Prostate Cancer
Natural Remedies

Natural Prostate Cancer Treatment

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Dano (Idaho) on 07/12/2021

Supplemental Iodine has helped bring down a high PSA. The prostate is rich in iodine. Drs. Brownstein and Sircus have more info on their sites. Raw dandelion root extract and stinging nettle root extract have both been proven clinically effective at lowering a high PSA. Best wishes for healing.

Posted by Dan (Largo, FL) on 09/16/2006

For a really insightful viewpoint on iodine, check out this lecture by Dr. David Brownstein ( about iodine and its deficiency relationship to Breast Cancer. Note he also suspects an unproven relationship between an iodine deficiency and Prostate Cancer.

He mentions that the Japanese diet includes 14mg per day of iodine on the average (coastal Japanese ingest even more.) The US RDA is 150 ugs (micro grams) per day -- about 100 times less than the Japanese eat -- and the recommended upper level for iodine is no more than 1.1 mg/day, and they estimate the average requirement to be 95 micrograms per day or about 150 times less than the Japanese consume.

The 125mg Kelp tablets that I have from Vitamin Shoppe, have 225 ugs of iodine in them. Thus, to get to the Japanese level of Iodine (14 mg/day), I would have to take 62 of these tablets a day! Dr. Brownstein also states that iodine is stored in the thyroid which requires 6 mg/day and is also stored in a women's breasts and required for proper breast development. The breasts require 5 mg/day for a 110 lb woman.

And catch this... Breast cancer researchers have to starve test animals of iodine in order to be able to induce breast cancer in any significant number of them. Hmmm...

Another 2 mg/day of iodine is required by the adrenals, hypothalamus, pituitary, and other organs. Therefore, the total required iodine for a woman is 5 6 2 = 13 mg/day. The RDA is 150 ugs per day, so a woman would have to take 86 times as much as this to achieve the 13 mg/day needed by her body, and even more if she had a larger body or bigger breasts. A man has smaller breasts and his prostate requires somewhat less iodine than a woman's breasts. However, a man's body is generally larger than 110 lbs, so this would have to be factored into the total requirements for a man.

Dr. Brownstein states, "Over the last 30 years, iodine levels have fallen over 50% in the United States. Breast cancer rates have risen dramatically. Thyroid illness from hypothyroidism, autoimmune including Grave's and Hashimoto's, as well as thyroid cancer has risen dramatically."

Since the Japanese have so much iodine in their bodies (they're ingesting 100X our 150 ug RDA of iodine), and iodine is essential for dealing with radiation exposure, it makes me wonder what might happen happen if there were a mishap involving massive radiation exposure in a country such as ours where the iodine level is so pathetically low.

And this may well be an important consideration, as cancer rates have been shown to rise after radiation has been released into the atmosphere, which apparently happened quite a bit with the use of depleted uranium (DU) weapons in Iraq in 2003. Background radiation levels were measured at many times normal in England (click this link - - and check the graphs) just a few days after the fighting started in Iraq. Cancer rates in Iraq in 2001 were about 10X what they were before Desert Storm where much less DU was used than in 2003. The big problem is that the effects are global (see: So, the problem for us is that the DU rounds burn up or pulverize and tend to stay in the atmosphere, allowing the "aerosol of sub micron" size to enter the slip-stream and come back to America to bite us all.

Therefore, we all need to be aware of any nutritional and purification techniques which will handle radiation.

I've just upped my iodine intake to 1.35 mg/day (6 kelp tablets of 225 ug each) and I feel warmer already (maybe this will help me burn off my excess fat even faster.)


Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 07/11/2021


ORH here and pretty sure I have prostate cancer so I's taking the dog dewormer. Got two friends that have pancreatic cancer and they both are going the allopathic route and both will die an horrific death. John's Hopkins says stage 4 of pancreatic cancer has a 1 % cure rate. I am a simple person and play the odds. 1 % is not too sporty in my book. I have explained it all to them. I have been on this kick for some 15 years and have few converts. They all do what the Allopathic doctors tell them to do. My big problem is my heart. I am in CHF. My electrical doctors have no clue so they want to check out the plumbing thing. I am now doing another 30 EDTA Chelations after I had zero plugage at age 77. You want to start some sheet..... then tell your heart doctor that you are doing chelation. I am just old and it is time for me to die, but I don't want to go out until I squeeze out the last little drop. That is soon.


