Posted by Lj (Southern California) on 09/29/2014
A virus took out my smell and along with it my taste a year and a half ago. I've seen MANY doctors but I'm working now with a medical doctor who is also a homeopathic Dr. I've had slight improvement from smelling nothing to some things. Get a smell kit to smell every day. Do sinus washes with sea salt. I would appreciate talking to anyone who has had some success with other remedies.
Anosmia Triggered by Virus
Posted by Fellow Suffering Anosmiac (California) on 04/25/2014
I too have been suffering with not being able to smell or taste the things that I used to taste, but it has gone so much further that things that are supposed to smell good actually smell worse than awful and all the things that I used to love to eat I don't anymore. I have been to neurologists, EENT docs and had all kinds of tests done and medications prescribed and nothing has worked. It has now been a year and a half and the EENT finally said that it was probably a virus that destroyed the olfactory nerve endings that "sense and taste" the sent molecules. Unfortunately when nerve fibers die there is no regenerating, however I stumbled upon this medical study about the heavy metal Cadmium and the signs & symptoms of toxicity. Now I won't list all the symptoms beside taste and smell and taste, but it might be a good idea to discuss it with your doctor especially if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or other kidney issues.