Natural Remedies

Cure PMS! Home Remedies to Relieve Symptoms of PMS

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Nutrition, Herbs

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Posted by Donna (North Carolina, Guilford) on 04/12/2007

I read about Blackstrap Molasses and its ability to remedy female issues, and I was amazed. I have rather large fibroids, extreme bleeding and clots. My doctors have looked at a number of treatments from meds to surgery. I started taking 3 tablespoon of molasses a day about 2 months ago. I was schedule for surgery which had to be re-scheduled 3x due to other issues. But, it's my belief that all the re-scheduling was the universes way of protecting me from an un-needed surgery. I'm not bleeding as heavy, reduced blood clots and shorter cycle. I spoke to my natural pathetic doctor and she has no documented information about these types of benefits of molasses. Can anyone tell me why and how blackstrap molasses seems to reverse and reduce these female issues? This is my third month on the molasses, any suggestions as to how long to take the product? Thank you for your helpful information, this is a wonderful site.

Oil Pulling

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by A. (G, North Carolina) on 07/28/2007

I've been oil pulling for a little over two months now. Here are some of the things that OP has helped me with:

1. PMS - my cramps are almost completely gone now! I used to live on ibuprofen but I didn't even take it this time.

2. Bloating - non-existant

3. Gas - nearly gone!

4. Extremely tired in the mornings - gone.

Oil pulling is one of the most amazing things. I wish everyone could learn about it!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Shakti (Chicago, IL) on 11/06/2006

Please post this where asthma sufferers can view it, this is important because I had a hard time finding a cure for asthma on your site but thank God I did. I began a regimen of oil pulling shortly after a lingering cold went to my lungs, I just couldn't get rid of the mucus. I prayed for relief. It got even worse after a chemical pesticide was sprayed in my home for pest control. The next day after the extermination I had the worst attack of my life, I couldn't stand it anymore, so after 10 years of not having to put any poison into my lungs I had to once again use an inhaler to control the attacks. After the second night of waking up feeling side effects of nervousness anxiety and panic I decided enough was enough. I went to the computer in the middle of the night and began hours of research to find a natural cure. That's how I found this miracle of a web site. The next day I went out a purchased some sesame oil and took one table spoon 3x a day at the onset of my asthma attack and Immediately after the very first dose the mucus expelled out of my longs, and within 10 minutes what had plagued me for over 10 years was no more. Since then If I have any tightening in my chest or shortness of breath I IMMEDIATELY do the oil pulling and the problem subsides in 10 minutes or less. ~~~Oh I'd be remiss if I did not mention the side effect, I took oil pulling for Bronchial Asthma but as a result I got a dazzling white smile, sinus relief, not to mention it remarkably helped to subside my symptoms PMS all unexpected but welcomed side effects. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! P.S. thanks my husband thanks you too, lol.

Progesterone Cream

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Shellie (Dallas, Tx) on 07/20/2013

I started taking natural progesterone cream this year for 5 months reg now & am very surprisingly happy with the results. I started taking it to try to alleviate my heavy flow (peri menopause) ovian cysts, painful cramps & fribroids. You really have to experiment to find the "right dosage" to experience it's full benefits. Since taking it, my flow has significantly decreased. I no longer "flood" during my cycles & my cramps are minimal. Please give it a try. It may take months for you to figure out "your" dosage, it did for me. It's truly my God send. I no longer depend on my rx tylenol to allievate my cramping. My OBGYN had recommend to have my uterus removed to stop my heavy flow, stop my painful cramps etc. BTW he laughed at me when I told him I would try natural progesterone before I took his recomendation of castrating me. The joke is on him.

Progesterone Cream
Posted by Amanda (Santa Barbara, CA)

I started using bioidentical progesterone cream and within 2 cycles my heavy menstruation, PMS and cramps completely went away.

