Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
(Brisbane, Australia)
Hello slidefoot, Yes you can add some honey to the apple cider vinegar, you can also put the Apple Cider Vinegar in some apple juice which disguises the taste quite well. Lily.
(Las Vegas, Nv)
When I drink Apple cider vinegar I usually add it to 1 cup of hot tea, anykind, I add honey and 1/8 tsp of baking soda the baking soda takes away the really strong vinegar taste. If I don't want a hot drink I use room temp water with sugar or splenda and baking soda.
(Tacoma, Wa, Usa)
Hi, Slidefoot. I am 70 years old too and I have reduced my high blood pressure, my cholesterol and my blood sugar all in the last 3 months by using the many ideas on this website. So I do not know if using just one healthy remedy will do the trick. I treat my body as a whole system and not just isolated parts. I started eating a larger variety of vegetables especially green leafy ones, breakfast lunch and supper. I cut my carbs down to about 120 a day. I cut my fruit down to just a small slice of fresh fruit for 2 morning snacks; 2 afternoon snacks; 2 evening snacks; and I eat cucumber slices or celery or cauliflower with a little sea salt and nutritional yeast sprinkled on it (yum yum! )if I get hungry when reading before bed. I make a tonic for myself and my friends once every couple of days which I sip on throughout the day. The tonic tastes pretty good (to me anyway ) and all the ingredients are very good for all your body parts.
The Tonic Recipe is:
Put 1/4 cup organic raw apple cider vinegar and 1/8 c organic raw local honey
Or real maple syrup (not fake maple flavored syrup) into a food processor or blender. Blend this with the following fresh living ingredients
(not bottled or dehydrated stuff)
Equal parts of:
1 whole peeled lemon
peeled garlic
sliced onion
sliced ginger root
Pour this mash into a pint size glass jar and cover. It will stay useful for a couple of weeks, but it is best to take a 3 or 4 spoons of this every day so it shouldn't be sitting in the fride very long. Take a heaping table spoon of this Health Tonic as soon as you awake in the morning, with lunch, and before bedtime. You can mix it in water, juice, or tea if you wish. I often take it right out of the spoon. It is quite zesty and I have developed a fondness for it. It is good for cleaning/toning your liver. It is good for heart and blood pressure and a hundred other things that need support in our internal organs which work in harmony with each other. This tonic is also anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacteria, ant-viral, anti-parasite, anti-yeast, anti-fungus. It supports your pro-biotics. Good health to you, hope you're enjoying your journey into sharing your own wisdom. Nuri
Apple Cider Vinegar and pH Balance
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
Answer to Jessica from San Diego about pH balancing and vitamins. You just observed by yourself that vitamins are acid forming. Vitamin C is Ascorbic Acid. Probiotics are also acid forming. I don't know about garlic. Possibly alkalizing if of good quality. Just take more alkalizing food, spices and minerals. Alain
(North Carolina)
Hi Jessica-hope you are well. Do not take Apple cider vinegar and colloidal silver together. The colloidal silver will kill all the good stuff in your Apple cider vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar and pH Balance
Apple Cider Vinegar as Panacea
I am a big fan of the site and consult it regularly for a variety of issues and have had success! For that, Thank you.
I am concerned about the recommendation of Apple Cider Vinegar for almost ever ailment in question. I did have success in treating myself with ACV but the frequency with which is appears as a remedy makes me wonder if the site is sponsored by _____ or something! haha. Just curious because I am considering using ACV in my hair and a daily routine but I am uncertain as to the objectivity of the site.
EC: Hi Zachary,
During Earth Clinic's first few years, we allowed brand names to be published on the site, not realizing the extent of fake product posts on the internet. Most of the feedback back then was about apple cider vinegar. Then we received an email much like yours in 2004 (or thereabouts), asking us if we were a front for the Bragg's company! It was a most excellent wake-up call and I am forever grateful for it. Shortly thereafter, all but a few product names were banned from the site. Bragg was the first brand name to be deleted from the site. Tis true, there are now thousands upon thousands of Apple Cider Vinegar posts on the site. However, most ACV posts arrive from different ip addresses from around the world, which is why we think most (hopefully all) are legitimate posts.
(Tequesta, Fl)
Zachary be careful using ACV on your hair. I have blond highlights in my hair and the ACV turned my highlights pink! I use regular white distilled vinegar on my hair every few weeks and it works just fine.
Apple Cider Vinegar Contraindications
1. Stomach ulcer, 2. Low Potassium level.
ACV will additionally lower your potassium level.
