Exploring Natural Remedies for Addiction Treatment

| Modified on Apr 17, 2023
Valerian Root, Skullcap Tincture
Posted by James (Mindlands / Uk ) on 02/15/2017

Hi guys, I have been referring to this site and recommending it to people for the last 6 years now.

In fact it was finding a natural remedy on this site which set me on my life changing path of learning about herbal remedies, and then being my first port of call for anything for myself and anyone I know when ill.

Over the last week I have been helping a friend kick her addiction to heroine ( smoking, not injecting ) and I have had such amazing results I just had to inform you guys and beg you make a post out of it so other people can benefit from it.

My friend asked me to stay with them for a few days to help them kick there heroin addiction. I decided as I'd already read about the uses of valerian root and skullcap for helping coming off benzodiazepine drugs. Also the fact that they are calmatives working on the central nervous system, that as I had these in tincture form already ( homemade vodka based ) for my own sleep issues through excess cannabis use I'd give them a try on my friend.

Now I wasn't expecting such quick results as even tinctures are said to take 2 weeks to fully work into your system.

I gave my friend half a wine cap full of valerian root and the same of skullcap as the clucking/cold turkey ( withdrawing from the drug) I said to have these sit under the tongue for as long as possible to get into the system that little bit quicker.

Within almost 5 minutes the shivers and crawling under the skin sensation ( some symptoms of withdrawal) had stopped and a warm tingley feeling was then felt.

This lasted for about 2 hours until shivers and crawling feeling came back. Again with the same dose I put the tinctures in some pure orange juice ( any juice will do ) as the taste under the tongue was a bit much for my friend to take. Again with in roughly 5 minutes the withdrawal feelings had subsided.

It is worth noting that my friend was also having help from the local GP with Diazapam and zopicolne to help with the sleep which is one of the main issues when withdrawing. No other opiate substitute was used or in our recommendation advised as then a whole new detox would be required to come off those.

These tinctures mearly helped with some of the other symptoms during the time of being awake and have really really helped wth the temptation to use heroin again. Also some people are stronger willed then others and in this instance I stayed with my friend 24/7. We are currently through 2 and a half days of this and I will continue to stay with my friend till at least day 5 just to make sure. Prior to these 2 and a half days there was a couple of set backs. It's important to remember if anyone finds themselves in my situation to stay firm, oh my god persistent and patient. I at one point refused to enable my friend and allow me to be around while they smoked heroin and this made them realise they couldn't just carry on the way they had been.

This takes hard work from both parties but we and others will get through this.

Good luck to anyone else going through this same struggle.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Lavaluv (Pittsgrove, Nj ) on 12/16/2016

I just started oil pulling literally yesterday. I only could do it for 8 minutes. I chose sunflower oil because that was one of the oils recommended to me as well as all the benefits I read about it. I immmediately noticed a constant need to spit over and over for the first 20 minutes I finished op. Even after I brushed my teeth. I have a temporary crown cap that I've maxed out way to long and it developed a white head on my gum (forget what it's medical term is) and I noticed that particular area was very shriveled looking but still there. I also felt a little shaky all day, not quite myself. Then last night I got this brutal headache in my right sinus and right side of my head. I came home took some pain relief and a sinus pill and went to bed. I slept terrible and had night sweats all night which I never had before. Again today as soon as I got up I op again this time 15 minutes and noticed the initial repetitive spitting was not there. However, I feel very odd..like something's going on with my body. I even experienced what felt like menstrual cramps last night which it is not time for that right now. I'm assuming this is the detoxifying process I'm going through. My question is...is this normal to feel kinda bad with headaches and night sweats? I don't want to stop because I've been abusing my body with a certain illegal substance for over a year now that is extremely harmful. I just didn't expect to feel so bad. I'm worried that it's because I am so unhealthy. I'm 5"9 150 pounds and lost 20 pounds rapidly in like a few months due to my drug abuse. I'm hoping op is going to heal me...but damn day 2 is rough.

Posted by Marilyn (Fort Wayne, Indiana) on 11/22/2016

There is a really GREAT Book that has been out for years now called: Co-Dependent no more, and they have a 2nd version out as well. Read and do as it tells you. What happens is we begin to put undo pressure on our partners, and they get resentful because ultimately, You are the only person responsible for your own Happiness. Some people will think I'm nuts but I really believe, and I have seen it work: is if everyone went to Alcoholics Anonymous and worked the 12 Steps to the best of your ability, You will be an entirely new and better version of yourself. It is not a room ful of low lifes, they are normal every Day folks of all ages, creeds, Colors, Religions or not, Gay, Straight whatever. In those rooms, No-One is different from another. We are all addicted to something or someone. I used to suffer the same thing as you, Not any more. MY LIFE IS THE BEST IT HAS EVER BEEN TODAY and I am quite happy to be by myself. No-one does for me what I can do for myself today. I choose to be in a relationship. It is not necessary that I be in one. Give it a try. You do not have to talk if you do not want to. Just pass. Be sure you go to OPEN MEETINGS. Call your local AA Hotline and get the schedule.

