Late Stage Cirrhosis
Marv is in stage 4 with cirrhosis but not cancer. He has ascites (swelling of stomach and one ankle / foot). Like Oscar was, in liver failure, and not doing too well, and not eligible for interferon. (Wouldn't do it anyway.)
Have been on many, many things, basically "throwing the best and brightest" we could find to try to beat this thing. Marv now insists on going it alone with BHT and vegetable juicing only. And Vit C.
Keep Marv in your prayers, please, for a complete recovery to health! Will keep posted as to symptom improvement, and any numbers I can locate for him.
But we are now on board! --T.
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Wayseeker, I just prayed for Marv and want to see him make a full recovery from hepatitis C. Now, I am very troubled that you are having problems getting help from the VA, the Veterans Administration. I am a veteran also. I have had both good and bad experiences with the VA. Many veterans have hepatitis C. The VA is legally obligated to help these veterans. Did Marv ever recieve any blood transfusions? Also did he ever get any shots that are prodects of the blood? If he served in Vietnam he almost certainly did get such a shot. There was some shot they gave ALL of us as far as I know. I forgot what it was called.
If he has not yet joined the DAV he owes it to himself to join. The DAV is the Disabled American Veterans. They have been very helpful to me when dealing with the VA....Oscar
(Modesto, Ca/ Usa)
Oscar- You are an inspiration to Marv and me in a very dark hour. He is, for the first time, hopeful that he may live a longer life. Thank you for your prayers, and concern for others.
I have a question about lactoferrin (apololactoferrin) use to lower iron overload, and redistribute existing iron to the blood and away from Hep-C virus attachment to it. Has anyone used this alongside BHT use, or is it a non-issue with BHT being sufficient by itself. Advanced cirrhosis always involves iron overload, I have read elsewhere. Hep-C feeds on the excess iron, and even steals it from forming blood platelets, etc.
Any ideas on this? We are so comforted by the heartening news of your, and others', recovery, from Hep-C, so generously reported here on EarthClinic. --T.
(Modesto, Ca/ Usa)
Oscar- To answer your questions: The VA has not done very extensive bloodwork, and won't do a ferrous iron test, nor are they doing anything else but giving up on Marv. They have not even bothered to help get him on a transplant list. I have cautioned him about that anyway, having read up on it.
Perhaps the best thing to do, as this lovely site does, is to simply jump to the solution, and skip the problem alltogether. I am all about throwing enough crud against the wall and seeing what sticks, giving each trial more than a fair shake.
I love solutions, and loathe fighting "the powers that be. " Marv remembers everyone getting shots from the same needle gun enroute to 'Nam. Grounds for disability, but it sits on the judges desk, and is called "a non-combat" related health issue. --T.
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Wayseeker, Please have Marv join the DAV. These people are VERY good at looking out for veterans. It is what they do. They are VERY familiar with all the crap some people in the VA system do to thwart veterans and know the best ways to deal with said crap.
Also that shot I discussed earlier is a blood product. Much of the blood being used to make those injections was infected with hepatitis C.
But, this BHT treatment has worked very well for many people when NOTHING else did. So called non-responders to the conventional treatments. At this time the best results are with a dosage of between 200mg to 350mg of BHT taken on an empty stomach twice a day. Also, best results are reported by those who do NOT take milk thistle or any of it`s extracts. Do NOT mix the BHT treatment with anything other than moderate doses of vitamins. Also, I do recommend joining the BHT CURES group here:
Many people have achieved dramatic improvement in a few weeks to a few months. I do think it is at least worth trying. I want to see Marv get well like I did and so many others also. Sincerely, ...Oscar
(Modesto, Ca/ Usa)
Dear, dear Oscar-- Marv is on his third day with BHT, and being a large man, is already on 350mg 2x per day, and feeling better than he has in a long time, as well as quite hopeful. We see you as a very important person (VIP) and speak your name often! He insists on doing just the bare minimum of Vit C, plus BHT. He's not being good about doing a tspn of oil at all. As a large man, is this neccesary? And can it be organic coconut oil?
VA is $180.00 to join, and right now, I have spent several small fortunes on various healing protocols, and can't swing it. He is, however, trying a different angle with the VA, but is told it will take 12 months at least to get any money or aid, and must begin from scratch. Can this org. help make that wait more brief? Appears all they could do is give some minimal financial support, as they claim not combat related. I smell a lawsuit with that tainted blood issue.
I will try to navigate this site better, and go to the group you mentioned. I feel like I am writing too much here, but like you, my desire to share experience of what works is very strong. Thank you. --T.
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Wayfarer, I am happy to learn that Marv tolerates the BHT well and is already feeling better after only a few days. That is NOT unusual. Many people respond very well to this BHT treatment and very quickly.
Now it is important that he be seeing a medical doctor for test monitoring purposes. He is a veteran and is eligible for such services. All veterans are. There is NO requirement that he have been in combat or even served in a time of war. If Marv is a Vietnam war veteran and he got that shot I think he did he may very well be elidgible for a substantial disability claim. He needs to get in contact with a DAV [ Disabled American Veterans ] officer. These DAV people are devoted to America`s veterans and absolutely know how to deal with the VA. He may very well have a substantial disability claim if he seved in Vietnam and has hepatitis C.
Also, you did say Marv is a large man. For that reason I know of no reason for him to be concerned about taking that tablespoon of vegetable oil. That is a concern for thin or very lean people only.
From what you have told me it seems to me that Marv is responding well to the BHT treatment. But it is important that he be having liver function tests and viral load count tests done on a regular basis. So, again: Please have Marv get in touch with the DAV. They WILL walk him through any problems the VA comes up with. I can not help but think the VA is worried because he may very well be eligeable for a substantial disability claim. The DAV will know what to do to help you people. Sadly, many veterans have to fight for their rights with the VA and the DAV knows how to do that....Oscar
(Modesto, Ca/ Usa)
Dear Oscar, Thank you so much for clarity on this matter re: the VA. Marv only recently became aware that he could be eligible for disability aid through the VA for Hep C. He had, off-and-on for 20 years, tried for it because of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but could not make it over the VA's humps and bumps. He has holes in his memory, and has blacked out the entire experience, therefore invalid in the VA's opinion. Marv could not tell them where he had been or what he had experienced, and so was repeatedly denied help by the VA. This, of course, is the very nature of PTSD, to have no memory of a traumatic experience. What a catch 22.