Replied by Hey Boo
(Middle, Washington, Usa)

I recently read a book dealing with hormones, mainly progesterone to help with pms. I thought that it sounded like the answer. I had a tubal ligation 20 years ago and have had severe pms symptoms since. My symptoms start about two weeks before my period which include my moods swinging from apathy to anger, extreme hopefulness to depression so bad that I pray for death. I also have anxiety and panic attacks, foggy thinking, a feeling of unreality and lack of concentration. The food cravings are ridiculous and I gain about 8 pounds, 3 to 5 I lose quickly because it is just water retention but then I have to spend what is left of the rest of the month trying to lose the fat I gained from the binge eating. When my period starts the crazy begins to subside and I only have to deal with cramps, sometimes I am on the couch with a heating pad for a day or two but the physical pain of the cramps is something I can deal with. I have gone to doctors over the years and have been put on pain meds, birth control(horrible), at least 9 different depression meds and I am currently on disability with the PMDD being a huge factor. I would throw in the towel and just say "yep I am a crazy person" but for one week a month I feel normal.

Anyway in my two decade search for relief my latest attempt was Progesterone cream. Just a couple of days into using it I felt anxiety and a heaviness in chest. I began to have nightmares and sleeplessness and all over itching. My thinking became erratic and I was on the edge of panic all day and night. It felt like pmdd symptoms but I had just had my period. I was applying the cream for about 5 days in total before I thought maybe it was the progesterone that was causing it. I googled for side effects and found a forum where many women had the same reactions that I was having. My conclusion is that Progesterone has worked well for many people but the awareness of possible side effects needs to be put out there too. The heart palpitations and chest tightness that I felt may have a more frightening affect on someone with coronary problems.

It did not work for me but it may work for you, I just wanted to share my experience so that whoever reads this will have the benefit of that information.

Meanwhile my search continues.


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Posted by Arica (Athens, GA) on 06/10/2007

A few days before my period, I often find myself getting extremely anxious and paranoid. The same thing happens on day 5 of my period. Not sure what is happening to my hormones, but I don't like it! I have discovered that a 200 mg of Sam-e will immediately stop the anxiety and paranoia. I still feel quite emotional up until the day I get my period, but it is way reduced with sam-e. Great supplement. I don't take it every day, just when necessary.

Seaweed Bath

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Posted by Briona (La, Ca) on 05/18/2013

PMS: Take a hot bath with seaweed (bought at a Japanese store or at the Asian section of your grocery store) to relieve painful PMS. A small handful of seaweed is sufficient. It's wonderful!!


3 User Reviews
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1 star (2) 

Posted by Mika (Santa Barbara, California) on 09/20/2007

Although PMS is supposed to happen the week before the period, i only get this way the day before and the first 2 days of my period. When I'm on the rag there is no terror as fierce as mine. I get terrible cramps, my mood changes rapidly, and i feel antsy all the time. The only thing that calms me down is drinking soy milk (hot or cold). It could be the B-vitamins, it could be something in soy, or it could be the protein. Another post on this topic said that women should avoid soy because of its phytoestrogens. For me, anyways, soy works wonders. It could be genetics. I grew up eating alot of soy (tofu, edamame, natto, bean juice, kinako...) and I come from a Japanese heritage. Maybe East Asians are less prone to soy-side effects?

Replied by Rose
(Tampa, Florida)

Soy is not for everyone. There are wonderful benefits, however there are also some hidden causes anemia among other things and can also cause hypothyroidism.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn.)
490 posts

Hello Mika,

Have you ever taken a magnesium supplement to get rid of the PMS symptoms? This mineral is one a lot of people are deficient on and it does a lot of different things in our bodies from blood pressure, heart rates to PMS symptoms decrease!

Posted by Joella (Los Angeles) on 07/08/2007

My husband and I started to make smoothies about 2 weeks ago every day, adding soy/green protein powder to the fruit smoothie. Well, this month I had the worst PMS symptoms ever! My breast size increased by one cup size (at least), I was terribly bloated and the bottom left side of my left breast had a constant shooting pain. As the symptoms got worse as my period approached, I realized the soy powder was probably causing the side effects. I continued to have my daily smoothies, but substituted rice protein in place of the soy powder. 2 days later (but 4 days before my period) all the symptoms disappeared. I think women should be very careful with soy as there is clearly a hormonal response. The soy powder I used was Alive by Nature's Way with non GMO soy. If I kept it up, who knows about truly serious side effects like breast cancer? Perhaps organic soy wouldn't have produced the same side effects.

