Autoimmune Diseases
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Diseases

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Gmo Food

Posted by Linda (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 10/18/2012

Dear EC Folks, The information in this movie could explain many Leaky Gut / High CRP test results, please watch and forward as you see fit.

Please forward before this one gets pulled out of availability. The *entire movie* "Genetic Roulette" is at this link, free for the watching... Right now. It starts and stops a little so you may have to re-start it a few times (you can move the cursor up to where you were) but my understanding is it's also on Youtube.. Right now.

Anyone who has an autoimmune condition or deals with autism in any form, or who seeks to understand the issues with GMO foods should watch this ASAP.

Its beyond time to wake up.

Namaste, Linda
PS: I have found what may be a better link, also to the entire movie, on Youtube. Here it is:

Replied by Andreea
(Grimsby, On< Canada)

Thank you. I've watched it - it is very informative and powerfull. Everyone should watch, learn and take action. I found this info in regards to GMO products in Canadian grocery stores

The information comes from GreenPeace. Andreea

Replied by C
(Cochrane, Wi)

thank you so much for posting this--i just watched it and highly recomend everyone who can to watch it because we are all being affected! Denial does not protect you:

Guillain Barre Syndrome

Posted by Janet (Raton, Nm) on 05/26/2014

I have a friend whose sister has Guillain-Barre syndrome. The most info I can find is Julie Liu, who is selling a book. Are there anymore websites that cover this topic in a wholistic manner?

EC: Hi Janet, There are a few comments on our autoimmune page here:

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

I think Guillain Barre is caused by a previous viral infection. At least that is one cause.

Google, "guillain barre viral infection" and you'll find some sites that relate virus and guillain barre. That means in theory if one were to take the virus killer Colloidal Silver that the underlying cause of the illness might be eliminated.

You can read on EC's remedies site about CS. There are two articles there and I'd recommend both, especially by the guy named Dave.

Replied by Gavin

Basically It comes on after an infection like a cold or flue. Then the body attacks itself, and causes the sheath around the nerves to break down, this leaves the electrical signals unable to activate muscles, because of this most cant move a muscle, sometimes cant even blink. It Peaks after a couple of weeks, then the myelin sheath around the nerves, starts to repair itself, so the electrical signal from the brain can work again. With physiotherapy most recover completely. It affects 1 in a hundred thousand but its causes are not really well understood.

Guillain Barre Syndrome
Posted by Bananka (Bali, Indonesia) on 01/31/2012

One afternoon, two months after I had my first baby, I suddenly could not move my lower lip and chin was numb. The next morning I woke up, looked in mirror, and shrieked to find that my whole face was frozen. My mouth drooped, eyes only close halfways, couldn't move anything. I could open my mouth a bit, but eating and drinking was a messy struggle.

After tests, the doctor(s) vaguely concluded it was GBS, Guillane Barre Syndrome.

No one can tell me for sure what brought this on. One very reasonable theory is utter-exhaustion. I thought I was just still exhausted from giving birth, first time mama, but now looking back I know I was insanely exhausted, because I couldn't even stay alert long enough to read a few lines of books or messages on phone.

A few weeks before it happened, I noticed that there was no position comfortable enough for me to sleep in. Even laying my head on soft pillow, I felt like my ears were constantly folded causing pain, but they weren't! I could still walk, but slowly because my whole being was in pain. I could not bend my neck down far enough to be able to see toes/tummy/whatever. My blood pressure went up to 180/90 . I was advised to stop breastfeeding to ease on exhaustion and to take blood pressure medicine. But all it did was just adding more anxiety, and it didn't do anything for the blood pressure. So I went with my gut feeling to stop on the meds, and resume breastfeeding, although by this time my baby was already partially on formula.

The birth of my baby was awesome. But healing was very slow. My nipples were not only sore, they were cracked, and now are somewhat deformed. But I persisted on exclusively breastfeeding my baby.

I went through accupuncture for about 4 sessions, but did very little for the GBS at the time, and the trip to the accupuncturist was very exhausting itself, plus we couldn't afford the fees any longer. The medications from the doctors were none, because there weren't any known meds for it except for a "preventative" course of immunoglobulin (ImG) before the GBS went worse (because it could cause death if paralysis goes to lungs). By this time, after all the tests, it looked like the GBS was on the steady and not worsening, so we decided to not take the ImG course (couldn't afford it anyway; insanely expensive). I tried what they called "tantric" massage. I tried homeopathy (worked a little). I tried Craniosacral Theraphy (helped a bit). A bit of everything over the two years, but could not be consistent for several reasons (baby, time, cost).

It is now almost 3 years since the onset of the GBS. I am very thankful that I am still here, had a 2nd baby, breastfeeding well (both), active again. But the left side of my face is recovering very, very slowly. I can probably say that the right side is about 90% healed. I can smile (right half), raise right eyebrow, wiggle right nostril. Left side not so much. It still hurts when I press on my face. When I smile, my forehead crunches, making me look like I'm unsure of or questioning or even mad at something/someone. It is quite funny tho, especially when 2 years ago the whole face was still "frozen", I would be saying something in a happy voice but my face was bland/uninterested/mad, also because my eyes were always on the scary stare mode.

