In Jan 2012, I gave birth to my daughter. I was also pre-eclamptic, & had high protien levels in my urine. My blood pressure was high, and remained high until 3 or so months after the birth. I wanted a natural birth SO bad! Ended up getting the epidural & other drugs. I did everything organic, right down to my bedsheets. I ate really well, and took good liquid vitamins. My birth experience was pretty stressful, & I had some post-pardum depression. So, I nursed until the end of April '12, when I was then forced to stop, because my milk supply just dropped dramatically. I tried all kinds of natural things, herbs, teas, etc. I didnt know why this was happening. Then, my bladder started to hurt. I got checked for what seemed like a UTI, but it came back negative, 3 times (in 2 weeks). After an evening run, I went to bed later, and awoke to feeling REALLY SICK. I thought I was getting a stomach/bacterial "bug", but it just wouldnt go away. I decided to go to the ER, and they sent me to ultrasound and checked my blood/urine. I had slightly low pancreatic enzymes ( prob cus I have not eaten in several hours! ). They sent me home with some drug that didnt help, and my "condition" or sickness, continued to linger.
These were my symptoms: ongoing nausea, pain/frequency in bladder, using the bathroom (BMs) 8-10x (mostly in morning; diarreah), extreme weakness, fatigue, dizziness, heart palpatations/high blood pressure, & hair loss! Over the course of the last 10 months since this has happened, I went to only a few docs, one was a gastroenterologist. She did a colonoscopy, and found I had microscopic colitis (duh- from the diarreah I was having! ). I did all sorts of experimenting with foods, etc.. and found that through much research, and Ted's advice through reading here, that I may have a candida overgrowth (really bad).
I don't understand HOW I got this sick! I ate realllly well, and was not on antibiotics. Well, one of the docs I was seeing gave me some antibiotics AFTER this episode, which didnt help, 'cus I told her I thought I had a parasite. What now? Do I really have a parasite? I had 2 stool samples, came back negative for them ( I hear they are not accurate though). I am going to see a Naturopath FINALLY next week, because we just didnt have money before. Am I wasting my time? Will they only give me supplements? Ive never been to a naturopath. Ive tried tons and tons of supplements, enzymes, etc, etc... And it seems like being on the candida diet has really helped the most, along with minerals, probiotics, & husband support. I also put myself on iodine that Ted suggested, and that helped stop my hair loss a LOT, and helped with some weakness. ANY time I g to eat carbs, starch, sugar (esp), or sugary-fruit, my symptoms come back within 2 days. I just need help. I don't know what to take, who to see, and I need to take care of a 13 month old and my large house, while trying to take care of myself! I am DESPERATE to get better. I am a new, young Mom here trying my best. It's been a battle. PLEASE... Suggestions! ???
(Sioux Falls, SD)
Dear Shelly, This sounds like a b12 deficiency which is common after birth. Are you a vegetarian by chance? If not, it doesn't really matter you can still be b-12 deficient. If yes, one more reason to think this is your problem. Look up the symptoms and you will see that many of them fit your list. Do your homework by reading--there is a lot on the net about this. I use Methylcobalamin sublinguals and start with 1000 mcg twice per day. You should also use real folate not folic acid. It takes a while to work.
Shelly: You have begun your healing journey and will surely see some improvements after seeing the Naturalpath. If you could paste the notes you've taken from your recent diagnostics, that will help during your visit.
You seem to have a parasite infestation as well as some type pathogen. You will need to do Immune Boosting Therapies and maybe some blood building (take BlackStrap Molasses for this). Filter the air and water in your home. Take any nutritional supplements that are recommended in any of your symptoms. If your lucky you can make an almost 100% turn-a-round, but be warned that in many cases, these type conditions are chronic and are sometimes never completely resolved. Case-in-point, Mycoplasma or Lyme infections are very difficult to rectify. Round, Pin, and Hookworm can be resolved, but the Liver Fluke and Tapeworm infestations can be very difficult to irradiate.
Try to allocate some time reading up on conditions here on E.C., update your questions and progress, and we (E.C. members) will help you get your health back.
(Chicago, Il)
Jillie... Yes I take b-12, amoungst other things. And Timh, I tried a parasite program, but it didnt seem very successful =/ I wouldnt know what program to take now. Any lab suggestions on where to go for that? I used to eat at salad bars often, and ate pretty organic... So maybe I picked something nasty up? I recall drinking water from a water fountain after my run the night that I got "sick".. So maybe there was something lurking in there? Who knows! I will try to get tested for pathogens (again).. And of course, the whole candida thing as I have been peeing white specks out for awhile now, along with reaccurant yeast infections. Why is this candida, if that's what it is, SO BAD! ? Can stress/hormone imbalance cause this to happen to such a severe degree?
Shelly: Conventional Medicine is 90% reluctant to test for parasites, so a ND would be your best bet. He/She can order a stool test that can determine pathogens as well as parasites. The Parasite hypothesis is likely true because they weaken the immune system and then you get a fungal infection that resist treatment. You can also get an Hair Analysis from your ND to determine mineral levels ie deficiencies, as well as possible heavy metal contamination (which would also induce untreatable fungal infection).
I made the same mistake of drinking ground water on more than one occasion and seem to have contracted the flukes. The standard herbal protocol for Parasites is Black Walnut Hulls, Clove, and Wormwood. For flukes in particular, Myrrh is recommended in addition to the prior. The flukes in particular are insidious because there are five stages that can inhabit the body, which in all could number in the millions. Research fluke symptoms to further determine your case.
Begin boosting your immunity with Zinc and Vit-A; these will also hasten healing particularly the intestines (which get eroded by Candida). Any of the detox protocols here on E. C. would be recommended in your situation.
Lots of info and personal testimonies here on E.C. for your perusal. Find a good Naturopath in your area.
Update us on your condition. Hoping you will get well soon.
(Santa Rosa, Ca)
Shelly~ I just replied to Abby too.... Again, I think this could possibly be an adrenal problem. Your signs are very "classic. " In the last year, you've undergone much physical and emotional trauma with the pregnancy, birth & nursing of your child. Please look up adrenal depletion here on EC. You will probably recognize almost every symptom.
I saw an ND and was prescribed a high quality Adrenal supplement. I felt better in no time & I know you will too. God bless & let us know what works for you!
(Chicago, Il, United States)
Hey All... So just an update with me.... I am seeing a ND outside of the city, and I got my results from the yeast/bacterial analysis through a stool culture. The results are that my bifido strains are low, and lacto are also a bit low... E-coli is good.. And it says I have 'yeast' but NOT candida albicans. She put me on 5 things: a good probiotic (in addition to what I have), colostrum, pancreatic enzymes, plant tannins ( it has 30mg of casien which I wasnt so crazy about), and also some candida-fighting supplement. I've heard of the brand she gave me for the candida/probiotic supplement, so I'm hopeful for that. I just hope this is strong enough to kick the yeast out!!! So.. Should I be doing anything else on top of this? Should I tell her, if I start taking borax? I haven't tried it yet... Would like to though!! I hope that this is the ACTUAL PROBLEM she is addressing.... Well see... & hope that I don't really have parasites like I though. Keep me in prayer!!!
(Chicago, Il)
More of a recent update with myself. I don't know whether to stop looking, stop going to my ND (which is costly! ), or to just give up. I've been ill for a WHOLE YEAR now! This is ridiculous. The only "result" I've gotten in tests, is that I have a yeast, that is not candida albicans. BUT I don't know if THAT'S what's causing the chains reaction of symptoms I'm still having. My most annoying symptoms are REALLY tired, I mean, WIPED OUT, weakness, and Interstitial cystitis. I also have bowel probs that come and go.. And a crawling feeling that goes from one side of my body, to the other. I've felt it when I had to stop nursing (when I got sick, initially) across my left breast. I've tried parasite stuff, and it seems like its not working. So, Im thinking a VERY stubborn yeast prob. Does anyone know if Teds/Bills fungus protocol is for ANY type of fungus/yeast??? I NEED to get onto something QUICK! I want to have more babies, live happily and NORMAL! Geez... Life can be a pain sometimes =/
(Somewhere, Usa)
Shelly, Here is what I would suggest you try. You need mega doses of Vitamin C, like 500 mg per hour for a few days. You should feel the effects within an hour or two. If not, up it to 1000 mg per hour during your waking hours. Also try a mega dose of Lugol's iodine, anywhere from 50 to 100 mgs in a day. I would also take B-12, coconut oil, and at least 100 mcgs of selenium per day. I strongly suggest you check out Solgar's multiple vitamins with Chelated minerals and take two a day. You can get them online if not in a health food store. I am coming to realize what a lot of people are missing are minerals. Minerals are a catalyst for vitamins. You can be sufficient in every single vitamin yet if you lack minerals they simply won't work. Please, I beg you to try all these things and I bet you will start to feel better on day 1! Please keep us up to date and let us know if you feel better.
