Natural Remedies

Natural Anger Management: Holistic Tips & Remedies

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Misophonia Remedies

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Posted by Fooshcat (Sw Michigan) on 05/27/2014

I have suffered from Misophonia or “4S”, Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome, for years and it seems to be getting worse. I'm in my 40's and it started around age 7 or 8. The condition is seriously ruining my life. Certain repetitive sounds trigger strong negative emotions or rage (in my case it's controlled internal anger). My trigger sounds are gum chewing and/or popping, loud eating, repetitive throat clearing or sniffling, yawning, smacking, slurping, crinkling wrappers, clicking keyboards, the high pitched squealing and yelling of children, the bass of stereos and clinking silverware on glass dishes. There is a particular person that moved into our office area and her voice is a trigger. This is upsetting since voices have not been a trigger for me before. Plus she's so loud I cannot drown her out with headphones, she talks like the 1980's valley girl and appears to NEVER shut up (“Like, Oh My God…you, like, totally need to go shopping at ___, it's totally…”), but I digress. Also, the sight of someone fidgeting will get me. The scientific thought is that the brain appears hijacked and the emotional center is activated, perhaps a brain error involving the fight or flight response. I know most will say “just ignore it” or “get over it” and believe me, if I could, I would. Every day is a revolving door of internal anxiety and anger. If I'm going to be in the office there will be several instances that I am triggered and cannot escape. When I see or hear someone chewing gum, I want to rip it out of their mouth and smash it into their hair. My co-worker has long nails and types rather hard – I want to smash that keyboard to bits and scream at her to stop it already. Of course, I realize this is completely irrational, but it is still difficult to not dislike the source of the trigger. I wear headphones all day at work and they drown out keyboard clicking and the eating, but not the voice that triggers me. I wish daily that she would find another job. Meditation and deep breathing have not helped. Masking noise that can be masked helps. I've read that cognitive behavioral therapy has not shown much success. Any help or suggestions at all would be very much appreciated.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc. Canada)

Fooshcat from SW Michigan. -- You may want to try BORAX homeopathic remedy 30C. It is for noises. I bought it but have not tried it yet. When I drop a clanging object from the counter, I get so upset, get another and throw it after. It is the nervous system. A good remedy is Gotu Kola. It can be taken as a powder or pill with honey. Try the health food store. Namaste, Om

Replied by Nanowriter
(Hotspot, Texas)

Try taking magnesium 800-1000 mg total in doses throughout the day. It can give you loose bowels.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Fooshcat;

Misophonia...a possible cause/cure...

The "Hyperacusis Network" has an informative article on Misophonia (hatred of sound) and goes into much detail on possible triggers. I saw Lyme was one of them. That's all the "hint" I need to wonder about the viral connect to the often related Tinnitus. The article says an astounding 60 percent of Tinnitus patients suffer varying degrees of Misophonia.

Here's the point; there is a strong relationship (some assert) between much Tinnitus and a specialty virus...and I never omit a co-infection of a fungus also as a possibility.

Well, I have to admit, I am somewhat "obsessed" with the possibility of virus as the cause behind so much "mystery diagnosis" problems. (Virus as a word meant to include micro-bacteria/fungus.)

Your condition is worsening as I read your Post. Also I see where you "contracted" the condition when you were about 8 years old. Now, I always ask this question of "mystery" conditions...(and I doubt at 8 you'd remember) but perchance, can you recall an infection just before you started having the Miso condition? An ear infection is the likely culprit but also a bad sore throat or a sinus condition. Also a possible culprit would be dental work done. Or an infection in the gums or teeth. Maybe you remember a bad cold or the flu just before onset of your symptoms. (A condition that a person "outgrows" is likely not a virus. A condition that grows worse over time is exactly how a virus operates...expanding and growing.)

What am I looking for? Something that effected your ears (a sort of tinnitus issue). If this is a possible cause, you might have had a low grade hearing problem or inner ear problem over the years...not necessarily constant; just something annoying; a recurrent ear or sinus problem.

Well, that's all just a long shot... a long long shot!

But if any of it rings a bell...sorry...if any of it is familiar. Well, maybe the cause is viral. And there is a way to cleanse the body of viruses. But I won't go there unless you think that the cause could be infection based. Let me know if you want to continue this idea with me.

Forgive me if I'm completely off. Just trying to help.

I know this is driving you an internal demon. And that's what a virus is.

Replied by Carly
(Pnw, Usa)

i totally agree with what Nanowriter said.

It is a magnesium deficiency. Google it!

good luck to you.


