a couple weeks niacin flush, disappears, the other thought on this is that you keep reacting this way because you are toxic. And once you have cleaned all the toxins out then you will no longer react. Also, few hours after you have taken the charcoal it is best to take minerals, electrolytes, some people drink coconut water This is important as well take a mega vitamin B supplement with a focus on the A. B, C, D E, lecithin.

I also do a coffee enema with non-mycotoxin pure coffee a three times a week to help detox.

If you're an undermethylator, skip the niacin and meet with specialized doctor to come with an alternative plan.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U FAITHJOY,,,,,,,,,, little darling, you have just posted the best solution to health problems that I have read in many a moon. Our daughter is in deep stuff and I gave her the same protocol that you did. She is smartern me so she half-assed my program.

That won't work. You have to start out slow like 50 to 100 mg of niacin. The lowest mg of pharmacy niacin is 500 and no one can stand that initially. MD's are ignorant people and only prescribe what the Big Pharma agents tell them to.

I'll get off my rant and encourage folks to take your post seriously. You may even be smartern me.


Replied by Faithjoy

Robert Henry, you're welcome and I'm glad it is helpful information

For mold it is suggested to use, Cholestryamine is better at attaching itself to mold toxins, than other binders. My doctor thinks many binders is better zeolite, and super activated charcoal

If you are not getting well from a sinus infection ... still wheezing, feel sick, brain fog dizziness and you had mold exposure or even a sinus infection. See a mold specialist for get tested for MARCons. Regular ENT doctors do not check for this .

MARCons (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) is an antibiotic resistant staph that resides deep in the nasal passage of 80% of people with low MSH (Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone), this is caused from mold/mycotoxin and chronic inflammatory illnesses CIRS .

The sinuses are a colonizing site for molds, the mold is living and reproducing in the sinuses 24 hours a day 7 days a week releasing toxins, increasing a toxic burden Here are few symptoms you may feel sick brain fog, tired, sleepy, dizzy, forgetful, wheezing, sinus inflammation headaches, and on edge because central nervous system in overwhelmed

Many people cannot get better from mold illness because the sinus are still infected. Get checked for MARCon. My test was positive and I took the BEGS sprays. BEGS spray is a prescription only. I think it was created by Dr. Shoemaker BEGS is an intense sinus spray it dissolves the biofilm so it can kill the infections. This cured my wheezing and the last lingering symptoms of my mold illness,

As for the niacin detox I wrote about it, is the greater the toxicity of the body the more niacin the doctor gives the patients I worked my way up to 600mg. It is best to get with a doctor that knows this stuff and can advise, supervise. For mold illness cholestyramine is very important and the niacin detox can help kick out the toxins and so you get well faster.

Replied by Karen


Thank you so so much for posting this. Can I ask what your symptoms were and what (if any) kind of improvements you have been making with this protocol and over what period of time? I have tried everything at this point but I am so sensitive to many treatments and supplements that I have to be careful and sometimes end up feeling worse. I would do anything to have my life back and unfortunately just don't have the proper guidance from the right doctors without having to spend a fortune. What did the nasal spray help you with exactly?

Thank you again for posting this - it's incredibly helpful.

Replied by Faithjoy

Karen, it took me 2 years to get diagnosed.

When I first got mold illness there were other symptoms: Light (Photophobia), sound and movement sensitivity, blurred vision, dry heaves, brain fog, forgetfulness, breathing issues, wheezing, dizziness, heart issues, rash, fatigue and I was forgetting things. This level of illness lowers immune system, so small dental infection your body was keeping in check may now take over, that is why some o chronic illness specialist recommend biological dentist for cavitations surgery these infections drip virulent strains of toxins into the body. Complicated and costly. Many people will not get root canals in fear of setting up this scenario.

I did the two months and niacin detox and sometimes I did it twice a day.

Mold treatment took over a year . Still wheezing issue my doctor did a nasal smear MaRCONS. Got on BEGS spray most all of my symptoms are gone I had to do two rounds of BEGS to kill this infection. See mold specialist and get deep nasal smear, and the urine mycotoxin test.

A book that is imperative to read, Mold and Mycotoxin Current Evaluation and Treatment 2016. It is easy to read and understand it tells you how to get well

Replied by Kim
(Chino, CA)

Thank you so much for your thorough response. It is greatly appreciated!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mekiri (Usa) on 03/03/2016

For mold the best thing is to stop all sugars. Eat raw foods that are organic. Eat lots of green vegetables and make sure they are rinsed with white vinegar. Look for a detox regime that will help get rid of mold. Wash all clothing, sheets and towels with an odor eliminator and get a good quality air cleaner for the home. Get a water purifier for your shower and drink bottle water that is alkaline. Take supplements that will strengthen your immune system, that's key. Drink some organic chlorophyll follow instructions on bottle. Soak in Epsom Salt and with a little ACV. I hope everyone gets some relief. Prayer helps too and getting close to God.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Victory (Chicago) on 08/23/2013

For two years, I was so sick nausea, sore throat, rash, dizziness, chronic fungal sinus infection, burning, dry eyes exhaustion, wheezing, heart palpatations and shaking trembling feeling like I many I thought I was goner. I saw over 60 doctors I did not know that doctors are not trained in detecting mold poisoning, nor do they test for mycotoxins .

