Apple Cider Vinegar
(Escazú, San José, Costa Rica)
Check his food and environmental allergies. Remedies can only fight so much. Remove the obvious offenders: pets, feather pillows/comforters, sugar, white flour, dairy, clorox, windex, alcohol (very toxic - I used to use it clean my windows), smelly cleaners, ajax (used to contain mercury, don't know if it still does)... anything you can think of. If he craves a food, it is very likely an allergy. Remove everything for three weeks, then add things back in one at a time (ice cream first, of course!) See what he reacts to. Once you've pinned down his allergies and removed them, try the ACV again. It may have been working too hard against too many stimulants.
My son lived on meds from three to 15. He survived, he is bright funny and his asthma is now managed very well. Good luck!
I have asthma and doctors were forever saying I must be allergic to my dog etc. They were all wrong. If it had been because of my dog then how come I was just as bad when in the hospital where no animals had been? My dog is hairless anyway, and I was the same before I had a dog. Another doctor said it must be something in my house I am allergic to, I have lived here nearly 30 years and there is nothing of significance which is new here.
It also did not make sense because I could get three months of severe and then nothing for three months, where it goes up and down, yet everything in the house has remained the same.
Acupuncture helped me but sometimes you need to have a dozen or so sessions and then later it comes back and you need to do them again.
(Memphis, Tn)
I just wanted to elaborate on what Sally has said here. I have multiple chemical sensitivities and developed asthma 20 years ago, in response to synthetic chemicals that are ubiquitous in the indoor environment I have also had asthma in response to medications. Pollen and typical allergens don't bother me. I have cats, and they don't trigger my asthma....chemicals do.
Cleaners and pillows are just the tip of the ice burg.....carpeting, furniture and cabinets made of particle board,paint,health and beauty supplies, soap, laundry detergents, softeners and dryer sheets, perfume, air fresheners....just to name a few things. Fragrances are made of hundreds of synthetic chemicals, including petrochemicals.....even products that are labled fragrance free may still have a fragrance, but the manufacturer may add another chemical to mask the smell. Carpeting, particle board and many other products contain formaldehyde and can take years to outgas. Wrinkle free cotton clothing and polyester/cotton sheets are treated with formaldehyde to make them wrinkle free. These synthetic chemicals are making many, many people ill, but they don't know it. It is not ecomomical for companies to do anything about it....infact the industry denies this growing health issue, and works hard to oppose the idea that their products are making the public ill. Read up on Multiple Chemical Sensitivities,also called Environmental Illness, to gain a better understanding of the negative health effects of these chemicals and where to find them in your home and work place.
The average medical doctor is completely unaware about this phenomenon, and thus completely ineffective in dealing with this aspect of a persons health issues. Also,I need to point out that chemical illnesses aren't allergies, as the two reactions are mediated in the body in completely different ways. People understand allergies, and tend to call any negative reaction an allergy, but it is basically the body's inability to process the chemical(s). If you are able, you might want to check out a doctor of Environmental Medicine....they understand chemical reactions.
Several years ago, I heard a statement in the news that indoor pollution was 2 to 5 times worse than outdoor pollution. Unfortunately, there was no elaboration on what this meant, and I didn't understand it at the time. Now that I am chronically ill from synthetic chemicals, I know exactly what they were talking about. If someone could have explained this to me years ago, it would have saved me a lot of suffering and provided greater quality of life. It never occured to me that companies would be allowed to make products that would make me and others ill.
By the way, aside from avoidance, I learned on this site about ACV and honey, and use it to help settle my asthma flair ups and associated coughing ( 2 tbsp ACV, 1 or more tbsp honey and 8 oz water). It has been a great help to me, as I can no longer tolerate any medications including inhalers. For twenty years I only needed to use inhalers occasionally. Afer being given a new product last year, it caused my asthma to worsen when I used it. Once that reaction happened, the same thing happened with my old inhaler, so this homemade remedy is all I have to help, and I am thankful for the information!
I hope this helps some of you...good luck and good health.
