I have suffered with chronic sinusitis/rhinitis symptoms ever since the root canal was performed. I am a senior chinese medical practitioner, and have been using acupuncture and herbs to very good effect, but still could not smell or taste much of anything. Tipped of by the mayo clinic website... that fully 80% of chronic sinus issues were demonstrated (by biopsy) to be fungus-related, I began reviewing natural anti-fungals, and since fungus lodged in the sinus cavity has no vascularity, and thus is immune from anything taken orally which makes it's way into the bloodstream, is why the heinous pharmaceutical anti-fungals such as dieflukan, etc are not effective.
Hence, a topical approach makes much more sense. Borax is a quintessential anti-fungal par excellence!
This should come as no surprise, yet nobody I am aware of has simply put borax in their neti pot.
I'm filling the neti pot with water, 1 full teaspoon borax + 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, and using it in each nostril, twice daily, to very very good effect.
Borax is so cheap and so effective....the best single cure for sinus issues I am aware of, and can be done everyday!
Castor oil has been considered safe for oral consumption for a long time. Many also use it topically. I use it topically a lot. I have never used it in the nose, but never thought to. I am not a doctor or chemist, but personally, I would not have a problem with using it my nose if I felt that was needed.
~Mama to Many~
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Castor Oil
Colloidal Silver
Re loss of smell for past three years.
If you google "Google Scholar" and type in "loss of smell" you'll find a number of articles that reference that such loss of smell can OFTEN (not always) be tracked to sinus infection. I just recovered (four weeks ago) from a sinus infection (and some in bronchial passages) that I fought off for a full month before clearing. I used my old stand by ... Colloidal Silver and I make it myself so I know the strength will work. This recent infection was a very bad one and I suspect it was a lipid coated variety.
Well, during the illness, I lost my sense of smell.
That loss went on for a period of about a week and only as I gained control over the infection did I find the sense of smell return. That was the first time that had ever happened to me that I recall. But now, full recovery with elimination of virus.
I use an ear syringe to squirt the Colloidal Silver into sinus passages (called an irrigation) and let drain down back of throat or exhaling mucus first and then a second irrigation into back of throat. I never miss irrigating the ears also as I've found over the years that the eustachian tubes which connect ears to sinus cavity can also hold viruses and is a source for secondary infections. So; irrigate both sinus cavities and ear canals also.
And if the infection (if there is one) is the cause of the loss of hearing, the hearing will begin to return in time unless permanent damage was done to the nerves.
You might ask if the loss of hearing was precipitated by an infection or by medication? You said it started three years ago. Some more information for us might help give the cause. The idea of infection as cause is just a guess, after all.
Anosmia Triggered by Injury
I had a fall over 7 months ago and hit the front of my head and then quickly fell back on the back of my skull, fracturing the skull and spent 5 nights in the ICU. I was diagnosed with traumatic brain injury and the Drs. are treating it like I had a seizure.
I have no past of having seizures, and am currently on 500 mg of Keppra (down from 1500 mg) daily. I have no real sense of taste or smell. When I do get tastes, they are so way off that it makes me sick. I either have a taste like soap or a very burnt ash taste.
I have lost weight and like others on here have posted, I only eat to survive and keep my strength up. I have no cravings whatsoever. I am still weak and tired (have to take more rests than ever before) I am a otherwise healthy 55 year old woman with no other health issues. I am going to the Smell and Taste Clinic that is affiliated with UPenn Hospital in Philadelphia, PA in December.
The Dr. there, Dr. Richard Doty is very well known in diagnosing and treating patients with this disorder. I am very happy with the neurologist that I am currently seeing, but am discouraged that this problem is not more well known or researched. I am glad I found this site.
Hydrate, Colloidal Silver Spray
Thanks again Mark, it's so nice to hear someone had the exact same story as me. Can't wait to get my smell and taste back.
I use a full spectrum mineral and it is solving some problems I've had for a while. You didn't mention if this was sinus surgery or how it would impact your smeller.
Anosmia Triggered by Injury
With B12 deficiency, there can be disturbances of all of the senses, including smell.
Even though neuro-damage may be permanent, there's still a chance for improvement.
Anosmia Triggered by Injury
I still have my sense of taste in place but I can not smell at all. It has been this way for over a year now. I was booked for endoscopy to check for any possible nasal blocks but this has not been done. Viewing my nostrils exteriorly has shown no Polyps.
Can I please get any suggestion on what to use. I am in Nigeria, and the variety of options I can access may be limited. I would be glad to know what chances I have to regain my sense of smell back because the situation is really messed up for me
I tried the tea tree oil recommendations on my sinus polyps and they are gone. To ensure the never come back, I mixed tea tree with alkalol in a old sinus spray bottle and use twice a day.
Last Friday; a sinus polyp fell out and I have been smelling every since.
I finally came across the posts about castor oil a couple of days ago and just went out and bought some today.
After trying it just once this afternoon I noticed a big improvement in being able to smell things more. I am thrilled that this seems to have helped. Tonight it was chilly in the house and I put the heat on (gas heat) and for the first time in ages I could actually SMELL the heat! My food already has more flavor and I am looking forward to more improvements as I continue the castor oil treatment (one drop in each nostril; head hanging over the bed).
By all means, give it a try! The castor oil was less than $2 and really seems to be working like a charm. Thanks so much for posting this information!!
A very, very grateful renewed smeller/taster
Hydrate, Colloidal Silver Spray
There are 3 things that I changed in my life over the course of a year that I believe was responsible for me getting my smell back.
The first is I practiced the watercure which is drinking one half of your body weight, in ounces, of water per day along with taking sea salt.
The second is I became vegetarian.
The third is I used a silver sinus nasal spray every day.
My theory is I was chronically dehydrated and my body was way too acidic. Those problems manifested themselves into chronic sinusitis and anosmia. When I started the watercure I experience an incredible detox and as I increased my fruits, vegetables and alkalizing foods my sinuses cleared. The sinus silver spray helped heal my chronically irritated sinuses and one morning I put on some coffee & I smelled it.
That was 2 years ago and I have been smelling perfectly since. I am so thankful to have this sense back and I hope all of you suffering from anosmia take a look at yourself and do whatever you can to keep your body hydrated and at the proper ph. Every medical doctor I ever went to said there was nothing you can do about smell loss. Well with determination, luck and prayer, I proved them wrong. I hope it can help some of you out there.