(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Mustafa;
You describe what could be Atrial Fibrillation. A Fib is usually associated with a lack of Magnesium. The "pounding in chest" could be heart's irregular beat. (Epsom Salts baths are a great way to get magnesium into the cells of the system as well as Mag caps.)
Also you say it is worse in the morning; this could be a stomach ulcer. You need to kill the underlying virus/bacteria...I use Colloidal Silver plus DGL (a licorice extract) plus aloe Vera broken into two doses of all the above twice daily on empty stomach. One of the doses must be at night before bedtime.
OR...if the condition is "gastritis" (pan gastritis) as the Turkish Doctor said then that condition is an inflammation of the stomach lining. Such inflammation of the stomach lining is usually a viral infection, so again the Colloidal Silver will kill that infection. I'd use the same formula for that as for a stomach ulcer.
You only give two real clues: "pounding in chest" and "worse in the morning"... so my best guess was those three possible causes. (And what the Turkish Doctor said.)
You were talking about "running and stop order" or something like that and I was not clear what you were saying. If you have any more description, I'd be happy to try again but if you try the combo of Epsom Salts baths (along with taking Magnesium caps) plus Colloidal Silver and DGL plus aloe, you might just find you hit on a solution.
I always...and I mean always assume a virus MIGHT be working. No harm making sure those little monsters are not the underlying cause of the problem. (Hence, the CS...which kills virus/fungus and bacteria.)
(New York, US)
(Tucson, Az.)
Mustafa, Are you getting sufficient major minerals for your heart? It sounds like you're trying to describe heart palpitations, as if your heart is telling you not to run. Calcium, Magnesium, and the very important Potassium, our hearts need. Vitamin D3 too, which means adequate sunshine. But Potassium is so vital, that whether it's in a capsule to take with one's meal, or by way of a food like blackstrap Molasses, it's important. These minerals are essential for the heart. Molasses is rich in Calcium, Potassium, and Iron; You can take a spoonful, and see how it helps you. A teaspoon to a tablespoon seems to be enough to stabilize the heart rhythm quickly, especially when we eat it regularly, as often as we need it, even daily. So you know, taking larger quantities of Potassium can also result in easing the bathroom visits, and too much can result in a loose stool. Finding the right amount and frequency to meet one's needs is a good thing.
For 2 months now (since 15 August 2013) she cannot walk properly. She walks slowly like a hundred year old and she has to hold onto walls and tables. She is only 45 years young with two kids.
For a brief history please read below. Its three pages long.
Please advice weather there is a special doctor who can help her or if natural therapy can help. Where did we go wrong??? I believe she got an infection inside her head between her ears. Please give some time to read her brief story.
Please please please. I feel like im losing her. Our life is a nightmare.
Myria's brief medical history
Since 1985 to today
My wife Myria has had menstrual migraines since she was 17 years old. (For 28 years now) It lasts for three days on one side, before menstrual, and three days on other side, after menstrual. Her migraines stopped only for 9 months when she was pregnant with our first child. On her second pregnancy she had migraines as usual.
For her migraine we visited many-many doctors. Naturopaths, neurologists and others. This year's drugs were amongst others, Tranxene 5 mg 1x1 (Bp), Clonotril 2mg 1x1, Deaxit 1x1 1-1-0, Nimm 1-1-0, Later, Clonotril 2
She stopped taking them since there was no result.
In July 2013 she had an Eye operation to stop wearing eye glasses and embedded eye lenses in the eyes.
15 August 2013 started having Vertigo with vomiting. I took her to a private clinic to a respectable doctor and she was held in for 2 days until her vomiting stopped.
She was given: Betaserc 1x2, Omeprazole 20 1x1, Vertogo-vomex 1x2, Stemetil 5 1x3, Diazepam 5mg ? - 0 – 1, Primperan but no result. Every time she moved she was sick with vomiting. We kept her upright for as long as we could to stop vomiting and the next day we went home. The vertigo was still there.
21 August 2013 Still with vertigo, the ambulance took her to the Emergency room, had a CT – brain scan. We were told the results were ok. They had her on intravenous drugs because she couldn't hold anything in her stomach. Hours later I took her home again.
31 August 2013 again was taken to the emergency with Vertigo and Migraine.
Luckily there was a good E.N.T. doctor on call who had training on Vertigo and after seeing her he said she has Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo.
She was admitted to casualty/ward in hospital.
She had Temperature 36.7 Celsius Pulse 80 Pressure 140/90
Was given N/D 250ML + 1amp Primperan Apstol, Valium 5mg (im), Stemetil 1 (im), LR500ml
31 August 2013 she had a Microbiology/Parasitology test:
pH 5, 0 EB 1015 culture: Microbes isolated – amount: Not important number of microbes.
31 August 2013 Blood test results:
WBC 9.42 (10Ë„3/uL)
RBC 5.26 (10Ë„6/uL)
HGB 14.7 (g/dL)
HCT 43.0 (%)
MCV 81.7 (fL)
MCH 27.9 (pg)
MCHC 34.2 (g/dL)
PLT 179 (10Ë„3/uL)
RDW-SD 41.4 (fL)
RDW-CV 14.0 (%)
PDW 12.0 (fL)
MPV 9.5 (fL)
P-LCR 22.8 (%)
PCT 0.17 (%)
NEUT 5.25 (10Ë„3/uL) 55.8(%)
LYMPH 3.09 (10Ë„3/uL) 32.8(%)
MONO 1.01 + (10Ë„3/uL) 10.7 (%)
EO 0.05 (10Ë„3/uL) 0.5(%)
BASO 0.02 (10Ë„3/uL) 0.2(%)
IG 0.14 (10Ë„3/uL) 1.5(%)
RET 0.91 (%) 0.0479(10Ë„6/uL)
IRF 3.5 (%)
LFR 96.5(%)
MFR 3.0 (%)
HFR 0.5 (%)
RET-He 24.8 (pg)
Glucose 109 mg/dL (74 -106 )
Urea 38mg/dL (17 - 43)
Creatinin 0.51mg/dL (0.51 -0.95 )
Calcium 9.6mg/dL (8.8 – 10.6)
Total protein 7.3 g/dL (6.6 – 8.3)
Albumen 4g/dL (3.5 – 5.2)
Globain 3.3g/dL (1.4 – 4.8)
Na 137mmol/L (135 - 145)
Kαλλιο 4.94mmol/L (3.50 – 5.00)
LDH (γαλακτική αφυδρογονάση) 322 U/L (208-480)
The hospital E.N.T. doctor wrote on her log book.
Primary Horizontal nystagmus of the 1st degree.
Testing bilateral geotropic nystagmus in testing horizontal semicircular tube Dix. Hallpike (.)
He did a Log-Roll maneuver AP
Recommended Diazepan 8mg IV in a slow outpouring in N/S 500ml.
“Reevaluation on Monday. Recommended neurological evaluation for her migraine attacks”.
31August – 4 Sept 2013 Was kept in hospital for 4 days for Vertigo and vomit.
2 Sept. 2013: E.N.T. Doctor's logbook:
Reevaluation. recession of automatic vertigo without nystagmus.
Did an Eppley maneuver AP great clinical improvement >80%
On migraine attacks, neurologist evaluation needed.
4 Sept. 2013 E.N.T. Doctor's logbook:
improved clinically ... must see a neurologist.
Much improved clinical
Intravenous N/S - N/D 500ml + valium 5mg every 8hours..............1/2 amp diazepan
4 Sept. 2013 for migraine therapy was given Topamax 25mg No 60 0-0-1, 1-0-1, 1-0-2
9 Sept 2013 E.N.T. Doctor's logbook:
Clinical improvement of the rotating element. Instability persists to some extent.
Did a Dix – Hallpike maneuver without nystagmus.
Did a Log-Roll AP & Epley AP. Maneuvers.
Reevaluate in σε 72hours.
13 Sept 2013 E.N.T. doctor logbook: Did 2 Log-Roll & 2 Epley maneuvers.
She was prescribed Zomig for her migraine pain and Topamax 25-0-50 for migraine therapy.
