Autoimmune Hepatitis Remedies
Steroids to suppress the autoimmune disorder in blood or a get a Liver transplant performed.
My doctor has put me on Vitamin E only, no other meds for my Autoimmune Hep. It has great inflammation fighting abilities.
(Cincinnati, Oh)
How is the treatment going with just Vitamin E?
hi, for the last 4 years my ALT and AST test have been up and down never exceeding 100 on either. first of the year after a party where I did drink, which I don't drink much normaly.. I had test done again within a week, one test was just over 100 and the other 146. At that point I decided my only option left after taking a liver cleanse and milk thistle for the few years was a change in diet..
I can't say I cut out all the bad stuff but I eat basicly fresh veggies and meats, nothing hardley ever thats pre packaged or packed with preservatives and extra sugars or salt.. I stopped with sodas( 2 liter a day) just quit those and now I drink water.. I have lost weight feel better, but...
here is the tricky thing
ALT and AST were over 250 each
and my Alkalida Phosphitates were around 800...
scary yes, I have mild symptoms itching, tiredness, fatigue sometimes.. minimal and rare pain on my right side.
two days after the test I had an ultra sound on my liver.. bile ducts working correctly, no cancerous tissue visible no tumors cyst or growths on my liver galbladder pancreous, all appearing healthy and functioning and no stones, and no issues with my kidneys..
I am 46 female, never been a big drinker since my 20's.. I was a heavy sugar eater.. but that is stopped.. all of your information about BHT is stated for hepatitis, and they think mine could be auto imune Hep..
So in my mind I'm wondering if by making my self heathier I made my imune system stronger allowing it to do more damage to my liver.. they want to do a biopsy of my liver, scary again.. have you ever heard of this supplement BHT working in a case like mine or do you have any suggestions?
Please do not let them talk you into a liver biopsy. Your enzymes will go through the roof and take years to come back down. They'll tell you "it's not a big deal and you will be fine." I know people who have been bent over for 6 months from a biopsy with enzymes in the 400's for years.
Tell them you want a "Fibroscan. It is non invasive and is more accurate then a biopsy which just looks at a very, very small section of your liver.. The fibroscan show the entire liver and takes about 60 seconds to perform.
(New York, US)
Mr.Rhee (Liver Biopsy)
I knew a woman who had breast cancer and wouldn't use any conventional treatment so she did natural healing for two years.. cannabis oil and juicing and some other things but a few months ago she was sliding backwards and went to the emergency room. There they told her she had to have a liver biopsy which she did. The cancer had spread to her liver but she went downhill very quickly from there .. She said the liver biopsy was horrific and told us all never to do that... Anyway; she lost her battle only two weeks ago but the medical people gave her just a few months.. She lasted three more years.. I am so sad and I believe she tried many holistic treatments but was very poor and at times couldn't afford things. It just seems like when she got news of stage 4 cancer she went down hill quickly.... but she had no choice as she had horrific symptoms and had to get checked out.
thank You
(New Zealand)
I had a liver biopsy in February due to ALT being 1000. Liver biopsy procedure was fine, not too uncomortable at all and it didnt cause my enzymes to elevate any further. It was worth having for peace of mind that it wasnt cancer but auto immune hepatitis caused by medication I had been on for a UTI. I am still battling after 9 months and two periods of being hospitalised. I am hopeful that working in with the specialists and eating/juicing I will win the fight.
Hi Jan, I just read your post from 2018, I want to know how you are now. There is something in common we have, my autoimmune hep. was also caused by meds. an antibiotic they gave for an UTI. And the fact that I have RA didn't help I guess. I've been taking strong meds since 2019, that was the only way they could bring my liver enzymes to a normal range. They were through the roof. Scary. But 8 months ago I decided to reduce my dosage to a minimal. Big mistake, my AST and ALT are higher now. That means I can never get off the medication. It's very sad, as I'm afraid of the consequences of a weakened immune system.
To others reading her statement that doctors said her gallbladder ultrasound looked fine - beware. ask very specific questions to the doctor or lab following an ultrasound. I went a whole year thinking everything was normal after my ultrasound - because my doctor said so. until I pulled the lab report myself because my pain was so severe and not stopping. the report said I had multiple 5mm polyps - but that is not "significant". Realize that doctors started lowering their standards a long time ago for lab values and findings that are considered "significant" enough to enact treatment for, because the norm became worse and worse values as our population generally gets more dis-ease and sickness has become the 'norm' from horrendous health practices, programmed into society so deep you are being engineered by birth.
Conspiracy science aside, ask your doctor to read the report yourself. I researched many doctors in other states who actually consider 5mm polyps to be of alarm. The doc also neglected to mention I had a polyp RIGHT in my bile duct. HELLO>?!?!
they're either playing dumb or they're really dumbed down themselves, just like the standards have been dumbed down.
Once I knew I had polyps, I finally began healing because I knew where to look supplement wise- focus on galbladder and liver inflammation. My doctor had me wondering if it was my spleen, intestine, etc. Doctors can and will at times mislead you, whether intentionally or not.
Standard Process makes great remedies the last 70 years and all are clinically tested unlike many other brands. You can contact them.
Use an organic freeze dried multi.
: Nat.sulph label 12X liver problems.Good for pancreas too and helps balance blood sugar.
You will notice a big difference soon. Give it time overall, of course.
Calc.Sulph 6X label purifies blood and liver.
Bioplasma by Hylands has 12 essential minerals in each melting tab. Label
Glandular therapy excellent. Liver extract. New Zealand Label directions.
Bath : Epsom salts label ;Sea Salt 1/2 cup Dead Sea salts best label ; Baking soda 1 cup preference USP best grade; Organic raw unfiltered non pasteurized Apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup.
Always use a good shower filter- chlorine in two water hundreds of chemicals about 67% or more absorbed through the skin which is bad for health and liver, etc.
You can use shower water filtered right into the tub!
Drink Ellis (hydrogen) Water only very powerful- machine made has 13 patents -only it's sold on Etsy and eBay (one oz. Makes one gallon). Savings! Makes 128 gallons! Use spring water. and EBay. They answer any question.
A good affirmation is: “Correct my liver.”
Correct my kidneys, my genes, stem cells, etc. Correct is key to the mind. Everything in life is based on corrections!
l have seen all this work over the years.
Bentonite USP 1/4 cup;
Lower Ammonia in Blood Remedies
Dr. Hulda Clark always recommended L-Ornithine to her patients for ammonia removal, as Amm is a common byproduct associated w/ parasites.
I have read that Asparagus helps to alkalinize the body due to its ammonia levels, but that's all I know. It was recommended to eat it 2 - 3 times a week.
Milk Thistle, Turmeric