Now, with the recently discovered late stage cirrhosis and Hep C, they told him he "likely got it in 'Nam. " I thought this a strange remark. More likely, he got it in their group shots/ tainted blood shot!
I am the daughter of an attorney, and my instincts say lawsuit, or settlement of a disability claim. We will join the DAV today! He just got word of the decision being mailed to him for regular SS disability. We don't know what their decision is yet. Could be yes or no. Would this have any bearing on a VA disability claim settlement? Are you aware of any legal claim being settled in this manner? Or is this their quiet way of putting it to rest, to avoid legal action?
I am particularly annoyed, as I have born the financial burden, but in love, of paying for a great many things in caring for him and trying to find a cure. I am also quite ticked that I also must assume I have this, and begin to heal me, too. I have my own catch 22's with private insurance. It seems smarter to me to avoid the insurance rate hikes, being dropped, etc, and just assume the worst. I do already feel liver pain, and at the liver spot under my index toe. All positive test results are required to be reported, which in some countries already is grounds to not be employed. It would be safe to assume, as have long been together.
I have been doing the lypo Vit C, as am told this can also generate complete healing. Plan to move to BHT when run out of it. This strong form of Vit C can act as a strong detoxifier, and could null the BHT.
I am so grateful to you, and to EarthClinic and staff. You both have already made a huge difference in our lives, to have received such friendly guidance and suggestions. Some of us are more disfunctional than others, and don't know how to do everything!
I deeply believe in the power of sharing what we have found, in love toward one another, especially at this time. Marv has helped literally thousands of men with their sobriety over the past 32 years, for free and for fun. A more functional person would have been the director of a treatment center, knowing what he knows how to do. He is a very rare and special man, whom I pray lives a very, very long time.
Many blessings to you! --T.
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Wayseeker, I don`t know where to start. So Marv has PTSD. I do also. I got shot in the guts really badly in 1968 and was sent back to a front line unit in Vietnam 6 months later. There was no mercy back then for servicemen. I had a friend who got shot three times, had all his teeth blown away and on an on. Still they kept sending him and me back into action. And yes you can only remember fragments of what happened at the time.
The DAV will know how to deal with all this. And his SS disability claim will have NO bearing on his VA claim. From what I know he is eligible for both. If anything the eligibilty for SS disability would help with the VA claim. Get in touch with the DAV. You will get the help you need. My father, who was a WWII veteran did not even know he was elidgable for VA health care until he I made him aware of it. The VA does not advertise all this.
Now, as to your concerns about you being infectected with HCV: There is an inexpensive test that can answer that question. Get that test and find out. It is called the HCV antibodies test. Look, do not get all freaked out. This BHT stuff really does work if taken as discussed for a very many people. There is a very good chance you are NOT infected also. Stay in touch in this forum and do join the BHT CURES GROUP. I am the primary monitor there and am on your side so to speak. BHT CURES GROUP here:
Sincerely, ...Oscar
(Modesto, Ca/ Usa)
Hi Oscar, I have tried to navigate the yahoo trip, but my email lists my name (unfortunate), and I don't know how to change that. This site is much easier, so I will try not to abuse the privledge in writing to you, specifically. I am also enjoying the EarthClinic group as a whole, very much.
Great info on last post. Thank you. Our local DAV is pretty weak, and we can't even get a good phone #, and have tried many. We are in Modesto. Marv's agent at VA is making him wait for SS decision first, and is not returning repeated calls. It all starts with this agent. We do need DAV's help, as have been told it takes 12 months to get any VA disability. Way too long to wait! Big runaround. At least the disability claims don't cancel each other out, you think. Will know more very soon, and will try to get a good blood panel on him, too.
RE: myself... That antibodies test is the one that is now reported to the CFDC and insurers. Didn't use to be that way. (AID's people have total privacy?! But not us?! ) Hence, my concern. Pre-existing condition, blah, blah, blah.... With my private insurer. I am not married to Marvin. I have my own financial reasons why not, but it means I am not insured through VA, though I am a Significant Other, a status they do not recognize the same way.
I will have to just plot my own course of action, and my numbers may have to wait until I'm certain I am clear. Sorry, can't help others with my numbers. And, I do suspect I am not clear of the 'happy virus. ' Having dealt with many addict/ alcoholics, I have seen this virus jump pretty darn fast to the partner. I just don't need that albatross to deal with around my neck, with my insurer.
My local paper had a front page story that all people of the baby boom generation should get tested for it. I see it as an 'experiment' done on us somehow, but then I have a rather suspicious nature! --T.
(Philadelphia, Pa)
Dear wayfarer, I'm not sure if my last post went through. In case it was lost due to Internet connection, ill quickly post my suggestion again. Please have your partner and yourself take B12 and a b complex. B12 is strongly antioxidant and will mop up excess iron. Also it will help heal and protect nervous system and therefore should be good for PTSD too. Kind regards
(Modesto, Ca)
Dear Oscar, I had to tell you! Marvin's scores were finally obtained, and despite doing BHT not at all well-- not consistentaly, only a small dose 1x/ day, mixed with food and his medicines (5), he still has seen his scores drop from ALT 248 and AST 303, to ALT 98 and AST 59. These are from the Veterans, so aren't listed in millions. I trust you understand them anyway. His recent bloodwork they said he hadn't had ALT/AST tests in 6 months, when he has had two tests, 3 & 5 months ago. Oddly, they didn't include these, and though they drew many vials of blood last week, have "no ALT/AST tests for 6 mths" for this visit.
