Toothache and Tooth Abcess
Use only 3%. Dilute by adding 5 tablespoons to 1 quart or 32 oz of distilled water. It works wonders for just about everything that ails you.
It cured my cat with feline aids.
I started to feel a little bit of pain and had some swelling around one of my bottom teeth. After reading on this wonderful site about HP for cavities, I decided to give it a try. I simply gargle with the HP one time for about one minute - and the cavity was stopped in its tracks! Unbelievable to me is the fact that cavities can be stopped like that. I grew up believing that cavities had to be drilled and filled, but thanks to this site and its posters, I now know that is just not true. As a beautiful side benefit, my bad breath is gone now, too. Thanks to EC for that!
(Riverside, Ca)
I didn't receive the same results taking peroxide for ulcers. I started the food grade hydrogen peroxide oxygenation protocol 5 days ago and am today up to 7 drops in distilled water 3 times a day and my stomach is killing me!!! The ulcers weren't bothering me very much before beginning the peroxide. I will continue on to 8 drops tomorrow but will probably have to stop after that as my stomach is getting worse by the day.
(Somewhere, Europe)
D Tob, STOP!!! If it hurts, it's not for you, or at least not at these dosages!! If in the future you might want to try it again, stay at ONE drop a few days, if no pain, go to two drops for a few days etc. NOT EVERYONE can do the "protocol" as is. We are all different.
Also, after a few days of rest from any treatment, you might want to try any other Ulcers treatment. But start SLOW AND LOW!
It is very important to be properly alkalized prior to H2O2 remedies.
To heal stomach ulcers, you may also consider acid reducing otc meds like Zantac, Tagamet, among others, in combination with 1-2 grms of Chlorella.
EC: Warning! Please do not use 35% Food Grade H202 until you read various instructions from the manufacturers about how to dilute it properly. 35% food grade can cause severe burns and must be diluted down to 3% or lower. You can read reader reported side effects and warnings on our Food Grade Section:
(Gippsland, Austalia)
Hi Carrie, I assume that you are not referring to an acute wound but are referring to a chronic wound or a sutured wound. As you know there is a difference between an acute wound and a chronic wound, whilst this may be the case with chronic wounds due to the fact that 3% H2O2 (whilst good in the initial treatment) does not kill the serious bacterial infection. It is also not advisable on sutured wounds due to its ability to dissolve or weaken some sutures. On acute wounds I have had great success. Have a look at these results.
I saw an article last year about a silver dressing where nano silver particles were in the dressing that would be put on the wound, have you seen this used
(Colorado Springs)
I was told by a doctor md to spray hydrogen peroxide after I cleaned an incision I had. Have had a few surgeries in my life but after learning about hydro. per., I use it any time I have a cut or surgery, makes healing a breeze!
(Pattaya, Chonburi)
My 89 year old father had bedsores that he had contracted while at hospital. They were really deep wounds, about 1 cm deep. My sister treated the wounds with hydrogen-peroxide. Unlike many elderly people, my father made a full recovery. I believe what I see, not what I am told of the dangers oh HP. However qualified the person might be.
(Ruislip, Middlesex Uk)
I noticed a cautionary message in the section on H2O2 which reported it is no longer safe as a cleansing protocol for wounds. When I worked on a geriatric ward many years ago we routinely used it for open bedsores and ulcers. After daily syringing with 3% HP to thoroughly clear necrotic material wounds were packed with gauze soaked in cod liver oil. (Matron's own remedy! ) In patients where health was not too severely compromised, within a few weeks this resulted healthy new pink tissue even in very deep cavities brought on by pressure sores. And the lady whose ulcerated leg had become gangrenous was delighted when the regeneration saved her from an amputation. The oil is rather smelly, of course, but how bad if it works?
Bon sante. Nickie
(Wichita Falls, Tx)
(Coral Gables, Florida)
As a wind instrument musician, I had frequent damge to the lips and mouth resulting in sores etc.. It is a common problem. Rinsing mouthpieces, reeds etc in H2O2 completely eliminated the problem for me and I have had zero occurences for years.
