23 User Reviews
(Western Australia)
(Cancun, Mexico)
Yes, just place the castor oil pack over your kidney and lay on your stomach for 20-30 minutes. C.O.P.'s bring forth healing cells to the area. Best of luck!
Castor Oil
(Los Angeles, CA)
Can anyone recommend how to use the castor oil to get rid of cyst on the back of my gums. Obviously I can't use a warm pack and if I use it with a cotton ball in that area, the saliva washes it away immediately. I absolutely love this website and reading everyone's post on the various uses and remedies of castor oil.
(somewhere, europe)
Sophia, you can try applying a Castor Oil pack on the outside, on your cheek.
(Indianapolis Indiana)
Please please go to a dentist. My mother's oral cancer showed up this way. It was removable and she's doing well now. Best of Luck.
Maybe you could put a castor oil pack on the lymph glands closest to the gum cyst; perhaps this will help? There are glands just at the top of your neck near your ears and under the chin.
Has anyone had luck with removing breast cysts with Castor oil?
(Kitchener On)
Hi Tiena,
I came across this, just what the Dr. ordered..
Posted by Nixpix (Daytona Beach Fl) on 05/14/2022
I have had breast cyst several times. They often came up quickly and were very painful. I went through my Doctor and other treatments, but finally found a solution that works quickly (with in a day or two the pain was gone) and over a period of a week of doing this every night the cysts dissolved.
The solution was to use a teaspoon of Raw Manuka Honey and a about 3/4 teaspoon of Turmeric. I mixed them together in a bowl before bed or early in the evening. I put the mixture all over the area of my breast with the cysts or pain. Then I covered the area with a clear plastic wrap so it would not get on my clothes. Wore a bra at night to keep plastic in place....
This has been a life saver and I hope it helps others.
God Bless
I had a lumpy sore breast and used povidone iodine. I just smeared it all over. It's kinda sticky but dried quickly and completely disappeared within a minute or two the first time I did it. I did this after reading about the prevalence of iodine deficiency and the suspected relationship between iodine deficiency and both thyroid and breast cancer. As well as other hormone related issues for both women AND men, like prostate and testicular cancers. Which makes sense, given the thyroid's hormonal duties.
Tiena I too, 50 mg of Lugols iodine for 4 months and it removed my fibrocystic cysts. That was 12 years ago and I still take 25 mg of Lugols iodine everyday because it's essential for good health. It also kills parasites. Lugols removes inflammation which leads to cysts which leads to tumors which leads to breast cancer.
Castor Oil
I don't know a lot about cysts but I'd check out earthclinic pages on cysts. There are many types of cysts.
I know your frustration, but keep at it until you win!
(Kitchener On)
Hi James
Whenever I had issues I would make a paste with Caster Oil and baking soda..
Apply overnight and it will soon be gone.
Best of luck,
James, I get continued cysts on my head as did my mother. She swore by castor oil mixed with baking soda (Edgar Cayce remedy) but said it takes months of daily application. I have not had luck with this however. I never last doing this more than a week or two at a time. I usually wait till they get huge and have a doctor remove them. I now have one in my private area and am taking turmeric. Only been doing for a couple days now but does seem to be less irritating.
(Victorville, CA)
I read recently that the length of treatment varies on how long the cysts have been there. For example: 3 years may take 3 months of treatment, 3 months may take 3 weeks and your diet and exercise heavily affect the length of treatment as well.
(Garland, TX)
Hi. Try the oil itself, not a pack. Warmest regards.
(Omaha, NE)
I understand your frustration. I had no luck with castor oil packs for multiple cysts after several attempts over two years. I have started seeing results at last. From my readings, the length of time before seeing results may vary from one person to another, so please don't give up. Here is what is finally working for me: I am now using organic, cold-pressed, hexane-free castor oil. Previously, I was using a cheaper quality, non-organic brand. I warm the oil-soaked cloth by draping it over my electric tea kettle. In the past, I skipped the warming step because of the risk in microwaving the oily cloth. The tea kettle works beautifully. I have also switched to unbleached wool flannel, where before I used cotton flannel. Lastly, instead of a heating pad, I have switched to a microwavable gel pack with a cloth sleeve. I use a sheet of plastic wrap between the gel pack sleeve and the flannel. I use the pack once or twice a day. I don't know why these details are important but they have made all the difference to me. I wish you luck.