He has been, during the past 3 months, doing it right, by itself, 2x/ day, w/o food, by itself. Pity they didn't give us those scores, because I'm sure they're even better. But perhaps they didn't test him at all this time.
All in all, very hopeful news. Thank you. He did have to go back on meds, as has terrible ascites and they came back.
I have one question about drinking distilled water while using BHT, and if you have any remarks on that, please reply. --The Wayseeker.
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Wayseeker from Modesto, Well, that is a very substantial improvement in liver function especially when the person using the BHT treatment was in LATE STAGE CIRRHOSIS. From everything I have read about cirrhosis of the liver, it is very difficult to get ANY improvement when said cirrhosis is at the advanced stage.
Also, from what you said it appears to me he was mixing the BHT with other medications at the same time he took the BHT. I have warned people to NEVER do that. So stop doing that. For this treatment to work you have to use it as I have been discussing.
Regarding distilled water: Distilled water is the BEST water to use. Always drink adequate amounts of DISTILLED WATER. Distilled water is water and NOTHING else. That IS what you want to be drinking. As sick as Marvin is he, you really should join the THE NEW BHT CURES GROUP here to get quick responses to any questions you may have here:
We have a team of people devoted to helping people such as Marvin. He has shown significant improvement and if he uses the BHT treatment as recommended I see very good reason to believe the treatment will pull him through this health crisis. Many very sick people have gotten well using the BHT treatment as recommended....Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Wayseeker from Modesto, Marvin is showing substantial improvement in his liver function test results. Do use the BHT treatment as recommended. Do NOT mix the BHT with any other medication at the time it is ingested. I very much recommend drinking the DISTIILED water. As sick as Marvin is I do recommend joining the NEW BHT CURES GROUP here so that we can provide quick answers for your concerns here:
We want to help, but for this treatment to work you have to take our suggestions seriously. Do NOT mix BHT with ANYTHING except a gulp of water at the time it is ingested....Oscar
(Moxietown, California)
Thank you, Oscar, for such a quick response! Yes, Marv is a bit unteachable, but I did get his attention with these test results, and he was waiting to hear what you would say!
I wrote at the group suggested, but got no reply in my questions about ascites... over five days. Plus, it was difficult to manuever my way on that site. Personality clash, with a... Big Eater. Much like a difficult day with my sweetie!
However, so glad to hear about the distilled water concern, as it may have potential to pull out the BHT as an inorganic solid. Did you use distilled water at the time of your recovery?
Thank you, again, and I really pray he can pull out of this. He let it get a lot worse before became at all willing to do anything to try to help himself. --Wayseeker
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Wayseeker, Yes, I have been only drinking the distilled water for many years including and before 1997, the year I began my BHT treatment for hepatitis C. What name are you using at the NEW BHT CURES GROUP ? I will pay close attention to your postings if I can find them. Also, why not sign off as Marvin at the end of any postings over there? That way I will know it is you. We have had some great recovery stories coming in with this BHT treatment. The fact that Marvin had significant improvement in his liver function test results is very significant for someone with late stage cirrhosis. I hope Marvin realizes that. There is NO conventional treatment I am aware of available for that condition. Does Marvin realize that? The doctors pretty much give up on people with late stage cirrhosis....Oscar
(Motown, Ca)
Hi Oscar- I really only have two questions now about BHT, and that is if BHT is still working for you while only drinking DISTILLED WATER? And the other is like it, which is, were you drinking distilled water at the very time of your recovery?
I love what I have been reading about distilled water, but have only the concern about using it with BHT, and making sure the BHT is effective.
I am deeply heartened by the fact that it is presently all that you drink! That is just what I wanted to hear!
Please respond here with this info, and we are on our way! --Wayseeker
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Wayseeker, Yes, I drink distilled water. I was drinking distilled water before I ever used the BHT treatment. I drank it while I was treating my hepatitis C infection. And I still drink distilled water. Good quality distilled water [ I use the Poland Springs brand ] is water and NOTHING else. Tap water can contain all sorts of unhealthy other things. And mineral water contains who knows what. All sorts of minerals are not good for you....Oscar
Oscar... what an amazing man you are. So helpful!!! I just started 250 mg 2 x day for herpes 6/ Epstein Bar Viruses. It's weird because they say I have GH and I have never had a break out near my genitals or my mouth. I have sores all over my body tho and they heal very very very slow. I had shownn for MSRA a while back and I believe that is what I am fighting! I pray BHT will help MSRA as well as I have read some successes in this area. Have you heard of BHT helping with it?
Lipid-Coated Viruses
Oscar's BHT Recommendations
So, if you are interested in the BHT treatment for Hepatitis C and B and other viral diseases the information is available for you. I will post MY recommendations regarding BHT here once again:
Weight is an important factor in determining dosage. Fat content of a person`s body is another. Generally the more you weigh and the higher the fat content of your body the more BHT you need to effectively treat a viral infection. Many average size men have done very well with 250mg of BHT taken twice a day. If adverse side effects occur and persist, LOWER the dosage of BHT used. That is the treatment.
Supplements that have been shown to work well with the BHT treatment are:
1. A regular type multi-vitamin and mineral pill once a day.
2. A regular type vitamin B complex pill.once a day.
3. Vitamin B12 in a dosage of 1mg [ milligrams ] per day. 1mg is the same as 1, 000mcg { micrograms ].
4. Vitamin C in a daily dosage of between 500mg and 1, 000mg per day.
5. The lipid monolaurin. Unsure about dosage.
6. The herb chianca piedra seems especially helpful in treating hepatitis B. Unsure of dosage.
7. Sodium selenite in a daily dosage of 50mcg [ micrograms ].
Also, and importantly: Continue taking any doctor prescribed medicines or drugs. Very many of the people who have had dramatic improvement with this BHT treatment are taking a doctor prescribed medicine of one type or another.