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Shelley... It's fairly well known through research that yeast/fungal infections leave the door wide open for a multitude of other pathogens to enter the body. This is why no two people, who are infected with a yeast/fungal infection, will ever have exactly the same symptoms -- because there are a plethora of bacterial and viral co-infections(with their own symptoms) that can also be associated with a candida or yeast/fungal infection. As a result of this yeast/fungal infection together with increasing co-infections, the body tends to go into a never-ending downward health spiral as the immune system gets weaker and weaker. The way of modern medicine is to just recommend ant-fungals and antibiotics for yeast/fungal infections. In my opinion, antibiotics are both useless and dangerous against candida or yeast/fungal infections that will only ever act to increase its virulence and spread. This is referred to as the Antibiotic Syndrome. It's also well known that the anti-fungals recommended by doctors are not very effective at removing yeast/fungal infections because candida can easily adjust to them or hide in biofilms to avoid their effects. Modern medicine also has quite a poor record and reputation at diagnosing candida problems. Here is some recent research on these points:
Biofilm Formation by the Fungal Pathogen Candida albicans: Development, Architecture, and Drug Resistance.
Role of dimorphism in the development of Candida albicans biofilms
Recurrent Candidiasis: One Step Forward, Still Backward, (2004)
The above research should open your eyes to the fact that modern medicine still remains quite clueless as to how you should both treat and eradicate candida. Diagnosis of candida by modern medical techniques is also known to be poor and inaccurate:
Biological diagnosis of systemic candidiasis: difficulties and future prospects (2007)
Growing Concern: Inability to Diagnose Vulvovaginal Infections Correctly (2004).
The gist of the above is that modern medicine has not got a good record of either diagnosing or treating candida problems. Indeed Dr Orian Truss's well known book on candida is called Candida: The Missing Diagnosis -- which would seem to blatantly confirm modern medicine's clueless approach in diagnosing candida.
If you want to confirm whether you do indeed have a candida or fungal problem then you should take William Crook's questionnaire. William Crook wrote the book: The Yeast Connection: A Medical Breakthrough. From the book, this questionnaire will confirm, fairly accurately and in minutes at no cost, whether you have an internal yeast/fungal infection. This questionnaire works off a points system to give you a definite result:
To cure your yeast/fungal and co-infections problem I would further recommend that you take the following anti-candida protocol described lower down in this post stream.
Shelly: First try and center yourself with confidence ("I will get better"), with the acceptance that patience and dedication are required for complex and chronic illnesses. Spend some time reading here on E. C.
I suppose you didn't find any snails in the water hole from which you drank???
For immediate relief take hot baths w/ 1/4 cup Epsom Salt, 1/4 cup Baking Soda, 1/4 cup Borax.
Take Garlic Oil Softgels in the AM for parasites and pathogens. Take Oregano Oil Softgels in the PM for parasites and pathogens.
Purchase and use a Zapper to help eradicate parasites and pathogens; Zapper is also good for replenishing energy.
Purchase and use Detox Foot Pads for heavy metal elimination: foot pads&_sacat=0&_from=R40
Also try Oil Pulling as it is very good for detoxing. Be sure to use mouthwash or rinse before and after.
Also use Coconut Oil daily. Also begin Potassium Iodi(n)(d) supplement to kill pathogens and restore energy.
(Manganui, Northland, New Zealand)
Funny thing was that after they abandoned ECT. (Electro convulsive therapy) for depression etc., they found that it stimulated new cell growth in the brain. I heard another thing where this guy hooks up an electro zapper to a patient's hand who has been in a long term coma, and the pulses go up through the finger nerves, back to the brain and the patient wakes up. So there is something in it. It makes you wonder if this would be another therapy for Altzhimers or Parkinsons.
(Chicago, Il)
Bill... So.. I bought almost all the stuff for the fungal protocol.. And acutally, have read through it and printed it out... Several months ago. I'm just afraid of the detox reactions, I guess, esp with the borox. I have some questions though.. Maybe you or TIMH could answer??
1. Can I eat root veggies, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes at all?
2. Is the there a way to mix any of the protocol/fungus killing stuff.. As there is a LOT of stuff w/ liquid to take!!
3. Isn't fungus/yeast always mutating or resistant? So.. Doesnt the protocol have to change every 5 days (so I hear)?
4. Is taking a good probiotic ok?
5. Fermented foods ( Ive been hearing great stuff about it.. Trillions of good bacteria! )..
5. Will the fungus-killing stuff like borox and the MB kill GOOD bacteria?
6. What about ingesting essential oils?
7. Have you heard of parasites giving off a lot of yeast, or is it the yeast overgrowth that attracts the parasites?
8. Isn't it possible to just get rid of parasites by eating REALLY good organic, alkaline, raw foods... Detoxing the kidneys, liver, colon, and blood... and stay on that for awhile? Won't they just 'leave'?
TIMH... No.. No snails.. Hm.. But can it be ingesting through the water? The flukes? How do I know I really have flukes? Can you tell me where I can get good quality parasite stuff... Theres SO much out there, I dont know what to get! I've noticed significant improvement in energy when I juice... I juice 2x/day. Helps with energy! All organic, green juice.. Cucumber.. Celery.. Garlic.. Ginger.. Wheatgrass.. Lemon.. Kale.. Spinach... That is all. Thank you SO much for your input!!!!! God bless!
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Shelly... In response to all your questions:
1. Can I eat root veggies, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes at all?
That diet is fine but only eat small amounts of carbohydrate(sweet potatoes) because they are converted to sugar in the body and sugar feeds candida.
2. Is the there a way to mix any of the protocol/fungus killing stuff.. As there is a LOT of stuff w/ liquid to take!!
You can mx them in the following ways:
Borax can be mixed with any of the alkalizing remedies.
Drops of Lugols Iodine can be mixed, alone, with a solution Vitamin C.
Hydrogen Peroxide can be mixed with any of the alakalizing remedies without problems.
Always mix the Methylene Blue (if you decide to use it) with a solution of Vitamin C.
The Liver Support Protocols are normally taken all together just before or after mealtimes.
The niacin(or niacinamide) and B50 complex should also be taken at mealtimes together with the Liver protocol. Niacin works synergistically with both B50 complex and ALA for improved effect. ALA was once also regarded as part of the B Vitamins (as thioctic acid)
For more on this see Ted's List here: Remedy Combinations on EC
3. Isn't fungus/yeast always mutating or resistant? So.. Doesnt the protocol have to change every 5 days (so I hear)?
Both Iodine and Hydrogen Peroxide kill pathogens very quickly. These anti-pathogen nutrients work completely differently to antibiotics, they kill the pathogens -- including yeast/fungus -- very fast so no chance or opportunity for them to breed in resistance to these chemicals.
The five days on and two days off regimen is up to you.
For borax particularly -- the borax water must always be taken on a 5 days on, 2 days off basis.
4. Is taking a good probiotic ok? 5. Fermented foods ( Ive been hearing great stuff about it.. Trillions of good bacteria! )..
I would wait at least until you've been on the anti-candida protocol for a month before you take probiotics or pre-biotics because, initially, there may be alot of toxins from heavy metals as well as fungal die-off poisons that will be dumped into the intestines first. This is not beneficial for promoting good bacteria in the gut and which may take a little while to subside. But when the Herxheimer and detoxing effects eventually diminish and the intestines are clear of toxins then that would be the best time to start take the probiotics/prebiotics.
5. Will the fungus-killing stuff like borox and the MB kill GOOD bacteria?
I initially used both borax and MB as well as coconut oil for my own candida problems. Within two weeks my long term constipation problems reverted to normal dark brown healthy stools(from hard pale yellow stools). So obviously, this protocol was also beneficial for my own gut bacteria.
6. What about ingesting essential oils?
I am currently road testing essential pine oil on myself using coconut oil, castor oil or black seed oil as a carrier for the pine oil (all these carrier oils kill candida as well). I can't get the proper spirit of gum turpentine in the Philippines so I bought the essential pine oil (Pinus sylvestris) which is stronger than ordinary gum spirit turpentine instead.
There are two ways to use the pine oil. Either taken mixed with milk or water where the pine oil will be quickly absorbed into the blood from the stomach -- which will kill pathogens in the blood, detox the blood and help to purify the blood due to strong antioxidant action with little effect in the intestines. But if you have candida in the intestines you must take it with a carrier like sugar(see Jennifer Daniels article) or take it with a carrier oil to avoid direct absorption into the blood from the stomach and, instead, the carrier oil helps to carry the pine oil directly into the intestines where it rapidly acts to kill the candida yeast/fungus and other pathogens. I've also read that a man from Germany took pine oil or kerosene for his own candida problem and cured himself quickly of this disease. And when the doc checked his stool -- the candida was gone and healthy gut bacteria were present in the correct amounts. For more on the healing effects of pine oil -- see this research article by Walter Last.