(Melbourne, Australia)
Maybe it's a boil & need take antibiotics to help with bacterial infection along with warm compress?
(Prescott AZ)
Organic Cold Pressed Castor Oil. It is slow to absorb and takes time to work, meaning weeks or months depending on the size of the cyst.
Should be 100% natural, cold pressed, hexane free in an amber brown glass bottle.
(Naples, Gl)
A reply to the person applying castor oil numerous times a day to the cyst on the finger- Do it once a day so the warmth of your skin enables it to absorb.
It didn't work for me at first either. Then I dug further and found (I think it was on this site in the comments) that I needed to pair the castor oil with magnesium. Topical was not as effective as taking a magnesium supplement and I found out that I have to make sure to take a high absorption one. You can't absorb your magnesium if you are low in vitamin D, so I was taking D3 50,000 once a week also. Couldn't believe how fast it worked after the vitamin and mineral part were good. So happy to have found that and wish that information was more accessible elsewhere.
Castor oil, tea tree oil undiluted on a cotton ball, or gauze. genius and quick remedy for cysts and abscess to drain!
Iodine is the topical treatment for cysts. Can take internally too.
(Deridder, La)
You have to make sure the castor oil is the right kind. Just any over the counter don't work. I've been told that it should be in a dark glass bottle and it should be hexane free
Cover the cyst with Lugols iodine preferably the 5% but 2% also can work just takes longer. It will take a couple of months to wok.
I tend to agree. I tried castor under a bandaid for a couple of days. Apart from the top of the cyst being open, the size did not reduce and no gland sac miraculously dislodged. I'm now going through the list of natural alternatives. Maybe I'm a little impatient, but if I see no change in trajectory, I move on.
Castor Oil
Most recently he had a large/painful one coming up and immediately smothered it in castor oil. Within two days it was gone.
(Cullman, Alabama)
2 days?! Lord I truly hope it will only be 2 days for this one to be gone…. 🙏
Has anyone here had any experience with a small Pellet-size ( hard) cyst under their skin? I have had one on my leg just above my knee - it has been there for a year or longer, quite small but hard underneath.
Recently I discovered another small (tiny pellet-size) ball -cyst underneath my skin right around my bellybutton. Reading all the comments here, I am going to try Castor Oil. I hope it works!
I also have these soft-tissue lumps on the inside of both eyes (lateral part), they are white and small ball-like built up tissue. Anyone have any experience with this type of lump inside eye lids?
I am so thankful kI found this site :)
(Abbotsford BC. canada)
I have a litle cyst? between my left thumb and the next finger, and it feels like a little steel ball out of a ball bearing. has been there for years when guessed is very painful. I think the system is not ready to deal with it. I was an auto mechanic for 20 years in the 50's and 60's hope you make out OK
Hello B,
With regards to the white, soft-tissue eye lumps - it is unclear as to the location - "inside of both eyes" suggests a medical location (near the nose) whereas, a "lateral" location means on the outer part of the eye orbit, below the end of the eyebrows.
If it is located "laterally", below the ends of the eyebrows, this would suggest swelling/inflammation of the lacrimal glands which has become a very common condition in the US, for various reasons, and is often associated with "dry eye" syndrome since these glands make tears that constantly bathe the eyes.
There are numerous causes for this type of swelling, such as various infections (most common), autoimmune conditions (which can be caused by infections), hormonal imbalances and other conditions. You can google it.
Seeing an eye doctor to rule out any serious issue would be prudent.
A simple, old time remedy, I have seen used to determine a possible cause is to apply a hot moist salt (or epsom salt) pack to the area for 30 minutes, 2x/day. Applying a drop or two of 100% gum turpentine (pine resin essential oil) to the pack or, to the hot salt water or, to the skin area first, can enhance the hot pack therapy though, it is not necessary. If needed, you can dilute the pine resin essential oil with a carrier oil.