18 Sept 2013 E.N.T. doctor logbook:
Did Epley AP maneuver. Great recession in nystagmus
19 Sept 2013 E.N.T. doctor logbook:
No nystagmus in Dix-Hallpike maneuver of horizontal semicircles. Instability Insists
Romberg (1) to MRI
20 Sept 2013 MRI brain
Conclusion: no intracerebral abnormalities are seen
Diffusion and flair and T1W SE and T2W TSE axial.
Flair sagittal and T2W 3D VISTA of the posterior fossa and T1W TSE axial of the posterior fossa and TIW TSE axial of the posterior fossa after IV contrast administration and T1W SE axial of the whole brain after IV contrast administration
23 Sept 2013 Another E.N.T. doctor did an audiometric test (listening test. She has Hypersensitivity to hearing)
26 Sept 2013 Blood test for: Vitamin B12 271pg/mL (normal 150-1000)
Folic Acid 1.7ng/mL (normal 1.00-24.0)
Was prescribed Topamax 25mg No 180 1-0-2 for migraine therapy.
10 oct 2013 she took an Instrument control balance test (Electronystagmography)
Conclusion: hypo function of the labyrinth. She did not get dizzy at all with the cold water in her ears.
11 Oct 2013 E.N.T. doctor logbook: VNG Hyposensitivity at caloric(?)
The E.N.T. doctor could not accept the results of the test and wants her to take the test again.
15 Oct 2013 Optical fields test (glaucoma threshold)
Results: Left eye with abnormally high sensitivity
Right eye: within normal limits
25 Oct 2013 The Neurologist said the problem is not neurological because the MRI was clean.
The Neurologist prescribed her with Topamac 20-0-50 for migraine therapy. We announced our decision to stop taking this drug for now because one of the side effects is dizziness. And the doctor said ok. It's your choice.
The E.N.T. doctor really spent too much time and helped her a lot too, especially with vertigo that stopped with the different maneuvers. But now he does not want to accept that the labyrinth hypo functions. He wants Myria to redo the Instrument control balance test (Electronystagmography) but with ice water (ice cubes) and not just cold water.
Today she still has:
1. instability
2. oscillopsia. She cannot walk freely without assistance. She must hold on to somewhere.
3. Blocked ears but also hears noises that finds very loud. Even her own voice, when she talks, sounds very loud.
4. By moving her head (especially up and down) or when walking (very slowly) feels something into her head of which she cannot describe. It feels like there is a spring inside her head and simultaneously pushing her ears out.
5. At night when it's dark and she sleeps, when she turns in bed , she has a feeling inside the head of something like dizziness. She feels that the dizziness comes from inside her head . While she is talking , her ears vibrate. She cannot explain (even though she is very intelligent). There are many things that are strange and cannot explain it. For her to be good and not unstable, she should not speak nor hear anything, nor move.
6. When swallows (perhaps her head moving) her ears again, feel.... she doesn't know ... hears her voice and cannot stand it. It's like, her voice is pushing her ears outwardly and cannot bear it... the migraine off course makes it worse.
Thank you for anything you do.
(Wa State)
Dear Panic,
My heart goes out to you, and to your Myria. I am not as informed as many here on Earth Clinic, but just wanted to say that sensitivity to sound, hearing things as too loud, etc....can be a symptom of magnesium deficiency. I can't hurt, and might help to give your wife a good quality magnesium supplement.
I know there is much more information coming your way from others, and hope you find a way to heal her. Best wishes, and please keep us informed of her ongoing progress.
Hi panic,
Am sorry for your wife, my dad had the same vertigo before 5 years (but he hasn't migraine) and he went to a lot of doctors and take a lot of medicine without any changes. I searched his problem in old Arabian medicine books and found that this problem because of bad vapors on the brain. I used for him a tincture of Cyclamen europaeum 6 drops 2 times a day after meal, within 10 days he cured completely. I hope this will help your wife.
(Utah, Usa)
Hi Panic;
It looks like there are several possibilities with your wife's conditions.
Foremostly, B12 deficiency can cause this vertigo. 271 pg/ml is very low. People can have these symptoms at 500 or above. The serum B12 test is not specific.
Vertigo can cause nausea and vomiting, but stomach acid could also be low. Many folks are helped with the use of apple cider vinegar.Nausea can also be from B6 deficiency.
Folate (folic acid) is low. A B-complex with these will support the B12 metabolism. If you can find a B-complex with the 'active' forms, they may be easier for the body to use. ( Methylfolate for folic acid, and p5p for B6, for example.)
If you can find a practitioner who can start her with injections of either methylcobalamin or hydroxocobalamin, at least initially, it would help.
With enough B12, vertigo can be resolved in a month or so. It may take some time. B12 deficiency is also implicated in migraine.
Her blood glucose is too high. This can damage nerves, tissues, eyes, etc. Reduce simple sugars and simple carbohydrates.
Her sodium is a little low, I'm not sure if this is from the vomiting. I didn't see potassium levels. If the B12, B-complex and ACV don't resolve the vomiting, I would suggest an endocrine work up.
Initial tests should be for ACTH, and Cortisol. Thyroid would be another to consider. TSH, Free T3, and Free T4.
With B12 deficiency that has advanced neurological symptoms, one may need high and frequent dosages for life. (even if it's not pernicious anemia, an autoimmune B12 def.)
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Dear Panic
Concerning Myria,
The onset, you say, was when she was 17. If the answer to my question is "yes" then I will tell you what the source of the problem is.
Here's the question: Before she started having the problems manifesting, did she have a bad infection of the ears/ throat/ mouth (teeth as in absess)/ strep throat etc...I'm wanting to determine if at around 15 or 16 years old she became infected with a serious or long standing infection of ANY kind. That is my question.
I've seen this condition a number of times with symptoms similar to Maria. The condition precedent is that of an infection...usually mono or strep...a bad case of the flu/ sinus infection and often the ear canal might be continuous off and on infections during entire childhood.
If the answer is yes, that she did have a history of such infection/s then the cause of her current condition is...viral meningitis. This differs from bacterial meningitis because bm will kill quickly whereas vm will kill you slowly. Most often the body's own immune system will finally stave off a viral but many cases result in a "mystery" illness. No myster at all: Virus in the brain and into the spinal cord.
Virus in the brain can be killed. Maria's, if the analysis is correct (serious infection in her youth prior to manifestation of symptoms) is advanced but ...
I have seen this many times and also seen it reversed with amazing results. If this were me, I'd work with anti virals and use solutions to penetrate the blood brain barrier to carry the anti virals.
So; let me know if the answer to the essential question is yes or no....the question of the condition precedent to the onset at 17 years old...did she have a serious or continuous infection that led up to the appearance of symptoms.
(Hayward Ca)
Hi, so sorry to hear about what your wife and your ordeal dealing with it going on for so long.
A few years back, my Mom had vertigo, nausea and vomiting that lasted for days. It ended up that her BP got so high that I took her to the ER. Diagnosis was "fluid in the ear" possibly from air travel. This could also happen from allergies to the environment.
They gave her Meclizine. This is an over the counter med. for air sickness.. for motion sickness. It helped with the dizziness, nausea and vomiting. It might take a few doses to be really effective.
One of the earlier advice here was for Magnesium supplementation. If you search on "Magnesium and Migraine headache" you would find lots on info on how to control Migraines. It will require higher doses of Mg supplementation and it will take a few months for Mg to be built up in the body. There are books on the Miracle of Mg that I think you should get and read about how low Mg could cause Migraines, nausea, vomiting, hearing sensitivities and so much other symptoms that you might not have written here. It will be worth the time to search on Mg deficiency, on line and on You tube .
I hope you find your answers. Meclizine hopefully could help the current symptoms, then Mg could get her stabilized and be symptom free further on. Please give these treatments time to work and not give up on it easily.
