Hydrogen Peroxide
Inner Ear Swelling Remedies
Dear Marsh,
I have a few thoughts...
Yes, I would think the deviated septum and the resulting congestion could be related to the ear thing, plus, I am sure it is annoying.
Is deviated septum surgery an option? I had that surgery in '91 because of constant sinus infections. And it helped. I have had about 2 sinus infections since then.
If not, what about either a OTC decongestant that dries you up, or Mucinex to thin mucous so it will drain better? (Make sure they wouldn't be contraindicated with the meds you are on now, though.)
Regarding the swelling, turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory, and anti-infective. 4 capsules 3x a day might help both issues. Take with plenty of water to avoid constipation. (I always give that caution but have never noticed it being an issue in my family.)
Also, dandelion is a natural diuretic. Perhaps the diuretic idea is to help excess fluids drain. Dandelion is also a great detox herb. I use it in a tea form. I make an infusion daily and let the water have a couple of hours to extract the properties of the dandelion from the root.
When I read your post the other day (I have been wanting to get to my computer to respond so I don't have to type on my phone) and then I saw this recent post, the herb Mullein, specifically, Mullein Root, keeps coming to mind.
The Mullein plant is a wonderful underused herb in my opinion. It grows practically everywhere. The leaves are used for cough and lymphatic congestion. The flowers are used to treat ear infections. The root is less commonly used, but I have read about it being used for Trigeminal Nueralgia, Bell's palsy, TMJ, facial pain, skeletal pain, and then urinary disorders like interstitial cystitis. The root has narcotic properties, so helps with pain. I used it for pain in my spine in my neck. It's been a while - I think I used it for other things, too. I have bought it from Beneficial Botanicals.
It seems to help with problems with the nerves.
Could the tinnitus and hearing loss issues be related to the swelling affecting a nerve, I wonder?
I, too, struggle with tinnitus. Pain medication and Benadryl make it worse. Mine isn't terrible and I have not done much to try and fix it. (I've been fixing other things. ha.) But I am sensitive to noise. I have noise canceling earbuds and use them as needed. They were a lifesaver when I was on a plane recently. (I forgot how terribly loud flying can be.)
I am sorry - this is a season to be enjoying grandkids and life and you try and fix one thing and it creates a new and sometimes worse one. I am there, too. It's like the carnival game, Whack-a-Mole sometimes. :/
I hope you find something helpful soon and can back to life!
~Mama to Many~
Thanks for the recommendations Mama, I'm grateful. Not sure why the swelling; perhaps it is a nerve. Like my vestibular therapist says, surgeons are there to operate, if it doesn't work, they really don't want to know. Whack-A-Mole... haha! In my case, I feel more like a guinea pig. Blessings to you and yours for a healthy, safe and Happy New Year.