Posted by Kerry (St. Louis, Missouri) on 10/30/2016

I can say that Black Strap Molasses absolutely works for caffeine withdrawal. I drink several cups of coffee per day and had no intention of stopping my coffee habit today, however, after using BSM in a smoothie upon waking to treat menstrual cramps...I realized that I didn't have any desire to even drink a cup of coffee. Wow, so not only did I not have any coffee today (again, usually 3-4 cups daily) I did not have a headache what so ever!!! This is incredible. I'm going to see how it goes tomorrow as well. Oh and btw...no cramps at all for the last 2 days...wow...this is wonderful.

Sun Gazing
Posted by Dr. W. Azul La Luz (Santa Fe, New Mexico, Usa) on 02/03/2016


"Sun gazing" or looking directly into the sun, for any length of time may cause severe damage to the eyes, including ocular cataracts, and retinal deterioration. Ask any optometrist or ophthalmologist: this is why it is advised to use protection when looking at an eclipse.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda (Tennessee) on 07/06/2015

Hello there! I use to have pica so badly my gums would bleed. I used a really good iron supplement for 2 months before it went away.

Posted by Gokhals (Ca, US) on 12/14/2014 34 posts

1 tablespoon black strap molasses, 1-2 tbsp coconut oil - add to this boiling spring water with fresh crushed ginger in it. Mix. Drink in lieu of coffee.

I also ate a sublingual B12 (with B6/Folic Acid) yesterday and today.

It was pretty miraculous. No horrible back of the neck headache yesterday. No thumping heart at night. Napped in the afternoon. Slept like a baby at night. Woke up up today with a clear mind. I am hoping I can get through today without caffeine withdrawal as well. I am not sure which of these remedies permitted me to kick caffeine overnight, but one of them did.

The last couple of days I have also been drinking a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar twice a day. If you are trying to kick caffeine, this works, instantaneously. Thank you Sally.

Rhodiola Rosea
Posted by Taoseeker (Sw Missouri, Usa) on 11/08/2014

Spaced dosages of 100mg (size 4 capsule) up to three times daily is recommended, keeping caffeine usage down as it can cause anxiety. Rhodiola is commonly sold in 250mg capsules and that is far too much for me in one dose nor can I take more than one at that dosage daily.

Like most medications, using a lot more than the recommended amount often produces the opposite effect intended. (E.g., overdosing an amphetamine causes sleepiness.)

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 01/16/2014

This is not a ''free e book!! '' It takes you to a link to buy it!! It's basically information that's on EC and other H202 site's for free! And it's ;add 1 drop of 3% diluted foo grade h2o2 ( 1 amount of food grade hydrogen peroxide added to 11 times the same amount of distilled (only!! No other water!! ) water=3% h2o2.

And what the author did was.....follow this dosing table and these instructions here as below

''The Dr Williams dosing protocol for hydrogen peroxide dosing schedule : (H202)

Day # -Number of Drops/ Times Per Day
1 - 3 / 3
2 - 4 / 3
3 - 5 / 3
4 - 6 / 3
5 - 7 / 3
6 - 8 / 3
7 - 9 / 3
8 - 10 / 3
9 - 12 / 3
10 - 14 / 3
11 - 16 / 3
12 - 18 / 3
13 - 20 / 3
14 - 22 / 3
15 - 24 / 3
16 - 25 / 3

Maintenance Dosage
In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows:

25 drops once every other day for 1 week
25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks
25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks

This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops per week based on how one feels. Those with more serious problems will often benefit from staying on 25 drops three times a day for one to three weeks, then tapering down to 25 drops two times daily until the problem is resolved (possibly as long as six months). Those with chronic systemic Candidiasis may need to start with 1 drop three times a day, then 2 drops three times a day before starting the above schedule. It is important that H202 be taken on an empty stomach. This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of H202 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion, and possibly even vomiting. Additionally, some animal research indicates that when H202 given orally combines with iron and small amounts of vitamin C in the stomach, hydroxyl radicals are created (J Inorg Biochem 89;35(1):55-69). The bleach-like aftertaste of H202 can be lessened by chewing one of the sugar-free cinnamon gums. Some individuals taking H202 immediately before bedtime have a difficult time getting to sleep. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level. The oral dosage schedule is basically the same for all conditions. There are several points to keep in mind, however.

Some individuals may experience upset stomach. If this occurs it is recommended that one not stop the program, but rather remain at the current dosage level or reduce it to the previous level until the problem stops. (Some patients have been able to solve the nausea problem by taking three or four lecithin capsules at the same time they take the H202.) During the program it's not uncommon to experience what is known as a healing crisis. As dead bacteria and toxins are released from your body it may temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough. In some individuals this overload may cause fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, skin eruptions, cold or flu-like symptoms, and/or nausea. One should not discontinue using the peroxide to stop this cleansing. By continuing the program, toxins will clear the body sooner and this healing crisis will pass rather quickly.

If you are not already taking vitamin E and an acidophilus product, I recommend starting them before going on H202. Vitamin E can make more efficient use of any oxygen available and acidophilus will help re-establish the beneficial bacterial flora in the lower bowel and also help in the internal production of hydrogen peroxide.


Prescription Drug Addiction Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 12/14/2013 2063 posts

Gina: Buy her a copy of the book What the Drug Companies Won't Tell You and Your Doctor Doesn't Know. Here's http://doctormurray.com/what-the-drug/ a link to the author's website.