(Atlanta, Ga, United States)
I have had asthma since I was six. I am now 52 and due to the inhalant steroids (Advair) which I only took for a few years, I now have steroid-induced cataracts. The drugs he's taking now will have serious consequences later on in life.
Everyone is different and react differently to remedies. Since ACV did not work for your son, you need to find something that does. I have learned that the single, most important and significant change I made was my diet. I became a raw vegan and that has helped tremendously. Wheat, dairy, peanuts and soy all aggravated my asthma. Well, actually, a lot of cooked foods trigger it also, so I find it best to stay on a raw fruits/veggies/nuts/seeds diet.
I cannot stress how crucial it is to take your son off all processed foods, dairy (no more ice cream or milk), wheat (no more cookies, crackers or bread), etc. Try it for 30 days. I think you'll be greatly surprised. Then you can add one item back at a time to see if he has a reaction.
Green smoothies are delicious and helpful. You can make raw ice cream out of frozen bananas or frozen strawberries. You can make awesome shakes out of almond milk. Starting him out on a raw diet now, at this young age, will allow him to enjoy a lifetime of excellent health.
Best wishes to you both. I empathize with your situation.
I see this was posted in 2009, but for anyone else interested, I've been taking vitamin C with rosehips and bioflavanoids and omega 3s for years for asthma, stopping many attacks. Now take them everyday and haven't had an attack in years. That's the key in preventing attacks.
You might start him on 200 mg a day, (adults 500 mg split 2 X a day, 500mg morning, 500 mg evening) more if he's getting the sniffles. Cod liver oil is a good source of omega 3s and A&D. Also, try going wholefood organic as much as possible. Juicing organic fruits and vegetables is even better. Agree cutting out any processed foods containing all kinds of contaminants.
I wanted to chime into this discussion so that parents have some direction with asthmatic children. I have to admit, I am rather alarmed at asthma rates here in this country - and how little progress we have made to remove the root causes. Did you know that 48% of kids here in the US are chronically sick?
My Story
I had terrible asthma as a child, born in the north, city. A pediatrician back in the 60's told my parents "get your daughter south" away from mfg plants and highways Or her asthma will get worse. Two parents, neither finished high school, one didn't speak English - 3 weeks later, we were living in the south. Mom had purchased a juicer (sounded like a jet landing in our kitchen every day) and flooded my body with nutrients, local produce, beans, grains, two weeks, Mom had me at 100%. No meds for her 3 year old. She washed my cotton bed sheets in diluted white vinegar and borax, homemade meals, play outdoors, cats and dogs everywhere, etc...I had a blessed childhood.
As soon as I hit college and got away from my daily healthy way of life from a dedicated parent - I felt my symptoms creaping back. I returned home, analyzed what my Mom did for so many years, incorporated them back into my life - and for about 20 years, no symptoms, no meds.
Now in my 40's, my asthma returned with a vengeance. I moved up north for my husbands job, lived near an airport and I-95. I was doomed. I started taking Advair, singular, inhalers...knowing I had to get myself back to holistic lifestyle. First of all - everyone quit blaming the cats. They may be part of the problem and are always in the lineup - but please work at getting rid of anything synthetic first (environmental toxins). Anyway, I landed here on earthclinic a couple years ago, determined to rid myself of dangerous meds. I followed Bill Munroes hydrogen peroxide inhalation method, removed all processed food and sugar from my diet, exercise daily, plenty of water - I feel healthy! It seems sugar was the toxin that caused my flair-ups More then anything. Natural sugars (like fruit, honey) I can consume - no problem. The point is - I took the time to figure it out. Everyone is different.
One item I wanted to mention - I notice when I sleep with any synthetics on my bed (fleece for example), I start itching - I feel some allergic response which can exacerbate my symptoms. I recommend everything cotton on the bed, including pillows, to sleep on.
Lastly, I am thankful to a mother who did not believe synthetic "patent" medicines were the answer. Because of her diligence, I have lived a relatively healthy life - she is a woman before her times. And at 80 - she says that it's now the new "60."!