(Losangles Ca)
Start taking MMS it is Jim Humbles cure for all Cancers , infections, my husband was cured of Cancer just by changing his diet and taking MMS stop eating all meat, it is full of Cancer cells, try a vegetarian diet and start juicing. You will start getting your health back, just check out MMS you can order it from
Hi Dave, and anyone reading this. Thanks for your comments.
Her migraines started when she was about 17 years old. She said tonight that when she was about sixteen, she actually had a toothache (a tooth infection) on two teeth. The dentist sealed both teeth (i dont know how you call them tooth fillings?) later it continued being infected and then the dentist removed them. its been 28 years now she has migraines that come three days on one side (before her menstrual) and three days on other side (after her menstrual). In the last 2 1/2 months came the instability and oscillopsia where when the head moves even 1 millimetre, everything she sees shakes.
Did the people you know had these symptoms?
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Panicos from Cyprus,
Concerning Myria's condition: I've been looking for your answer to THE question I asked every day since posting to your thread. I just couldn't stand it when I read your response.
SO, there WAS a major infection a year before the onset of her symptoms! OK. That is a big YES to my question to you...was there a condition precedent of an bad infection before onset...about a year before... YES is the answer. I thought either 15 or 16. And how she describes the infection is exactly what I look for in suspect virus cases.
The infection when she was 16 was in two teeth... you say...exactly what I was asking (one year prior to onset at 17 years old). Even more important than that and not a guess but what she said happened, the "sealing" took place, which sealed IN the infection. This is why she continued to have further infections over time. By sealing up the virus/bacteria/fungus (what ever it is), the infection was boxed in. It doesn't matter that the dentist later removed the teeth because the virus was started and working...we know because you said the infections in her mouth continued after sealing! It is entirely possible that the virus then migrated higher into the head. Bell's Palsey and trigeminal neuralgia could easily be experienced...sinus problems over the years also could be seen. And infection of ears; the labyrinth infected. But the real danger would be the migration possibly into the brain;
There's your viral meningitis.
By you confirming that a prior "serious" infection immediately prior to the "onset" of symptoms at 17 years old, fits the theory that I laid out to you when I first posted. I asked if any significant infection took place in the upper regions...strep/ sinus etc., I can make a more certain assertion; I'm now 90 percent certain that she is suffering from viral meningitis.
If this were me here's how I'd kill the viral meningitis in brain and down spine. I'd use 60 percent Colloidal Silver and 40 percent DMSO. The latter is a solvent/ carrier. Google "DMSO Dr Jacobs 60 minutes youtube" and you'll find the 3 part series on DMSO. A MUST see.
To apply: Take white paper towels and soak in the DMSO/ CS mix. Apply to back of neck next to skull. I'd leave on for 20 minutes. Enough to soak one paper towel. Then two days later again, and again two days later. Second week, I'd apply every third day. I'd keep a carefull log of symptom progression. You list a lot of them. I'd expect to see my symptoms diminish in a week such that in my log, I could show a decrease in problems. If after a month of every third day apps there was no reduction in symptoms, I'd stop the applications because the lack of response would tell me the cause was not, after all, a viral infection. If much improved, I'd apply once a week.
Now, also I'd drink three tablespoons of CS daily during the first month. Drink on empty stomach. An infection like you described has gone into the whole body, so I'd drink the CS to kill the virus in the rest of my body.
And I would have to do "upper" irrigations. The CS must be sniffed into the sinus cavities, leaning head back and squirted into ears. The virus certainly is in ears. I'd do this twice a week. Expect the first time in sinus to produce stinging and dizziness for a second. Lean head back and let drain down throat. In both ears squirt with cs with ear syringe, and with sinus irrigtion, the eustacian is also covered. Again, I hold onto something because of dizziness from water in ears.
If I were having this likely meningitis issue I'd also apply the same soaked DMSO/CS white paper towel to spine at least once a week. This virus might get to the vertebrae and cause havoc. Expect Guillain Berea if virus not destroyed or something on top of the horrible thing she is now experiencing just as bad as GB.
I'd do the irrigations for a year once a week. I'd drink the CS for a year. If symptoms improve I'd do neck/back poultices for a year. If there is a lung issue (coughing) I'd assume it is in lung too, and would use a nebuliser to breathe in steamed CS. This I would do twice daily for a month and then once a week for three months or until symptoms in lungs had gone.
I do need to add one more thing...if this were me who found himself suffering from possible viral meningitis. I'd be also on a substance called Calcium AEP. I'd be on three tablets of AEP daily. Google, "Calcium AEP nutrition review" and you'll be impressed at the ability AEP has in electrical issues and all the conditions that can be helped using this nutrient. But AEP is not a virus killer. CS is. AEP can help rebuild the damages nerves.
The situation is most serious and actually I hope I'm wrong. Viral M is a slow death.
I'll be here to answer any question you have.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello again,
On issue of how much ppm...I make my own and it is 100 ppm or more.
I content not all CS is the same. Some versions claim to be potent when in fact they don't seem to work. To make sure what I use is working, I test it on something obvious like a sore throat and gargle. If sore throat immediately is cured I know the CS is working: Pretty obvious test, right?
So I know from experience that the CS I make is effective. If I were just starting with using CS I'd just buy the highest ppm I could find and try it. I might buy two brands and compare. In just a few days the effect will be evident. Energy will start returning within a week, for instance. Every part of the program I laid out (the protocol) must be done for a month to get the true results and to KNOW if the "cure" is accurate and effective.
(Hotspot, Texas)
Panic, you mentioned that your wife had had lens inserted into her eyes shortly before the vertigo started. Can you ask the eye surgeon if this might be indicative of a problem with the lens that were inserted? The reason I ask is because I have had problems with vertigo when I have put my regular contact lens in backwards or in the wrong eye.
Hi Dave from Fountain Inn and Nanowriter from Hotspot.
Dave I will get both items you said. First the CS. Will I be able to tell the real PPM with a PPM meter and maybe a laser pointer? And DMSO what do I look for? Are they all the same? Sorry to ask...
Nanowrite, we went to the eye doctor to make an eye test. It is called Fields test (Glaucoma test) and the doctor looked a bit annoyed. He insisted that my wife's problem was from the labyrinth. He deffended his lense operation, so I cannot ask him that. I asked another doctor and he said no, it is not the lense's fault. Honestly I believe it is something inside her head, the labyrinth or something. her eyeside, when her head is steady is ok.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello "Panic"...
but I don't want to call you "Panic" have a PLAN...I'd like to call you "Plan Man"...because if you have a correct course of action and are following that action, then there is no ... panic all. You are a man on course.
First, as to the ppm; just trust as accurate what the colloidal silver maker says; you need not check on ppm. It says it on the label. But the thing is, as much as you'll need, why don't you get your own little silver maker generator. It's just two strands of 99.999 percent pure and batteries come with it. If you learn to make your own (f I can do it...I'm the King of non-tech, then anybody can do it). Order on line. I've have two, one over 19 years old and one I bought last year. Battery operated. Cost, less than 100 bucks (US). Got it from a discount outfit. Google something like "colloidal silver generator inexpensive" and you should find a number of outfits that can send you a good machine. "Machine"'s just 27 volts of battery power attached to two wires of silver. I make mine the same way I was taught by an old guru who had been making it for years. Here's how:
First, I look at youtube "how to" make CS and it seems they are the complicated way. NOT. It's so simple. Take two cups of purified water. Heat to 90 degrees (farenheit). Stir in 30 grains of salt to make the purified water conductive. Then insert the two silver wires, not close to each other. Stir gently with a wooden spoon every two minutes, trying not to disturb the silver wires. As soon as you immerse the silver wires you'll see the negative pole giving off a cloud ... a fine white residue of...SILVER particulates. In four or five minutes the container of water (two cups) will be permeated with the whitish cloud. It's a beautiful thing. Take the silver strands out of the water and unplug so you don't run the batteries down. (Once out I don't think they are pulling voltage.)
