Smell Loss
Natural Remedies

Anosmia: Causes, Symptoms, and Natural Treatment Options

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Castor Oil

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Posted by Tanderson (St. Louis, Missouri, Usa) on 07/09/2010

Editor's Choice

I tried it but I didn't warm it. IT WORKED ALMOST IMMEDIATELY! Thank you SO much for the castor oil suggestion! Since the smell returned, so did my lack of taste. What a great, safe remedy! I love this site. It's provided me so many wonderful suggestions and this is one of the best!

Castor Oil
Posted by Gautam Desai (Vadara, Gujarat, India) on 03/17/2009

I had severe problem of sinus coupled with loss of smell. Doctors suggested this is due to polyps and i had them removed about 5 years. This surgery has given temporary relief but the loss of smell continued.

Some of my friend suggested use of castor oil. I put one drop of lukewarm castor oil in morning and one drop before I sleep.

This I am doing for last 10 days and to my surprise, I got rid of my sinus problem and smelling sense is gradually coming back!


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Posted by Jan (Canada) on 01/10/2014

I found chiropractic adjustments helped restore my sense of smell.

Colloidal Silver

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Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 03/14/2014

Anosmia Triggered by Sinus Infection

Re loss of smell for past three years.

If you google "Google Scholar" and type in "loss of smell" you'll find a number of articles that reference that such loss of smell can OFTEN (not always) be tracked to sinus infection. I just recovered (four weeks ago) from a sinus infection (and some in bronchial passages) that I fought off for a full month before clearing. I used my old stand by ... Colloidal Silver and I make it myself so I know the strength will work. This recent infection was a very bad one and I suspect it was a lipid coated variety.

Well, during the illness, I lost my sense of smell.

That loss went on for a period of about a week and only as I gained control over the infection did I find the sense of smell return. That was the first time that had ever happened to me that I recall. But now, full recovery with elimination of virus.

I use an ear syringe to squirt the Colloidal Silver into sinus passages (called an irrigation) and let drain down back of throat or exhaling mucus first and then a second irrigation into back of throat. I never miss irrigating the ears also as I've found over the years that the eustachian tubes which connect ears to sinus cavity can also hold viruses and is a source for secondary infections. So; irrigate both sinus cavities and ear canals also.

And if the infection (if there is one) is the cause of the loss of hearing, the hearing will begin to return in time unless permanent damage was done to the nerves.

You might ask if the loss of hearing was precipitated by an infection or by medication? You said it started three years ago. Some more information for us might help give the cause. The idea of infection as cause is just a guess, after all.


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Posted by Tommo (Scotland) on 02/23/2021

Colonics worked for me, not only restoring my sense of smell but colonics also gave my complexion a noticeable healthy glow!

Cranial Sacral Therapy

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Posted by Deb (San Jose, Ca) on 12/31/2016

Cranial adjustments on a regular basis helped me regain my sense of smell.

Eating a Burnt Orange

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Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 05/08/2023

Eating a burnt orange mixed with brown sugar can help people revive their senses.

In Jamaican Herbal Maroon Medicine, they teach that to regain your taste buds after Covid-19, simply take a fresh orange and roast it over an open flame. Once the peel of the orange is burnt black, remove it from the flame and remove the charred crust. The orange needs to be hot during this process, so be careful. Place the inner pulp of the orange into a large coffee cup. Add two tablespoons of brown sugar to the cup and mash the orange and brown sugar til mixed.

Now eat the orange sugar mixture when it has cooled a bit. It needs to be warm but not burn your tongue.

This remedy can be applied to many different illnesses.

You're welcome...

Heavy Metal Detoxing

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Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 07/12/2012 2043 posts

Loss of smell is a very common side effect of Heavy Metal or possibly some kind of Zenobiotic toxicity. You can purchase Hair Analysis kits from online vendors or labs to check for HM. Detox Foot Pads are quite effective at eliminating all manner of toxins. Lots of recent comments on Far Infrared Sauna therapy here on Earth Clinic. Ionic Trace Minerals would certainly help.


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Posted by Vibegirl (Buffalo, Ny) on 10/24/2016 14 posts

I knew someone years ago who had lost their sense of smell and got it back by eating horseradish daily - not too much but small amounts a couple times per day. I can't remember how long it took but thought I'd mention it!

Hydrate, Colloidal Silver Spray

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Posted by Mark (Alpena, Mi) on 09/18/2012

Hello Everyone, I was anosmic for 20 years. A handful of times I got my sense of smell back temporarily when taking steroids or having a steroid injection. Once or twice in those years I got a temporary low percentage of smell back after I had been drinking lemon water for a few days. (I realize now I temporarily alkalized my system with the lemon) I tried hundreds of different remedies to no avail throughout the years and then suddenly 2 years ago I got back my smell and it has been perfect everyday since. Looking back I believe the reason I became anosmic is because of dehydration, an acidic system and the allergies that accompany those problems.

There are 3 things that I changed in my life over the course of a year that I believe was responsible for me getting my smell back.