Prescription Drug Addiction Remedies
Posted by Gina (Chicago Ill) on 12/13/2013

A friend who is addicted to Prescription Drugs:

Hello..My name is Gina and I have a question that I hope you may answer for me. I have a dear friend that I have known for over 30 years. She is taking these prescription meds that do not seem to help her in the least. One is Carbidopa Levodopa. She is told that she has a form of Parkinson's but I think it all reality it is all in her head. These doctors keep prescribing different drugs for her but to me it is all about the money and not about the human being. She is on 2 other medications that do not seem to work either. I keep telling her to find a natural cure. Something that is not filled with harmful chemicals. These drugs are messing up her mind and body. Please can you help me? I want her to get better so much and I worry that these drugs will kill her eventually. Thank you very much.

5-HTP for Alcohol Addiction
Posted by Bodulica (Barrie, Canada) on 12/12/2013

For those with serotonin syndrome: don't take 5-HTP! You will end up ion serious trouble.

5-HTP for Alcohol Addiction
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 12/12/2013 2063 posts

5-HTP would be best taken in the late evening as it also fuels the pineal gland to produce Melatonin (which causes the drowsiness). To improve or elevate the mood in the morning and also improve energy production, take 500-1000mg L-Tyrosine. Tyrosine boost dopamine, which, like serotonin, regulates mood. Tyrosine may be contraindicated for those w/ high blood pressure.

5-HTP for Alcohol Addiction
Posted by Pacosf (San Francisco, Usa) on 12/11/2013

I have used 5-HTP to address depression for years. The major side-effect is getting too tired (when at work, for example) So I'd take less. 100mg is a good starter dosage and work up to 200mg taken 2X per day. It's already in your body, just some people have lower levels. There's no harm in taking it. 5-HTP is a chemical compound that is naturally produced in your body as it makes serotonin, an important hormone for regulating your mood.

Posted by Andrew (Rocky Mount, Nc) on 02/20/2013

ibo is a great alternative! Takes a fat wallet, though. Also probably have to go to Mexico for treatment. But if you got the guts and the paper, GO FOR IT

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vmctahoe (Tahoma, Ca) on 01/29/2013

What is the recommended dosage you take? Thank you. =}

Posted by Ms (Mumbai, India) on 01/17/2013

See if there's a pattern - when or what accompanies it. For me few hours of hunger tends to kick in depression.

5-HTP for Alcohol Addiction
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 12/29/2012 2063 posts

It is quite likely that the few people who reported negative side effects all have similar "preexisting conditions" which could involve stuff like unhealthy food and/or food additives & substitutes, pharmaceutical drugs, and any number of toxic syndromes and conditions all common in the modern world. An older age group would also be more likely to show neg side effects.

5-HTP for Alcohol Addiction
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nv Nevada) on 12/28/2012

I have had awesome results with 5HTP, pulled me out of one of the deepest, darkest, depressions I have ever experienced with no side effects. Having said that if you are concerned about taking 5HTP consult with your health practitioner. A good alternative is regular tryptophan at perhaps a 500mg starting dosage.

5-HTP for Alcohol Addiction
Posted by Teresa (Brea, Ca) on 12/27/2012

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is a chemical by-product of the protein building block L-tryptophan. It is also produced commercially from the seeds of an African plant (Griffonia simplicifolia). Don't use 5-HTP until more is known. 5-HTP might be UNSAFE.

Some people who have taken it have come down with eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS), a serious condition involving extreme muscle tenderness (myalgia) and blood abnormalities (eosinophilia). Some people think the EMS might be caused by an accidental ingredient (contaminant) in some 5-HTP products. But there is not enough scientific evidence to know if EMS is caused by 5-HTP, a contaminant, or some other factor. Until more is known, avoid taking 5-HTP.

Rhodiola Rosea
Posted by Calgary_rip_off (Calgary, Ab) on 10/01/2012

Last saturday I took a break from the one capsule of Rhodiola that I normally take in the morning from(unnamed British Columbia supplement maker), because I found the 250 mg tablet was making me too relaxed. I decided to take a break, given that I had taken Rhodiola daily for the last year. I noticed distinctly when not having it in my system that it had healed something from damage I had created.

In March-September of 1993 I got addicted to pseudoephedrine and caffeine pills. I was in my early 20's, naive, and depressed University of Washington Seattle student. 600 mg of caffeine pills(3 vivarins) and 90 mg sudafed(3 pseudoephedrine pills), per day spaced throughout the day and probably 10 cups instant coffee on top of that. With this amount of stimulants in my system, I ran literally each day for 4 hours. I believe that I did some serious damage from these amounts of stimulants. When I stopped the pseudoephedrine and continued drinking coffee(but no caffeine pills) that september I felt severely depressed. The depths of depression and felt very off.

Apparently, with the Rhodiola this has more or less been healed. I highly recommend Rhodiola to ex addicts as it is very very healing.

