Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Cayenne and Hydrogen Peroxide
Now for the H2O2, I mixed one cap of 3% in a half glass of water. Poured 3 drops in each ear. In between the the two ears, I gave a couple of minutes on each side as suggested by all people who had positive results. This morning she woke up with slight nasal congestion but no pain in her throat. awesome!! Thank you all
Cayenne, ACV and Baking Soda
Colloidal Silver
ALONG WITH THAT, and I know I cant say brand names or names of specific companies on this website, but I order this stuff called "Herbs for Kids", Sweet Echinacea, they make several homeopathic childrens syrups, but that one does not taste bad, as my daughter is very finicky about that, and it works!! My mother and I went to the hospital one year, cuz we were sick as dogs, and my daughter did not contract the illness at all. I order from a discount vitamin website (a very well known one actually, just google "discount Vitamins"), with customer reviews, so you know exactly what your buying. They carry all manner of herbal products for children on there, its wonderful.
(Sandusky, Ohio)
Update:: Please don't store the honey colloidal silver mixture in dropper bottle, it XPIRES after 3 days and can blow up and go rancid. The dropper rubber plastic thing was expanding, I had to throw away.
Now I use a plastic medicine cup, and mix it in there or use a honey based herbal childrens syrup, and mix it with that in the cup and give it to her. Homeopathic remedies which can be bought at health food stores or ordered online are great.
Colloidal Silver, Manuka Honey, Saline Nasal Spray
I also believe in Hydrogen Peroxide drops in the ears, but he won't let me do that anymore. I hadn't read of the power of colloidal silver as relates to colds before, so that's why I posted this.
The manuka honey helped soothe his sore throat, and my son calls it "medicine-tasting honey", which is accurate, but Manuka Honey is just plain miraculous in too many ways to list here, and did the job I wanted it to in this instance.
Also, the nasal spray is a good and natural treatment that my son said really helped his congestion. Natural treatments are very powerful, I can attest to that. This is one very knowledgeable crowd in here and they have never ever let me down, and I just wanted to share something I thought of myself. Thank you, Earth Clinic. I wouldn't have known anything without you.