I have always been known to be a "smiley" person. I am more of an easygoing, happy person. I am thankful for a whole lot of things in my life. But I do tend to be an introvert sometimes when it comes to hurtful feelings. This might be one of the mental causes for my condition.

Even though I am about 90% healed on right side, I must admit I am still a bit worried about not being able to recover fully. My biggest concern is that I want my kids to know their mother's smile. And it's not a comfortable condition, because it's like my face is on constant 'pull'. Also, when I sleep, mostly in breastfeeding position, my hands fall asleep, too.

I wonder if there is any definite cure for my condition. I have started ACV 2tsp with BS 1/4tsp, and tall glass of water remedy, initially for food poisoning and flu symptoms. It is my 5th day on, so tomorrow off for 2 days. It definitely helped for the poisoning and flu, plus I do notice my face is clearer and almost glowing again. Because for 2 years my face was sagging for the lack of muscle activity, so skin was also "grey".

But I am so hoping I could smile my old smile again. Please help with any advice :)

Om Shanti,


Replied by Had
(White River Jct, Vermont)

Have you been checked for heavy/light metals and toxins??? Also processed foods, fake sugar, wheat, commercial Dairy, etc.... do you eat these? for a good alternative doctor, look for someone who does applied kinesiology and nutrition and wellness. They deal with muscle testing and good eating, vit/min, suppl etc... I've had very good success with that. Also, research, research, research, I go to my consultant (Dr. Type)and turn her on to new therapies to add to when others don't work for some patients. Also the price for this is not so much.

Replied by Bananka
(Bali, Indonesia)

Thank you Had from White River Jct, Vermont. I have not had the tests, but currently, with more and more research, I am changing my diet for the better. Much much much less sugar intake, almost zero. I eat fruits for breakfast, and a whole lotta veggies for lunch and dinner; aiming for much more than other accompanying foods, like potatoes and rice, etc. Also am basically off milk products.

I do oil pulling sometimes in the morning, and drink warm water with lemon for the liver tonic. So hopefully that will help with the metal toxins, which I'm sure we all have to some extent :)

Overall, I am feeling much better, although physically can only see tiny changes in my smile.

Fingers crossed, I'm going to beat it :D

Replied by Tea
(Keystone Heights, Fl)

I too had GBS after giving birth to my second son. It was an immune response due to a bad cold or flu I had in my 6 month. I was giving high doses of steroids and made a slow come back, it took about 2 years before I could run again (it effected my lower extremities hard). Then 20 years later almost to the date I came down with GBS again after the family had a weekend case of stomach flu. This time I took the IVIG and it reversed it immediately. I had nerve test taken and have 60% nerve damage all over my body. I think this might be what is wrong with your face muscles. My Doctor told me the nerve damage is permanent but I have with a whole food plant based diet and vitamins that support the nervous system gotten better but it has taken me 5 years this time to get back to as good as I think it will get.

High Intracellular Calcium Levels for Myosititis

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Barry M. (Australia) on 03/08/2020

I don't know whether you will be interested in this but I was able to work with a fellow myositis sufferer and his wife in working out how the disease operates. The medical community is focused on the autoimmune reaction however we believe that this is secondary to the real issue. The fellow sufferer has multiple RYR gene defects leading to significantly raised intracellular calcium levels. It took ages but I correlated this with the ACTN3 XX gene variant which responds to high intracellular calcium levels by forcing creatinine kinase from muscle cells. There is much more to this picture however we believe that these are the most significant points.

If you want to know more about our research feel free to contact me though I already have it posted on an obscure natural treatment thread on the myositis TMA forum.

Replied by Claudia
(Sheboygan, Wisconsin)

Barry, I have been diagnosed with scleroderma/myositis within the last several months. My hands and fingers are very are very clenched, making it very difficult to do any daily activities. My rheumatologist has me on prednisone temporarily and CellCept to start easing symptoms. I can hardly walk across the room without losing my breath and straightening arms legs shoulders neck etc. is very difficult because of The myositis. I had not heard anything about a genetic component to any of this and would therefore be interested in hearing what you have to say about it. I have also looked into various kinds of stem cell therapy, but it's difficult to find any medical institution that wants to do anything with stem cells.

Thank you. Claudia from Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Replied by Barry


I am sorry that I never noticed or responded to your query. I don't even recall leaving this post and hadn't received anything in my mail.

I knew absolutely nothing about myositis when I was first diagnosed with it so realised that I needed to find someone who had a preference for natural treatments for disease and who was much further advanced in their research than myself. I annoyed people on a forum by posting pieces on what I did know regarding simple treatments for arthritis and the like.

When I did find the nurse, whose husband suffers from IBM and necrotizing myositis, she introduced me to the issue of defective ion channels and genetic defects. As her own research had stalled, I was able to provide the momentum to take things much further. If you have a combination of the ACTN3XX gene variant and MLCK variant it results in enormous losses of creatinine kinase from your muscles when they get damaged by anything. Researchers have been generally avoiding looking into this despite a Mexican study finding that almost all myositis patients in their test group all had the ACTN3XX gene. Researchers seem fixated upon the idea that the immune response is somehow, magically, kicking out the CK. You can basically guess at whether you have the two genes by whether you were an incredible athlete in your youth. If you weren't then there's a good chance that you do.