Now, transver the silver permeated container to a LARGE container and then begin adding purified water...two cups, two cups etc ...I dilute by a 32 times reduction. You dilute until you cannot see the cloud ... until you see only clear water, but you know that the mix in fact does have silver in it because you just saw it in the original container before dilutions.
So far you've got seven minutes invested. I call this the "fast" method instead of the "slow" cooking process which does not use any salt as a conductor. Some "slow" purists likely would say the "fast" method is heritical. But I'm just a pragmatist doing the silver making in a way that I've seen from experience WORKS. But be my guest to try it any way you want. Try out different "types" of CS for various infections. Say, for instance, you have a sore throat...well, gargle with one and see how the "slow" version works and try the "fast" version on another issue. My point is: Feel free to try out what is effective. I just know from thousands of anacdotals that the "fast" method is effective.
OK, on the issue of DMSO. Just order from Dr. Jacobs web site if any doubt. There are some DMSOs which are industrial and do in fact differ from one another. Remember Dr Jacobs? He's the one on the youtube, 60 minutes, 3 part series...I hope you looked at it.
Just remember "Plan Man"...keep a log on how symptoms are changing; energy level, limb movement, nausea, balance, etc. Expect to see energy levels increase in only a week maybe two. Go slowly. There are billions of viruses to murder.
Too fast and the "kill off" effect can be taxing on an already exhausted system. But be relentless. In a month, look at the log carefully. There should be substantial progress; number of headaches and their intensity and frequency is one of my favorite measurements; nausea another; balance is a good one to measure. If nothing is iimproving after a month, then the liklihood is that the problem is not viral.
If nausea as soon as she gets out of bed; there is a technique for dealing with that...once treatment is well underway, namely the "slow motion and eyes steady on a fixed point" method. Keep eyes focused on a steady object and SLOWLY move one leg, then another, then arm and turn to let knees slowly sink to floor from bed while steadly looking at the fixed object. Holding onto bed don't move after knees on floor. THEN slowly stand up (with help if necessary). Then walk with a walker (if able) again slowly and staring ahead; only move eyes slowly...NO motion around her. NO TV going. No kids running around while she is gaining the movement routine. Her balance sensors and brain are being retrained to balance and move without nausea. Nerves are being re routed by the AEP. The virus has damaged the balance labyrinth in the ears (which is why the CS is squirted into the ear canals) and key balance centers in the brain. So a rebuilding process in underway.
Write me back if you run into problems.
Has your wife been diagnosed with anything. It sounds like Ataxia. This can be related to gluten sensitivity. Take her off all wheat/grains and gluten immediately. Ataxia can cause problems with balance and walking. She will also need to up her intake of good fats (olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and avocados) and lower her intake of carbohydrates and sugar). No more than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day and stay away from below ground vegetables.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello again Panic, Or as I call you... "man with a plan".... You ask quantity of CS and DMSO. Well, if you are just doing the thirty day "test" you'd need enough CS to drink daily for a month; two tablespoons minimum daily. Irrigation three times weekly and three times weekly of the compress with the DMSO at equal part. I suggested two or three tablespoons into the white paper towel of the CS... enough to apply to back of neck and then down the spine, taking twenty minutes. So if this were me, I'd order, sixteen ounces of CS and eight ounces of DMSO. I think I'm adding that up correctly. That ought to do it for a month. Remember I suggested that if one were out to kill a systemic infection, I'd get a CS generator; Because I'd be taking the CS for at least a year for an infection that had gone on for ten years. I gave instructions on use.
Hi Dave from Fountain Inn, Sc
Ok, thanks. On Wednesday, I will have both CS and DMSO which is reagent grade.
Question 1: Is reagent grade good?
I already have made a CS generator with a 32volt charger and 99, 99% pure silver wires but never actually used any because I don't have distilled water. They sell it pretty expensive.
Question2: Is de-ionised water any good? It has a conductivity less than 0, 1ms/cm. Is it good for the job?
I must find a way to make sure my homemade CS is good but I don't feel and sore throat to test it.
Question 3: Any other way to test it? If not, I found a 20PPM CS. Thanks.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Dear Panicoa,
You say you made your own CS generator!!!! YOU THE MAN.
First, Reagent grade is industrial...that will have some impurities. Don't use it. Order from Dr Jacobs or look on net and find a pharma grade...saw one from Genesis.
Next, go ahead and make the CS using the "fast" method I described. I assure you that the fast way works and is effective. Start up now drinking two tablespoons am and pm on empty stomach.
You'll know in two weeks if the CS is working. Energy is first to start coming back. But cautious. Her immune system is "nothing" and she is in danger. Don't let her physically over exert. Don't forget to do the irrigations...sinus and ears. Also gargle and let drain down throat.
When the right DMSO arrives then do the combo DMSO/CS apps to base of neck and spine... You'll know if this is viral in the thirty day trial. Keep the journal faithfully to have an empirical basis for determining whether the CS is improving her condition. But do give it thirty days at least.
I can give you a fairly accurate prediction of what you should expect to see re her condition change and when if you wish. Look back on previous posts to see some balance, headaches (duration, intensity, severity) nausea, energy levels. This is the key to knowing the truth: IF in ten days her energy begins to really improve (say 20 percent) then you will know you're on to something. That will be too soon to impact the headache/balance issue although the balance might be a little improved because the labyrinth will be rid of virus.
Have you obtained the Calcium AEP yet. That is a vital part of the program.
Please write back with details. Am thinking of you two and praying for you a lot.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Dear Panicos,
Forgot to comment on water re CS generation. I use charcoal filtered water but the DMSO / CS to be used on spine and base of neck, can you find reverse osmosis? The water for that process is important. It is going straight into the brain. Charcoal gets out chlorine but not fluoride. I've used the charcoal filtered water many times on base of neck...on myself (with DMSO). No issues. But the purer the better.
(From The Woods Of, Wv, Usa)
IN REPLY TO: Mziwakhe from Pretoria, Gauteng/south Africa --
I have little experience with this, BUT until someone with more experience does reply; I will offer this advice:
1. the symptoms suggest you are correct; that she has been poisoned; specifically the liver organ is poisoned and stopped digesting activity.
2. the most important thing to do is find the source of the poison in her environment, and remove it. After you do that, then treat her for poisoning.
3. Stop all solid food intake to her, she can not digest it, and it will rot inside her and cause her to be poisoned by un-digested food. give her only clear vegetable broths, & clear herb teas if she can tolerate these. No solid food of any kind. The one exception being psyllium seed mucillage.... which is not a food, and will pass on thru the gut without being absorbed thru the gut wall.
4. Treat her for poisoning. assume pesticides, fungicides, chemical solvents, arsenic, fluorides, food preservatives, food grain pest treatments, etc etc etc. treat thru the gut to try to get the poisons out thru the bowel. Expelled thru the bowl.
5. Try these agents:
a. food grade wood charcoal powder, mixed in water as a slurry, and drank. possibly mixed with psylla seed powder in water mixture. This is used to absorb toxins in the gut, and transport them out of the body, via the bowel.
b. food grade clay powder, mixed with water and drank as a slurry, possibly mixed with psylla seed powder, as a drink. This is to absorb toxins out of the gut and transport them out of the body.
c. psyllium seed powder, to be mixed with water and drank quickly before it gells. This is used to move the bowels, and cleanse the food tube. To transport toxins out of the gut.
d. Alpha Lipoic Acid pills: specific to detoxify the liver of poisons. very powerfull. Very effective. Much research behind it. Safe to use. non-toxic substance.
e. silmaryn extract pills; from milk thistle seeds: used to remove toxins from liver. Very effective. Very powerfull. Safe to use, non-toxic substance.
f. Castor oil packs put over the liver area. Research Edgar Cayce treatments using it. Very powerfull. Very effective. Safe to use. Non-toxic when used externally in a liver fomentation.
g. Coffee enemas: used to detoxify the liver, thru the bowel. Coffee enemas cause the liver to expell wastes and toxins into the bowel, where they can be expelled out the bowell. Research especially Max Gerson method of using them.
f. seek out and try to use local african herbs that are traditionally used to treat the liver. Choose one or more liver herbs to support the liver, and give as liquid teas.