In the tropics minor wounds when working or hiking, for example have a tendency to persist and not heal. H2O2 solved this problem for me and my hands and legs are free from wound sites. From my experience I cannot confirm these warnings.
(Pattaya, Chonburi)
I don't believe in changing guidelines. Thank God old remedies that have been proved to be successful are still in use. Family history tells me HP is a potent tool in healthcare. I don't trust any industry driven decisions.
Yeast Infections
I have had a kruse yeast level three (only seen in aids patients I dont have aids thank god,candida galbrata level three, and candida albicons level three. I had a yeast infection every day for four years although I, rotated foods, probiotic at 200 billion, spent thousands of dollars on supplements, h202 infusions,several meds, diets I can not longer stay on after doing them for so many years.
I started internal h202 a month and a half ago, broke out in hives and ringworm, then all of a sudden stopped getting yeast infections. I am feeling weaker and weaker each day thrush possibly from die off and am at 21 drops 30% . I know you say this too much but whats a girl to do when she is running out of money for vitamins and treatment and cant digest even veggies? Ph is great! I take h202 wait an hour and a half take l-glutimine to repair intestines, then a-lipoic acid, probiotics, b 12 , and trace minerals, calcium with my d and cod liver oil, then my perscription antifungul (I rotate monthly now). I am so tired.....
and can I take p.carbinate over baking soda? Whats a girl to do? Much love and gratitude for all you are doing and helping. Thank You
Cricket from Spokane Washington
(York, Uk)
Hi Cricket,
I sent the following to 'Jamgirl' recently. Why don't you also give it a go. Keep upping the dose until you are happy/comfortable. It seems to work for me. Shaun
03/18/2010: Shaun from Old York, Uk replies: "Hi Jamgirl, I have had a similar issue in the past on my chest (and behind and in my ears). I tried just about everything for years to clear this up, but it wasn't until I soaked in Sodium Carbonate (washing soda) in the bath that it stopped it stone-cold dead in its tracks (I must point out that I had some success with Milk of Magnesia prior to this. Both have a high pH). I would suggest two cup full's of washing soda in a medium bath. You may have to do this a few times over a few days/weks 'cos Candida (and malassezia sp.) are bloody tough yeast's/fungus's to deal with. You may also want to apply a strong mix directly to the effected area. Washing soda is something of an irritant and you will likely get a reaction the first time you use it. This is normal. After bathing rinse down in apple cider vinegar to neutralise the skin. This also has the effect of a double whammy. Also, rinse the hair with both WS and ACV 'cos the yeasts are found/hiding there also.
Yeast Infections
(Timisoara, Timis, Romania)
(Knoxville, Tn)
(St Louis, Mo)
Kurt, Another member posted this: H2O2 amounts taken: Begin first day with ONE DROP H2O2 in 8 oz. PURE WATER. Second day: two drops H2O2. Third day: three drops H2O2... And so on until you reach 10 drops per day. Now, if the taste is too bad, split the HP drops into 5 in the morning, and 5 in the evening--near bed time. Work back taking 10 drops twice a day, THEN split it into THIRDS, AND begin taking 7 drops THREE times a day, or whatever you can handle. Slowly work back up to taking 10 drops THREE times a day. Don't go much higher than that, or you might want to stay at 7 drops, three times a day. Let your body determine your amount.
ALSO, do NOT drink any H2O2 water 45 minutes BEFORE OR AFTER EATING A MEAL OR TAKING SUPPLIMENTS! You may throw up (vomit.)
** They also went on to explain that supplements may be needed to counteract any affects this method could have, being taken internally. It suggests Vitamin C - I would research what others should be taken, as I read it breaks down the iron in your body. Also, it states that they purchased their 35% Food Safe HP at their local natural grocer. Check your health food, whole food, and vitamin retailers and they may also sell it in your area.