Hot Salt or Epsom Salt packs are an old traditional therapy used for various skin wounds, cysts/ulcers, swellings, etc.... My grandmother and mother would frequently use this on our cats (and other animals and humans) that had ulcers or swollen wounds from cat fights or injuries. It worked well to draw out the infections. Many old time vets and family doctors used this simple remedy.
You fill a bowl or pot with HOT water and dissolve as much salt in it as you can. Then, dip a cloth into the water, lightly wring it out, and apply to swelling (do not drip salt water into eye). Try to cover the hot pack with plastic and a small towel (or something similar) to keep the pack hot and moist for a longer time. Usually, one needs to apply 2-3 packs to reach 30+ minutes.
This is a "drawing" therapy and if you see "debris" coming out from the area then you are probably drawing out the infection. Checking it out under a microscope can be helpful.
Continue the twice daily packs until nothing else is drawn out.
You may need to apply the packs every other day and apply diatomaceous earth (DE) or 3% ivermectin cream (with 10% DMSO) on the days off ( or even later after the pack is removed) in order to more easily remove whatever debris surfaces.
You can also spray HOCL (i.e., hypochloric acid; briotech.com - there is a Vet line, a lay person line and a Health Care Professional line) on the affected area on the days off or later after the pack is removed. This will completely disinfect the area and reduce pain and inflammation. It is completely non-toxic. Many eye physicians, surgeons and many vets are using HOCL today for all types of skin conditions and surgeries, including many eye problems including blepharitis. It is also sold in pharmacies for eye conditions. It is a normal "antimicrobial" that the body naturally makes to heal infections.
My Opthamologist prescribed HOCL for an eye condition I had years ago, it worked. It kills many different types of infections under the skin. It needs to be used 2x/day, minimum, and rubbed in, often used for a couple months. Its effects can be enhanced if you first briskly rub in DE (or some other drawing agent) which draws up many of these infections to the surface of the skin though, this is not necessary.
There are other methods to draw out or treat these "swellings" as noted on EC (e.g., ACV/vinegar, baking powder, essential oils, various drawing salves, etc), these are just a couple of ideas that I know have worked well for some.
Best wishes,
Castor Oil
Told my daughter about my experience. She is a gymnast and has always had large marble-sized ganglion cysts on her wrists. They are painful and inhibit movement. She has been using the castor oil for a few days (only 1-2 times a day), and the cyst is nearly gone! Truly amazing.
(San Francisco, Ca)
Update on my daughter's ganglion cyst. In a week, the cyst (which she had had for over a year) was completely gone. She also had a bump on her achilles from gymnastics strain, and after a few days of castor oil application, that is also gone.
I have a tarlov cyst on S3 and was considering castor oil. I just read your thread and will indeed give it a try.
Castor Oil
If you're interested in trying this the sooner you start the better I waited a little longer than I would now that I know about this method.
Found some at the drug store put some on the back of my fingers it is very thick and massaged it onto the lump. Did this daily for 3 day and it drained while I was sleeping it felt so much better but I could tell there was another right under the first so continued with the castor oil after week it drained also!
Wish I knew about this method sooner, I would have begun it at the first sign!
Castor Oil
MyWay :D
Castor Oil
When a flair up occurs for my feet, I apply the castor oil pack (can purchase at the vitamin shoppe) and a good brand of castor oil (about 1 -2 teaspoons worth ) with a sheet of plastic over cloth and rest on a heating pad for 20 - 30 minutes a day.
A few days of this and they are dramatically reduced. I have changed the type of footwear I wear to low padded souls and good width to prevent compression. I had extreme pain last year and very little this year.
For my ovarian cyst, the same as above applies but I take the heat off after 20 minutes and leave pack on the rest of the night. Gone the next day. This stuff is truly a miracle. The ovarian cyst often left me in a fetal position for days and severe pain in the middle of my back.
I have so much relief now. Acupuncture has also helped with my ovarian cyst.
Definitely give the castor oil hot packs a try!!
(Manila, Philippines)
May I ask what specific type or brand of castor oil did you use for your ovarian cyst? I also want to try this because I too have ovarian cysts. Thank you!
Dear Jazza,
I have used several different brands of castor oil for cysts and other things; always with good success.