The first is I practiced the watercure which is drinking one half of your body weight, in ounces, of water per day along with taking sea salt.

The second is I became vegetarian.

The third is I used a silver sinus nasal spray every day.

My theory is I was chronically dehydrated and my body was way too acidic. Those problems manifested themselves into chronic sinusitis and anosmia. When I started the watercure I experience an incredible detox and as I increased my fruits, vegetables and alkalizing foods my sinuses cleared. The sinus silver spray helped heal my chronically irritated sinuses and one morning I put on some coffee & I smelled it.

That was 2 years ago and I have been smelling perfectly since. I am so thankful to have this sense back and I hope all of you suffering from anosmia take a look at yourself and do whatever you can to keep your body hydrated and at the proper ph. Every medical doctor I ever went to said there was nothing you can do about smell loss. Well with determination, luck and prayer, I proved them wrong. I hope it can help some of you out there.

Replied by Isabella
(Vancouver, Canada)

Mark from Alpena, thanks for validating what I had been thinking. I haven't had my smell for over 10 years. The only time it came back was when I was nursing (with both my babies, must have been a hormonal thing), a year at a time and then gone once I stopped nursing althogether. It wasn't until a few months ago that I got my smell back for about 1 month. I was so excited! And then disappeared again. I have been wondering what was I doing differently? Like you, I was drinking water with squeezed lemon in it all summer long. I was eating lots of fresh herbs and greens, cilantro being one of them. What I was doing was keeping myself hydrated and my alkaline levels high. Starting tomorrow, I'm going out to buy a big bag of lemons and stock up on my greens. It worked before, it should work again. What I found though was that as soon as I stopped, my sinus problems and no sense of smell came back.

Thanks again Mark, it's so nice to hear someone had the exact same story as me. Can't wait to get my smell and taste back.

Replied by Thooraya

Hey guys, I'm interested in both of your stories regarding eating healthy and drinking water.

Have y'all still maintained normal smells? How are you guys right now?


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Posted by Toourlady89 (Hayward Ca) on 03/15/2014

Loss of smell unless caused by any physical issues is related to Magnesium deficiency. RDA for Mg is 350 to 400 mg elemental Mg a day.. Takes months to rebuild Mg stores in the body, so you will need to be patient.. Google Magnesium and loss of smell. Avoid Mg Oxide. Best to use will be Mg glycinate 3 caps a day..

Nicotine Patches

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Posted by Robert J. (USA) on 11/03/2022

Nicotine patches or lozenges help with the loss of taste and smell and aid in rapid recovery in 2-3 days smell, taste come back and ringing in the ears goes away.

I don't remember it as a treatment for it though but just for the mentioned symptoms, I could be wrong though.

This I heard watching a documentary on the subject. Watch the dosage though if you're a non-smoker. I tried a 4 mg lozenge a few days ago and thought I was going to die from a heart attack, so my advice is to start as low dose as possible then increase gradually to tolerance.

Raw Food Diet

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Posted by Alan (Mexico City) on 12/10/2014

Loss of Smell

You should all try one month of raw food, that is everything must be raw giving more importance to raw vegetables this will liverate all the incrusted toxins and strange substances that could be from the air or chemicals that we usually eat with all the junk food and all the saturated greases and artificial colors etc.etc. Once I did it and wow! Your body really thanks you for these, the only thing is that you will really start smelling the terrible cadaveric smell of meat even in the best of beef restaurants and you will know what you have being eating erroneously all of your life.

I am not a vegetarian but please concider this because I have 35 or more years with holistic naturistic and orthomolecular medicine as my hobby.

Eat big raw smoothies in the morning plus a big veggie or frut salad in the afternoon and night ..give preference to adding cilantro to your smoothies because it desintoxicates the liver, do not forget garlic onion and radishes in your raw salads, repeat a big veggie smoothie any time you want avoid all comercial industrialized or cooked food for at least one or two months drink plain water, add sea salt to your salads lemons or lime, do not eat any absolutly any kind of oil, no even olive oil. You will desincrustate all the impurities of your smell cells and feel younger and with lots of smell.

Wish you all the best please do it do it with will and you won't regret it, see you tube for raw recepies they have many do not drink smoke or anything, give your body a break and be creative with your food there are many vegetables with wonderful flavors for you...

Best of luck to all of you.


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Posted by Ron (Nyc) on 04/22/2017

Editor's Choice

Serrapeptase has worked for loss of smell. I took it for about 1 month now due to a traumatic brain injury, on a empty stomach as directed right before I slept. I would wake up with blood residue/scar tissue on my nose which helped clear up the olfatory system. I have regained about 70% of my smell now after my fall. (I fell off a motorcycle and landed on my back).

Smell Therapy

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Posted by Nothy (On) on 01/28/2021

It takes years to grow your sense of smell back - it grows at a rate of 1mm per year. BUT, I used different smells to grow mine. I used Vicks Vapour Rub and held it at my chin and breathed deeply so I could smell it (then later my waist, then the floor...)

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