Since only one or two percent of genes have been researched, it's a fair bet that there are even more genes which are involved in all of this and I could already speculate on some but don't want to complicate things.

As for the autoimmune aspect itself, I am now aware that this relates to the spleen. It caught my attention that a study done in Georgia in the US proved that baking soda can reset the immune response, temporarily stopping the autoimmune reaction.

Since then, I found out much more about my own condition, which was induced by a paralysed diaphragm (though we are still trying to work out why that occurred), and my attention is now on carbon dioxide. Where cells have lots of mechanisms for detecting low levels of oxygen, and various mechanisms to try to increase those levels, the spleen responds to low levels of carbon dioxide. Essentially this means that the less oxygen your cells are using in metabolism, the less carbon dioxide they are producing. The spleen reads these low levels as being evidence of disease and triggers the immune system to go on high alert. Whatever is causing a particular individuals myositis then draws the attention of the immune systems T cells to the damaged, or compromised (infection), muscle cells and you have what is misinterpreted as an autoimmune reaction.

Replied by ML

I would love to find out more for a family member, how can I contact you?

Replied by Anna Russell

Hi Barry, I was wondering if I can contact you and talk to you about natural remedies for myositis?

Replied by Gil
(Greater Pittsburgh, PA)

Hi Barry,

I couldn't find your post on any TMA forum. I am very much interested in your research.

In February of this year, I was hit with a viral infection that started out as a sore throat quickly followed by terribly achy legs for 3 weeks. I tested negative for COVID, but I don't know the reliability of that test. I have had mild leg muscle aches almost every day since that time. But worse than that is I have a super easy tendency to upper extremity muscle strain, tendon and ligament tears where I'll injure myself just lifting/washing pots and pans or doing anything repetitively like rolling dough.

I plan to have some bloodwork done, including a creatine kinase level and am considering getting a muscle biopsy done. Hopefully, starting today, I will work on lowering the inflammatory foods in my diet. I already take fish oil, cod liver oil and turmeric as well as a multimineral, B complex, and vitamins C, D and E amongst other supplements.

Your recommendations would be super appreciated.

Replied by Jan K

Your information was very helpful. My husband has IBM, became sick after a bout with pneumonia from cleaning out a moldy freezer. Has had it for 10 years with severe muscle wasting. Would love to be able to contact you about your research.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jeff (New Zealand) on 02/19/2017

Look up LDN. I have PMR and was on Prednisone but had a few side effects and found LDN. I have been on it about 6 week and has seemed to have helped no longer on prednisone. LDN is a bit of an eye opener and has helped many with autoimmune problems.

LDN and Medicinal Mushrooms

Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 07/20/2013

For those with autoimmune diseases, please look at to see the many illnesses that can be helped by low dose naltrexone. MS progression can be stopped in 89% of MS sufferers, 67% of Crohn's disease can be put in remission, along with UC, backed up by published studies. Lupus, some cancers, and many other autoimmune diseases respond to LDN. Additionally, there is evidence that medicinal mushrooms can be useful in MS, especially the Lion's Mane mushroom, along with Cordyceps and Reishi. I have recently come across two people with MS, one who took Avonex for 13 years and one who had 13 lesions on his brain, and both are now leading normal lives using the mushroom products. One company who has the three mushrooms in a product is M----- Mushroom. I have no financial or other interest in this company. I usually advocate for LDN for MS, but it looks like the mushroom product could be a possibility for those wanting a food product for their healing.

Replied by Karen

What company makes those mushrooms? All your post says is M----- Mushrooms. Thank you.


Hi Karen,

The company that was used by the person with MS for the Lion's Mane is here:

This product is offered on many other health store sites as well as this one. Best wishes.

N-Acetyl Glucosamine

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Char (East Coast) on 07/09/2014

My mom has had her life-long psoriasis almost disappear from taking N-Acetyl Glucosamine (N-A-G). I read that it was recommended for autoimmune diseases such as Crohn's and Rheumatoid Arthritis. She has had psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, and digestive issues for years. After 4-5 months of 1400mg 2xs a day, her digestion is much better and her psoriasis is almost gone. She will keep taking it, to see if the joints improve over time. She started seeing an improvement in 3-4 weeks. I hope this helps someone else!

Pemphigus Foliaceus Remedies

Posted by Jan (Busselton, Western Australia) on 02/13/2013

Pemphigus Foliaceus: Can anyone with this autoimmune disease share their experience with drugs and/or alternative remedies - success or otherwise? It seems to be such a rare disease that anecdotal information is hard to find.

Replied by Kumari
(West Indies)

Diagnosed and being treated for Pemphigus Foliaceus since 2014, please share any information regarding the use of alternative medicine, prednisone poses more threats than cure!

Replied by Melissa
(Medford, Oregon)

My mom, who was diagnosed with the condition in June of 2015, is working with a doctor who's prescribing low-dose naltrexone while weaning her off of the prednisone she was place on during her hospital stay.