Replied by Tessa

Hey ORH –

When you mentioned your “electrical doctors”, it made me think of the Bob Beck Protocol using micropulsing (also called blood electrification which sounds rather alarming).

His protocol also uses a magnetic pulse generator (a hand-held instrument that is placed directly over the problem area to create microcurrents).

You mentioned previously that you have a fair number of gadgets so perhaps you have something similar stored away.

Who knows, it just might work.

Regardless of the outcome, ORH, you have done a lot with your life which you shared with the Earth Clinic community – both regaling us with your stories and scolding us for not taking responsibility for our own health.

But, like they say, it ain't over till it's over. Hang in there .. .


Replied by Cynthia
(Los Angeles)

Try reading "Curing with Cayenne" AND/or 1 to 2 cloves of raw garlic. Crush or mince and leave on the cutting board for 10 min then swallow with lukewarm water and cheese with more water because it will burn like a MF. I pray you're here as long as you want to be.🕊


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Diane (Ca.) on 07/11/2021

Editor's Choice

Dear Earth Clinic,

This helped my husband with his prostrate cancer problem and is a true story!

My husband met a Preacher that worked in the Philippines. During their conversation my husband told him about his prostrate cancer and how he might need surgery, the Preacher told him that in the Philippines some people could not afford to go to doctors so they started juicing fruits and vegetables and this juicing was getting the people well from their illnesses!

So my husband started juicing fruits and vegetables.

Recipe for one juice:

Use mostly carrots, a quarter to half a beet, 2 to 3 stalks of celery, and a half to whole cucumber.

The juicing has to be processed in a JUICER not a blender. He also juiced fruits, spinach, or other greens. You can also use raw potato, and raw sweet potato (all good for you).

Drink about 12 ounces 2 times a day at least. My husband did this for one year and when his doctor had him take an MRI before his surgery he called my husband and said; "Don't do anything! Your cancer is so small it will never give you trouble! It's not going to kill you, you will die of something else." And my husband never had the surgery or radiation pellets and is fine today! He has no problem whatsoever with his prostrate! Juicing worked for my husband!

Thanks, Diane

Posted by Guilford (AL) on 07/11/2021 6 posts

I went on a vegetable juice diet when I had prostate cancer. The doctors kept wanting to remove my prostate but they said the cancer was slow growing. I told them I thought my body could heal itself when I ate the right foods. My PSA was higher than normal and they wanted to remove it but my prostate wasn't getting any larger. Finally, they checked after a few years and after a biopsy, the doctor told me to forget about prostate cancer and that I had never had it.

Posted by Mollie (Riverside, Ca.) on 12/29/2011

Hello, My husband has prostrate cancer and was at a Group Meeting for cancer victims.

One man at the meeting was given only 5 months to live because his cancer had spread to all his organs. His wife went out and bought a Juicer and started making him fresh vegetable and fruit juice daily!

Five months later HE WAS STILL ALIVE! When this meeting took place it had been a year and a half since he was diagnosed with his dire condition and the doctors could not understand but HIS TUMORS HAD NEARLY ALL DISAPPEARED!

Also regarding my husband's prostrate cancer:

His prostrate tumors seems to be shrinking since he started a raw fresh cabbage diet as well as juicing.

I make fresh coleslaw daily for him. As he found a study of rats with prostate cancer whose cancer either shrunk or totally disappeared with raw cabbage in their diet!

My husbands PSA reading went from a 9 to a 6!

After about 2 to 3 weeks of eating the coleslaw everyday!

Hope this helps!

