Ear Infections
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Ear Infections in Dogs

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

59 User Reviews

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Posted by Tricia (Hampton Roads, Virginia) on 11/28/2008

I have a Cocker Spaniel that always gets ear infections. I found this site and read all the reviews on using ACV to treat the infection. My question is how do I know how to mix it and how much to put in his ear ? Do I Dilute the ACV with water ? If someone could tell me that would be helpful. Thanks.


Replied by Chiot's Run
(Malvern, Oh)

We had issues with our mix getting recurring ear infections when she was young. We finally switched her to Wellness brand dog food and that pretty much cleared up her issues. She occasionally gets yeasty red ears when she spends too much time outside, but we found something that you can make called: Blue Power Ear Treatment that works wonders! it truly is amazing how well it works! It contains: alcohol, gentian violet and boric acid

Replied by Janelle
(Staten Island, New York)

I have just added the drops and my dog has been shaking his head and whining ever since. I will never do this to my dog again. He lookd like he is in so much pain. I am headed out to take him to the vet right now.

EC: APPLE CIDER VINEGAR -- AND WATER. One part ACV to two parts water seems about right.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carrigan (Monticello, MN) on 11/20/2008

I have a 7 year old Wiemaraner who has always had bad build up in his ears. Recently he had a flare up and I decided to try cleaning his ears with the 1 part ACV and 2 parts water. I cleaned it every day for 4 days straight, and by day 2 the smell had already went away. After the 4th day it has returned to normal!!! I'm so glad we didn't have to waste $$ at the Vet but the best part is using a natural remedy. Also, this year I tried using ACV for his summer/fall skin allergies but was not successful. Thank you so much for this great site and all the people who take time to post!

Replied by Ginny
(Canton, NC)

Our German Shepherd has chronic ear infections with his allergies. Apple Cider Vinegar does work. Please note that Summer/Fall allergic reactions can be caused by the dust mites in your ductwork. They come out of the ductwork when you turn the A/C on in the summer and the heat on in the fall. Double up on cleaning and bathing for about a week and things should settle down. Hope this helps!

EC: Yes, agreed! Our dogs were getting a goopy discharge from their eyes from dust in the air ducts every summer (a/c) and winter (heater). Issues disappeared when we got the air ducts professionally cleaned.

Replied by Connie
(Manitowoc, Wisconsin)

Would it help to crank the heat way up to roast the mites before using the heat or air, and putting some kind of filter over the vents for the first few uses? Barbaric... I know....

Replied by Jazmyn

Hey I have a valley bulldog who has a severe ear infection to the point that her canal is swollen shut. Do you think the ACVMETHOD will help it. I wanted to start trying it but I'm not sure if it will help the swelling

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Jazmyn!

I replied to your post under ACV; my only advice re: swelling is again the vet visit, and barring that OTC women's vaginal yeast cream [watered down so it can be worked into the swollen ear canal] or Zymox enzymatic ear solution. Ted's anti-fungal-anti-staph solution is also one remedy to try.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cheryl (Ottawa, Canada) on 08/27/2008

So the ACV seems to be working already. I have administered 2 doses so far. The barking has stopped! Acv is definitely my Cure-All, I've even added it to my cats' water just to clean their systems. Couldn't hurt!


Replied by Peggy
(Hillsboro, Missouri)

Regarding ACV to treat ear infections in dogs, how long do you treat? I see to use 2/H20 to 1/ACV once daily, but for how long? I am anxious to try this!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cheryl (Ottawa, Canada) on 08/26/2008

So this is my second time trying ACV for our Old English Sheepdog pup. (the first for a UTI) She's been barking at us for unknown reasons & we were all getting frustrated. While grooming her I thought I should clean her ears. Her left had quite a bit of dark wax. After reading this sites' advice I have now given her a treatment of ACV & water directly into her ear canals then wiped with a soft facecloth. I'll let you know how it works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stella (C, OH) on 05/05/2008