1. Milk Thistle and it`s extracts. Degrades the treatment to the point that it no longer works.
2. Grapefruit juice. Degrades the treatment to the point it no longer works.
3. Colloidal silver
4. Hydrogen peroxide taken internally. Hydrogen peroxide is a REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES. It will make the BHT treatment NOT work.
5. MMS [ Miracle Mineral Supplement ]. MMS is chlorine bleach, a very powerful oxidizer that will react with BHT in such a way as to make the treatment not work.
6. Vitamin E supplements. Yes, you NEED some vitamin E. But a normal diet provides plenty. Vitamin E supplements have been shown to enhance lipid coated viruses ability to replicate and should be avoided for that reason.
For best results, stick with those supplements I listed that have been shown to work well with the BHT treatment. Vitamin B12 is an especially good one.
That treatment works consistently well based on the substantial feedback available....
My VERY BEST to all forum members and especially the dedicated staff here at THE EARTH CLINIC....Oscar
(Uniontown, Oh)
So sorry to hear that you will no longer be our #1 advocate for BHT. You have helped so many people here who were facing sometimes rather dismal futures and have given hope and healing where only decline seemed to be approaching. Thank you so much for your wonderful protocol and the sincere effort you have made to reach those in need. You will be missed, but we hope you will still drop in when you can. Take care and best wishes always.
I 2nd the above...thanks Oscar for your valuable info!!!
(Tn, US)
This is being posted to anyone going with previous/current BHT treatment. I started on BHT protocol over 2 months ago. I'm using it to treat viral overload mainly due to herpes. I'm only taking Vit. C with BHT at a total of 1000 mg daily. I take the BHT at 700 mg daily split in 2 doses.
I haven't seen any big changes yet on the treatment. I've had one pretty bad outbreak but the most recent one was milder & didn't seem as bad. It's my understanding that treatment with BHT will cause the herpes outbreaks to gradually disappear over a period of months up to a year.
That's my ultimate goal is to stop the outbreaks but possibly even getting rid of the virus all together with the BHT treatment.
What I want to ask is a question in regards to mixing in another supplement with the protocol. I don't take nothing but Vit. C with BHT right now. I'm wanting to add in a superfood with this treatment. I will be using this superfood for pain relief. I suffer from chronic pain & even have to resort to pain medication at times for some type of relief.
I don't want that so I was wondering if it would be OK to take Noni superfood with the BHT treatment? I know Oscar stated that some herbs/other supplements in theraputic doses can degrade the BHT treatment. Noni is supposedly wonderful for pain relief. I've never taken Noni so I can't testify about its health benefits. I just know others that have & they say it's helped not only with pain but many other symptoms as well.
So, to anybody that can answer this please do so. I'm going to continue the BHT protocol regardless but was hoping to add Noni to the treatment plan. I'm hoping to see this viral overload decrease over the next few months from the BHT treatment.
This may take a while for me because I've suffered from herpes for just over 20 years. I've tried numerous plans & protocols from right here at EC. No major changes yet from any of them including the candida protocol by Bill but I will continue pushing on & trust in Jesus to do what His Word say! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks & God Bless!
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Tony,
Stay on your BHT and C...if doing BHT from everything Oscar says, BHT works best where nothing is interfering.
If results are not as you'd want then consider Colloidal Silver...apply topically and orally. Two tablespoons three times daily. I'd do this for a full month before judging results. I'd do this for six months to come close to killing a systemic infection.
Thanks Dave for your reply back to me buddy! I've read a many of your posts here at EC. Even temporarily used one of your suggestion for eradicating the virus from my system. This is the CS & DMSO-Echinacea remedy for treating viruses like herpes. I tried that for 3 months but only got minimal results.
I was taking 4 tbsp. of CS daily (on empty stomach) along with topically applying DMSO, CS, & Echinacea to my spleen area twice daily.
After only 2+ months of BHT/Vit. C I've seen also minimal results so far but do not want to stop the treatment too early. Like I said, my last outbreak was milder & didn't last but a few days.
I do understand that Oscar says to not take other supplements/herbs in theraputic dosages because they can interfere with the BHT treatment. I'm just looking for some real pain relief. I've not had real pain relief ever since this sickness blew up on me close to 3 years ago. I thought the Noni would help for the pain because of the people telling me about it.
I also understand what Oscar says. I wonder if Noni or any other superfood has ever been studied to degrade the BHT treatment? I don't want to be taking pain medication at all either but 1/2 tablet every few days does certainly give me a little relief at least but I know it's not the answer either. So, you're saying it's best to avoid Noni while on the BHT to be safe & to keep from any type of interference with BHT?
I have to ask why does taking prescription meds like pain medication & others not interfere with BHT either? We all here know prescription meds are just adding fuel to the fire so I question Oscar saying for everyone to keep taking their prescription meds while on the treatment as well. How can viral overload be eradicated while still taking medications with the BHT? I understand some meds can't be stopped cold turkey but taking meds with this treatment is a theory I can't understand either.
I also remember reading a post of yours a while back about someone asking you about the white coating on their tongue. You said that you were concerned about this being a viral problem for that person. I had always looked at my white coated tongue as a fungal issue. I tried treating my health issues with the candida protocol by Bill for months & months but got nowhere.
This post of yours led me to thinking this white coating on my tongue could very well be more viral than anything because if there's one thing I know that I have & that's herpes simplex virus & this dates back to 1994. I've been using tea tree oil on my tongue & inner mouth twice daily for a few months now & I have to say the white coating is almost gone.
Of course, the digestive issues with the viral overload can be seen in the mouth/tongue just like any other ongoing gut issues will be shown in the mouth area. I have come to the conclusion that most if not all of my health issues are related to my viral overload since I contracted herpes simplex in 1994 & never received any traditional medicine treatment for it. I still think there's a chance for some fungal issues but I know for a fact that I have viral issues so that's why I decided to go with treating that a few months back.