Lemon Juice and Baking Soda, Magnesium Chloride

1 User Review
1 star (1) 

Posted by LEWIS (PORT- OF- SPAIN, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO) on 07/03/2009

in january 2009, a friend was diagnosed with prostate cancer. psa 17.1 and gleason score 5.0. he began the lemon juice and one teaspoon of baking soda, together with 125ml magnesium chloride, all in one liter of water, twice per day.

his psa test of april 3, showed a decline from 17.1 to 15.5. he continued the formula, sometimes
raising the baking soda to two teaspoons,thereby raising the urine ph to between 8 and 9, while saliva ph is between 7 and 8. in addition, he indulged the budwig diet of flax oil, cottage cheese, ground flaxseed fortified with lecithin and a banana to enhance taste. the july 1 psa test showed an increase from 15.5 to 15.9.

clearly, something is going wrong. i await your treasured comments and/or advice

in peace profound,

EC: If this is one of Ted from Bangkok's remedies, please email him directly as we no longer forward posts to him. Thanks!

Replied by Nopey
(Arkansas, USA)

That is bad news I have some suggestions since this is obviously not working for your friend. Perhaps try the baking soda and the molasses that has been written about many times. It is said that the sugar in the molasses bings the cancer cells out and the baking soda then attacks it. My father has or better said had prostate cancer and even though he took the hormone route given by the doctor he drank a remedy every night that contain black liquorice extract mixed with alcohol. I will try and get the exact recipe and get back to you. He was actaully was drinking soya milk on reccomendation of his doctor but no longer drinks it. I myself would perhaps not take flax seed oil according to Budwigds protocol since flax seed can affects the hormones and in your freinds case it could be doing the opposite if what he wants. I am female and have seen the effects of flax oil on myself which where positive since my hormones have been all over the place. But as you already know there is a big difference in the male and female endocrine systems.

I was reccomended to take barley powder in attempts to detox from a medication and have been pleasantly surprised that is really does flush the body of unwated toxins. When Itake it the whites of my eyes turn very white.. I say that is a great sign. When i researched the Barley powder I came across a man who beleived it helped cure him of his prostate cancer. I have been trying to get my dad on it but he is as stubborn as a mule;-)

I would also take vitamin q10. I had a hormone specialist who reccomeded that for almost everyone it helped clear her of her breast cancer.

Although I have never had cancer myself but dealt with chronic illness I find this an amazing site especially the studies done on how negative thinking and stress really can make us more sick. I try to apply that to my life every day in comparison to before when I worried on a daily basis which really did make me more ill. I have never ordered anything from this site so i can not reccomend any products.

Good luck with your friend and best wishes.

P.s. Lechithin is made from soya and there are plenty of contradictions that soya can make prostate cancer worse. Even though my father drank soya for a short time during his treatment i would personally stay away from it. Thats just my opinion.

Replied by LEWIS

To, nopey, of arkansas usa. thank you for your response; i have advised my friend to
discontinue the lecithin, and to subsitute the molasses for the lemon juice. he has
agreed. i will post again when he pepeats the psa test.

thank you so much for the suggestions.

in peace profound,


Replied by LEWIS

Nopey, i will endeavour to get the barley powder for him as well.

sincere thanks again.


Replied by Nopey
(Arkansas, USA)

Dear Lewis, I wish you and your freind good health. I posted a link about curing cancer naturally but the link was removed according to Earth clinics rules and regulations. Which are great rules since there are so many people trying to cheat and sell today on the web. But do some searches on the subject and then you will come across how barley affects cancer and also the paricular baking soda remedy that the italian doctor came up with. I will find out the recipe of the drink my dad took. Good to get off the lechitin and personally like I said before I would not touch the flax seed oil. But do some research for your friend since I guess one never really knows. Although I am a firm beleiver in natural cures my father took a combination cure for his prostate cancer as I said before. It seemed to have worked brilliantly. He took the hormone route but it was interesting when I was in London I met one of the most famous cancer surgeons through a friend and he was shocked when I told him about my dad taking the hormone treatment..this doctor swears by cutting it out when it comes to cancer and has a great success rate doing it that way. I guess at the end of the day one has to feel themselves what is the best thing to do. One thing is for sure is to enjoy the small things in life and try not to worry because it REALLY will make you sick!

Please keep me updated,

Best wishes!!

Mastic Gum

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ken (Torrance, CA) on 06/29/2007

I had severe acid reflux and ulcers. I took mastic gum by Now co. There are other companies too. I took capsules. It WILL cure both ailments,but you must keep taking it until you get symptons vanish -of course! It has been shown to fight prostate cancer. See net for tests and research. Great substance if one stays with it. A million times better than baking soda!