I am not sure about the dosage recommendations, that is individual. As my neurotransmitter system probably is altered, I notice that with the (unnamed B. C. Supplement maker) Rhodiola, low doses(250 mg with 1% active components) I get more tired than stimulated. So I decided to triple the dosage about 3 hours ago before the weight workout and I notice a dose related effect: A heavier dose and more of it leads to more stimulation, not less, apparently the opposite as noted on some threads.

I am happy there is a feedback page such as this one, and hopefully someone can benefit. This post is designed for those searching for something to help their synaptic systems if they have been damaged.

If you live in a cold climate you can grow your own too, without naming sources and introducing bias to this post, there are resources for Rhodiola growers here in Alberta, Canada you just have look online for them. I did and am growing Rhodiola in my backyard. Now I just have to wait until 2017 before I harvest the roots and make a Vodka tincture.

Rebalancing After Addiction
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 05/29/2012

I would go with a zapper as they seem to have more of a proven track record in eliminating parasites, bacteria, infections etc. I recommened the zapper z4ex about $60 on ebay, it's reliable and has several frequencies for healing.

Rebalancing After Addiction
Posted by Gettingoldertoo (Chico, Ca) on 05/28/2012

Hello - re: the Radiac. How does this compare with Don Croft's Zapper? (Some EC entries have discussed the Zapper, possibly search "Zapper" and one can find these. )

Online info for the Radiac isn't terribly reader friendly, can someone give me a straight forward opinion re: Radiac vs the Zapper? It seems both use a low dose of electricity to assist the body's immune system. One can buy a Zapper (no wire hookups, just place it against your skin) for about $130 and the Radiac (with hookups and different solutions -- this is where things get complicating and confusing) runs $250 /-.

The Zapper seems to kill parasites which balances the body in many ways. The Radiac is associated with Edgar Cayce and is marketed to have similar health benefits as well as the ability to enhance one's psychic and spiritual levels.

Dunno! Any thoughts would be appreciated. :)!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (Hartford, Wi) on 05/22/2012

Do you think it would work for sexual addictions too?

Cold Shower Therapy
Posted by Emberrorsist (Long Beach, Ca) on 04/20/2012

Iggy Pop was totally strung out in the late 70s, using needles, heroine, speed, and being Iggy. He lived in Venice with Danny Sugarman who wrote about this in his memoir Wonderland Ave. Every morning Iggy would rise before the sun and dive into the cold blue Pacific Ocean. Iggy also alludes to this in I want more, but it was clearly his salvation but as yu not PE , apparently extreme for Sugarman whom nearly died fron excess not long after he and Pop were roommates.

Hydrotherapy is an amazing way to bring your ethereal body into alignment. The cold water you shower in does shock the skin and senses but it's hardly an ordeals used the cold shower thing to survive many a hangover, calm my jagged nerves and to restore color to my flesh. French women swear that cold water keeps their breast saluting the sun and it I'd keep me perky long after I should had sagged. As I got older and cleaned up my act, I no longer did the cold shower thing so much. I love my baths but just had my old tub fitted with a shower, I have been depressed after a series of horrible events and need to pull myself together to keep going. I think th cold shower, FGHP WMD mor sun &'exerscise will bring me back. Thanks for the memory.

5-HTP for Alcohol Addiction
Posted by Pharmtech212 (Houston, Texas, United States) on 04/18/2012

Before you start taking anything, you should really consult with a doctor and your pharmacist. You really don't know what effects those pills will have on your body, and you don't want to risk an addiction to something else. I don't know exactly what 5-HTP is, but I would hate it if it was addictive and you were just replacing your alcohol addiction for another addiction. Another option is to go to school to become a pharmacist yourself.

Rebalancing After Addiction
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 01/12/2012 2063 posts

CF, here is a list of herbs/supplements all good for sleep disorders. Any or all will help rebalance your nervous system. Magnesium, Valerian, Passion Flower, Melatonin, 5 Hydroxytriptamine (5HTP), and Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA). Take as recommended on labels.

Hope this helps

Rebalancing After Addiction
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Vic, Australia) on 01/11/2012

If nothing else has changed then it may be that B-3 is needed. You could try the B-3 form of niacinamide as it can help sleeplessness.

Rebalancing After Addiction
Posted by Cecile (Cape Town, South Africa) on 01/11/2012

Nicotine is the opposite molecule of niacin (nicotinic acid).... You will battle to relax without your addictive fix... Get yourself some niacin... Get the no-flush... Niacin or niacinamide now needs to replace the nicotine. Also try an epsom salt bath before you retire at night. BEST WISHES and well done for quitting smoking!

Rebalancing After Addiction
Posted by Cf (Delaware, Usa) on 01/11/2012

I stopped smoking on Sunday, 1/8/12, and haven't gotten a decent night's sleep since then. I can fall asleep easily enough, but wake up about every 1-2 hours during the night, completely alert. I have never had sleep issues before, and have made no other changes in diet, routine, etc. Any thoughts?

General Feedback
Posted by Paula (Eureka Springs, Ar) on 11/30/2011

I have quit smoking 3 times in my life. The first 2 times were horrible experiences. Thought I would never smoke again until my husband was in a terrible accident. After 5 years, I decided it was time to try again. I dreaded it. The 2nd time I quit, I gained 70 pounds, used patches, was depressed, miserable, horrible, horrible, horrible. I so dreaded trying again. But then I quit and it was so easy that I was absolutely astonished. Don't know if this will help anyone else, but here it is.