6. Use the above substances by researching them on the internet, and finding the specific amounts and dosages to give, and the proper way to prepare them..... or by finding a herb doctor , or naturopathic doctor who knows how to use them.
7. If you can not find out the specific doses, etc, to use, then reply back to this forum and ask for more help, and I will try to help you determine the specic dosages to use. Or other members of this forum will.
There are no doubt many more substances you can use for internal poisoning antidotes, but the above ones can be a start. Tumeric is probably also a powerfull blood cleanser. Research it also. Also research the sweating herbs, to get a pathway for the toxins to go out thru the skin. Same for the diuretic herbs, to get the toxins expelled thru the kikneys. Perhaps also lay the patient in a bathtub of warm water with 2 quarts of epsom salts dissolved in the water, and try to pull the toxins out thru the skin, into the bath water, by osmosis of the epsom salt water.
Mziwakhe, if there is any CLAY in your area, mix a spoon of C with cup of water and have her drink. Also search for MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) Genesis II Church minister in your area. Here is a link to the website
Most of the problem appears to be liver toxicity from food poisoning. I had my mother on food poisoning treatment, who also couldn't keep the food down years ago, and could not eat for three days. I tried magnesium chloride on my friend and it worked before (10 drops), but it did not work, but what I tried on my mother was frozen royal jelly, one teaspoon only and that did the trick! There are others who can't eat and was cured with B50, taken for three days, those are generally nursing home people. In other cases was the cause of liver toxicity (as in cancer) and caffeinated coffee (warm) solution was administered rectally did the trick. The food cannot get down because most cases the stomach cannot digest it, because it lacked Hydrochloric acid, so you can get betaine hydrochloride or hydrochloric acid concentrated. To prepared hydrochloric acid concentrated, it needs 5 drops to 6 drops, not exceeding 8 drops per full glass of water. Then take it through the straw, not to finish the whole glass and that usually helps. Once she begins digestion, take a strong dose of digestive enzymes, that will allow the digestion to keep working. Then give the liver a detox, with milk thistle which is easily found, and B complex to help the liver. Then you can give N acetyl cysteine, capsule only, remove capsule, and give that 3 to 5 times a day 250 to 500 mg. The N acetyl cysteine is vital towards detoxing and liver support. If there are any problems then I might add alpha lipoic acid and milk thistle, for regeneration of the liver and further detox.
I'll try to keep it short, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask questions, if not I'm sorry in advance.
Throughout the years I've had really bad anxiety on and off, blank mind, memory loss, I can mostly remember back to middle school being when it started.
After trial and error, with food and diets and all kinds of things, I've recently found that fluorescent lighting causes my hands to turn red and splotchy as well as other undesired affects such as mood swings (mania to depression), clouded thoughts, fleeting thoughts, drastic change in personality and interests, just by being under the light for a mere few seconds.
The rash looks like this,
Around this time my thoughts jumble up, I can't remember what I'm planning on doing and have a hard time focusing on the task at hand, even something as simple as communicating becomes taxing.
My hands are generally not red at all, but all of those red patches suddenly appear and they feel almost swollen as well as the rest of my body. This also affects my ability to sweat, while inflamed I have an extremly hard time sweating even in 120 degree temperature
Once outside in sunlight the redness generally takes 30 minutes to an hour to go away but my thoughts can be messed up for days at a time, and especially my emotions.
If you guys have heard of anything like this please let me know, I can't really pay attention to the mental symptoms because I am living them and when they happen I forget everything up to that point, so I can't even tell EXACTLY what changed, I just know that I feel different suddenly.
(Syracuse, New York)
To Rebel from somewhere, The use of St. John`s Wort can cause the symptoms you desribed. Both the photosensitivity caused skin rash and mental disorders are dicussed here at wikipedia:'s_wort#Adverse_effects_and_drug_interactions
So if you are taking St.John`s wort that might be what is causing the problems you discussed...Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)
Nech from Kimball, Pains that occur in or near the heart that also result in pain radiating anywhere on the left arm [ especially the shouler area ] should be examined by a qualified MD. Such pains can and often do result from some sort of heart problem. You need to have this checked out by a qualified MD....Oscar
(Kimball, Sd)
Thanks for you input Oscar... However, my husband has seen the cardiologist more than once due to other issues similar to this one in the past. He's done more than one stress test on the treadmill, done the heart monitor more than once and he's always gotten a clean bill of health. The doc told him to stop worrying and that he was just so healthy. So where do we go from here?
(Vancouver Bc., Canada.)
To Nech from Kimball SD.
I have to say I can relate to your husband's chest pain. I as well had to have my heart checked and it was good. It was reference pain from my Gall Bladder and it was bad. What cured it for me was a big mouth full of Olive Oil, I noticed a calming effect within 20 minutes. I did this until the pain left and never returned until last week. I used the same method again and this time it only took the one gulp. I rinse with mouth wash right after because I can't stand the taste. Some times the simplest remedies baffle others.
I hope it works for your husband. Let us know.
(Portland, Oregon)
I had the same symptoms and went to the ER over a dozen times because I thought I was having a heart attack. After many doctors and specialists it turned out I had asthma. It was affecting my shoulder because I had a previous injury to it from a car accident. It may not be the cause of his pain, but it is something to look into. Who would think asthma could cause chest and shoulder pain? Not me.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Neguarian,
I'm not Ted but just a question relative to your daughter's condition. You do not give any of her history...medical, physical or anything else that might help Ted figure out what is going on...or for that matter anyone else who would want to help her. For instance, has she been on medication of any kind? Statins in the last year? Any history of A Fib? Any history of serious infection (mono, strep etc)? If an infection (a memorable and serious infection...what was it and where in the body)...Any accidents in the past year?
And...When was onset of the headaches? Does she think the headaches are related to the rest of the problems? Is she depleted of energy? If so, did the energy depletion coincide with the onset of the other symptoms?
You said she had an MRI of the head...nothing of the spine that might be showing lesions?
There are two parts to good analysis: First an accurate diagnosis and Second a possible array of either cures for the problem or "helps" to alleviate symptoms.
The more clues you can give Ted, the better he (or others) can give you good suggestions.
Hello! Hope someone can help me as Dr's can't!
I have developed a very strange bump just above my ankle and it aches and my running days are over due to this constant pain and bulge. Went to the Dr and told me its inflamation, but then another Dr told me it has something to due about my muscles. I have don the ACV, the oil pulling, the epson salt and even took anti-inflammatory drugs to assist and nothing has helped. My Chiropractor massaged the hell out of it one day and it helped, but its been 5 months now and I am still in sever pain. Can anyone understand this or help?
My head has been feeling as though it is filled with liquid or something, sort of a menthol burning sensation. My sinuses feel all clogged up, but nothing ever comes out my nose! My nose isn't plugged per se, like I can still breathe and everything, but I feel so stuffed up and like there's so much pressure built up in my head. It hurts so bad! My eyes get very painful and I have increased photosensitivity. My pain can often become a total 10 out of 10. I can lay on one side and it feels like the liquid runs down to the side closest to the ground, then I can turn over and the liquid will move to the other side. But none of the liquid ever comes out for some reason. It feels like the bones in my face could just crumble or explode! There's a certain tugging feeling I've been experiencing with the bones or nerves in my face, but it's really hard to explain. My eyes have been really puffy upon waking, dark lines below the eye and a puffy upper eyelid. Laying down hurts a lot and really causes my head around the cerebellum to hurt, plus my neck and by my ears. My teeth get really sore sometimes, and my mouth can get the sensation of having a bunch of paper cuts or canker sores.
I am so frustrated! Pain meds do NOTHING. I've started to neti with collodial silver but the liquid doesn't come out like it used to before August. the neti drains through my eyes and mouth, and some stays in there for a long time and causes me even more pain. So far no positive results. I got dust mite covers for my bedding and such, but I've noticed no changes.