If your ill and no one can find the cause it can be your house . Our 4 year old dream home became a nightmare home, we had a hidden leak one day I noticed a crack in the sheet rock the plumber must of forgot to put the two pipes together a quietly totally invisible leak for a long time! Specialist were hired they fumigated and began fixing the damage. It was serious they wore hazmats suits! They found Stachybotrys, penicillin and hyphae. This is straight from intergrative MD told us to move out of our home even if we had to live in tent or rent a motorhome. We were blessed by God to have our condo to go to. We took the full mycotoxins test the only lab the does this nationally is in Texas We were told not to take anything with us because we could cross contaminate the new enviroment . We were put on natural Gamma detox which is 1/4 tsp zeolites/bennonite clay (carries the byproducts out of the body) 2 times a day , Mycotoxins inhibitor 10 drops of Mycotoxins inhibitor 3 x times and I also drink 1/8 tsp borax in liter a water drink throughout the day and I bought these homeopathic borax pellets and put one in my neti pot let it dissolve add sea salt, baking soda and sterlized water then really flush my sinuses by holding one nostril shut and breathing in the water until it the water comes to the back of your throat this really works to clean and kill the fungus in my sinuses this worked well for me We also took detox complete, and caprylic pills or you can take fresh virgin coconut oil a couple 2 tsp 2 daily make sure that the coconut oil is made from fresh coconuts NOT dried coconuts since dried had has mycotoxins in it . Also milk thistle helps the liver clean out the body drink lot's of water. Anyhow it takes a few months to feel better but eventually you do, this sort of ordeal forever changes your view on life.

Replied by Ladon
(Oklahoma City)

Hi your symptoms are almost identical to mine. Can you please tell me, where do I get these products and the full instruction for the natural gamma detox?

Replied by Victory
(Chicago, IL)

I apologize, I left out of couple of important things. The item is called Gama Detox-FX is on Amazon . Drink oregano oil and olive leaf extract in water throughtout the day. Take high quality probiotics. A couple of other things to do is go on a anti-fungal diet or candida diet this diet; this stops the food source for the mold so they die. It took me many months to feel better but according to Shoemaker who is the mold authority he prescribes Cholestryamine which is supposedly the best product for mold poisoning. People on Cholestryamine generally feel better in two weeks unless you are severely ill so that is worth thinking about.

Replied by Victory
(Chicago, IL)

Few more things I've learned working with specialized doctor regarding mold poisoning - Taking Cholesyramine carries mold/mycotoxins out of the body. The broken cell wall chlorella does the same thing; take it an hour away from food. Avoid taking it at night, might keep you awake I read the broken cell chlorella maybe very be superior to cholesyramine. Also for sinus issues, consider distilled water mixed with 1/2 tsp xylitol mixed with few drops SSKI and 2 to 3 drops liquid dmso in a neti pot; it breaks the biofilm down and attacks the infection.

Replied by Mike
(Little Falls, Nj)

Hi, your post regarding mold remedies was very helpful, could you please recommend a good doctor that you used for your treatment? How long it took you to be 100% free of mycotoxins? Thanks!

Replied by Victory
(Chicago, Ill)

I'm glad the information helped

The doctor that treated me was a MD/ND and a Chinese medicine doctor, sadly closed his practice this year .

A couple other things my doctor recommended Vital nutrients BCQ (iwhich is boswellia serrata, bromelain, Curcum longa, Quercetin) and Cal-Mag Butyrate this I believe is a remove neurotoxins, and a gentle powerful binding clay Springgreen77

A couple of others I took peach extract, and drank pine needle tea and lots of cliantro and celery juice

I would like to suggest to anyone suffering with black mold spore/mycotoxins poisoning Look on Dr Shoemakers website and there is a list of medical and naturopathic doctors that have trained with Dr. Shoemaker and and are trained in treat this illness . I know that mold illness has pretty severe symptoms, just know it takes time to get all the pathways that have been disrupted by mycotoxins in the body back on track. It took me one year for all of the dizziness to disappear. There are IV's available to help detox as well.

Replied by Victory

I want to share a few more points. Mold exposure may infect the sinuses. My doctor was certain. I had mold in my sinuses. I had a nasal smear, A specialized lab was used that mold literate doctors or an environmental illness doctors will use to identify what is growing in the sinuses. From what, I understand this must be done or you will get sick again and again, because what is growing in the sinuses will reinfect you. I was given EDTA spray for biofilm and the doctor told me I could use xylitol, (buy at grocery store). I then mixed the xylitol with sterilized warm water in my neti pot and pinch of baking soda and sea salt to flush sinuses, then wait a few minutes for the biofilm to dissolve then use the medicine spray. In my case this was determined by what was found growing in my sinuses.