She takes 4 mgs at bedtime daily. I read that she has to take it between the hours of 9:00 PM and 3 AM (it works in conjunction with serotonin), but she hasn't been doing that as she often gets to bed around 2:00 AM. We're working on her getting to bed earlier as she hasn't been noticing any changes with it controlling pustules and itching. Timing is everything, I guess.

It's a S-L-O-W acting drug as we're told it could take a long time before it finally works.

Her doctor said she's working with another patient who is taking low-dose naltrexone, and it's taken 4 years for it to finally calm her patient's immune system down.

A lot of doctors don't like prescribing it, because they see it as only being implicated for substance abuse patients withdrawing from the effects of alcohol. As a result, most insurance co.'s won't cover it because it's not FDA approved.

However, there have been studies done that show its effectiveness in patients with pemphigus foliaceus. I'd recommend searching for "naltrexone and autoimmune diseases" or "pemphigus foliaceus" in Google to find the specific studies. They're out there!

I hope this helps and good luck!

Replied by Jan
(Busselton, Western Australia)

I weaned myself off prednisolone a few years ago, but do take Dapsone which I have found has the least "nasties" amongst all the other drugs available for this condition. Dapsone only keeps my pf "under control" (I still have lesions but not as bad as they could be) and I reckon that with all the other drugs available with horrible side effects that it's a case of the cure being worse than the disease! So far, after quite a few years on Dapsone I'm not experiencing any side effects at all. I am going to do a trial run of Apple Cider Vinegar on a couple of lesions to see if it cleans them up.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Seth (Cinebar, Wa.) on 06/11/2016

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation or UBI therapy. My naturopath says he has amazing results with this therapy for his scleroderma patients. I asked because my aunt has scleroderma. I wanted to share. The earlier you start the better.

Replied by Becky
31 posts

Please update us on the Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation for Scleroderma.

Posted by Nora (Atlanta, Ga) on 04/19/2014

Editor's Choice

Borax Saved Me From Systemic Scleroderma!

The doctor wrote me off when I could no longer take antibiotics due to allergic reactions. I was unable to walk, couldn't open my mouth, and my joints were all locked and contracted. I found Dr. Ted's Borax cure and started that night, using purified water. In two weeks the edema had gone down to where my ankles and knees would flex, and I was so excited! In two and a half months, I was symptom free. I still use ACV and baking soda, use only Borax for washing clothes and house cleaning. If not for Dr. Ted and Borax, I'd be a memory. Thank you so much! Now I'm on a quest to find the cure for my cat's cancer, and the mass in my liver. I do believe I'll find it here at EarthClinic.

Replied by Joel
17 posts

Regarding the cancer,


"Additionally, Dr. Rowen stated that he adds cod liver oil (for its omega-S and vitamin D) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) to this therapy. He says that, with the exception of patients very near death, taking artemisinin or derivatives have stabilized, improved, or remitted every cancer patient he has followed. Medical literature also seems to suggest that oxygenating the system might make the products effective."

You have to avoid any food with iron when taking artemisinin. Pre-load iron beforehand.

Posted by Monika (New Delhi, India) on 07/10/2011

Dear Ted, My sister is 39years old. About 12 years back she was diagnosed with scleroderma and lung fibrosis. They gave her a strong rouund of prenisolone and things were okay till last year when she was diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma in the right lung. She took three rounds of cosplatin chemotherapy and then we realized it wasnt the best way to heal her.

Since then she has been on ayurveda, budwig protocol, qigong and accupuncture. The CT scan this march showed that the left lung has lots of fibrosis and inflammation and the right lung has shrunk to a third of its size. There is swelling in two nodes under the right breast, under the navel and one under the arm pit. Ther eis expalined ascites. The other organs are also being effected by scleroderma - the intestines seem to be bunching up. She is now on oxygen for anything she does - like walking till the loo. We started serrapeptase and NAC last month. But there has been no significant improvement. Her weight is down to 39 kgs and she is 5.7 in height. Can you suggest a good natural course for her?

Replied by Sandra
(Cork, Ireland)


I've read recently that DMSO was very helpful for this. A lady gave an account in senate about DMSO reversing it. This isn't a first hand account though but worth researching more I'd say. Good luck!


Posted by Jan (Busselton, Western Australia) on 09/09/2012

I have had pemphigus foliaceus (auto imune disease) since 1996 and am on dapsone 100mg plus 5mg prednisolone (daily) - would like to get rid of the prednisolone and replace it with Lypronol. Any thoughts?

Replied by Hoke
(Oakland, Ca)

Hi Jan from Busselton, please try these powerful herbs as prednisone replacements... Reishi, chaga, agaricus mushrooms. And american ginseng and aswhagandha. Good luck!

Replied by Jennifer
(San Francisco, Ca)

I have pemphigus vulgaris which is similar to pemphigus foliaceus. I did a quick review on Hoke's herbal recommendations. They seem very powerful indeed, but I have a question. Some reviewers on Amazon mentioned that Reishi mushrooms can prevent open cuts from bleeding. I am concerned since pemphigus causes blisters in the mouth that can eaily bleed. Is there another extract that you would recommend or do the other herbs recommend have a similar effect?