To make matters even more complicated, I recently found out I was pregnant, and I will not take anything to compromise the health of the baby (as tempting as it is to try and relieve some of this pain!!! )
Can anybody help me?!? orcasun(at)hotmail(dot)com
Orcasun: Your list of symptoms is synonymous w/ typical environmental related illness. First suggestion is to remove your current air filter (probably fiberglass and you are showing signs of exposure to the fibers) and replace w/ HEPA or HEPA Type filter. Also purchase a negative ion air purifier or ozone/negative ion combo purifyer so as to greatly improve your indoor air.
Now I would suggest a visit to the "Detoxification" section here on E.C. and take notes on a "top five" list of what you can get started with. Two suggestions off the bat: One, try a warm bath w/ 1/4 cup Epsom Salts and 1/4 cup Baking Soda for at least 30 min at least 2x wk. Second, Oil Pulling should help you; there is also a page for O.P. here on E.C.
This is starters but you will need to begin soon as possible these suggestions and check back and report any findings or ask more questions.
(Somewhere, Europe)
(Hotspot, Texas)
Something probably happened in August of 2013. A viral infection? Dental surgery? It sounds like an infection deep within your sinuses, probably viral or fungal since antibacterials are usually the first thing used. You can keep attacking it topically with the neti and cs and/or internally with strong anti microbials like oil of oregano, olive leaf extract, garlic, vitamin C, etc.
Also investigate ways to replete your trace minerals, which are probably depleted.
Dear Pact12345,
I have a couple of thoughts. I imagine other posters here will have more thoughts and hopefully among them all you will be able to figure out what to do.
My first thought when you said that you had hair falling out was "infection." I have heard a couple of times of ladies who had a sickness and following it they had major hair fall out. Do you still have sinus infection symptoms? You could try Dave's colloidal silver irrigation of the sinuses and ears, or other ideas on the sinus infection page here at Earth Clinic.
You can also see the page on hair loss to try to encourage regrowth.
In the fall I was possibly exposed to lice so treated myself as if I had it. I used castor oil and coconut oil with tea tree essential oil on my scalp. I did have new hair growing in after a time. This may also help with an itchy scalp. I mixed a jar up with 1/2 cup castor and extra virgin coconut oils and added a teaspoon or two of tea tree essential oil. It is super duper messy. I would I carefully massaged it into the scalp and left it on a couple of hours (I wrapped my head in plastic and then a towel). It took a couple of washings to get it all out. I repeated a few times in a month on myself and daughters. Do this gently, though if you are losing hair.
My other thought, as soon as you said, ""Thirst, " was "Thyroid." I was having severe unquenchable thirst and found out it was because my thyroid was low. I have been using Lugol's iodine and companion nutrients for years. If I run out of iodine, my symptoms return after a while. There is a lot about it on Earth Clinic.
While you are trying to figure out what is going on, some extra vitamin C would be good. Also, a teaspoon or two of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar in a tall glass of water once or twice a day has helped so many with such a variety of problems, it would be an easy thing to try.
I would look for hidden sources of MSG in your diet as that can cause thirst.
Please let us know what you find out! I hope you are feeling better soon.
~Mama to Many~
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Pact 12345,
Re the scalp condition et al...
To figure this out...if hormonal or a disturbed endocrine system or a fungal invasion, it would be helpful if you told us how this all started. Have you been on meds ... what and why....
I note the infection issue is present too. That is an indicator that maybe the heart of the problem is viral/fungal. If you just want to start up with attacking that aspect, it's easy enough...just get a bottle of colloidal silver and start topically applying to scalp as well as irrigating the sinus, ears and gargling. Drink two tablespoons twice daily. If this thing attacking you is viral, you'll start getting relief in a few days. You might have to be on the CS for six months to kill the virus...if the cause is a virus. I'm not convinced that the cause of your problem is viral/fungal.
Of course, that could be PART of the issue. So nothing lost in making sure no viruses are doing damage to an already damaged situation. I'm thinking endocrine system. Now it is totally possible to have an infection in one of those glands that compose the endocrine system. I presume your doctors have taken saliva samples to see what your endocrine is doing...correct?
But back to some basics...please tell us how this whole thing started...if with some sinus infection and then you started having scalp and headache issues (sinus)...then if the inception of symptoms was close to a bad infection, then I'd be blaming virus/fungus. Only one thing might indicate virus as the culprit...that sinus infection you mentioned. The CS will knock out the sinus infection. If it's quality CS. I use an ear syringe to squirt the CS deep into sinus cavity. That gets it into Eustachian tubes too where LOTS of bacteria/fungus/virus hide.
Please report back and give a detailed description of inception...back to before the bad symptoms you describe began. Was there a prior infection? Describe. HOW did symptoms first start?
Dear Pact12345: Since you are in college you are probably getting a lot of hidden sources of MSG which explains the sinus infection. Mama to Many's suggestion of extra vitamin C, especially before you go to bed would be beneficial.
I had read a vitamin B-6 deficiency could result in hair loss and fluid retention. Because it is important to take all the B's together, so you don't cause a deficiency in any of the others, you might get a high potency B-Complex supplement.
I would suggest taking Blackstrap Molasses because it is an excellent source BUT with what has happened to our food supply you have to be so careful not to get too much sugar from other sources.
(Cleveland, Oh)
Sounds crazy simple, but wean off the meds and bathe in natural Borax in as hot as water as you can stand, about 1-1/2 to 2 cups, once in the morning and once in the evening, dunk your head back in too, but not your eyes (a few drops of room temp black tea in the eyes will help treat that area - stings for a moment but harmless). Boron is naturally part of your cells so you won't have an allergic reaction to it, but your skin will likely turn red or rashy briefly initially from the heat and the die-off as you likely are dealing with parasites similar to scabies with mange-like symptoms and difficult to detect and treat.
These are a new emerging health problem, especially affecting people who have spent a lot of time hiking, on farms, in gardens, around animals or dirt. Drink a couple glasses of cold water afterwards to rehydrate yourself and cool down. Do the Borax baths twice a day for 2 weeks and then a few times a week for maintenance - it may take a very long time to get rid of it entirely, but I have no doubt you will see quick improvement right after you start. Borax is cheap at the Dollar store. I have done this and know of others who have and it works every time.
You could also at the same time do other things that are helpful if you're able to such as alternating drinking different anti-parasitic teas (sweet annie/Chinese wormwood, rosemary, cilantro, etc.), use neem or tea tree soaps, pine tar shampoos, make an oil to spray on your skin mixing mineral oil or deep tanning oil (without any sun block) with 5-10 drops of clove oil and/or tea tree oil to apply to everywhere on your body, and avoid foods that feed bacteria or parasites and help them grow or create an acidic environment they thrive in - avoid coffee (instead drink black tea or lemon water with no sugar or herb teas), no soda, sugared drinks, no fruit juices (eat real organic or non-chemical-treated fruit and vegetables instead), no artificial sweeteners/chemicals, dyes, no white processed foods like white bread, white rice, pasta except 100% whole-grain, preferably rye, brown rice, sprouted or gluten-free.
Eat plenty of protein to build your cells like beans, seeds, nuts in salads, eggs, fish and lean meats, and get plenty of fresh air and sunshine - the UV kills the parasites too so don't wear sunscreen for at least a couple hours (and if you do make it natural/100% organic). Probiotics are also very helpful to add good immune-supporting bacteria to your system, and the best all-natural vitamin/nutrient product I've found that is potent and easy to take is the Alive powder shake with pea protein which comes in chocolate, vanilla, and green apple. It comes in a large canister and lasts a long time, can be expensive, but if you get it online it can be found on sale for about $20-25. Hope this helps & best wishes! :-)
(Tucson, Az.)