My dog started shaking his head and scratching at his ear. Last year and the same time of year he was doing this and I took him to the vet who gave him ear drops. So when he started doing it again this year, I looked in his ear and it wasn't red or anything and it was the very beginning stages of what ever was going on with him so I looked on earthclinic under pet ear infection and figured that before I take him to the vet I will give it one or two days trying the ACV/water solution in his ear. I did the ACV 3x in two days and then I went to the pet store and bought Halo brand Herbal Ear Wash. (I was all prepared to take him to the vet if I had to) anyway, I first used the ear wash on myself to make sure it didn't burn then I used it on my dog and the first 2x it seemed like his issue was getting worse but I continued to use it another night and Wa..La -- no more ear issue. I will however continue to use it for the full 14 days and then use it as maintenance prevention. I don't know from experience how well the Herbal wash works for ear mites but I have done some research that suggests people using it for ear mites I also saw it on sale at http://www.swansonvitamins.com

EC: APPLE CIDER VINEGAR -- AND WATER. One part ACV to two parts water seems about right.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Harry (Montreal, Canada) on 03/27/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar. IT REALLY WORKS!!! Thanks to all who have posted about using ACV for curing dog ear infection. I used 2 parts water to 1 part ACV as per some post, mixed in squeeze bottle, and applied once a day. This is day four, and my pooch has started to stop shaking her head or scratch her ears. I know its working because there is no longer any rancid smell coming out from her ears. Love this natural way of healing, instead of the chemiacl soup I have tried.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marie (Walnut Creek, California) on 02/21/2008

I wasn't sure if it would work, but I had already spent $165 over 3 months on medications from my vet to cure my dog's itchy ear problems. Nothing seemed to work and his ears kept getting worse. He kept scratching them open until they bled. I used 1 part ACV to 2 parts water applied daily, and within 4 days his ears were all healed. Amazing results!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathleen (San Antonio, Tx.) on 02/06/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar is wonderful to clean out my German Shepherd's ears, when his ears are bothering him. He will shake his head, and I just put an apple cider and water solution on a cotton ball, and clean out his ears, and in ten minutes he stops fussing and lays down and finally can rest. My husband takes white vinegar and soaks his feet in it, and no more athelets foot! It is wonderful for killing any kind of fungus or bacterial infections. Thanks so much for the advice!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by La Verne (Hampton Roads, Virginia) on 01/10/2008

Dear Users of the Earth Clinic website, I have been reading your comments and I have been truly amazed at the information on this site. I have a 6 year old German Shepherd. Chronic ear infections. I have been going to the vet on a Teacher's salary and it has taken me straight to the poor house. With your comments and remedies about ACV and other home rememdies... I feel like I have gone to church and been Saved!!! I will definately try these rememdies. Last summer my dogs' ear infection had gotten so out of control that I seriously thought about having my 102 pound girl put down. She was in such misery and turmoil. So was I , not getting any sleep for all the scratching and digging, whining and crying... it was Awful. Thanks to you readers of Earth Clinic I have new hope! Please keep sending your comments and suggestions for pet remedies. You have definately helped me out!!! Thank-You Thank-You!


Replied by Dawn
(South Barrington, Il)

My Maltese has recently gone completely deaf from an ear infection. I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar but I don't think the ear canal is open enough to receive the medication. Has anyone found a way to open up the ear canal or reduce swelling? I'm considering giving her benadryl to see if it's allergy related.