Replied by Jacqueline
(Phoenix, Az)

I actually think I went through something similar to you. I had used that same powder in the past and my PMS symptoms have just been seeming to get worse each month. After a food intolerance test revealed that I had a severe intolerance to SOY I cut it out and the pain I had under my left breast has gone away and my breasts are not swollen or tender like they usually are this time of month, so I'm hoping that next month some of my emotional symptoms will go away too from eliminating soy.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Ee (New York, Ny, United States) on 09/18/2010

Over the summer I started drinking turmeric with ACV, BSM, and cayenne pepper for general health that all three indicated. I noticed that within a month my extreme PMS had completely subsided, so much so that my cycle arrived as a surprise, without me having the nervous breakdown that had usually accompanied my periods for the past decade or so. 4 months later I'm still symptom free and went to the doctor to get a blood test to make sure everything was alright. Turns out my hormones are balanced for the first time in my life! The only change I made to my diet was my daily turmeric tea, which as it turns out, has been used by women in India to balance hormones... The doctor said my levels normalized so much that I should have little to no symptoms of PCOS. I have tried everything - every natural remedy I could think of - but have not had the success of plain ol' turmeric.

Replied by Kathy
(Las Vegas, Nv)

Just a few questions... Did you take all together, how many times a day and what amounts? Thank you!

Replied by Ee
(New York, Ny)

Hi Kathy -
Yes, I had a morning tea of hot water, 1 heaping tsp of turmeric, 1 tbsp on black strap molasses or honey, 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar, and a dash of cayenne pepper. Honey makes it more palatable than BSM, but the BSM has iron, magnesium, and calcium - all which are good for PMS and PCOS. I drank it twice a day, or sipped it throughout the day. I stopped for a few months and noticed that the symptoms returned - depression, PMS, etc, - so I just started back once a day. Hope that's helpful! Really, it's the only thing that normalized my hormones!

Replied by Marisol

What is BSM?

EC: Blackstrap Molasses

Posted by Liana (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) on 07/10/2008

Turmeric reduced my PMS symptoms substantially. I was born and raised in Central Java, Indonesia. In addition to the fact that turmeric has been used in cooking for many centuries, it is one of the common home-made herbal remedies for menstrual cramps.

This is the version that I used effectively on myself while living in Western countries where fresh turmeric root was not available:

1.Boil 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder in 1 to 2 cups of water.
2.Add lemon/lime juice.
3.Add honey (or sugar) to taste.
4. Drink this once a day.

Whenever I remembered to take this about 5 days before my menses, I had absolutely no discomfort whatsoever. And ... as a bonus, my complexion that turned itchy, bumpy and/or pimply before and during menstruation usually stayed smooth.

Now come to think of it, even though I am now post-menopausal, I probably will still benefit from this concoction. Thank you to all of those who write how turmeric root/powder cures other ailments such as colds.

Valerian Root

1 User Review
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Posted by Julia (Portland, Oregon) on 05/24/2007

Lately, I have been turning into a WITCH with PMS. I just can´t seem to control myself and my emotions---the frustration and anger. My mom`s been having me take 2 valerian root capsuls every several hours, and it is the only thing that calms me right down. It´s wonderful! I´m also in the middle of experimenting with the iodine as well! Thanks for the tip!

Vitamin B6

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Posted by Jennywren (Western Australia) on 05/20/2014

Every month I get one day when I am beyond reason. Furious one minute, crying the next. My family dread that PMS day!

I was looking online a few years back and read that Vitamin B6 was meant to help. So the next time I had a PMS day I took one and it simmered the symptoms right down. If it's still hanging around after a few hours, I take another. And that's it! Works for me! :)

Vitamin E

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Carolyn (Pittsburgh, PA.) on 01/29/2008

After finding a lump in my breast, rushing to a doctor, I was told that I' needed to find a surgeon, before a scan was even taken. After the scan, I was informed that it was merely a cyst and I could either have it aspirated with a needle, or just leave it, as it would cause no harm. I left it alone, and remembered being told that vitamin E can cause cysts to go away. It worked and when the cyst came back a year later, I went straight to the vitamin E bottle, and next doctor appointment, there was no signs of the cyst.I take it continually now. I am currently taking vitamin E (as d-alpha Tocopheryl Acetate) 1000 IU, but if I recall, I was taking 400 IU when my cyst dissolved.

Vitamin E
Posted by Sandy (In the sticks, Nevada) on 11/24/2007

Vitamin E has totally eliminated the breast pain I would get before my period, as well as the cramping I would get during my period. I take 400 IU once a day. The breast pain disappeared the first month I was taking this and the cramping disappeared the second month.

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