For one thing, when I went back to smoking, I smoked natural tobacco only---none of the 2000 extra chemicals they add to make it more addictive. And then on the day I quit, I also quit coffee, caffeinated tea and all carbonated drinks. (I never drank many carbonated drinks anyway, but added it to my list). I put on patches. I know it sounds radical, but I was amazed. No real cravings. No caffeine headache. No sleep disorder. No mood swings. No 3 days of hell. Chewed a couple of pieces of nicotine gum in the first couple of days, but after 6 days I realized I had forgotten to put on the patch and never used another one. Don't know if any of this has any cause and effect to it. All I know is that it has been 2 months. I haven't gained a pound, am not smoking, or using caffeine and feel better than I have felt for a very long time. Once in awhile, when I am in a very stressful place, I will chew a piece of gum 20 times and spit it out. But those times have only occurred maybe 10 times in 2 months. Hope it helps someone out there.

Cold Shower Therapy
Posted by Juliette (Reston, Va) on 11/02/2011

I have been taking cold showers for the past few days and I feel great! I am a recovering drug addict and suffer from intense anxiety ALL THE TIME. Today I feel more together more calm and more whole than I have in a long time... Years! As an addict I am prone to going ALL in with things and really over indulging in things but cold showers have been a great indulgence. It is hard at first but soo worth it. I just wish more people would be willing to be uncomfortable for a couple minutes to reap amazing rewards! I go in for a warm shower then when im done washing up I turn it to cold until I get used to it then get out and moisterize. My hair is smoother too! I suffer from insomnia as well and have been sleeping better and having more motivation than usual. I also live in a cold basement and it doesn't feel so cold anymore!! This is only day 3 of my cold shower experience and I can't wait to see how much better things get the more I take cold showers. Well worth it!

Sleeping Pills
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 07/12/2011

Ti, I can't give you much advice because this is not something I have ever dealt with. I occasionally take a sleeping pill if I really can't sleep but would never take them on a regular basis. I have seen what they do to people.... But I would say that you can try to lower the dose slowly in a way that you are not stressed about it and your body doesn't react too badly. Then you also have to try to understand that a lot of people have times when they sleep better, times they sleep less well.... That is normal, I feel! I have that myself. After having been a person who could sleep all day and all night in my youth I now, at almost 54, don't sleep go well anymore. Sometimes I don't even know why there are periods when I do sleep well and others when I don't.

Some things help me, reading a book before going to sleep or in the middle of the night if I wake up, watching a of TV if I can't sleep (the computer makes it worse for me), drinking a camomile tea before going to bed. Milk seems to help as well but I don't drink milk. Warm milk with honey. If I wake up in the middle of the night going to the bathroom also helps me, no idea why because often I don't even need to go, maybe a habit? Right temperature in bed, not too cold and not too hot. When I was younger turning on my stomach helped me fall asleep really fast but I can't do that anymore because of my back. Just try what works for you! There are many suggestions on this site.... And.... Sleep tight! By the way, there are also yoga exercises and if nothing else works.... Count sheep!

Sleeping Pills
Posted by Ti (Houston, Usa) on 07/11/2011

I have been on Lunesta and Ambien (prescription sleep medication) for over 15 years now. I really, really need advice on how to come off of them and use natural ways to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all :)

Mind Power
Posted by Kendra (Phoenix, Az) on 07/09/2011

I'm going through a pain killer addiction and not taking them for 2 weeks can be somewhat ok (of course the nausea), but the weeks after I go through a very emotional time and end up relapsing. I have also been diagnosed Bipolar and their medication doesn't seem to help, BUT when I take Ultrams, my depression completely goes away, but now I'm more angrier now and don't have insurance or money to get help. Are there any suggestions for me???

Posted by Alfred (Rangsit, Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/31/2011

New catagory needed.. DRUGS .. IBOGAINE WILL DO THE TRICK. in 48 hrs .Without Withdrawal Symptons.. Thank you ...Alfred

Rebalancing After Addiction
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 01/07/2011

Here is a great link for the device that I told you about. It really helps with a lot of different ailments. Do your research though on where to buy it. Some people say that the extra charcoal one is the best. I do not have that one - if the internet was around when I bought mine, then I would have gotten that.

Rebalancing After Addiction
Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 01/04/2011

Hello Troy, You've made a practical choice to give up the beer and weed; they aren't good substances for long-term wellbeing. There are better ways for you. Nausea and low appetite usually indicate low stomach acid and digestive enzymes. I suggest a good B-Complex and pancreatic enzymes for this. B-1, B-3, B-5, B-6, and B-12 are instrumental in forming HCL. Salt pickled ginger may also help nausea. These nutrients are also great for moods. B-3 and B-6 are good for anxiety as they help the body form GABA, a relaxant neurotransmitter. B-5 is good for appetite and energy.

Good digestible amino acids are needed for rebuilding, and for creating the body's own natural pain relievers. Endorphins and other peptides are formed from chains of amino acids, such as glycine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine. The protein molecule, casein, found in dairy foods, when fermented and broken down with enzymes, becomes an opioid compound with pain relieving properties.