One of the most effective, fastest way to get well is to starve mold out of the body, Stop alcohol, sugar, dairy, grains, no peanuts or, mushroom or corn. The anti- fungal diet or look up Mold Warriors diet this is so important it spends up recovery. Drink lots of cilantro and celery juice this is chelator

Cholestraymine is drug of choice, it, has sugar in it and it is cheap. There is a special order a pure form no dye, no sugar it is more pricey . Some people will take cholestepure they want something natural . I took cholestraymine, but I prefer the broken cell wall chlorella, zeolites, clays and activated charcoal. Before bed I would take a detox med. then I would wake up at midnight and take some charcoal or mixed clay and go back to sleep so my body is in a continual state of detoxing, while I sleep. As for ozone it does not kill mycotoxins I read it crystallizes mold, Yikes

This took me awhile to understand, that fastest way to detox is get on the diet and take several different things since they all do different things and work on different parts of the body. The cure is an attack on all fronts.

For clothes exposed to mold /mycotoxins .I had black garbage bags for contaminated clothes and then I would put in white bags for cleaned clothes Wash clothes in washer with 2 cups ammonia I do a triple rinse and dry. Another doctor suggests 1 cup borax detergent, 2 tablespoons nizoral which has 1% keticonazole and I use 1 cup biokleen detergent or regular detergent again extra rinse. I did both to be on the safe side

DO NOT MiX ammonia and Bleach ever, most people know this, it is worth repeating.

Replied by Galia

Wow very interesting what you wrote I also have mold and asthma from a house that I was leave in 10 years ago and now I struggle take hidrogen peroxide and feel awfal is it posibble that the fungos start to die and it makes me more ill? I take niacin for month now and put in my nose that foul of polyp h.p. and tea tree oil.

Oh my god this is horrible.

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, TX)

Milk thistle with artichoke is the best! Also, add artichokes to dark green leafy salads. They scrub the liver clean! Green tea, red clover tea, pau d'arco are all good. Red clover cleans the blood.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Niomi (Ca, Usa) on 06/30/2013

Due to respiratory problems, I was allergy tested and came out positive for Aspergillus and Penicillium molds. In order to get a handle on the problem I had to address both the house and my physical health.

The first step was to stop the spores in the interior of the house. To do this we (and the pets) left the house while we ran an ozone generator on high for three days, and then aired it out well.

We then brought in a mold sniffing dog to detect where the mold was coming from, as there was no visual appearance of mold. The dog alerted to three locations in the house which were remediated by professionals. We also installed a PureAir purification system, and periodically run the ozone when we're not in the house.

To address my health, I started taking probiotics, MSM, DMG, Ester C, and Vitamin D during the day, and periodically activated charcoal just before bed. I also started drinking A LOT more water... Up to 3 quarts a day. In addition, I have done a total of 12 sessions in the Life Vessel.

All of this has been expensive, but I am MUCH improved and feel healthy again! I am now exploring mold allergy desensitization.

Replied by Niomi
(Ca, Usa)

I should also mention that I took protease enzymes (with an alkalizing diet), and did a couple of liver cleanses (outlined in Andreas Moritz book).

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Emi (Sarajevo, Bosnia) on 12/26/2011

Hi! I am also a mold victim, and have got allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis that has no cure. I have found remedy for my brain fog though, and I feel ok regarding that nowadays. You are lucky if that is all u feel ;-) I take B12, grapefruit seed extract, vco, kelp, B complex, vitamine c, oxygen, neem, nettle (GREAT FOR ALLERGIES!) d3, quarcetine, lysine, larix, probiotics, magnesium citrate and dandelion for liver to cope w/ the toxins. I actually take much more stuff but this I took in the beginning and it helped w/ brainfog along with the moving out of the hell hole as well as the air purifier! Good luck.

P.S. Also Niacinamide.

Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide and Lugol's Iodine

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by MsCDBrev (Cumming, GA) on 09/22/2022

Editor's Choice

Nebulize HP!

I have not been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis, however have suffered for a long while with the symptoms. Due to circumstances of our family being victimized by a crime, beginning in 2009, I was forced to live in a dwelling for two years that was HEAVILY mold infested; Black mold among others. During this time I began suffering with many symptoms including, joint pain, skin lesions, difficulty breathing, sores in my nose, wheezing, recurrent bacterial blepharitis, scalp sores, sinus infections, excess mucous production, post-nasal drip, trouble walking, severe brain fog, under eye aging, irritability, recurrent UTI's, bladder pain and spasms, fatigue, excessive sleepiness, etc. I suspect I also developed a fungal infection in my sinuses and lungs, however the symptoms were very similar to those you mentioned. Doctor visits resulted in prescriptions for sinus allergies, antibiotics, pain meds, muscle relaxers, depression meds, etc. none of which helped. I felt like no doctor was listening to me when I described all of the symptoms and suggested they could be related to aflatoxin exposure combined with a family trauma that caused unbelievable stress, zapping my immune system.