Here is an article which shows how effective pine oil is against pathogens -- including candida:
I currently am using 10 drops of this essential pine oil mixed with a teaspoon of carrier oil, twice a week as a preventative and tonic. I worked up to this dose slowly from an initial 2 drop dose.
7. Have you heard of parasites giving off a lot of yeast, or is it the yeast overgrowth that attracts the parasites?
Usually it is the parasite that infects first due to poor diet and poor digestion, with the bacteria and fungal pathogens piggy-backing on the parasites into our bodies. If you confirm a parasite problem then Hulda Clark's Parasite Protocol -- consisting of Wormwood, Cloves and Black Walnut extract -- is one of the best. This protocol also helps to kill fungus/yeast as well.
8. Isn't it possible to just get rid of parasites by eating REALLY good organic, alkaline, raw foods... Detoxing the kidneys, liver, colon, and blood... And stay on that for awhile? Won't they just 'leave'?
You might be able to get rid of some of your problems through diet but I think a multi-protocol approach that directly attacks the candida and all other bacterial co-infections, disrupts biofilms, detoxes the body andneutralizes mycotoxins, helps support the immune system and the liver together with a good healthy diet will stand a much better chance of being successful.
Many people with candida and other associated pathogen problems or bacterial co-infections very wrongly assume that if they can get rid of candida from their intestines then they will be cured. But candida is a dimorphic organism that can exist as both a yeast or a fungus -- two totally different biological forms of candida that have completely different structural, behavioural and locational forms. The yeast form is a saprophytic feeder -- it only feeds off dead organic matter but the fungal form is a proper parasite that feeds off the host itself. So if you have the fungal form -- this means that the fungal spores will have not only infected your intestines together with the yeast form but they will also be widely disseminated throughout your body -- fully capable of infecting the blood, tissues and organs with the fungal form of candida. So, if you have both the fungal form together with the yeast form of candida then this is particularly difficult to cure unless you use a sensible and wide ranging anti-candida protocol, including a good diet, that not only acts in your intestines but sufficiently acts throughout your body as well as acting to kill both the yeast and fungal forms of candida as well as killing all other bacterial co-infections which might also be involved. So this makes both the yeast and fungal forms of candida together with all other involved co-infections, extremely difficult to eradicate. To believe that candidiasis -- systemic candida -- is as easy to cure as the common cold is therefore a grave mistake.
Most people use the wrong approach or strategy to get rid of candida because they think its a simple disease or they think they are only infected with just the yeast form of candida or they think the problem is just in their intestines. Wrong thinking. In such cases, when people use anti-candida strategies that are too simplistic, ineffective or inappropriate -- what normally happens is that the candida may go away for awhile but it always comes back with a vengeance again and again. I have read this so many times on EC and on many other health blogs too.
(Chicago, Il)
Hey Bill... More questions for you.. Sorry! I like to probe... it makes me more at peace! ;)
1. Is xylitol ok? Its in my liquid multi, cal/mag, and b-complex... its 3g of carbs per serving of each.
2. Will adding some antifungal herbs/teas to the regime, or rotating the pau d'arco tea be beneficial? I dont think my body is responding to the tea anymore.
3. Recently Ive been getting numbness in my feet and hands, esp during the night.. And tingling. I awoke in the morning 4 days ago, with a sharp needle-like pain in one place, and its been 4 days... Hasn't gone... Kinda hurts when I touch it. What could this be?
4. Good lab for parasite testing?? I felt FINE for a few weeks.. Then yesterday, out of nowhere, while ont he diet and protocol, I just felt "sick" again. Slightly feverish.. And malaise. My colon was doing something.. Thought I was gonna have the runs.. still feeling sick...=/ Does yeast stay undetected then show up or is this more parasite-like?
5. Hot peppers/ with yeast/fungus/parsites?
6. What are mycotoxins?
7. What are mycobacteria?
8. Is MB safe to take everyday?
9. Does yeast cause palpatations/high bp? I used to get that a lot last yr.. and recently, a little bit.
10. Is pre-eclampsia related to fungal overgrowth? Thats what I had when I was pregnant.. or is it liver related?
11. What is the cause of IC? I want my bladder healed! Lots of white stuff coming out when I pee...=/
12. Lastly, can fungus/yeast be spread to others?
Thanks again for your time....=)!!
(Chicago, Il)
Just an update with me (and to you, Bill, a few more questions.. When you get the time??)... I seem to be doing better energy-wise, but am not taking all the protocol things. I had waaaay too much die-off. I also, am afraid of losing all my good bacteria. Is this an issue? Will the protocol cause me to lose some or all of it? Taking the probiotics from my ND seem to help a lot.. And I stopped feeling like my blood was full of yeast, right when I started to juice ( I have a really good juicer! ). I only juice: cucumbers, celery, lemons, kale, lettuce, a little carrot/beet, ginger, parsley, cilantro, and tumeric. I noticed much imporovement after juicing, and drink about 30 oz/day split up into 3x/day before meals. My questions:
1. Can juicing replace the alkalizing (BS & lemon)?? I feel its helping me much, and figure it has a whole lemon in it tons of enzymes & chlorophyll.. AND my TEETH are getting really sensitive to the lemon/acv!!! I have 2 teeth that are decaying as well.. so have to monitor this!!
2. I bought the Niacin (flush) vitamin in 1000mgs... And take that with my dinner... I cant really split it up. Is this problematic? I feel like this is whats causing the small "pinch/needle-like" feelings I get that linger.. I have about 4 of them now.
3. Instead of taking all these supplements, which I cant afford all the time, esp the ALA ($$$!! ), is there a way to get it in food???
4. My hair is STILL not back to what it should be, after falling out.. The lugols helped once I started taking it, but its still thin, esp in the front. I used to have THICK curly hair. Ive lost some curl, too =( Any suggestions about growing back hair! ?
5. Ive been getting more & more spider viens!! What is the cause! ? How do I make these STOP and REVERSE! ? Im 27!!! Oy.
6. Hormones. I need to balance my hormones. I cant tolerate heat very well... I get SO HOT at night! Also, libido is very low.. And still low energy. =( Ive been taking maca.. And the lugols iodine.. Anything else?
Thanks thanks thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Shelly... The best time to take probiotics is after you have detoxed heavy metals and poisons and your body is clear. Once these poisons are eradicated from your intestines and your body then probioics will have a much more beneficial effect. Currently, all sorts of poisons, candida toxins and heavy metals are being dumped into your intestines so probiotics will not be effective because of these poisons in your intestines. Probiotics will, therefore not be so helpful until these poisons are completely eradicated from the body. Also, taking probiotics now may cause further die-off and or digestive problems when taken too early.
In answer to your questions:
1. Can juicing replace the alkalizing (BS & lemon)?? I feel its helping me much, and figure it has a whole lemon in it tons of enzymes & chlorophyll.. AND my TEETH are getting really sensitive to the lemon/acv!!! I have 2 teeth that are decaying as well.. So have to monitor this!!
Take the lemon/acv mixed with sodium bicarbonate as advised by Ted in his Alkalizing Remedies. Doing this helps you to avoid acid -- which, when combined with an acid food diet, is what is destroying your teeth. Bacteria can't eat tooth calcium, acid is what causes teeth to decay. I would continue both with the juicing but still take both the Sodium Bicarb plus water as well as take the alkaline form of lemon/ACV remedies as recommended by Ted. Also, I would stop adding lemon(citric acid) to your juicing to avoid the acid form. Juicing will certainly help to provide minerals and vitamins for the body and it is really up to you whether want to do this. The dosages of vitamins and minerals that I recommend in the protocol are very specific - particularly vitamin c, niacin, B vitamins, iodine, magnesium, alkalizing etc and are much higher orthomolecular dosages that would be well nigh impossible to achieve through diet.
2. I bought the Niacin (flush) vitamin in 1000mgs... And take that with my dinner... I cant really split it up. Is this problematic? I feel like this is whats causing the small "pinch/needle-like" feelings I get that linger.. I have about 4 of them now.
You can take niacin with meals -- this lowers the flush effect. But now, I tend to take 1000 mgs niacin 3 times a day but I take an aspirin dissolved in water twenty minutes before I take the niacin. Aspirin also opens up the blood vessels and so there is no flushing effect from the niacin when you take it after taking the aspirin. Magnesium Oil (magnesium chloride in water) - in larger dose -- with water, when taken before niacin, also helps to prevent or reduce the niacin flush for the same reasons. Taking niacin this way, outside mealtimes, also ensures that more niacin is absorbed into the body than if it is taken at mealtimes.