Replied by Kathy
(Sfo, US)

Have you ever heard of EFT? (Emotional freedom technique) It helps with so many issues. I don't have the same issues with noise that you have but noises bother me, even music. Mine comes from working at the airport for many years and constantly hearing constant LOUD music and announcements. It can be overwhelming. When I am alone at home or in the car I am in complete silence....and at peace.

Replied by Fooshcat
(Sw Michigan, US)

Hello, thank you all for your replies. I will try and report back on magnesium, gotu kola and look into using borax. An interesting thought about the virus connection. As a child I had recurrent horrible ear infections and strep throat several times. We lived on a lake and the ear infections may have been brought on by or made worse with swimming. My allergies as a child were worse than they are now too and would result in throat/ear/sinus problems My parents were not big on taking me to the doctor, not because they were anti-doc, but because they were cheap. As a result my ear infections would go untreated and rage to the point where I had ear discharge with blood mixed in. They were extremely painful to the point that I could not sleep and my ears would ring like mad. Again, thank you all for your replies and suggestions.

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Hi Kathy,

I know what you mean about the noise. Sometimes I have to leave a store because I can't take the loud music they always play, and I wonder how people can work the for eight hours a day. When I worked as a CPA, I had employees come into my office and turn the interoffice radio on because they thought I didn't know it was there since I never had it on. My daughter says it is because I am very right brained and cannot work with distractions. Even now, I'm alone at home with just the door open to hear the birds and natural sounds outside. I feel at peace.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello again Fooshcat,

Re your Misophonia...

Well, I'm the Poster that predicted (high likelihood) that if a viral infection is the cause of your Misophonis, then you would have an ear infection history.

Now even though I said "long shot" I said that because of the many triggers that the Hyperacusis Network lists. I presume many things might cause Hyperacusis. But I knew and predicted that IF virus you'd have an ear infection history. (Or SOME kind of infection history of the upper torso.)

And WHAT an amazing history you've had. No wonder you remember it.

In your response Post you replied to the possibility of a connection of the condition to virus (that preceded the onset) "horrible ear infections" plus strep (yes, other possible infection)..."ears would rage to the point that I would have ear discharge with blood mixed in"...

I much more ON could we be? The CAUSE is a viral infection.

After your response post, really, I was just blown away. I don't think I've ever seen any more overwhelming proof of cause and effect than your condition. Consider re-reading my first Post to you and your response Post. You now KNOW what is working on you. That's 50 percent of the battle.

Replied by Fooshcat
(Sw Michigan)

Hi Dave, you mentioned a way to cleanse the body of viruses in your first post. If you have a chance to elaborate - I would appreciate it. The only thing I've been trying so far is a magnesium supplement. Thanks!

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Good morning Fooschat;

Re your question on virus/et al....

I'm an advocate of magnesium and have advocated it on this site for years, considering Mag to be the King of the minerals and essential to healthy heart and cardio action and metabolism.

There may be some relation between Mag deficiency and some viral activity. Magnesium will definitely help the body in many ways, but if it helps as an anti viral, well I've just never read where and how. That would be interesting to see the sources. In my reading of your symptoms, and especially as I read the typical triggers of your condition from the Society I mentioned in my previous post to you, Mag just wasn't the issue.

Your issue is HOW to kill virus (and any other pathogen involved).

Your species of condition is first initiated by an ear infection which in your case became chronic as a little girl...happening to you around 8 years old according to your two posts. I've seen chronic ear infection in other cases get through the blood brain barrier. In those cases the problem turns truly disastrous. Loss of motor function and vertigo; headaches that are like migraines but much more frequent.

In a misophonia case caused by infection, it is likely the virus has gotten to the Temporal region of the brain. That's why the condition may become worse and worse with the passage of time. The Temporal is responsible for auditory issues. It is important that you read the Wikipedia article on "Temporal Lobe" especially the discussion of symptoms that are exhibited when the inferior region of the Temporal Lobe is impaired. (Sounds so like the aggressiveness and anger of Misophonia patients.)

If this were me, I'd assume I had a viral infection and had to overcome it with an anti viral. If my MD could not help then my self help remedy would be to begin consuming an array of anti viral substances. For bite related infections, I like Echinacea applied topically and consumed orally. I have seen great results with that. For infection of sinus region I've had success with Colloidal Silver.

CS would be used as a irrigation. You would likely have significant "burn" in the sinus when first irrigated. (I use an ear syringe to squirt gently into the sinus cavities.)

I then take CS and combine 50/50 with DMSO (google 60 minutes, youtube DMSO) and apply to white cloth to back of neck. The point is to get the CS into brain into the Temporal lobe. I'd repeat up to 20 times over two months.

I'd take a lot of Calcium AEP. (Google article "nutrition review calcium AEP".)