Heritage, Home Health, Mountain Rose Herbs are the ones I have had around the house the most over the years. I hope castor oil helps you as much as it has me!
~Mama to Many~
Castor Oil
I ordered castor oil on amazon (cold-pressed, but I dont know if that matters) and didn't even make a castor oil pack. I have just been rubbing castor oil straight on the cyst with my fingers a few times a day. Within days, it has drastically reduced in size and it is almost completely gone. I'm not sure HOW this is happening, nothing is coming out. It's just...dissapearing!
A doctor took a look at it (i as going to a doc for another reason) and she looked shocked. She couldn't believe castor oil could just get rid of it like that so quickly, as when I had previously emailed her about it before I met her she too told me I'd need surgery or antibiotics. When I met her in person and she saw it, she said "dont go on antibiotics or get surgery! Just keep doing what youre doing! " and indeed it is almost gone. Within days. No medicine, no surgery, no embarrasment. and CHEAP. and the stuff makes my skin look amazing too. I've never even heard of castor oil before earthclinic. I saw so many posts on all the other sites where people talked of getting surgery, etc etc. This is incredible, it bypasses all that trouble, expense, and pain.
I would LOVE to know how castor oil works, but wow does it ever. In a few more days it should be completely gone. THANKS to all of you who posted and let me know about this cure!!!! I used to get sebaceous cysts on my head, and if I ever get them back, castor oil will be the first thing I do! Good luck everyone!
Hi good evening, can I ask you where can I buy the castor oil, my mom had a cyst on her neck and I am worried and afraid for her, she had a lump on her neck and she go for ultrasound this morning and the doktor said it a cyst and she need to check again by biopsy..
Castor oil must be hexane-free and cold-pressed and preferably organic, if you can get it. Don't buy from drug stores. Buy from health food stores.
(St. Croix, USVI)
Castor Oil
(California, US)
Just because you don't believe, don't tell someone else what their experience was. I've used castor oil for removing cysts on skin before. It's amazing. You need to realize not everything needs to make sense to you to be viable.
Castor Oil
I am more susceptible to skin problems, one of which is being very prone to (sebaceous) cysts. I was excited to try the castor oil remedy that is being mentioned on this wonderful website! I have had a good-sized (very noticeable) cyst in the outer corner of my left eye for more than two years now. The outer part appeared plump and soft to the touch, somewhat yellowish in color, and puffy.
I could see and feel the hard-like fluid inside of it, but while poking at it down deep, I could feel what felt like a pea. I had messed with with before, but had given up - Seemed I wouldn't excrete the substance underneath it very well.
The stuff was very hard to get out. I would always get a little liquid from it and a little blood, causing it to swell up a bit, then got it infected... I thought it useless to try anymore, so I just left it alone.
That is until I discovered the Castor OIL Remedyl!!!
Anyway, after reading the posts here, I decided to tackle it again. On Sept. 1st, I started poking around at the cyst, squeezed at it, and got it to secrete some oily like substance and some blood out of it. It was still hard though! I musta messed with it for about an hour. It was really swelled up great by then. It looked like someone had punched me in the eye ( I was squinting by the time I was finished with my treatment of it for the day)! I was determined however, to march on... Well, after poking and prodding at it for an hour, I cleaned it up, rinsed it with warm water, dried it, then dabbed it with the castor oil, and covered it up with a bandage. I did this twice a day. Morning and night. I squeezed it each time, to get more liquid and blood out of it, and then repeated the castor oil/bandage thing.
About 7 days later, Sept. 7, the cyst and my eye were still puffy (I got a lot of stares), but I could tell that the cyst was getting a smaller.
The castor oil was softening it up, which made it easier for me to squeeze the substance out of it! It was coming out pretty good by then, with hardly any effort on my part by that time. I could tell that the castor oil was really pulling the stuff out and causing the cyst to drain more! I continued this for about two more weeks. I could really see a big difference by then, so that was great for me. I was trying to be soooo patient, seein' as how patience is not one of my better virtues! After all, I told myself - I did have this thing by my eye for at least two years! By week 3, my eye was looking normal again.
