Prostate Cancer
Natural Remedies

Natural Prostate Cancer Treatment

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Budwig Diet

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Ron (Johnson City, TN) on 10/18/2005

How I Reduced My PSA Level by over 50% without Prescription Drugs: From November 1998 to early November 1999, my PSA level climbed from 1.7 to 5.1, and a month later jumped to 6.15. My doctor made an appointment with a urologist, who said that my prostate was slightly enlarged and scheduled me for a biopsy to test for prostate cancer in early December 1999. During my discussion with the urologist, he indicated that there was considerable research that showed a high correlation between consumption of red meat and that of cancer, in general, including prostate cancer.

In the meantime, I became aware of the work of Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and Nobel prize nominee, who did extensive research in the benefits of flaxseed oil combined with sulphurated protein in the diet. She helped many seriously ill individuals, who had been given up as terminal, to regain their health. The program that she used was flaxseed oil blended with quark, the German form of cottage cheese.

In early December 1999, I began a program of flaxseed oil and low fat cottage cheese. Specifically, in the morning, I took five doses, each consisting of two 1,000 mg softgels of flaxseed oil with one teaspoon of low fat cottage cheese. I repeated this in the evening, so that my total daily dosage was twenty softgels of flaxseed oil and ten teaspoons of low fat cottage cheese. In the one year since I began this program, my PSA level has dropped from 6.15 to 2.4. I have now reduced my total daily dosage to two softgels of flaxseed oil and one teaspoon of low fat cottage cheese.

The source for the flaxseed oil that I used is Nature's Distributors, Inc., phone number 1-800-624-7114, or on the internet at This company often sells many of their products at a 2 for 1 price. If you call them, ask about their new Vita-Flax product, which is available in 1 lb. containers. This product is not only more economical, but it also replaces both the flaxseed oil AND the cottage cheese. It is also claimed to be superior in many ways to the flaxseed oil, since it is lower in fat and is rich in soluble fiber and also contains lignans, which reportedly have significant anti-cancer properties.

CONCLUSION: In my case, I was able to reduce my PSA level by over 50% without surgery or prescription drugs. The only change that I made besides the program described above is that I reduced my intake of red meat in favor of fish and poultry.

Replied by Bob
(Brisbane, Australia)

you could try calcium hypochorite powder .. it is cheap and easily purchased from your local pool chemical shop. A google search on Jim Humble will bring up further details . I gave the info to a friend, he has had an infection on his arm causing a lot of discomfort and Drs have tried treating it for over 8 years ... it was completely healed in just over a week. His brother has prostate problems and he has started using it with good results, Do some research first, according to Jim Humble he first used it to treat Prostate cancer with great success

Replied by Sam

Last week there was a free 11 days online marathon "the truth about cancer" organized by Ty Bollinger. He interviewed 51 medical doctor who left allopatic medicine , refused to participate in today's medicine madness and devoted themselves to real healing. Each part is more than an hour long and covers so much about cancer, that no one should miss it, no matter how much you already know about cancer, any cancer. I believe it is about $5 per episode now, to cover expenses. May be some of it is still free. It s such a small price to pay for the knowledge you receive. Do NOT skip part one. You will be amazed to hear some new information that was not covered anywhere else. Episodes from 6 forward are for those who already have cancer, had treatment, etc. Listen to it, what do you have to lose other than cancer. By the way hardly anyone knows what cancer is. They will explain in such way, you will understand. Only you can beat cancer empowered by knowledge, no one else.