Nuts and seeds soaked overnight in sea salt water, then placed in oven at lowest temp. For 12 or more hours retain nutrients and enzymes, and provide easily digestible amino acids. (Sally Fallon's recipes for "crispy nuts". ) Almonds and sunflower seeds are very high in potassium and magnesium, good for anxiety. Pumpkin seeds are a great source for tryptophan. Gelatin is a great source for glycine and proline, to rebuild damaged tissues all round; stomach lining, organs, skin, capillaries, etc. Milk thistle, dandelion root, turmeric, beetroot, etc. , are good to promote the flow of bile for digestion. Good to all, Connie

Rebalancing After Addiction
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 01/04/2011

I have used a device called the Radiac for over 15 years and have found that it helps with everything that you have been going through. I have never got the Wet Cell, but I had a client of mine get it and she reported amazing results. Here is a link on a number of people that manufacture these devices that rebuild the body through electricity. Research the devices and choose the one that you feel would benefit you best, also I get the solutions that go with it.

Rebalancing After Addiction
Posted by Mike (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) on 01/04/2011

I think the best way to avoid a potential health problem as a result of trying to get rid of your addictions is to drink fruits and vegetable juices until your body begins to accept solid food. The worst thing you can do to your health is not consume anything at all!!! Otherwise the fact that your are not taking in any nourishment for your body would only worsen your condition.

Rebalancing After Addiction
Posted by Brendan (Adelaide, South Australia) on 01/04/2011

Hey Troy, I was in a similar position about 2-3 yrs ago. I had smoked weed every day for approx 5 and half yrs, and I mean a lot, as weed in Adelaide is cheap, like at least half of what youd pay in any other state of Aus and the laws here are crazily slack. I also drank plenty too. I quit cold turkey in early 2008, I dont remember having appetite loss to the point of what you have but I had plenty of other weird side effects including being sent to the hospital for a suspected heart attack, at age 22, which scared the shit out of me. It turned out that it was just my heart spasming because it was missing the thc so much, thats what the docs said anyway. I did have some loss of appetite but nothing like what you describe but I guess everyones different.

All I really wanted to say was, Stick with it coz I swear to god getting off weed and drink was the best thing I ever did, probably the hardest too, but the most rewarding. It takes a long time before you really feel changes (maybe a year or more) but after being off for 3 years, I have gone from being very depressed, reclusive, anxious, angry, irratic, lazy, demotivated, suffering bad memory loss and recall. I am now feeling better than ever, im more outgoing, rarely anxious or nervous, so much more happy, motivated, and just loving life so much. Mentally, I feel like a kid again, something I never thought I would get back. Drugs are shit and they stop real happiness, getting off them was the best thing ive ever done and I wish I could grab every kid that is like I was, shake the shit out of him and tell him to put down the bong and the booze. I had a bit of councelling too which I think helped so you might benefit from that, usually there would be free drug councilling but I dont know about where your from. Anyway, good luck dude, I really hope you stick with it coz it's so so worth the crap your going through. Good luck, Brendan

Posted by Sister Of Wolves (Cork, Ireland) on 01/03/2011

Congratulations on kicking the addiction: may strength be with you. I gave up black tea years ago as I was drinking it all day every day. After 9 years, I picked up a packet of tea in the supermarket, thinking after all this time it wouldn't hurt. Wrong! Back to square one. It's a difficult addiction as it's an accepted part of life worldwide. Anyway, to get over the tea addiction the second time around, I took to drinking coffee - and got addicted to that. There's no easy way: I had to put caffeine down and leave it down for good. I'm free now, from the prison of addiction. I sleep well, have clear skin and I am not shackled to the obssessional thinking about the subject I was addicted to. Good Luck and God Bless everyone who is taking the road to freedom from addiction. Sister of Wolves

Rebalancing After Addiction
Posted by Troy (California, Usa) on 01/03/2011

Hi, I desperately need help... I have been a chronic marijuana smoker for over 6 years (all day long smoker), and also abused alcohol (daily 6-pack drinker at night time) and 10 days ago I was finally able to quit. This has been the longest I have been ever since without using either. The first 3 days was the worst: my mood swings were unreal, I was crying one minute and laughing out-loud the next. Insomnia was also bad but all that is gone now and I'm finally starting to feel better, but little by little.

However, I simply cannot eat. I'm not only not hungry, but I'm also nauseous and can't keep food down. Even fruit/vegetable juices and soup will make my stomach turn... Please help... I feel very weak, have lost a ton of weight. I tried going to a big food court to see if something would interest me, but the smell of food makes me sick. I'm a vegetarian but would be willing to eat meat if that's what took it, but so far the only thing I want to do is lay down all day and rest. I'm going insane! I feel like my brain is screaming trying to figure out how to restore its natural balance. Miraculously I do not have the desire or urge to drink or smoke (THANK GOD), but I wonder how much longer I will have to put up with this. It's affecting work and I can't get anything done. Please help and please pray for me, this is though. I need something else other than patience.