Dave, what is your suggestions as far as diet goes while on the BHT treatment? I mean I've tried the candida diet per Bill's suggestions but never got anywhere. I do take in some sugar but it's through fruits(not fruit juices, fresh fruit only) & at times an organic health food bar too that's Non-GMO. I don't take in much sugar at all. Probably 3-5 grams total daily unless I eat multiple fruits daily & that's very little.
I read an article a while back in which it stated to avoid fructose completely while taking BHT. I feel like that may be a bit extreme but I just want the absolute best advice possible while taking this BHT treatment. The BHT treatment is the cheapest remedy that I've seen for treating what I now believe is more viral related so this is certainly a plus for me & my family because we've spent so much money throughout this whole ordeal!
I'm just trying to hold on & of course continue to keep my trust in The Lord while going through this journey. It's not easy but I do have the greatest power in this world on my side. Thanks Dave & any suggestions are welcomed buddy!
(Syracuse, New York)
Hi Tony, The usual pattern of people using BHT to treat a herpes infection is: A gradual decline in the severity and occurrence of herpes outbreaks. This was true for me with my oral herpes infection. It did take at least 2 years before I no longer had any herpes outbreaks. So if improvement continues there is no reason to get discouraged. Just pay attention to what is happening. I suggest keeping a record of the outbreaks to determine if the treatment is working or not. These viral infections are often hard to treat. Give the BHT treatment at least 3 months to work. If no significant improvement is experienced you made need to try some other treatment....Oscar
(Tenn., US)
Thanks Oscar for your reply. I didn't think you were roaming these discussion boards much anymore.
I actually started the BHT treatment on July 10th. I began with a low dosage to avoid any unwanted problems to what I already have. I started at 175mg daily for 2 weeks. I then went to 350mg daily for another 2 weeks. I'm now on the 700mg dosage & that's been since around the 10th of August. I keep records of my supplements intake on my religious calendar so I can give you exact dates.
So, I've only been on the 700mg dosage for a little over 5 weeks now. I'm not a big guy at all. I'm 5'9" & weight 165 pounds. I don't have much fat except for the abdominal region. That's the only area on my body with excess fat.
I don't know what's the cause of excess fat there except for my digestive issues to go along with whatever pathogens are inside me. I just know it's mostly virus related though. I have viral problems without a doubt so that's why I think most of my problems are related to viral overload.
The excess fat in the stomach area is why I decided on the 700mg dosage instead of a 350mg dosage that others may take with less body fat/size.
I've read that BHT can be taken safely for extended periods of time at this 700mg dosage. It can even be taken continually at 700mg if needed without causing any liver damage or other side effects for most people.
I do have another question for ya Oscar. I DO NOT go to the doctors anymore! I stopped going in October of last year because of the lack of care that I had received & all of my health issues being blamed on my mind. Of course, my mind is a mess because of my ongoing physical health issues. My mind IS NOT the direct cause of my health problems though.
How will I know if the BHT treatment is removing the viral overload? Do I go strictly by watching/journaling the herpes outbreaks? Do I go by other symptoms improving like fatigue & pain? I'd just like to know what all I should be looking for in regards to if the BHT/Vit. C treatment is working?
You say to give the BHT treatment about 3 months testing. I would have to start with evaluating my progress at the 700mg dosage even though I started taking BHT on July 10th. So, that 700mg dosage started on August 10th so that means I have about another 2 months left to determine my progress.
Is 1000mg of Vit. C enough to go alongside the BHT dosage? I know you list 500-1000mg in your recommendations but I want to ask if more taken is OK without any interference with BHT or should I stay with 1000mg? And, you do say not to take the Noni that I asked about too right?
Also, do you have any dietary recommendations to go beside the BHT treatment? Do I need to avoid all fructose or any other particular foods? I don't see anything in regards to diet from your BHT protocol. That one article I read was avid at saying not to eat any fructose while taking BHT. What's your take on this & entire diet with the treatment? Thanks Oscar & God Bless!
(Tn, US)
Hello again Oscar. I know that I replied a couple of days ago to this very topic but I wanted to post back to ask you something more important.
I know you list taking a standard multi was OK to go alongside the BHT treatment. I've not been on a multi in a few months. I'm wanting to go back on a multi now.
You say not to use herbs in any theraputic dosages with the BHT. Is it OK to take a multi with some smaller amounts of herbals? The one I have in mind is here:
I want to take a complete multi for men & this one is highly rated. I've been on numerous other multi's in the past but this one is what I want to take now. It does have several herbals in varying doses so I want to check with you before buying it to compliment the BHT treatment.
If this Multi you wouldn't recommend then please point me to a multi that would fit the BHT treatment. I want one specifically suited to men & not just a standard multi considered for everyone.
One other thing I found just searching through BHT links from Google. I want your opinion of the following article on BHT:
What's your opinion in the article on the combination of high doses of Vit. E & Vit. C with BHT for treating the family of lipid coated viruses?
I really think my situation is possibly a candidate for something like the above article. I've had this virus for over 20 years now without any significant treatment from traditional medicine or any other means until the past 2 months or so.
I just think I need to go as aggressive as possible with treatment. I've been in really bad shape for almost 3 years now. I'm surprised that I haven't already passed on but The Lord has kept me here for a reason. I need to supplement with as many means as possible to attack the viral overload. I know this virus is the MAIN cause for all of my health issues. I thought for a long time it was more fungal/candida related but I never got anywhere treating candida overload.
If it's one thing I know for sure that I have it's viral related with herpes simplex dating back to 1994. The doctors have told me that herpes simplex has NOTHING to do with my health issues. Yeah right! Any pathogen(s) is the main cause for all of our health issues. So in their eyes viruses(long or short term) aren't a problem for my health? Are you kidding me?
Is it OK to continue using the alkalizing remedies listed here at EC while on the BHT treatment? I'm on the BS/H2O remedy taken @ 1/2 tsp. BS w/H2O 3X daily.
Anyhow, want your input on the information above as soon as you can get back to me. Thanks again Oscar for your time! Have a great weekend & God Bless!