Another poster said that the anti-fungal medication her doctor put her on, caused her hair to fall out, so I'd check the side-effect list on your medication if I were you. A lot of Folic Acid (a B vitamin) can help bring in new thick hair if one takes it for a few months, although new sprouting incoming hair should be seen within one month. Perhaps you do have an overgrowth of yeast the way you describe the sensations, maybe the medication just wasn't effective. How about a natural shampoo with Tea Tree Oil? ( And an anti-fungal diet? Or using Virgin Coconut Oil in your diet and on your scalp?) There are pharmaceuticals that can cause chronic thirst, but a marked deficiency of Potassium can also cause a thirst that cannot be satisfied.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hey Pamm,
From your description .... stomach and intestinal distress... not an acid reflux problem (not mainly) but more likely an infection.
For either, reflux or lower track infection, try, to start with a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water and sip over an hour or two. Repeat two hours later and again after another two hours.
Lots about ACV on Earth Clinic.
Next, if that doesn't bring relief, I'd be taking a good anti viral; my favorite is Colloidal Silver and a close second is the herb Echinacea. On the CS, I'd take a tablespoon every hour for four hours and determine if the pain has let up. Echinacea is also a good anti viral. In liquid form, I'd put five to ten drops in glass of water and drink and then repeat every hours...again for four hours. I'd consider using both in fact given the degree of infection.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
(Syracuse, New York)
There is this whole new issue about food and water safety. The cause is virulent new strains of E.Coli that is infecting our food and water supplies. The USDA is not only not helping but is purposesly suppressing information about just how common and dangerous this pandemic is becoming. What you can do is make sure you drink sterilized water and cook all foods a lot. You can sterilize water by boiling it for about 5 minutes. Cook all meats to well done. Eat NO salami or hamburger or other ground meats. Here is page 1 of 57 pages of recent outbreaks. Each page contains 10 to 12 stories = 570 or more E.Coli outbreaks. Just click " earlier reports " to cruise on through those 570 or more reports. Earlier reports is located at the very bottom of each page. Vegetables are every bit as likely to have these bacteria on their surfaces. So you need to clean them with sterile water or cook them thoroughly. A lot of doctors are woefully ignorant about all this. Link here:
(Somewhere, Europe)
I read somewhere not to take too much baking soda, it may not mix with everyone's stomach fluids, sometimes it's best to do a few more web searches before trying anything. Most times we were born with what used to be a joke; our systems were like self cleaning ovens, we can clean it or slightly alter it, but please be careful of what you try. These are only general experiments!! Thanks, Misty
(Las Vegas)
The tightness and the pain can very well be related to the symtoms of panic/anxiety attacks. I suggest going on youtube and watch some EFT or energy healing demo videos for panic/anxiety first. Supplements may help but are often a bandaid if this is caused by the panic attacks. Try it a few times and see if it helps. It worked for me when I was having symptoms almost identical to yours. Peace, Steve
Well most of the pain can be relieved with endorphin frequencies of 111.11 hertz, both sound and electricity square wave function - the effects are long lasting. The bacteria that is common in this type of pain is in the same family as the acne and diphtheria, so the easiest way is to get your immune system up with zinc chloride or zinc acetate, lysine and taurine. The lysine is commonly taken at 1000 mg x 4 and taurine is added to help some zinc absorption. Also, some mannitol may help at 4000 mg at average of one time a day, taken at the same time with lysine, zinc, and taurine. The lysine, zinc and taurine is what our body needs for the immune system to fight off this pain in the?chest area. The bacteria is hidden in the fat cells of epidermis near the nerves, and that causes pain. So this is why topical DMSO sometimes helps and additionally a zinc chloride saturated solution of one drop is added to 30 cc of DMSO solution. This is used to help reduce the bacteria that is hidden in that area, that is causing the pain.
(Medford, Or)
For hot flash relief I've found the following to be very helpful:
- eat an avocado daily (don't know why.. But it works! )
- reduce sugar and alcohol
- eat small frequent meals (don't let yourself get too hungry or too thirsty.. This seems to bring on hot flashes)
- eat oatmeal
- take 400 mg of chromium picolinate daily (200 in a. M. And 200 in p. M. )
- take flaxseed oil capsules 3x day (these really work! )
- take Vitamin E complex 2 x day
- drink lots of water
- wear all cotton fiber clothing (avoid polyesters)
- sleep with 100% cotton sheets and pillow cases
- spray your bedroom with lavender oil and water at bedtime (calming cooling effect)
For the emotional part of hot flashes (we expect them and get tense when it starts happening), try saying to yourself "I am cool, this will pass in a moment" and take deep breaths. Stressing about it only makes the hot flashes worse. If I had to pick 2 things out of the list above that worked the best, I'd say the avocados and the flaxseed oil :)
(Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom)
(Port Hardy, Bc, Canada)
Pinkie Pie
So heres where I NEED HELP all though I have improved I still cant seem to find whats going to help me get 100% better. I feel confused most often and dizzy here and there, off balance, and nauseous. So I started my menstural cycle a couple days ago and it drained me... I was taking ibuprophen for then pain but I think that may have caused a ulcer because then I started having a feeling of air in my stomach and it felt very hot and I kept burping and gagging severely. I ate some melon and it soothed me but along with this too, my mind is now fogging and my legs ache, my bones feel rattly and im off balance and really tired even when I just woke from an 8 hour sleep. oh, and when I woke I had a hot fuzzy feeling in the back of my head/brain. im thinking maybe im developing MS???.... Or maybe it is CFS?... Not sure. I also have this pain on my left side of my neck feels like its an artery thats aching... Not sure but its been hurting off and on since ive caught the flu back in August. Please help, I refuse to go to the Doc until I have tried as much as I can to better myself naturally. My knees also hurt, not too much as to where I want to cry but just uncomfortable. Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you for your time. -Jes
(Denver, Colorado)
Pinky Pie: I was at where you are except I wasn't taking any meds. I fully recovered and you can too. You have to get all the carbs, oils, proteins, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and special substances your body requires. These have to come from raw, organic, grassfed, wildharvested, soaked, sprouted, and fermented whole foods. You were on the right track juicing raw organic produce. That is why you got better. That is not the complete program. Look at my reply to the post father with lymphoma earlier in the day. That gives you everything. Watch raw food and superfood videos. Follow David Wolfe's ideas.
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Pinky Pie:
Your story sounds like a number of other cases I am familiar with; first this question... You said that the onset was five years ago when you would have been twelve years old (you now being 17). Right? OK. Do you recall if you had a severe infection when you were 12 years old, a few months before the onset of your current symptoms? Maybe a bad sore throat? A bad cold? Ear infections? A sinus infection that just stayed and stayed. Occasionally, the sickness isn't so very intense, but rather long lasting; like an ear infection that lasts for a month and then it comes again six months later and stays for another month.
Next question... If you were sick with something before the real onset when you were 12 or maybe even 11, did you feel like after you got over the sickness but you never really got your energy totally back... maybe you felt very tired or tired out easily even months after you were first sick?
Or if none of that sounds like what you experienced, do you recall if you had some significant dental work done; maybe even a root canal, although you were probably too young for that or maybe you had a tooth pulled to prepare you for braces.
What I'm getting around to is this: You have ALL the symptoms of a system wide (systemic infection) of a virus or fungus.
Easy to kill.
If what I asked you rings a bell and you think, yes I can remember I did have a really bad case of the flu/chest cold/ etc. any of the things I listed and especially if your energy never came back full strength, then those are two signs that this is a virus you're facing.
In any of that is true, and if I were you, I'd be ready to take an anti viral. It takes a while for the anti viral to kill a system wide infection. You need to ask your parents about taking this if you think what I described could lead you to conclude that perhaps you have a virus. I have been taking an anti viral for twenty years and it is called colloidal silver. It's water with a tiny bit of silver in it... but tastes just like water.
If you think what I ask might ring a bell you need to talk to your parents about this. Your are legally a minor and you have to discuss this with your mom and dad. If you want me to discuss this with them to find out more about the anti viral idea, just post me back. But we really need the parents on board if you think/ and they think that perhaps they want more information since your age limits what you can do. But I'm ready to help if you will get them to post if you all are interested.