I hope my story provides some encouragement to parents who are looking for answers. Work with your pediatrician or practitioner - but let medis be a last resort.
MyWay :D
(Somewhere, Europe)
Carmel, read up on Bill Munro's h2o2 inhalation method.
(Faithville, Us)
Yes I used to be allergic to everything but lettuce and when I ate it I couldn't stop burping. Cortisol is the stress hormone the produce robs peter to pay paul to make. It throws off hormones, minerals, water balance, and gets trapped in parts of the body. Eric Berg teaches on youtube how to release it. Then the body becomes out of mineral and water balance. To WARN YOU OF THIS SITUATION YOUR BODY WILL PRODUCE HISTAMINE. Has an anti histamine ever alleviated your symptoms? So now~~ you can put this information into a trail test and see if one of your minerals or hydration level is out of balance or if you have stress trapped in your body tissues.
Blessings, Charity
Apple Cider Vinegar
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR AND ASTHMA: To Daisy from HI: Hang in there Daisy & congratulations for resisting starting your 6 yr old with asthma on albuterol & steroids. The only thing I would suggest that you change is if you can get some raw honey made within a 50 mile radius of where you live, use this to sweeten the ACV instead of the nectar. Asthma quite often has an allergy component and the honey helps with the allergies. Another thing is to watch for when his attacks occur, and try to eliminate the triggers (pollen, hair spray, room deodorizing sprays, paint odors, perfumes, after shaves, flowers, after shaves, etc. and just about anything you can see or smell in the air can be the trigger. Again, I commend you for trying something that actually provides some nutrients for him instead of just starting to drug him up with the albuterol and steroids, both of which have several unwanted side effects and no nutrients at all.
(Hilo, HI)
Hey Daisy, I live on the Big Island also with the vog problem and all of a sudden my 8 yr old has asthma! First time in her life. She's had it for a while now but I refuse to use all the nebulizers and unnatural things. (Which my very healthy grandmother suddenly died after taking.) Anyway, I've been trying so hard to kick this asthma with my daughter. It's finally letting up though she still has a little cough, but not so croupy sounding. I tried giving her the fish oils for the Omega 3's, kelp for inflammation in the lungs (in pill form), lemon juice with honey that she finally got tired of, and now I will try the ACV to see if that will completely kick it. Nice to hear from another person dealing with the vog problem with a natural remedy. Thankx!
(Hilo, HI)
Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention, I also had her take a spoonful of coconut oil since I found that as a natural remedy listed for asthma. Everything I gave her was sort of inconsistant with each other but again, I will try and stick to the ACV now. Thanks again. ~Nalani
Coconut Oil
Hydrogen Peroxide in Humidifier
(Elmira, Ny)
I bought colloidal silver and use a tsp in a nebulizer for myself and have stopped wheezing works great. Do it once a day. Also hold a tsp. under the tongue and swallow after a minute. love it.
Kiwi and Bananas
Multiple Remedies
My son is 4 years of age and is suffering from severe asthma every 3 weeks. He has no obvious triggers just simple allergy, viral like symptoms which proceed to asthmatic cough and then finally wheezing. He is on Advair for prevention, albuterol for rescue and also taked singulair all through ten year. None of the medications is helping and he has trouble all through the year. We take all precautions, no carpets, no milk, no wheat. After the attack he gets thick nasal discharge mucus from his nose for several days, also can hear chest congestion and phlegm.
He had severe eczema when he was a baby and after trying everything we read about Apple Cider Vinegar so have been giving Apple Cider Vinegar with honey and water every night for last 6 months. It has improved his eczema quite dramatically but his asthma remains the same. We also started doing Apple Cider Vinegar steaming for the last one month. he again had an attack last week and hasn't completely recovered yet.
We have tried many things for his asthma and we at least want to reduce the frequency of attacks. He is unable to lead a normal kid life, always restricted for the fear of asthma. Has anyone had experience with kids with such severe asthma. Any other remedies which could help? I am looking forward for help from other parents who gave through the same and minimized asthma naturally. Thanks for reading.