Replied by Cora

I just got a Biopsy yesterday. The biopsy is being sent in for Pemphigus (skin disease presenting as watery blisters.) I have been off and on sick for about 3.5 years. I get large open sores on my legs and arms. They start out as little dots and then open and eat my flesh. I have been to the ER several times and they ask if I am a Heroin user (no, I am not). I have had a tons of blood work, all my levels are great. So I gave up and continued to get these sores and deal with it. I also would suffer from fatigue, bone and muscle aches and chills. People thought I was over reacting. I have been reading on the causes and notice there was a few articles on Vaccines for adults that had a link to lupus, MS and other autoimmune diseases.

This being said, I thought back to when this issue started. It started not too long after I started working at a California UC Hospital. In order to work there you must be up to date with Vaccines. I had MMR, TDP, TB tests and I want to say there was one more. I never get the Flu shot and I never take antibiotics. I'm started to wonder if this could be a contributing factor to my scenario......

Replied by Melisssa
(Medford, Or)


I'm curious did you have any symptoms of high blood sugars while taking these meds?

My mom now has diabetes from all the prednisone usage due to her pemphigus foliaceus, and her doctor is trying to wean her off of it.

Are the drugs you're using very expensive?

Looking for alternatives in Oregon,


Replied by Jan
(Busselton, Western Australia)

To Melissa of Medford - yes, my blood sugars were up just above the threshold for Diabetes II and crept up a moderate amount while on Predenisolone but not to the extent of having to take medication for Diabetes (just made sure I watched my diet - low GI foods etc.). In the interim I learnt a lot Googling Prednisolone and decided to wean myself off it, UNDER MEDICAL SUPERVISION and hey presto my blood sugar levels dropped like a bomb to a safe level, to almost non-diabetic if that's possible! It doesn't take long to wean off Prednisolone but I stress it must be done, otherwise your body won't know how to make it's own insulin and that means trouble.

Dapsone costs AUS$103.00 for 100 tablets, however I do get them for very little (about AU$6.00 on our national health scheme.)

If you do Google Dapsone and its side effects, don't get frightened off because to my mind the alternative drugs that are on offer I consider to be worse than the disease itself. All drugs have side effects, you just have to weigh up the pros and cons.

If you want to chat further away from here, I can give you my email address. All the best and good luck.

Replied by Ozgur


Your response is important to me because my mom has a Pemphigus Vulgaris and using 8 mg prednol and 150 mg immuran daily.

Ganoderma lucidum is a option to cure this ill? If it reinforces the immun system, it could empower the illness also. I need a solution that modulates the immune system to discreminate antigens.


Posted by Deb (Ohio) on 09/18/2013

I read with interest all the posts on autoimmune diseases and was greatly encouraged to see that others with autoimmune disorders are following what I have taken years to discover.. The paleo diet, dairy/gluten/free, no chemicals and pesticides and eating organic, etc. I have had H-Pylori twice and the leaky gut syndrome and am trying to rebuild the gut lining. I am wondering if anyone has more knowledge than I do as far as supplements go. I take Standard Process supplements and have been told that echinacea and other immune boosting supplements are vital but have read that taking those is bad for autoimmune sufferers by rheumatologists as it makes the disorders more active. I have Hashimoto's, RA and have now tested positive to Scleroderma, am a little nervous about taking echinacea, does anyone have any ideas? Boost or not boost the immune system?


Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Hi Deb,

I will be looking forward to hearing what others say about whether or not to boost the immune system when you have autoimmune problems. I do not have an answer, but will share an anecdote.

I have ITP (idopathic thrombocytopenia) which means I have a low platelet count with no diagnosed cause. So, I think it is considered autoimmune. It generally does not cause me a problem unless I am pregnant and then the numbers fall and OB's get concerned and send me to specialists... But I have had 9 births and no complications with bleeding after (which is always the concern.) Anyway, a midwife told me long ago to avoid echinacea and garlic and such when pregnant because of concern of them lowering my platelets (by strengthening my immune system and fueling the autoimmune.) So, I have always avoided echinacea in prengnancy and garlic in the last trimester. Now, I love garlic and think it is really good for you. So, last pregnancy I just had all the garlic I wanted. So, when my platelets got checked when I was in labor, they were at an all time low for me (64k.) It wasn't terribly much lower than normal (usually in the 70s or low 80s) and I didn't have an bleeding complications, praise the Lord.

So, I am torn. It appears that immune boosting herbs were not helpful to my autoimmune condition and may have been harmful. But, I still use garlic and would use a lot if I needed the antibiotic or antiviral properties of it.

Wish I had a better answer and maybe someone else will!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Frog513
(Nc, Us)
13 posts

For Deb from Ohio: I too suffer Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I don't claim to be an expert by any means but I have read quite a bit on autoimmunity. My understanding ( please correct me if I am wrong) is that we have a TH1 and a TH2 pathway. These pathways should be balanced and each serve their own purpose. TH1 = protection against viruses and TH2 = protection against parasites and allergies. It is much deeper than that but that is the simple explanation. So, in people with autoimmunity, we have imbalanced pathways, one being more dominant. There is a test you can take to see if you are dominant in one or the other: Th1 and Th2 Cytokine Blood Test Panel.