3. Instead of taking all these supplements, which I cant afford all the time, esp the ALA ($$$!! ), is there a way to get it in food???
Supplements, although not ideal, do allow you too regulate dosage amounts more precisely. If you tried to get these same orthomolecular dosage amounts through eating food, then these dosage amounts would be hit and miss -- not accurate. I am very suspicious of all food now -- even organic food is suspect in my own opinion.
4. My hair is STILL not back to what it should be, after falling out.. The lugols helped once I started taking it, but its still thin, esp in the front. I used to have THICK curly hair. Ive lost some curl, too =( Any suggestions about growing back hair! ?
Loss of hair can be caused for many reasons - the favourite being that candida fungus is attacking your scalp causing your hair to fall out. But hair loss can also be caused by low thyriod as well (also as a consequence of candida infections). If the outer rim of your eyebrows are hairless and your eyebrows appear too short in length then this may indicate that you may well have low thyroid as well as a fungal problem. The anti-candida protocol should both help to both kill the scalp candida as well as help to normalize your thyroid.
You can try topical remdeys like 5 drops of lavendar oil mixed with a teaspoon of VCO rubbed into the scalp. You can also try borax with 3% hydrogen peroxide in water left on your scalp overnight. But if none of these topical remedies work then your scalp infection has arisen from the candida infection in your blood and not from just an infection on the skin so that is why topical remedies won't cure it. I had tinea cruris or jock itch when I had systemic candida and I could not get rid of this fungal problem until after I got rid of my systemic candida(candida in the blood). Therefore curing this problem may take some time, so please be patient.
5. Ive been getting more & more spider viens!! What is the cause! ? How do I make these STOP and REVERSE! ? Im 27!!! Oy.
Taking protease enzymes(enzymes that digest dead organic proteins) in larger amounts helps to digest blockages in veins and capillaries. At the moment, I am taking pancreatic enzymes with added bromelain and papain enzymes twice a day (2 X 900 mgs doses) outsode mealtimes as a regular detox procedure. Protease enzymes are not toxic or poisonous. In Dr Gonazalez's Metabolic Protocol for cancer -- he recommends a daily dosage of between 130 -- 160 pancreatic enzyme tablets per day in his protocol. The pancreatc enzymes help to remove the dead organic proteins that may be blocking the capillaries causing swelling and spider veins. Using a 70% solution of DMSO topically (with aloe vera oil) will also help to dissolve the blockages in the capillaries. MSM, supplemented at 2,000mgs to 6,000 mgs a day should also help to clear spider veins. Avoid calcium or dairy in your diet -- as advised in the anti-candida protocol.
6. Hormones. I need to balance my hormones. I cant tolerate heat very well... I get SO HOT at night! Also, libido is very low. And still low energy. =( Ive been taking maca.. And the lugols iodine.. Anything else?
When you have low energy and a weakened immune system, then generally a weakened libido is the result. Again, you need to get rid of the candida, which is continually weakening your immune system with its own myctoxins, as well as build up the body with healthy nutrients. Supplementing borax and iodine as well as a proper anti-candida diet will greatly help to stabilize and balance your hormones(as advised in the anti-candida protocol).
An intolerance to heat would also seem to indicate a thyroid problem. To check if you have a thyroid problem, on waking up first thing in the morning you should use a basal thermometer to check underarm whether your body temperature is too high or too low. If your temperature is not 98.6°F then you probably have a thyroid problem.
(the USA)
Hi Shelly, I'm only posting this because you said you wanted more babies and would probably prefer to breast-feed. I worked full time until the day I delivered my first (left work early about 2 PM and had her at 9PM). I was told longer I breast-fed the better so when I went back to work I expressed during my breaks and at lunch so I could keep the baby on breast milk for a year. When my milk supply started to decrease, the nurse practitioner suggested pumping more more. I asked my immediate supervisor if I gave up my breaks and lunch (I would eat at my desk) could I pump every two hours. He approved it but continuously harassed me by asking me to give him the times I would be "doing that".
I kept her on breast milk for a year, got pregnant the next month (I was thirty-six and my clock was running out. I felt she had to have a sibling) then I was set up and terminated when I was five months pregnant with my second child for frequently being away from my desk and a decline in performance. DUH!!
The point I was trying to make was pumping more and drinking gallons of water kept up my milk supply even though working full-time and being harassed on the job. I drank the chlorinated city water and never had a problem with yeast or any of the multiple problems you shared. I drank water after every meal and after every time I pumped. Hope this gives you some hope! Where there is a will there is a way.
(Chicago, Il, United States)
Update with me....
So lately, I've been feeling unusually strange. I have new symptoms, and am like "what the heck is going on with me!!! ". I'm actually kind of scared. Before I make a big deal, I thought that others may be dealing with the same. So... I still have the IBS (now, moreso constipation-like, but pretty regular with the candida diet - 2-3x/day. normal looking mostly), and the bladder issues (IC). I have some nausea here and there... And now my joints are starting to hurt, in my hands and arms. I also get tingling/numbness in my extremities. that come and go. and my arms/legs/feet/butt fall asleep easily if I lay down/sit a certain way. I sometimes even feel a overall 'buzzing' feeling in my entire body. Like in my nerves. The tingling & numbness bothers me the most. And is very concerning. It is def nerve/circulatory related, IMO. I dont like that my joints and back are hurting (I've had back issues since I was 14, and Im 27). My head has been itching a lot lately, too... Which hasnt happened before. I looked and theres nothing there, though. I still have low-grade yeast infections, and having relations is pretty painful. =( I am SO sick os being sick! Gosh. What is going on!!!! Tired of spending all my $$ on supplements and vitamins that dont seem to help much. I want answers. I want my body back! Im only 27, and Ive been like this for 14 months now! This is ridiculous. I am waiting on a parasitology test from AZ (a well-known expert) to see if there are parasites contributing to this issue, but my question is- does yeast really cause ALL THESE SYMPTOMS! ? I feel like theres a lot more going on... And how did I get to be this bad?? I ate organic & ran 15 miles/week for the past 5 yrs! I dont even know what tests to do anymore, which ones are accurate, what to take, how much to take, what to think... Lord Jesus, help me!
Hi Shelly... I feel you could be taking too many supplements/vitamins that could be countering each other or you are having reactions to the binders and/or fillers especially if they contain aspartame. The binders and/or fillers probably come from plants that have been genetically modified... (GMO). It appears you are taking stuff to get well but you are getting worse. All of our food has been tainted. The animals we eat or get milk and eggs from are being fed GMO grains and grasses. Our fruits and vegetables have been engineered to last longer. This is harder to digest.
The only way to find out if this is what is happening to you is to stop all of your supplements and eat the foods that supply the necessary vitamins and minerals you need. Don't eat raw fruits and vegetables. Cook them until tender so they are easier to digest and you are able to get the nutrients from them instead of just "passing through" your body. Blackstrap Molasses has the B-vitamins you need and is a good source of other nutrients. Get the frozen "country" orange juice concentrate for your Vit C.
I get up very early and right now I'm really tired but I wanted to reply to you... I hope I am making sense to you. It may take awhile to detox from the supplement/vitamin ingredients that could be making you feel so bad. The symptoms you described are what I felt when I was drinking aspartame sweetened drinks and taking vitamins that I thought I needed.
Get clean first, then if you find you are low in something add it back into your diet. You could be taking too much of something. The toxic effects of some vitamins are the same symptoms as a deficiency.
(Everett, Wa, Usa)
Shelly: What to do when you don't know what to do? And all this information, and which is disinformation?
You must adopt a method, some path toward which at some point things begin making sense.
With all the complexity of the human anatomy and pathology, one must regress back to a textbook primary understanding. Short of going to pre-med school, I would very strongly recommend Dr Murray and Pizzorno's book The Encyclopedia Of Natural Medicine 2nd (maybe a 3rd) edition. The book is divided into sections, the first is this simplification method we need, the major body systems: Circulatory, Digestive, Immune, Detoxification, and Endocrine. Other section includes all the major illnesses affecting people.
Hope this helps.