4 User Reviews
5 star (3) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 10/02/2013

Hi Cayenne Pepper in Prostate Cancer was proved to completely treat 89% of long standing cases, Organic powder form, or the fresh Peppers. Give him either a level teaspoon in warm water at least four times a day, and you can put it in his food as well. With the fresh pepper's, cut the whole pod length ways, take the seed' out and let it stand in boiled distilled water for a few minutes until it's just warm enough to drink, four times a day as well. These can also be added to food, and is hotter than the powder (Organic again). Myself and a few other friends have treated Siatica by hanging upside down on an Inversion Table, start off with a minute or two until he gets used to it for a few days then five a few times a day. None of this will harm him, and once used to it me and a few of my friends used to fall asleep hanging there!! There is people on youtube of a good age, late 60s and older who have been using this method for all sorts of reasons, anti inflammitories aren't much help and cause there own problems, and usually the first thing DR's prescribe for this. Inversion Therapy is widely used for physical and mental problem's by load's of people. Hipocraties pratically invented Inversion Therapy by hanging people upside down by their ankles from a ladder, so it's nothing new, and has been used for a long time. Fish Oil is also beneficial for Prostrate cancer, and this will prove a point, the Pharmacutical companies spread a rumour it was negative for Prostrate cancer, but one of their own DRs blew the whistle that they were spreading lies, because it worked, and Cancer is a huge money spinner for those sicko's!! If I knew 6 years ago what I know now, both my parents would still be alive. Its basically not the Cancer that kills, but the Cancer treatments. I hope this is of help to you. I could't save my Mum and Dad as I did not have this knowledge then, but I sure as hell do not want to see others and their family suffer like this. I made it my mission to try and help other people as well as myself and I spend hour's researching about any thing and every thing as well as trying to fix myself. I hope this help's your Father. If he can't hang from an Inversion table, I used to lay on as steep a slope as possible with my head at the lower end, and my feet facing the higher part face up, this helped greatly when there was no Inversion table around. You can also raise one en of the bed to a tilt, and do it on the bed, but make sure he doesn't slide off. Love Andrea C xxxx

Posted by Tom (Ann Arbor, Mi) on 07/05/2012

After reading some of the comments regarding cayenne pepper use for prostate cancer, I found this site that appears to have credible information about the use of cayenne pepper. Very Convincing. I currently have prostititis and do not want to take antibiotics again (! ) as recommended by my urologist. I'm on the hunt for more holistic approaches.

Here's the link:

I have slow growing cancer and will go to great lengths to avoid unnecessary treatment. I've discovered my medical system will give me all the tests/procedures I consent to. This surrender is over.

Good luck to all. Keep up the fight.

Replied by Raltegravir

Zecyte 250mg Tablet is utilized for treating a particular kind of prostate cancer that has spread to different pieces of the body. It is utilized alongside prednisone, asteroid. Abiraterone is a sort of chemical treatment. Clinical preliminaries are additionally utilizing abiraterone for prior phases of prostate cancer and progressed breast cancer.

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 12/14/2011

The guy that posted the cure took 6x600mg tablets of cayenne daily that were rated at 10000 scofeild units.. For a couple of weeks then dropped the dose by half. If you google cayenne and prostate cancer his blog comes up. There's other information which seems to suggest it attacks other cancers besides prostate, by causing the cells to go into suicide mode.

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 08/14/2011

I would get some cayenne capsules and take 500mg of the hottest variety you can get hold of. The reason being that it sends prostate cancer cells into suicide mode and its starting to look like it does it to other types as well.

Replied by Prostate Daughter
(Dubai, Uae)

Hey Gavin, a close relative of mine has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate ca which has metastasised to lymph nodes. He is on anti androgen injections and will have palliative radiotherapy in September but he cannot be ' cured' due to sites of metastasis. Have heard a lot about baking soda remedy and encouraging him to try ( why not huh?) and heard about cayenne, can you do both together? Although he is 70 he is fit and we'll, only diagnosed by chance as he got a pain in his hip after coming off the treadmill and rowers, turned out to be cancer not a pulled muscle : (

Replied by Gavin
(Manganui, Northland, New Zealand)

Yes definiatly cayenne as much as he can take, get him to knock off all dairy as well. When I had my prostate op. 12 years back I cut out cows milk, and take a bit of cayenne everyday. Ive also added the beet apple and carrot juice into the scenario. (just to cover all bases) As the beet is so potent it will go everywhere in the body. Dont worry about the red urine as it looks a bit freaky, but you know that the prostate and bladder are getting bathed in the strong antioxidant that is in the beet and so is everywhere else in the body. The red urine seems to show up after a couple of cups a day. But cayenne will kill of any new tumors. I foget the recomended dose, I think for the first few days its about three teaspoons, and urine flow goes back to normal on the fouth day. Google "cayenne and prostate cancer" theres a chap there with the dosage. The modern rise in prostate cancer has the same rise as breast cancer, (as per the graph) it looks like the same thing is causing the spike, which is most likely the high oestrogen levels in modern milk supplies.

Replied by Zark

This is working! Thank you thank you thank you!! I was really worried.

A bit of history:
I have had inflammation in my prostate for going on about 10 years. Up until the last 8-10 months or so the pain had always been restricted to just where my prostate is, on rare occasion it caused blood in my urine, and also gave some issues with urination.
After fooling around with some antifungal compounds (Lufenuron being one) I found that these helped, but only temporarily. A few months after that experimentation the pain started to spread out from the prostate into the left and right flanks of my abdomen.