(Grateful 4 Earthclinic!, Thanks To All!)
Perhaps colostrum, black seed oil, MSM, turmeric, coconut oil mixed with local raw honey and/or apples would help. Please google for information. Wishing your child well!!!!
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
The viral like infections you speak of probably are caused by a virus. So when he has a flair up of the asthma and blocked air passages use colloidal silver as drops into his sinus passages to kill the virus infection. That "solution" will help with the secondary effect of the asthma. Helping with the asthma issue itself is something I can't help with. On the amount of silver drops, use six or eight drops with his head leaned back and see if he can learn to allow the drops to drain back into his sinuses. It's hard for an adult so will be more so for a child but he'll learn that if when he uses the drops his infections will go away and so will soon welcome the relief.
(Middle, Tennessee, Usa)
I am so sorry your son is having so much asthma trouble. Two of my children have asthma. Different things seem to work for them. I tried many, many natural things for each before finding what worked best, but neither have needed medical treatment now for years. One child responds very well to nettles and quercetin. If he takes 2 x00 nettles capsules 4x a day and 1x 0 caspule of quercetin 2 x a day, the symptoms resolve. Most days he no longer needs any. But he took those daily for a long time. He was about 12 when we started that. I think over time his body did heal from this. He used to need daily OTC meds and steroids at times. If he gets a cold, I will have him take nettles again to help prevent an asthma flare up and it seems to work for him. If he starts to sneeze from pollen he just reaches for the nettles.
With my daughter, we were up for hours and hours trying different things we found on Earth Clinic under asthma. She was younger when hers began and couldn't swallow pills, so that makes it harder. We would mix 1/2 t. of turmeric with 1 t. honey and give her that. (you can give that every few hours if needed. ) We would mix 1/2 t. nettle leaf powder and mix it with honey. (Again, very frequent is fine. ) (Now she can swallow pills and we give her the nettles and quercetin like my son. ) 1 drop of Lavender Essential oil in 1 t. honey helped sometimes. A warm epsom salt bath with a few drops of lavender were also helpful at times. But the best thing for her seems to be essential oils and some other herbs. In two ounces of olive or coconut oil, add 1 T. peppermint essential oil, 1 T. eucalyptus essential oil, 1/2 t. thyme essential oil and 1/2 t. frankincense essential oil. I rub this onto the back and chest (over the lung area. ) Test each oil before putting it in your mix as some of my children cannot tolerate some of these oils and it will give them a rash. (We use it for a cough, too, for anyone. ) You can also try nettle and/or mullein tea. Both are great for asthma. (Watch for allergy, my son cannot use mullein - it gives him an itchy chin, his first sign of being bothered by something.)
You could look into high doses Vitamin C as it is a natural antihistamine.
Long term use of strong drugs can be hard on the system. You could look into activated charcoal to help detox from these things. Also, 4 oz. fresh organic carrot juice daily (if you have or could borrow a juicer) would helpt to nourish and strengthen, as would 1 t. blackstrap molasses, twice a day.
Hope you find relief for your child, soon. It is hard to see our children suffer.
(Dallas, Tx, Usa)
Thank you all for the suggestions. Have already started him on mullien. Will try some more of these as well. Thanks!
A doctor recommended Sodium Ascorbate Vitamin C for asthma
(Santa Cruz, Ca)
My daughter had severe eczema on her elbows. She was prescribed various medications. They worked temporarily but the eczema always returned. I started reading about alternative ways to combat it. I found liquid magnesium -phosphorus- vitamin D by Twin Labs. She took it everyday for about 3-4 months. Her eczema disappeared and has never returned. Hope this helps.
(Riverside, California)
I wonder if this liquid magnesium -phosphorus- vitamin D would have an effect on hives?
Hi Mama to Many, I was encouraged to see your use of frankincense topically for the asthma, as a rather new discovery is boswelia serrata, the tree from which the frankincense comes from, for curing asthma (ingested). It is also useful for all inflammation, including the joints, etc.