(Chicago, Il)
No... Its not the supplements. When adding them in, I feel better (somewhat). If I dont take my lugols iodine, my hair starts falling out again. I know I have a hormonal imbalance. As far as diet, I cannot tolerate sugar, which led me to the candida diet. I also pee white stuff ( I have IC) and that plus the IBS and chronic yeast infections make me think its a yeast overgrowth. I just want to know if there is ANY ACCURATE TEST out there to confirm this! And, what doctor to go to! They are so so pricey too, which makes matter more difficult, seeing I dont have much money. I eat organic, all the way. Nothing out of a bag, box, or can. I juice a lot, too. All my supplements are pretty darn good ( my hubby works for a few vitamin companies, that are amazing.. So we know a lot about the supplement 'fillers' binders.. Etc.. ). Thanks for the concerns! I am going to go ahead and start cleansing. I am going on a kidney cleanse soon ( theyve been hurting a little), then coffee enemas and a few liver cleanses.
(Dayton, Ohio, Usa)
Have you had your thyroid checked? Many of your symptoms sound like a hypothyroid, especially the tingling hands/feet. Do you find you are often cold, or very sensitive to temperature? Ask your doctor for a complete thyroid panel, not just TSH - you need T4, T3, reverse T3 and thyroid antibodies.
It may be worth while to have a urine hormone analysis as well. Often it's not just the thyroid that is out of balance, but several hormones at the same time. Blood analysis is not sufficient, you really need to have a urine analysis. If your doctor won't order the test (not unusual! ) find an independent bioidentical hormone replacement clinic. You can have the testing done there. Your insurance may cover the test, if not it is usually around $300 to test all your hormones.
Good luck! I'm going through something very similar, and I wish you the best!
(The Usa)
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Shelley... Perhaps another useful thing you could do is to contact Dr David Brownstein, who lives and works in West Bloomfield in Michigan -- quite close to where you live. He is a certified doctor and naturopath. Here is the address of his clinic:
The Center for Holistic Medicine
5821 W. Maple Rd., Ste 192
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Tel: (248) 851-1600
Dr Brownstein has written many well-known books on iodine, fibromylalgia, bio-identical hormones, sea salt, gluten, allergies and vitamins.
I'm sure that Dr Brownstein will be able to help you more to resolve all your current issues which seem to be a mixture of problems that includes fungal and bacterial infections, hormone imbalance, toxins from candida and possibly both thyroid and adrenal insufficiency. Dr Brownstein will know exactly what tests you must take -- he is a very knowledgeable naturopathic doctor whose approach to healing is quite different to most regular medical doctors.
(Il, United States)
So an update with me and my problems! Ha! I had a test done 5 weeks ago.. Parasitology/bacteriology/yeast (samples and swab) by a VERY good lab in AZ. Here are my results:
Candida. Candida dividing. Undigested tissue. Undigested food. Mucus. White blood cells. Fatty acid crystals. Starch granules. Moderate amount of bacteria: E. Coli & Klebsiella sp. Pollen. Epithelial cells (squamous & columnar). Charcot-Leyden crystals *COULD be an indicator of E. Histolytica... and no other pathogens found. SO! Whats next? I dont know! I need to contact my ND next... I am hoping she doesnt put me on a bunch of expensive pills.
For the record, I am on Teds/Bills candida protocol. I eat ONLY organic. Jog 2 miles 3x/week ( If I can! ), drink LOTS of distilled water w/ minerals.. Take a good liquid multi.. LOTS of garlic.. Coconut oil.. green juice (32 oz/day). I also take some probiotics once before breakfast, found at the health food store. I make a coconut milk/vegan protein shake when needed. My tingling hands/feet and extreme tiredness/lethargy are the most concerning. NO MORE yeast infestions, though =) Also.. I am half way through a heavy metal cleanse.. I think its taking out some stuff, because I feel a bit different, and my IC is acting up.
I want to do hair mineral analysis and blood work. Any good suggestions anyone for this? What tests to take? Which ones are accurate? I dont want to waste ANY MORE money!
Now, the B12 will help most with pain, but it will take many months for this. Some places that are numb will begin to tingle as feeling returns. These areas will also become sensitive, temporarily, and some fleeting pain will be felt. I have found that increasing potassium also helps pain. Again, I fully support that one should try to get it in their diet as much as possible, but, I also supplement potassium. It also helps moods as healing progresses. I mix a powder of potassium gluconate, 250 mg. , into about 6 oz. of water. This can be taken once an hour for pain. I admit that sometimes I take 500 mg. in this way, but I do not recommend taking any more that this as a supplement, because side effects may occur that would be antithetical to healing. With food and vegetable juices, one can take many more mgs. of potassium than that, unless sodium is low. If that is the case, then I recommend adding sea salt to any food or supplement that may have too high a ratio of potassium to sodium and chloride. ( I think that may be why people may have a "detox". ) I have had pretty good results with amino acids such as tryptophan, and tyrosine. I have also had very good results with Peppermint oil, oil of Oregano, and DMSO. I sometimes take small amounts of them internally, but mostly transdermally. Someone may scold me, but I do put a rather heavy coat of peppermint oil on painful areas. Maybe these suggestions will allay pain until the B-12 heals it.
I really need help. I am in excruciating pain almost all the time, mainly in my neck and shoulders, but also on the sides of my stomach and lower back. the pain is just under my skin, and feels gravelly, like there are granules in there, and some hard stuff that feels like shards of glass.
Nothing seems to help, not acupunture, (which I find excruciating adn ineffective), or chiro, or massage-it inflames it more etc. The pain is so bad, I find myself not wanting to live-I'm not sucidal.
also I am so tired!! I have had chronic fatigue FOR a long time, but now, I can barely drag myself around, I want to sleep all the time, but I have lots of trouble sleeping. I feel groggy and almost drunk tho I never drink booze.
Also, my feet are kind of numb as are my lower legs. I have all kinds of gastric distress-gas, bloating, belching farting reflux, irritable colon, spittng up, ocassinal nausea
I am totally hooked on food, especailly sugar, carbs and salty stuff, I cant stop. Until very recently I was too thin, but now I am starting to pack on the pounds.
I also feel depressed, enraged, resentful, afraid and terribly sad, negative, I cant remember stuff and have trouble learning new things.
By far, the worst is the pain and the fatigue. I dont think the Apple Cider Vinegar would be good for me as I have candida and vinegar makes me feel awful.
Any help would be greatly apprecaited,
(Somewhere, Europe)
(Socalif, Usa)
SHIFRA.. I am sorry you are in so much pain.. However your life is precious, and I'll bet you have some special qualities about yourself that bring joy to others.. Don't throw your life away because of pain.. Get help from somewhere, I could suggest you seek a friend, a relative, or a spiritual route that might help you move in the right direction.. Remember you are loved by God. Love yourself. I"ll say a prayer for you. Keep your chin up.. This site has some info on dealing with diet and pain issues.
(Brookline, Ma)
(Brookline, Ma)
thanks for responding and I will take your suggestions, but it is the pain esp in my necka and shouders that is the worst symptom. I am in so much pain. do you know what I cud do for the pain.
I feel kind of drunk but my gait is not drunken. I feel like my balance is way off but it is not visible.
Thanks shifra
(Melbourne, Australia)
If I had multiple symptoms like you do I would be immediately taking sugar/processed foods out of the diet. No processed salt, only use Unrefined sea salt. Go on a green juice fast; wheatgrass included as well as Aloe Vera. I would be taking spirulina and chlorella as well as Chlorophyl. These will all detox the body. I would also be taking mega doses (maybe start off small) of Vitamin C. Also some Essential Fatty Acids (cod liver oil.. fermented is best).
Added to the above I would be taking ACV (1-2 tablespoons) in 8oz water per day.
Coconut oil
Raw honey
I would stay away from synthetic vitamins and try to stick with the "super foods".
Chicken broth is great for vitamins and minerals as well.
Stay away from diet drinks and MSG. Diet drinks usually contain aspartame which is poison to our bodies.
They say that health begins in the gut/digestion. I would be looking at my diet.
Would be helpful to know what your diet is like?
(Gippsland, Australia)
Hi Shifra, To help break the pain cycle you could try dl-phenylalanine. It may take three to four weeks to start to see results but it really can help. For its theraputic benefits it must be taken on an empty stomache and wait 30 mins after taking it before eating. You can take it with a little juice or water. I found I needed to take it first thing in the morning and also late afternoon (I had been in servere pain for many years) after the pain was not noticable I continued for a while with only the am dose. Also some of the alkalizing remedies may help you with the pain, particularly muscle pain. With the fatigue as well it is hard to do much, but once the pain cycle is broken it is easier and you can think clearer. All the best, Maria
(Brookline, Ma)
hi, thanks for the advice. Are there any countra indications for taking dl-phenylalanine, I mean, is it a problem to take if you have certain medical condittions and also I take trazadone, nerontin, and effexor -which I am slowing coming off of- any bad interactions with thsoe meds as far as anynone knows?