I am currently taking half to one teaspoon chile pepper mixed in a glass of water (cold or luke warm). Drink it straight away, and then drink a little of plain water to rinse the taste out. It isn't as bad as it sounds.

Just minutes later the abdominal pain became a bit sharper and then disappeared. I found that the chile remedy works for about 8 hours, so I am taking this with water every 4 hours at the moment.

I tried making chile pills and taking this with food, but I must say that taking the chile with water is more effective, and not nearly as difficult as I imagined. Since I was only taking the chile pills three times a day I found that this was insufficient for me.

Replied by Zark
(Emerald City)

Oops spoke too soon. Sorry EC, I have to change my vote above to "Better but not cured".

Chilli definitely helped me, and was working very well for roughly 2 week, after that the affect wore off :'(. My body seems to have become accustomed to it now. Perhaps I should have been more aggressive!

The pains have been moving through my abdomen, and now into my hip.. that started after a big flare up from eating ripe bananas. It really loves the sugar. No matter, my Kombucha is still working well, and I am getting better at identifying foods that feed this (sugar and cheese are the worst). I have also learnt by observation that the Kombucha I take needs to be nice and sour, and that the first ferment stage works best.

Posted by Paul (Nashville, Tn Usa) on 12/15/2010

How long did the cayenne user take his doses before his prostate numbers were down? I am currently a prostate cancer sufferer, and I have been using essiac tea along with baking soda/maple syrup with what appears to be some results (a 2 point drop in my psa over a six month period). Also just started with h2o2 inhaler.

Posted by Paul Blake HMD (Lake Elsinore, Ca) on 03/24/2008

I have been reading your readers' emails and I wanted to make some comments about Cayenne Pepper. Cayenne is one of my favorate herbs for myself and my clients. I had prostate cancer 18 years ago and I cured it naturally using herbs, cleansing and diet only. For the cancer I used the John Ray Christopher method of cayenne tea with a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in warm water 3 times daily. Today I still use one or more teaspoons daily in my food at every meal. Just recently I received a call from a Doctor of Chinese medicine who was throwing up blood from ulcers. As I alway do I suggested cayenne capsuls using 100,000 heat units plus. He could not believe that this would work but he took my advice and within a few days his problem was over. Of course I also gave him some advice on changing diet and lifestyle. In my 18 years as a naturopahtic healer I have used cayenne many times for bleeding ulcers. Cayenne also works great for emphysema sufferors, I have seen patients get off oxygen bottles and out of wheelchairs. But the person with the disease must go beyond the herb for the disease and look at the way they eat and their lifestyle. If they do not change their life the disease will appear somewhere else in another form.

Replied by Reed
(South Sioux City, Ne)

Hi Paul, I am a 48 year old thats been suffering with prostate issue for a long time and I saw your meassage on Cayenne pepper and that you are a naturopahtic healer and would apprieate it if I could talk to you about my prostate issue. My prostate keeps me up at night because I can't empty my bladder. thanks

Replied by Johnson
(Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria)

Please I want more information on how to use cayenne pepper to reduce my enlarged prostrate gland. At the age of 67, I have enlarged prostrate gland and for the past three(3) months have been catheter. I spent 3 weeks at a sanitorium in Nigeia and was discharged against my will because I desire to leave there with a reduced prostrate gland. I don't want to go for surgery though sometime I bleed just a little. My PSA is 4.0. Please help me with proven cures using cayenne pepper with or without other natural herbs.

Yours truly

Replied by Coolboot
(Washington, Dc, District Of Columbia)

I am also using cayenne pepper regularly as treatment for enlarged prostate.

Twenty-five years ago, a urologist wanted to put me in the hospital to cut my prostate because my test results were high (at that time about 4. 5). I told him I'd "sleep on it" and passed. Then I started taking Saw Palmetto, about 450 mg twice daily. For 25 years this has been my remedy and has allowed me to urinate relatively freely, until recently, when my urine stream began to weaken and my bladder never seemed completely empty.

The last BPH(?) test showed my prostate had grown larger (test results had increased to about 10. 5). I continued using saw palmetto, but was getting up at night every two hours to urinate and could not completely empty my bladder. Annoying to say the least.

