Natural Remedies

Mold - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Mold. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide and Lugol's Iodine

Posted by MsCDBrev (Cumming, GA) on 09/22/2022

Editor's Choice

Nebulize HP!

I have not been diagnosed with Bronchiolitis, however have suffered for a long while with the symptoms. Due to circumstances of our family being victimized by a crime, beginning in 2009, I was forced to live in a dwelling for two years that was HEAVILY mold infested; Black mold among others. During this time I began suffering with many symptoms including, joint pain, skin lesions, difficulty breathing, sores in my nose, wheezing, recurrent bacterial blepharitis, scalp sores, sinus infections, excess mucous production, post-nasal drip, trouble walking, severe brain fog, under eye aging, irritability, recurrent UTI's, bladder pain and spasms, fatigue, excessive sleepiness, etc. I suspect I also developed a fungal infection in my sinuses and lungs, however the symptoms were very similar to those you mentioned. Doctor visits resulted in prescriptions for sinus allergies, antibiotics, pain meds, muscle relaxers, depression meds, etc. none of which helped. I felt like no doctor was listening to me when I described all of the symptoms and suggested they could be related to aflatoxin exposure combined with a family trauma that caused unbelievable stress, zapping my immune system.

I have spent the last 11 years researching, and trying to detox my body using holistic/natural methods and products. It has been a long and arduous process, however I have learned a great deal and am thankful that my eyes have been opened to the problems with conventional medicine. I experienced good success with most symptoms, however I was never able to stop the wheeze or the nose sores.

I then stumbled onto Bill Munro's HP inhalation method here on Earth Clinic. I tried that method, but quickly realized I needed a different delivery mode, and began nebulization.

I first began nebulizing 3% Food Grade HP diluted 50% with distilled water. After more research, I quickly added 1 drop of Lugol's Iodine to the nebulization cup along with my 3% Food Grade HP, diluted with 50% distilled water.

I CANNOT TELL YOU THE RELIEF I HAVE EXPERIENCED. I can try to put it into words here, but my words will not do the results justice. Within a week I started noticing that my lungs were clearing, in a manner that seemed like the clearing was starting from the bottom working its way up. Over the next couple of months, that process continued, again from the bottom up.

First, my lungs began to clear, then my throat (which always felt like it was covered in goop from post nasal drip), then my sinuses, then my nose congestion began to clear. Along with these results came an increase in energy, and clarity of mind that I had not experienced in a number of years. The wheeze has not returned, and I feel like my body is oxygenated more than it has been in years. The improvement in my overall health has been astounding.

I hope anyone who tries this method gets the same or better results than I have. Aren't we all sick and tired of being sick and tired?


Connie B.

The results have been amazing!


Posted by Smartie (Portland) on 02/20/2018

Editor's Choice

First off, my MD attended a conference on mold illness. Detox, detox, detox is the key to healing from black mold . First, MUST move out of the mold environment if you want to get well. My MD has me on Cholestyramine and sure you can have the compounding pharmacy make it without sugar, but the price soars. My copay of $10. would suddenly be $200. I just took the one with sugar in it because of the cost . Since I was wheezing my doctor had me take a specialized test for my sinuses it was positive for mold so the compounding pharmacy made BEGS spray for my sinuses issue, so that took care of that . You can starve the mold in your body by cutting off their food source, so getting on a special diet helps, the anti-candida diet or look up mold warriors. If you have a rebounder jump on that for 10 minutes a day because it gets the lymph system moving helps detox.

As for Ozone it is oxygen with an extra 03 it does not kill mycotoxins, mold aspergillus etc. Ozone is great, but not effective against fungus/mold that is proven and it is simple science. My doctor has me taking different binders at different times of the day . Activated charcoal, Cholestraymine, Acz nanoparticle advanced cellular zeolite, Yerba Prima bentonite clay this is a super strong detoxifier this really grabs the mold and stops it from recirculating in your system . I seriously think it is way stronger than cholestraymine. Regular hot saunas ( not a fan of near infrared it does not cause the level of sweating that regular sauna does regular)if your too sick to stand or sit in sauna get a biomat and sleep on that . I got some extra cotton blanket and sweat out the toxins while I'm sleeping. I usually take the Yerba Prima bentonite clay to grab the toxins in my system while I'm sleeping and sweating. I always hydrate before going to use the sauna or biomat this way I never get a headache.