The AEP can help with cell and nerve repair. It will take a while to get the AEP orally to brain; so I might grind up AEP caps and add to the 50/50 mix of CS and DMSO in doing the neck poultices for faster transport.

The DMSO will work as a carrier and anti inflammatory also.

The irrigation I mentioned would include sinus as well as ear irrigation. Squirt gently into ear canals. I'd do that three times weekly.

Finally, I'd drink four tablespoons twice a day on empty stomach. I'd do that for a year to make sure the infection is killed in the entire body.

For this much CS usage, I'd order my own little generator. You can google "inexpensive colloidal silver generator" and a number of sites will come up. Easy to make. Takes minutes and I can fill you in on the how to of that also.

This problem is obviously not a "quick fix" but I'll predict this; if I had this problem and started this protocol, I'd expect to see some serious improvement in 30 days or LESS. First I'd see energy coming back. That's because a long lasting infection is sapping the immune system. Second I'd see a change in some of the attendant symptoms (visual recognition; less angst etc)...

Read that Wikipedia article. Talk to your MD about this theory. See if he/she can suggest anything to kill the virus. Tell him, "I think this may be a virus migrated from ear canal to my Temporal lobe. Assuming that, what can you do to help kill the virus?" Try the regular route and see if their approach could help.

Keep talking to me. Let me know what other symptoms you have...does the Wiki article discussion of Temporal lobe issues match anything you are going through?

Replied by Dooli1981
(London, UK)

Hi Dave from Fountain Inn, Sc,

I was reading your comment about a possible viral link to misophonia and find it very interesting. My sister is now 20 and suffers very much from this problem. What is interesting is that she also had a recurring ear infection that started when she was about 12/13 and can possibly link the start of her mispophonia to that time. For her too it's getting worse and worse over time and she's at a point now where she's really struggling with this issue.

What's your take on consuming large quantities of garlic and coconut oil as both are anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-viral? Would that help to kill the virus in her body? What about just taking echinacea orally or do you only recommend that for viruses caused by bites?

Any advice you can give would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Dooli 1981;

Re your sister's Misophonia...

My "solution" is the same as any viral infection that has hit the brain. In the case of Miso the specialty virus has used the super highway nerve from ear to brain...bypassing the blood brain barrier. Straight to Temporal Lobe; Inferior portion.

I have used very successfully Colloidal Silver mixed fifty fifty with DMSO soaked in white cloth to back of neck and to side of head on the side where the infection took place. If both ears were infected then apply to both sides. This is called a poultice and is given three times weekly. This is mandatory and the essence of the program.

If too much DMSO may cause some stinging so dilute with more CS if stinging occurs. (Google DMSO Dr Jacobs for source.)

Oral consumption with the CS only. Two tablespoons twice daily. This is mandatory. The infection is almost certainly system wide.

Must irrigate twice weekly. Snort into both sinus cavities and let head lean back to get CS to drain into cavities and down throat.

Use ear syringe to squirt into ears. Gargle with it.

All that is called an irrigation. The silver into the sinus will leach into the Eustachian tubes and that path will follow the virus where it has gone...into brain. This is mandatory.

In a few weeks I have found the victim is gaining back energy and in a month the Miso will begin letting up. This process must continue for a YEAR, or until substantial relief is obtained. To kill a virus one must have perseverance...There WILL be ups and downs but general trajectory is up.

I use Calcium AEP to help rebuild ravaged nerve pathways. This is mandatory. AEP is on line. Six a day.

Twice a week baths of Epsom Salts to get magnesium into the system. Taking the tablets is good but the baths seem to penetrate better the whole system. This is mandatory.

I just had a case where I outlined my protocol to the lady (lives in Florida) six months ago...she reports the condition after plaguing her for ten years is now 90 percent improved and only barely present, when she is under a fan at night in an air conditioned room and then the side of her head will ache. She says "I" saved her life...NO...CS saved her life and her own persistence.

So the above is my system for myself and if anyone asks I give them what I have done for myself. I always suggest that using such a program one should consult with his doctor.

And, that I am not diagnosing or prescribing to anyone; this is what I use and if anyone asks I tell them what has worked for me.

SOOOOO....the program is:

1. Poultice with CS and DMSO

2. Irrigation with CS

3. Oral consumption with CS

4. Tablets of AEP

5. Epsom Salts baths

By the way, the other stuff you mention is OK but won't do what CS does. And...the CS MUST be potent. Example; if you have a sore throat and gargle with it, the CS SHOULD knock out the sore throat. If I have a sinus infection and irrigate with the CS (as describe above...vigorous irrigation), the CS will knock out most all sinus infection by second or third irrigation. If your CS won't do that ....throw it away and get another brand. ALL CSs are NOT alike.