Thanks, shifra
(Reinholds, Pa)
(Gippsland, Australia)
Shifra, Most of your symtoms could be side effects of the three meds you listed, unless you had all of the symptoms before you started taking them. I'm sure you realize that you need to be careful in weaning yourself off them especially if the neurontin was prescribed for seizures.
Neurontin's side effects - numbness of an arm or legs; clumsiness; dizziness; tiredness; weight gain; back pain.
Neurontin is sometimes used for Fibromyalgia, although when you look at its list of side effects maybe it can make it worse. Alpha lipoic acid can be a good alternative for Neurontin if it's for Fibromyalgia or diabetic issues. Scroll down to #5 at
One of Effexor's side effects is a state of near sleep.
Trazodone's side effects include; drowsiness; mood swings; memory problems.
There can also be interreactions between effexor and trazodone when taken together because they both increase seratonin.
Here is a link for possible interactions with phenylalanine.
(Los Angeles, Ca)
Your symptoms are textbook gout symptoms. Gout is when your body over produces uric acid and the excess forms crystals between your joints and under the skin. A diet high in trans fats, sugar and starches is very acid forming and will trigger gout in those who are predisposed to it as well as creating a climate where yeast and fungus thrive.
Eliminating sugar, starch and trans fats is a must for you to start to alkalize your system which should help considerably. In addition, drinking pitcher of water with a 1/2 cup of lemon juice and a 1/2 tsp of baking soda and taking a tsp of virgin coconut oil 4 times a day will relieve gout symptoms if it has not progressed to foar and should clear up the candida.
(Syracuse, New York)
I also live in considerable constant pain resulting from an old, but severe gunshot wound to my abdomen that blew my right kidney and most of my liver and half my large intestine out my back. At times the pain seems very bad to me. The one thing that really does help is to cry like a baby for as long as I feel like it. This really does work. Sometimes I feel pretty good for 2 or 3 days after a good cry. I guess you could call it CRY BABY THERAPY. It does work, at least for me....Oscar
(Plymouth, Ma.)
(Brookline, Ma)
I am going to check out the go out flex, thanks. I wonder if anyone has any ideas of what my condition may be- I have intense pain in my neck adn shoulders and also in back and sidea of my tummy. I feel crystaline stuff under my skin, kind so gravelliy and hard, and like under my skin is not smoothe, like it used to be this is most everywher under my skin- somenone said it might be gout, but its not in my toes or hands. Also I am bone tired, sluggish with bad digestion adn numbness in legs and feet. Does anything dissolve the crystals? Also is anything good for suagar cravings- I am out of control with sugar and carbs and salt Thanks(Somewhere, Europe)
You might try ACV for cravings and stomach issues (i have found wine vinegar to do the same), but, contrary to what many are doing here: start small!!! I barely take 1/2 dropperful twice a day (with or without a pinch of baking soda) in a glass of water, and it seems to be helping for a number of things.
It sounds like you may have a Candida Overgrowth and or Leaky Gut Syndrome. Look into the symptoms of that issue.
(boston ma)
I have been feeling kind of dizzy and unbalanced and a bit shaky. not a good feeling. this time my blood pressuer was a little high 140 over 82. at first it was the same standing or lying down, then it was high lying down about 140 over 90 and about 126 over about 70. I drink a lot of water and use pink salt, I hate the dizzy feeling. this is the first time my bp was high. am concerned. I get dehydrated very easily, if I go out in the sun in summer it affects me strongly. most recently about 7 weeks ago got super sick with an swollen appendix, infection in my intestines and inflammation. I had started vomiting and could not keep anything down, ended up in er and in very bad pain, took mainly tylenol iv, ibupofen iv once and 1 dose each of dilodid and morphine which thank god did not work on the pain. I took a slew of antibiotics and could eat nothing for 5 days and no drinking either Thank god I did not have to have an operation, somehow the colon wall thickened. last year had an obstructed colon and got bad diareah and vomiting. I am better and belly still bloated, have round worm parasites and the herbalist thinks that when they die and come out they bloat and cause a blockage. I often struggle to poop.
I have lyme and parasites and very concerned with the dizziness, what do you all suggest. thank you shifra
One of the first things you can try is a non invasive approach using the Epley Maneuver as outlined in the link below. If it helps you, great, if it doesn't, look for another cause.
(Lady Lake, FL)
Hi Shifra,
I suggest you get some food grade Diatomaceous Earth (it's cheap) online or at a health food store, and take a half-teaspoon every morning in warm water. (*Don't inhale the dry powder. Not good for lungs) This will kill the worms in about a week and should take care of the constipation as well...Be sure and chew your food 40 times...That will make a huge difference in the constipation. You'll probably see the worms come out in the toilet. It's fun getting rid of them, and your energy level should improve too. Good Luck. Joy.
Any ideas on what it could be, and how to get rid of it? I understand now, to stop the sweet tooth crap, I do ACV and water twice daily. Sometimes I oil pull, but it hasn't become a habit yet. Any input would be appreciated.
I am 31 years old man working in middle east, I have had piles(Hemorrhoids) since 2 years, and operated, now I have a severe problem. I have getting pain in hands, shoulder, legs, and below my backside. When this pain comes, I lose weight a lot, after some days when this pain disappears, I gain slowly, slowly weight, it means to normal what I had before. I went to doctors here. They say that, it's beacause of typing job, and strains, but this pain continues for week, and I lose weight a lot. I am afraid now, please advise me, what is the reason for this pain? It's just like killing me. Please advise what type of disease is this? and what is the available medicine for my disease?
Stacy N
Going on over 9 months of 24/7 pain except for the two times I was on prednisone for 1 1/2 weeks each time. They say I do not have RA or any inflammatory markers however my fingers, knees and toes swell up. My rings won't fit and I can barely make a fist because of the swelling. When my knees swell, they are red and warm to the touch. Any ideas or suggestions for me to look into?
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
To Stacy N,
If this were me, I'd be assuming an infection. If bacterial a round of antibiotics might knock it out but I'm always trying colloidal silver and the herb Echinacea both oral and topical applications.
So I would apply a poultice of Echinacea to the surface areas (like where I might have a rash) and drink three drops of Echinacea in a glass of water three times daily for a month.
Also I'd certainly be on CS as I mentioned above. Three tablespoons thrice daily for a month. If improved I'd keep it up. A
Also I'd consider putting the CS into a white cloth mixed with DMSO to allow penetration and put on site of surgery. Maybe six times over a few weeks. The DMSO is a carrier. (Google DMSO Dr. Jacobs 60 minutes)
Looks like I was wise in waiting for Dave to answer as I was suspecting the very same problem. Chronic infections are becoming more common with the compromised purity of our foods, water, air, and environment in general. Then tack on aging and otc & prescription drug use and the immune system is overwhelmed. This is why I'm always recommending detoxing remedies as there are multitudes of diseases directly related.
Many herbal product manufacturers combine Berberine aka Goldenseal or Oregon Grape w/ Echinacea for a more broad-spectrum effect.
Yes, these remedies will work in the short-term, but looks like a total reevaluation of diet & lifestyle (indoor & outdoor environments). Spend as much time as possible reading E.C. pages and you can recover completely.
(Los Angeles, Calif, Usa)
(San Diego, Ca, Usa)
At the risk of sounding repetitive I would suspect candida, especially if all the medical tests have found nothing. Most people don't realize what a truly insidious disease systemic candida can be and how many different symptoms it can present. To determine for yourself if this is your problem, you can do a fast, easy test at home. First thing in the morning before you put anything in your mouth or brush your teeth, work up some saliva and spit it into a clear glass of water. After 30 minutes, look in the glass. If there are strings coming down from the saliva or if the water turned cloudy or with suspended cloudy specks, or if your saliva sank to the bottom you most likely have candida. Healthy saliva with simply float on the top of the water. Candida overgrowth begins in the colon. Over time as the yeast multiplies it begins to migrate through the digestive tract moving up until it reaches the mouth. Once this happens your saliva will sink because the yeast is heavier than water. No yeast and it will float. If you determine that you have candida, there are a number of cures on this wonderful site, plus some good commercial products you can find with a google search.
Hi Cindy, I would be interested in where you got this information on saliva. I tried your test this morn and I'm clear but I have always wondered why my saliva is bubbly like detergent bubbles so I'd like some more info. In my search for a cure for tonsil mucus my saliva was even commented on by the specialist but he had no idea why it happens - Im talkin' a lot of bubbles. The mucus and bubbles must be connected.
(San Diego, Ca, Usa)
Her current ailment is about her reaction to illnesses. Any minor illness (UTI, ear infection, common cold) will be followed by excruciating back pain (she points to her spine) for a few days. It is bad enough she will be up all night and the pain is not relieved by Tylenol, heated rice bags, or anything else.