I have spent the last 11 years researching, and trying to detox my body using holistic/natural methods and products. It has been a long and arduous process, however I have learned a great deal and am thankful that my eyes have been opened to the problems with conventional medicine. I experienced good success with most symptoms, however I was never able to stop the wheeze or the nose sores.

I then stumbled onto Bill Munro's HP inhalation method here on Earth Clinic. I tried that method, but quickly realized I needed a different delivery mode, and began nebulization.

I first began nebulizing 3% Food Grade HP diluted 50% with distilled water. After more research, I quickly added 1 drop of Lugol's Iodine to the nebulization cup along with my 3% Food Grade HP, diluted with 50% distilled water.

I CANNOT TELL YOU THE RELIEF I HAVE EXPERIENCED. I can try to put it into words here, but my words will not do the results justice. Within a week I started noticing that my lungs were clearing, in a manner that seemed like the clearing was starting from the bottom working its way up. Over the next couple of months, that process continued, again from the bottom up.

First, my lungs began to clear, then my throat (which always felt like it was covered in goop from post nasal drip), then my sinuses, then my nose congestion began to clear. Along with these results came an increase in energy, and clarity of mind that I had not experienced in a number of years. The wheeze has not returned, and I feel like my body is oxygenated more than it has been in years. The improvement in my overall health has been astounding.

I hope anyone who tries this method gets the same or better results than I have. Aren't we all sick and tired of being sick and tired?


Connie B.

The results have been amazing!

Replied by Debra
(NSW, Australia)
60 posts

Hi Connie,

Thanks so much for sharing your story. Could you tell me what concentration your Lugols is? I am in Australia and mine is 12mg per 3 drops. I think it might be a bit strong to nebulize but I do also have some nascent Iodine. Would this be better? Also how many times a day did you nebulize?

Thank you for any more information you can provide.

Replied by Alma
(Baja California)

Hi, thanks for posting this, I just tried it, and curiously even my neck, knee, back and shoulder stopped hurting, this is so amazing, felt the mind clarity too, used the 2% Lugols Iodine, 3 drops and the food grad 3% HP, even felt it a bit much, but nebulized only a couple of minutes to start with, think I will go down to 2 drops of iodine, and see what happens. Thanks for sharing, and god bless you with health.

Replied by Donna

Hi Connie, and others who may read this.

What kind of nebulizer do you use?

Thank you! So glad to hear this has worked for you.

God bless you all with healing.

(Baja California)

Hi, I used the hand portable nebulizer.

Oregano Oil

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Carissa S. (Buffalo, New York) on 08/11/2015

Hello! I couldn't help but notice the testimony on here pertaining to internal mold removal and which products to use.

To make a long story short, I had to leave an apartment due to horrendous water damage and mold. I was a tenant for six years! The last week there was fairly hellish. I awoke early to feel something heavy and inflamed on my tongue. Lo and behold, it was my right tonsil.

At the emergency room, I was diagnosed with viral pharyngitis. It took quite a few days for the steady decrease in size but it hasn't returned to its normal size. My anxiety was through the roof (in a way that I haven't experienced) and then my digestive track went crazy. Its true that the stress was high but I hadn't dealt with these issues ever!

After practicing yoga daily (which quenched a great deal of anxiety) and preparing various herbal teas, I was still at my wits end. A gentleman on this forum admitted to many of my issues and suggested Oil of Oregano. My family is very much into natural healing and upon hearing testimony from my grandmother, we purchased a bottle. The initial dose was very fast acting. My throat opened up and I could swallow normally. The nasal passages opened like flood gates. I felt like I had a head transplant. Don't give up or fret for those of you on the brink.

Oil of Oregano has many medicinal uses. (Please be advised not to use it if you are allergic to the mint family).

Oregano Oil
Posted by Sammy (San Antonio, Tx) on 12/24/2009

Editor's Choice

Oil of Oregano after 3 months long nightmare

May of 2009 it started with sore throat and nasal congestion. 7th day i started feeling just fine. 8th day i woke up with a major sore throat then following 7 days i had chills (no fever) diarrhea, coughs, stabbing feeling all over my body. Then i went to see a doctor (no insurance) he said that my tonsils are infected so i have to take antibiotics and for hardship breating he gave me steroids. 4 days later tonsils still swollen and i cant breathe also diarrhea is full throttle. i was drinking 5-6 quarts of water every day. 19th day i went to see same doctor. listened to my lungs, ordered x-ray which came out clean and he told me that i am ok. BUT I WASNT. For diarrhea he diagnosed me with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) 6 days passed and my symphtoms are same but not getting worse.25th day i went and bought a humidifier for my room hoping to be able to sleep better. and also i wanted to close the a/c vent in my room. Right at that point I FACED THE REALITY. MOLD!!! my a/c vent was black in color. Very next day i called a company that tests homes for molds. Results came back in 3 days after i spent $400. my a/c unit had Aspergillus (high levels),Cladosporium (elevated levels) Penicillium (high levels). i went to see the doc again. he told me that its like impossible to prove that my health is bad because of those mold species.And addition to that he told me that skin prick test for this issue is expensive and i dont have insurance so he told me to just rest and pray that i will get better on my own. For the following 2 months i started getting worse. I quit my job. I was hopeless.