Then, about 3 months ago, I began following the cayenne pepper protocol:

1) one heaping tsp. cayenne with

2) fresh squeezed juice of one-half lemon in

3) Five or six ounces lukewarm water mixed well

every morning on an empty stomach.

It was suggested I try this "if you're man enough" and I tried. I have always been fond of hot and spicey foods, being particularly enamored of hot and spicey Thai and other Oriental dishes, but the cayenne and lemon juice in warm water was a shock!

It took about 5 or 6 days of ingesting this concoction regularly every morning before I was really "man enough" to swig it down every day without choking or wincing or sneezing uncontrollably!

Now I find that my urinating is more completely emptying my bladder, that I don't get up nearly so much during the night, and I am also experiencing much more vigor and energy.

I am scheduled for updating prostate lab tests early next year and am anxious to see if my results validate this therapy. I can hear the urologist now saying "Whatever you're doing, it's working well, so keep it up."

I am recovering from a heart attack (two years ago), with 100 % occlusion of my right coronary artery. I am convinced that the cayenne protocol is also helping me to flush the plaque out of my arteries to allow the blood to flow more freely. I would say cayenne pepper allows the blood to flow more freely throughout the body's systems and carry more oxygen where it's needed at the cellular level.

Here's to better health, all of you! Take the cayenne pepper remedy - "if you're man enough! " Give it a try for at least a week or two to experience the results.

Replied by Gavin
(Manganui, Northland, New Zealand)

Thanks for your feedback on cayenne, the reports back on the regime, are starting to look like, it's a good treatment for problems with regards to the prostate. There's good research linking it with the ability to attack leukemic and lung cancer cells as well.

Replied by James
(Eau Claire, Wi)

I don't know the efficacy of humic acid. But I've heard that saw palmetto, pygeum, and stinging nettle are herbs that can help with prostate health problems. Even green tea helps because it's rich in antioxidants. There's a product that contains Beta Sitosterol, an ester that's clinically proven to promote prostate health. In my opinion though, it's safer to talk to a healthcare professional before taking any herbs or other supplements, especially if you aren't sure about their usefulness!

Replied by Ronald
(New York City)

I have had a PSA jump from 6 to 25 in two months 2.5 years after radiation and implant therapy. Want to know about cayenne pepper as a possible therapy

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Ronald from NY/ PSA increase:

By all means try the cayenne; and I presume you're doing the saw palmetto and all the other herbals that can help reduce prostate size.

Consider mild infection possibilities too. Cayenne might help with infection but colloidal silver taken over a week, twice daily, about a tablespoon per dose could help with a possible infection.

Don't take too much time with remedies on that kind of PSA jump. Right there in Manhattan is Dr Nick Gonzales. Google him just using his name and his web site appears. Gonzales will test to see if there are any indications of tumor growth and would treat you with nutrients/ glandulars and enzymes... Part of his program but the most important is he'd put you on "pancreatin" to deal with the tumor (that is part of the protocol). And a lot of it. Gonzales is non invasive but if you have the results of a needle biopsey that would help. The more info the better. But if this were me, and in fact it was me, six years ago, I'd forego the regular medical and go to Gonzales. And his program does not only deal with the single issue. What he does for you will help the entire system... I mean "whole body" system.


Replied by Paul Blake HMD
(Lake Elsinore, Ca)

I have been reading your readers' emails and I wanted to make some comments about Cayenne Pepper. Cayenne is one of my favorite herbs for myself and my clients. I had prostate cancer 18 years ago and I cured it naturally using herbs, cleansing and diet only. For the cancer I used the John Ray Christopher method of cayenne tea with a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in warm water 3 times daily. Today I still use one or more teaspoons daily in my food at every meal. Just recently I received a call from a Doctor of Chinese medicine who was throwing up blood from ulcers. As I alway do I suggested cayenne capsules using 100,000 heat units plus. He could not believe that this would work but he took my advice and within a few days his problem was over. Of course I also gave him some advice on changing diet and lifestyle. In my 18 years as a naturopathic healer I have used cayenne many times for bleeding ulcers. Cayenne also works great for emphysema sufferers, I have seen patients get off oxygen bottles and out of wheelchairs. But the person with the disease must go beyond the herb for the disease and look at the way they eat and their lifestyle. If they do not change their life the disease will appear somewhere else in another form.