Posted by Dan (Myrtle Beach, Sc, Usa) on 01/03/2011

Thanks to the GREAT info you have on this website regarding Apple Cider Vinegar, I have heavily added it to my life-routine, and have felt major benefits from using it. A suggestion: I have been seriously studying CAFFEINE and the negative affects it has on health. I've read a few books on how it seriously hampers the functioning of the mind, body and immune system. Its amazing how many common ailments go away when caffeine is removed from your diet, as I have done.

Even though it is not a supplement, I think a discussion/section on the benefits of quiting caffeine would be terribly interesting on this site, as it affects many of the very same things people are using Apple Cider Vinegar for. Its amazing how removing things from your diet can be just as healthful as adding certain supplements or remedies. One main book I recommend is CAFFEINE BLUES, by Stephen Cherniske. The book was extremely helpful to me, and I'm not saying all this to recommend the book, but I would love to see caffeine discussion on the site. What do you think?

Posted by D.ron (Madison, Wi) on 10/05/2010

The reinforcement with positive suggestions on the CD is what makes hypnosis successful. All hypnosis is self hypnosis. If you make a list of positive affirmations, record them and listen to them everyday... You can change a negative behavior to a positive behavior.

Posted by Es (Newton, Nj) on 10/05/2010

Quit drinking with hypnosis

Hi, I want to share what worked for me. Please also see my post for quitting smoking cigarettes since I cannot post the whole story all over again, but in it I share the entire experience. Suffice to say I drank a lot. I am a petite lady and drank as much as a magnum bottle of wine all by myself in a day, and drank very heavily several days a week. It was a pretty bad thing. I quit smoking with hypnosis and then realized I'd better quit the booze too. I'm 36 years old by the way, and began drinking at age 15. Anyway, after one session with a hypnotherapist, I haven't had a drink since. It's been about 3 months and I have no desire to drink. I don't want it. And good thing I quit cause I met the man of my dreams shortly after and I know darn well it would never have worked out if I hadn't quit drinking prior to meeting him. Because A) I would have sabotaged it in a drunken stupor and B) His dad was a nasty drunk so he can't stand dating alcoholics. His ex used to flip out in nasty drunken dramatics and he couldn't stomach it. Anyway, if you are having trouble stopping drinking, you may wish to try a reputable hypnotherapist. I no longer drink nor smoke, nor do I want to. I enjoy my life free and happy. No longer chained to addictive habits that are self-abusive. Good luck

Posted by Es (Newton, Nj) on 10/05/2010

I quit smoking after 20 years and have been smoke free EASILY with NO CRAVING for 3 months. I sometimes smoked a pack a day, but often 1. 5 packs a day, and on weekends, often two packs a day (since I wasn't at work I could chainsmoke uninterrupted! I quit by visiting a wonderful hypnotherapist who was recommended by my doctor's office. I got a discount of $50 so it only cost me $145. For the two-hour session, but she usually charges $195. Still, it only took one two-hour session, wherein she makes you a personalized CD for your specific issues, and you must listen to it once daily for 10 days. I have saved a lot of money. Because it's unethical to sell any specific product or service on this site, (you can't trust any post that is trying to make a buck off your distress and rightly so, I wouldn't trust it either! ) I will not name my hypnotherapist, but it's OK because any good reputable hypnotherapist should be able to help you. You do not crave, you do not miss it. You do not have withdrawal. You are not - I repeat NOT - cranky. All my friends and loved ones agreed I was not moody, nor irritable, nor did I eat a lot or gain weight because my hypnotherapist cleverly included in my personalized hypnosis script and on my CD, that I would feel thankful to be a non-smoker, and full of life, that I would eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, and that I would walk, hike, and do all the healthy activities and excersizes that I told her I wanted to start getting back into doing. If anyone has any questions about the process or what it felt like I will gladly reply, however I won't name any specific therapist. Please google hypnotherapy for quitting smoking.
The stats are:
Cold turkey alone: 5% success. Patches or gums: 25% success. Pills: 25%

Hypnosis: 65% success rate. Why? Because the subconcious mind controls much of what we do! It worked SO well for me, I went back to quit drinking alcohol two weeks after and haven't wanted a drink since. And I was pretty hard core! I also addressed my intimacy issues and shortly after, entered into a loving relationship with the most wonderful man I've ever dated who wants to marry me and have the family I always dreamed of. I always dreamed of being cherished this way. But due to my mental blocks of not deserving love, I kept kissing toads. Over and over for 10 years. To find my prince I had to remove my mental blocks. And that worked so well, that I asked her to help me get back to my creative passions, which I'd let slip by the roadside 15 years ago. I shortly after took up sculpting again. She was able to address two issues at once, so all these changes took only three separate sessions. One for smoking. One for relationship and quitting drinking. Then I went back for creative inspiration. Good luck. ES

PS I am not into new-age groups or fads in general, nor have I ever before spent money on any consultation. But I knew I needed help to quit smoking and patches didn't work for me. So that's why I finally decided to try hypnosis, since a few people I know used it and quit permanently and truly easily. I was not disappointed, my whole life is so much better now. I feel free. Finally. ES

Mind Power
Posted by Lena (Gaston, Sc) on 10/05/2010

Wow. Thank you for posting this. I am going through the EXACT same scenario as you did. Tomorrow is my first day without methadone and I was terrified, but after reading situation I feel a million times better!! Thanks for giving me the strength to do this!