Apple Cider Vinegar Contraindications
im a patient of DVT and PE (twice) and im on blood thinners to maintain an adequate INR value. as most patients will know that green vegetable can lower the INR value due to the Vitamin K content in them but ACV does the same.
im an ardent fan of ACV since 1994 and have been using it regularly but have had to stop using it after getting DVT. i have monitored my blood INR before and after having acv many a times and every time just after having it for 4 days my blood INR dropped to 1.2 when the i should be between 2 - 3.
in other words avc tends to clot the blood so dvt, pe and all other patients PLEASE DO NOT HAVE ACV while on blood thinning medication.
im bitterly missing acv since i know how wonderful it is for so many problems.
hope this helps
EC: Acronyms
DVT = Deep Vein Thrombosis
PE = Pulmonary Edema
INR = International Normalized Ratio (for blood clotting time)
This was very helpful info as I am also on blood thinners because of a man-made aortic valve.
When I started using ACV, I did end up having trouble keeping my INR stable until I added more garlic as part of my effort to use minimal blood thinner and more natural blood thinners. It was very helpful to know what was causing the problem so thanks for your post (years ago by now).
Apple Cider Vinegar Ice Cubes
Apple Cider Vinegar Soak
I was finding that drinking apple cider vinegar lowered my blood sugar levels drastically at times, making me feel faint, but have not had any side effects from soaking thus far. The blood sugar reaction from ACV is a new thing. I had been drinking it regularly for many years before that without any problems.
I am using the organic brand of acv right now, even though you can buy a gallon of regular grocery store acv for the same price. I am thinking about ordering organic acv in bulk, since it takes up almost half a bottle of organic acv to fill the small dish with enough liquid to cover my toes. I must admit, right now I am re-using the acv a few times, otherwise it just isn't cost effective. But yes, I wash my feet before soaking them!
Sorry to say that I have had cracked heels for 11 years now (coincides with when I started training at the dojo). Only recently did it move into toenail fungus. Getting rid of it once and for all is long-overdue. Bad idea to have a fungal infection lingering on for years and years. I am determined to keep this up for months if necessary.
To Deirdre Re cracked heels. I have had great success with the following -
Before you put your feet in any liquids use an emery board to remove any dry flaky skin. Your feet MUST be dry for this. Wet skin will only move with the emery board not fall away. The type of emery board is important. Here we use the black style. The types for nails that come in different colors i.e. pink blue etc. The reason you don't want to use the metal ones or the one designed specifically for the feet that are like cheese graters is that they are too hard and pull too much skin at once from what is already a very dry area. Think of how they would leave the cheese looking. I always recommend that this can be done while watching the telly or listening to the radio cos you can't damage yourself with these as you can with the metal type. Try to get the hard bit on the edge of the cracks without making yourself sore. You will be very surprised at the amount of dust that you will see coming away from your skin but this is normal. The brown old fashioned emery boards are too gentle and the black ones are perfect. When the dust stops flying move to the next part. If you are getting sore at all you have done enough for the day. More will come off tomorrow.
Rinse that dust off your feet as while it is blocking your pores you will absorb nothing transdermally. And it should only be dust, if you see larger bits of skin the emery board is too strong for you. At this stage you can soak your feet in any liquid of your choice i.e. anti-fungal, vinegar, peroxide or oils or salts for as long as suits you. Doing this with a couple of sports clubs some of the men chose to do it with plain old washing up liquid (detergent). So it is a case of whatever suits you. Use antiseptics or peroxide if there is any chance of an infection or dirt being caught in the cracks as it may close over the dirt and cause a diferent problem.
Then this is most important. Pack the cracks with some kind of thick oil. Our choice at the time we did this was vaseline but some would not choose this because of the petrolatum issue. Whatever you use press it over the crack to ensure that it has gone in the full depth. These cracks cannot heal while they are dry. If you had an operation on your stomach and the skin dried out to the same extent it would not heal either. We usually put large medical issue bandages over them to keep the vaseline on the feet.This won't suit everyone so a cotton pair of socks will do. The people we did this with all had to walk home so bandages were needed to keep the vaeline well packed. Wash next day as normal and leave bandage off. You want your feet fairly dry to repeat the process the next evening.
Remember it will be easy to slip on the floor until this is washed off. Do the same the next evening and continue til necessary tapering the amount of times done as they heal.
This worked within 3 days for some and some took approx 2 weeks. But it makes sense that the hard skin needs to go and the skin to be wet for the cracks to knit together.