Cayenne, Apple and Beet Juice

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Gavin (Northland, New Zealand) on 12/16/2013

I've hung off posting until I had heard some feedback. Within weeks of each other I heard that two of my in laws had developed prostate Cancer. One had a T.U.R.P. and when it was analysed they found 25% Cancer. He was a very worried guy as he had problems peeing. I told him that since my problem I had been using Cayenne, on a daily basis and had no problems in the 12 years since I had the same operation. So I suggested he Take Cayenne and a 50/50 juice of apple and Red Beet. Six weeks later he went for a biopsy, the Doc took thirteen biopsies in various places within the prostate. they all came back negative and clear with a Previous Psa test of 0.1.

I gave the same advice to the other in law, Apparently the cancer had got outside the Prostate, I've just heard back on him, and he is now clear as well. According to the Science the Cayenne strips the cancer cells wall, and the apple and beet seem to do the rest. If the urine turns red its a good indication that the juice is getting everywhere, this is a good indicator and is harmless. So the message is drink enough till the urine shows red.

This is anecdotal but it seems the Cayenne, works on other Cancer cells as well. It would be good to get some more feedback on this, as it seems that there is something cheap that actually might work.

Replied by Marge
(Nashville, Tn)

Could you specify how much cayenne and beet juice you take each day? My husband has prostate cancer which has spread to bone. Thanks!

Replied by Gavin
(Northland, New Zealand)

The guy who worked out the Cayenne regime for prostate cancer had a blog, with questions and answers but to my memory he worked the dosage up to about two teaspoons a day. it has a few reports and questions.

Replied by Zark
(Emerald City)

>> "Could you specify how much cayenne and beet juice you take each day?"

I can only comment on the cayenne (chilli) part of this.

One half teaspoon of ground chilli in a cup of cold water was good enough for me. I took this every 4 hours, and set a timer to remind me. After drinking the chilli I would drink a teeny bit of juice or kombucha to clear my mouth. The kombucha is quite helpful too, but not nearly as powerful as chilli!

Also made chilli capsules using a capsule machine (not expensive, look on ebay). One dose is about 6 of those. The capsules are an OK way, but mixing in water seems to work better.

I bought common chilli powder from a chinese grocer.. you guys call it "cayenne" but in Australia we always just say chilli *shrug* :-).

All my best wishes of health and healing to you.

Chia Seeds

Posted by Jason (Peoria, Az) on 02/09/2011

Hello, I have heard that some 2004 study concluded that Chia seed puts males at a higher risk of prostate cancer if consumed on a regular basis. I also have heard that Chia seed is a "superfood" that has a ton of vitamins/minerals and is wonderful for our health.

Is Chia seed good or bad for prostate health? And also general health too? I have taken it and it has worked wonders for my mood and energy.

Sincerely, Jason

Essiac Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Joy (Denver, CO) on 05/25/2009

After reading your post it reminded me of my step-dad, Walt, who passed away in 03 of brain cancer. Originally it started as prostate ('98) and then progressed to bone and then to brain. He had the prostate cancer for many years and managed to keep it under control via many different methods like... doctor recommendatations such as radiation implants, stricter diet protocals, those big ole crazy mushrooms that you grow and then drink in a tea - Gombocha.. I think.

In the beginning of '02 he was diagnosed as having bone cancer, so the cancer had progressed significantly. He was given a year to live. At that point, or somewhat thereafter, he began the Essiac Tea. Throughout that year he had very little pain. We were all so thankful and amazed that his pain levels were so manageable, as bone cancer is supposed to be awfully pain-filled - according to his doctors.

Sadly in the middle of that year he left off making and drinking the tea due to his father coming down sick and needing a caretaker. Within 4 months he was diagnosed with brain cancer. (I had never heard that if you leave off taking the Essiac your cancer will progress with a vengence, but that seems to be the case with my Dad too!) He passed in January of '03.

I must say that I believe in the power of Essiac tea. I think it caused my Dad to have a much more pain free and liveable life during his last year. I mean he was super active until about 2 months before the end.

Please read "Calling of an Angel" by Gary Glum. It's an interesting book that describes the origin of Essiac tea. There are lots of people out there who want to capitalize on Essiac, but they are not doing/selling it the way Rene (the discoverer) would have done it. Never use a tincture. You must use the dried herbs and follow Rene's recipe! Also I believe that this website - - is quite informative regarding the actual original prescribed doseage.

May God bless you in your search for healing!

