DMSO, Frankincense
1 week later tumor was gone and he has very little pain left. He then began experiencing extreme pain in the liver area and around the the ribs on his right side. He then began applying the same mixture over that area multiple times a day. He is now completely pain-free.
To soothe a burning that comes on about three minutes after application of the DMSO and Frankincense Oil, apply organic extra-virgin olive oil over the area. It will neutralize the pain from the burn caused from the DMSO penetrating the skin when the skin becomes to roll, then apply only frankincense for a few days, and then go back to the DMSO. Use as an alternate back-and-forth.
We have other internal remedies were using for the lung cancer and liver cancer such as as yet, but I have no report yet as we have not received any new scans. He was only diagnosed six weeks ago and has had one round of chemo for three days.