She also responds to illnesses by breaking out in hives. They can last for a few days to weeks. She is pretty clear in the mornings, but by evening they are all over her. Her feet will swell and hurt so much she has to crawl. The hives started when she was 2 years old and have been persistent. The back pain is new. Often the two will be combined.
We have taken her to MDs, specialists, and even my ND. No one seems to have an answer for her. I'm concerned that we may be overlooking a serious condition, but I'm not sure where to even turn at this point.
She has been tested for allergies (negative), Lyme (negative, but I have it), and has had all normal bloodwork other than it shows inflammation.
Any direction on where to search next would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
There is obvious immune dysfunction as well as inflammation here that has an underlying cause.
Cleansing w/ very warm baths of 1/4 cup Epsom Salts and 1/4 cup Borax will help. Do these at least once per week. Stop by your local health food store and purchase a broad spectrum herbal antiparisite formula. I personally recommend Black Walnut Complex (Nature's Answer). If you have pets also use this herbal formula in their food.
A good whole food multivitamin/mineral specifically for children will help. Many of the otc multi that are manufactured by pharmaceutical industry are not recommended as they are very poorly absorbed and utilized. One common otc brand that I personally recommend is NatureMade. Most local health food stores have the best product options as compared to major retail stores.
Green drinks or "green smoothies" (which are a combination of green foods like Barley and Wheat Grass, Spirulina, Chlorella, Kelp etc.) are very popular now for people needing natural cleansing and vital energy.
(Somewhere, Europe)
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Sugar's Mom;
Re Sugar's reaction to illness...
Here's a hunch. You mention that you have Lyme. Sugar is 6. If your lyme predated Sugar's birth then her problem might be congenital. Even though Sugar is negative on lyme tests, we know those tests are all over the map and some aspects of lyme can be present causing the inflammation reaction. Look on EC site for turpentine cleanse advice.
Also consider doses of colloidal silver to see if there is any reduction in her condition given her age and weight. I might try a teaspoon once a day of the CS. I don't know how to calculate the turpentine remedy. I've seen at least one case of hives reduce greatly with CS.
Look up charcoal remedies on EC too.
All the above is what I'd try if I had a child with such a condition. Why don't you run these ideas by your doctor.
(Frostburg, Maryland)
You might try giving your daughter magnesium, such as magnesium citrate. Her body seems to be over-reacting to simple environmental-attack. Magnesium calms the body's defense-mechanisms. One 200 mg pill in the morning; or break the pill into two pieces then give one-half in the morning and one-half in the evening, typically with food.
(Toronto, Canada)
1. Anxiety attacks and daily panic attacks. I get attacks on any noise. That how bad it is.
2. Insomnia. I can go for days without sleep and when I do get sleep I get no less than 2 hours and once im up it all over.
3. Ear and Head noise. I think it triggered mostly by the back burning sensation and anxiety.
4. Lack of focus and depersonalization.
5. Upper Back, shoulder and neck pain. (Muscle Stiffness, soreness, spasm)
6. Feels tired all the time... I sit alot and I feel I and I lie down on the bed a lot thinking why, where and how did I go wrong.
Before all these issues I was a healthy 37 years old guy who works out and eat healthy. Now, the hospital seems like my favorite spot. I have been on 3 anti-depressant pills and anxiety pills. But to all honesty medication is not my forte. I get all the side effects that comes with them. The last medication I was on was Elavil. It helps with sleep but too many side effect. I quit cold turkey despite on small dosage. Not sure if the withdrawal symptoms makes my anxiety worse. I have lost my job due to all these madness and it seems I cant focus anymore at anything. My friends and loved ones are suffering as well. I desperately need help to get my life back as all these are taking a toll on me. Any suggestions and recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and I look forward to your responses.
(Fort Madison, Iowa)
(Manhattan, Ny)
SURULERE, sorry to hear of your failing health.. The follow are few things that may help, in addition to what others may suggest.
1. Make up an essential oil blend Bergamot, Lavender, Ginger, & Rosemary (into a carrier oil, almond). Rub this on the top of your neck at hair line and over the right chest above armpit. This will relax and help lift your spirit, as well as a good anti-viral.
2. On earth clinic, you will see the mini beet protocol, try it for a while. Beet juice (high in nitrates) helps relax you & blood vessels to increase blood flow to the brain.
Asparagus is a great liver detox... (Journal of Food Science)
3. The Herb Gotu Kola has some proof in calming the startled response... (our reaction to loud noises) Will help with brain focus, anxiety.
(Lancaster, Ca)
Your problems could be related to a spinal misalignment from the massage, believe it or not. There are other things that could also be causes, but if you are sure it began immediately after the massage, then it could be that your hip joints are partially misaligned in the tailbone area, causing severe pinching of nerves that radiate throughout the body. If either the very end of the spine or the very top of the spine under the skull are out of alignment, even a little, it can created a system wide disturbance, that is like being electrocuted on an ongoing basis. If physical therapy fixed it for a time, then I really suspect an alignment issue, perhaps coupled with some disc degeneration reducing the spaces between vertabrae. A good physical therapist should train you in at-home exercises to strenghen muscles and ligaments..... Ask for MICRO building exercises, not macro muscle exercises, as often it is very tiny muscles controlling the bottom of the spine and it's alignment. If these type of strengthening exercises are indicated, you should do them twice a day, everyday, to bring it all back in functionality.
Be patient, it can take several weeks to months to retrain the body, and have it quit responding to the initial event..... Muscle and tissue have a long memory, where trauma is concerned and you need to coax them back into correct operation gently and persistently. Drugs will only mask your problems.... I would urge you to stay away from them. If seeking correct alignment doesn't work, then you should consider looking at an undetected pathogen that could be causing the same syptomology. There are many candidates to investigate: mycoplasma infections, Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, Valley Fever, parasite infections of all kinds, etc. Start with the most logical, first the spine issue, then proceed to next level if no releif. Look at all possible causes, your area you live in, any recent "flu-like" illness you have had, any insect bites out of the ordinary, etc. Do your homework, be vigilant.... There ARE answers and help out there. Good Luck!
(Been There Before!, Usa)
Sounds like you are having the classic withdraw symptoms from coming off the medicine. Please be assured there is light at the end of the tunnel but it will take a little time to work through it. I went through the same after coming off Lexapro. Lack of sleep, head noise, vertigo, anxiety, depression, all of it.
Its rather a lengthy read but I'll keep it to the point and I hope I can make sense here without causing further anguish for you as I know its difficult to deal with. But this is my experience. As explained to me by a pharmacist, all of this this is common as your body is going through chemical and emotional changes. The medicine causes the brain to reduce the amount of melatonin it produces, which is what helps us go to sleep. The medicine was providing that for you and your body will realize it needs to produce more since it isn't being provided for any longer. Unfortunately, it doesen't happen as quickly as we like it to. Therefore, you need to retrain yourself to sleep. The pharmacist suggested I try an over the counter sleep aid. I started with melatonin supplements but the dreams were way too bad. I turned to a store brand sleep aid with acetophamin. I had my concerns about becoming dependent on them because I was convinced this would be the way it was going to be. After 3 days with about 2 hours total sleep, I would take one sleep aid tablet. Then took another one the next night. Then, I took nothing unless I was desperate and had been awake for a couple days.
In about a months time, I began sleeping on my own and staying asleep all night. Furthermore, a lack of sleep will contribute to you being tired, fuzzy minded, tight muscles and spasms. Its kind of like your body is in a defense mode because of sleep deprivation, all your senses are 'waking up' and perhaps you are feeling emotions you hadn't been feeling. I don't know about you but it hit me like a brick wall! Its a lot to go through. I describe the post med anxiety and depression are there because everything that was triggering you to begin with is still a sore subject for you. You didn't feel all that while you were on the meds, did you?
I adapted to my issues and all became ok when I was on the med. I was really disappointed realizing the medicine didn't 'fix' my problems. How could they? I had to resolve my issues in order for it to improve. The head noise and vertigo took a while to get past. I still get it from time to time but not like before. I noticed that when I experience anxiety, thats when it hits me the worst and I describe it like the fuzz sound of a radio that isn't tuned to a station. I have a bad habit of over thinking everything when I first wake up and my day would go about with the noise. Its really aggravating and I sympathize for you.
So now, instead of conquering everything in my mind when I first wake up, I focus on conversations on morning shows. Weird, but it helped me. Another big help for me was exercising. It helped me to release my negative thoughts and energy and I became a lot more focused and happier. As you say, "I lie down on the bed a lot thinking why, where and how did I go wrong. " Its all too familiar. Maybe instead of looking backwards, you should look forward. What ever happened is done and you can only change which path you choose to travel down. Unfortunately, you will grieve for that part of your past life but you need to come to some level of acceptance/responsibility for YOUR actions in whatever happened. And at that point for me, is when I began to pick myself up. All is not lost. You just have to find it! Wishing you the best...