Then i read it somewhere on the net that OIL OF OREGANO will do the trick. I cut of eating anything that has yeast and started taking 4 oil of oregano capsuls every 8 hours and taking 1000mg vitamin c every 8 hours.Sublingual B12 25 drops everyday. 2nd day diarrhea gone. 7th day i am almost back to normal.

I hope this will help someone out there. I am a believer of oregano oils antifungal, antiviral, anti bacterial properties.

Replied by April
(Jacksonville, NC)

Oregano oil is helping my daughter and myself heal as well. She's only seven and it's been gentle enough for her, thankfully. We unknowingly were exposed to mold for ten years, at least I was. She's been exposed her whole life...😔 She had candida overgrowth and all the anxiety that goes with it, but lactobacillus rhamnosus probiotics got her feeling much better too. I'd also recommend charcoal to be used as a binder or just eat dark green, leafy vegetables. The dark green, leafy vegetables are also effective as a binding agent.

Oregano Oil, Garlic

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sarah (Ccworth, Georgia) on 10/28/2008

In response to the mold problem: You must kill the mold/fungus that resides inside of you. You must starve, kill,and remove.

#1.Fact. Sugar FEEDS mold and fungus inside us.

#2. Corn and wheat feeds them as well. Oil of oregano kills, Put as many drops as you can fit into a gelatin capsule. The taste is awful. But not when you take it like this. Take two capsules of this 3 times a day, till bottle is gone, remembering to stay OFF THE SUGAR, CORN and WHEAT. Mayo clinic findings has determined that there is nothing stronger to kill mold, fungus, bacterial and viral infections. i know this works. Check out Doug Kaulfmans web site. Garlic kills pathogens too. Research!!! many things kill these bastards. It may be essential to rotate. Garlic for 1 week. And I mean RAW, chopped up garlic,(with food in your tummmy before swallowing).etc.

Replied by Earthfirst
(Chicago, Il)

although oil of oregano works very well as an antibiotic and anti-fungal, be sure not to abuse it. just like prescription antibiotics your body can become dependent on them. it will also kill the "good" bacteria in your digestive system.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Autumn (Louisville, Ky) on 06/10/2014

I have been looking into Oxine AH for use in a humidifier because of mold in our home but I cannot find any information on if this is okay for human use. I know it is okay for farm animals though, since they use this method for chicken coops. Any help on this? Thank you!!

Replied by Trudy
(Al, US)

Oxine is used to clean mold from ductwork commercially, so if they use it to clean your ventilation/heating system you would be breathing what's left. Could you seal the area being fogged? Or you could mix it in a spray bottle and wet the surface? Then you could limit the amount you would breathe in. Personally, I would get a timer to turn off the humidifier and leave the area--what little (if any) remains in the air I wouldn't be concerned with. What's on surfaces degrades quickly into harmless elements (water, I think, but you could look it up). You have to balance the mold issue v the oxine.

Posted by Trudyg (USA) on 07/01/2013

Look up a product named Oxine. It is used for many things, to get rid of mold is just one. I used it as a spray for my chicken who had a fungal respiratory infection--2 nights of 6 ounces/gal in a humidifier and she no longer has a cough or rattle. Look it up and see what all it's used for--they clean duct work with it in commercial operations.

Ozone Treatment

Posted by Srindge (Melbourne, Fl, Usa) on 09/17/2010

My husband is an acupuncturist & we live in Melbourne, FL. We recently had our air conditioner upgraded. Unfortunately since our previous one was barely operational when the new one kicked on so did the mold that had accumulated. We used many of the methods so noted but also added ozone treatment. It took a couple of days (we ran ours 8 - 12 hours during the day)and there is no further sign. Unlike all the internal bodily solutions the ozone treatment attacks the problem at source within the home and behind the walls. We found the following for a friend in the Chicago area where one can rent the equipment. Consider renting equipment or having professionals ozonate your home for you.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,, learned today that black mold has consumed me in the last 3 months. The DNA test my integrative doctor does measures Vital Force ( VF) and this has gone from 8 to 48 in short order. He wants to address it with Homeopathic methods. I will be dead in short order.... so I have written Dr Robert Rowen to come to my rescue using Ozone as I have all the tools.

I first went on EC and read some great posts, but at 80 I can't have a hit or miss. Since we live on a lake, it may be mold in our log cabin, but we had the HVAC system addressed two years ago and sprayed down the cabin with Grape Fruit Seed Extract which we bought from Tennessee Mold to address this problem, if it existed. Our doctor took my Tractor Driver's DNA and if she has this problem then it's environmental, otherwise, I'm getting it from some other source.

Lordy, all know I's a great story teller, but I don't need this material.


Replied by Art
2298 posts


I use a mix of borax, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in a sprayer to treat black mold. All three are mold killers and this mix has no odor and is easy to work with. I have used this mix to treat moldy wood. Bleach will only kill mold on the surface of the wood and it is difficult and harmful to breathe the chlorine fumes. The combination of HP, BS and Borax is easy to make, readily available and very effective.