Also take a good mineral supplement/ electrolytes . I wash the bedding daily because sweating cause all the mold toxins and it's by products to be excreted onto blankets and sheets. I always wash in warm wash with ammonia . This is not something my doctor suggested I just did it I took a few ammonia baths a full bath and added clear ammonia in bath little less than 1/4 cup . I would wear eye goggles to be safe Washed all clothes in 2 c a clear ammonia (do not add detergent because it will alter the effectiveness of the ammonia) second wash with 1 c epsom salts. Do not cross contaminate your stuff and find a nice doctor that is educated in mold illness . Know there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Posted by Art (California ) on 09/01/2017 2370 posts

Editor's Choice

In the wake of Hurricane Harvey many people will have to deal with their flooded homes, many of which did not have flood insurance. The combination of high moisture levels in these homes combined with summer heat creates a very good breading environment for mold. An anti-mold treatment that is relatively safe, inexpensive and effective is a saturated solution of borax applied via a spray device such as a garden sprayer. Hydrogen peroxide can also be combined with the borax to help increase the anti-mold effect. Vinegar can also be combined with borax as an effective anti-mold agent. Vinegar mixed with hydrogen peroxide is a very powerful disinfectant, but is not nearly as safe to use as borax, borax with hydrogen peroxide or borax and vinegar. Hydrogen peroxide and vinegar creates peracetic acid which is too powerful a disinfectant to be used safely by most people and should be left to people who are experienced in the use of peracetic acid.

I have used a combination of borax and hydrogen peroxide in a spray to treat wood that had mold on it. Bleach will kill mold on the surface of wood and will bleach the mold color away but will not kill what is below the surface and is not anywhere as safe to use as the borax and hydrogen peroxide. This mix can also be useful to deter ants which appear to be a problem in some of the flooded areas.

Reconstruction should not start until the mold has been eradicated and proper safety and breathing apparatus should be worn whenever mold is present.


Multiple Remedies

Posted by Faithjoy (Wash) on 08/25/2016

Editor's Choice

Black Mold and Heavy Metals Mega fast Detoxification

First off, detoxification is long process especially with mold. Some people feel better within weeks, for others, it may take over an year it depends on how long the exposure was and the types of mold that you were exposed or the level of heavy metal and the types of metals.

Mold poisoning has a genetic piece to it some peoples, bodies cannot tag toxins and get them out of the body. About 25% of the people's bodies do not recognize toxins, so the toxins keep recirculating, and the toxins level increases. The body goes haywire and begins to switch off things and switch on things. It can be most unpleasant, to say the least. It can make you so sick and it can be fatal. It is best to work with a doctors that are specialized in the area of heavy metals and mold, because you will get nowhere with regular medical doctor.

A few things I have learned;

Clay baths really decrease heavy metals and it also helps with mold.

Cilantro juice daily is the greatest chelator ever.

For people that are not getting well from mold poisoning, it might be related to sinus I saw three ear, nose and throat doctor smear test revealed I was fine. I even had sinus surgery they sent stuff to the pathology nothing was found. The ND mold specialist told me I need a deep nasal smear I was positive for MARCONS, an antibiotic resistant staph this is very common for people that have had mold exposure. For mold exposed people this is very common and you will no get well until you get treatment for it. It took four years to finally find someone that figured this out I was wheezing and it all stopped after I got treatment. There is also a biofilm piece to the sinus issue so it can all be treated.

Detoxification is based on Dr. Yu work they used to detox military and the 911 firefighters.

Fat tissue is where the toxins are stored, this fat is your body's intelligence at work, it stores to deal with later when the system is not overwhelmed and it is not going to stress the body. The average person has more than 500 – 1,000 times higher levels of toxic chemical in the fat than what is revealed in their blood serum

Niacin opens the fat tissues, fat cells and it opens and release the toxins it is like taking out the garbage.

Fat is much more toxic by 150 times than your blood serum. Now that the toxin has been released from the tissues and cells, the detoxing with sauna and activated charcoal begins.

The sauna and charcoal or clay are very, very important. If you did not do this the toxins would be recirculation and reabsorbed into the body this is what you are trying to avoid.

This detox will also help with brain fog and just overall health. Dr Yu suggests that people should do this regularly two times a week. I do it daily because I have mold poisoning also known, as mycotoxin illness or sick building illness

You take niacin which is B3 make sure it is good quality and take it with a piece of fruit or something small it is easier on your stomach.