Mind Power
Posted by Carrie (Dallas, North Carolina) on 09/17/2010

I'm a 25 year old who , like many in this growing pandemic, began taking prescription painkillers to get more energy and ward off sore muscles caused by over working myself, so that i'd be able to perform better at work & home, help more of my extended family, and such other reasons. This inevitably turned into an addiction, and before I knew it I was stuck! To come off the meds, u have to basically put yourself through symptoms that equal to 3x's a really bad flu! The mind starts kicking in when u start to feel unpleasant and every little feeling u have, u amplify thinking its getting worse even if its not. I finally went to a methadone clinic in my area, which I thought would help, and in some ways it did! I was finally following my prescription by Dr.'s orders, which wasn't a rush like i'd gotten somehow from taking what I wasnt supposed to! The methadone , though helpful to get over opiates, was just another dependency, and it was similar to the problem I had.

Others in my shoes couldn't go 24 hours if they had to without methadone, I could even though I couldnt go 24 hrs without painpills , because I knew the facts ( its designed to last in the system for 24-36 hours)where I didnt know as much about the pain killers, only whether or not i'd taken something. Anyway, when I was detoxing, which in my case was a 10 day gradual decrease from 70mgs, I knew in my mind i'd taken something, and I stayed busy taking care of house work and such, so I didnt sit around expecting to feel like crap or give myself free time to think about symptoms ( looking back, I'm sure they wouldnt have gone unnoticed whether or not I was thinking about them! )

When my mom started to call and check on me at day 7, she asked how I was feeling and I stopped to really think about it. At that point I began to get the hot/cold flashes, restlessness, and alot of anxiety and irritability. Then I began to look online at blogs written by others going through methadone detox, who were picking apart every symptom or fear of the process! I was freaking out by that point! But when I went to the clinic for my last dose, I asked the counselors and nurses if I should avoid the blog, if I did indeed have the worst hell to come as I had read, and they told me that, just like I had thought, looking at someone elses symptoms didnt mean I would have them, and it was putting the ideas in my head. With the mind being such a powerful thing, of course they could make me believe I was having a harder time than I was! AND, That at the same time, I could tell myself I was going to have a good day, take a shower, exercise, relax (rather than calling it fatigued) and it would help! The nurse told me that I would have a harder time in a few days when the drug was out of my system, then she said "So?! .. And you'll get through it and that will be that! Have you ever had the flu?! ... And did u get over it?! .. Its not the end of the world, and dragging it out inside ur head wont help u at all.! Just do it and be done! ".. And she was right!

Educating myself BEFORE I ever began the detox process, gave me all the info I needed to remind myself of the facts, which helped me to know what to expect. But reading everyones opinions and symptoms only scared me and put stuff in my head, WHICH MADE THINGS ALOT WORSE!! When I went through the worst and most painful breakup in my life (so far) I made myself get up and go out with friends , even though I wanted to sit by the phone and wait for a call that wasnt coming, because I told myself he was out doing the same thing! .. Going out didnt make me forget him all together, but it kept me distracted and gave me alot more smiles than I would've had! That was actually some of the BEST months I had ever lived up until then! .. When I work and I know I cant have a cigarette for HOURS, or I have HOURS left before my shift is over, I start doing more work or cleaning or something that gets alot of my attention, and it helps! If you let your mind scare u, it will, but if you make it help u out, and give your self pep talks that u find to be true, its almost like ur being ur own best friend rather than making urself miserable!

**P. S. ** I also gain weight easily and love sweets, so if I keep reminding myself that the sweets are whats causing my weight gain and unhappiness, they stop looking so tempting!

Sexual Addiction
Posted by Kayla (Ma, Usa) on 06/25/2010

I have done research and found that with sex addictions, the sex addicts have low levels of seratonin. That's why a side effect of SSRIs is low libido as those raise seratonin levels. There are a lot of dangerous side effects with those though. 5-HTP also raises seratonin levels and lowers libido naturally. I know a couple of people this has worked well on. It doesn't completely take away their sex drive but it does lessen it considerably so that it's no longer an obsession/compulsion. Just thought I'd share what I've discovered. I hope it helps with others as well. The people I know took 200 mg before bed, it helps you sleep better too, puts you in a good mood and even helps some lose weight. You can get it at any health food store or online.

Posted by Eve K (Houston, Tx) on 10/23/2009

I would look into Bach's flower remedies.... There are books available to help you narrow down your remedies, as well as info on the web. The descriptions can be vague but you will probably find one or two that seem to hit home....they are usually available at health food stores. The biggest "health food" store chain also has a coupon going for $3 off (last time I checked--the website for this coupon is mambo sprouts)...

I have personally had alot of success with Bach's flower remedies for emotional/psychological issues so I hope this helps.

Good luck.

Posted by Sharik (Arcata, California) on 10/23/2009

To Phil from Dearing, GA:

Homeopathic medicine (a specific discipline) deals with psychological problems as well as physical. It's not an easy learn, and usually takes a person trained in the discipline to diagnose and treat specifics. If you have a health food store or herb shop in town, they may be able to point you in the right direction. If not, back to the computer....

Peace, Sharik

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