I believe prior cocaine use is truly to blame but - also had a bad car accident with head trauma. I cannot explain this but in recent years I have not been able to take pain medication and started cannabis
I have my sense of smell after smoking cannabis, usually the weed reeks bad (I can smell that) and then the occasional fragrance wafts up, glass of grape juice was the first time I had a sense, that was 12 years ago. I have learned to "feel" bad smells, hangs heavy or looks bad!!
But my 30 year old did save my life recently when a gas line in a house was left open, he came down the stairs yelling CAN"T YOU SMELL THAT??!!! It was accidentally left opened in the laundry area. I never would of noticed- thanks
Anosmia Triggered by Injury
Anosmia Triggered by Injury
I had a fall over 7 months ago and hit the front of my head and then quickly fell back on the back of my skull, fracturing the skull and spent 5 nights in the ICU. I was diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and the Drs. are treating it like I had a seizure.
I have no past of having seizures, and am currently on 500 mg of Keppra (down from 1500 mg) daily. I have no real sense of taste or smell. When I do get tastes, they are so way off that it makes me sick. I either have a taste like soap or a very burnt ash taste.
I have lost weight and like others on here have posted, I only eat to survive and keep my strength up. I have no cravings whatsoever. I am still weak and tired (have to take more rests than ever before) I am a otherwise healthy 55 year old woman with no other health issues. I am going to the Smell and Taste Clinic that is affiliated with UPenn Hospital in Philadelphia, PA in December.
The Dr. there, Dr. Richard Doty is very well known in diagnosing and treating patients with this disorder. I am very happy with the neurologist that I am currently seeing, but am discouraged that this problem is not more well known or researched. I am glad I found this site.
Anosmia Triggered by Injury
Anosmia Triggered by Injury
I still have my sense of taste in place but I can not smell at all. It has been this way for over a year now. I was booked for endoscopy to check for any possible nasal blocks but this has not been done. Viewing my nostrils exteriorly has shown no Polyps.
Can I please get any suggestion on what to use. I am in Nigeria, and the variety of options I can access may be limited. I would be glad to know what chances I have to regain my sense of smell back because the situation is really messed up for me
Anosmia Triggered by Injury
Anosmia Triggered by Injury
I have had 5 ENT's One told me he had never heard of someone losing their sense of smell only to regain it temporarily with steroids, so he never addressed my complaint. I have never had a single Doctor ever use the word Anosmia, in fact only one out of five attempted to address the issue at all. So I am looking for any ideas, I am in my thirties and the thought of not being able to smell again depresses me. One more thing that happened; I hit my head on an open cabinet door once and was able to smell perfectly for one hour before it faded away, any one else have an odd experience like that as well?