Begin by taking niacin 50mg you wait 20 minutes and then you exercise for 20 minutes this gets the heart rate up and sweat.Then you sauna for an hour I started with 30 minutes. The sauna temperature should be 130 to 140 the preferred sauna is the low or no emf sauna infrared sauna once you are done with sauna take two activated charcoal with a glass of water this will grab all the toxins that are stirred up and take a shower to rinse away all the toxins, I used a soft loofa brush to gently scrub my skin while in the shower this helps in the detoxification process.

Regarding niacin dosage: Start at 50mg and work your way up to 200mg. For the severely ill gulf war soldiers and firefighters, they used 5000mg. Of course this was under doctor's supervision. Niacin makes you feel flushed, prickly, and, itchy feeling that is normal it is known as the niacin flush. Some people take a cold shower it makes the body feel better. As all things use good judgment if it makes you feel too itchy or uncomfortable stay at 50mg and you want to make sure your not allergic to it. With so many odd fillers in vitamins just be sure that your aware of the difference between niacin flush and an allergic reaction.

My friend thinks after a couple weeks niacin flush, disappears, the other thought on this is that you keep reacting this way because you are toxic. And once you have cleaned all the toxins out then you will no longer react. Also, few hours after you have taken the charcoal it is best to take minerals, electrolytes, some people drink coconut water This is important as well take a mega vitamin B supplement with a focus on the A. B, C, D E, lecithin.

I also do a coffee enema with non-mycotoxin pure coffee a three times a week to help detox.

If you're an undermethylator, skip the niacin and meet with specialized doctor to come with an alternative plan.

Ammonia + Supplements

Posted by Sorrokine (Vs, Ny, Usa) on 11/23/2010

Editor's Choice

I was diagnosed by a Toxicologist in 10/09 with Late Stage Two Mycotoxicosis from a biopsy and a urine analysis. Doctors, Allergist and almost every doctor for an entire year could not do this. They told me it was allergies and such. I started to work in the basement office building May of 2008. The symptoms started in as little as three months there. Inside the mold contaminated building, I developed narcolepsy, boils, skin redness, yellow spots on my skin, white hair, vision disorders, depression, digestion issues, vomiting, jitters, shaking, mood swings, almost like a bi-polar disorder, lack of normal bowel movements, burning urine, really, the list goes on forever. Now before this building, and this job, I was a healthy 28 year old, with not one sign of any health issues. In fact I was fit, sound, and happy. Eventually these doctors I had visited each time told me that this is something they cannot investigate or they will loose their license as per the FDA. Found out normal studies in medical school do not include training on any type of mold sickness. What a Load of bull____.

Since being infected with mycotoxins and mold from a terribly poor quality office environment for roughly 18 months, which was covered with several different types of mold, (oozing with mycotoxins to the point they dripped from the walls to the floor - yellow color - they are the result of competing molds in their vicinity. ) I Finally began to look into some sort of cure. Prior to me meeting this amazing toxicologist, who is a leader in Mold sickness around the world, he was also the first to explain to me that the only way to kill mold and their toxins, is AMMONIA. (his info is on my site listed below) That's it. Ammonia kills the mycotoxins as well as the mold itself. TO MAKE THIS CLEAR - Bleach and peroxide cannot kill mold - they will just eat it as food. So He carefully instructed me to pour a 8 ounce cup of 3% clear ammonia into a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes. This saved my lungs which were coated in mold and mycotoxins, as well as killed some of the yeast in my skin and body from absorption and contact. I highly recommend that if you know you're sick from mold, and near death, honestly, this is the first step. Ammonia baths. It saved my life. Also clean your house with it as well if you are not MCS (Multi-chemical sensitive - which is a result of chemical treatments for mold, and the mold itself causes this disorder - Baking soda kills mold on contact, however cannot kill the mycotoxins)

Also it is important to remember a few things on this subject:

Washing all your clothing, sheets, towels and such in a cup of 3% clear ammonia is highly important since you release mycotoxins from your skin. They must be removed. Ammonia is the only way. Finally after two years of suffering, almost dying in December of 09, I had to quit the job and leave the premises that contained these terrible molds. My boss, my landlord all could care less. Great people. OSHA, cared little as well. I went to a homeopathic doctor who put me on an anti-candida diet, which is the main reason those who suffer with mold poisoning die so horribly. No carbs, no sugar, no yeast, nothing fermented. Candidas Albicanis is a yeast in our gut that can take over everything in our body when our immune system is compromised. It was eating away at my skin, my muscles, my organs, the toxin invaded my brain, and I lost sight partially in my left eye, and hearing in my left ear. It feeds off of all the sugar and carbs you ingest, starving your cells from the nutrients they desperately need. This diet didn't do much, but it did help with the nausea and vomiting issues. I also had a herbal tea mixture my friend and I researched. Bayberry root bark, Pleurisy root, gotu kola, nettles, Cinnamon and cloves. I was on this on and off in a two day cycle for about two months. Helped drastically, but not so much all the symptoms. Also catnip tea helped with the sleeping disorder and insomnia late at night. Teaspoon of each in a 32 ounce pot. Drank whole pot in one day, repeated next, then gave myself two days to recover.