Replied by Janet

Robert Henry. I am glad you have narrowed down your ailment. Mold is my Kryptonite..my nemesis ...

It steals every bit of normalcy I have managed to gain in my health. It is the thing I suffer if I go in certain stores drive my old van. Attend a concert at older venues.

Ted's remedies have been my standby my cure my move forward to health.

His mold relief is the way I manage to save my health.

Vitamin d3 selenium and k2 lay the foundation.

Holy basil correct the adrenals.

Ted's ammonia remedy is the comeback. 5% ammonia in saturated borax water in a sprayer. Garden sprayer for big jobs. Hand sprayer for my body. 1 cup of ammonia in the tub. Face mask soaked in or sprayed with the solution saves me from exposures.

When the porch cracked water invaded the basement behind the paneling. No warning. I fell to the floor. No smell of mold it was just there. I keep a spray bottle on all the floors of the house with the mix. I reached for it sprayed some fabric of my shirt breathing through this got me up and out to stop symptoms. This monster mold steals everything if you allow it.

It is on Ted's remedies for mold email 7 or 8. It is the reason I am alive today.

I use my ozone machine to clean the air in places. I drink ozonated water. Much I learned from you. It is not enough. I take my machine on trips to hotels and treat the room and bathroom before we stay in it. But I travel with that spray.

I also treat the house foundation once or twice a month with the garden sprayer.


Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn)

HI U JANET AND ART,,,,,,,,,, thanks for your input to my saga. It appears that a saga is full time as you age. My challenge now is to find the source as we have no signs of mold in our lake log home. We keep a dehumidifier going full time along with a ionizer light in our HVAC system.

I'm confident that the DNA results are right and just glad that my integrative doctor provides this. Otherwise, I'd have to wait until all the symptoms appear and years of tests to learn what my health problem is.

My first concern is to address the mold within my body. I can address this in a half ass manner with my health toys, but I want Dr Rowen's counsel. I don't have to go to Calif for this with all the communication tools available. He just needs to know what I can do and set my schedule. I have not heard back from him if he will take my case.

My Plasma Rife Machine has a program for this mold. My plan is to check our HVAC duct air and send the sample off for testing. If it's in there, then we will tear it all out and replace because we just had it cleaned two years ago and fogged the entire cabin with Grapefruit Extract. Like I say often, I's SJS.

I just watched a video of two professors telling us how to address dementia and Alzheimer's with some Russian herbs. I hope they have a gun carry permit because they will need it. No way will Big Pharma and Big Medicine allow that. Just as they did not allow the 6 Doctors to address cancer in stage 1 and 2 with a simple test and cure it with your own immune system. They were all working together and are now all dead. This happened in Fla. and Ga. in '15. I posted this when it happened.

Life is about as interesting as we can stand.


Replied by Ian Noelle
(Franklin, Tn)

Robert Henry, Have you thought about the connection between peanuts and aflatoxin mold exposure? Perhaps your fondness for peanuts is a contributor to mold showing up in your latest medical tests.

Replied by Timh
2048 posts


Don't forget about the importance of Iodine. Have you done the Borax cure for likely Mycoplasma in your joints & bones, what with all the pain and inability and all. Oregano Oil Softgels are quite potent, as is Black Cumin Seed, as well as Turpentine. Plus your Ozone and Rowens prescription and you should whip this one good over the winter and come out in the spring ready for the early garden.

Replied by Sue
(St Joseph, Mi)

Curious as to what the Russian herbs were.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U SUE, Timh and Noelle,,,,,,,, it is RHODIOLA and can be obtained from Life Extension. Learned that there is a rush on this product and some slippery folks are now in the business, so be discreet.

Timh, I fill a half gallon jar with ionized alkaline water every morning and add 1/2 tsp of Borax and 15 drops of Grape Seed Extract. Heard back from Dr Roden. All I need is money. I want him to schedule my ozone stuff.

Noelle, you right, and some of the peanuts I raised were covered with mold inside the shell. If my Tractor Driver has this mold via her DNA test, then it is in our log cabin. Otherwise, I's getting it somers else, and peanuts are suspect.

Another thing that is messin up my mind is the DNA test that my integrative doctor does every 3 months. It tells you what your problems are, what fungus, parasites, etc., you have, and where your organs stand. Why don't the Allopathic doctors use this test. All you do is swab out your mouth with a Q tip and run that on a computer program. Too cheap and too effective is my thought. Medicine is now a money thing. That is the reason cancer has not been cured. Same ole same ole for the last 50 years. It is second only to energy as to the money it generates.