(Fb, Ga)
Seven years ago to the week, I went through the pretty much the same thing you describe after a chiropractic adjustment. Doctors weren't able to diagnose me with anything and assumed it was all in my head and put me on anti-anxiety medication. Chiropractors are usually on the defensive side for their profession and 2 have denied any relation between what happened and the therapy I had the night before. I have come to my own conclusion of vertebral artery dissection; which can happen after chiropractic or massage therapy. The attack which happened is that of a Transient Ischemic Attack. However, being young (32) and healthy, the VBA is what made sense because of the spinal manipulation therapy (the night before) where TIA happens due to health conditions such as high cholestoral.
If you speak with your doctor about this, I would be interested in getting an update on your situation. I've been to several doctors but they all think its in my head. Even though I've come a long way with this, I would love to be back to my old self again one day. I would interested in any feedback from Ted.
(Bloomfield, Nj, Usa)
Folks, thanks alto for all the input. Very informative and quit interesting. Anon, you hit the nail on the wall. It all started during a very stressful time in my life 100%. At the same time I was very physical at the gym. Stronger than ever been because I changed my diet to more healthy choices. Then, I noticed that when I worked out more, my muscle did'nt get muscle pump like I used to. I did lots of pull ups and push ups before my regular workout. I must have over stretch the muscles I believe but I cant say if it the massage that triggers the entire issue or the stress related factor. What difficult is to differentiate if the original issue was emotional(stress) or Physical pain. I have stayed away from the gym. I walk as much as I can but I get tied from fatigue. Below is the summary result from my MRI in April 2010
1. Multilevel degenerative disc disease with straightening of normal cervical lordosis.
2. There is a right paracentral/foraminal disc protrusion at C3-4
3. Left paracentraldisc protrusionnat C-4-5
4. AT C6-7 there is a right paracentral disc protrusion as well
5. At C5-6 there is a posterior disc osteophyte complex and there is mild moderate right sided foraminal narrowing secondary to uncovertebral joint arthropathy. MRI of the brain proves to be normal.
Some relieve.. I get some relieve from doing something physical or socially active. The entire anxiety/panic attacks double a month after I stopped the Elavil which I took for a month and quit cold Turkey due to the side effect sometimes in late August. I want to embark on a holistic and straight regimen to alleviate whatever this nasty anxiety is. I took too much negative information and let it stick in my brain. I have to reverse it.
Today, is ok. Less anxious because of the positive feedback I'm getting from you folks. Please folks keep them coming. Thanks, and truly appreciate all suggestions and recommendations from the bottom of my heart!
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Ms. Susan,
About that feeling of water dripping on head...
I have a guess.
This is a nerve disorder....hence occasional twitching. And the coldness is common with a nerve disorder.
Well, what just might be causing this could be an infection that has randomly struck.
If me, I'd try some topical applications....turpentine...maybe a few drops applied to surface where the irritation is focused. If it is an infection application of Echinacea and/ or colloidal silver applied topically might get to the subcutaneous nerve. To really get the stuff there if I added a few drops of DMSO, that combination would be a great carrier AND also the DMSO itself being anti inflammatory might help.
Just some ideas.
(Hope, Bc Canada)
Hi Susan (Wv) --- I think it may be a nerve disorder. Since I am your age, I have had strange sensations on my scalp that kept wandering and I can imagine your concern. Someone younger than us reported recently the same on EC.
But since I apply warm sesame oil regularly to my head and in summertime VCO, it has not occurred again. Here I am lead by Ayurveda, with advice to do head oil treatment regularly. The herbal powder BRAHMI or also called GOTU KOLA is extremely beneficial for the brain and head and I have used it often and enjoy the calm brightness when taken it in warm water with honey if desired.
This herb is famous in India and also widely used for scalp infections and mental trouble. It has a wide range and is a superb blood cleanser so that it is also used for leprosy. Brahmi can be found in Indian stores. It is an herb that should be used in every household as advised by Vaidias , Ayurvedic doctors, in India. With over 5000 years wisdom, it surely is a blessing.
Best of success, Namaste, Om
(Milwaukie, Oregon)
(Snohomish, Wa)
But now as of may 2011 her husband is having a lot of the same symptoms an has yet another bacterial overgrowth (3x) and is now on a fructose diet. I personally think they picked up a parasite while in the bahamas but doctors don't seemed concerned with it although they have been guessing at everything else. Please help as we are at the end of our rope an out of doctors!
(Manganui, Northland, New Zealand)
(Hudson, Oh)
I had many of these symptoms as your daughter. Had the "bulky" uterus which doctors removed, constipation, distended abdomen, etc. which later progressed into more health issues. I did a parasite cleanse thru a health store and could not believe the stuff that came out! My husband and I have been travelers for years and he also travels for work. My husband had begun having intestinal issues so he also did the cleanse. Most of my issues have cleared up as well as my husbands. If your daugter does a parasite cleanse, her husband should also do one or they will just keep passing stuff back and forth.
(Portland, Or)
I've traveled to several countries last trip we took was in 2010 that was 2 years ago, Symptoms : fever, chills, abdomen pressure lightheadness. small bumpy rash neck pain all of sort of like having the flu every other day Going on the 11 month mark I have a herd of doctor working for me :Every GI Test imaginable- negative, all blood test- negative, ALCAT food allergy test, OBGYN all negative I had very organ in my abdomen CAT scanned, they even scanned my lungs negative, I'm hate exposure to xray but I have to do it. Everything was negative Parasite check negative still waiting for second round of parasite checks. Negative lymes disease check negative, SIBO small intestinal bacterial overgrowth hydrogen breath test was POSITIVE and I had a bladder infection no symptoms I took the antibiotics, but it did not work, I will try it again but I think it is something else. My next stop is an infectious disease specialist. Anyhow This is what helped me sea salt water and fresh lemon, peppermint tablets, tons of raw garlic and berberine, drink ginger tea, drink lots of ginger water to wash out the bacteria and eat probiotics. Take wormwood, and gse for parasites, 3 x aday skip dinner it is too much drink ginger water to get rid of the bacteria.
These are the symptoms:
1) Tinnitus at left ear.
2) Sleepy.
3) High diastolic blood pressure, 95 - 120. Systolic okay, 105 - 120.
4) Blood pressure easily jump upon a bit of stress, excitement, anger.
5) Weak legs.
6) Needle pain at lower left back.
7) 1 leg seems shorter than the other.
8) Prone to sad thoughts and worries.
High blood pressure: Perhaps you're overweight. There is a weight limit for every person, according to his/her height. To find out if you're overweight or not, google for "ideal weight BMI" for a chart of weight and height proportions. If so, then you need to exercise or do labour-intensive work, at least 4 days a week, to build up more muscles and less fat.
Strangely though, I recently measured the blood pressure of 3 fat and large kids, and found out that theirs were normal at round about 105/70 range.
Needle pain at lower back: Again assuming you are overweight, and also someone who sits long hours in front of the computer like many people do these days, then there is likelihood that your heavy upper body weight is putting tremendous pressure on your lower back and kidney areas. If the chair is a hard wooden or plastic one, then the bottom opposite effect might equally put lots of strains on them.
There are a few solutions you can try:
1) Sit on a comfortable chair with back support and a soft cushion where you
2) Take some time off regularly if you are going to sit long hours.
3) Don't use underwear with tight and thin rubber band on the waist, or any
other tight shorts or jeans, which will block the flow of blood.
Interestingly, if you are to lie down flat on your back and rotate your foot inwards and use your other foot to hold on that position for 2 minutes then you will discover that after a while that needle pain will disappear or at least become less throbbing than before. I got this inspiration after going for so many massages and always notice that the therapist bend the feet inwards each time. You could also do it while standing upright.
Hope these will help.
If your stomach is not flat, then wearing shorts, trousers and especially underwear that presses against the skin the whole day is also not good, and might just be the reason for the mentioned back pain.
Putting your shirts inwards will help cushion your abdominal area against the intense pressure, and hopefully in time will lessen the pain.
God bless you!
(Queens, Ny)
My son had been complaining of heachaches for the past 2 years (1 heachache lasted over 6 months), stiff neck and lower back, weakness/numbness in left leg and some numb fingers on his left hand, (diagnosed with arthitic neck and back) shaky vision problems, extreme fatigue, etc, etc. Having gone to numerous doctors including neurologist(thinking it was MS), allergist, ear nose and throat specialist, eye doctor, countless blood tests. We finally found a doctor that tested him for co-infections of LYME disease -the blood test came back positive. Treatment with antibiotics started last week.