Replied by Zark
(Emerald City)

I found that I could buy cheap Mastic gum online by looking for the greek version of this which is used in their recipes. 50grams for AUD$28. They call it "mastiha" powder and add it to a range of things, including alcohol.. but mastiha powder is the same thing.

H Pylori is known to cause colon cancer, it is possible that it may be causing prostate cancer too.

Multiple Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by GC (Ashland, Oregon) on 08/02/2018

Multiple cures for prostate cancer

I had a significant amount of blood in the semen after several years of an enlarged prostate. Over a three week period of no sugar, carbs or alcohol, juicing huge quantities of raw vegetables, eating large amounts of raw ginger and turmeric, as well as a baking soda/blackstrap molasses protocol over an eleven day period and taking 1000 mg of niacinamide per day and Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex for parasites, I am clear.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/22/2017


HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN,,,,,,, me, I'm back in control. The Oncologist told me today that the only way to determine if I have cancer or not is to do a biopsy . I don't know much, but I do know that cancer mastastizes when it gets too dense or a dumb ass doctor takes a biopsy. Either way it turns all hell loose in your body. I am such a Redneck that I don't buy in. I choose to cure my problem by natural means and let my immune system do the dirty work. Or..... I go out naturally. Hell man, I'm 80 and that is far better than most. I'm running out of crap to do. I just keep repeating and repeating. I think the bugger is bottled up in my prostate so why not leave it there and attack it using pH, ORP, ozone, juicing and such. Know I've 'bout worn all out on this subject. I'm in deep dodo, but I don't look at it that way. This is just another challenge in life. It is a thrilling thing to accept and win or lose. I am not going to get hoof and mouth disease. No pity party. I am going to have a ball understanding and defeating this problem. Follow me and learn what to do or what not to do. I've told all that since my first post many years ago.

ATS ======ORH========

Replied by Wendy
(Columbus, Oh)

Hi ORH! I've been enjoying your posts :-) Don't forget to add turmeric with organic unrefined virgin coconut oil to your supplement regimen!

Replied by Rsw

Hi Robert Henry,

Thought you might be interested in this story by Phil Flournoy, a survivor of prostate cancer who used three alternative items to rid himself of this cancer, modified citrus pectin, low dose naltrexone and Vitamin D. You probably have the Vitamin D in your body at high numbers, but the other two things may be something new to bring to the game. This excerpt on Google Books is from "Good News for People with Bad News" by Nyema Hermiston, RN, ND.

Best wishes.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

ORH, you inspire us whippersnappers!

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

Rsw,,,,,,,,, wow, wow, wow is all I can say. I followed your URL and I bought in, hook, line and sinker. This guy's cancer journey was totally mind boggling and I have added those items to my protocol. He sounds like an iron ass like me and did not let the PC doctors deter him.

You have done me a great service and I thank you. You have also helped others if they will just read with an open mind. You don't post often, but when you do, it is always a home run. You must read a lot.

Yo Buddy =====ORH======

Replied by Margeaux
(Los Angeles, Ca)


I'm relatively new to Earthclinic as a poster. Used to read all the time. Thanks for all the info. you share with so many. I truly admire your spirit, "no pity party, " but rather searching and finding other ways to deal with your condition.

I'll keep a look out for your posts.

Hugs, Margeaux

Replied by Rsw

Hi Robert Henry,

I hope Phil's protocol works out well for you. All of us on Earth Clinic need to hear your advice and stories for at least 25 more years!

The one thing I have noticed in the last seven years, over and over again, is that the people who recover from cancer on LDN and continue to take it, like Phil, do well. Those who listen to their doctors "All Clear" and stop the LDN when declared cured, seem to relapse because it is the LDN that is modulating the immune system and enabling it to keep things in balance. I feel this is an important observation worth mentioning. And as always, the only thing that cannot be taken with LDN is opiate based drugs, (they both compete for the same receptors and LDN will always win, stopping the opiate from working, or throwing a long-term opiate user into a dangerous withdrawal) so if you anticipate surgery that would need opiates after, stop LDN a few days to a week before the procedure and resume after all opiates are out of your system.