Multiple Remedies
Safia, as for foods does your formula contain DHA or are u breast-feeding (if you are you need to take two spoons of Flax Oil daily)? DHA is very important fatty acid for baby development and helps reduce inflammatory response. As for baby food, pineapple is very good for inflammatory diseases like asthma.
May I also add the importance of air quality. Since I don't know your environment, I cannot say for sure, but you may need to improve your indoor air with any number of different filtration beyond standard fiberglass filters. HEPA, Negative Ion purifiers are very good. Some air purifiers have a combination of technologies to achieve very clean air. Also check for the possibility of Black Mold as it could be deadly regarding your infant.
Hope this helps and good luck.
(Gippsland, Australia)
if you have carpet then lie down on it and take a few slow deep breaths through your nose to check that your baby has nothing to react to there. Mould can even live there or even in the underlay.
Urine Therapy
I brought him to a TCM doctor about three years ago and with his help was able to get him off of steroids. He still had periods of difficulty breathing, but the swings weren't as extreme as the ones he had while on meds.
He was still wetting the bed. I thought it must be related to the asthma. The western doctors told me this was an entirely different problem that required the attention of a specialist. (I knew not to go to a specialist.) The TCM doctor thought it was related. He was able to improve the problem but it was still happening 1-2 times a week. This is not an easy problem for a 12 year old to deal with.
We had tried so many things he had given up. I convinced him to drink his own urine, a cup every morning and within a week his bed wetting and asthma were entirely gone. It's been over 6 months without another occurrence. I wish I had discovered this earlier. I think we could have avoided alot of unnecessary suffering.
Occasionally, I still wake up in a panic wondering if my son can breathe. I know it's other kids out there struggling for breath. You parents out there struggling with this disease, I'm with you. Urine therapy might work you the way it did for my son.
Rod 272rip(at)
Keep him away from anything that has been in a #1 PET/PETE plastic like tetrapaks, typical water, juice and ketchup bottles. The stuff contains antimony (Google it) and is a main cause of asthma due to it causing extreme liver inflammation and an increase in leukotrienes (which is the root of asthma). It's a pain in the butt to do but is so worth it.
(Edmonton, Alberta)
Thanks very much for that.
Gluten free diet and Buteyko breathing method have cured my niece of asthma (7 years free of asthma).
(Kansas City, Missouri)
Is it safe to drink people's urine? We use urine to relieve the pain caused by jellyfish contact by peeing directly on the affected area. But we have not tried ingesting it before.
(Edmonton, Alberta)
The only caution I've read about it is when you are on drugs. For example, if you are on steroids some of it will show up in your urine and increase the dose you are ingesting. My son continues to get benefits from this. He's growing at triple the rate. Apparently, in children and adolescents there is concentrated growth hormone in the morning urine.
(Lagos, Nigeria)
Thanks for the information on urine therapy .my daughter of 9years has being going through the same astma problem since she was two. We are in the hospital as I'm writing this and on nebulizer . I will start the urine therapy tomorrow morning and I pray it works for me too. I have really suffered cos of this problem and have being asking God for answer and I believe he has answered for me to discover this therapy. Thanks so much and remain blessed. Pls help me with any suggestions and I will always keep in touch. Pls is it first (early) morning urine that she will take?
(Edmonton, Alberta)
Hello Adaolisa: That's a good way to start. Take a cup of the first urine in the morning. You will read on other website that you should drink the midstream urine. I never had my son do that. He just drank a cup of the morning urine. He still does this and has never been sick since he began the practice. He hasn't had a flu or a cold either. I think it's going to work for you. I am going to send a prayer your way. You can email me directly at 272rip (at) .
Regards, Rod
My son had a child in his class that was always asking to be excused to get a drink of water, annoying the teacher who would deny her, and unfortunately she passed away from an asthma attack later that same year. I personally believe asthma may be caused by long term dehydration.