3 User Reviews
(Columbus, Oh)
@Squirrel: So happy the Arcane remedy worked for your Elvira :-)
Arcane Solution
Arcane Solution
Unfortunately, his ear is now inflamed even more and he's shaking his head again. Last night when I attempted to put the ointment in his ear, he yelped in pain. I will try the garlic and olive oil and hope he gets better or, a trip to vet will be likely.
If his ear is not getting better, you HAVE to take your dog to the vet! Use the Arcane remedy as a preventative but only after your dog's ears have healed from antibiotics.
(San Rafael, California)
Thanks much. I did take him to vet yesterday. In addition to the outer ear torn up from scratching, the inner ear is extremely swollen. According to the vet, it is a yeast infection. He administered Mometamax. I did share with him that I had been using the Arcane mixture. His reaction was positive however, felt it wasn't strong enough for Chico. I will be ordering e Zymox Otic today As well. I did make up the garlic and olive oil yesterday as well and will use it to clean black gunk.
Side note...I've been saturating cotton balls with Colloidal Silver and laying them gently on the torn up outer ear and have seen a significant decrease over 24 hours in redness and wounds are healing. He seems to welcome this rather then yelping and running away. Thank you so much!
(Mpls., Mn)
Hello Linda,
Please take your dog to the vet. The Arcane solution hits all the right notes for most infections, but it apparently isn't the right remedy for your dog's infection.
Garlic and olive oil can be effective, and unlike the Arcane remedy the fluidity of this remedy flushes the debris out of the ear which helps to reduce the itch.
Once you are past this hurdle consider buying online Zymox Otic HCL - flows easily deep into the ear and typically provides overnight - if not immediate relief.
Please report back!
Thanks for reporting back. It is always good to know how things turned out. So glad your dog is improving!
~Mama to Many~
(San Rafael, Ca)
Thanks so much for your support. Blessings to my EarthClinic family, so grateful.
Arcane Solution
I don't know if I should put alcohol or apple vinegar, the inflammation is very bad and I am afraid that with alcohol or apple vinegar will damage more or will be more painful .
I will appreciate if somebody can give me advise.
Thank you!!
(Columbus, Oh)
To Karina,
For your cocker spaniel, Please use only THIS remedy (Healthy Ear Recipe (from Arcane)) for healing your dog's ears:
Read it very carefully and completely! It's an excellent remedy for ear infections (yeast and/or bacterial) in dogs. I've used it on my Golden Retriever's ears when she had a yeast infection. Totally cleared it up. Plus, find a new food with NO GRAIN, NO CORN, and NO RICE (rice=sugar which yeast loves).
Healthy Ear Recipe (from Arcane)
1 tube Monistat (generic is fine)
1 tube Polysporin (use the real deal - it's inexpensive)
1 tube Cortaid (generic works here as well)
Use tubes of similar size. Mix all three together in a container that can be closed well. It takes a bit to incorporate because the Polysporin is a bit like Vaseline. Once incorporated, it stays mixed.
If ears are gunky, inflamed or smell bad, start with using a pea sized dollop twice a day. Use your finger to gently push it into the ear. Rub. Dogs will only shake their heads once or twice! It's a creamy, very soothing mixture. Once you have the ears under control, lessen how often you use it till you're only using it once a week. Once a week, it keeps ears from getting bad again.
My doctor (human) is the one that came up with this as her dogs were having ear issues that weren't really under control from the things her vet was prescribing! Anyone that I know that has gone to using it has had remarkable results and the dogs are much happier and SAFER than using anything with alcohol in it. I was told by my vet that alcohol just dries the ear out - which includes drying out the ear drum AND that if there is even the tiniest of perforations in that ear drum, it can let alcohol down into the middle ear where it can do permanent damage. That's why this cream is SOOOOO good! There's nothing "liquid" about it. It goes in and melts its way down to where it's needed. No alcohol to cause drying or damage and it will take care of anything yeast, bacterial etc...
(San Rafael, California)
I'm trying this tonight. My poor dog has been shaking his ears, scratching his ears creating blood wounds etc. I just put the mixture in his ears. Say a prayer for my rescue Pittie. He is still shaking his head and scratching though stay tuned.
(New York)
Thank you so much Wendy. Will try and let you know.
Tell us how your dog is now please. I hope we can hear from you. I need to do this tomorrow for my beagle (Donkey). His long floppy ears make a perfect breading ground for whatever likes that warm, moist and dark zone... Seems like that liquid the vet gives takes forever, and most of that ends up on the floor or me. Of course the antibiotics work, but who needs more vet bills (though I wouldnt let that stop me from caring for him, but right now I gotta do something. Maybe I should go to the vet now, cuz I was treating him with some of the liquid and antibiotics left over, but ran out of both yesterday and he is already tilting his head, so I know its coming back).
(Atlanta, Ga)
I use Apple Cider Vinegar 50 acv/50 distilled water to clean my dogs ears at bath time, 1x monthly. She has never had an ear infection. I don't use ear dropper but a whole ear flush. I warm up in cup of very warm water, using bottle with tip opening. I pour mix in each ear, rubbing as I'm pouring. You know when canal is full as it comes out. After bathing, I towel dry inside each ear and that's it. Being a mix of Bassett hound and springer spaniel, her ears are large but haven't had an issue since first learning about Apple Cider Vinegar flush on this website 5 years ago when I thought she had ear mites. Thought this might help.