Take care, and God bless.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U Rsw,,,,,,,,, saw my well read Pharmacist church friend today and she brought me the book on the evolution of LDN. It takes brave doctors to buck the system and the internet and EC are going to help them free up the system.

Her husband is a Radiologist and they are 180 apart, but happily married for some 40+ years. I told her that he is an MD at the right time because all their money grubbing is going to cease. Folks will just go to another country. Like India, Japan, China and guess what ......Cuba. They are light years ahead of us in the use of Ozone and other non FDA approved stuff.

Other countries go for solutions, and we pick our nose while folks die waiting on the process to catch up. With my shot gun method, I seldom know what truly solved my problem. It is solved and that's all that matters to me. I usually have a pretty good clue. If I sound pumped, that's because I am. I's 'bout half smart, but like Hillary says ... "it takes a village". And my village is EC.

My goal is to be around 12 more years, but your 25 years has my mind spinning. That, my dear, would be a project... for certain.

ATS =====ORH====

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ning (Springfield, Missouri) on 12/30/2012

Update on my husband 's prostate anyway, he completely quit taking everything for almost 1 yr, because we were out of the country for awhile , and where we lived b4 molasses was not available , so with apricot seeds and other supplements, went back to the states in march of 2012 and had his psa test, the result was up and just kept on going up, last psa test was in sept 2012 and the doctor told him that he needs to see a urologists because his psa reading is 6.79 so what I did I went to work and research, and I followed everything what other people are saying here abt cayenne pepper caps 3x a day, saw palmetto , vitamin D and he also use natural progesterone creme and lots of raw cabbage, (I made lots vegetable juice, coleslaw, ) and of course lots of prayers, and after 30 days had his psa test done and it was 5.00 , thnx again earthclinic for your amazing site and the input fr other people. God bless us all and happy new year!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Michael (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/20/2009

I stumbled upon this, supposedly from UCLA and Univ. of Cal. Any earthclinic experiences out there?

"Pomegranate boosts sex drive and fights prostate cancer."

Luckily, I'm far from prostate cancer, but I can confirm that pomegranate juice indeed seemed to increase my sex drive.

"The new research incorporated 53 male subjects with libido problems. After a month, about 50 % of the subjects said that their sexual performances increased after consuming pomegranate juice."

"A quarter of litter of pomegranate juice daily raised the stability period of prostate cancer by 4 times, with such a significant effect... "

Preparing for a PSA test

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jeanie (Ca) on 06/30/2017

Editor's Choice

Preparing for a PSA test

My husband went for a long overdue physical. He is healthy and on no medications. The doctor gave him an exam and sent him directly to the lab for blood work. When his PSA result came back it was at a disturbing 9.34. The doctor referred him to a urologist at a cancer institute. The appointment was 3 weeks away.

He started right away to alkalize his body with the baking soda (1/2 teaspoon) and molasses (1 tablespoon) remedy twice a day. He also limited acidic causing foods. He started taking 1 cayenne pepper capsule, 1 Turmeric, and 1 garlic capsule twice a day, and Saw Palmetto once a day.

The urologist did a digital exam (DE) and told my husband to be retested, but had him wait 6 days before the test. He explained that the DE itself raises the PSA results. He explained that the prostate is so sensitive that it takes very little to agitate it. So, after research here are some other things my husband did for six days.

No bicycle or motorcycle riding. No sex. He wore loose fitting pants. He did not mow our lawns because he uses a rider mower. He also went fasting to the test.

The results came back yesterday at 3.6. A great number for someone 73 years old! The urologist had told him that he did not expect the number to change very much and was already discussing a biopsy.

Men, insist that you are either able to have blood work before the exam or are able to wait at least 4 days after a digital exam before being tested.

Thank you Earth Clinic for a place to come for empowering ideas!