As for the fungal infection. Many people will only treat the area that they can see the infection on. The human eye cannot see all of a fungal infection so if it spreading nor can they see it when it is at the last stages of treatment so it is very important to treat outside the area and for a lot longer that you can see it or feel it. My husband picks up an athletes foot while he is travelling for business on a regular basis. He never feels it but we can see it between his toes. We only know he has it when I catch it because I get the itching and burning long before I can see it. We use a providone iodine antiseptic wash which is normally used for pre-operation swabs in a footbath then antifungal medicated creams. Because he gets the moccassin type we bathe and cream his feet up to the ankles. I only get the moccassin type around the toe area so I only need to cover the shoe area. This is a long winded way of telling you how to do it but it actually doesn't take long perform it. The longest part of it is how long you choose to soak you feet and it is our tried and tested method.
EC: Tricia - Wow, thank you so much for these detailed instructions! Much appreciated. I will start immediately.
P.S. Your feedback has been cross-posted to the cracked heels page.
One thing that I forgot to say in my previous post is to mark your nail file in some manner i.e. nail polish. Make it obvious so that you never use it on your finger nails or that somebody else might use it inappropriately. If you are carrying an infection of any kind (and most people do) it will be transferred to the fingers. The nail file can be cleaned with peroxide or rubbing alcohol but the dust is so minute and nail files are not easy to fully clean without a steriliser. So make sure it is kept for YOUR feet. As we say in Ireland "to be sure, to be sure".
(Earth Clinic)
![0 out of 5 stars](/images/side-effects.png)
Not all apple cider vinegars are made alike.
Okay, yeah, I win this week's "ultimate dork" award. I have been faithfully following Tricia's remedy for cracked heels for days now. Yesterday, a dark and gloomy day in Atlanta, I proceeded with Tricia's remedy as usual and used a fine nail file on the cracked area of my feet and heels. Then it came to soaking them, and this is where I changed my protocol and decided to use cheap apple cider vinegar from Heinz that I bought at the store ages ago. Usually I use the organic, raw, decidedly more expensive ACV to soak my feet, but not this time. Heh heh. I filled up my casserole dish with 1 inch of apple cider vinegar (room temperature & undiluted) and then started soaking my feet as I worked at the computer. I lost track of time. Some time passed, maybe a lot of time. I came out of my Earth Clinic computer fog enough to register that my feet were FREEZING and that an hour and a half had passed. A trace longer than the half hour that I usually soaked. My feet did look pickled and prune-faced, but that didn't worry me. I went and rinsed off the apple cider vinegar. Heh heh. Then I sat down to apply the moisturizer, just as Tricia recommended, and that's when I saw my new feet. By new, I mean discolored, burned, orange-tinged feet with a dark line running across the bottom half of my ankle, showing where the apple cider vinegar stopped and the air began. They looked so ridiculous, the feet of a clown: half orange, half pasty white.
Confidentally, I was certain the new color scheme would fade within the hour. But they didn't. Or they haven't I should say. Time has passed, almost 24 hours, and my clown feet have not returned to their original color. Wish me luck.
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA)
You had me laughing out loud... Clown Feet! I can only imagine. And yes there is a difference in quality of ACV. When I first started trying ACV after coming to this site, I used Heinz since it was in my pantry and I was anxious to get started with ACV. It took me about 5 days to finally get to the health food store to get _____s- the one with the mother as they say. Without a second thought, I took a tablespoon of it as soon as I got home which was the night- about 8 pm. After going to bed I awoke about 3am with raging detox symptoms- sweating, chills, body aches which were excruciating and basically feeling sick. I rolled over and said to my husband that I felt really sick and he said," Don't you remember you took the ACV when you got home?" Never had anything with the Heinz. Big difference...
You may wish to buy new shoes and socks, or treat the shoes and socks for fungus to prevent recurrence.
Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
I've been able to use way less vinegar by putting my feet into the gallon size zip lock plastic bags, putting the bagged feet into a rectangular dishpan from the $1 store, in case the bags leak or spill vinegar.
Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
(Sea, Wa)
the best way to get it down is to plug your nose and use a straw positioned farther back in your mouth and then after you're done lick a spoon dipped in a small amount of honey.
Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
If you are having trouble getting the honey to mix with the ACV try this. I talked to the B__gg people and they said it is fine to do this. I mix 1 c. ACV and 1/2 c. Honey together and put into an empty ACV bottle. Then when I am ready to drink it I take out 1 Tablespoon full and mix in 8 oz. water and drink. I don't mix up any more than that because the B__gg folks said to not keep it over a week like that. Works great for me and saves a lot of time.
EC: Thanks for finding that out and sharing it with us!