The puffiness/swelling was all gone - the liquid was drained from the cyst. The area felt flat! And, it was starting to scab over. All that was left of the cyst was this little pea- sized knot by then). I continued to rub and massage the castor oil into this area each morning and every night before going to bed. I woke up one morning - Sept. 26... to find a small "pimple" had formed in the spot where the cyst was. I squeezed it, and this stringy thread- like substance snaked it's way out. This was the "pea" that I had been feeling for the last two years!
I write this on Oct. 17th, and as I run my finger over where the cyst had been... I smile (: The cyst had been my unwelcoming companion for the past two years or so, and it is NOW completely gone, and has been for a couple weeks!
The area around my eye is nice and smooth. Yayyyyyy.... Oh - I might also add that... During the time that I was treating this particular cyst, I had several smaller ones on my face, as well. I would massage the castor oil into them all the while and... They are gone too!!!
This will now become my ritual for every cyst I see poppin' up on my bod!! We gotta "Zap em before they Happen".. Castor Oil is definately the trick!
Thanks be to you guys who write in with your wonderful remedies!!! Have a great "Cyst-free" day!!!
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Put it on heavy and keep covered with a band-aid. If you search this out you will find it can be used for many EXTERNAL applications with amazing results.
Castor Oil
(Portland, Oregon)
I had surgery on a cyst that was located on my neck. It got very big and uncomfortable. So I had it removed. The surgery was easy and over in an hour, but eventually the cyst came back. My docter warned me this might happen, but not much is known about cysts. It hasn't got really big again but comes and goes. I think the surgery is worth a shot.
(Alameda, Ca)
Hi! Turmeric is an incredible remedy for any kind of cyst and may help you. You might also look at other remedies on EC for cysts, including drinking pure spring water!!
My personal submandibular gland cyst was surgically removed and after testing was a calcium cyst just like a kidney stone. From my understanding that is what most mandibular gland cysts are. However, it wouldn't hurt to try the Castor oil and at the very least is really good for the skin.
Castor Oil
I saw the posts here on EC about castor oil, and after googling for more info I saw where it had worked for other people with stubborn sebaceous cysts, so I got some castor oil and put it on under a band-aid before going to sleep. Already, just after the first application, it's drawing the cyst up and out and softening whatever's in there: it never hurt before, but it did a little after putting the castor oil on, kind of like a tiny bruise, and then when I woke up and took off the band-aid, a bunch of nasty-looking stuff came out with almost no pressure. It's not gone at all, but it's flatter and the castor oil is definitely working to break it up. Many thanks to Abigail from Lawrence, Kansas for taking the time to describe exactly what she did, because that's what I'm doing and it's already working after so much else has failed.
Thanks, EC!
Update to my last post: you can go ahead and call it a cure! I have been applying a bit of gauze saturated with castor oil to the cyst morning and night, and every time I change the bandage I try to express whatever's in there. Over the last several days, slowly but surely, most of it has come out (there was even a hair buried in there! ?! ) and now whatever comes out is mostly clear.
One thing that became obvious is that it was a lot deeper and more substantial than I gave it credit for. I think it must have had a few loculations too, because when I'd try to express it I'd change the direction of my fingers, and then feel a little pop and get more stuff out. It was a nasty and complex cyst.
I'm going to keep going with it for the next few days, but the area is already flattened out and just about gone altogether, which is what I was hoping for. Will it come back because I didn't get the sac? No idea, but today I'm thrilled that I no longer have the pea-sized lump on my cheek!
Thanks, EC!
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
My midwife sad that all the extra hormones during pregnancy can cause cysts to behave like this. She suggested trying castor oil, and warned that it might take awhile to fully go away.
Here's what I did:
Squirt some pure cold-pressed castor oil onto a cotton round pad. Apply the pad to the cyst. Apply medical tape to hold the pad in place. Change the pad once or twice a day. Sometimes when changing the pad there would be yellowish pus on the pad. Sometimes there was nothing. The castor oil did at least relieve the itching, but there were days I thought that this wasn't working. However, the cyst was actually slowly deflating. It took about three months, but the cyst went away! I still have a small, very light red circle on my back where it was, but the skin is flat and smooth, and I never have any itching. It's been gone for about 2-1/2 months now, so I think the cure was effective.