By the way, I use ACV all the time with my German Shephard/Doberman Mix to cure Urinary Tract Infections. I give her one tablespoons twice a day (she weights 110lbs) for a few days. It is usually gone soon after the first treatment. By the way, I do this for myself and it cures my UTI's too. You gotta love ACV

Replied by Babs
(St Loius, Mo)

U. can use tucks pads or buy liquid witch hazel. It will take down the swelling. Then u can put the medication on a piece of cloth or cotton ball and use it as a wick to get it into the ear. Just make sure it's long enough for u to retrieve it when needed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tricia (Hamilton, On, canada) on 01/05/2008

A couple of weeks ago I responded re ACV remedy, I was very pleased with the results. I am sending my comments again because when I think of the money I spent at the vet which did not cure the cats ear infection and this simple solution of ACV worked so well. Its a wonderful solution, our cat seems to be completely healed, no more scratching what so ever.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tricia (Hamilton, On, Canada) on 12/18/2007

I have a seven year old indoor siamese, have been having trouble with his ears getting dirty for the last year and a half, vet has treated him with clavamox and prednisone and even though the scratching stops it returns as soon as the meds are finishedl. I recently read the article re apple cider vinegar and the dirt in his ears is basically almost gone and the scratching has stopped, obviously this method is working but I still do not know what is causing the dirt. The vet said it was an infection and the clavamox would cure it but it did not. I have to say I am extremely impressed with the acv remedy. Hopefully in time this will cure him completely.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by April (Las Vegas, NV) on 11/13/2007

I have a Shitzu (sorry for the spelling) who is constantly getting ear infectoins, I have had to pay twice for surgical cleaning of her ears, and a number of times for meds "clear" her ears I just recently stared using ACV and I am truly amazed at the results. Today is day 4 for ACV and her ears are almost clear again!! She also had one paw that she is constantly chewing I put a 50/50 mixture on her paw and she has cut back on her chewing considerably!! This stuff really works!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by DogMA (Salem, MA) on 10/24/2007


Hi, My Bernese Mt. Dog has had chronic ear infections for most of her life. (she's 6 years old) I've tried everything that the vet's recommended, including prednisone. Nothing works. I just tried the vinegar/water mixture, and she seems to be very irritated, rubbing her ears, shaking her head. Is this normal, and should I continue to try it again? Help!

Replied by Aandrea
(Ithaca, NY)

Your dog may be sensitive to the mix. I talked to my vet and she said that can be the case with some dogs. Her dog in fact has it bother him sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. I wouldn't worry too much.

Replied by Leanne
(Rolla, Missouri)

In regards to the ACV for yeast infections. My dog has a sensitivity to this also but I put in a tablespoon or so of aloe vera gel (natural) and shake it well. This helps tremendously.

Replied by Terese
(Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

My dog has to be held down and then I put the mixture in his ears. He shakes, rubs his ears, rubs them all over the floor, rolls around on the floor, etc. Google Jim Zim family cocker website. He has the ear infection remedy on there. Do it exactly as he says. My dog used to get infections all of the time... no more.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debra (Morganton, North Carolina) on 09/21/2007

Mandy and I just moved into an area where pets are allowed, which in itself is a rarity. Fleas are an issue. Mandy is my only (baby) still at home and she's a 14 yr old schnauzer. She depends on me for everything as it should be. I depend on her for "lovin' and cuddlin'" and she's very good at it. Anyway, I've only recently discovered (lemon) flea killer, however, after using this half and half mixture leaves me to wonder. Did I do this right because this smell is almost unbareable it really smells like wet dirty dog, but not on Mandy only where she's been ie under coffee table, her bed' etc... Can anyone tell me how I messed this up because I don't see how??

Also, I have used the vinegar solution (one (1) part vinegar to two (2) part water) for a yeast build-up in Mandys ears and as of this day I'll swear by how well it works three (3) or four (4) days in a row then weekly treatment, amazing, and no vet bill nor chemicals which is a bonus for us as well as the world. THUMBS UP!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lynn (Wallingford , CT) on 03/06/2007

I was seeking a natural alternative to cure my dog's ear problems, I have used ACV for many things and even drink it daily with warm water and honey, I never thought to use it for my dog. I read some of the comments on treating your dog's ear infection and several of the answers said to try ACV. It really works, I now clean my dog's ears regulary with ACV and water. Regular ACV does not contain the same healing properties as due to the heavy processing. Thanks.

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