OUT OF SPIT. ======ORH=======

Pine Needle Tea

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Misty (Usa) on 08/20/2013

Mold/Fungus: I have been following this illness for many years, the correct way as I recently read to pronounce mold is actually mold. Doctors do not or will not recognize any such illness such as mold or fungus but it does exist & is severely progressive, I was born into a very old farm house where there was no covering accept boards spaced far apart we lived right near lakes and oceans all around us, very cold & very damp. I have followed & monitored this specific illness. When I was very young I was way too skinny & no matter what I could not gain weight, when I was ten yrs. old I swelled way up which obviously meant my organs/kidney's were at risk, eventually the swelling went down, I had severe urges for sugar's, I continued to eat sweets year round. I continued on with life but I seemed to have a bad case of blurred vision, glasses did not work for this type of vision problems. I worked for years in nursing homes where the Dr. told me absolutely no heavy lifting but I needed & loved my job, I already had back problems which as the years rolled on my back worsened, to cut a long story short I kept falling down randomly with-out being aware before hand that I was going to fall. Later on in life I was having way too many issues especially severe anger where I used to be fun & out going, I cried all the time not knowing what was wrong, way too many Drs. examined me and gave me so many diagnosis I eventually gave up after so many tries & mis-diagnosis, my husband & I went on a cruise to Bermuda, I ate some"REAL"rich sweets/ I got back home just in time with absolutely no time to spare when I was having some severe pain in my lower part of my stomach, I had my husband take me to ER & leave me there, I was rushed into surgery immediately & found that my gallbladder was ready to explode, again back & forth I went to many Drs.

This time with another exam I found I had severe thyroid problems hence this joy ride after five plus years was great but then I started going right back into the same bad moods/sweating & much more. I then decided to take things into my own hands & do some serious investigations, I went to a neurologist, this Dr. was a family Dr., a neuro-surgeon & very thorough, he stated I had neuropathy, spondylosis, CMV which is a virus (mold) toxoplasmosis, some sort of algae again some thing to do with moisture//fungus etc. so recently I have been up & down sick wise eventually this mold/fungus has caused severe nerve damage after a few years & many tests later I started to continue on a journey of falling down randomly even though my illness is painful as well as these continued appointments & the run arounds, the most hurting & embarrassing situation was when the Dr. in ER forced me to walk to the bathroom/I told the Dr. the reason I was there was because I fell, therefore I could not walk, she told me I needed to get up & walk, I stood up & with a huge bang went right back down I felt as though I had split my legs in half as they were bent way in back of me, I felt like a twisted pretzel I begged & pleaded for these people called humans to please help me up but they stood there looking at me, finally I got to where I pulled myself up & after recovering I reported each & every one of them but of course the hosp. won the case dismissed. Again I found mold in my mouth as well as the stench smell of mold coming out of my body when I sweat, also I found this to be of very importance doctors are treating this mold/fungus as an infection which is treated with anti-biotics that is not a good idea, this is a very serious virus & should be treated as such.

I have been seriously looking into many herbs as odd as it may seem I found that pine needle tea is the very best tea you can drink, if any one ever notices, the pine tree never has any parasites, never decays or rots so to speak, I have been drinking this now for two years & the parasites are flooding my toilet/a month ago I fell sick again as I had stopped taking this tea prior, I could not get up or even lift my head up, I made a huge batch of pine needle tea & had the most exuberant & a great amount of energy. Another thing is psoriasis is another form of mold/fungus this is being treated with UV lamps. Here is the one of the web sites to read up on... http://www.ehow.com/about_6539988_uv-lamps-psoriasis.html "I feel it a great idea to try this UV on my body to see what happens. God Bless.

Replied by Sandra

Along with the pine needle tea you could also steep some pine needles overnight in water and use this as a foot bath or add it to your bath water. Unlike what we are told the skin will draw it in and it will reach the interior of the body quickly. Also use it as a hair rinse to get into your scalp.

You could also make a pine needle tincture. Put some clean pine needles (completely covering the pine needles) in alcohol like vodka and leave it for a few weeks for the alcohol to draw out the nutrients and take a couple of teaspoons daily. You can find videos on youtube on how to make a tincture.

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2048 posts

@Misty: Thanx for your post/testimony, and sorry about all the suffering and humiliation; I too have encountered similar if not more ridiculous situations.

As relating to your Pine Needle Tea, there are post here and elswheres about the powerful antifungal remedy of Kerosene or Turpentine. Search Walter Last for more info in addition to what you will find here on E.C. Personally, my few attempts with Turpentine were mixed as I also was suffering from severe or hyper-parasite infestation. Basically all I got was kidney stress and urine that smelled of Lysol house cleaner. Now that I have made major improvements on the parasites, I may try the Turpentine remedy again w/ probably a better result as my fungal issues are also in the severe category.

Two other remedies you may be interested in are Zapping. I have had very good results w/ a 30hz zapper; most notably increased energy. When I first tried the foot bath zap, I experienced major die off for 5 days then increased metabolism. Didn't cure the fungal but did help.

The other treatment I tried about 2 months back (after reading a post here on E. C. By ?? thank you) of a common veterinary treatment for flea control on pets. It is a very safe and effective chemical compound called Lufenuron. I have experienced very good results with one-a-day 750mg for 12 days

Keep us up-to-date as to your condition.

