This is what worked for me:
* Change of diet
* Exercise
* Apple Cider Vinegar & Blackstrap Molasses
* Natto. Yes. Natto.
I exercised. If you're out of shape, just walk briskly everyday. I walk every morning rain or shine, lift weights sometimes and do yoga. Whatever you like, just move and sweat!
I cut out a lot of fake dairy/ food out of my diet [the cheese on burgers, nacho sauce, powdered cheese] and only ate real food with ingredients I could pronounce without sounding I was some type of scientist.
I juiced whenever I could. Nothing crazy, just carrot and apple for example. Lots of water as well!
I had a mix of 2 TB ACV and 1 TB BSM in a large glass of water once a day.
Now here's the kicker; Natto. Natto is fermented japanese soybeans. If you' do a search, you'll find it. It looks gross to the typical American, but Natto is some powerful stuff. It's heavy in vitamin K and a compound that dissolves tumor like material in the body.
Yes. It's no joke. I eat it 3 to 4 times a week with hot rice and BBQ sauce. It makes it taste like baked beans and rice.
If you see any websites that offer Nattokinase, it's powdered Natto in pill form.
I tried everything above a month before since I have long, heavy, and tiring menstrual cycles that last 6 days+. My cycle was light and it only lasted for 4 days.
Without it, it typical, painful and heart breaking.
I'm no doctor, but I can tell you from my experience that it worked. I'm not completely cured, but my cycles are no longer heavy, I no longer have mood swings and I've had more energy now then when I was first diagnosed. I've lost weight as well.
Please go to your local Japanese food market and pay a pack of natto. It costs under 2 dollars. Try it for a month, 3 times a week...that is all I ask.
EC: We emailed Sharon, asking what kind of tumors she was referring to...