Here is a list of herbs that stimulate each side:

TH1 stimulating compounds:




Medicinal Mushrooms (Maitake and Beta-Glucan are common)

Glycyrrhiza (found in licorice)

Melissa Oficinalis (Lemon balm)

Panax Ginseng


Grape Seed Extract

TH2 stimulating compounds:


Green Tea Extract

Pine Bark Extract

White Willow Bark

Lycopene (found in tomatoes and other red fruits excluding strawberries and cherries)

Resveratrol (found in grape skin, sprouted peanuts, and cocoa)

Pycnogenol (found in the extract of the French maritime pine bark and apples)

Curcumin (found in turmeric)

Genistin (found in soybeans)

Quercitin (a flavanoid found in many fruits and vegetables, such as onions, berries and kale)

If you find out you are TH1 dominant then you want to avoid all the herbs that are TH1 stimulating and try using one of the TH2 stimulating herbs. Because you have multiple AI diseases, I would be very careful and only try one thing at time and preferably under the guidance of a naturopath or Integrative Practitioner. I was pretty certain that I was TH1 dominant so I drank organic green tea for about a week every morning to see if I felt worse or better and I did feel better. I do think this is something you do temporarily until you are balanced. To answer your question as to whether we should boost the immune system when we have AI issues? I guess I would say "balance" is the goal for us. I hope I haven't completely confused you : )

Here is a list of conditions (copied & pasted from strideintohealth. Com) for each type:

Th1 Dominant Conditions

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Type 1 Diabetes mellitus
  • Psoriasis
  • Lichen planus
  • Crohn's disease
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Hashimoto's thyroditis
  • Vitiligo
  • Alopecia
  • Unexplained recurring miscarriage
  • Acute allograft reactions
  • Alzheimer dementia
  • Parkinson disease
  • Sjogrens syndrome
  • Ankylosing spondilitis
  • Granuloma annulare
  • Polymyalgia reumatica
  • Polymositis
  • Wergner's granulomatosis

Th2 Dominant Conditions

  • Allergies
  • Infections
  • Hayfever, rhinitis, sinusitis
  • Asthma
  • Eczema
  • Urticaria
  • Graves disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Scleroderma CREST
  • Systemic lupus
  • Eryhaematosus (SLE)
  • Haemolytic anaemia
  • Berger's disease
  • Antiphosphalipid syndrome
  • Tumour risk
  • Most auto-immune disease

Please note that the above list is not all inclusive and some disease and conditions are a mix of Th1 and Th2 activation

Let us know how you are doing!



Superb post.. thank you.


Replied by Mike
(Denver, Colorado)

Deb: 70% of the immune system is the digestive system. When people eat regular food the microbes become weak from lack of nutrition and free radical damage. This causes miscommunication among the various components. This is the root cause of all autoimmune disorders. The 26 beneficial microbes, 3 varieties, of home made water kefir, change sugar into vinegar with special electrons that is beyond this simple country bumkins understanding. Cellular biologists can tell you. This cures autoimmune diseases. You can get info, instructions, many favorable reviews, and grains online. Bone up on lots of spirulina and chia seeds to accelerate the healing process.

Replied by KT

Mama to Many, I'm so glad you recognize what is supposed to be helping you could be, in fact, causing more harm. I learned this long ago but some just refuse to accept it. What I have learned has been piecemeal and if it had not been for those who contacted me about the MSG I know I'd be dead now. It seems like I just posted the information about this somewhere. I listed fractured skull (coma), multiple head and neck injuries, having adhesions from surgeries, cancer and arthritis. By the process of elimination for over twenty years I have learned how much of my pain had been caused by what I was ingesting because my body couldn't heal properly. Varieties of food and vitamins/supplements all contributed. It takes awhile to get “stuff” out of your system and it is not easy.

Sa, do you happen to take calcium supplements? There is calcium in foods we eat and with the addition of supplements you could be getting too much.

Calcium sulfate is an ingredient in bread as itself, but it is also in yeast and dough conditioners. In addition, it is used in medications. When it is mixed with flour, it hardens and causes bowel obstructions so it is conceivable it could cause kidney stones. It is used to kill rodents but the agency that is supposed to protect us has it on it's GRAS list (Generally Recognized as Safe). Blackstrap Molasses is a better source of minerals we need and helped me when I was anemic.

Over the last twenty plus years I've learned so much about the hidden sources of MSG, compounded by what GMO's are doing to us. I am on SSD and cannot afford to purchase all the herbs recommended for various ailments. I have found that finding the cause of the ailment and making attempts to eliminate it has worked best for me. Reducing portions are the key. Combinations of meds and/or supplements can contribute to more problems that are trying to be corrected. The flowing/anti-caking agents in spices contribute. I use turmeric, ginger and garlic supposedly without these but we have to keep in mind that spices are from GMO plants... And "organics" are no longer safe because of the soil, even in minute amounts, it all adds up. The critters we eat or get milk and eggs from are being fed GMO grasses and grains. I am certain that one major culprit is the flowing agent in what is in acceptable commercial table salt and what caused my sciatica. I have learned, piecemeal, that this is a reality but many do not want to accept it. “Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it”.