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Tony from TN [USA ], You ask me questions I have no for sure answers to. The BHT treatment is BHT and nothing else. The moderate use of a standard multivitamin and mineral supplement along with some vitamin C [ 250mg to 500mg per day ] is OK to use along with BHT, but not required. I know you have other issues or health problems along with a herpes infection. But I do not know how to treat " candida " for example.
I do recall from your previous posting that you attributed being a little fat around your belly to a viral infection. I do not think ANY virus makes people get fat. Lack of exercise is the usual cause of that. Also drinking plenty of good quality water along with adequate exercise will help a LOT with many conditions. Bicycle riding is actually fun. Have you ever tried it ? What about hiking and fishing ? You live in Tennessee. There has to be some recreational areas you can access. Get out there and meet some gals and try and enjoy your life. I know I don`t give you answers you like hearing. You and so many others want some pills to make you feel better. I do not know of any that work in the long term. I wish there was so I could take them....Oscar
I have been taking 200mg BHT since about mid 1972 and have noticed I never had colds or flue but stopped taking it 2012 as have kidney tumors removed at the VA.
My health has slowly become more susceptible to the flues going around and arthritis has become unbearable. having read every available medical journal paper concerning BHT and Lipid coatings have decided to start taking BHT again three days ago. I do say I don't look my age but I did start aging noticeable after stopping the BHT.
I have already noticed several interesting results, my knee pain, back pain and fingers in the morning have decreased marketable. The Knee is waiting for replacement the end of the year and is incredible painful and has stopped my long walks, 5-10 miles a day to a block if able. The back was crushed in Nam.
So far I'm looking forward to less pain and more mobility if this continues.
My problems are the Kidneys. The right side is running at 20% and the left is 60% efficiency. I'm 81 now and look 65 but if I can at least enjoy life and maybe live longer the risk for the maybe worth the risk for the Kidneys.
What do you think?
Recommended BHT Book
This is a " MUST READ " for EVERYONE involved in the ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS community. Steve discusses BHT and MUCH more in his updated FREE book. The politics and such that prevent BHT and OTHER low cost treatments from ever getting the attention they deserve and so much more. There is helpful information there for ALL of us. Mr. Fowkes has devoted his life to all this.
And, unlike me, Mr. Fowkes IS a highly educated man. More than that he is obviously more intelligent than I am. He in every way lives up to the ideals set forth by TED.
I only wish to find this one WHO toxicology report statement about the metabolism of BHT that details how BHT is altered and then " readily absorbed ". A tremendous amount of research has been done on BHT. To establish how BHT is altered in the digestive processes was a very difficult task. Very few people seem to be aware of that research. I will find that report and post that portion of these VERY long WHO BHT toxicology reports or report. There are many such WHO reports to dig through. I will find it and post it if I can. Keep the faith. Earth Clinic is a beacon of HOPE in our troubled world....Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)
I found the report I was looking for. There are others with more complex and confusing statements available at " inchem ". I will post the desired statement with a link to the full report:
Biological Data
Biochemical aspects
BHT is readily absorbed. Some deposition in adipose tissue bee been described following high dosage in the rat, and this may cause increased stability of the extracted perineal fat.1 The metabolism of BHT is complicated by the presence of the butyl groups on each side of the hydroxyl. Preliminary modification is necessary before conjugation can occur. This takes the form of either oxidation of one of the butyl groups to a 2-hydroxy-2:2-dimethyl-2-ethyl group, or oxidation of the methyl group to a carboxy acid. The former yields glucuronide conjugates, while the latter becomes conjugated with glucuronic acid or glycine. Some of the oxidized material is also excreted unconjugated.2,3
Link to full report:
I hope this works. The importance is that: This statement is very clear about BHT being readily absorbed as is. There is NO need to dissolve BHT in ANYTHING. Many people seem confused about that. Also, like I said: oxidation occurs in those tert-butyl groups and a carboxy acid groupforms at the methyl group. And a carboxy aacid can combine with a [ NH2 ] group in a dehydration reaction to form a peptide bond. Or am I wrong about that? Also: would this reaction require an enzyme or not? ...Oscar
Oscar states that BHT does not need to be dissolved in oil to work. This is true for the majority of people. However, a small minority of people report that they got better results when they did dissolve BHT in oil. I suspect that those people (1) had problems with their bile, or (2) had surgery to remove their gall bladders, or (3) were on a low-fat diet, or (4) were consuming a high-fiber diet and had extremely short bowel transit time, or (5) were consuming BHT as coarse crystals (poor surface area for dissolving). Each of these problems is easily remedied by alternatives to dissolving BHT in oil. But dissolving BHT in refined coconut oil (10-15% by weight) may be easier on a lifestyle basis, assuming that you do not have to put it into capsules to "get it down."
Anybody having personal experience with this topic, please post it here or send me an email at steve at projectwellbeing dot com. BTW, my BHT Book is a free download from the steve page at the Project Wellbeing website. I update it every 2-3 years, so be sure to download the latest version. or update the version you already downloaded.
(Charlotte, NC)
Oscar, I'm just beginning to learn about BHT and thanks to you, I've learned a lot already. Here's an updated link to "The BHT Book" by Steven Fowkes:
Take good care.
Yes, BHT works great for shingles virus, cured mine, along with some other remedies to enhance the effect. My shingles occurred 30 years ago, but it took care of the residual effects and flare up pain.
I can second Lisa's reply. BHT is extremely effective for shingles and can cause pain reduction in hours when used topically.
If you have shingles and want to test this, apply 10-15% BHT by weight dissolved in refined coconut oil (the most stable preparation, shelf-life-wise) to only one side and leave the shingles on the other side untreated. The untreated side is then a control. The BHT from the treated side will distribute to the other side (and through the palm of your hand in applying the BHT/oil solution), but it will take sufficient time for you to see a blatant difference.