Fenbendazole and B17 Amygdalin

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by AZJJ (AZ) on 04/08/2024

As part of getting ready for old guy prostate surgery, a TURP, I had a PSA test, came back high at "9". UroDoc quickly ordered a MRI. Since most guys my age have "some" cancer in their prostate, it will likely lead to a needle biopsy, then... who knows... radiation? Chemo? I did a lot of research and found a great article that really helped me chill:

I also found amazing information on both Fenbendazole and B17 Amygdalin, as excellent cancer killers, with many testimonials confirming cures from various serious cancers. Look for info and videos from G. Edward Griffin, who wrote "A world without cancer" and John Robinson on B17... info on Fenbendazole can be found mostly on sites like Bitchute that don't censor info for Big Pharma...

I do not believe that I have prostate cancer, but due to the PSA test, which I will soon repeat on my own, outside of the UroDoc's office... I will probably refuse the MRI... but I will take both Fenben and B17 as preventive measures... at 67... only makes sense. B17 can solve a lot of other problems too... look into both!!

Replied by RB
(Somewhere in Europe)
85 posts

AZJJ, Kudos to you for avoiding MDs and their 3-step process that can ruin your life and eventually kill you. Their step #1 is the PSA test. Their step 2 is the biopsy/MRI/CT. Their step 3 is the Prostate Surgery.

Learn from the example of a friend of mine who trusted Medical Doctors too much. Foolishly he submitted to an MD, and the Medical Cartel's 3-step process, and the MDs ruined his life and very quickly killed him. He could have lived for another 50 additional years. But no, he did not, because he wanted to diagnose and treat his prostate cancer that did not need any diagnosis or treatment.

AZJJ, Stop worrying, and start living. Those PSA values are irrelevant and meaningless. But, if, in the highly unlikely event, you do have a prostate cancer, then usually it needs neither diagnosis, nor treatment, as most of us will die with it, but not because of it.

Flax Seeds

Posted by Lori (Orlando, FL) on 03/23/2009

Flax seed use with Prostate Cancer:

This question is for Ted-

My father has prostate cancer, he had the HIFU treatment last year. His PSA was just done and has jumped from 1.4 to 10.7 in just 3 months. In November 2008, I encouraged him to start taking ground flax seed meal daily. I have recently read conflicting articles on the use of flax seed meal with prostate problems (estrogen). I'm thinking maybe the flax seed is responsible for the recent elevated PSA? I'm hoping you could shed some light on that. He also currently takes Vit C, D3, E, fish oil, selenium. He is drinking ACV and alkaline water (bought an alkalizer). I need to harp on him for his sweet tooth, so I'm sure there is a candida issue.

Replied by Laggibs
(Bukidnon, , Philippines)

My brother has Prostate glands problem, please advice, what herbal could do to alleviate/cure the ailment?

Replied by Leslie
(New Castle, Pa)

Saw Palmetto and Goldenseal


Posted by Barry (Blountville, Tennessee) on 04/11/2007

I sent earthclinic a story about how garlic ridded me of cancer, this is under the heading Garlic Bulbs. 3/02/2007 under holistic cures for cancer.

Thank goodness for earthclinic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I would like to add a blog I just installed on Yahoo 360 on how others are finding garlic very helpful in staving off death by cancer by using garlic against it.

Entry for April 11, 2007: 14 years ago I had a serious bought with cancer, It was then I made the mistake that killed my cancer and saved my life. I have been trying to relay this information to you all since that time.

It is obvious to me that some people don't want to know anything different when what is told to them, they are having to much fun with this. And many are getting very rich!

I have some news about the ones who have found out about Garlic. Myself, I am sure I would not have made it, except for the garlic, and now several others have used garlic against cancer and are OK. I have an email to share from one person who expected to die from prostate cancer, His wife had already been killed by cancer, I want to share my latest email from him.

Then again, a lady friend of mine, K, is what I am going to call her, Another friend of hers whispered to me, K has been diagnosed with brain cancer, She only has 6 months to live. The first thing I did was get her phone no. and call to tell her about garlic. The results are, she started by eating a bulb of garlic a day, Then tapering off to a clove a day. Her cancer symptoms are gone, her pain is gone, and she has gone back to work, in a cancer killed state. this is a 2007 story, This whole episode started 6 weeks ago, a woman who was given 6 months to live has been given many more yrs to live because she used garlic to cure herself of brain cancer. I first heard of her cancer trouble in early 2007 it is now April 11,2007, now and she (K) is no longer worried about death from brain cancer.