This post has been done piecemeal and I know there is a “Deb” who has also expressed some about auto-immune difficulties. I am sixty-five and do not get the sickening migraines I used to get. I have no more arthritis or pain from broken bones... No pain from a vertebra in my neck pressing on my spinal cord. I had been referred to specialists about this for possible surgery. I started to read what vitamins are needed to correct certain ailments and began eating the foods to get those vitamins/nutrients because when I went to my PCP with complaints, I was given Rx's that I had horrible reactions to.

My knee joints would give out, I had to crawl to the bathroom in the middle of the night and once I fell down the steps. Our food is making us sick but there are ways to use the food to help us heal... the way it's cooked and even the order in which it is eaten.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Kt, thanks for the encouraging story of your progress towards health! I don't take extra calcium, though I do use Blackstrap Molasses. It is amazing how many hidden sources of trouble there are in our food. I keep learning and keep tweaking what we eat.... it really is a learning process.

Carleen, thanks for the great list!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by KT

Mama to Many, my comment about the calcium was directed to "Sa" because of her post and my response to her about "stones". You then posted that possibility.

Anyway, the MRI's on my brain reveal two areas of "signal abnormality" and I wanted to explain this is why I am so piecemeal. I try to be thorough when I post but I always leave important things out. I cannot always sit here for extended lengths of time.

Please be aware that the vitamin/supplement capsules contain 11 to 13 mg of MSG. Even after a vaginal breech delivery twenty-nine years ago I never had a problem with prolapse until I ingested the gelatin capsules. Once I learned this and stopped the prolapse subsided. The problem is our genetically modified food. Once in awhile I would get bound up again, more so after I had eaten beef. Then I learned the cattle have been eating GMO grasses and grain and it is getting worse. I was a big red-meat eater until this. I started eating more chicken but they are eating this too so I started to experience incontinence. I can only eat two or three ounces at a time but I add lots of yellow onion and garlic.

I screened one chicken farm about how they fed their chickens, what they fed them and if they were outside because the eggs were abnormally huge. Long story short... I hard-boiled one egg and it gave me terrible indigestion. I called them to see if they were feeding them any soy and I was informed that they get their specially blended grain from the Amish and it contained soy.

I do not always maintain a good connection here so if you ask something and I don't get back to you, it's because I don't have a connection. Verizon sent me a new modem but it has to be "configured" and cannot be done from this computer. It does not run Windows or Mac.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Mama to Many: Concerning your ITP condition, there is a clear link to viral infection on the short lived ITP. That fact is on numerous sites about ITP, eg Mayo Clinic. The temporary ITP are defined as lasting six months or less. And the chronic are longer than six months. Those that are six months and longer (chronic) are not spoken of in terms of being caused by a virus.

Why not? There is no reason given for the arbitrary distinction.

This is my take on it: All ITP may be initiated by viral infection... a special virus that impacts the platlets and ultimately damage bone marrow and spleen.

So you are on the right track in trying to attack the problem with the anti viral echinacea but echinacea might have some other effects as you point out.

So....if I had ITP I'd consider trying colloidal silver. You can test effectiveness by the platelete count which you are already doing. Remember, that a long term condition with viruses might mean the virus could be killed with CS but the damage could be done and it might take the body years to rebuild damaged organs...spleen/ bone marrow. Long term use of CS is called for if indeed chronic ITP is virally caused, but you can monitor the count as I said above as you consume the CS. I've written a lot about CS on Earth Clinic and presume you know the simple protocal.

Best to you and your family.


Replied by KT

Hi Mama, it's me again. I thought I had posted that I do take BSM. I prefer to take it in warm milk but because of what dairy cows are being fed, especially in winter to keep producing milk, I had to stop getting whole, unpasteurized milk to 2%. Sometimes I dilute that with a little water. I limit my intake of butter (without salt) and cheese. I only get the monterey jack now because I read that aged cheese had been linked to arthritis. We used to eat a lot of sharp and extra sharp but when we stopped so did our "arthritis". Wheat bread is another evil that had been known to cause schizo- behavior in the 50's and seemed to contribute to more joint pain. Now, the moodiness is labeled bipolar. It just sounds better. It's hard to label any one thing as causing any ailment but if you pay attention to the small amounts combined from different sources it really does become clear.

At my age, I should be displaying acceptable age-related ailments. If I watch what I eat and how I eat it, I don't. I could give you more proof of how I learned what I have learned but because of the complications from surgeries, I cannot be idle for long periods. I am full of adhesions.

Both of my babies were breech. One was caesarean. The way I was cut and sewn up for the other one has killed the nerve cells that are needed to prompt evacuation. Stool collects and I have to make periodic special efforts to evacuate so it does not sit and ferment. My grandmother died from colon cancer at a younger age than I am. I have learned that I must take the BSM first in the AM. I also OP with CO. Look up intussusception. With all due respect, physicians are not acknowledging this. "Constipation" is an acceptable ailment. I was given a diagnosis of IBS many years ago but further research has provided this understanding (intussusception) and I'm learning how to deal with it. I know I am a candidate for a colostomy but I do not want to spend the rest of my life like that. I use sea salt that is labeled "Real" from the health food store.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Hi Dave,

Thanks for taking time to share this information! I have never considered a viral link for my ITP, but what you say does sound reasonable. I had looked up natural treatment for ITP years ago and found nothing. I have recently reread the ITP page here on EC, and am encouraged that there are things to try to heal it. (I had previously considered it to be something you just live with. )

Last spring I had been taking Ashwaganda to see if it would help my ITP (had heard anecdotally that it might. ) My platelet reading was 111k, which is really good for me. Normal is considered 150K-400K. (Though, when I was first diagnosed, normal began at 125K. So, if I ever get there, I may call it cured! ) Ashwaganda does have anti-viral properties. (But at the time, I had never considered a viral link. ) Of course, it is hard to know if other things are affecting my numbers. I have been consuming Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for a while now, too, and it is a great anti-viral, so that may be helping.

