My naturopathic doctor told me to use castor oil to regain smell.
I did some research and found some instructions. Never warm any oil too hot it will destroy the healing properties. I think lukewarm is the key or don't warm it at all.
- Gently warm castor oil on the stove or microwave. Make sure it is warm and not hot.
- Place two drops of oil in each nostril twice a day: once upon waking and right before sleep.
Here is the link
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
If the lost of sense of smell is caused by polyps or infection or scar tissue in the nose, the castor oil may heal those conditions over time, restoring the sense of smell.
Castor oil is a surprisingly powerful healing oil.
~Mama to Many~
Castor Oil
I used the castor oil once in the morning and once at night. I warmed it and put it in each nostril with an eye dropper. I did this for three weeks and my sense of smell and taste is returning; however, how long do I need to do this for and if I stop will I lose smell again?
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
I finally came across the posts about castor oil a couple of days ago and just went out and bought some today.
After trying it just once this afternoon I noticed a big improvement in being able to smell things more. I am thrilled that this seems to have helped. Tonight it was chilly in the house and I put the heat on (gas heat) and for the first time in ages I could actually SMELL the heat! My food already has more flavor and I am looking forward to more improvements as I continue the castor oil treatment (one drop in each nostril; head hanging over the bed).
By all means, give it a try! The castor oil was less than $2 and really seems to be working like a charm. Thanks so much for posting this information!!
A very, very grateful renewed smeller/taster
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Some of my friend suggested use of castor oil. I put one drop of lukewarm castor oil in morning and one drop before I sleep.
This I am doing for last 10 days and to my surprise, I got rid of my sinus problem and smelling sense is gradually coming back!