(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Horace, How long have you been taking 250mg of BHT per day ? Has this shingles gotten worse using BHT ? Do you have any other health issues ? 250mg of BHT per day may be too much for you. If you are experiencing symptoms you did NOT have prior to the time you began using BHT and these symptoms persist then you should lower the dosage of BHT used....Oscar
(Emerald City, The Land Of Oz)
I believe this would be a Herx reaction. In which case the immune system is busy cleaning up all the viral particles that have been wiped out.
(Nambour Qld, Australia)
Twelve month back I had shingles on my left chest and left shoulder blade.... The lesions went away in their time but I was left with horrendous PHN which has gone on for last twelve months...
Nothing has any affect on the level of pain which now ranges from 3/10 to 6/10 .. Fortunately it now spends most of its time around the 3/10...
I believe the pain is now finding its way through my lower back and legs.... I also have type two insulin dependant diabetes and thought this may also be neuralgia associated with diabetes rather than the shingles..
Can BHT be of any affect for this pain as in eradicating it or just as a preventative measure should I suffer another attack of the virus...
Neuropathies of all kinds can have common underlying mechanisms. Lack of neurotrophic factors like pregnenolone and progesterone are common. But viruses and oxidative stress are also common. BHT is an antioxidant and an antiviral agent, so it is worth trying. It is also extremely inexpensive, so the down side is mainly your time and trouble. Since your neuropathic pain is close to the surface, I suggest that transdermal delivery will be the most effective way to test your response to BHT. Dissolve BHT crystals or powder in refined coconut oil (NOT raw coconut oil) at roughly 10% by weight. You can go as high as 15% by weight if you live in a warm climate. If you do use more and see BHT crystals growing in your BHT-oil solution, it is in no way dangerous. As you apply it, you will feel a bit of abrasion from the BHT crystals, but they will quickly dissolve as the oil warms up on your skin. The only other down side is that you may end up with BHT residue on your skin that cannot absorb as thoroughly as the oil. To test, I suggest that you start on only one side. If the pain reduces more on the BHT-treated side, you will have some evidence that it is not a random change or a placebo response. As an antioxidant, BHT "preserves" the vitamin A and E levels in neurons, which can seriously stabilize the neural membranes, through which the pain signals travel. Good luck, and please post your results here.
Viral Diseases
The recommended dosage is: 200mg to 500mg of BHT per day with water only on an empty stomach. Large or heavy people [ those who weigh more than 200 pounds ] might require larger amounts or doses of BHT per day. That is the BHT treatment that worked very well for me and many other people.
It did CURE me and others of hepatitis C and B and also herpes. You HAVE to keep taking BHT on a daily basis for at LEAST 2 years to achieve a true CURE.
There are blood tests that do determine a TRUE CURE. A true cure is when you test NEGATIVE with the different ANTIBODIES tests for the different viruses. And like I said that takes at least 2 years to get to or achieve with daily dosing with BHT as discussed.
Generally, usually: This BHT treatment works best when NOT mixed or combined with other treatments. Surprisingly this BHT treatment worked very well with the ANTI AIDS drugs called " Complera " or something like that for one person. Taken as discussed his HCV viral load was cut in half in ONE WEEK using BHT as discussed.
From the feedback available: BHT works well with a standard vitamin and mineral supplement. And importantly does NOT work well with vitamin B12 supplements.
So give the BHT a try as discussed and report your results here at THE EARTH CLINIC if you wish to. Feedback is important for all the obvious reasons.
Also start with small doses of BHT to make sure it causes no problems. If it does: decrease the dosage used or stop using BHT. BHT does cause problems for some people as discussed here in this forum....Oscar
I disagree with Oscar on the B12 issue. The synergy between BHT and B12 was independently conformed by Ward Dean decades ago. BHT is lipid-soluble, B12 is water-soluble, so they work in different compartments in different ways. But both are classified as antiviral (catabolic, aerobic, acidifying) by Emanuel Revici's metabolic schema.
I had a shingles outbreak in my 40s due to allergic/toxic exposure to urethane adhesive. Trigeminal outbreak, two of three nerve paths, which responded quickly to BHT and B12. At 24 hours, the redness was dramatically reduced. By 48 hours, it was almost natural skin color. BTW, my outbreak was highly atypical in not being in any way painful. No pain, no itching, no neuropathy, only skin lesions. I had natural chicken pox as a child, so this outbreak was likely shingles. It was diagnosed as shingles by visual inspection by MD. And no shingles outbreaks since despite 25-30 years of aging.
Where to Buy
Where to Buy
Where to Buy
First, BHT comes in different purities. The technical grades are intended for use as preservatives in gasoline, oils and biofuels. They can be 96-98% pure, which translates as 2-4% impurity. You do not want this grade of BHT.
What you want is food-grade BHT. Or better. The certificate of analysis will show a purity above 99%. So if the vendor does not state FCC (food chemical codex) or equivalent certification, either look at the purity numbers or don't buy it there.
In some countries, Customs agents have an agenda to prevent their citizens from accessing nutrients, pharmaceuticals and cures of which they disapprove. If you have a shipment of BHT that is seized and you cannot negotiate its release, consider a stealth approach. Order the BHT and have it shipped to a friend where it is OK, then have your friend repackage it in a birthday card, or a T-shirt, or a paperback book. Powder can be transferred from a bottle (bulky and conspicuous) into a plastic bag (or nested plastic bags with a layer of clean paper between to minimize sound and the possibility of a puncture). Capsules can be placed in a plastic bag, adjusted into a single layer, and the sir squeezed out to make a one-capsule-thick slab, which will fit in a Christmas card.
Your friend in another country can they send it to you as correspondence, or as a gift.
If you are going to dissolve the BHT in oil after you get it, for ingestion or for topical use, the BHT can be easily melted in a double boiler on a stove and cast in a mold as a bird, donut, candle, paper weight or other "innoccuous" or artistic shape.
Where there's a will, there's a way.
Good luck.