The other story I have to share with you today has taken a little longer. But instead of trying to tell the story myself, I will cut and paste his latest email to me

This is S's latest email, he is from the UK,

"Hi Barry,wanted to up-date you after the latest hospital visit. Well great news to tell. In sept 06 when the trouble started my PSA count was 13.9 . Couldn't pass water & awful pain in the lower region. Found you & also started garlic.Took a Whole bulb on 2 separate days. Next reading in Jan 07 was 4.2 alarm bells ringing as still well above the acceptable 0--3 The next step was to have a biopsy to test for cancer cells, massively invasive & huge side effects. So we agreed to wait a while & have another test first. I did as you said & organised change in my life. Looked for calm in my mind. At this time i was on a drug to relax my muscles in that area to assist in passing water. Stopped the pills at the end of Jan 07 as hate pills. Started taking 1 garlic piece 3 times a week. You said increase it a little so i slowly built up to 3 pieces each day every day by end of March.Find it hard to swallow but try to imagine the good it is doing me. Next check was Feb 07 & was 3.9 still high but heading in the right direction.I still had an ache in the same place. Barry the inspiration i got from you & watching the numbers fall helped me so much. The latest check last week was 3.2 must get into the 0---3 group so still lots of work to do. Still have an ache which needs investigating, otherwise feel so much better. Will up-date you next check, positive thinking & all that so God willing it will be in the 0----3 Bless you my friend, S"

after using garlic to rid himself of prostate cancer.

This is good as I can do, If you can't believe, that garlic gets rid of cancer, then what can I say, I am only here to help because of what garlic did for me, You could at least try some garlic for a few days if you find you have contracted a cancer, I'll gurantee you may be rid of the cancer before you make for your doctors appointment.

Later Your Friend Boone Doggie sometimes called by my real name Barry.

This is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Garlic, Cayenne, Chili, Iodine, Baking Soda, Tomato Juice

Posted by Balticseaviking (La Ventana, Baja California Sur, Mexico) on 10/19/2010

I have been on HBP medicine for years and I was diagnosed with what the Drs. said was prostate cancer. I of course did lots of research and came up with a, what I call, my everything formula. I make my own cayenne tincture and a kind of garlic tincture. I use habenero peppers as they are the hottest I can find here in Mexico, if I could find hotter I would use them. Anyhow I take 5ml of the tincture, a tablespoon of the garlic, which is kinda like a tincture and is made the same way a tincture is made, two tablespoons of ACV, four drops of Lugol's Iodine, 8 ounces of tomato juice and 8 ounces of purified water, also a 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Mix it all until the foaming stops, drink it down. I find it tastes nice, hot, but nice. Of course I didn't start out with 5mls of tincture, I started with 2 and worked my way up. I had a cat scan and a bone scan last month, both came out clear with no indication of disease and the blood pressure is now normal. Bet you can guess what the Drs. wanted to do- right, put me on chemo and radiation. When I asked why they had no explanation, guess it is because of the ungodly amount of money they make with these procedures. Try it you will get used to the taste and will look forward to you daily Whamo!


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Posted by Anne (France) on 07/11/2021

Hi. My husband has been treating prostate cancer for 12 years. natural remedies need time to work. We started with amazon tonic which reduces inflammation. It was good and we still use it. However, we decided to go to the root cause of what was causing the inflammation and why we couldn't stop it.

Research brought us to naglease which kicks in when cancer is in the body. Naglease prevents the macrophage from working. Macrophage eats inflammation.

We decided to buy GCMAF which attacks the naglease. GCMAF is basically made with dairy and expensive to produce. We then researched unpasteurised milk, fermented milk and probiotics as we realised we could make it ourselves. Unpasteurised Fermented milk is whey and has all the protein and every amino acid your body needs which supports the immune system. before pasteurisation milk was always the go to for natural cures.

My husband has stage 4 prostate cancer.

Replied by robert

Recently someone on another post wrote that you can make your own gcmaf and I presently need that information. Tthank you in advance if you will respond. Bob


Make cheap GcMaF at home: Book title is Immune for Life. Author is Mary Ferrari.

63 posts

Hi Robert,

It may have been one of my posts on making your own GCMAF that you saw. I studied it and you can make your own using organic kefir grains in milk and you add a good grass fed Colostrum to it. I think from memory it was a tablespoon of Colostrum into 4 cups of milk with 2 tablespoons of kefir grains.

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