Thanks again for sharing this information and giving me a possible solution to my ITP!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by KT

Mama, in a nutshell, what I was trying to say was that there is no "one-size-fits-all" remedy. Because sources of hidden MSG have been around for so long and because it crosses the placenta, it was reported (in 1983) to cause "endocrine dysfunction". Why in the world this was not emphasized indicates how much power the food industry has. Should there be any question about what contributes to the increase of obesity or road rage? Being genetically modified to resist drought and disease makes GMO's harder to assimilate. MSG can be shown to contribute to anything from asthma to vision problems. Never in the history of the world has so much food become available and no one is concerned about how some things should not be ingested together. An example is milk and cheese. Certain neurotransmitters are in conflict with each other and this affects moods. I don't know if I've been a member of EC long enough to provide the name of a book written by a board-certified neurosurgeon that covers this. We are commanded to "test everything, hold on to the good and avoid evil". This MD also provided information that I embraced but it contributed to my diagnosis of PVC (premature ventricular contractions). Once I stopped taking what was causing it, they stopped. I explained this in another post but some are still promoting the culprit. Maybe it works temporarily for them but I am small enough to be fine-tuned into what affects me. Sometimes erosion isn't detected until too late to do anything about it.

We have grown up being desensitized to what is happening to our food and it is making many of us sick. People are looking for cures or quick fixes instead of eliminating the possible cause and letting our body develop the immunity it needs. I have always felt antibacterial anything was not only killing the bad bacteria but the good that fights the bad. Then I learned of a study that supported this. I think we have become a germphobic society and more harm is being done than is recognized. I truly hope you find an answer to what you are looking for. 1 Peter 1:6-9

Replied by Frances
(Cabarlah, Australia)

Further to Mike's comment: two months ago I consulted a naturopath (the 3rd) after 2 GP's and 2 dermatologists for the GA. This naturapath told me that GA is autoimmune and that 80% of all autoimmune disease is due to leaky gut. I am also hypothyroid. So, after bowel cleanse and eliminating all gluten, & rice, corn, dairy, sugar, I am taking a probiotic as well as a powdered drink to heal the digestive tract. It may be a slow process, but I haven't been well for 50 years.


Posted by Tom (Los Angeles, California) on 11/14/2016


This has been a wonderful site for me and am a regular reader since last 10 years. I am sure all your feedback and comments have helped tremendous people with their conditions including me. I am a big fan of this website.

I wanted to know if anyone can share the benefits of using Turmeric for Auto Immune Diseases like Crohn's, IBD or Lupus. I have read on earth clinic and multiple other sides the benefits of turmeric.

I have been giving turmeric to my 10 year old DD who has been diagnosed with some Auto Immune Disease but doctors are not 100% sure whether it is Crohn's, Lupus, IBD or Arthritis. I take 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and put some black pepper in it and feed her with water. She gulps it down easily but haven't noticed any benefit in her health so far. On the request of doctor we have been doing blood test every 2 weeks but her

Her diet has been pretty healthy and mostly vegetarian food. She is not eating any sugar, no wheat, no soy, no milk and no potatoes . She eats lot of homemade yogurt, all vegetables, fruits, rice and some pulses.

She has been loosing weight and we are very much concerned. I would really appreciate if someone can throw more light on turmeric and how to use it and has it benefitted someone with these conditions. She is on prescribed medications since last 6 months but we haven't seen much progress in her. Overall she does not have any issues related to Crohns or Lupus or IBD or Arthritis . She is not gaining any weight or height.

I would really appreciate for your help and reply. Thank you.

Please help.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Tom, turmeric also needs oil for it to work. And in general, you might try adding more good fats to her diet: avocado, virgin olive oil, organic coconut oil (the ones that smell like coconut! ).

Replied by Tom
(Los Angeles)

Thanks Mmsg. I will add good fats to her diet.

Vaccine Adjuvants

Posted by Ben (Bremerton Wa ) on 03/21/2016

Auto immune disease, a rapidly increasing global problem .

Your doctor tells you it is all in your head, you are just a hypochondriac imagining you have such severe problems. Maybe you just want attention. Maybe you are depressed and feel like wasting your doctors valuable time to treat a disease that does not exist. Perhaps you should go home take your antidepressants and speak to a psychiatrist

Or maybe you have an autoimmune disease.

Where did it come from? how did I get it? The answers may shock you.

A Glimpse into the Scary World of Vaccine Adjuvants - Http://

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