Best to you young lady. Don't be afraid: there IS a cure for you. Keep looking, even if the virus/fungus is not the cause. There is a cause and if you look diligently you'll find the cure. (Knock and it will be opened unto you, seek and you shall find.)
Your friend,
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Addition to last post to Pinky Pie:
You mentioned the possibility of MS; possible but simple scans by the Docs should have found the lesions. They readily show up. Apparently not there so probably not MS; but if it is MS... There is a definite link between MS and a specialty virus (similar to the viral family of polio). So my suggested "cure" or at least "help" would still be a valid thesis. MS involves a virus along with a heavy metal eg mercury. (Typically mercury poisoning is from dental fillings with mercury or eating fish from a contaminated lake. ) And then the tear to the lining around the nerve (spinal cord and/ or brain) is called a lesion. The nerve is exposed because the "sheath" the "myelin sheath" is damaged by the combo of mercury and virus and the nerve is destroyed by exposure.
As in the other post I wrote, please, because you are a minor you need to show this post to your parents.
Blimey Jess, sorry to hear you feel so poorly. I am thinking you need to take vitamin d3 to support your immune system. You also should try and bathe in magnesium salts every night for a while. Please try not to eat too much processed food and no food with vegetable oil in it. If you can it would help to see if you are intolerant to some foods- for example wheat, milk as this would lead to all kinds of weird symptoms as when we can't digest stuff we exhaust our vitamins and minerals. Drinks with caffeine in them deplete our vitamin and mineral stores as does alcohol. Also sugar. I hope that gives you a bit of guidance-
(San Diego, Ca)
Not sure what I have or if my symptoms are possibly mini strokes... I've been having trouble walking for a good while ever since I got ill with the flu that hit me very hard (I fainted and went into shock) this was last month, the 15th of august 2013. I then had a severe allergic reaction to Kale (turns out I'm allergic to vitamin K) two days later. So after then I started making raw shakes with organic veggies and fruits and putting a scoop of Miricale Reds in each shake, two shakes a day.
Well this helped regain a lot of senses back I still have trouble with feeling confused most of the time, walking with bad balance and cant walk for very long without feeling like im about to faint. Also get blurry vision when averting eyes occasionally, and back pain, sweaty feet that get hot and cold on and off. I could go on... I also get this heavy numb feeling on my entire body, brain and all... My senses are VERY sensitive, example, smells are strong and so are noises, and I absolutely can not go to sleep if there is any noise what so ever... I get hot flashes and a pain on the right side of my neck. I'm going to my Doc tomorrow, well lets just say the insurance I have is the worst one... So please I would like some help as to what I can do naturally first before telling my Doc any of my sympotoms, I know it won't be in effect by tomorrow, but ya never know... Thanks, any advice is much appreciated!!!
Pinky Pie: Such a broad spectrum of symptoms suggest toxicity which could be heavy metal (most likely Mercury) poisoning or possibly environmental chemical. Prescription meds could also aggravate the issue.
Have you Mercury dental fillings (and recent dental work)? Have you been receiving recommended vaccines like flu vaccine? The high toxicity of Mercury has damaging effects on detox, immune, and hormonal body systems which you seem to be suffering.
I could be wrong, but do read the E.C. pages for heavy metal toxicity and go from there.
Report your conclusions and additional findings so we can help you get better.
Your body sounds as though it is toxic. Any time you try to juice natural raw foods you may experience an initial reaction as your body is try to purge the toxins out.
Stay away from processed foods. Buy a juicer and begin to juice raw (organic) green foods. You can add in some fruit to make it a bit palatable at the start. Protein shakes have MSG added into them (sometimes).. MSG and aspartame are toxic to the brain.
Cayenne pepper will protect you against strokes if that is what is happening.
Do you drink any energy drinks? They have toxic additives in them.. Some have bromide added which deplete iodine from the body.
Hi were you given Antibiotics when you had the Flu? I am asking because I nearly died after taking 1 tablet for an infection, and the after effects affected me for ages after that, it was only mind over matter and God as far as I'm concerned that saved me. My symptoms were very similar to yours. All antibiotics are Mold, and veg is rampant with Mold seen and unseen if not well washed and soaked in vinegar or lemon juice added to the water and rinsed well after. Also you state your making shakes with veg and fruit, are you aware a lot of veg, especially certain greens and fruit is high in Vitamin K? Look on the web for list's containing it, and also make sure anything you use veg and fruit in is also well cleaned after use, as this will cause mold build up rapidly as well. A lot of people use chlorine bleach on juicers, blenders, food processors, etc for this same reason, but I wouldn't do that, I use 3 percent hydrogen peroxide which I dilute with distilled water from food grade. And you'll contact mold by touching the veg and fruit, so I would wear a pair of gloves, rubber, pvc, leather, even gardening gloves to cover your hand's when around them. This will help you try to eliminate certain causes out of the picture, I know when I go to any one's home that has mold in, it effect's me to a degree, but not so badly now as it did before, Also some people can't tolerate sulphur food's which Kale is and the cabbage family, which has a lot of relation's besides sprouts and cauliflower, so research that as well. And try and be aware of where you were and what you do when these attacks occur, you may find a link somewhere. Even down to what soap tooth paste, house hold products. Keep a journal this will be a great help, I have reactions to other peoples perfume, and once went in to shock after my friend splashed a hair dye she was using on me. Don't let it make you be afraid to get on with living, I know it's scary, but you can't let fear of what may or may not happen rule your life. Let us know how you get on. Love Andrea C xxxxxx
P. S I have bought Ammonia, white vinegar, and bicarb (baking soda) to wash all my clothing, bedding, curtains, and anything else I possibly can to eliminate mold in my home. You have to use Ammonia carefully, and the vinegar is white spirit vinegar. I am following instuctions I got off another web site, and will be wearing rubber gloves, goggles, an a face mask to protect my skin, eye's, and avoid breathing it in. A woman in England became very ill to the point she could not live in her home, and slept in her car with the Air Conditioner on to breathe. After a long investigation, a tiny speck of mold was found in her home, and made her really ill. All we can do is what ever is possible to route out any causes, the stuff I bought cost me twelve pounds for the 3 on Amazon.
Since then I have never been okay, I have had on and off pins and needles, weakness, pain all on my left side. The symtoms dont happen together. it will be either one or the other. Been for 2 MRI's and many neurologist and they found nothing.
I also had psoriasis since I was 9 and in 2010 I started getting symtoms of the arthritis. I have been to a rhemotogist about 2 months ago, who put me on methotrexate. But I am still not well. I still have those weird symtoms on my left side.
I have also been to many homeopaths, but no one has helped me. This is driving me insane, suffereing for alomost 2 years and NO one can help me. Please help me!!!!
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)
Hi Ramona, since you don't seem to have been helped by western medicine nor can they give you an explanation, I would highly recommend you find a Traditional Chinese medicine Dr. It sounds as if your body was already out of balance since you'd had psoriasis since you were 9 and this just furthered the issue. I am certain TCM would be able to understand why these symptoms are occurring. You also have not seen relief from homeopathy as well. In Chinese medicine, they see the body as a whole and the various organs, sides of the body, upward/ downward movement, all have meaning. They would check your tongue and take your pulses and palpate your organs and then treat you accordingly. Every person is unique so, symptoms could all be the same in various people but have different reasons for their manifestation. I.E. : 5 people could be experiencing migraines but all 5 people could have them for different reasons.
Anyway, I encourage you to research this as this system is over a thousand years old and works. Modern medicine is often just taking stabs in the dark. I hope this information helps you in finding answers. Best to you, Lisa
Hi, It would help if you had a hair analysis test to see what deficiencies you have and then treat those. It could be that you have a magnesium deficiency among others. If it is magnesium an Epsom salt bath would help. The jellyfish sting and your body's immune reaction could have depleted some vital vitamins and minerals. Pls check and report back, thanks