So only as of about 3 months ago, I started a strict regimen of Supplements I heavily research to aid me in my recovery since all doctors said I was just going to die from this. The amazing realization is that what I had researched, is a cure to mold poisoning as well as candida infections. Yeasts, fungi and mold are not based on chlorophyll, they are single cell life forms based on a bacterial way of existence. Living off a host to gain nutrients. From Studying different anti-fungal herbs and foods, I created a regimen of supplements that has saved my life. They are:

  • Chlorophyll Supplements - (liquid gel caps, or liquid)
  • Alfalfa Extract - (for digestive and lack of appetite also lifts mood. )
  • Grape Seed Extract(breaks thru the brain blood bond barrier to clean out fluid inside)
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract - anti fungal
  • Milk Thistle - (Liver Function)
  • Oil of Oregano - Strong anti-fungal(only 3 wks on then 3 wks off)
  • Burdock (Liver function)
  • Dandelion (liver function)
  • Garlic - (Anti-fungal and heart help)
  • Onion - (anti-fungal)
  • Neem seed Oil (Exterior and interior treatment)
  • Rose hip Tincture

These I take in the morning when I wake up, and then again ever six hours. So far in as little as 3 months, All the skin abrasions, yellow spots, red boils, vision disorder, mood disorders, mood swings, bi-polar disorder, depression, hearing disorders, jitters, narcolepsy, brain fog, digestion issues, weakness of muscles, acidic body Ph, yellow nails, odor, omitted toxins after bathing left on towels, (Yes I smelled like mold, and after I bathed, the towel smelt the same way. It is a smell you can never forget. ) all of these symptoms - DISAPPEARING!! COMPLETELY FADING EACH DAY! I am so thankful I never gave up, and I am forever thankful for these wonderful aids in finding my recovery. I wanted to share this with as many people as possible since there are over 500, 000 diagnosed deaths from mold sickness each year, and thousands more that go on undiagnosed until autopsy.

Thank you and Here's to everyone learning we may have to live in a polluted world, but we don't have to live with polluted bodies!

Oregano Oil

Posted by Sammy (San Antonio, Tx) on 12/24/2009

Editor's Choice

Oil of Oregano after 3 months long nightmare

May of 2009 it started with sore throat and nasal congestion. 7th day i started feeling just fine. 8th day i woke up with a major sore throat then following 7 days i had chills (no fever) diarrhea, coughs, stabbing feeling all over my body. Then i went to see a doctor (no insurance) he said that my tonsils are infected so i have to take antibiotics and for hardship breating he gave me steroids. 4 days later tonsils still swollen and i cant breathe also diarrhea is full throttle. i was drinking 5-6 quarts of water every day. 19th day i went to see same doctor. listened to my lungs, ordered x-ray which came out clean and he told me that i am ok. BUT I WASNT. For diarrhea he diagnosed me with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) 6 days passed and my symphtoms are same but not getting worse.25th day i went and bought a humidifier for my room hoping to be able to sleep better. and also i wanted to close the a/c vent in my room. Right at that point I FACED THE REALITY. MOLD!!! my a/c vent was black in color. Very next day i called a company that tests homes for molds. Results came back in 3 days after i spent $400. my a/c unit had Aspergillus (high levels),Cladosporium (elevated levels) Penicillium (high levels). i went to see the doc again. he told me that its like impossible to prove that my health is bad because of those mold species.And addition to that he told me that skin prick test for this issue is expensive and i dont have insurance so he told me to just rest and pray that i will get better on my own. For the following 2 months i started getting worse. I quit my job. I was hopeless.

Then i read it somewhere on the net that OIL OF OREGANO will do the trick. I cut of eating anything that has yeast and started taking 4 oil of oregano capsuls every 8 hours and taking 1000mg vitamin c every 8 hours.Sublingual B12 25 drops everyday. 2nd day diarrhea gone. 7th day i am almost back to normal.

I hope this will help someone out there. I am a believer of oregano oils antifungal, antiviral, anti bacterial properties.