Replied by Diamond
(Mass., US)

I have read and reread this information on and about pine needle tea and it's the very best, I have never tasted any better tea than this. I have done many web searches and found quite a few are doing the same.Just be aware of the type of pine needles you pick, please do not pick the needles that have pine cones, also try to get the smaller pine needles; this tea has a sweetness of it's own, I never add anything other than lemon once in awhile. http://www.medicinalfoodnews.com/articles/pine-needle-tea

Red Pine Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Russ (New York, N.Y.) on 01/13/2013

80 yrs old. Been there done that... My apt is fungus/mold for about 6 or so years.. Tried to get rid of it.. No use. I use google as my doctor.. Hes the best for finding what you need. Im a muralist/artist and hobby is health. Ive got a winner for you... Its about 3,000 to 4,000 years old. Its KOREAN RED PINE OIL MOLD AND FUNGUS was one that it helps get rid of. It runs about $109 for a three months. It says it takes about up to 6 months to cure.. Or much letter... READ UP ON this product.. Pine Oil is famous in china and Korea.. I take it with meals.. Most people think im about 65 or so.. I had candida big time for years... But the mold and fungus is really a killer. Have been taking it about a month.. Im changing again and for the better... Good luck.

Sodium Percarbonate

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jweatherford (Baton Rouge, La, Usa) on 04/22/2018

Oxiclean contains both sodium carbonate (soda ash) & sodium percarbonate. Sodium carbonate, when mixed with hydrogen peroxide (such as 30 or 35% undergoes a chemical reaction where crystals form resulting in another white powder; thus turning sodium carbonate into sodium percarbonate. I had learned that after the August 2016 flood that the Red Cross gave 10,000 gallons of the liquid "tech" strength H2O2 (30%) to flood victims to treat their flooded (raw sewage water, petroleum fuels, insecticides, only God knows what else) to kill black mold. Hydrogen peroxide at 30-35%, kills ANYTHING organic (thus covering EVERYTHING Lysol kills). Upon ordering 50% via Amazon from Wintersun Chemicals for the first time, I paid $100.00 ($2.00/lb.) and they offered the product in both uncoated and coated (against humidity). I ordered the coated product in which every granule was a small coated sphere. It is a little harder to dissovle in hot water, but the fact that this is the powdered form of H2O2 (+ a little Soda Ash, aka sodium carbonate) + coated resulted in the best of both worlds. Liquid H2O2, unstabilized, like a 2L of Coke loses it's carbonation as the H2O2 loses it's hydrogen and oxygen gas. BUT in the coated formulation; as long as stored indoors (I keep mine in sealed plastic containers in my freezer); I still have full strength H2O2 when mixed with water over a year later. Sodium alone is a metal. I see no sodium in my sodium percarbonate. Anyone with experience can tell ya that if applied properly on the interior walls after a flood, the before/after (in my case I took samples before/after & using petri dishes with Agar, allowed the samples to grow for 24-48 hours; then transferring the sample to make a wet microscope slide mount along with cotton blue to stain black mold's chitin translucent walls proved that the mold was gone. Yes I had to order a microscope capable of 1000x magnification and used oil immersion lens to compliment the image quality. Most importantly was the results of not being able to grow any black mold after treatment. H2O2 is used in hospitals, can be used in your laundry, contains no dangerous chlorine-based chemicals.

Clorox is a joke with 8.5% sodium hypochlorite which does kill the mold on pourous wood wall stud surfaces it comes into contact with. The problem is that the active ingredient is much lighter than water; think of it like alcohol in that it evaporates off; leaving 91.5% water by volume on the wood. Here in south Louisiana, the averagy humidity levels rarely drop below 90%; therefore you just fed the mold below the surface of the treated area with the applied remaining 91.5% water. Clorox's chlorine-based bleach with sodium hypochlorite is MUCH cheaper to manufacture & without a word from Clorox as to the truth of their mold-feeding product; they have strategically-located warehouses across the country for the sole purpose of bulk-storage of their toxic chlorine product. There are many warehouses along the gulf coast ready to flood the market with free Clorox. The public accepts this as monkey see; monkey do. I was VERY concerned after FEMA's mold inspector left without even talking to me nor taking any pictures NOR samples.

Sadly, in Louisiana in order to have a mold license; one must first have a termite license as a prerequisite. So often the mold contractor works as a subcontractor for the termite inspector. Yes he has undergone minimal required training. Same with Louisiana Restore's Damage Assessor as well as my Catholic Charities Damage Assessor. I have enough problems withe a home built in 1978; asbestos in the ceiling popcorn, in the exterior gybsum wallboard, the flooring adhesive used over the 2000 sq. ft. slab, that deposited by 6'2" interior flood water level above the interior concrete slab, the HVAC ducts, the asbestos contained in the interior USG gypsum wallboard sheathing, mold in it all including the concrete foundation and the interior and exterior sides of the brick walls and mortar as well as lead paint on the soffit, eaves, other heavy metal contributors in addition to that in the flood water.


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