Replied by JJ

Prostate cancer screening and early detection does NOT save men's lives. Let's do the math. Per the USPSTF (a US government health agency): “A small benefit and known harms from prostate cancer screening” and “Only one man in 1,000 could possibly have a life saving benefit from screening”. However about 1.3 to 3.5 deaths per 1,000 from prostate blind biopsies. Also 5 men in 1000 died and 20.4% had one or more complications within 30 days of a prostatectomy. This does not include deaths and injuries from other procedures, medical mistakes, increased suicide rate, ADT therapy complications, heart attracts, depression, etc, caused by prostate cancer screening and treatments. Detection and overtreatment for prostate cancer has killed or destroyed millions of men's lives worldwide from understated and multiple undisclosed side effects. The doctor that invented the PSA test, Dr. Richard Ablin now calls it: “The Great Prostate Mistake”, “Hoax” and “A Profit Driven Public Health Disaster”.

My story:

Recommended books:

The Great Prostate Hoax by Richard Ablin MD (the inventor of the PSA test)

The Big Scare, The Business of Prostate Cancer by Anthony Horan MD.

Pro Immune

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Bryon (Nd) on 02/09/2025

My PSA has been up and down over the last 7 years. I was told by my primary that PSA velocity was a bad sign for cancer. Did some research and found out there were some study's that showed the faster it goes up the more lethal it is. But there are other studies that show that is not the case. Well I start eating more eggs about 7 years ago and taking Selenium about a year ago. I then found out that Selenium supplements and eggs are linked to cause more aggressive prostate and other cancers. But there are also studies that say it isn't true. I stopped taking Selenium and eating egg yokes a few days ago. I started taking Pro Immune. I have an urologist appointment on Thursday and I'm scared to death. Since I got the covid vaccine I was told my body doesn't create Glutathione to fight cancer and that Pro Immune would help. I know 5.7 is not as high as others I have seen on here, but how fast it has gone up and the fact that I was eating eggs and taking Selenium has me concerned. I was also told caster oil coconut oil suppository a mixture of 50/50 is supposed to work on Prostate cancer but I haven't seen anything on here yet. I'm going to ask for a 4K score test I think they will do it Thursday but maybe I should wait since I just got off of Selenium and eggs. I did take antibodies for prostatitis. My PSA went from 6.1 to 5.7, and my primary doctor said that wasn't enough of a decline, so I have to see a Urologist.

11/12/2018 2.3

08/25/2020 3.4

10/29/2020 4.1

02/04/2021 3.7

06/03/2021 3.4

09/13/2022 3.5

11/28/2023 4.0

10/29/2024 6.1

01/17/2025 5.7

Replied by Bryon

My appointment is on Friday not Thursday. I started taking Lycopene 20 MG twice a day. Before I consumed 2 cans of tomato juice that seemed to lower my PSA those have 20 MG of Lycopene each. Do not take Pro Immune. I googled the ingredients Glycine, Glutamine, and Cystine it does make Glutathione but it can also help the cancer. No tumor was detected on any of my exams. There podcast says you can take it as long as you aren't on chemo therapy and it's supposed to zap cancer.

Prostate Tumor Formula

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mortie (Las Vegas, NV) on 04/25/2008


Diindoly Methane (DIM) 100 mg. * Chrysin 500 mg. Nettle Root 250 mg. Bioperine 10 mg. * Phytosterol Complex 937 mg. * (BETA-SITOSTEROL 375 MG.) Lycopene 30 mg. Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 1,000 mg. Curcumin 1,500 mg. ** Selinium 200 mcg. Vitamin-D 200 IU Genistein Soy Complex 1000 mg. * Saw Palmetto 160 mg.

The above formula is taken twice daily (2 times the above total).

Items marked "*" can be purchased at

Items marked "**" can be purchased at

Nettle Root can be purchased at

A source for Chrysin can be obtained from a Google search. Lycopene, selenium, Vitamin C and E can be purchased at Wal-Mart.. .

The above should be supplemented with a good Vitamin-Mineral formula. NOTHING SHOULD BE LEFT OUT OF THIS FORMULA, except as indicated by your health care provider. The above FORMULA and statements have not been evaluated by the Food And Drug Administration. This FORMULA is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Replied by Pjjp75
(Chicago, Il, U.S.A.)

Mortie, Can you please tell me where I can find this prostate formula?

Replied by Bryon

I don't have a tumor so nothing to shrink. I have consumed tomato juice for a week straight before a PSA test and it dropped my PSA. I worry I'm taking supplements to lower my PSA levels all the while I might have prostate cancer and it's progressing to later stages.

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