African Black Soap
African Black Soap
African Black Soap
About 3 months ago, someone introduced me to the benefits of African Black Soap. I researched as much as I could to learn about it and the antibacterial benefits of the soap. However, when I did searches for African Black Soap as a shampoo, I could not find anything. Anyway, I decided to purchase the raw form of African Black Soap from a store in Evanston IL. One night, at least two months ago, I was having the typical severe itch from folliculitis. At about 11pm, I decided I couldn't take it any longer. So I washed my hair with the pure form of the African Black Soap because I was out of medication and did not want to go visit the doctor to get a refill prescription of oral antibiotics, topical antibiotics and prescribed shampoos. Within 30 minutes, the itching subsided. I thought, well, maybe it was just the fact that I washed my hair. So I decided to wait until the next morning to see how my scalp felt. To my surprise, the itching did not return and the breakout in my scalp started to heal. Up until this point, I had never tried anything besides medication that worked other than the occassional over the counter tar shampoo containing salycylic acid.
Anyway, three days later, I felt a small itch in my scalp. So I washed my hair again. Miraculously, I had the same success, the itching subsided. It has been over two months since I've had an outbreak. I wash my hair about every three days with the pure African Black Soap. I say pure because the black soap I bought comes in chunks, directly from Africa. There are no additives or preservatives. Also, I have seen some shampoos that contain African Black Soap which I have tried. Those did not work. Anyway, I can't say for sure if the success I have had will work for anyone else, however, this is the first time in over 25 years that I have tried something to stop the breakouts and itch associated with folliculitis.
The friend that introduced me to African Black is caucasian and has folliculitis on his skin when he shaves. After he used the African black soap, his breakouts also stopped. I would suggest trying to find a store that is frequented by people of African Descent in your area and ask them who sells the African Black Soap (not the African Black Soap Shampoos that have other preservatives) or soaps just containing African Black Soap. The Black Soap that I buy comes in a huge round, made in a brown paper bag. The store where I go imports the soap from West Africa. He cuts pieces from the large round and sells it for $6 in plastic containers. You only have to use a piece the size of a dime to get the soap to lather to shampoo your hair. I also take showers with the soap as it it good for your entire body. Some people will say that African Black soap dries out your hair or skin. I found this to be the case with the liquid soaps I tried but not with the pure African Black soap chunks. This soap cleans my scalp and has rendered my scalp folliculitis dormant. As I said earlier, I wash my hair with the soap every three days. I will re post after six months to see if my success has continued. Good luck