Worst your own CS machine. (See Southern Herb web and effective.)

Replied by Umo
(London, England)

Hi Dave, I'm the sister of Dooli1981 that he mentions. I never properly made the association before, but now that I've seen your comments and the possibility of a link to a virus it all kind of makes sense... My sound problem started when I was 14/15 I think, and I'd never made the connection before, but that was about the time that I had a severe infection all over my face which spread to my ears and I had to take 2 weeks off school. It was awful, and I remember for a very very long time afterwards my ears would be very itchy inside and I'd stick my finger in and scratch, which made these liquids seep out, and I remember my ears would be blocked for very long periods of time which was very distressing and probably not good bacteria-wise. Many times I caused my ears to bleed by scratching as well.

To this day I still have an issue with my ears, the infection has never ceased but for a while now I haven't got blocked ears again. Very recently my doctor prescribed me antibiotic ear spray which has helped a bit with clearing up the condition of my ear (in terms of flakiness and itchiness), but of course hasn't helped with the Misophonia! My sensitivity to sounds has got so bad now that it's hard for me to just function day-to-day. My reaction to sounds is that it makes me angry, I would even go so far as to describe it as complete rage, and also irritation and frustration.

I have also got other problems that feel as though they are linked with the Misophonia or the condition that I have that seem to get worse with time, just like the Misophonia: muscle knots/tightness, joint/back/neck problems, abdominal pain, mental issues: confusion, depression, anxiety, OCD, not being able to think clearly, mental/physical fatigue... Not all these might be linked with Misophonia, e.g. I remember having OCD tendencies since I was very young, like when I would repeat an action I did with one hand/side of my body, like touching my fingers together, with the other side of my body, and then reverse that process, and then repeat the whole thing again but reversed. Weird huh? ;-)

Anyway, I digress :-) The main reason why I wanted to write a reply was to ask you about the treatment. I was wondering, could you give any good sources, like exactly where I can go and which product to use, of mainly the Colloidal Silver and Ca-AEP (because you said the CS must be potent - how do I know if the product is potent)? Also, do you think you could give me any measurements of how much of each ingredient I should use for each procedure, e.g. how many ml of CS for poultice, how many ml of CS for ear/nasal/oral irrigation etc? Maybe it could help with figuring out how much this could cost, as I'm not really in a great financial position at the moment. Lastly, I just thought about the epsom salt baths, our water is chlorinated and probably has other nasty stuff in there, don't you think it would be bad for the body to absorb all that chlorine? Do you think I should get a bath tap water purifier?

Oh yeah, does the Colloidal Silver need to be mixed with water or anything?

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hi there Umo,

Thanks for your further explanation and questions about possible remedy.

First, as to your OCD... well the viral infection you have certainly didn't help the OCD! Made it much worse, in fact.

As much CS as you'll have to be on, you need your own CS generator...just three 9 volt batteries and two little strands of silver.

You can order from "Southern Herbs colloidal silver generator" on line...pretty inexpensive. But lots of suppliers on line.

Be glad to walk you through the simple me; I am NOT a techie, and if I can do it, anybody can.

On the Salts baths, you have a good point. This will be a problem but yes get a filter ... you really need these salts baths. Absorption of the Magnesium Sulfate is important. At least for now, use filtered water (simple counter unit) to get the chlorine out and use that to make a Epsom Salts mix, and use that in your ears. Start immediately with CS orally.

Your description is that you have the virus/ or viruses/ fungus system wide.

The DMSO you get from "Dr. Jacobs DMSO" on line.

Are you clear on the poultice method?

Glad to walk through any aspect of the program...the AEP, the CS immersion system, the importance of Mag baths, the distinction between oral and topical application etc.

I'll write you again later in the next day or two on a recent story... someone close to your situation.

Bless you dear lady. I know you've suffered, but don't give up. Give this program six months and journal your progress.

This is a hard thing to think this way but try to see this as an adventure to see recovery. Include your MD. If he/she won't "help" then get someone who has an complimentary viewpoint.

Yes I said think of this as an adventure. I have a recent story about that in my own life! I'll recount that too. disclaimer. I'm relating all this at your request and I'm not diagnosing, prescribing etc ... I'm relating what I have done for myself and only relate what I have done or seen others do and if you can relate to any of that then that is your decision. I'm not a doctor. There.

Look forward to talking to you later.

Your pal in USA.


Replied by Toni

I'm interested in the cleansing body of viruses. I'm a counselor and I checked, the client did have inner ear infections as a child. Would appreciate any info you could give me. Thanks so much

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