Sinus Polyps
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Sinus Polyps: Reduce Inflammation and Congestion

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Vitamin D and Serrapeptase

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by D (Springdale, Ar) on 06/16/2017

High Dose Vitamin D and Serrapeptase

I have suffered from sinus polyps with severe chronic sinusitis: lost sense of smell, congestion, drainage, 2 surgeries etc. Please listen very carefully because this protocol works

1 High dose Vitamin D: 1500 TO 20000 IU's daily (most vital)

2. Serrapeptase: 240.000 SPU's once daily (most vital)

3. probiotics:

4. Spirulina-1-2 tablespoon per day

4. Zinc 30 mg daily

5. clean diet: gluten free, dairy, yeast free. lots of fruit and veggies, lots of water, lemon water (the juice of 2 lemons in the morning with water)

Replied by Diana

Hi! I surfer with nasal polyps for more than 20 years and I'm trying everything to get rid of then. But nothing seems to work for me. I have stopped eating glúten, milk and sugar, tried teatree, castor oil, nasal rinse, acv, but I'm just worse than before. Please, can someone tell me how long before you notice some improvement from using these supplements? Thank you very much for any help.

(Montreal, QC)

Did you get any improvement at all?

Replied by Brenda
(Hillsdale, Michigan)

Hello, how long did this protocol take to relieve your sinus trouble?

Water Fasting

Posted by Vatos (Nijmegen, Netherlands) on 11/07/2010

Water fasting can heal sinus polyps because they are 'eaten away' in the cleaning and healing process. I think that water fasting is the first step. Because, eating 'non-allergenic' foods will only stop the polyps from swelling, but they will always remain because they are not completely removed. So eating those foods will help you only in the short term, AND you are devoted to eating non of those allergenic foods at all the rest of your life

Replied by Ksafan

I am also a nasal polyp sufferer and glad to have come across this site. I have tried the saline nasal wash with apple cider and even diluted apple cider on cotton bud directly applied to the nasal cavity but these hasn't helped much. One thing I notice though is that drinking chlorinated even filtered water seems to make it worse of course dairy products have a similar effect. So one advice I can give you guys is to avoid chlorinated water better distilled or spring water. I will also try this tea tree oil and hope to keep you posted on how I get on.

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