Posted by Paa (Fremont, CA) on 09/06/2008
Hi, I wanted to share a remedy that worked really well on my baby's eccema. When it oozes, vicco turmeric (found in any Indian store, it's a turmeric paste in a sandalwood oil base - no other ingredients) works wonders. I just tried it by chance one day and now everytime her eczema flares up that's all I use. It's doesn't moisturize well but cures the oozing & flare up really fast so I use it in combination with Burts Bees baby moisturizer.
Vitamin E
Posted by Victoria (Scarborough, Ontario Canada) on 05/03/2014
It's costly but try vitamin e for eczema. My 2 year old son has eczema and it's the only thing that works consistently and quickly. Apply over night all over your body or troubled areas only (to save costs) and you should be pleased with the over night results. Repeat every night or anytime you are lounging around. Vitamin E is a underestimated solution!