Where to Buy
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Janet from Colorado, There are many online sellers of BHT. Here is a good one. This company sells the 250mg capsules of BHT at a good price. I highly recommend starting out with no more than one 250mg capsule of BHT with a gulp of water and on an empty stomach. For thin or lightweight people 250mg of BHT per day may be all that is required. Here is a link to this company that sells the 250mg capsules of BHT:
See my detailed treatment protocol here:
PLEASE post in this EARTH CLINIC forum your results with the use of BHT. You did NOT mention what disease you wish to treat with BHT. Will you do that for me and the other forum members....Oscar
(Nova Scotia)
Where to Buy
(Syracuse, New York)
Oscar is 100% right. I have known two health food stores which reliably carried BHT for more than a decade, but neither one is now still in business. It's just too heretical to have a FDA-approved food preservative in a store that features no-preservative choices. It is also a very slow seller; not that many people have discovered its anti-viral effects. So you will have to buy it mail order. Use "BHT powder" or "BHT crystals" or "bulk BHT" (in quotes) if you want to avoid getting links to encapsulated BHT.
Where to Buy
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Les from Santa Fe, Here is a direct link to LEF`s BHT purchase site:
It costs $12.95 for one bottle of one hundred 350mg capsules here. This is where I buy my BHT and they will not cheat you. You will get a good quality product at that website. They sell the Vitamin Rsearch Product brand. You can also buy the BHT directly from VRP for about the same price. I usually buy at least three bottles at a time to make sure I do not run out....Oscar
(Edgewood, Texas)
I ordered my BHT from Ebay, and the seller just bought it from the above address, and had it shipped to me, for twice the money! I'm sure you can contact saveoncitric, and get sent right to your door. I paid about $15.00 for a pound of it on Ebay, and on the saveoncitric web-site, a pound is $7.50 a pound.
Good for you. Back in the early 80s when I was getting regular reports from people about BHT and herpes, and in 1983 when John Mann and I were writing Wipe Out Herpes with BHT, we were very concerned about possible negative reactions for people with liver-centric lipid-enveloped viruses taking BHT. So we warned people not to do it without liver monitoring. But over the following decades, we had zero confirmation that people with liver viral infections had any problems with BHT, and many reports that their livers seemed to thrive on BHT, which was frankly unbelievable to me. I now suspect that the lipid-stabilizing effects of BHT on membrane antioxidants like vitamin E, beta-carotene and vitamin A is the reason--but have no expectation that this will be scientifically investigated in my lifetime. Many natural nutrients also have anti-viral activities and might synergize with your BHT program. You can read about this in the latest rewrite of the BHT Book [free PDF download from the "steve" page at Project Wellbeing (dot com), which contains all the information that was in the original Wipe Out herpes with BHT (1983) and the multiply updated BHT Toxicology Report (1984-2001)].
Where to Buy: Australia
(Auckland, New Zealand.)
(Syracuse, New York)
Dear Helens from Australia, I did not know it was a problem for Australians to purchase BHT online. You can try this link:
Also, there are these online retailers:
1. LifeLinks
2. VRP [ Vitamin Research Products ].
Just type in those retailer names + BHT to find links. Then call the telephone numbers provided to find out if they sell to Australia or not. Please do report back with the results. Do they sell BHT to Australians or not ? ...Oscar
(Nh, US)
Thank you all so much for replying.
I have just successfully ordered my first bht. the problem lay with my email account (and just possibly my computer skills). I would like to ask one more question which is: I currently do oil pulling twice daily for current dental problems. Should I discontinue this when I start bht??
Thanks for being here, its a been inspiring to read all yr stories as I don't know anyone else with hep c where I live and it has been very lonely and sometimes scarey and the doctors are not much help. we don't have the new treatments in Australia yet.
I will post my response to the treatment, after I have something to report. Much love to you all.
(Syracuse, New York)
Hello Helen [ Australia ]. Well, I am happy to learn there is no problem for Australians purchasing BHT. Now I am not up on this " oil pulling " stuff and have NO opinion on it`s effectiveness.
Now from what wikipedia says about oil pulling you swish the oil of choice around and about your teeth and spit it out, the same as a mouthwash. I do NOT see any problem with that and the use of BHT to treat a hepatitis C or any other viral infection.
I would wait at least one hour after doing this oil pulling treatment before taking the BHT with water only on an empty stomach. You do NOT want to mix BHT with any oil at the time it is ingested. The reason for NOT mixing BHT with any sort of oil is because: When BHT is mixed with any oil when ingested the way in which BHT is digested is very differently than when BHT is taken with water only on an empty stomach.
When BHT is mixed with an oil at the time it is ingested it is encapsulated in so called lipo-proteins . This makes it impossible for the BHT metabolites to penetrate those viral lipid coatings. That is the reason for taking BHT with water only on an empty stomach.
So, I see NO reason why you cannot continue this oil pulling treatment used as I just discussed [ wait that one hour or more ] and then take the BHT with water only on an empty stomach....Oscar
Helen, pulling with coconut oil is a great way to saturate gingival spaces with readily metabolizable fat and strengthen gum health. I use coconut oil to brush my teeth for the same reasons. I see no time constraints for co-use of BHT; the BHT is ingested and the pulling oil is traditionally spit out.
If you know you have an oral viral infection, there is no reason that you cannot use oil with dissolved BHT for pulling. The amount of BHT that would reach your liver from pulling would be very small, so toxicity would be trivial. But the local concentration of BHT in your gums would be higher than achievable by oral BHT consumption.
I think that chewing a tiny amount of BHT without oil and not spitting it out is also capable of raising BHT levels in gum tissues to extreme degree. While the squeeking of the BHT crystals on the teeth can drive some people batty, the fine BHT powder created by chewing mixes with saliva and wedges into gingival spaces to dissolve slowly, for example, while you sleep.
The father of one of my clients had drastic lowering of HepC viral load within weeks of taking BHT. But in his case, his load never went to zero. But he was healthy and happy, playing the best golf of his life. I suspect that his hemochromatosis was a greater health hazard than his HepC.
I'm interested in knowing what adjunctive nutritional or hormone therapies you have tried with the BHT.